HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-08-07, Page 9Hind Quarter $ of Beef LB I•110 Hip of Beef LB. Completely Processed and Frozen Fresh Ontario HONEY 1 LB. 89c 4 LBS. '3.39 2 LB. $1.69 5 LBS. '5.65 Roasts $13 9 * Boneless Rump * Sirloin Tip * Round . LB, III Steaks $19 * Sirloin • T-Bone * Wing LB. 111 Ground Round Steak .$1.39 Ground Chuck LB 99' FROZEN FOOD FEATURES McCains PIZZA 22 oz, Deluxe 2.09 Carnation Shoestring FRENCH FRIES 2 LBS. 67' Sara Lee F EE CAKE 1.57 GROCERY SPECIALS Vachon JAM 12 oz. 67' CHEESE Ingerf SPREAD 2 LBs.s2.39 WINDEX SPRAY 20 oz. 89' CERTO 6 oz. 51' TOMATO JUICE 48 oz, 63' nspun SALAD DRESSING 32.z, $1.25 Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited MAIN ST. EXETER The Place For . „ * Captain's Beds * Bunk Beds * Bedroom Suites * Box Springs * Mattresses WE ACCEPT TRADES The column that's ma for a purpose • • • I Atli I i fre 5cotty Hamilton ,,, ,..„,, Mail your prolems to "Impact' c/a this paper. Al) letters • will be answered provides/ a stamped addressed envelops is enclosed. Some of general interest will be p•ublished. Letters must be signed abut we will NOT reveal your identity, "These Questions and Answers based on Qntaria Law, 1 are published to inform and net to advise. No ant 01004 try to apply or interpret the law without the aid and advice of a trained espert who knows the facts, since the facts of each case may change the application of the law." NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EXETER Waif PHARMACY LTD. 235-1070 or 235-1570 373 MAIN ST. Denson FEED ETROLEUM - seEp ELEVATOR A complete supplies, hardware clothes, boots, appliances, etc. Hensall 262-3002 District PTS coo. - PRODU C FERTILIZER FACILITIES line of: general farm chemicals, work garden supplies, Zurich Brucefield 236.4393 482-9823 ) :g d e, 1 ,,,y2,,, l, aftew----- ,. FUNERAL HOME 370 WILLIAM ST. 235-1220 EXETER While on a holiday recently I celebrated my birthday and my wife presented me with a set of very nice cuff- links which she had purchased from a store in Montreal. She was under the impression that she had a "real bargain" because a sale sign in the store window claim- ed that they had been marked down from $40 to $25, Yet the other day in London we saw exactly the same set for $4.95. To say that we are mast annoyed is to put it mildly. How can there be such a great difference in price for the same item? The store where your wife bought the cuff-links is guilty of a type of misleading advertising, known as pre-ticketing. This can occur in two ways: the manufacturer sets the price too high and the retailer simply sells the product at the suggested (exorbitant) price; or when the retailer sells at less than the very high list price but marks the price tag in such a way so as to appear to the customer that he is buying at a discount. This practise is outlawed by Section 36 of the Combines Investigation Act. The retailer in question will likely be liable to a fine and prohibited from continuing this practice. SEE US FIRST FOR ALL SPORTING NEEDS YOUR , 411 MAIN ST. EXETER 148LIC ....... SPORT init. -01. CENTRE ima 235-2261 5 0 o OFF TROPHIES Engraving on Premises Our name is A division At BELL ROBERT DAVID BELL • ENTERPRISES LTD, and we'd like to sell you the finest ;in MOBILE HOMES ',4sit,oUr modern dispiay court and see iihoeriviTo,ditse)f the latest Name 'Brands, BARON and COACHMEN FREE Literature on Request SCOTIA BANK FINANCING OVER 12 1/2 Years KIPPEN 262-2823 ELECTRICAL* PLUMBING bj.fink MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS .REFRIGERATION • AIR CONDITIONING 262-2114 HENSALL SHEENMIT • HEATING A friend borrowed my car fora "camping trip ". Since i have known him for years I had no qualms about him, however he used my car to smuggle narcotics across the border and was caught. My car is now confiscated. Can i get it back, and if so, how? The Narcotics Control Act provides for its return or a cash renumeration equal to your interest in it, In order to avail yourself you must opply to a county court judge within 30 days of the confiscation in the county where the car was seized, The judge will then seta dote fora hear- ing, whereupon you must serve notice upon the Minister of National Health and Welfare not later than 15 days before the hearing date, At the hearing you must show the court that you are innocent of any complicity in smuggling narcotics and that you acted reasonably in lending your car, If you're successful the judge will issue a declaratory order stating that your interest in the car is undiminished, The next step is to apply to the Minister of Health and Welfare and the car will either be returned or you'll get a cash equivalent, - The procedure is time-consuming and even if you act promptly you'll probably be without your car for at least a month. (lf the car is used as evidence it maybe longer), Remember, too, that if you do not act within the thirty days as set out in the Act you could,lose all interest in it- Exeter ORIGINAL Flowers &Gifts OIL PAINTINGS -:,-.1- BUY OR LEASE - HAPPINESS IS — The float entered by Jim Becker Construction in Saturday's Friedsburg Days parade in Dashwood suggested happiness was singing in the bath tub. From the left are Melissa, Suanne and Tim Becker, T-A photo ime*" DISCOUNT Come On In . . . Save On This Week's SUPER SAVINGS Hersheys Chocolate Syrup 1 LB. CAN 74? Clearasil For Acne Pimples 1 • 29 Regular Tint or Invisible 1.2 oz. Band-Aids VARIETY PACK $2 • 19 Moderne Bath TissueolATED 4:A9c Meet HAIR REMOVER 100 ml $ 1 .59 Open 7 Days A Week 414:114111,, alikbria 111011.#111firdik° w+itif; 10. 433 Main St. Exeter 235-1661 ) 2 Al11.0.11illftliiiMili06110111141•1001110.1416114.06.