HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-08-07, Page 12Many businesses including Agriculture • Manufacturing Tourism • Construction • Professional Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, have obtained loans from JOB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery; to increase working capital, to start a new business; and for other purposes. If you need financing for a business proposal and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps IDB can help you. INO1167111A1 INITIOPMENT DANK Can IDB help you? MR. HUGH SHELDON one of oar representatives will be at t.es Pipes Hotel, EXETER on the 2nd Tuesday of each month August 12 .9 oi.nn; 4 p.m. For prior information tali 271-5650 or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford. FRESH HONEY ('75 CROP) • FREE SAMPLES AT THE HONEY HOUSE —BRING YOUR OWN PAILS FILL 'EMI 65° LB ZURICH 4 FERGUSON APIARIES 2,000 ft. south of blinker Closed Sundays and Wed. evening 236-4979 Kotex Regular, Super or Plus 48's 2.69 * * * Bromo Saltzer Economy 8,25 oz. $1.73 Mennen Speed Stick 2.5 oz. 994 "WOT 1Z IT?' See next week's edition of the TyA department of Victoria hesPitel. About 90 people attended' and enjoyed a barbecue and swim- ming. Visitors fora few days with Mr, & Mrs. Elmer Harlton were Mrs. Jean Matthews, Dawn Marie and Ricky of Brantford, Melissa and Kent Harding travelled to Toronto airport on Friday to see their grandmother Mrs, Walter Harding off on a three week vacation to the British Isles. Mrs. Judy Alce and Michael spent a few days at Pinehurst camping with her mother and father Mr. & Mrs, William Pennington, Mrs. Henrietta Carson visited with her daughter Mre & Mrs. Alex McDonald and Sandy of Transvaal overthe weekend. Mr, & Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Harlton visited at Bradley Harbour with Mr. & Mrs. John Harlton last week and went to see the Scenic Caves at Collingwood while in the area, On Saturday an opening ceremony was held in St. Marys at Ralph Nixon's new garage. His other garage was destroyed by fire, Mr, & Mrs. Bruce Nixon and family visited Sunday evening with the Nixon family at their home in St, Marys. Mr. & Mrs, Dick Kioss and family, Brucefield were over- night guests of Mr, & Mrs. Elimville folk on campouts By KATHY COOPER ELIMVILLE Mr. & Mrs. Jake Hovius of Sarnia spent a few days with Mr, & Mrs. Ross Skinner and family, The Elimville U.C.W. catered to the Lynn-Morgan wedding dinner at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre, Saturday, Several from the community attended the wedding reception in the evening. Mr. & Mrs. John Batten and Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family spent the weekend at the Wildwood trailer park, The Stratford Travel-Aires were sponsoring a N.C.H.A. campout, Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Pehlke spent a couple of days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton. Miss Shelley and Master Rod Johnston spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hyde, Shakespeare and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jewitt, Sarnia spent the holiday Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton. Master Steve and Miss Linda Gerstenkorn and Master Tom and Master Jon Passmore spent Tuesday with Mr, & Mrs. John Batten. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Miss -Shelley and Master Rod Johnston spent the weekend at Sauble Beach. Miss Kathy Cooper spent the weekend at the Pinehurst Trailer Park with Miss Mary Humbach of Michigan. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family visited with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parsons & family and Mr. & Mrs. Richard Willert. Choir helps at Bluewater By MANUEL CURTS GREENWAY Members of the choir of the United Church assisted their minister, the Rev. Harley Moore, in presenting a service of worship at the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich, Sunday evening. Services in the United Church continue here at 10 a.m. for the next two Sundays, following which the church will be closed for two weeks while the minister is on vacation. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Bryden Taylor, Mrs, Taylor took an active role in the various organizations of the •United Church and will be sadly missed. Several farnilies from here attended the Bullock. reunion at Riverview Park Exeter, Sunday afternoon. Mr, & Mrs. Milton Pollock visited with Mr. & Mrs, Ross Pollock and family in Ridgetown over the holiday weekend, Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Selbourne English were Mr. & Mrs. Harold Detloff, Detroit. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Brophey spent a few days last week with their daughter and family in Gravenhurst. )3y the way now that all the political candidates are chosen for this provincial riding, their handshaking will provide enough energy to milk all the taxpayers for the next four years. Ir EASY-RIDING FORDS 8-hp ford Model 61 8-hp Ford Model 66 , (grass catcher optional) Ultra Ban Spray 14 oz $1 73 *** Lady Patricia Hair Spray l6 oz, $11 029 Curad Strips $ 1 200's • 73 August 7, 1975 Page 12 Bryanston tem wins Granton WI members enjoy bus trip "WOT 1Z IT?" Rig" in Pe.trolia. where they brunched in a lovely atmosphere. They then travelled on. to. Sarnia where they saw different oil. drums and had a guided bus tour on the Canadian 'side of the St, Claire River to Point Edward. fore-Sunday. Monday they beat Kitchener 1-0, This puts them in the Semi-finals which will be played next Sunday afternoon at Brussels when they Meet ArVa, Come 914 next Sunday and support our home ball team and wit they can go all the way to win this excellent cOMPetitlY0 tournament. Pee next week's edition of the T-A BY MRS-. B. SVMMgRS