HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-08-14, Page 22Correspondent; Mrs. M.H. Hudgins Phone 2274714 Lucan and district news Nine persons hurt in crashes; damages high at $13,000 r DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS What a time! LEGION GOLF CHAMPS — The Lucan legion two ball golf tourney was a huge success. Above, chairman Russ Carter presents prizes to Mary Degraw and Charlie Glenn. T-A photo Western Ontario's Newest FUN FAIR AUGUST 15, 16 and 17th 4.11 4111"1111.. ale Hey Kids! ADDRESS WALTER OSTANEK \ Sunday In Concert 2 P.M. till 5 P.M. n't Miss this Year's LUCA WIN A 1peed BIKE FRIDAY & SATURDAY a Featuring HANK SNOW II Show Times: Fri., 8 & 10 P.M. I Sat., 4, 8 & 10 P.M. ‘4, 3rd Straight Year THE FABULOUS Plus Get Into The Fair FREE WITH THIS COUPON. 412 Years & Under NAME MOLLY McGUIRES Appearing In The Lions Den THIS ADVERTISEMENT PRESENTED THROUGH THE CO-OPERATION OF THESE FAIR SUPPORTERS 186 MAIN Fair MANY DONNA'S DECORATING CENTRE 227-4827 WALL 1/2 MORE OUR ST., Special VINYL LUCAN . PAPER C. PRice SPECIALS IN STORE FAIR _ Lucan Kroehler Pine Colonial FURNITURE Haskett AND , SON 227-4211 SPECIAL 3 Pc. Suite * It AT No, 4 Miles All Types Custom ESTIMATES SEE GEBEL LIMITED Manufacturers THE North of 4 Highway US of Built FAIR Cabinets — 227-4431 to Your Specifications LUCAN Lucan of CABINETS 24 Hr. General To All 227 DON SMITH'S SUNOCO - 4274 Towing Repairs Makes • BUICK • GMC • PONTIAC NEVIN MOTORS LUCAN AND PEPSI FRIES 1/2 ICE FRENCH Fair GAL. CREAM CLARKE'S VARIETY GAS OZ. Specials 2 LB. 3/99 BAR 1 39< 99' moTo. LUCAN ALES lSIRVIC Elevator FERTILIZER Agromart "LET - gall) SCOTT Lucan 227-4479 FIE ONE CALL LIMITED — FEEDS - GRAINS SEED GRAIN 41 DO — Res. - Ont. IT ALL" ' S MIN SOU BuildersELEVATOR 227-4486 FARM SUPPLIES SHUR GAIN The Contact 195 LANGFORD LUMBER Home Building LUCAN, 227-4416 & Inflation Us For WILLIAM Supplies Centre ONT, All ST. Ltd. Your 0 • .1, • bEUTZ • EASTERN • ALLIED • MOHAWK • NEW 1. NEW • KONGSKILDE • TURNERS • GEORGE EQUIPMENT LUCAN FARM WE WE LTD. IDEA F. EQUIPMENT TRACTORS HOLLAND SELL FARM GILBERT Needs Let "Sellout August Open our It Sat, 9 a,rm 9 HASKETT MOTORS 227-4459 LTD. Prices To is You to - 5 p.m. 9 Month" Prove our p.m. LUCAN Sidewalk Sale FAIR 1/2 or Sidewalk ,./..A.V...0.0.4.,....,..,. EVERYTHING YOUNG'S LUCAN Less Items Price Only . . , 1..^ - C(Wied Young girl lands black bass Page 10A August 14, 1975 Grant available to aid housing The township of Biddulph has been informed by the Ontario Ministry of Housing that a grant of $500 is available for zoning and official plan studies. Council also learned that beginning August 1, the fee for a land severance application will be increased from $35 to $50. A bylaw was passed officially establishing the Granton volunteer fire department and Ward Ellyatt was named as fire chief. The engineering firm of A. M. Spriet and Associates was named to prepare a survey, plan and report on drainage in the area surrounding Lot 16, Concession 3. Building permits were ap- °, proved for the following: Leon Dunlop, Lot 15, S.B,, a shed; W, Fiedorec, Lot 31, Con. 12, house addition; Alan Porter, Lot 15, Con. 8, house addition; Gerry Vanderhoek, Lot 19, Con. 3, house addition; Willard Rushton, Lot 38, Con. 3, harvester silo; Cleve Pullman, Lot 10, N.B., bunker silo; Donald McComb, Lot 12, N,L.R., bunker silo and feed room; Gerald Rapier, Lot 28, Con. 9, house repairs. Church News Anglican aad United Speaking from Joel, one of the minor prophets, Rev. Ewart Madden told his congregation that many of the things against which Joel warned are prevalent today, eg. disrespect for law and order, bringing violence, Many individuals are praying for forgiveness but the nation as a whole does not repent. Joel called for repentance of the Jewish Nation, but when only a few repented that Nation did not escape God's judgement. What of our Nation? Mrs. K. Egan of Holy Trinity was the guest soloist, singing an arrangement of "The Lord Is My Shepherd." The flowers in the Sanctuary were from the wedding of Robert Blackwell and Karen Grose who were married on Saturday, August 9 in the church, A float to commemorate 50 years of Church Union is being prepared for the parade next Sunday, in connection with the Lion's Fair, Members