HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-08-21, Page 12LENNOX Central Cooling Call. We'll be glad to estimate o Lennox cooling system for your home, MEN TEACHERS CONVENTION - A number of Huron County teachers attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' convention in Toronto recently. From the left are Doug Pearson, Hensall; Niall Straw, Huron Centennial,; Pat Soldan, J.A.D. McCurdy; office secretary Mrs. Lyall (formerly E. Norris) of Staffa and Exeter public school principal Jim Chapman, Heating & Cooling Phone 235-2187 133 Huron St. East, Exeter Centralia family holiday trip includes cruise in Boston produced by FWTAO for Inter-, national Women's Year- It ia .available for showing to :in- ,. terested groups. .and Jackie Richardson, Osborne Attending from this area were Central, And Margaret Brown, Irene Haugh, Sandra Norris and Stephen central. 1.`r PROCLAMATION CLFG7lory FOgM 405 OF .WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE AND To GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY AND IN. OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S WRIT OF ELECTION, DIRECTED TO ME FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF That home or cottage you hope to own some day can be yours right now! The money you borrow at today's lower rates will enable you to build or renovate rimr before material and labour costs go higher. Do it today at Victoria and Grey! 111, Warn) Trust Com/miry bcon in 1889 VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Kurt Bowman, Manager Main St., Exeter 235-053d IF A POLL 1$ DEMANDED AND ORME° FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE FOLLOWING: ADVANCE POLLING pT:'.1LPIrE,IFS AN . Wgi FRIDAY, SEPT. 12th from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. EBXEP4K0TDA ELDLTAA,T8gN1SOT raypluNBTLHish eRDOLWANTpeolit.t.0.117G SATURDAY, SEPT. 13th from 12 Noon to 9 P.M. SUBDIVISION ON THER EGuLAR MONDAY, SEPT. 1$ from 12 Noon to 9 P.M. REGULAR POLLING September TO BE 18 , THURSDAY 1975 from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1975, AT THE OFFICE OF McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1 INSURANCE CO., 19 MAIN ST., $EAFORTH, FROM 2 P,M. UNTIL 3 P.M. , .. REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS:. ;ROTE FINAL DATE I THE ADDITION OF QUALIFIED PERSONS MISSED AT ENUMERATION, THE ADDITION OF PROX" VOTERS AND THE CERTIFICATION OF PROXY CERTIFICATES. And further, that for the purpose of revising the list of voters, as directed by the Chia Election Officer, Returning Officer Russell T. Button will sit for revision of voters' lists at the following places: GODERICII-Town Ilall, on Friday, September 5t1i, front II) A.m, to 12 noon, On Monday, September.,8111, from 4 P.M. to S P.M, CLINTON TOWN IIAI,I.,---On Saturday, September 6, from I11 A,M. to 12 noon. EXETER TOWN IIALL-On Saturday, September Gth, from 'I P.M. to 8 Y.M. On Tuesday, September 9, from 10 A.M, to 12 noon. PARKIIILL Municipal Office-On Monday, S'pteniber Stir, front 10 A.M. to 12 noon, On Tuesday, September 9th, from 4 P.M. to S P.M. SEAFORTII-At the Office of McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 10 Main St., Seaforth, . On Friday, September 5, from 4 P.M. to S P.M, On Tuesday, Sept, 9, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, from 12 noon to S P.M. for final revision of voters' lists and proxy certificates. • DEADLINE FOR CHANGES OR SEPTEMBER 10th, 9 P.M. DEADLINE FOR PROXY CERTIFICA ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF VOTERS TION BY THE RETURNING OFFICER OF FI CIAL CUNT: Z EPRAEDPDAZONArE E ACH gli_NleF.SLTFLO WFLALCIACKINPUN AT AY EN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL 10 A.M., Thursday, SepteMber 25th, 1975 at the Office of li ' McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 10 Main St., Seaforth II GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Dated at Seaforth this 25th day of August, 1.975 Russell T. Bolton, Returning Officer The new collective bargaining legislation, demands made on elementary schools, the image of their teachers, and the history of women in Canada, were some Of the subjects considered at the 57th annual meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, August 12 through 15 at the Royal York Rotel, Toronto. The 800 delegates, representing FWTAO's 32,000 members, heard a discussion on "Expectations for the elementary school, are they realistic? involving Gordon Cressy, chairman of the Toronto Board of Education, Douglas Penny, Curriculum Services Branch, Ministry of Edueation, R. P. Baine, Co-ordinator of Practice Teaching, University of Toronto and - Margaret Beckingham, Principal of Camilla Road Senior School and first vice-president of FWTAO. Speaker at the Annual Dinner was Nancy Morrison, vice- chairm an, Labour Relations Board of British Columbia. Florence Henderson, FWTAO executive secretary urged members to persuade their school boards to use all of the provincial education grants available to them. She said some boards are not making use of the $80 additional grant that could help reduce class sizes or provide specialists staff, Marie Myers, retiring president, said teachers must continue to stand up for their rights in the face of increasing demands on