HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-08-21, Page 11A FRAGRANT AROMA— The ,smell of coffee breWing over the comp-fire blends. with the aroma of the Frankfurter Pancakes to fill the mor- ning air — it's .brecikicio on the trail. Huron County Family Planning Project invites You To Attend FREE BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings All medications, IUD's, etc, provided free of charge Everyone welcome 2 0 0 OFF ENTIRE STOCK EXCEPT PATTERNS Ago Main St., Exeter 235-1153 Mal Friday 10-9 CHARGEX Open Wednesday There's one near you! Mon. to Sat. 10.6 01101011110.111Fo STARTS TODAY • At All Polka-Dot Stores • • • 30 STORES TO SERVE YOU • • • • • • • • • i o • po • BOX SPRING & MATTRESS INCL. LEGS 7 9195 7 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE $339 Includes Chesterfield, Chair, Swivel Rocker, Foot Stool, Two End Tables and Coffee Table. 3-WAY RECLINERS AS LOW 19 SWIVEL ROCKERS AS L OW $59 SWAG LAMPS AS A LO S 7 W $111 • ft MR. AND MRS. WAYNE DOUGLAS GRAY Nancy Jane Brady and Wayne Douglas Gray were united in marriage Saturday, August 9, in Adelaide Street Baptist Church, London. Nancy is the daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Brady, Exeter and Edward Brady. Wayne is the son of Mrs. Violet Gray, London. Mrs. Robert Milton was matron of honour for her sister, and Brian Griff, Stratford was best man. Other attendants were Miss Christine Milton, niece of the bride, Robert Milton and David Stephens, London, After a honeymoon in Niagara Falls, the couple will reside in London. WE'VE GOT • Student Desks and Chairs • Unfinished Furniture • Studio Couches • Book Cases • Kitchen Suites for the economy minded MR. AND MRS, JAMES DAVID GILBERT St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Beechwood was the scene of the marriage of Debora Lynn Moore and James David Gilbert. Rev. F. Ralph of St. James Anglican Church in Parkhill officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of RR1, Ailsa Craig and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gilbert of Parkhill. Organist for the wedding was Kenneth McGregor and soloist was Albert McLaughlin. Miss Joanne Campbell of RR1, Ailsa Craig was maid of honour with Miss Dale Ann Moore of Strathroy and Miss Donna Moore of RR1, Aliso Craig, sisters of the bride, as attendants. Miss Mary Ann 'Dale of RR2, Ilderton, cousin of the bride, was flower girl. Donald Gooding of Parkhill was the best man while Clarence Steeper of Parkhill and Douglas Hodgins, brother-in-law of the groom, RR2, Parkhill, were ushers. Ring-bearer was Reed Hodgins, nephew of the groom. Bell ringer for the occasion was Bill Bannister of RR1, Ailsa Craig and the couple were driven from the church in a horse and buggy by Jim Campbell of RR1, Ailsa Craig. Following a wedding trip to Tennessee, the couple are residing in Strathroy. We Accept Trade-Ins WHITING'S Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used) Sales & Service • Antiques & Things MAIN ST. 235-1964 EXETER Handling food and equipment for a camping trip takes careful planning. Novice and ex- perienced campers alike might take note of these tips prepared by home economists for Union Carbide. Basic equipment should in- clude: matches Made waterproof by dipping in paraffin or coating with clear nail polish; a multi- purpose jacknifei first-aid kit; water bucket and shovel; pot holders or gloves; cotton ban- dannas for use as napkins, aprons, table mats and towels. Pack cooking equipment together according to usage, such as preparation, baking open fire cooking, utensils, serving and eating equipment, clean-up, garbage disposal, storage and fire extinguishing.- Thlapty contents of all dry foods and mixes into plastic bags; cut out cooking instructions and tuck into same bag and seal. Transfer food from jars into unbreakable containers. Storage containers should be unbreakable and have tight-fitting lids or seals. They must also be waterproof, bug- proof and airtight: Use only water that tests safe by boiling 10 minutes or treating with a purifier, . In high altitude areas, cooking times may differ. Boiling water will take longer and baked items will have different results. Check high altitude cookbooks before departing. Take care with fires. First make sure that local regulations permit them. Always start them in well-ventilated areas where there is no danger of carbon monoxide inhalation. Never keep a can of fire starter near open • For Special Summer Times Worth Remembering LET OUR EXPERTS DO YOUR PHOTO FINISHING and DEVELOPING Quick, Quality Service Listerine Special 15 oz,. Reg. $' 1 9 $1.84 • Crest Toothpaste 100 99c EXETER plytRmAcy. /3.5-10Y0 Reg $1..55 Main Street 4' A Clairol Reg. $2.39 Ph Shampoo 11.75 Oz. Reg.