of the Junior Choirs of Clandeboye and Lucan will sing as they occupy the float. The GYPSWY group met on Monday evening to complete the banners prepared by Norman Steeper. Pentecosta I Thursday evening the Woman's Auxiliary had their meeting with Mrs. R. Brewster in charge. A kitchen shower was held for Camp Arthur. Mrs. Brewster led a Bible Quiz then later talked from 1 Corin- thians 3:9. She told the ladies that as we build of Jesus Christ as the foundation for our lives we must be like Him, to show others the way. Sunday morning in Sunday School the children's church who meet during regular morning worship, put on a play called "Daniel in the Lion's den". Rev. Brewster used as his text Ephesians 4:1-16. He suggested that every Christian must put the Lord first in his life to use the talents and abilities God has given them, The evening sermon was taken from Psalms 18:19, Because God loves each of His children He protects, delivers and provides for us now and may be coming again for us at any time, By Sid Daley Wow — did the guys and gals ever have a time at Branch 540's annual two ball foursome golf tournament last Saturday. About 40 turned out for an afternoon of fun and games and they are glad they did. After the match all returned to the Lucan Legion for a steak dinner, what steaks! I know because I saw them on the barbeque and what a menu, steaks, baked potatoes, fresh corn, hot buns together with lots of other good things that go to make up a fine meal. Branch 540's Sports officer and his committee extend thanks to all those who in any way worked to make this event so successful. Make it a date for next year about the same time — yu hear. Special thanks to the Legion's faithful Sunshiners need articles for sale Members of the Sunshine Club who are contributing articles to the booth at the Lions Club Fair are asked to bring them to the arena on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. for placing and pricing. The club will be commencing three weeks from today, on September 4, Everyone 45 years and over will receive a warm welcome to either the Sunshine group for euchre and bingo or the Busy Buddies craft group. Nine persons were hospitalized and damages totalled $13,660 in five accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Wednesday at 6:15 p,m. on Highway 4 at Concession 10 in London township, vehicles driven by Thomas Welsh and Gary Worsfold, both of London were in collision. Both drivers and passengers Margaret Joan Welsh and Scott M. Brown were taken to St. Joseph's hospital, London by Thames Valley Ambulance. Constable W, R. Disher was the investigating officer and damages were estimated at $3,300. At 6:30 a.m. Saturday on High- bury Avenue, a half mile north of Bryanston, a car and a pickup truck collided. Driver of the car, Percy Knee of Centralia was transferred to St. Joseph's Miss Abbott celebrates On August 5, 1973, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haskett went all out to make Miss L. E. Abbott's 86th birthday the most wonderful birthday she ever had, Last Tuesday they insisted on a repeat performance on her 88th bir- thday. Guests included Mrs, William Haskett and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Corbett. Unfortunately, Mrs. Bob Coleman couldn't leave her home owing to the condition of Frank St. After a most delicious fowl dinner with all the trimmings Miss Abbott was presented with a beautiful plant, which will decorate the McCormick Church service for several Sundays to come. She also brought home part of the delicious birthday cake to share with her friends. The Stewart family reunion was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Park on Sunday. The 65 guests attended from North Bay, Toronto, Brighton, Guelph, Delhi, St. George, Oil Springs, Sarnia, Brantford, Hamilton, Chicago, Edmonton, Alberta, Springfield, Illinois and Denver, Colorado. Stuart Melanson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Melanson was visiting with his sister Lynn Melanson in Toronto, for the week. While there he golfed, swam and visited the Science Centre. Plan more meets for swimming pool The Lucan pool has been participating in swim meets throughout the summer. The next meet is a regional swim meet August 16 to be held in Listowel. Other