HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-03-26, Page 2• t -,Swiriakr .4. e• • • et '••• .1 to 13 on 7-• . Nell sidesiftieseigete _____ Safe for Bake -W. Gerdes. Yana foe Sale --8. McILatir. BMW for Sale -Mr. Hodge. I submitted to the Ontario Legislature, ! • . 1Y Molts. ' . ' %top, Stop, Frieud-4. C. Mcintoah. more earticalarly tone for fernitere sup- I Red Store--Johnaton ,h Firo. pliml ter Ilea. Mr, McKellare room in New Revictorator-Prof. Hollock. the publi•c bedding*. Were the lute as The Way it's Dans; ' ..A oaken Sale -R. Wilson. they rotate them, there would 1.• just _ idrallowe' Comeounet greg el page. cause to find fault, but when the truth t• phosphite,. . -...=.---- - - -eas--.4- —,-,_.- different light. 1 is known the matter appears in a very • Lew Riepeetiag Numeral. 1: Utah ale &WU =this,. &Rabe pais, ma Ite will claim all the ' inctintsy.---4ge egret to learn that hive rns throughout the townable and The U. Pre,. journals have been . . under mediae attendant's, at the the law will be strictly enforced with re - Queen's Hotel, Kincardine, from the gard to Sunisy drinking, making a great ado over certain accounts 1 oo of the bill w wdl le. •te or lumpily, je. credit for a reform which he resisted se onz townsman Illr. sedan is laid ep notify the keepers of such taverns that , long as possible. When We receive a L Soloseilieno litho do sot • giro •E pesos soh... to NO, e;;olihory. are oosstdorol am wishing to coattnuo beir Oltbeeriptioau. • h eologorther000dow the C0000tianaaao Moir 'peelodicela 1141.11114p44.4 the publish., et publish-, ' see easy es•41•60111.• NIA thin 11111.11 411 armors aro pitel op; ao4 oessanheas leid reopeseible kte all aesehese amt. • willoale nowepopere bole *See Ur which they lroaloserlberalooglett one:rasa to lake the pert- t.3rore etreetoi, they are bad posaws tut tam have settled thotr bilks llooltiogatembere back, et lees, hog thee la the idles, is oco/ suck aotlee.4( Meow- Nauesdrits the bow tee* 4. If masons.... reasere other planet witlant isforefe• the Pobliehog, their periodical's" moose* are emit to the raw ‘11/9114101114, they are reehowithle. 4 ; 3 1 it • . .t ri• Jtift• Geo. P. Ramat'. & Co., 40 Park Row, and S. IL Ihrreueolte Si 37 Park Row, are our only authoriaed Ad- vertising Agents in Now York. The dela after each Subscriber's name 0.4 the cuidress indicates the tine to which hie **ascription ispeid. Thus, "errata 1 Mara 72,g /seam that Mr. ehnifies *ascription is p lid up to 1st March and that he mass from that date. ffebecribers wilt 'edit to be to their interest to renew promptfte as our terms ars $1.50 enocret neieroiteecn, otherwise 12 seal he charred. Omit ?Ma ZailISST. tenioaatonisTeTiox Tines leave as follows, - 7 00 a. m. Express. .. 10.00 " " ed 12 30 p. m. Teeing are din es follows, - Hazed ..... M411 04111et•I toee ft 64 5.10 ' " 2.00 p. m. sExpreas *describers will solder a favour by notifying to of any Irregularity in the delivery of their papers. We shall be glad at all times to receive items of local news, reports of meetings, accidents, or any incident of ieterest eaher in the locality where it occurs OT to the county et Lege. Such matter inay be wet at the rate of one cent per es. if marked Print*'s Copy and not sealed. To ensure _Publication in any particular issue it ishould reach the office not later thir, Monday evening. fain Signal. GODERICH, id 26, '1873. copies of Obis day's Signal CMS ba ed the Offee-lpriee awes. Mr. McKellar ea assuming office found that his predecessor, Mr. Carling, had occupied a room in the parliament buildings. Ile intended to do the setae, awl the care -biker ordered the necessary fareiture from R. flay & Co., the bill ter which amounted to $19e. When Mr. McKellar asked for the account be was told the goods were charged to the government as had been done in Vr. ending's cue. The matter rested there, and tbo amount appeared in the public accounts under ita proper head. Mr. McKellar frankly stated the facts to the house, and subsequently received, a note from Mr. Hay, stating that he had made a mistake, that the furniture was not charged to the governmeut bet that Mr. Carling paid rent for it. Mr. Mc- Kellar immediately directed them tu credit the government with the $194, and he would pay rent as Mr. Carling had done. These ere the whole feels nf the case. With reference to the other account& for furnishings to the Speaker's rooms, ac., we find that a number of the articles had been orderer/ by the Sandfield Metedonald government, who had left their suocegeors to paj for them, and they are now pounced down upon for the sins of their predecessors. We find that waenever the present governmeut did order any furnishings they entered the' amount in the public accouno, whines the former government, sup- ported by those gentlemen who now find so much feult, entered them under the head of "Srntries," er "Miscel- laneous," or somesimiliar heading, thus deceiving theitobse and the countey. But there A inothei. little matter which has come te light, not very cred6- able to those who now set themselves up as griardtans of the people's interests,. In the public acconnts fur 1868 occurs this item; "Hon. J. Carling. To pay expenses incurred in survey of Coloniz- ation Roads $4,172 84," This amount was paid by a warrant signed by Ger. Howland and remipted by Mr. Carliag. The roorcher attached shows that the a lltattilt instead of being expetottril on Colonization Roads Ira., paid to bfilloy & Co. for charter of &earner Chicon; board, refreshments, tic., of tin excursion party of ministers and these jrien.L. to Lake Superior. What does the country think of thet. Bad enough to spend the ."Cohinization Road money on a pleasure trip and champagne raze, but worse still to cook tho public ac- counts and make a falim entry toren- coal the transactinn. Let these pgriste who_ prate so much a6.iit. the eem my }o of the Patent Combinatien and th ex- travagance ed the Moral aurorae ent, , hereafter for ever hold their tongue,. . Itanielpal , • hum. MAI. a... effect of an aceident which happened te repair company or untimely Qum him &bent a Fortnight ago. lie had throughout the week. Carried. started for Kiecardine, bat had only Moved by Kr. Cenains, seconded by proceeded a. few yards front his house, Mr. Spume. diet this Council no now ad when he was thrown fecal his convey- jure to meet Orlin at John Dill's tav- erns in the vtlhage of Ilarpurhy, Fritter, the eta oe MA, next. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. me Carried. WILLIAM 011-1 is 1"p Clerk. heaterth• thee. and Week he; knee, which was al- it in Pr•tif well understood that Sir ready lame, on the road. He did no; John A's hold en the reins of govern- apprehend any levees result, and pro• mut et ottani, et pretty &Jou, gine cooled OD his jouney, but on arriving The revised sclednles were diatribe- West reterbore: '0.1 on F riday leat. They place the No subterfuge is -t -to base for Sir John county of Memo and the Town of A. Macdonale to resort to in order to teelerich in a rad+ better preition gain a vote. Feeling kis hold on the tnen before. el:elder ere first echeduleal Henn did nut reoei i's fair share of reins of office very inaectire he does not the !railway allowance, but thanks toll morality to sustain himself in power hesitate to outrage public decency and the rept esentations of our members and I A. m. Rog., Ea,. , t000ty .fgoagirer, ' Last week 110 and his "'redo followers t.he matter les been tifired and III -iron! ti)ed i° jootgag of 1197,0.0 g .240,00g. Th. i to tha tedious riettine of an iiivestigetien refer the Wast Peterhof° COM ; by an election cemmittee, instead of fellewing atateresot &Hews the Allotment n promptly seating. the man whn seceived te the different netnitipalities along thej la majority of Totes at the election. and lino of the B. a L. Ili Railway. RA ILW•V • LIATIVINT L e_ _Non 0.0%er 1, allowing hie opponent to petition against his return if he so desired. What se- e -users AS 111111 INTZODUCID. i there for any cor.stittichey if Ain't of Lomat en ?report/on of cuntY 13 w10441 share is •knotinelii ! partizan returnine offiArs Aro to be &l- ooted. .110•ed. , Berth. . .... .... 4140,e40 321,768.1111 ' lowed to return their ievonte irrespect- Maniere WWI.- . 409.000 Drantfort el, .. . 50.9110 a:';',114.01! ire of the number of votes he may re- f/hoer/ DIM,. ... 5*S11 $6.7117•01 I ceive ? We hope Mr. egret ten, who hot times oe s no teem& es ..sober•Vp a 141.66 2411,440 Nas.t.s. 4 elostbrook 1111.01/0 13,34.93 Paris 65.040 MTV 76 Perth 200.000 133435 041 14r110040 100.000 110.470 00 watagese.... woos /AMWAY ALLOTITINT MIDAIR WSW BASIS he accordingly finds it necessary to try nod via over stropped by holding out substhatial inducement& to those who he Unlike isight he influenced to sell thei votes. The Brocivillo &conk, ban 1; lemapail tee Allowing Braatiord 413 9tratford to come in only for the atoas• aerially lo* mooed .3( ...noses of ode sal eon. Ptanon Proportmol Additional whisle share of allot' at node, to slammed. allowed• new tom., 44,04 90,644. se Aire; 23 Brantford t'p 60,400 MI.0144 64 17,4V-104 Ftrentlerl Wes 1•1•00 110.514 ST . &LS% 14,114.41 IS 237.40 Casten° 5.004 it3.14 2,791.47 Mama h441.429 040,91.6.110 1114,1110.50 Neealles sad Sherheook 30,* es 20.1.U.si eteeelle • 40.000 10,096. 96 10,489.19 . 2441,009 10.,077 OS 73, twos 64.6011101 11,000 10,471.39 Weiellem mom *623.41 6116.T10.60 11CH3Dr7.1 true 5157 110 0.4 • • 4 149 711 . 97'1 00 11111,010 HI:10211 T91)1111 OLD Allowance t• Cosaty A 41 helmet/110 +tattler " Meerlek. en toss us* eeyersee. CON9t9 '• 11•19113 11,9711.41 $210,931 99 OM 112 70 la 652 19 .. IAA 73 TM 776 06 Under the first schedule the $197,110 included the propution of the Rail- way allotment belonging to Stanley, goderich Town, and flowick. Under the mew schedule these are deducted and Stanley and Howick get credit for them separately, aed that of Goderich Town is retained altogether by the Province ou account et reduction ender Gm edit rule. The new schedules shows the debt • Goderich to be reduced from $101, 923 to $03,864 55, the difference being what the town has paid towards the debt cd the County since 18.59. There appears to be • mistake mill, which if rectified would briar the indebtedneu ef the town doer, to$80,00J, and if we are treated int" e manner rie the tensehip of , whose pcsition is w eauthat Oen, our debt would Ise farther reduced to about h -36, - ono. The Premier assured our delega- tion that we would ba ao dull with, aad he further stated in the House " it was possible, that, otter all the eare •tios would hare tly than was lOns." Certain - taker, certain to be provided fife proposed in the ly if any municipality is Slatitled to be treated with consideration, it is Goat sleek, whom eau is one of extreme hardship ead we are not without hope that our debt will be redeemed to such a seen as wo ean pay without neoeseitating seek a high rateed tanatioa ea to inter- fere with the prosperity of the tetra. The resolutions are now ander consider - tines by the House, and probably the whole week will be odenpied in their elis- cuisine The Reekstose. When the were under con. 1 sidgratics ia the °uteri° Leffielatare, e Mr. Gibson WA • to the item It tor the ediesselisid that it wag met ibe • of *ha degiariareat tempi bookstore •i• Hos. Ms. Masai good is reply that be meld see aseijhist *ro le abolish it shiepear, that resentd had twitted for saitgegieuvr it et esSrtirita, bet that he woad Ea away Oat felaestyges. , tinning basinons . e ON good authority that one of the °Riv- er" members has been approsebed by' the Ministerial partyin this way :- hlinieterialiatc-Mr. we want jour influence in Wu of the Govern,. aunt. Give us vour infleence, and yeti will receive a contract. River Member e -Contracts are not my ltne. I would not know what to do with a oentract, even if 1 bad one. Ministerialist.-Never mind. Giro ua vourInfluenee, and you will gat a cen- tract. and a_ gentleman stands ready to tut et, .m.itetzt from you, and pap you fifty thousand dollars fur the same f The Recorder adds that this is no roe the good senu not to take the seat to which he knew he bad no right, will keep away till the case is deeided. An election committee,o if properly consti- tuted, c.annot be lung in settiug the matter right, though in the nesse. tune a gross injustice ie done. Electori' of North Huron, Mr. Farrow soled to sus- tain this oleo -aye. mance. Ths Mihistsrial Crisis in 3.11:11.913. Mr. Gladstone announced in the House of CORIT•01111 on Thursday lest thet the Opposition having declined to andertake the formstion of a Cobitiet, 'he and his colleagues would remain in .ottice. Uri area -aide made a similar announcement in tbe Meuse of Lords. Sorth Reafrow. By the ruling of Mr. Speaker Cock- burn, the petition &roost the return of Mr. O'Rielly for South Renfrew cannel be received en account of some triclinia.] defect, and a man who obtained his seat through frauds, those Lotbinere, for which ()Terre' you se milled from the House, and Russel fer which Fellowes suffered imprisonment, wilt hold his seat in defiance of the ex- pressed wish uf a mgority of the electors of the conatitueney, for five years to come, We do not knew as the sitting member waa impliceted in the frauds, but partizan returning officers did the dirty work for him. He knows he has no right to sit there, and if poseemed of a spark of honor woukl resign and allow a new electiou to be held We are in hopes that some way will be found to overcome the difficelty, for it will be a lasting disgrace should he be allowed to retain a seat to which he has no right whatever. We do not want such a system of minority representatiou. Centri TCrouto. On Monday, Speaker Cockburn 'rated in favor of receiving the petition against Mr. Wilkes return for Centre Toronto. The Huute over ruled the decision on a vote of 72 to 78. The Government voted with the minutity. =WO OP TIP WZZIC. Greorge Franais Train has been pro- nounced insane and he will probably be sent to *lunatic asylum. A serious eitat took place at Woleer. haniptongn, the 1/3th, between the Eng- lishmen and Irishmen employed in the Stafferdshire _can mines, near Birming- ham. At least 3000 persons were ee- riest' inj the coeflict. Knives and pis- tols were used, but fortunately no live* were lost, though • nemher of persons were wounded. 