HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-09-04, Page 21lir Osborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance "'u'`~ ''"'"Coverage for Town "Dwellings as well as Farm Properties AGENTS Ross Hodgert Woodham 229-6643 Hugh Benninger Dublin 345-2001 Clayton Harris Mitchell 348-9051 DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Robert Gardiner RR 2, Staffa Clayton Colquhoun RR 1, St. Marys Martin Feeney Dublin Ray McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton William Chaffe Mitchell HEAD OFFICE - 507 MAIN ST., EXETER Phone 235-0350 Right now mortgages cost less That home or cottage you hope to own some day Can be yours right now! The money you borrow at today's lower rates will enable you to build or renovate now befor'e material and labour costs go higher. Do it today at Victoria and Grey! The all Ontario Trust Company begun in 1889 . VG TICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Kurt Bowman, Manager Main Sty, Exeter 235.0530 ROAD SCHOOL AWARD - Hugh Davis, the road superintendent of Biddulph township recently graduated from the T, J, Mahony road school at Guelph. Above, Biddulph reeve Wilson Hodgins makes the presentation of a certificate to Davis, T-A photo oaltswg:!: ........ ... • ROV:E',..: MEAVEMINNEMNAMINNAUF DALEY'S-WEEKLY COMMENTS Special week Analysis of Revenue for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 Actual 217,601 15,207 232,808 Business 2,974 Special charges 235,782 Taxation Realty - Residential and farm .. „ ....... - Commercial and industrial.... We'll Do. the Job Right ... Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD 12,660 10,534 336 2,889 18,245 16,855 ▪ 1,304 44,900 34,354 6,509 8,644 2,599 85,249 74 580 3,638 3,638 86,146 79,356 General government Members of council General administration ............ Unclassified Protection to persons and property Fire Protective inspections Street lighting Transportation services Roadways Drainage Tile drainage Environmental services Garbage collection and disposal Social and family services General assistance Recreation and community services Parks and recreation Community planning and development Planning and zoning Unclassified Analysis of the Education Levy for the year ended December 31, 1974 assessment mill type amount rates overlevy Or (underlevy) for the levy requisition year 691,460 23.4 20,390 26.0 res.1 3,011,065 17.2 corn. 169,900 19.1 res. com: payments in addition to the requisition supplementary taxes Public 1,669 Separate 206 Secondary 1,378 18,313 8,193 4,314 30,820 30,820 Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the year ended December 31, 1974 $ $ Balance at the beginning of the year 39,422 Analysed as follows: Taxes unpaid from 1973 1972 1971 and prior years Increase during the year Taxation revenue 235,782 Add amounts added to the tax bills for collection purposes only 59,016 Amounts billed 294,798 Penalties and interest added during year 5,392 300,190 Reduction during the year Taxes, penalties and interest received 308,642 Taxes written off 150 25,522 10,457 3,443 39,422 308,792 Balance at the end of the year 30,820 Analysed as follows: Taxes unpaid from 1974 1973 1972 and prior years Continuity of the Account for the Police Village of Granton for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 1973 $ $ Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at ' the beginning of the year 85 69 EXPENDITURE General government Police village trustees 235 General administration 154 160 19 389 179 Protection to persons and property Fire Street lighting - .,„ ...... ............... Transportation services Roadways 800 1,178 1,978 - 224 224 Environmental services Garbage collection and disposal 105 105 Total expenditure ..... ............. 2,591 284 REVENUE Taxation - police village requisition Township of 13iddulph-special levy ,.„, 3,328 Township of Biddulph-allocation from general rate „ ........... , „ 768 300 4,096 300 Total revenue .. 4,096 - 300 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year ....... ....... 1,590 85 Injuries, damage high in district accidents TOWNSHIP OF 'BIDPULPH AUDITOR'S REPORT Ten persons were injured and a total of $11,550 in damages in- curred in ten accidents in- vestigated by the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police during the pa"st week, Four persons were injured in a collision on Wednesday August 27 on the Riverside Road just west of County Road 50. Drivers Richard Foster of Granton and Garry Wilson of RR 3, Thorndale, were injured along with Robert Mills of Granton, a passenger in the Foster vehicle and Heidi Wilson, a passenger in the Wilson vehicle, All four were taken to University Hospital by am- bulances from Lucan and St, Marys. Constable G.N. Wilcox estimated damage at $2,400. On Monday, August 25 a two vehicle collision resulted in $50 damage on Highway 4 about one half mile north of Mooresville. Drivers were Joseph Dewys of RR 1 St. Marys and Colin Campbell of Wingham. Constable Joseph Wilson investigated. John Sentjens of RR 2 Ilderton received minor injuries when the car he was driving left county road 20 and struck a