them, Delegates saw The Visible Woman, a half hour film on the history of women in Canada By MRS. HAMILTON HODGINS Gordon Hern and Debbie Kennedy were guests at the wedding of Karen Kerslake and Bob Snow at Elimville Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Jeffery Betteridge spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Johnson at Port Elgin. Mr. & Mrs, Randy Hicks, Hillsdale and Mr. & Mrs. David Scott & family, Nobelton were Monday guests with Mr. & Mrs. John Scott. Mr. & Mrs. MacLeod Mills arrived home Saturday .after spending three weeks in Spalding Sask, Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins & Berton visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Hans Van Leeurven, Ridgetown. FROM HURON COUNTY'S TOP FEED LOTS 225 LB. AVG. SIDES OF BEEF 115 LB, AVG. HINDS OF BEEF 115 LB, AVG. FRONTS OF BEEF LB. LB 98' 1.19 LB 77' WE KNOW • how to cut your meats so they eat better • how to cure your hams and bacon to a mouth-watering turn • how to render your lard to creamy white • how to get the most our of every cut of meat for your family ASSOCIATION OF MEAT PROCESSORS Township of Osborne Auditor's Report 53,800 68,900 110,017 16,077 13,228 8,702 4,632 78,579 196,777 CAPITAL FINANCING Long term liabilities incurred Contributions from other governments Contributions from the revenue fund Other To: The Members of Council, and Ratepayers of the Corpora- tion 9f the Township of Usborne I have examined the 1974 financial statements of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Usborne, which are listed on the at- tached Index. My examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such test of accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the cir- cumstances. In my opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne as at December 31st, 1974, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accoun- ting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. City: Goderich, Ontario A. M, HARPER Date: June 27, 1975 Licence Number IP Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year nil nil Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1974 CURRENT ASSETS. 1974 1973 53,286 55,222 55,686 48,794 23,602 25,919 2,824 2,095 135,398 132,030 Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Other current assets Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 1973 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year , 37,984 25,629 EXPENDITURE 371,911 367 281 507,309 499,311 CURRENT LIABILITIES Temporary loans .......... ......... 18,200 18,500 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 36,957 24,930 Other current liabilities 8,865 8,642 64,022 52,072 Net long term liabilities 371,911 367,281 Reserves and reserve funds 42,504 41,974 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 28,872 37,984 507,309 4e9,311 Notes to Financial Statements I. Charges for net long term liabilities Total charges for the year for net 'king term liabilities were as follows: Principal payments Interest , General government 19,214 Protection to persons and property 23,413 Transportation services 181,376 Environmental services 3,318 Social and family services Recreation and community services ..„ , 2,723 Community planning and development 2,258 Financial expenses .., ..,, , ,,,,,,,,,,, „......, 332 Region or county - share of eXpenditure 67,337 Education 110,962 410,933 14,812 8,298 163,110 572 25 13,713 9,579 60,867 105,824 376M° REVENUE 243,601 241,231 87,560 79,291 70,660 68,633 401,$21 389.155 Taxation Contributions from other governments Other 49,170 1 :86999 $ 66 Of the total charges shown above, $63,869 was paid from the revenue of the municipality and is included in exenditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings. 2. 805is of consolidation The Consolidated 13alance Sheet reflects the assets and liabilities Of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the municipality, 3. Net long term liabilities Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year =Mint to - .. .„ 613,832 Of the long term liabilities ShOWET above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by the fluronCotinty Board of Education for a prih- nil cipal amount of .-.,. ... „,„ „, „„ „„,,,....„. „,.. 241,921 Net long term liabilities at the end of the year „, „ $371,911 728 4. Capitol outlay to be recovered In future years Some capital Outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal' revenues, as it Is to be recovered in future years from Other sources; 125,489 Special charges on benefiting landowners- 0 560 194,777 Tile Drain Loans ........ ... ..... 