Members of the WI had their annual. bus trip on Tuesday of last week. Their first stop was the Wyoming museum then on to the Oil Museum of Canada. located at Oil Springs which is the first commercialized oil well in North America. The next stop was at "The Oil. Ball news The senior girls coached by Kevin O'Connor played last Tuesday evening at Cromarty Bail Park and 17-15 in a close exciting game, This Monday evening at Granton ball park they beat Usborne 29-6 to end this year's regular season of ball, Play-offs will be beginning in a couple of weeks so good luck girls. Last Monday evening at Grantor' the married' women played host to a new team from Lucan. Everyone enjoyed themselves in a high scoring game Granton 29 Lucan 10. The Bryanston men's team played at Poplar Hill Tuesday and won 9-4„ Thursday evening at Granton ball park they won by default against Ailsa Craig. Trousseau Tea Sunday an Open House trousseau tea was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wallis in honour of their daughter Patsy's forthcoming marriage. Persona Is Holidaying with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Roukens and Mario is Mrs. Roukens sister Mr. & Mrs. Bep Stark and son Milko of Amsterdam. Dr. & Mrs. Eric Johnson were hosts to a staff party of the x-ray PRICES SLASHED SLASHED V A Ball Tournament Bryanston ball team travelled to Brussels on the weekend to participate in Brussel's Annual Ball Tournament Saturday af- ternoon. They had a decisive win over Goderich 11-1. Rain cancelled all ball action Church news Services were conducted Sunday morning at Granton United Church by Rev. Mary McInally. Her sermon was en- titled Help! ! The Boat's Rocking. No service will be held in. Granton United Church August 10-81 inclusive, Rev. E. Madden of the Lateen Pastoral charge will be looking after any pastoral emergencies that may arise. Graduation Graduation exercises were held last Tuesday afternoon at Alumini Hall when Miss Ruth Mardlin received her nursing certificate, She graduated from Fanshawe School of Nursing (St , Thomas Elgin Hospital campus) and was honoured at a family dinner at The Garage after the exereises. Her parents Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin hosted a graduation and going away party Tuesday evening at their home in Granton. About 60 people attended and enjoyed dancing and a lovely smorgasbord lunch. Ruth has accepted a nursing position in Regina. Wilfred Riddell On Friday, August 4 prior to taking part in the activities on Fun Day, The Moss family were then leaving on a two week tamping trip to Florida, While spending a few days with his parents Mr. & Mrs, Elmer Summers, Michael and family visited with Mr, & Mrs. Robert Garrett and family, Mr. & Mrs. Earle Middleton and Mr, Ken- neth Garrett of St. Marys. Mr, 4 Mrs. Elmer Summers travelled to Prescott with their son and family to spend the holiday weekend. Frank Campbell of Strathmere Lodge spent a few days with Mrs. Gordon Dann and attended Fun bay. Mrs. Ken Mulholland left London Airport Sunday to visit her daughter Mr. & Mrs, Bruce White and Amy of River View, New Brunswick for a week's holiday, Mr,. & Mrs. Cliff Cook and family are on a weeks vacation visiting some tourist spots in Toronto then on to Manitoulin Mr, & Mrs. Tom O'Sullivan are on a two weeks holiday to Ireland where they are visiting Tom's brother and his family. Harry Blom and Harry Foster spent. the long weekend at Teesw,ater where they tried their luck at some fishing. Mr, & Mrs. Ron Mills and Mr. & Mrs. Don McRobert travelled to Cornwall on the holiday weekend and visited with Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Hodgins and family. Mr. & Mrs. Ward Ellyatt, Patty and girlfriend Carol Strickland, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carty camped up at Wingham on the long weekend, While there they participated in the Ball tournatnentat Brussels. Even More In Our Store-Wide SUMMER CLEARANCE Cool Off With A Shower of Savings In Our LARGE SIZE SALE • Special Group Pants • Special Group Suits • Swim Suits Sport Jackets Short Sleeve Shirts E R c I 1/2 1 /3 Off '6.95 Reg. to $16.00 Efferdent Tablets 42's •03Raief,200% AND Style Shop for Men 994 EXETER MAIN sr. TAPPING IN TIME — Sandra and Shelley Finlayson danced off with first prize at the Friedsburg talent show, T-A photo Ittnit1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illninillillitlilliiiiillintflef11111111111111111111111112; KILL FLYING INSECTS Bufferin Tablets 200's t • 73 * * Colgate ',Dental Cream 150 ml plus 50 ml FREE $1.53 • Safely • Effectively • Inexpensively • Automatically I I I the patented Air Guard Control insecticide dispensing system ton- sists of en eiectronitally controlled and battery operated actuator unit which automatically emits metered doses of KONK insecticide at regular intervals, continuously 24-hours a day, iiiii lllllll llltll lllllll HU A H H Ht HH H 1. H 6H tk t 1 Schick II Twin Cartridge Blades s's 99$ ** * Scope Mouthwash 24 oz .73 Remember... We Have Full Line of FLY SPRAYS and INSECT BAITS For Farm, Home, Garden OiuhltiltililUnuuilUluNliuiiuuUbliuFllY llllll l l it ll ' ll It's Ford value time! Come check our bloomin' Good Deals on Ford riding mowers. Your choice of three models to fit your yard and budget. • Rear-mounted engines , 3-speed gear transmiSsiotio Cush- ioned seat • Shorts 35-in. turning radius Also see our Ford line of: • Lawn and garden tractors • Push-type and self-propelled rotary mowers • Walk- behind garden tillers • Chain saws. Complete Service For SMALL ENGINES Petrel. Fanning Starts At EXETER !MAMA( Main ttreet • 2354 070 SPECIAL SAVING$ This Week On All ELECTRONIC FLY and BUG KILLERS Exeter, coop District Phone 2J54081 EXETER FORD Equipment Sales Ltd Exe 4rErt 286.2200 1 i I