100 of the rioters have been aitrested. Dodge, M. 1'. has larouelit a civil and criminal action against the Globe tee Daivages are laia at 8500,000., F. W. Glen has ratimil from the con- test in West Durham, finding E. B. Wool more than.a metch 13? hen, Mr. Wilmot, Fishery lespector, h el 'tied forwerd to .fill the breach. Not ho. Our contemporary says thet Mr. Gib- bons shirked the vote on the second reeding of the Orarge Incorporation eat. The statemeut is nut correct. The writer of the paragraph in question knew that Mr. Gibbons was in Gederich when the Iselin question came up, attentiing the funeral of ati old friend, and et the same time consulting with his town eenatitie *tits as to the ,oettlement of the Muni- cipal Loan Fiala indebtedness. He had no object to serve in shirking the vote, ae he had already expressed hil sentiments on Cie bill at a previous stage. Tee statement however is on a par with that going the rounds that Mr. Blake haa be. corn, disgusted with the situatieu and deserted the house At Ottneta. The truth is that, Mr. Blake came west to at. tend the funeral of his uncle, the late Archdeacon Brongh. .441. New Nisction Law. Str John A. Mudonald has introleced a new election law presiding for armee teatimes polliag and other reforms fur wkieh the Liberia party hem long con- tended. It is nearly ex years since ecedederation, and up to the present the laws afiecting the election of mem- bers to the House of Common, hare been all diverse as the ler:tedious which oompou the Dominion. John A. stead- fastly est his face aennst any change whtch would prevent the wholesale lerthery to which he reserted at the last electious, and without which he would have been orerwhelaningly defeated. Now that he au semed his purpose, he istroduege a measure whit& will no at Kincardine It became so painful that he had to call in a method mete and has bun unable to retown hente. We learn he is in a fair way of soon being *hie to move round Setae° -The Spi•ing Show of the Stephen end Usborne Branch. Agn- Cultural Society will be hekl at Exeter, on Fridge., the 18th of April. Liberal premiums areoffered fur both horn* and hulls and it is expeeted that the show will -be even more succentful than tiny which has preceded it. -- Expositor. ACCIDENT.- -Mr. Charles Monteith's daughter, a girl of about three years of age, was very seriously scalded i few days ago. Fist about two days after the &conduit her:life. was almost despaired. of, but num that "time she appears to be recovering newly -E.opositor. Wroxetts. TRADre - -- A most succesaful tee ineetieg was held in' the Congrega- (inlet Churc , corners, Turn. been. en 'relay evening the 13th • test. The c urch. wa& filled to ita ut- most impact ' The tddreues were excellent, de eerie' by the Rat. Messrs. Snider and roweof Wroxeter, McKen- zie of Gorri Meech of Listowel• end Barker of ,F s. The minting of the choir under the leadership of Mr. J. C. Unnesill enttributed greatly to the evening's opeerteinment. Miss Mary Germain presided at the melodeon. The enree was get up speoially by the ladies of Mr. Snider's congregation in Turn. berry -aad in every way creditable to tiair testis and liberality. The t $50-ffere pretested as a gift to the' pastor as a token of re- alm:Le-tem Zeer. • &moot Exemetertox. had the pleasure to IA prelent at Mime A. V. Case's sohool examinations in School No. e, Hay, on the 4th inst. It was certain- ly one uf the best examination" I ever attendee What I thouglat - was a very aTeat improvement was, that, whatever the pupils had learned, they had learned thoroughly, So that they went through their exercises very creditably to them- selves and to their teacher. The very best crier *veiled duringfthe examina- tion,. Undef the management of Miss Case the ahem named,school is certainly going on with marked progress. Much credit is also dee to Mr. SI ler, our present School Inspector, for the great pains he hes taken getting our school ou a good Weis, by insisting on the en (imminent of the nest ruler and regttla- eionn. BARMS .Setarday 1 Smith, lot 11. V. D. Sta.:airy , emery). e -On tha night of , a hem on the•farm of Mr. Concession 3, Stanley, al- . n to Mr Stinson, ma kinn, Conservative, Will contest *South roof blown sit1 by the severe wind storm Megan' Elard'Y' IL.f""'' and "ai. 5trieli2bildnin Con testui•g, each had hal of the Brant for the Levi] Hoes.. • Which, prevnled on that night. No The yel1Ow fleet roging at Rio de jfeetiter die:lime-3 was done in either in - J, rune°. reacts, -Expose/0h. The Spanish Aseemloly has le4olveil to ,,87.11triti8E emancipate the Perto Lice staves nu- ;alit iimioutietar Bronson lin atediately. A man named Mat:donned has limner- winter: bad rested in Now York &Shaving been int- a hrr."aai plicated in the Bank of England freed& There appears to be no- deoubt diet he ivas one ef the principals. LOClias saws ATIITIal, a -We lure th•tt the still:- . lit by dohn M. hurch, at Mr. John Tough. on the , Stanley, detirig the, past very plata:int. ternfination gs ago. Upon Mr. Church lie house in questien on tee tot erenine of the tome he wet not a little surprieed to meet about Mite or• seveaty of the yortng people of the neigh- , herhoed h alsembled to meet i11111. A vtry pleasant evening was spete Rcirethenuots of the cheicest Another death frOm the CLinton 11183133. -Maggie Govenlock. daughter ot Robt Gavenlock (who resides about two miles north of our village), died OD the morning of Monday brat from cerebro-sPinal meningitis after • lone and *ever* illness. Eike was an Interest ing young gel of unto ahem slimmers and Wilt a general favogrite. A son of Mr. John Cameron, Mill mad, near Eguiondville, is said to be at death's door from the same disease, ever,' day is though will be the last with him. TOD SMALL Pox -lig disease is sereadiwg &rotted he village. of Carrontrook. having &Puked another family 11111C0 onr lest issue. Large numbers are being mininated in onr village and viciaity. lfe is to be hoped that A may be confined to Caresebreek and immediate neighbottood• Dr. King of that village has the iambs in charge and says that it is the worst kind he .erer saw, being of the sonfleent variety. AN oLD INHABITANT 00311t. MT. Robt. Gibson of. McKillop died a few dam 'ago and was buried in Egmond- ville on Saturday last, his funeral being a very large ope. Mr. Gibson NU paralized about 4 months ago end eine. then bas boon in a very helpless state until death smiled his days. A SICILY ?