HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-09-25, Page 25CARDS OF THANKS -- A big thank you to Dr. Gans, nur- sing staff and visitors who remembered me while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. — Mrs. Lome Johnston $9p We would like to thank all our friends and neighbors who helped put at the time of our recent bereave- ment. • — Bill and Marion Livingston 39c I would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for Cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since retur- ning home, Special thanks. to Dr. Tong and Dr, Gulens, Ruthanne Martin 39p We would like to express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for helping. us celebrate our 45th wedding anniver- sary and making it a happy occasion. BIRTHS —, cArtftom; John and Irene- (nee Park) are. happy to aanounce the birth of A ..daughter, Jennifer Margaret, •born .Septernber 15, 1975, in St. Marys Memorial Hospital., 39c HARBIIHN' Murray and Brenda (nee Clarke) announce the birth of a son, Jason Robert Francis, September 11, in St. Joseph's Hospital. A small brother for Jeff, 39c MOLLARD — Bill and Anna (nee , Hem) are happy tq announce the birth of their daughter, Lorrie Ann, born September 17, 1975, at St. Joseph's Hospital, 'L don, A sister for Kenneth and Darryl. 39c WEDLAKE — Gary and Donna of Montreal announce the birth of a spn, Michael Douglas, on September 23, 1975, 7 lb. 11 oz., grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wedlake,• Exeter, first grandchild for Mrs, Rae King, Havelock, and Mr. Don Allen, Calgary. . 39e proposal to establish two area Offices in MA, one in the -Glen- cairn district and One in the Argyle planning district, This has been chosen As an alternative to adding space at the central of- nee. The decentralization should make the agency programs .rnere accessible to the users of :the service, and more visible to the. public $enerally. Crediton Baseball Assoc. AUTUMN FROLIC DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Oct. 4 Music by THE HEYWOODS Dancing 9 - 1 Lunch Provided $6.00 a Couple For Tickets Phone 234-6319 Support Your Team The family of ELDON AND DOREEN DATERS invite you to attend their parents' 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance Sat., Sept. 27 EXETER LEGION 9:00 - 1:00 a.m. • Music by BLUE MOONS Buffet Lunch provided Everyone Welcome ii•1071.1 25th Wedding , Anniversary Dance for , KEITH & WILMA MacLEAN Sat., Oct. 4 SEAFORTH. LEGION HALL Music by THE ROYALAIRES Best Wishes Only Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance for LAURA LEE and JIM MacDONALD (Bridal Couple) Sat., Oct. 4 9 - 1 a.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE GOOD TIMERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome • • • . • • • The Anglican Church of Canada , • .• . Trivitt Memorial Rector REV. G. A. ANDERSON, D.P.C., Dip. Th. Harvest Thanksgiving Services Sunday, September 28 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.—Holy Communion The Sunday School children will assist in the service. Everyone is Welcome Exetet Pentecostal 'Tabernacle • Main at Victoria • REV. DON FORREST Sunday, September,28' Woinvito:Yaii to loin fOr the fallowing services.*: -945 a:M.Sunday School ; Missionary Services.' , . 11 :0() Worship • • Mr: Harold 'Minor * • • . i;00 p.m.Evangellatic Service Rev. Calvin Rat/ •• , •• - Tues.-7-8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study . • • We would welcome your brayer • ' requests. Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV. WILFRED D. JARVIS, B.A., 13,1). Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh. Sunday, September 28 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School Grade 3 and Up 11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 2 Nursery Everyone, Welcome Emmanuel Baptist Church • Huron'St. West Fundamental — Evangelical Sunday, September 28, 1975 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School , A class for every age 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Speaker, Mr. Silas McFalls 1:30 p.m.