meets are planned for next week and the end of August. Unfortunately there is not enough people, more are needed. So if you like to swim and have time from 12:30-1:30 Monday to Friday to practice, your enrolment would be appreciated. friend Ross Haugh who can always be depended on to take the appropriate photos. Our readers are reminded this Saturday is Warriors day at the Toronto Ex. Comrade Bill Smith, Deputy District A Commander and I expect to attend — Will make notes and let you know how everything went in our next column. Clang-Clang-Clang went the trolly — but that clanging noise you hear around the Legion these days is not a trolly but members and friends getting their arms and eye in shape for Branch 540's first annual horseshoe tour- nament. This is also a fun tournament and if anyone is interested just make up your own team and enter it on the board provided in the Legion Lounge, The date of this extravaganza is one p.m. Saturday, August 12 — You asked for action. Branch 540 is the place to find it. Following the horseshoe tournament comes our first, and it is hoped, annual amateur contest. So get those tap dancing shoes or what ever it is you have kept in the closet for all these years dusted off, never mind the piano we Will supply that, and come oh over to theLucanLegion• Only yaw participation can make it'the success we hope it will be — see yu there. and thats 30 for this week — remember — Whatever your lot in life, build Something on it. Hospital, London by Thames Valley Ambulance. Driver of the pickup Wilfred MacNaughton, RR 2 Springfield, received minor injuries but was not hospitalized, Constable G. N. Wilcox said there was some fog in the area at the time of the mishap. Damages were listed at $5,000, At 1:20 p,m the same day in a single car crash on County Road 27 a quarter mile south of Wellburn a vehicle driven by Tina C, Foster, Thorndale left the roadway and struck a fence, The driver was taken to St., Marys hospital by St. Marys! Ambulance Service suffering bruises, Constable W, T. Hodgins set damages at $1060. Three persons were taken to Stratford General hospital suf- fering serious injuries following an accident on County Road 16, just east of Concession 6 in West Nissouri township, Sunday at 1:40 p.m. Driver of the lone vehicle was John Howard, Islington and the passengers were Karen Lom- bardi and Sandra Sears, both of the Toronto area. Constable D. R, Vance estimated damages at $4,000. A vehicle driven by David T. Mr, & Mrs, Bernard Avery and family visited with Mr. & Mrs, Neil Amies at Whitestone Lake on the long weekend, 7 year old Belinda, the youngest of the Avery's caught a 2 pound black bass which is to be mounted for her. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Morkin have returned from a holiday in southern Alberta. They visited their son Patrick Morkin and his wife in Lethbridge. They also attended the Christie-Morkin wedding in Clairesholme. They visited'other relatives in Calgary as well. tat, Mr. & Mrs. D, P. Jeffrey and twins from Kapuskasing visited Mrs. David Park for the weekend. Mrs. David Park has just returned from Edmonton where she visited her sister-in-law Mrs, William Butler and her brother Mr. William Jeffrey and family, While she was out west she saw Jasper National Park and Lake Louise. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Froats and McKinlay, Ilderton struck a deer on Highway 4, a quarter mile south of Concession 10 in London township, Monday at 1:15 a.m. The McKinlay vehicle was damaged to the extent of $300. Constable G. N. Wilcox in- vestigated. family have returned home from Tobermory. They stayed in Lion's Head at a cottage. During their holiday they stopped to visit Mr, & Mrs, Ilillis Froats in Wiarton, On the Sunday of the long weekend the Froats family picnic was held in the Lion's Park in Lucan, Guests were from Lon- don, Camp Borden, Winchester, Kempville, Brockville, Ontario, and Flint, Michigan. Mr, & Mrs. Norman Brown of Chilliwack, B.C„ visited with Mr. & Mrs, Orville Jones recently. Mr. & Mrs, Gilbert Bauer of Michigan called on Miss L. F. Abbott last Thursday on their way to see the Stratford play, Miss Betty Park, a former Lucan resident now living in Ottawa was visiting her mother Mrs. David Park for the week.