•110D. -This is the most sickly tiine that has over beau known in this part of the conntry, the diseases provident being Cerebre-Spinal Fever, Fever and Arm, Erysipeas, Bronchitis, Pnenmonie, Rheumatic Fever, Neu- ralgia, Coughs, Colds and Childrens Diseaties of various kinds. Our medical men am all bitty as mailers. Unities. -- .Aerie Ammon PAS ON LAILIS (Pros, th. Detrele Tres Prose 1 A correspondent writes from Mthistee __.‘ Peer urrespoedent Tied the Peat water Capt, David Messenger. Hlazows.- 8**.th• change in D. 4. Strachan's harro w advertisement. The. ' poetry is perfectly hum, terver. -Tneegs.-We have to thank H. flor- 1 ton, M. P , fee tupplies of parliamen- rarY PM". EXISII.-The te incorperate Ole villege of Exeter hasp passed its thiel reading. Tsang Leos. -The Dread Trunk Express dne here at 2 o'clock on Men. .lay afternoon was 4j hours tate on ac• count of a break down near Stratford. Howl 8 MC8WAL MONTHLY, -We have received another,eopy of this excifflent publication. We can confidently re- commend it to ourntesicel 1.i/owls LIQUOR CASE. -E. HOSker was ghat -g- od on Monday last before P. Adamson .1. P., 'with having sold liquer on Sun- day. After hearing evidence the case was adjourned for a week. Tme ACADIA - Th.) captain and part ef the crew of the steamer A caidia of the Lake Superior line, which was laid up et Duluth, left Hamilton last week to fit her up for spring oparations. They expect to make their first trip the end of April or beginning of May. COMAtlITID Frit TRIAL. - Payne was brought before C. Crabb J. P. on Monday,„ charged wah having sti:len a coat and some otber articles from the British Exchange Hotel a fete - ',tem aim. The evidence waa purely circumstantial but lie was cotnmitted for trial. CoNTIeTED SF.ATi.- AMON& the scats contested in the Commons at Ottawa are those of the merobers fro the three ridings of Huron. WO are not &tura on what erounds Mr. florton's seat is contested°, but it is not likely the peti- tioners will cars clout paying the e.eta. and the petition will in all likelihood be withdrawu. • Tar eere G•ez.-The gale which oe- curred about ten days agoeand of which mention was made in our last, eppoars to have extended all over the ecorament. We hear of its raging as far west as Coleradn, and.the Ottawa papers report considerable damage doter there. In Brantford part of a church wall was blown down, and in Mitchell and other places further damage was done. lemenurtore MEETING -As announc- ed in our enemies, a meeting was held at clinton on Friday last, on the subject of Immigration. A number of residents of Clinton were' present, as well as seve- ral of the Reeves of the adjoining mnni- eipalities. The proceedings were of a conversational nature, and it was fleetly resolved to form a Society. Au ad- jeurnment Wes made till -Friday, 4th April, when officers will be appoiuted and the organization completed. I env; tm Remove.- -We under -eland • that Dr. Campbell of Seaforth 13 going to remove front his Present residence, ton the lat of April, to th• houne he has lately purchased from Frank .ileyer, on Main Street, near the 8tation, next door to Rea& Hotel and exactly opposite Me- Callum'e Hotel. The Dr. intends to build an nffice clogs to the street, but for the peewee will necupy the house both as a rose:fence and teil 1,ffiCe. Da. Pussnon.-W• regret to kern Dr. Punshon, owing to the nnmer- o demands upon hie tin" will be na. able te visit Goderich -again Ind' his departure for England- in May. 13 e will however lecture in Clinton on Frtdej evening next, his &abject being "John Bunyan " Should a sufficientnumber tre from Gotlerich, it is probable the night trtin, if on time, will eait at Clinton all the clue* of the lecture, to accomodate those who may wish te re- turn, and possibly a epeeist traiu sr111 rite to Clinton, leaving hero aboiti7 o'clock, P. M. GOPZIICII FOUNDRY Co. -This com- nany is determined to push their nisi. nese, and are carrying on the manufac- etre uf machinery, stoves and imple- ruents of all kinds. lhey have corn- ineuced the manufacture sof the celebra- ted Peerless Solf Itakieg Mower and Reaper, a branch of industry which has not been engaged in hitherto in this Place- They know the value of printer's ink, baring obtained a large number of coloured bills at the' ofiice for diatribe- . eon throughout the country. We har/ speciel facilities for getting out phith and coloured work in the hest of style and at reasonable rates. • same seat in theint.atale f te Ministoe yes y wit Cochrane, of the prope coineentine which there ha of lite been so rnany *aim Poing the round* of the ii rorirts. le so • ten o twelve miles, In a soli field o ice ex nding in all e yr i. Iv off Little elirectione as far se the • • cth reach. Tit fact, Lake Mithigan ppeats to be lemons entirely 'ere(' ith ice. The host loft timed ewes od the 26th of January, 1 thi k, with i weather fair. The captain says hest goIne bet a short distance before • ice me ton solid VI break throng and th t 'was put ithout to return Grand seen, but a 'field of ioe had pushed • **tug the Rhone and the t was shut in on all sides. They had ou. board coffee, sugar, Litt rice d drio4 &irides, end enouth Weeder their(' United keep them war,m. C. het in, they se: Fhoserneensrali AD.IonaltaD TIMPIltaNel CtINVE N no); --The adjourned convention of the 1. 0. cf G. Tempters was hal in the Good Templars' Hall on effhureday of last week. A goodly number of deli gates were present front Goderich, Lech v illeand otherpl aces -also one fro m the Temperance paper, Pure Gal. the evening a temperance meeting wu hold at which the delegates delivered short adaresses upon prehilgtion. Ite Jas. Beattie occupied the chair, and an excellent choir cheered the audience with lively airs. A pleasant and pro. ,fitable evening was spent. "Tim Memoir( Hotess,"-This lintel owoed by Mr. Carmichael and until lately occupied by Mr. A. J. MeLend, has changed occupants. Mr. McLeod has gone to Clipton, we understand, to tette charge of a Hotel there, while Mr Cermichael, the owner of the Hotel hee taken possesion of the Hotel hituself. Mr. Carmithael is quite a favorite -with the fanning community and no doubt will do a good liminess m the Hotel. &mom Dewing° VP.