—Evening Worship • Mr. Silas McFalls Nursery facilities at all Sunday Ser- vices for children four. years and under. Wed. 8:00 p.m.—prayer find Bible Study Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist Last night for Children's Crusade Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR:.REV. X. HAHN Sunday, September 28 8:30 a,m,—Morning Service Centralia Faith Tabernacle Sunday, September 28 10:00 a.m.—SUnday,School 11:00 a.in.—MornInd Worship 8:00 p.m.-,-EvangelistIc Service Everyone Welcome Centralia Community Centre' Jeetis Is Life ReviVal Sunday, Septeimber 28 Services 3:00 p.m. end 7:30 p.m. - Rev, N. Wolfe, speaker Welcome to all CARPS OF THANKS— Special thanks to Susan Devlaeninck, Joanne Steffens and Helen Koricina who prepared and served the dinner. — Joe and Mary Regier We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral arrangements, cards and donations to the 'Heart Fund in memory of our dear father and grandfather who passed away suddenly September 18. A special thanks to Rev. Jarvis, Dr. Goddard, pallbearers, the Bonthron Funeral Home and nurses of South Huron Hospital for their thoughtfulness, — The family of the late Robert Thom- son 39p The family of the late Alice Edna Traquair wish to express a sincere thank you to our relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy, flowers, donations to heart and cancer funds and also to Hensel' United Church , ladies , and • Rev, Beck, . 39e I. would like to thank "my friends and 'relatives • for 'cards and visits while I was, in. the hospital and after returning. hoMe. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated, Kevin Bestard 39p Dance Sponsored by' SOUTH HURON REACT Sat., Oct. 11 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EXETER LEGION HALL $4.00 a couple Draw for a C.B. Radio & Antenna Music by THE SKIPPERS Tickets Available 228-6378 229-8831 35th Anniversary • Dance • for HARVEY AND BERTHA TAYLOR Friday, Sept:26 Dancing 10 - 2 HOLLY GULLY Varna Music by THE HEYWOOD BROS. No Gifts Please Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome' ALWAYS READY TO HELP South Huron District Hospital Women's Auxiliary a 5 3 a Sept. 26 and .27 • Exeter United Church James at Andrew Ministers: REV. GLEN D. WRIGHT, B.A., B.D. and REV. HAROLD SNELL, B,A., Organist and Choirmaster: . Mr. Robert Cameron ' Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, September 28 10:30—Sunday School children meet 11:00 —Suttday School Rally Day Nursery Courtesy Car - 235.1392 Sign :on a' church billletin board, "The way you've been playing golf on.Sundays, wouldn't you be better off In church?" Zion United Church Credlton Minister REV, BRUCE PIERCE, 8,Th, Organist Douglas LeWIS , Sunday, Septeinber 28 10:00 a.M.Morning Worship Allots welcome • • Zion • Lutheran Church Dashwood. Vacancy Pastor REV. MARVIN BARZ Sunday, September 28 9:00 a.m.—Divine Service 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class' • All Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN, B.A,, B.D. Minister . • 'Sunday, September 28 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Mr. Henry Bloemendaal, Holland, Mich. 11:10 a.m.—Sunday School 7:3.0 p.m.—Evening Worship Mr. Henry Bloemendaal Christian Reformed Church REV. JACK ROEDA Minister Sunday, September 24 10:0Q a.rn.—Morning Service 2:30 p.m.:—Afternoori S'eryice The Back to.God Hour CHLO 4:30 p:m. DIa11570 Exodus Promotions Presents THE RAMBOS Gospel Concert Thursday, October 9 t 8 p.m. SAUNDERS SECONDARY SCHOOL Wonderland Ave,, London Advance Tickets $3.00 from Wilsons Jewellery and Norm Tait, Exeter Thres-A0vocutp.'