HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-11-06, Page 5P111,1 0,- REDI-MIX CONCRETE All Types of Concrete Work McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 (free estimates) UnIIIIIIIIIIMIHM11111111111111MUMIUM111111111111111111M11111111$111MIIIIIIMMItillm. FL' Who needs a winter coat in this weather? No One! BUT . . .To be ready for the cold blizzardy days to come McKnights Saves tuner wear and tear. evek The children rough on OLIO the TV? A Jerrold TV aro( / Remote Control in the vita r5"1: recreation room stops tuner changes and eliminates possible abuse of tuner and knobs. Put one on the children's TV today. It protects your TV frOm tuner and knob damage. 12-CHANNEL REMOTE TV CONVERTER This handsomely styled 2-piece unit provides motion-free, varactor-tuned remote control of any TV receiver. Unlike ordinary remote control units which require motors and mechanical linkage to the TV receiver tuner, the TRC-12 is universal, can be installed in minutes and has no moving parts to wear out. Remote functions include channel selection, fine tuning and receiver on-off, The TRC-12 is ideal for home, bars, motels, hospitals and apartment houses. Conversion proce%s eliminates ghosts due to direct pickup. Universal. You can use It on any TV. When you buy a new TV you don't have to buy another remote control. If someone gets sick move the remote control to the sick room, Saves mom a lot of steps. ONLY $12995 MAX'S TV & APPLIANCES GRAND BEND 238-2493 JERROLD Relax! Now you can control your TV from the comfort of your favorite easy chair. Thanks for Shopping at McKnights Len McKnight & Sons By JOY SCHEIFELE The Shady Pines K.O.A. campgrounds appeared to be haunted on Halloween night as wailing ghosts and spooks sud- denly appeared from behind trees and out of dense bushes. Jack-O-Lanterns leered down from the bare branches of trees here and there throughout the well wooded area along the winding trails. However, none of the children, or parents who accompanied them, were too badly shaken by the weird appearances or eerie sounds, and all thoroughly en- joyed the "spook ride" throughout the camp at the start of the Halloween party sponsored Have The Right Coat For YOU! * All-Weather Coats * Wool Top Coats * Suede & Leather Jackets * Ski Jackets * Parkas M I1 11 1 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 = = MEN'S WEAR E EXETER . ( II PHONE 235-2320 5imilininilininnuninitunilittumniumullininninninininioninininunninlinunin kindergarten class oftEast from the left arePryce, Williams Memorial School Robbie McGregor, Shelli Photo by Scheifele WM« GROOVY GROOMERS MEET — During the regular meeting of the Ailsa Craig 4-H Groovy Groomers, members learned grooming tips from Hairdresser Jean Shipway shown at the extreme left of the above pic- ture. Photo by Scheifele J Times-Advocate, November ,00197,4 Pope New Arrivals For Fall Down Men's Filled Leadcli e Jackets s' & Vests for riding or Ag with our line of skiing, * Men's & Boys' Fleece Lined Cavalry Boots * WRideisntegr AnpTpacickre&l. SCOTT'S LEATHER SHOP 120 Sunders St, W. EXETER 235-0694 rroormori * I. Graham Arthur MOTORS EXETER 235-1373 Name The Year of the Headlines and • A Color TV • Free Use of A Camper For the May 24 Weekend • One of the turkeys to be given away each week Nothing to buy .. . Just circle The Year You Think the Headline was printed and bring the Coupon to our service station, Join the fun as part of our 40th Anniversary of Service to Texaco Motorists Here Are This Week's Headlines: • What Year • Are They From? • Central Hotel to have first neon electric sign in Exeter. • Large crowds attend Exeter Old Boys' reu- nion, Winner of this week's free turkey draw is Peter McFalls, Exeter I Think the Headlines are From 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 (Circle Your Choice) Name Phone Hint: With a jaunty tilt to his cap, a new service sta- tion operator in Exeter was ready to serve area customers. each FREE INSTALLATION RADIAL WHITEWALL Snow Tires GR70-15 or HR70-15 $447° • BELTED WHITEWALL Winter Ban F78-14 or B78-14 $26'6 each $1 4" Exeter 235-0330 MAIN ST. NORTH OF HWY. 83 smowBARGAINS FREE INSTALLATION Winter Ban FREE INSTALLATION /N4 ALGOMA TIRE LIMITED FR70-14 $61 ea .1R70-15 $8131 e . HR70-15 $68.88. WINDSHIELD WASHER ANTI-FREEZE m1 29GAL RETREAD Snow Tires G-15 G-14 $ 1 4 5° CASH 8, CARRY RADIAL Summer White HR70-14 $4 696 FREE INSTALLATION While They Last BELTED WHITEWALL Winter Ban G78-14 or H78-14 4 PLY WHITEWALL Winter Ban E78.14 $1 983 each Snow Blems 600-13 650-13 645-14 695-14 B78-14 F78.15 CASH & CARRY TIRE BALANCING Static $2.00 Dynamic $3.50 STEEL RADIAL WHITE $2 8" each FREE INSTALLATION 150-1 52 Queen St., East St. Marys, Ont, STORE HOURS Tues. to Sat. 9 to 6 Fri. evening 7.9 Phone 284-3070 tiviimmemom 0 Marshal GIFT SHOP DRESS SHOP CARD SHOP ALL IN ONE "Where the unusual is usual" Fs 01 By JOY SCHEIFELE Thursday, November 20, an anti rabies clinic will be held in Ailsa Craig from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the fire hall, The clinic is part of an anti rabies program which will in- volve twenty-one centres in Middlesex County, The county has one of the highest incidences of rabies in Canada, The health of animals branch of Agriculture