- The road* are breaking up, ,it being very bard getting aleng with Modelle end cutters. The ftnners ere preparing for enger making,. They complete of the length and severity ef the past orinter-one man declaring that it was "actually a tempting of Providence to put your head orit of the deer of your hoes* this winter.'" • . _ --ere Terms of Union. 1.retand that the .following teems of Union , will be conceded to Prince Eau -Mislead :t- tarst.-An gunnel allowance et 85.- 000, in addition to the subsidy proposed to he ;ranted by the hotter teens for the expenses of the Local' Government and Legmlaotre. neemed. -The Dominion to 4.1(04 the Primes Edward Island Anhwei, and as- .stinie its debt, net exceeding $3,250,000. descrietien etre presided iti &bum:Imre. nj.d.__Donenion tri take new Stem, Ali present expressed therntelree Dredge. et now under coutreet Led been tapight by Mr, Ckurch• 1 he I Fourth -Dominion to take the new mpletely driftod with the Ends of days. in tight -of land, go for what they Yoko roff frem he co Id get m lie cou Have sar to the ic work ed irita, ba , and, t in upn erase° shed; f d rose Ole wu rga, an tit in. emoted with the mintier iu! which t ey .0sit tempo. pleasant meeting wins tering:treed by the haw Courts and Post Office Building at passage et as unanimous Yoke of *thanks c°5Fit -e6r9 i00ehtiee - Primps Edward Island to be dealt with in the matter of the Fisheries sirailarly with the ether Province', unlep questionepeteling he - fore the Halifax Commiesien thould he settled banes Vision. - Sixth. -An annual payMent of SO oleo" a head on the peptiletien toll it reaches $400,000. Seventh.- -In the event of Unlon the Government of the Dominion to es- deeror to secure for the Intend (real the Imperietelovernment fair etempronset ion for the leas of Crown Lend, and failing in that to mew by loan the stun of a600,- 000 -aryl pay the same u recompense - tion ter the lose of gale lands. cottoned_ .he ioe b taping if water o kwiton or, Gran and all the ere °banns! tliroug eight hours th and finally valet aouth in good s hours were cl ing, closed the i kt this time th ger of being hoe was light a sure. Rid one which was not was after vrards to Mr. Ton h and family fdr their kind- ness in p ing their house at the sor- ,vice of the ass.- Exposifctir. .17th /larch 1873. The Cou eil met this dey at McItae's Hotel. Kin ail. All the members pres ent. . • • The tuiuetes of lard nieetingwere read and appreeed. Moved behAndrew • Drcety, seconded by Mr Delton, that the Widow Shields be granted ehe sem of 010 as relief, the haviug a lerge family of 'small, helpless chbilidorevedu ttlf:truepo.rtH.miCkainrrls,ednen. ended by P. Clare, that the retert of the Inspect- or of Licenses be received, and that the Reeve mid Clerk grant certificates. Car- ried. bfoyed by A. 8. Mae king,. seconded by P. Clary, that theelerk be instructed to•procure the necessary dehentures for wheel sectionswanting te borrow money. Carried. Moved by_ Di. Dalton, seconded A. Drenny, that Alex. McDonald be grant- ed the sera of $13 42 as charity, the same to be'applied in peement of his taxes. Carried. On motion of bk. Dreany, seconded by P. Clare, the Pathmaaters were ap vented. • On motion cf Mr. Drean, secended by Mr. Dalton, the Fente-viewers aed Pound-keemers were appointed. Moved by P. Clare, seconded by M. Daltels, dolt Thomas Sullivan be re- funded the num of f20, and Donald Mc- Donald $7, fur taxes paid by them in mistake for lots which thee did not own, or occupy. Carried. Moved My A. C. Hawkins seconded by A. Drewry, that the Widow Garvey be granted the sent of $10 as relief. Car- ried. ' Moved by P. Clere, seconded by A. Dreany, that this Council now edjoern, to meet again at George Pollock's hotel, Kingsbridge. on the first Monday in May, and that the Court of Reviaien be held at two o'clock on the same day. Carried. eixiSS, T'p Clerk. Tsokesimith. COON CI L M INT I N.1. -The Council met on earth 11, in the 'village of Egruond- vide, pursustit to adjournment The Reeve and all the members present. By laws Nos. 1 and 2 were reed and "On the 9th shorebird sight fourteen days n her. Everybod crushed by the • with all on boa . The the contrary was brought himself, who pose asho six miles bolo* White that they woman right • Leila off lend. • He had boots and his feet were He immediatily went to report the condition o facts in the oast The itoard, including ooe pas man. who seems to enj 'tots no notion of lime* ceptain says the crew deeerve the great- est praise for their behaviour. Not one has attempted to leave 16thout permis- sion, and as for abandttning the boat they have never thought of it. Ho considers that she is qui'. side, and is gr,ing -leek to her to -me es the ice breaks up he &nary good fortune, h into port. "We are havine alive lieges any of Dr. Kane's The Sionista A also in ington, Capt. hiorgen board, with plenty of, visious.g. Both beats • Englemann.Tiensportat and are good substant' fitted to meet the perils ilountcred" Feb the ing w though and Motion Pititior.8 Petitiena have teen presented to the Dominion Parliament, complainine, the undue return of the fellowing mem- bers of the Commons:- -Edgar, Monck; Fiset, Rim mink i; Rosa, Prince Ed ward Archibald, Stormont; Bergin, Cornwall; Blain, Meat York; Wright, l'ontine: Mercier. Renville; Delormo, St. Hya- cinthe; Roes, Wein Middlesex ; Cameron, Cardwell; Beaty, East Toronto; Robin- son, Algoma. Rosa, Centre Wellington; Daly, North Perth; Laflamme, Jacques Cartier; De St. George, Port Neuf ; Thompion, Welland; Boyer, liaski- nonge; Farrow, North Huron; Blanchet, Levis; Baker, Trow, South Perth; Casgrain. l'Islet; Keeler, East Northumberland; Abbot, Argenteuil; Dummy, Yamaska; cook, N. Simms; C,ameren, South Huron; Petersen, South Brant; Carling, London; Price, Chicou- tirni; Tremblay, Charlevoix; Casey, West Elgin; Gibson, Dundee; Langevin, Dorchester; O'Reilly, Renfrew; Dodge, North York; Cluxton, West Peterboro'; Morrison, Niagara; Richards, 8. Leeds; Cockburn, Muskoka; Hotten, centre Huron; Glass, East Middlesex; Wilkes, Centro Toronto; Buell, Brockville; 8mith, Peel; Higinbothane North_Wel- Heston; Rose, East Durham; Shibley, Addington: Mathieu, Richelieu,. Mc- Greevy, Quebec Centre; Kent. N. B. Priffhtftl ikploelee. ri.ostoo or • con. OIL OAN-• AND TWO CHILD11.114 TATiLLT 111. RNIED. Pear Romeo*, March 18.