pole on Thursday, August 28. Damage was $150 according to Constable G. N, Wilson. Leonard Currah of St. Marys received cuts and bruises when his car left the road at the in- United The Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism was administered Sunday morning when Robyn Johanne Carnochan, infant daughter of William and Sharon Carnochan was received into the fellowship of the congregation. Speaking from Mark 5: 22 & 23, Rev. Ewart Madden spoke of the love of Jarius for his daughter, which was shown in his desire to take Jesus to her to bring her health and wholeness, providing for all parents the example of true parental love. Church School recommences next Sunday at 10:00, with regular worship at 11:15 and the annual St. James Cemetery Decoration Day Service at 3 p.m. Dave and Marg. Hinds will make a return visit to Lucan when they will lead the congregation in worship on September 14. At 2:15 p.m. on September 14 an Ecumenical Service for all church people and others will be held at the arena when Mr. Jack Burghardt of London will be the guest speaker. Choirs will unite and will practice tonight, Thursday, at 8:30 p.m. in the Anglican Parish Hall. Flowers in the sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Clarence Rogers and sympathy is extended to Mrs. Rogers and the family. UCW The executive and group leaders of the Lucan United Church Women met last Monday morning to plan the annual chicken barbecue, to be held at the Arena on Wednesday, Sep- tember 24. Conveners were ap- pointed and publicity arranged. It is suggested that those taking dinners home come with their own containers. The first general meeting was announced for Tuesday evening, September 9, with Mrs. David Park in charge of the program, and to which all women of the congregation are invited. Pentecostal The young people of the congregation returned Saturday from a week-long camp at Arthur Campgrounds, This camp con- cluded the camp meetings for the summer. Miss Judy Henry, RR 2 Lucan, was chosen the best girl camper for the week, In the morning service, Rev. R. Brewster used as his text Romans 8:1. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them tersection of County Road 16 111 West Nissouri Township. Con- stable N, A. Campbell estimated damage at $500. On Friday August 29 William Venwesterpd of RR 2, St. Pauls received minor injuries when his car left the road on Highway 4 just south of concession 12 London Township, Damage was set at $500. A two-car collision on Friday, August 29 on highway 4 south of Birr resulted in $2,200 damage. Drivers were Phyllis Baldwin of London and Margo Walker of RR 4 Denfield, A passenger in the Baldwin vehicle, Heather Baldwin, received minor injuries but was not hospitalized. Two persons were injured on Saturday on highway 4 about a half mile south of Arva. Injured were the driver of one of the vehicles, Mathew Vanderjact of London, and his passenger John Mead of London, Driver of the second vehicle was Guido Regelbrugge of Roseville Michigan. Damage was estimated at $1,700 by Constable W. R. Disher. No injuries were reported in a two car accident Sunday on high- way 4 a mile south of the Mount Carmel Road which caused $3,500 damage. Drivers were Linda Towton of RR 2 Hensall and Donald Monteith of.,London. Constable D.R, Vance in- vestigated, which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit". He told his congregation that if we walk by the Spirit then we have no con- demnation in our lives. Our Spirit comes alive when Christ comes into us which makes walking in Christ's Spirit possible. In the evening service, Rev. W. Cochrane led in a Testimony Service in which those who went to camp took the opportunity to share what they had learned through the ministering of the week. Joan Lockyer sang"Reach Out To Jesus". In His Sermon, Rev. Brewster spoke on God's Love. We need to put our minds on God and accept what He has for us. If not we are rejecting His Love. However, if we do reject this Love, it is His Love that draws us back to God. When the Jews rejected God's Love, God directed it to the Gentiles so now we have the chance to either accept or reject, We should learn a lesson from this, Sunday morning, being the beginning of the new Sunday School sessions, will be "Bounce Back" Sunday. This means that all the members of the Sunday School are needed to bounce our attendance to an all time high". To celebrate "Bounce Back" Sun- day, two special guests from Toronto will be there. One is a 21/2 foot wonder named Eddie Cummings. He is a delight wherever he goes. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every new year find you a better person. - Benjamin Franklin Gabian Stone Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bags Sand & Stone, Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds „ EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. Crediton 234-6382 To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF13IDDULPH, We have examined the 1974 financial statements of the Cor- poration of the Township of Biddulph. Our examination includ7 ed a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting. evidence as we con- sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinions these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Township of Bid- dulph as at December 31st, 1974, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accoun- ting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. London, Ontario Kime & Company July 7th, 1975 Licence Number 215 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 1973 $ $ Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year 38,225 25,977 EXPENDITURE General government 23,236 20,060 Protection to persons and property 13,563 17,946 Transportation services 126,857 88,484 Environmental services 10,741 13,095 Social and family services 7,606 10,552 Recreation and community services 1,101 2,318 Community planning and development 798 4,941 Financial expenses 4,650 2,860 Region or county - share of expenditure 51,894 52,157 Education 135,047 140,205 Other 1,704 11,657 377,197 366,275 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year Analysed as follows: General revenue 27,278 Police villages 1,590 28,868 Statement of Capital Fund Operations for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year 40,989 32,849 $ $ CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital expenditure Transportation services 118,857 46,333 Transfers to others 57,500 21,200 176,357 67,533 CAPITAL FINANCING Long term liabilities incurred 57,500 21,200 Contributions from other governments 49,125 14,349 Contributions from the revenue fund 10,759 5,022. Other 31,933 18,822 149,317 59,393 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year 68,029 40,989 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1974 ASSETS 1974 1973 $ Current assets Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable 72,807 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years 252,854 187,819 314,787 260,626 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 34,883 Other current liabilities 17,211 52,094 Net long term liabilities 184,825 Reserves and reserve funds 49,000 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 28,868 314,787 Contributions from other governments Ontario Other 834 995 Ontario Hydro 63 143 897 1,138 Subsidies Ontario General Per capita General support grant Resource equalization grant,.,,,,.., Provincial-municipal employment incentive program Specific Roadways General welfare assistance ........ , Recreation Municipalities County of Middlesex By SID DALEY Hi, folks here's a bulletin for you. District A commander, Comrade Roger Holmes has declared the week of September 14 to 21 as Legion week throughout the district and has requested each branch come up with a program in observance. The executive of branch 540 have been busy working on a tenative program and will be making an announcement very shortly on what you may expect, Just remember September 14- 21 and keep a couple of nights open to come on over to the Legion. Remember to keep Saturday, September 20 open because the • Peoples Choice will be at branch 540 for your dancing pleasure. This is a very popular group and well known to the regulars around 540. Your Ways and Means chairman and his committee do all they can to supply the members and friends of Legion with an evening of fun and en- tertainment. All they request of you is to participate. Believe it or not - it once took two bales of cotton to make a woman's dress. Now a sick silk- worm can do it on his day off. (Who's complaining.) and that's 30 for this week. Remember - tolerance is the ability to be kind to dumb animals; more especially when they are human beings. Church news CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228.15961 REVENUE Taxation 235,782 Contributions from other governments 86,146 Other 45.912 257,163 79,356 42,004 38.225 5,274 27,839 28,820 61,933 18,713 16,672 37.422 14,064 15,507 29,571 146,830 46,000 38.225 260.626 1973 Actual $ 239,292 14,328 253,620 3,300 243 257,163 Other revenue. Licenses and permits 2,466 Rents, concessions and franchises .„ „ ., 458 Penalties and interest on taxes ....- - 5,392 Tile drainage - , ...... - ........ .,. ....... „ , 25,215 Garbage collection 12,381 45,912 Total revenue 367,840 1,556 352 5,920 22,798 11,378 42,004 378,523 Analysis of Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1974 Financial expenses Interest on temporary borrowing Provision for reserves 1974 Actual $ 1973 Actual $ 3,235 3,239 17,450 14,241 2,551 2,580 23,236 20,060 6,400 12,700 1,670 2,381 1,898 1,354 3,595 3,511 13,563 19x946 101,642 65,413 273 25,215 22,798 126,857 88484 10,741 13,095 10,741 13,095 7 606 10,552 7,606 10,552 1,101 .2,318 1,101 2,318 798 4,941 798 4,941 1,500 2,081 3,000 150 779 4,650 2 860 51,894 52,157 60,851 58,511 16,928 19,043 57,268 62,651 135,047 140,205 1,704 11,657 1;704 11,657 377,197 366,275 Public Separate $ $ $ $ $ rest 2,319,605 23.4 com. 149,510 26.0 58,166 59,182 279 16,799 16,722 77 „ '1, Div kS.Yi: a il 55,036 55,890 348 367 840 378 523 Unclassified 28,868 38,225 Region or county - share of expenditure Education Elementary - public 38,140 separate 85 Secondary Other Deferred revenue 1973 Total expenditure