HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-11-20, Page 16.YT 4#,IW • 0., r .trx.P awer_ a; 00 ,4 fr.gli et.4. e-r.,; "r• .116;4s. AP*. re' 16:4.- •" =we .ege ist.e. 'AT.* Wire'. Pin ea Sr 14he rOu 411te ir. ri e .e,r• it gi,1.4, ... • ag, r ,er •Ai.` •71 .0 • .f 0•.. fr.i 44..V2,' VS xe .WA- ',is...0"r- *7 Times-A.clvocOte, November 2p, 1975 Catering and supplying nets group $400 profit The Catholic ladies held their November meeting Monday evening at the Alhambra hail With 24 in attendance, President, Mrs. Torn VleMiniX presided, They reported a profit of $400.00, from catering and sup- plying food for the Alhambra car draw dance in Parkhill. Plans were made to cater and serve at the "Growers" dance at Taxandria hall November 28. They decided to donate vegetables and baked goods to the Arthritis bazaar being held in Parkhill on December 6. Children of the members are asked to make posters for the church with the theme of Christmas and Easter. The ladies annual Christmas donation will go to lepers this year. A large ball will be donated to the retarded children's class of this area who meet for classes three times a week at the Alhambra hall, A welcoming committee will be contacting Catholic families in the Grand Cove Estates area. The travelling prize was donated by Lia Vandenberk and won by Mrs. Jean Mommersteeg. Next meeting will be December 15 in the form of pot hick supper, with the ladies' husbands invited, While Stock Lasts Sunshine Stripe Decorator Panels by EVANS We are clearing out our entire stock of these 'morning bright' panels, and while stooks last you can make a truly out- standing buy ... Our Usual Cash & Carry Price $12.99 Each r REDIAIX CONCRETE An Typos of Concrete Work McCann Const. Ltd. bAsHwoob Phone 23/4341 (free estimates) 1 4 - A...W. by Turner PROPANE TORCH KIT Includes propane fuel tank, burner assembly, all pur- pose soldering tip, flame spreader, spark lighter and metal chest with snap lock, REPLACEABLE FUEL TANK NOW L69 Our usual cash & curry price 1.94 For straight, curved or scroll cuts in wood, metal, plastic. Our usual cash & carry price $19.95. #7404 ORBITAL SANDER Extra fast for smoother finishing of wood, metal, plastics. Our usual cash & carry price 19.95, DISCOUNT DAVE'S IS LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 83 WEST OF HWY, 4 IN GRAND BEND • • ON HIGHWAY 21 AT HIGHWAY 83 15 BRANCHES ro SERVE YOU OWEN SOUND 376-3181 AIDGETOWN E74.5465 SOUTHAMPTON 7974245 THEDFORD 296.4991 , WEST LONE 769-1620 WINDSOR EAST 72i,6OO1 WINDSOR WEST 734-1221 Reg, hours; Mon.-,ti. 8 aim, to 5:30 p.m. Set, till 4 p.M. AiltAh 41 WIN 11111111iih. ;4111 OliSCOOltr 64. 1111 qlfa HOME CENTRES 14 it kMN MI WE IN 111811414 A DIVISION OF amigo; 1144MIER CO I FD ANTHERSTBURG EXETER 600Erileti GRAND REND NARROW KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE KITCHENER 734.2151 235-1422 524.8321 23e-2314 73942221 396.3443 7134341 744.6311 BINGO WINNER - Mrs. Mary Ravelle of Grand Bend was the third winner of the night in bingo. Last Thursday night was Bingo Night at the Crediton Community Centre, sponsored by the Crediton Hall Board. T-A photo. Women's group plan pot luck supper Over 40 attend group, meeting Over 40 attended the social evening Thursday in Grand Bend town hall when Group t of the Womens Institute were in charge of the program, The meeting opened with a sing song of several favorite old time songs. Bill Thompson played several accordion selections, accontpanied by Mrs. Irene Kennedy on the piano, A reading, "Growing Old," was given by Mrs, Dorothy Reeves, Mrs. Olive Miller and Mrs, Kennedy then sang two duets. Bill and Helen Sturdevant showed pictures of their trip last year through the southern and British Columbia and prairie provinces, They were thanked by the Institute and given a gift. Lunch was served by the hest group. the Catholic, Anglican and United church ladies on December 4. 