$optomber 25,197.5 „Soo; '13* Middlesex group Plan major re-organization Gleticairn and Argyle W•re chosen because they are it eho. siderable distance from the mate office, have a large proportion of families in the population, snit make a high demand on the present services of the family agency. The actual move to digtrict offices is exPected early in the ' New Year, CARDS OF THANKS, • John and Gerry Chafe* and Julie wish to extend Our heartfelt thanks to our friends, relatives, neighbors and all the people in general who.helped Sustain us through our very trying period, during our los§ of our home, contents and personal possessions, • Our thoughts and prayers are for you as' you. have shown yours are for • • 390 Terry .013:ripe F..xecutive Director of Family .and Children's Services for .I411.- OOP and Middlesex, announced today the details of a major service re-organization to take effect on October 1st, The change, said Mr, O'Brien, follows more than a year of study. The key concept in the new plan is to provide a continuous relationship with one social ,worker, Formerly, a person might see one social worker for the initial .assessment,another for ongoing service, and still another if a child was involved in long term care or adoption. This means that the staff of the agency will have to become "generalists" rather than specializing in one aspect of the work.. Mr. O'Brien outlined as well,a CARDS OF THANKS, -We wish to thank Our friends for the many cards and calls of sym- Pathy in the loss of our grandson Bill. Grandma and Grandpa Heywood 39p want to say thanks and give my appreciation to all friends who remembered me with• cards, flowers and best. wishes and their prayers while I was a patient in Exeter hospital. — Ezra Webb 39p Our sincere gratitude is extended to our friends, relatives and neighbors for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts on the occasion of our 60th wedding anniversary. A very special thanks to pur family. for the lovely family dinner at Bayview Inn, also to Verna and Harold for having Open House at their home. It all made for a very memorable day. — Mr. and Mrs, Norman Heaman 39c • • • • CASH BINGO Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday, September 26, 1975, at 8:15 p.m. sharp, 15 regular games for • $10.00 each and a $75.00 Jackpot to go each week, Admission $1,00. Extra Cards 25C or 7 for $1.00, (Children un- der '16 not permitted). Proceeds for Welfare Work, .Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal. Canadian Legion, •• 38tfne October 10 for Thanksgiving weekend. No night driving. 21 day California and Golden West Tour departs October 19. Salt Lake City, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and much more included. 2 day WWVA Jamboree tour departs November 14. 10 day Florida tour December 26 (Christmas), 14 day Florida tours January 17, January 31, February 28, February . 9••day Florida tour March 19 (Mid term). 18 day Texai and Mexico March 15. ' All above tours are becoming heavily booked. Make your reservations now and avoid being disappointed. 37tfnc Mrs, George A, Anderson wishes to thank all those who- so kindly Sent Rowers, get well cards, letters and gifts while she was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital • for six weeks. Special thanks is, extended to our neighbors, to Gwyn Whilsmith and the "Wednesday Nighters", to Cecil Skinners' Thursday group, to the U.C.W. of Calvary United Church, Dashwood, Hensel! United Church, to The Catholic Womens' League, Ex- eter and Mount Carmel, to the Anglican Church Women of St. James Westminster Church, London, of St., Pauls, Thedford, of Trinity Church, Fordwich, of St. Petits, Hen- sail, of Trivitt Memorial, Exeter, also to the Christian •Womens' Club. All your , prayers were' appreciated and mercifully answered, Your con- cern and kindness will always be remembered. 39p I would like to thank everyone for cards and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Special thanks to the doctors and nurses on the third floor south Wing. It was 'all greatly. appreciated. — Norm Jaques 39p ' • • ' • .