--A serious accident occurred here about ose o'clock to -day. A married wornan named Mo- Auliff -her husband being euirloyed in Mr. J. J. Abbey's shipyard --while in paned. -• Moved by Mr. Sproat, seeended 'hy her three young children sitting on the thu Fret ef pinion, coal oil in the stove - Mr Walker that .Charles McLeod be re -appointed pathmaster for the current year. Carried. Molest by Mr. Welker, seconded by Mr. Chesney, that Jonathan Carter be appointed patlimaster for .livisiou No. 67, Huron Road. tlarried. Moved by Mr. Congas. secunded be Mr. Serest, that George Noll be appoint- ed pathmoster in place of James Mc- Donald, and Wm. 0. Fowler in iplace of Richard Cndmore. Carried On motion of Mr. Walker, the Coun- cil &Tided the township into 67 statute COlaatintetitekei eldelta. labor divisions, allstroer.iNngeligirsorincitievort.d..iva :nsio:thart:t The gnautity of home mon apiefta C kl:Na leialdLiell:bnaPT lyra :n5Ite et horraRe r.f.t nt e 187nnetifiTa$IbiYo, entered for ennsumption in England aa such sum to be toil into the bends uf beverage in the first three -grouters of Robert McArthur to be expended for the 7themeyeet:11, se1801721,:des. :o694,17:41 ig&u. benefit of the said Nicholas Price, a per- beuig1,1&3,449 widens mere than in the eon sick andd in indigent circumstances. corremereasespenoirliwng8,13•74rilotglatinofnith; einpreceIreladliandg. 4,265,889 gallons, an increase of get 106 gallons. The total, therefore, for' the United Kingdom was 18,859,711 gal- lons, en increase of over more then two million palette In the same period the following quantities of imported spirit& were entered for home onnstinp- tien :-Brandy, 2,015,242 proof gallons, inereese of 161,594 gallons over the quantity in the corresponding period of the preceeling year ; rum, 2,879,116 proof gallons, au increase of 153,886 gal. ons ; other sorts, 503,125 proof redone, 1 decrease of 265,211 gallons. THE LADIES' ALL BAY THAT JOHNSTON & BROS. NEW PRINTS ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFT:L PAT- TERNS THEY HAVE SEEN. floor close by -the extension of the name exploded the can, enveloping Mrs. WAWA!' in flames, and immediately setting fire t• the)vom. Mrs. Mc A lila, wrapped in flames, roisbud out of the door, ceiling for assistance. One child was rescued by &man who happened to IA in tbe room. The other t remained roasting alive until invert by the men employed by Mr. Abbey, about fifty yard. from the house. It is elunist possible for the two children burned to reeover; and Mrs. *Auld is so badly burued that her recovery remains doubt - fel. • MUM= et rotas the OW Reek MIrderer.. se ed. Qum there, keel nte the oven ruch Mule the ceptain ore :tutting a For forty - incessantly, t sad started all the har- e wild chant - then &pia. ' Het -able dan- rtunately the ith ;the prat - Pulled in her, a new plank ry • thee, on 1, and for heard from she had been gone down first news to y the captain our the es, 11, reporting about twelve a pair et kid trollop badly. .to Milwaukee • vessel and fifteen on nger, an old hiinaelf anal • boat. The Hie Lan Booed ! New York, Marok 20. -Footer passed the day quietly. Ho heard of the heal efforts of hie counsel to prevent, on legal tochnimlitfes, his elocution from coating off toonorrow, and his hope. es_ vimd. On receiving intelligence that the effort hart proved in vain, he beanie very dejected, and desired no one would speak to hiin except his wife. Rev. be Tyng spent upwards of an hour with Foster this afternoon. He refuted to undergo the ordeal of parting with his children. This evening the final Petting between Fester and his wife took pls.*, both were deeply affected ; he kissed her nopeatedly, rnd she clung to biln until overcome withemotion, when she fainted and was carried 04. Carried. Moved by Mr. Emceed, seconded by Mr. Cousins, that the account of John- son Brothers, for nails for Campbell's bridge, $1 50, be paid. Carried. Moves! by Mr. Walker, seoonded by bfr. Chesney, that the following shall be the scale on which the statute letter shall bo wrought for the future, and that the Clerk be instructed to dreft a by-law iu accordanoe with this motion -for every person ameseed on the assessment roll et net mop. than $500, t elas from 1600 to POO, three days; and on each additional $000, or part of $300, one day u p te $2, 000); and 011 011011 lidditi012•1 $400 over and above the aum of $2,000, one deo. Carried. Moved Mr. Walker. &mended by Mr. Chesney. that the Tavern In- spector be instructed to visitethe several w. As emu will. with or - le her sefely tures, as thril• here at borne. • ice off Led - it a crew on tat *and pro- long to the n Company, vessels, well ey have, en - The Ocott ainrdsr. New York. March 21.-Ateleven min. ides past nine this morning Foster was led out of his cell,, supported by Sheriff Brennan and Under IllairriffStemens. Fes. ter walker unfalteringly to the scaffold ; his face had a heath/iv flesh. Arrived beneath the sad ad, Itev. Dr. Long, as. noted by Rey. Mr. liclusonmaker, read the 55th psalm. As ythe solemn words were read, in which ttie psalmist besought lod to open the eye -of mercy unto tais thy servant. the *gene was hushed, and impressive in the titreme. During the reading of the ursine Fodor stood be- neath the scaffeld, his head bowed down, and his left hand shading his eyes. Rey. lir. Schoen maker shook hands with Fes- ter aud said, "God bless thee, my dear friend." At seVenteen Minutes past ninn, the holt was drawn, Foster's Leidy res. ince the air, and the condemned man iclve one slight struggA, almost impercepti- ble. There was en &Wiener of the usual MOveinent, of the shoulder, • slight con- traction of the loner, limbs, and a barely perceptible motion of the hands. After hanging five imientee, the body was lowered abouteine inches, and • minute thereafter. about it fent further. Twelve minutes after the belt had been drawn, the pulse ceased. It was orident, durir.g the reading of the service, that he wu rapidly sinking, and scarcely able to stand. The body was lowered into the coffin, and 000veyei into the dead -house •N‘INDE LI PLR STAIN ON rex NurieNAL • .11011 . (Awn thi t"Inatlioti Monthly ) We presume flea lore. bave heard the last of the Scott and Diet lege as a Par - I ramcntaryinestion, hough nothing can cffece the stain fro the 'Meals et the nation. The menet *as mei of singular atrocitv, both fe its circenistenees and in its motives; in it cireutnstanees, le- gatee it was oneet, eh retie and heist coldbleoilede in its inn, nnt only I -meanie the object ef t i perpetratore was treason, hut because the victim be- ing hellplegs i9 the' hands df his captors, his exectitine was unextheed even by the evil exigericie3 of rebellion, and was simply an mit of dasterdly barbarity For the same resolons the nations.' tumor empheticelly required that:the murderer should he brought t 0 justice. Nor could ,here be aey Motile as to his amenabiltty re the law not withatending the change of ercal euthoelly. •The prerogative of justice reside.