4;11111 Accumulated net revenue (deficit), at 28,872 37,984 Analysed as follows', General revenue ......... , ........... .,„ 28,872 37,9,84 28,872 37,984 StateMent of Capital fund Operations for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 1973 $ $ Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year nil CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital expenditure , General goyernmtrit. Protection to persons and property Transportation services ...... „- Environmental services Recreation and community services „. Transfers to others 9,687 4,807 1,583 8,702 53,800 78,579 Good times spoken here. Maybe you're just getting into motorcycles. That's great. But we'll take the time and consideration to put you on just the right bike so you can start off with a lot more fun, Or you might be a real pro. Come in and let's just chat about motorcycles. The point is we let the good times roll too, With our sales force, or in our parts department or in our expertly trained service department. We want to make sure you'll find owning a Kawasaki an experience that really does let the good times roll, Hully Gully Lets The Good Times Roll ,A,131,L)P 0 L sPowts e, RECREATION LTD. PR 1, VARNA 262.5.800 Your Authorized Kam: mike' 8 Arctic Cat, beerier Women teachers debate. legislation • Huron-Middlesex By MRS, FRED BOWDEN Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Marikay returned home on Thursday of last week following a two week's vacation. They spent a couple of days at the home of their son, Mr. & Mrs, Keith Hodgins and •family in the Georgetown area and visited the Science Building in Toronto with Mr. & Mrs. Don Pickering and girls of Hyde Park before going on to Boston where they visited with their daughter and son-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. Imre Toth and family. They toured the Prudential Science Building and enjoyed the Boston Harbour boat cruise. Mrs. Hodgins got in touch by phone with Sgt. Judy Larkin (the for- mer Judy Lamport) . Mr. & Mrs. David Ferguson recently moved from London to take up residence in the home Right now mortgages cost less they purchased from Mr. & Mrs, Ray Regular. We welcome them to the village. Mr. & Mrs, Lawrence Hirtzel, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Keller and family of London were holidaying for the weekend at Lakeport Park in Michigan, Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson attended family reunions in Mount Brydges and at Pinafore Park in St. Thomas over the weekend and were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Reid Brown and family, Lambeth. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Marikay were Dr. & Mrs, Imre Toth, Boston, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hodgins, Georgetown; Mr. & Mrs. Don Pickering and girls, Hyde Park; Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hodgins of Chesley and all at- tended the Rempel-Steeper wedding in the Parkhill United Church and the reception in the Community Centre, Saturday, Mrs. Reid Brown and girls of Lambeth were Tuesday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson. Miss Marikay Hodgins has returned to London to resume her studies following a four week vacation. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden ac- companied by Mrs, Russell Schroeder of Exeter visited last week with Mrs. Robert Smith at her cottage at Cameron Lake. Male teachers at convention Delegates, representing 15,000 public school male teachers have been attending the annual meeting at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto. Some 300 delegates from seventy districts across the Province are debating more than 100 resolutions relating to teachers' concerns. Resolutions include a mem- bership fee increase, assistance to other countries, an extensive professional development programme and a scholarship plan to assist teachers in post graduate studies. The .annual meeting began on Tuesday, August 12 and con- cluded on Friday, August 15. Those attending the meeting from the local districts were Jim Chapman, president of the local district and Pat Soldan, Niall Straw and Doug Pearson at- tended as observers. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Tuesday evening Mrs, Hazel Eaton gave her home for the August A.C.W. meeting. The president opened the meeting with prayer. Scripture passage was read by Mrs, Mary Jefferies, Mrs. Earl Greenlee read the minutes of the last meeting, the treasurer gave a report on the last wedding we catered to. Mrs. Ron Carroll gave a reading, which all enjoyed, The mystery prize donated by Mrs. Harry Carroll was won by Mrs. Hugh Davis, Plans were made for a booth at the Lucan fair and for the chicken barbecue on September 5. Following closing prayers a social hour was enjoyed, the hostess served refreshments. Bob Tindall drove two teams of his Belguim horses at the Lucan Fair, It was a first for Bob for two teams. He drew the `Froats" float. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kerby Traverse City,Michigan spent the weekend with their cousins Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis and family. They were accompanied by their children Tammy and Michael, Nancy, their daughter had spent the past week with the Davis family returned home with them on Sunday, Little Miss Jayanne Love daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Love, Varna spent Saturday with her grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs, Earl Atkinson Friday evening. A wife's use of a joint bank ac- count may cause many a man to lose his balance. If you want to forget all your other troubles wear tight shoes. LB. '1.49 LB. 79' LB. 73' Hickory Smoked Side Bacon Schneiders Vac Poc 1 Wieners Schneiders Tubs Soft Margarine Maple Leaf Boneless Dinner Hams By the piece LB. $ I .89 SLAUGHTERING ON MONDAYS Mzitz4MARKET r OCEPItS • FPEgH PRODUCE I FPFSH it CHOP MEATS , 4 '