HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-09-25, Page 3• K9.1",..0t...,...M11.411q... yr- 04404,....eutgrrramormom.ofew.r.,*••••••••••••",•• Arrs.m.oriotteeletieltrteStlIttrenm,,,— ,or,•••••••••••••••-- ...ern Or ,i114••••a
Only the Best • Riddell wins Huron- Middlesex,
suggests time for new leader
. . . For Our Customers At
Darling's Food Market—Exeter
the riding except RayfOld and
majority in two polls. Then a Hay
Township poll came in, again
giving Riddell a wide margin,.
Poll number four in Stephen
tallied 145 -Riddell to 41 Hayter.
As the night went on it .W44'
obvious Riddell had a SINeOp. The
Liberal incumbent had a
majority in every municipality. in
Hayter 2,393 to 1,641,
Several carloads of supporters
escorted the re-elected gpf, to
Goderich where Mr, Riddell was
leengratulatad,byINDP candidate
Paul.Carrol)..After.a.brief visit in
Clinton, the motorcade returned
to •Hensall where Mr, Hayter had
gone to congratulate the winner.
in the new Middlesex portion of
the riding, thought to be a Con-
servative stronghold with a carry
-over support from member
William Ste art, minister of
agrig4ltum nidoeu. outpolled
Asked about Mr, Nixortla &tire
as leader of the provincial party,
Mr, Riddell said he thought Bob
Nixon would probably call a
leadership convention,
"He's been leader through
three elections now and it's time
he let someone else take the
reins," said Mr, Riddell, "Mr.
Nixon does deserve a lot of credit
though for the number of seats
our party picked tip in this
Mr. Riddell said he felt the next
session of the Ontario Legislature
would last from 18 to 20 months,
"I'd like to see it go as long as
possible," he said.
Mr. Riddell said he thought
housing rent controls,
agricultural land conservation
and the cutting of development
red tape could all be ac-
complished by a minority
government, One of the major
problems will be controlling
wages and the cost of living, he
Eiection night
It was a glum scene at the
Hayter headquarters on Main
Street in Exeter as the early
returns came in by phone,
Relayed to the Exeter Legion hall
by two-way radio, the results
were posted on a board where a
larger crowd of Conservative
supporters had gathered. A TV at
the' hall added to the disap-
pointment as the poor voter
response to the Davis campaign
became evident across the
The arrival of Jim Hayter at
about eleven o'clock changed the
atmosphere as the candidate was
given a rousing welcome. As Mr,
Hayter went about the crowd of
supporters shaking hands and
expressing thanks, riding
president Elmer Hayter called
for attention and thanked all
those who had worked so hard.
Calling on the Huron-Middlesex
candidate, a standing ovation
"It's an honour to have so
many out tonight in view of the
bad showing I did for you today at
the polls," commented Mr.
Hayter. "It was a great ex-
perience and I know things now
that I would do differently. I feel
guilty I wasn't a winner for you
Referring to the party stan-
dings flashing on the TV, Mr.
Hayter commented that it looked
like "another election shortly".
Suggesting some reogranization,
Mr. Hayter urged "Let's go get
'em and take 'em next time."
Meanwhile, at the Liberal
headquarters, candidate Jack
Riddell arrived early but even
then it was obvious he was a
From the first call received
after the polls closed, there was
jubilation in the hall as Stanley
township came in with a 64'vote
WINNERS AND LOSERS --- While Jack Riddell, Liberal winner in Thursday's provincial election made a vic-
tory stop in Goderich he was greeted by NDP candidate' Paul Carroll. From the left are Jack and Leone
Riddell and Paul and Mary Carroll, T-A photo
Although the voters of Huron-
Middlesex predictably returned
incumbent MPP Jack Riddell to
office on Thursday, the election
day surprise was the ease in
which Mr. Riddell walked away
from Progressive Conservative
Jim Hayter of Goderich,
When the final count was an-
nounced with 11,963 Liberal votes
compared to Mr. Hayter's 8,106
and ND? Paul Carroll's 2,008, pit
was obvious that the stunning
1973 Liberal win of the Huron by,
electon, after more than a decade
of Conservative "sure-things"
had been an omen of future
At the Liberal headquarters in
Hensall, it was obvious as the
first returns trickled in that the
43,-year-old Dashwpod area
farmer was about to embark on a
second term as a member of the
Ontario Legislature.
Each time the phone rang with
polls reporting in, a hush fell over
the crowd and then jubilant
cheers rang through the former
Co-op store as Riddell gained k
more votes.
Progressive Conservative Jim
Hayter had been expected to run
a close second to Mr. Riddell and
across the riding there had been
many wagers available from
Hayter backers. Hayter had
worked hard on the campaign
and seemed to have a good
manner with the public. And yet
Mr. Riddell increased his
majority to almost 4,000 votes,
greater than even optimistic
Liberals had predicted.