$ *27 $2.49 mlllltllltllllll11111111111Ulrilr ►1►f941111t11111111111 Ii 111111 IIUr1IlfiHti1pU11n111~llllhllll $1.33 = T-. Ban 5 5 R011-0 n 5 ri 2,5 oz. Reg$ • •27 $2.25 • 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 Johnson's BABY OIL 9 Three new residents were welcomed at Monday afternoon's get together. Mrs. Picot, Mrs. Mugford and Mr. Kemp. Mrs. Elsie Henderson accompanied the Rhythm Band with old time music and led a sing-along of favourite tunes. The Bradley family of Clinton entertained with a musical program on "Family Night." The program was held on the front lawn and with the loud speaking system everyone at the Home was able to enjoy it. Winnifred, Marie, Eugene, Ansberth, Damian, John and Jacqueline Bradley sang as a group as well as solo numbers with accordion accompaniment by their father Eugene and brother Dominic) on drums.Since coming to. Canada two years ago this family has become very well known for their musical talent with engagements at Toronto, Kitchener and many places in Western Ontario. The "Over 90" Club met on Wednesday afternoon and were assisted by the Walkerburn Club volunteers of Auburn, Three new members were welcomed to the Club, Mrs. Sprung, Willis Mountain and William Westlake. Eunice Batkin of Clinton was a guest of the Club for the af- ternoon and entertained with accordion numbers. There, were piano selections by Mrs. Fremlin, mouth organ . numbers by Walter Kingswell and a recitation by Mrs. McGratton. flames, Bove a bucket of water near the fire in case of emergencies. Set. pp dining areas tloWt-wind and away from the fire, Before putting pots over the fire, rub outsides with a har of soap or paste of detergent and water, Tkiis, makes ele00-4P easier. Foods which should be kept cool, such as open packages of sausages or wieners, can be placed ineontainersisealed in foil and wrapped in wet cloths or paper, .Storage caches of various types will help keep food dry,. cold and fresh, This camping breakfast - although just as appropriate for the garden patio, Or the cottage - uses frankfurters as a surprise inside pancakes made with natural, granola type cereal.. The creamy apricot topping is a vitamin-rich taste pleases.. Breakfast Minimal refrigeration Apple and Orange Wedges Frankfurter Pancakes Creamy Apricot Topping Coffee, Milk Food list: 2 apples 2 oranges 1 cup complete pancake mix combined with 1/2 cup natural cereal (granola-type) in a plastic 1 tablespoon shortening in plastic wrap or aluminum foil 4 skinless wieners 3/4 cup cut-up dried apricots combined with, 1 cinnamon stick in a plastic bag 1 envelope (2 ounces) whipped topping mix dry milk powder coffee Equipment list: .griddle ' small fry pan for topping coffeepot small cutting board knife, fork plates, cups, silverware, napkins Collapsible bucket for water .trdod preparation in work progression order Creamy Apricot Topping Combine apricots, cinnamon stick, whipped topping mix and 3/4 cup water n a small pan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Simmer at edge of fire for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let stand to thicken while preparing flapjacks. Frankfurter pancakes Add a/4 cup water to pancake mix; blend with fork until fairly smooth., Cut wieners into 1/4 -inch slices. Heat griddle over fire, grease lightly. Griddle is hot enough when a few drops of waer dance on the surface. Pour .a scant 1/4 cup pancake batter onto griddle. Top each pancake with six wiener slices. Turn pancakes when edges look cooked and bottom is golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter and wieners. Serve immediately with topping. In our society as useless As an electric blanket on a hot summer night At sixty-five the watch was his For faithful service to the company Now don't take anybody's job away "Enjoy your rest You deserve it." Since then A frantic search for a niche where in To re-establish himself. Only boredom from day to day. That scary sense not to belong, Not being needed anyplace. Wires all over, but no outlet. To connect to the pulsing stream of life — It's not the money There is enough for all his requirements A lifetime of work guaranteed Freedom of Want But he feels shut out of everything. Is there any hope? An ad for volunteers To help the helpless Caught his eye and fancy. And so found himself Takcoinnntried. gde care of One of life's A swimming pool, the meeting plaPe Of old man and the wheelchair tenant No time to worry, just undress the hapless guy. "Hi, my name is Bill, I will be your buddy" His handle, David, paralysed from the hipt down The rest of his body un- controllable, a rag doll, 'Yet his eyes smile, and song after song 7ocoot 76frie‘v Mrs, Wayne Sylvester, Craig and Crystal of Mississauga visited last week With Mr. & Mrs. 'Rd Wurm, Exeter, And Mr. &: Mrs, Ken Thomas, Grand Bend, 44 A; # Af1A10400140! Recipe Box iii iii i !I!!! ii i !A i 1 A;;;;;;;J!! ii !! ii 014011010t1;110;!!;;40,40;!!!!!;;;!IPAIAMIAA10 i !iiiiiM44411.1090041.01!A! i ii !!!0!!!!!!!! come from his lips, each out of time. Arid the others, all members of the same caste, With their male or female bud- dies watching over them, Enjoy the pool. To David, the water is a challenge. Arms- (flailing; mildly, his head more undeirwater than above Keeps old man busy and on his toes to prevent any accident. During a little breathing spell, Dave spouts forth with: "We will overcome; The old man the loudest. He has found his place. Alex Don't forget to ask for our .ryrr Over 275 classes per week =- Counterweight products at • counerweight* your favourite food store. Siiiiilliiii(i111111111111.11111111111111i11111111111 itiliii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141% T GOOD TO STOP!'s eolet' The $4 take-off...took off! Ne Take off excess pounds with Canada's leading weight control organization. 5 weeks'membership regularly $16 Now $12 TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 267 Andrew Street Monday, 7:30 p.m. LAST THREE DAYS — ENDS AUG. 23 Casual $1135 MEN'S $ 7 'Shoes 9 9 BRAND Women's $12e260 $ 1 NAME Shoes 2.99 Work PRICE t.E $16.00 MEN'S Boots 6 $1 .99 Slippers r2.99 Womens ASSORTED SALE $1 CHILDREN'S /CHILDREN'S STYLES Pumps 99 School 3.99z4, Shoes $5.99 ' 10% OFF ALL FALL MERCHANDISE INCLUDING LUGGAGE ALL SALES PINAL CHARGEX Smyth's sHoxtoRE MAIN ST. PHONE 235.1933 EXETER Old age pensioner