* DISHING UP THE SAUERKRAUT — Sauerkraut and sausages were again the feature food attraction at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood over the weekend. Above, Marian Rader, Angela Watson and Nancy Rader dish up some of the German food. T-A photo BEEF S Stork lip On Sating In Our Statistics on civil servants L MERNERS MEAT MARKET Dash wood 237-3314 immisimitivimom•••••••••••. • By JACK RIDD1=1.1. M.P.P, The provincial government of Ontario employed 70,877 civil servants in 1974 to administer the day to day affairs of this province. In the last decade or so, government administration has become a more and more com- plex, sophisticated and costly, labour-intensive "industry", In his latest "mini-budget" July 7, 1975, the Treasurer of Ontario, Darcy McKeough an- nounced an immediate freeze on replacement staffing for all in- ternal administrative functions. With normal attrition, this should result in 1,500 fewer personnel in these areas by the end of the fiscal year 1975-76. At the same time, Mr. McKeough also an- nounced an immediate moratorium on new or renewed contracts for management consulting and organizational planning. This will mean that the total civil service complement in Ontario in 1975-76 will be 69,221, The Ministry of Health is the largest employer within the provincial government with a staff of 14,643 people in 1975. Transportation and Com- munications employs 11,607 people this year, Community and Social Services 9,139 people, Correctional Services 5,056, The Ministry of Natural Resources has a staff of 4,182, Revenue 3,992, The Ministry of the Attorney General 3,327 and Government Services employs 3,143 people, Just 25 years ago, in 1950 the total number of civil servants in the employ of this province was 13,685, By 1960, this number had grown to 32,302 - an increase of 236 percent. As of 1970 this number had almost doubled again to 62,280. From 1970 to the present year the number of Ontario civil servants has in- creased to 69,221. It is interesting that while Ontario's civil service com- plement (and all the other provinces') has increased dramatically, the Federal Government civil service for years now has accounted for a declining portion of the laboUr force as well as a declining portion of total government. It is in the provinces and the municipalities where the large increases in civil service staff is taking place. Within the federal government, it is the same few departments that dominate the public service today as in the 1960's. The Post Office accounts for 19 percent of the public service, National Defence's civilian workers for another 15 percent, National Revenue for 8 percent, Tran- sportation 7 percent, that ac- counts for 49 percent of the federal -public service in those four departments. There are now about six or seven government employees for every 100 Canadians - and that figure continues to climb. But it is climbing at the same rate and in step with the Canadian labour force. The reason the 'labour force is a growing part of the population is the changing mix of age groups - there are more people of working age compared with those below working age. But the government's total share of the labour force remains rernarkably constant, at about one in six of all Canadians with jobs. Statistics are difficult to obtain- especially at the municipal level - however it has been estimated that as of 1973 there was a grand total of about a million and a half government employees in Canada - at all three levels of government. This is about 7 percent of Canada's total population and about 17 percent of all Canadians who have jobs. This figure of 1,5 million government employees breaks down as Federal level 515,000; Provincial level (all By MRS. HAMILTON HODQINS WHALEtt Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Hera and Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hern and boys were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Spence. Jeremy Brock, Exeter, spent the weekend with his grand- parents Mr, & Mrs. Bill Morley. Betty Johnson spent the weekend at Stokes Bay with her friend Sandra Janssen. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern at- tended the re-opening of Ralph Nixon's garage St. Marys Saturday. David Betteridge, St. Marys, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Mr. & Mrs. John Scott and family attended the Hicks family reunion at Haliburton on the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hord, Strathroy, visited Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson last Wed- nesday. Margery Morley attended a trousseau tea for Patsy Wallis on Sunday afternoon. Patsy is being married Saturday in Granton. Last weekend Mr. & Mrs. John Scott and family attended a christening in Nobleton and a family gathering afterwards, Sunday evening Margery Morley and Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins attended open house for "bureaucracy" is growing the fastest. If these earlier figures are extrapolated to 1986 - just slightly more than 10 years away, the breakdown of the public service would look something like this: Federal level 640,000; Provincial level 800,000; municipal level 700,000, making a total Of 2,140,000, That's a lot of civil servants! l It works out to slightly over eight. Karen Grose, Lucan, prior to her wedding on Saturday in Lucan United church. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hern at- tended the wedding of Lynne Davidson and Scott Player at First Baptist Church, London and the reception following at London Hunt and Country Club on Saturday, civil servants for every 100 Canadians but still about 17 percent of those forecast to have jobs. It is interesting to note how the mix has changed between the three levels. According to these figures in 1986, the provincial governments will account for 37 percent of the total civil service compared with 32 percent in 1973. The federal government's share will have decreased to 30 percent compared with 35 percent in 1973. The municipal governments' share stays steady throughout this time period. It is the distribution between the federal and provincial levels that in- creases steadily on provincial side. The growth in Ontario's civil service over the last decade or two is certainly indicative of this trend. It would seem that all governments - the provinces particularly, should heed the warnings of such groups as the Economic Council of Canada. The Council is warning govern- ments to slow down their rates of growth and not let their rates of growth become another stimulant to inflation. 4 I r provinces) 475,000; Municipal level 480,000; making a total of 1,470,000, from 1961 to 1973, federal government employment grew at an average 1,0 percent per year, provincial government em- ployment at an average 6.9 percent per year and municipal government employment at 3,9 percent per year. So it is evident that it is at the provincial level of government where the Whalen lady attends bride-elect trousseau