What caused Mr. Riddell's
In an interview with The
Times-Advocate Wednesday,
almost a full week after the polls
had closed, Mr. Riddell at-
tributed the vote results to
various factors.
"Actually we felt it would be
closer," admitted Mr. Riddell. "I
guess it was just a continuation of
the support I received in 1973 with
the voters fairly satisfied with
my efforts on their behalf at
Queen's Park."
Mr. Riddell suggested that the
general loss of pupularity suf-
fered by the Progressive Con-
servative across the province
probably hurt Mr. Hayter in
Huron-Middlesex, as it seemed to
hurt many good Conservative
"On the provincial scene, I
have to think that the Davis-
Nixon personality conflict had to
hurt the Liberals a bit too,"
commented Mr. Riddell,
.referring to the NDP gains: "The
people were a little tired of Nixon
criticizing the government and I
think it would have been better to
have stressed policy of the
Liberal party,"
He also suggested a lack of
good candidates cost the Liberals
some ridings.
Jim Darling is shown with
the championship steer
purchased at the Exeter feeder
calf club sale, Saturday. The
proud owner of the top entry
was Tom Coates'.
Darling's have once again
maintained their practice of
buying the best meat available
for their customers and invite
you to drop in and place your
orders now.
We also purchased three
other top entries and
congratulate the club members
for the fine job they did in
achieving such excellent results
with their steers.
We Are'The
Check the
on page 2
for some
* Custom Deluxe Processing
* Pickup Service
* Aging Coolers For 110 Carcasses
* Smoke House Facilities
* Rendering
* Government Inspected
Homemade Link Homemade Darling's
$1.69 L. ECONOMY
PACK 1.08.
A JUBILANT GROUP -- With, every phone call bringing encouraging results to'Jack Riddell headquarters
Thursday night, supporters gave enthusiastic cheers. T-A photo.
Maple Leaf
Sausage Meat
Maple Leaf
Breaded Sausage
Maple Leaf Pure Pork Burns
Link Sausage
Store-Pack Sausage
By The Piece
E1 LB.
Maple Leaf
Maple Leaf
Carroll Hayter Riddell
419 1477 1581
152 722 941
105 694 859'
90 345 613
66 301 307
36 208 280
22 90 296
49 137 127
28 115 186
83 307 297 \
87 357 529
66 275 669
158 562 942
40 340 406
144 379 860
56 219 507
100 375 499
97 316 567
72 312 494
59 167 281
36 154 255
43 254 389
2008 8106 11885
Ailsa Craig
Goderich Twp.
E. Williams
W. Williams
Advance LB 49 4
3 1.89
LB 69 4
THANKS FROM THE NEW MPP — Hundreds of suportersjammed the Pineridge Chalet Thursday night to
congratulate Liberal candidate Jack Riddell on his victory in the provincial election. Above, Riddell expresses
his thanks to all his supporters. T-A photo
Funding for Huron jail
supported by Riddell
Fresh 't
Economy Pack
LB $ 1 108
$25,000 sum to provide certain
needed capital improvements.
The two major aspects are: 1, the
reconstruction of the third floor
District Council Chamber and
Courtroom facility which served
the County from 1842-1858, 2.
funds are urgently required to
undertake preservative repairs
to the exterior stonework
following the advice, and under
the direction of the Federal
Ministry of Indian and Northern
Affairs, A LIP application has
also been made,
Duncan Hines Mealtime
3 LOAVES $ 11 0
Cake Mixes
79' 410
Thursday's provincial election,
T-A photo,
SMILING IN DEFEAT -- Despite being
Conservative candidate Jim Hayter has
oh the short end of the count hi
big smile for Supporters.
Private and community_
support is being sought,
Donations may be made in any
amount, Membership in the
Corporation will be awarded
according to suggested figures of
$10 per individual and $25 per
family. Lifetime rpentbership
will be given for donations eX.
reeding one hundred' dollars,
Cheques may be sent to Ed
Oddleifsort, .layfield, payable to
the Huron Historic Jail Rind.
Donations are tax deductible.
Murray Gaunt, MPP Huron-
Bruce, and Jack Riddell, MPP
Huron-Middlesex, were the first
to respond to a major fund-
raising and membership cam-
paign for the Hurbn Historic Jail,
as announced Friday evening at
the Federal Historic site. Said
Gaunt, "I certainly support your
endeavour to raise funds for the
Huron 'Historic Jail. This is in-
deed a worthWhile project."
As well as indicating his sup-
port, Mr. Riddell advised he
intends to contact the Minister of
Culture and Recreation for the
F'rovince of Ontario to determine
if assistance is available from
that Source, "I will make every
effort to assist in any way," he
The purpose of the campaign is
not to provide operating funds far
the County Historic Site, Visitors,
totally abOut 25,000 since the
doors were open to the public in
1974, have 'brought sufficient
„revenue to operate the facility,
'What is required however is a