HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-10-30, Page 6A SALE OF GOODIES — During Thursday's Hensall Kinette rummage sale a variety of baked goods were also available for visitors. From the left are Sharon love, Marg Vanstone and Jan Baker. T-A photo Plans TV appearance FARMERS' ALMANAC In the Farmers' Almanac you will find weather forecasts, fishing calendars, planting guides, lakes, gems of wisdom, household hints, horoscopes and recipes. Please call in for your FREE copy of the 1976 Almanac. VICTORIA and GREY TP2us -i- COMPANY SINCE 1889 K. V. Bowman, Manager 425 Main St,/ Exeter Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Exeter Grand Bend Office Office 235-2420 238-8484 * Subject to change Nompoismosimpommilleteni1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111.w Shop At Wilson's. Jewellery 413 Main St - Exeter PLEASING YOU — PLEASES US We have a wide selection of CARPETS and VINYLS From Canada's Leading Manufacturers BALL-MACAU LAY LIMITED ,zr Hensall KV/Y/4VMM Phone 262-2418 BUILDING CENTRE WEEKEND SPECIALS OCTOBER 29, 30, 31 NOV, 1 PLEASE NOtE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on oil advertised items. AL'S MARKET HENSALL — ONTARIO I If rf TIT MTFTrilmarral Pay* 0 Times-Advocate, (74teber30, 1975 John Skea, Huron Park, son of Mr. &Mrs.John Skea,Hensall will be appearing on C.T.V. Channel 13, on Monday, November 3 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Passmore and family visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, last Saturday. Marc Tinney is visiting this week at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fletcher and family of Kirkton. Hensall Skating Club Registration HENSALL ARENA Sat., Nov. 1 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Robert Baker visited last week with relatives in Fergus. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bell were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McNaughton in Stratford. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Cudmore spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer McDonald in Brampton. Mrs. Eric Munroe of Seaforth visited last week with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer McGregor returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie after spending the past two week's visiting Mrs. William McGregor and Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McClinchey. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Westaway of Burlington were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Miss Joan Goddard of Peter- borough spent the weekend with her parents Dr. J. C. Goddard and Mrs. Goddard. Rev. W. D. Jarvis conducted the service in Carmel Presbyterian. Church on Sunday at 10 a.m. Miss Linda Bell presided at the organ in the absence of the organist Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. The WMS held a most successful Fuller Brush Party on Tuesday evening which was well attended.The Ladies Aid are holding a bazaar and bake sale in the church on Saturday November 8 at 3 p.m. Mrs. Mooney of Credit' on is spending A few weeks with her Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Hildq Payne, Phone 261-5018 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 207-20$. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS — Book worms had plenty of chance to pursue their favorite hobby at Thursday's Henson Kinette rummage sale. Above, Jennifer Purkis of Kippen checKs a book. T-A photo Parents get taste of baking skills The second meeting of the Hensall 4-H club was held on October 21 at the Hensel' United Church. The roll call, a haaic ingredient for bread and what it does, was answered by 12 girls. Mrs. Pepper demonstrated baking and the rising of basic white bread. Everyone sat down and sampled the freshly baked brown and white bread. Some white bread was sent home for parents to taste. Church news Rev, Don Beck was in charge of the United Church service and preached on the topic "Doing Love" dwelling on the two greatest commandments, loving God and loving our neighbour, Mrs. John Turkheim was at the organ, and the choir sang the anthem, "Jubilate, Amen". The flowers were from the funeral of Mr. George Thompson. Following the service, Howard Scane, on behalf of the congregation, presented Harry Hoy with a shaving kit, the oc- casion being Harry's retirement after years as Church caretaker. C.N.I.B. Canvass Eric Luther reports total receipts to date at $637.00. In view of the mail strike area residents are . asked to drop off their donations at the Bank of Mon- treal or contact Mr. Luther by phone. Your assistance is requested to ensure the canvass realizes its objective of $1,100.00. Thank you very much. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flynn. The members of Amber Rebekah Lodge are holding a progressive euchre party in the lodge hall on Wednesday November 5 at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mrs. Nan Britton has returned to her home after convalescing in Seaforth following surgery in Stratford Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Shepherd, Willowdale, visited with their mother Mrs. Ada Smillie at. Queensway Nursing Home this week. Sam Rannie is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter where he is receiving treatment. Mr. & Mrs. John Soldan, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reddy, Toronto and Mrs. Michael Soldan, Exeter, attended the Fall Convocation of the University of Western Ontario, Saturday, when Michael Soldan received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Science. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett were Sunday visitors with the latter's brother-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Adams, Exeter and also visited with another sister Mrs. Harry Chapman, London, who was visiting there. Mr. & Mrs. John Soldan, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot, Sue Ann and Jodi, Exeter attended the morning service at Grand Bend United Church, Sunday, and witnessed the baptism of Jason Patrick, son of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Soldan and brother of Tracey, Pinedale, Grand Bend. Mrs. Grant Bisback is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Elizabeth Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey were Mrs. Bona Clark, Mrs. Marjorie. Windover, Mrs. Irene Finlayson and Mrs. Donna Allen all of town, Mrs. Arlett. Eisen- schink, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Art Coombs and Miss Dale Coombs, Toronto, Mr. Norman Coghlin, Atwood, Mr. & Mrs. Andy Orr, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Johnston, and Jack, Brucefield, Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Ivey, Sarnia, Mr. Bob French Rosseau and Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Chis tl eh urs t A special Remembrance Day service will be held at St, Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday, November 9 at 9.45 a.m. Legion members will be parading at the Cenotaph at 11 a.m. when wreaths will be laid. A short service will be held at the Cenotaph. Unit 2 of Hensall United Church will be meeting on Monday, November 3 instead of November 10. This will take the form of a pot-luck supper at 7 p.m. and all members are asked to invite a friend, BREAD Powdered King pmonte ith:MESS RAISINS RaiiinleiGEE CRYSTALS D ED $1.69 fAnyiiiiizCP SOFTENER Aylmer PEAS Lida ASSORTED COOKIES MothoirbilOCOLATE MIX Allen's UIT DRINKS Allen's Choice Super Save APPLE JUICE Fair Lady Soft 100% Vegetable Oil MARGARINE Hostess CHIPS ORANGES CARROTS CUCUMBERS GRAPEFRUIT PRODUCE US No. 1 Canada No. 1 Fresh SPECIAL PRICE 24 oz. 14 Fl. oz. 24 oz. Hensa II Livestock sales Supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers. Demand was active and prices were up. Heifers $41.50448.50, steers $47.50-$53.00. Pigs; wienlingsl TRYING ON HATS — At Thursday's rummage sole sponsored by the $45.00-$48.00, chunks $55.00- ;-ielsall Kinettes o couple of area young ladies tried on new hats. From $60.5.0. Ire left ore Sandra Nixon and Lesley Cottrell. T-A photo 2 • lb. Bag 2/494 US No. 1 2/394 Produce of USA Florida 8/894 Sunkist dozen 69 4 3/1.05 51b. $2. 1 9 9.09 99' 9.49 3/88' 1.49 2 lb. 9.49 48 Fl. oz. 49' 48 Fl. oz. 55' 2/99 ,o,, 79' 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 Sliced We'll Do the Job Right... Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961 in the piece lb. lb. 49' lb. 99' 79' in the piece lb. 10 lb. box 10 lb. box. in the piece lb. lb. lb. $ 1 . 1 9 lb. $ 1 .29 lb. 994 $7.90 $3.50 '1.89 49' 259 lb. 49' lb. 89' 3/95 4 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 t 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nt tart:in inint flintt1UU11 ant Ilia taut ni tam :taint run It111r1U1I11U11U11111t1{1I11111111I1n11111 111111111111111111111,111111111111U1n1111U11U11111U1t 111111UNII111 In 1111111III11111111111111111111lulu 111111111111 1111111111 n a la ta la iat 111111111111111111111 L' Maple Leaf Flat 1/4 Dinner Hams Baby Beef Liver Maple Leaf Breakfast Strips Maple Leaf Minced Ham Chunks Maple Leaf Bologna Canada Packers casing Back Bacon Canada Packers Store Packed Wieners Sliced Minced Ham FROZEN FOOD FRENCH FRIES Valley Farm 2 lb. PURE BEEF PATTIES TURKEY WINGS ,, ,,,,,, m... ,,,,,,,, num T FREEZER SPECIALS.. ,,,,11111,1111,,1111111111111111111111111. CHOICE LOCAL BEEF AND PORK HIND OF BEEF Fully Processed LOIN OF BEEF 50 lb. average Fully Processed SIDE OF PORK 75 lb. average Fully Processed .. 1, llllll lllllll ltlllli