Canada and the Middlesex London district health unit are arranging for the clinics, requested by county council, The Middlesex anti rabies clinic are only for pet dogs and cats which should be at least two months old for vaccination. The service, open W. pet owners in the county and London, is free. Clinics are also scheduled at nearby Ilderton on November 21 at the fire hall from 9 a.m. to noon; on November 24 at the Lucan Community Centre from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m, and on November 28 at the Parkhill Community Centre frem 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, EXTEND HOURS By JOY SCHEIFELE The Ailsa Craig branch of the Imperial Bank of Commerce has advised that it has extended its hours to serve the publip. Commencing this week the bank will extend its hours each Thursday being open from 10:00 a.m, until 4:30 p.m., and on Fridays it will be open con- tinuously from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. omitting the usual mid- afternoon closing break. The bank will continue its regular hours Monday to Wednesdays of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. o SQUARE AgOot 0 .1gOderich When 141%n , GODERICH visit SHOPPERS SQUARE HALLOWEEN AT EAST WILLIAMS — Children in the enjoyed a Halloween party Friday. Shown in costume Woods and Tara Malcolm. by the Ailsa Craig and District Lions Club. Over 60 young children and a few parents gathered at the retreat Centre at the back of the Groovy Groomers visit beauty salon A week ago Tuesday evening the beauty salon of Ailsa Craig's Jean Shipway was filled to capacity as members of the 4-H Groovy Groomers came seeking advice and information of good health habits that contribute to pleasing complexions. The various shapes of faces and different types of skin were discussed. Mrs. Shipway then gave a detailed demonstration of how to properly care for the skin and the proper use and ap- plication of make-up. One of the club members received a complete facial and beauty make up while the others carefully observed the full procedure. local K.O.A. campgrounds as guest of the Lions. Then came the difficult task of judging costumes, Clowns, monsters, pirates, cats, dogs, witches and such abounded, Each child under six received a gift. A first, second and third prize was awarded to the best girl in each of the six to seven years, eight to nine years and 10 to 11 year group as well as to the best first,second and third boy in each group. A first, second and third was awarded to the 12 and over group together with a special prize to the oldest man in the audience and the oldest lady present. C.F.P,L. T.V.'s Pirie Mitchell and loveable St. Bernard Peaches, stars of the Junior Talent Hour were on hand to sign autographs and answer questions. For many little ones it seemed the highlight of the evening was an opportunity to be able to actually pet the large, amiable Peaches who took it all Seniors enloy costume event. By JOY SCHEIFELE Friday afternoon it appeared that some of the residents from Craigholme Nursing Home had, suddenly disappeared when it was realized that other in- teresting and fascinating characters had appeared in their places. All of the staff and many of the residents took advantage of the customs of the day and with some ingenious disguises had many tugging at their ear lobes and scratching their heads trying to search for some tell tale characteristic. While all the staff traded their neat uniforms for more colourful and fancy costumes of all descriptions, many visitors as well appeared on the scene in Halloween attire. A small prize was awarded to resident Eddie, Squires as he successfully baffled many with his temporary transformation into a delightful, dignified elderly lady. Staff member Alice Paff concealed her identity by taking on the role of a lovely gypsy dressed in black lace. Apple bobbing was enjoyed by staff and residents alike. Each sought to retrieve an apple from a tub of water without the use of their hands. A few staff members received an extra face washing during the game as residents playfully gave them a little "help" getting their apple! A relay game of carrying an orange under your chin and dropping it into a basket was included in the afternoon's ac- tivities. As the day also marked the birthday of resident Mae Murray, and Administrator Nelson Scheifele, a hugh birthday cake was included in the refresh- ments. Both successfully blew out all the candles and ice cream and cake was served to all, After supper a number of little creatures took up the scene as local children arrived for an hour of games and costume judging. About twenty-five youngsters mingled with the residents in the dining room for a few games and prizes. As they left each was given a bagful of treats. in his professional stride. The children were then all treated to candies, apples and oranges before departing outside for a further treat of barbequed hot dogs and chocolate milk under the full moon, thus climaxing a perfect Halloween. The children were then tran- sported back to town through the courtesy of Kennedy Bus Lines. Plan rabies clinics AILSA CRAIG Lions party proves popular Ailsa Craig 0011.1h. Marshall' ;1111:416Y0 One stop shopping for all your Christmas needs I,