• : . • . • We would.like,to. thank oar-family . and friends .ior , the. lovely . • flowers, • cards. :and:•treats received while, in. St: JOseph's and: • • since :7-; • , Darlene end Lindsey Bourne; ; 39c , • • the. hite ,Carnation, Holmesyille, Monday, • Seatember 29,% Dinner at 7 ANNUAL TAG' DAY -- Women's' • Auxiliary' to South Huron Hospital, ,•September•:. •:2.6 ', and • ' 27„: 1975.. •:' . 07,3803911c . •• • •. . • . ANNUAL MEETING • of.the Huron County Cancer Society will be held at p.in. with business session to follow. Guest speaker 'will be Ron Calhoun of ,Tharnesford, district, , vice president •and campaign manager. for the dis- • trict.• . • ' •EDUCATION CLASSES,. — The, Huron County Health Unit invites•you to' attend .the Expectant Parent Education 'classes being held in the Health Uniroffice, South Huron HoSpital, Exeter, commencing Mon- day, September 29, 1975, from 7:30- 9:30 p.m, Would anyone who is in- terested please pre-register by call- ing 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 235-1014. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend and participate in the dis- cussions, (37),(38)39c ANNUAL SMORGASBORD hot turkey supper, Wednesday, October 1, 4:30-7:30 p.m. at' Varna United Church. Adults $3.50, children 6-12 $2.00. Children under 6 free. Spon- sored by Varna UCW. 39c 'RUMMAGE AND BAKE Sale, Satur- • day;] October 4 at 1:00 p.m., Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Lucan, Good Used clothing for all ages. 39,40c PRESBYTERIAN ,SERVICES lobar 5;:1975,. 9 a.m.,morning Worship Caien.0;15'a.m: holy Communion • • PRESBirTERiAN SERVICES — 0C- tabor 5, .1975, . 9 -a.m. morning worship, Ca,ven.: 10:15 a,m. Holy Communion, 'Carmel. 11:30 'Holy Corarminion, Cromarty. October 26, 1975, -11:00 a.m, 'Anniversary, • Caven. • • •' 39,40c RUMMAGE 'SALE — South Huron Hospital 'Rummage • Sale,Exeter Legion 'Hall, Friday, October 17, • 1975, 9 Lin, - 9 p.m. 39,40c .DANCE — Ailsa Craig Lions Dance, October 17, Huron Park Rec. Hall. • Music by Joe OVerholt. Tickets available from any Lions member. 39,40,41,42c SMORGASBORD SUPPER , ' Wednesday, October 22, 543 p.m. Ad- vance tickets only, Kippen United Church.. ' (38),39c40nc BEEF BARBEQUE, Wednesday, October 29, 5-8 p.m. Advance tickets only, Brucefield United Church. (37,38c)39nc40,41c42ne HOT TURKEY SUPPER, Wednes- day, October 29, Holy Trinity Church, Lupan, 39c FETTES TOURS and Travel, 184 Main Street, Mount Forest, Ontario, 519-323-1545. CALIFORNIA TOUR — 21 day tour departs October 19. Includes all ad- missions and side trips, transporta- tion, accommodation and luggage handling. Visits Universal Studios, Disneyland, Hoover Dam, Grand Ca- nyon; Petrified Forest, Painted DeSert, Mormon Tabernacle and more. Reserve now. FALL COLOUR — 4 day tour departs October 5 and features Ontario's most colourful areas, Beaver Valley, Blue Mountains, Muskoka boat cruise, Algonquin Park, Madawaska, Ottawa River, Gatineau Hulls, Ot- tawa, Rideau Lakes and the Kawarthas in one tour, Reserve now while space is still available. • ESCORTED MOTOR COACH Tours from Mount Forest with pick ups en route. All admissions, accommoda- tion, side trips etc. included. All Coaches washroom equipped and air- conditioned. Free brochures available from Fettes Tours. 3 day Adirondack Mountains Fall Colour Tour featuring Tupper Lake, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and boat cruise. Departs September 30. 4 day Muskoka, Algonquin, Ottawa and .Gatineau Hills Fall colour tour departs October 5. 4 day Grand Ole Oprey Tour departs Zion West . United Church Anniversary Service rt Sun., Sept. 28 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker REV. DON SPENCER Probation Officer, London innnunnuuurnnuuurtunnnnuuunnrlliuir ,lnunnnunnuutr nnnununuutirtntnnnn ; 4 NOW BINGO. Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, • • Organist: . • • Miss;Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T„ • Our Lady of • MOunt Carmel PariSh • REV. J. MOONEY, PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday-7:30 p.m. St. Peter's Church - Hwy. 4 Sunday-9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church, Exeter) Main at Gidley Sunday-11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: phone 235-0111 • ' • Tonight - 'Thurs., Sept. 25 it- 8:30 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL SuridaY,Seritember,28 • -• • 9:45—Church Service • . 10:50-.-Sunday School • • • Fveryone Welcome • • 20 GAMES Couhtry Singlets once SAT. OCT. 4 at VANASTRA MUSIC BY "FOUR OF A KIND" Refreshments SERVED Watch for our next dance on. OCT. 18 AT V-ANASTRA MUSIC BY "ENCORE" JACKPOT '300 • 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot • 2 Share-the- Wealth 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance for GEORGE & SHIRLEY TIEMAN Sat., Sept. 27 9 - 1:00 a.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE HEYWOOD BROTHERS No Gifts Please FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday . • BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Dashwood 6:15 p.m., „ Exeter • 6:30 p.m. Huron Park 6:40 p.m. Centralia 6:45 p.m. Lucan 6:55 p.m, Phone 235-0450 Pass it on - Blood was meant to circulate RED CROSS Blood Donor Clinic Mon., Sept. 29 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p,m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, South Huron District High School Hully Gully VARNA Fri., Sept. 26 35th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Taylor Everyone Welcome Sat., Sept, 27 Open Reception For, Cindy Collins & Robert Wise 9 1 a.m. Sun., Sept. 28 Grass Drag Championships 2nd Event * Sat., Ott. 4 Stanley Twp, Recreation Cornmittee Open Dance, 9.1 0,m, OCTOBER 10 OPEN FOR BOOKINGS Bookings Available for Staff told Christmas Patties PLUS 3 . DOOR PRIZES in n5ll4 BAIL calls person No Reserve Seat . s 1 admission per Adritission $1.00 for 18 Rounds E . Extra cards 25c each or 5/$1.00 Share-the-Wealth - 2 cards for 25; Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted i • • ENGAGEMENTS — • . • Mr. and Mrs. Donald L, Hammond are pleased: to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda Dianne, to Andrew Vincent Robinet, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ulyesse Robinet, Windsor. The wed- •ding• will take place Saturday', Oc- tober. 11,' 1975, at 4:00 p,m. at Trivitt Memorial , Anglican Church, Ex- eter, ." • • 39p Mr. ''and . Mrs. George Tiernan, Dashwciod, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughteri'Janice 'Elizabeth, to Jamie Leo Martin Ftegier;'•sort:of Mr. = and Mrs'.•LeaRegier; RR 8 ParkhilL•The Wedding take, .place. Saturday,' October 41, :1975, at '3:00 p,m, at Dashwood United Church. 39nc This is your opportunity to support your hospital znintitinnumittunitintionnitinnintitittnitnittutintionnittittnituttnumituntlintenem BROWNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN gosivreipa Mi iitillEATRE Ai 8 P.M • FIRST SHOW AT ()USX FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDA E' September 26. 27 and 28 1 • , 7,i:16 slcit Gltri 1 %' . ' \k —That ••0' i pit-4: 4 . GEORGE gi)ULT ENTThERT.AINMENT A NEXT ROY i41 LL FILM ';.. ' , , " ------ •1 ..---_, L. 3 A_. A girl with a great following: Every cop in the ,, state was after her. Everybody else was behind her. ....4. viri,, ME DAWN, e„;:, r POPIIIII inn timpani APUIT ENTERTAINMENT Inc INW1111.111111 utrarusi The Well-Come-Inn Club SCOUT HALL JOHN ST. W. Euchre Party - Fri, Sept, 26 The dub will be open on • Mon., Tues. and. Wed. afternoons from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. • Friday from 1:30 to 9:00 p.m. For games, cards or quilting, relaxation and good fellowship come and loin uS for a cup of tea Or coffee. Senior Citizen Bowling EXETER BOWLING LANES Every Wednesday - 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Everybody Welcome Join us for b cup of cof fee or tea at the Well-Conte-inn Club -offer bowling at the club root*, Scout Hall, John St. West