4-H The "Dough Nuts," No, 2, 4-H club of Grand Bend, held their meeting Monday evening at the home of Janet Allister, with 5 girls attending. Roll call was to name the supper dish you made last week with bread as the main ingredient. The girls and leaders made chelsea buns at this meeting and ate them hot from the oven. A discussion followed on breads from other lands, including German, Dutch, Russian, French, Italian and Czechoslovakian bread. Marriage at Grand Bend Ruthann Heist, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Art Heist, was married to Douglas James Redmond of Forest. Rev. Harley Moore of- ficiated at the service at Grand Bend United Church Saturday afternoon. Maid of honor was Susan Sturdevant, bridesmaids were Brenda Heist and Sharon Red- mond, Best man was- Brian Richard- son of Oakdale, ushers were Bill Memel] of Forest and Cameron Heist of Grand Bend, After their wedding trip the young couple will reside in Forest. Philips Night Guard Light is ideal for illuminating country estates• farms, swimming barns ls cottaes. lodges. access roads - any area where good visibility at night is necessary far safety The Night Guard Light features a sensitive photo-electnc eye that activates a powerful 250.walt self- ballasting mercury v apour lamp as soon as it starts to get dark It bur- ns all night long and turns off auto- matically at dawn Since the ballast is contained in the lamp itself , there is no separate ballast to burn out This means that g almost all maintenance is limited to replcin the lamp only - and that very in• uently, because the lamp has freq an average life of over two years Complete package consists of fixture lamp 26' ." arm and all har- dware necessary for wall in• stallation or wood pole mounting VITREOUS CHINA WHITE TOILET Close coupled syphon jet closet combination. Grade B. 12" roughing, Seat not included. Our usual cash and carry orice 39.95 Special bulk prices are based on minimum orders of 4,000 board feet of lumber or 4,000 square feet of plywood . „ or 4,000 sq ft. of lumber and plywood. Fur- thermore. the prices shown here are vertising went to our printers. Becaushe of fluctuating market conditions, time. tese prices are subject to change at any WITH THE PURCHASE OF 12 SQ. YDS, OR MORE OF ANY Non-Rubber Backed CARPET PRICED at 5.00/YD. AND UP It's not felt or flat rubber! It's a waffled sponge rubber underpad - and it's yours at no extra cost with any NON-RUBBER BACKED carpet you buy at $5.00/sq. yd. or more The United Church Women met Thursday afternoon in the S.S, rooms for their November meeting with 20 members at- tending, President, Mrs. Olive Miller, presided, and opened the meeting with the singing of hynn 481, Mrs. Bill Love read the scripture lesson, verses 1-14 of 4th chapter of Esther. Mrs. Marge Mason conducted the worship service, using the • theme, "Our date with destiny." She read a story from a book by Amy Bolding, based on the 14th verse of chapter 4 of Esther. Roll call was answered by telling of foreign missions or showing a foreign article. The ladies were reminded that the next meeting will be in the form of a pot luck luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Lunch hostess was Mrs. Susie Devine, assisted by Mrs. Ed Turnbull and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, Church A prayer meeting was held in The Church of God, last Tuesday evening, and Rev. John Campbell spoke on the topic, "Using our talents." Following the meeting 14 ladies met in the church for their regular November meeting. During the meeting a new president, Mrs. Dorothy McGregor, was elected. Past president, Mrs. Rufus Turnbull had served that capacity for 19 years. The lathes also made plans for hosting the Christmas ecumenical which will include SAVE $4.00 PER PANEL famssfamedo Our usual C.&C. 1.17 5-PC. ROLLER PAINT KIT When You Buy 2 Gallons of Glidden Paint ANY TYPE SPRUCE DIMENSION RD) CONSTRUCTION (20/25% STANDA 2x 4's now 195.00/Thousand 2x 6's now 198.00/Thousand 2x 8's now 227.00/Thousand 2x10'5 now 239.00/Thousand Save 1.99 on this all-steel HAMMER 16 oz. model by Stanley with rubber grip. 11H1's OUR USUAL C,&C. .99 PRICE 8.98 HACK SAW #APHS-5 Tubuldr stor ,l frame Ch")rru• pial.qs Our usual C NYC price 2 29 .99 8-tooth 26 - K3 hand saw and you save 1 49 OUR USUAL CAC. 8.49 PRICE 9.98 Yellow clad 10-ft. by Ys" power tape. Positive lock. Removable belt clip. English and Metric measure. Our usual C.&C, price 598 4 #240G MULTI-PURPOSE 13-PC. TOOL SET by FULLER • The perfect Christmas girt! consists of adjustable wrench, long nose plier, slip joint plier and a screwdriver handle with 4 different blades. In attractive gift box, Our Usual Cash & Carry Price $11.95