* entirely! and coutinueusly in the Qeeen, all °titer authorities lug merely her minitters who may lensed to any extent "About &fined] her royal right and d,pty to pitnish any crime committee stalt`n her dominions. ft would be as &leant to sey that mur- der might be committed with Imptinoty in Manitoba betimes the local jurisaic- non wits chaniging hands ow it Would be to say that mentor might be oommitted with impunity i.i the streets of London because the (elute uf law were under going re-organirenun. And of mese if the Canadian eloye,rninditt had applied te the Crown for power, t would, in ac- corilanee with the prin les of the eon - siltation, have been Led in their hands. Nor ti.oes it see that there wu tny nal objectien on th score of policy so far as Ilaniteba was cencerned. j The French half-breeds ere ot the Snit of ii people t,, be estranged' being handled with deterrninatiou; ells are more likely to be rendered :permanently intmeteble by the spectaele`of a traiter and a mur- derer stalking in triqmph over the grave of his Melte, torch* himself into the presence of a rimluentatire of the Crown and presenting himself as a candidate foe Parliament. But the Government weld not afford to riek the logs of the F ch Catholic vote: T that is the son e fact, and it may be stated tot out meting much personal discredit Ion the Ministers that Governments Mug subsist; -self- preservation is their duty; if. by the recognized system, they are hounded nnt on national lint on sectional stipport, to sectional uproot titer must look. and, their responsibilities INDIA be measured be. their power. The French Catholic _ Nrw cr t t55 cut cuts. a, RED STORE1! New Dry Goods, °New Clothing, New Groceries, New Boots and Shoes. iNspEci /ON TM -in. JOHNSTON & BRO., Noted for Cheal) Good#:.. Goderich, Marsh 25th, 1873. of the Tombs, witenoe it will hoe taken momereeereesemeat to day to the residence of Foster's de- Trumsn's Etriater. voted widow. 26 -Sale of Town Lota at Wessels, ti T. Leadbeater. 28-Farin Stock Lot 8, lat con. Bev- an action was brought by the widow field Reed, Goderich Tuseship, Mr. and executrix of the estate of the late Fuller. John Hutton, of Windsor, against the April 1 -Farm Steck, FLU:hard Row• Corporation of that Town, for injuries den Lot 9, con. 3, E. D. Colborne. . 2 -Mr Sargent S. lot 11, Bayfiell Road, Goderich Tp, arm Stock. 3 -Farm Stock Jas Hicks, Le 12, 9 een•Goderich T'p. 4 -Farm Steck, R. Was m Lot 2, lat Warning ta Corporations. received by the dueased in falling on a defective sidewalk, from the effects of which he died. The darimees claimed were 110,000. The deco:teed left a widow mei several children who were to a great extent dependent upon the than Con. Bayfield Road Godericti T ty of the world for a lit elihood. The 5 -Household Furuiture, Mrs. Simp party was strong eitongli to ere • V4I0 on the enticement of Rice that is the upshot of the tnenaction, The cense-. quence has been a scene of weakness, prevarication, and noel al humiliation rit .on whieh we willingly let the curtain fall, thotigh we cinnut 'relent it hien taking its place in hist° y. vi.a.r.i:401.T. FIVE MEN e'llARG ED WI T ii Mi (WEIL named jetties .1.,:1-et-si-et, hA son, Jan: Weieeerox, Marth !Ile-- Five men 11"44.int-11:swamofojruoilinrig- is hired imme- nse, A eli ur le O., of Gen. Price, of Failerw000l, at a small village cell i du Dore, nit the shore of Lake Huren, near Under. wood, on blonde). nig.otleat. Tho ment- or is said to have green -ma of a fight between two teeters 'quelling reseect- ively to the Joie, ir oil All Price family, who lived across the rt.ad from eaCh other at the place natuell. It extended trent the ganders to dm children, end then to the lemur u. mod fined). it es tele r up by the MOIL 041/ .1rolinaolli under- took to triisls j one: " e, but getting badly beaten e desire fo reveuge seems to have taken ""all vaf friheilindlur:anntd:. which unhappile maul in the death ed McQuade, mere g of the elder Price. 0 Monday night last, as tbe two Prices wt heerni r tei n, g t h°euyt prale.ulgnicei adt etipo°11b7the fite men named and beaten with nicks, in a dreadful manner. The elder Pri .0 was killed on the spot, hts skull beisig smashed in, wheat eloeusig was else badly beaten. The younger Price souped withcul &orioles injury. Tbey dill be tree here at the Speog Assizes. , son, and John serr, were Indge.1 vet her ty Constable Mclear charged with the um e 17.111115aPtr iff9.5t749. We observe that Pr. Tupper in are swer to questiou by a member, stated that the Government .lid nut intend to Propose the abed IIOR efpostaee on news - Papers this session. Wie unaerstand • memorial nu tho subjett ia being pre - Pared by the Ego:uteri Committee of the Canadian nem Assteistien for pre. , inotetion te the House.' Wheu it ap- , it Irene to wellif it were pee = and the sentimeuts it coveters en. forced by every newspaper in Cued. - A pull ae together by the Prose of the Doininion will not be easily resisteil,- Lohdon Advertiser. . jury returned a verdict in favour of the infant children fur 64,000. 11111•1=1 eon West St. Goderich.• _-• _ _ _ _ New lbuctlistments. • TUE IMMO Gooatuor, Wheel,11fall).t.te.11 Mheat.(0ronn) • bash— Flour .(por Del ) 0.t3.1 built . Pell, "push 1. 1.13riej, 111 bosh. pst..t...00. • haslet 11;rli, 10530 fay p/r trite .... ChIckesta per pair Ilatter,10 10 of ..... 11t4.. ....... r•tt 75, 1573. 51 20 1 21 , • 1 1.7 • 1 18 c to • 4 60 0 40 Ort ( 03 la 11 0 10 • 0 se/ 0 2; 40 0 44 , 4 ol el 4 m 11,11E11E are you ram; in such a 12 00 • 11 00 " hurry? .3 noon I am going over to McINTOSII'S 011 o o is Gun eine) to eet my Sewing Machine . 4 st 5 09 eepeired. You can get kinds of Sew,- . 6 00 M 6 03 Mg Machines put in , STOP, STOP, FRIEND! We .1 ..... . ..... 11;tol • .Ins (tinpacke / egrRieneniter the place ito recr a" • 3 54 Good Running Order o 9 10 • 0 1: there, if uet there is no charge. 'Elitlxru if ‘11Rtalirrerl: .22, 1873. FLOU a --Extra. $6.50. Fancy $5.90, No‘ill.1 ZIT -rF89.511 41151.27 Spring . 22. Oers - 40c to 41c. Beaesr - 64c to 70c. Peas -67 to 69c. CRSille-6s!fos--35cTe.icreothy $3.50 to 63.55. Clover $5.60 to$5.70. Durrett -Nothing deltas. Cnessit . -10 to 13e. Hroc.017-_47$1.6 to $17. Eason • Dic. CITTLE. The market leis been fairly well rep- lied during _the last three days, but les have generally been made in em 41 . Prices seem to be rather firmer. Firet-class are especially wanted end sell readily at 114 00 to $4 25, with $4.- 50 for choice. Second•class are steady asthell:L2agindteine3inbn62a,reanstatrenhird-ncilladsawastnind$3. at firm prices. • There was one lot of all head, half cheep and kalf lambs, dressing about 76 lbs., sold at $7 ; • lot of 12 sheep brought $8 151. Calves eine: ierillactntiesentleforerafiernd ia.ctlfinsrmk parnidcesi7bien 19 for second -elms, dressing not less till"' 8° iblIfeserees Ilene ens. btarch, 22. Fence. Frtra, 06 95 to $7 25 ; Fancy, 66 40 tn eft 50; Strong Baker's Ill'fof.125,t°$1165 6025to; $5811P670r.;$5FineW, w$514300To; 05 10 ; Middlings, $4 00 tett 25 ; Pe- tards, $2 75 to 1113 50; City Bags P3.15 nominal. Market quiet and steady. Co us se Nothing doing. WenzaT.0-NowEla18._es. Pee v I rk , Mess, Old, dull at $16; Nen'', at 417 50 to II18.00i Hogs, $6 50 nominal. Lard, 14c to 10. ChfGolitunttr,120nretnaseiscS:orcta2051,19007tic:trt.:2,711:;;IFtnopai:e2rakttiso igusennET,snLy2cspiitointoisil.:444cr. $9 00 to $9 05. 33I.ItTEE. pepolop, on the 20th inste the wife of Mr. Wm. Bollard, of • daughter. • In Seaforth. on the 22nd inst., the wife Mr. John Campbell of the Cominercial soonn.March 12, the eife of Mc. Thos. Ballantyne, of a son. In Brussels, on March 18, the wife of Mr. Wm. It. Wilson, of &daughter At Coldwater, Mich., U. on the Tend Kyolorrnepu non.2, the wife of Mr. M. M. • _ At lermondville, on March 19, hy Rey. Wm. Graham, Mr. Angus McDonald, to Misa Mary McMillan, beth of the towealiti, et IlibLert. In Stanley on March 19, by Rag_ E. I lay is, 'Moses Lang, Esq., Deputy Reeve of atornington, to Miss mei, Elliott, of Stanley. In St. John's Church, Varna, on March 19, lp Rev. E. Daria, David Mclie eight Esq., of Kincardine, to Miss charlotte Rattenbury, et Bruesfield. F.eotforth, OD March 18, by Rey. Mr. Geldemith, Mr. Dugald McTaggert, of (Inv, to Isabella, daughter of Mel Wei. fictions., of Grey. In Seaforth, en March 20, by Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. P'rancis Grieve, of Seaferth, to Miss S4410.0 M. ReinKrt, hicKillop. chicago, March 3, at the cathedral, ey the Rey. Canon Knowles, le. b, Dills, Esq., of Areator, Cal , to Miss Kate Perry, late of Clinton. By the Rev. E. Clemeat, at the resi- dence of the bride's perinea on pen. day, March 17th, Phillip bit:gibbon, Feq., Merchant of Winghast oat., to Alia& Elizabeth H. 11. Oecto agogh. ter of John •-e'ar ter, Eate, of Picten. I) I D In Brussels, on Friaa9,\March 14, pm Thee. Watson, Sr., aged 48 years and Tr000tlic At Goderick, on Saturday morning, 224 inst., Charles P., youngest child of goptien Dancey, aged 1 rear. In Biddulph Tp.eteon the 12th burial, Ann, beloved wife et Mr. ulna Brooks, after a short and paildel ill- ness, aged 55 yeses. Jr•rtbui's Drug Store. . Cooderia, Starch 24th, 1873. /3e2 _ • ' 4 J DR.HALLOCKS NEW REVIGORATOR VOR nervous debility, seminal nese toes sexes' power pre- nisturedocay, mental aud physical pros- tration, fear, Ilesponiency, and other evils canned by excessive secret indulg- ence. Thisstire remedy is composed of the most seething, strengthening and inyigerating medicine ia the whole vegetable kingdom, and is the most per- fect antidote for this obstinate class of malsdies, ever yet discovered. It kaa been sent to all parte of the country, coring thousands whe have never seen tbe inventor, metering them to perfect health. Nervous sufferers ! whererer you may be, don't fail to obtain tkia Wonderful remedy. The sun remedies aro I:mewed at the Dispensary, No. 497 Craig Street, Montreal, and can be obtained nowhere else. They are warranted as represest- ed in every respect, or the price will be refeeded. Sent be express to all parte of the Dominion, and fur vale at the Dimensary, No. 497 Craig Street; open from 9, a. m. to 8 p. m. Address all orders and letters to •FROF. HALLOCK, Ne, pie Craig Street, Montreal; P. Q. _ • BOOK FOR EVERY MAN. 159 pers trie'd 12 engreeinge PR161.1 t15 'ars. A Medical Treatise ea the Cause and elms of ills worth reading. Cure of Exhausted Vitality, Premature aerrtdorssllof cdheeldpese bTalindforbte.vs published. Debility, Hypochondria, Impotency, epermaturrlitee or Sernival Weakness, „oases of miters years. This is iu- have been taught by this Mork the true Decline in Man, Nervous and Physical way to health and happiness. It A the Adecess all orders to No. 497 Ciaig Street, Montreal, P. Q, PROF. F. HALLOCK. °tyhoeUthdiaemialor the and the only one on the eteymedneicajo. wTiohuiroku2sa_elyn,relar ainririllisciAgreftr9ioniss thoer CARD. 1362"; Farm for Sale or to Rent. * rr HE enbeerii.er offers for gale or to a Rent his Linn, being Lot Nq. 16. 4th ooneession. Gederich Township, 4i miles from Gedereh, coataleing 80 acres, over 60 cleared and in a geed stets of oultiestion. There are ,7•I1 the premises a good cedar Mg ions* 22 x 30, a good frame barn 50 x 32 with sheds for cat- tle, an ample simply of water, sae a large orchard -of fruit trees (including apples, plume, pears and peaches) in fall Leanne. Would Also dispoeo of the horses, stoli and inneetrients. For terms, ae., apple SAMCEL McMATH, On the premises. blareh fflat, 1873. 1362 • - - -- nR, CAMPBELL, of &siderite eaa reneged to the home OD MIMI Street, 174•7 the Station, lately occupied by 11.r. Frank Meyer, one door south of Foie Hotel, &led exactly epposete gatioseeees Hotel, where he wal found by night or day es usual. parch 25th, 1873. 1362 e . • iege . = Lot 2, Con I , Goefiertth 7" p, list(634(1 AUCTION SALE r, FARM' STOCK, &c. co M. TRFEINAN .18 ins:meted by vir • Mr. Robert Wilsou sell bj• Auc- tion on his Farm, lot 2, eon. I, Code - rich Township, *diorite; the town of thidcrich, FILIAL!, 'lib 11)1111,, 1873, Cornmencine at o'cleck, noon, tle undennennoned F..rm Stock , 1 span Horses. 1 Colt 3 rears old, 3 Cows in calf ri Farrow Cor, 3 Hide= in calf, 1 Steer. 2 Heifers two years old, 3 yeariee Calves; 13 Ewes in Lamb and Lambed. 4 Pins, 1 Cubioater, 1 Stitch Harrow, 1 Famine/ Mel, 1 Lumber waggen, 1 Rean,r end 1.1-iwor nearly new, 1 Hay Rake, 1 ISpit ... .. g Whose 1 Drag. 1 (.!( °king Stove, 1 Churn, 1 hay Fork, with sundry other articles. Tempo or SALK :—A11141US of ah and under Cash, &bore that um 9 months' Credit will be given by furnishing ap- preyed Joint Notes. R. WILSON, Preprietor. 0.• M. TRUE)! AN. Auctiosseee. Mirth 2eth, 1873. 1862 For Salel, A SHORT HORN BULL, • • 1.,,,rd Durham," rieug 5 yen's old. Registered Pedicree. 2 ming Butts of On sum breed. one 12 and the nther 9 montinold.StreLord Derham,'' and Danis hare also P.egis- teried Pedigrees. a gond common Con in calf by Short Ultra Bull "Lord Durham." Apply to Mir. HODGE, ;Janefield Fares, ate con.. T'p Goleric.h. Muth 25th, 1873. 1352c* Fire Proof Safe • POR SALE, size 3 feet by 2 feet 6 a inches. Pnee WILLIAM GORDON'. St. Helene, 24th March, 1873. 1372c •61 at.. 1,'Ex: • 4r" to rl 0 0 r/1 lrtgoi `-;,' sivi+. 34: :41 1.111 ttt a /It cOrt th4 as, '40 ti„, z Far f '67 1.‘ C . 0 LION STORE. - -„etocee j, I .4%elette4note : To la VERY N...17)1_EyamOtotrr:C:11110BIERS IPthimUl!LIc GENERALLY, (PO.011 4Atitimy:11,1114.F. ire)AounisimPti1G00, roiate:)...;:i.....;,osTicAu.tbigsy,,a,Dyeseoureiconern:RD:roivoildrsibrf:trsist,:.:11.a.stg.r°,t Bo op .taal igasiz:B,BoapsyysebiliA.si:o rtin g. , arrings Guisrisk, Jax°11°T.Ii13‘872c10EIZIE;