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family file
Lester Hodgins of Vancouver
has, for the past several years,
been gathering information:
regarding, the Hodgins family
and this is presently being,
reviewed. by a Vancouver
Publishing House. Any local
members of the Hodgins family,
or other readers interested in the
Hodgins' family history should
write to Box 33802, Postal Station
D, Vancouver British Columbia.
Surprise area couple on anniversary
Miss Anne Mohr has 00.e.4
honoured at several showers,.
prior to her marriage to Richard
Hollings on Friday afternoon,
August 1 in the United Church.
On Thursday, July 17, Mrs. Jim
Avery entertained friends at a
miscellaneous shower in her
honour, at her home on Market
Street. Anne was assisted by her
sister, Mary Margaret, who will
be her Maid of honour.
Mrs. Gerald Millson opened her
home to 34 guests on Tuesday,
July 22 for a second
miscellaneous shower when Anne
was assisted by her future sister-
in-law. Mrs. Robert Richardson
thee Margo Hollings).
Grantor, and had plenty of
games of chance at Saturday's fun day in
T-A photo
The Lucian Lions manned one of the
customers trying to win their fortune,
Mr. & Mrs. Ross McRoberts
were most pleasantly surprised
on Tuesday, July 22 when they
arrived at the home al*, & Mrs,
Jack Ryan, for a supposedly
quiet evening of cards, to find
several couples there ahead of
The occasion was their 25th
wedding anniversary. Those
present were Mr. & Mrs, Carl
Crocker of Dorchester, Mr. &
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins of Clan-
deboye and Mr. & Mrs, Bernard
Benn of Lucan,
On Friday evening Mrs.
McRoberts brothers and sisters
took them to the Shanghai
Restaurant for a beautiful
Chinese dinner,
Present on this occasion were
Mr, & Mrs. Charles Corbett,
Brinsley, Mr. & Mrs, Don
Hodgins, Ilderton, Mr. 8i Mrs,
James Young, Lucan, Dr. & Mrs.
Robert Coates, London and Mr,
Jack Young, Sudbury,
On Sunday Mr. & Mrs.
McRoberts entertained the
wedding party of 1950 and
members of both families, ap-
proximately 30 guests, to a
smorgasbord supper,
her grandmother for. a. two. week.
Mr. & Mrs, Harold Cobleigh are
home following a 4 week motor
trip to the Western Provinces.
While in Calgary they attended
the Stampede and took a very
beautiful. Mountain Lakes Bus
Tour which. included Banff, Lake
Louise and Morraine Lake, the
latter being the most impressive
as it is still unspoiled by com-
In Edmonton they visited with
cousins and on the way home
through Saskatoon and down to
Regina, they visited at Rocan-
ville end Esterhazy where Mrs.
Cohleigh was born and lived until
moving to Ontario with her
parents in 1948,
They stayed with relatives in
Winnipeg and friends in Fort
When they reached Mid-
Northern Ontario, they spent
three days with Mr. & Mrs, Carl
Banting, at Kagawon, Manitoulin
Island, and took the Ferry across
to Tobermory, Carl and Mrs.
Cobleigh are brother and sister.
Dana .4gan, 51/g year old
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank
gati, thee Marilyn Culbert) of
Niagara Falls is spending some
holidays with her grandmother
Mrs. N. Egan,
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Prince, Linda
and Robert of Oshawa, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr. &
Mrs, Harold Prince, On Sunday
they all spent the day with Mr. .&
Mrs, Ted Kesteki thee Prince) of
London, Mrs, Margaret Arnold
and Kimberley of London, were
Saturday guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold prince,
Mrs. J. K. Young formerly a
resident in the Senior Citizen's
apartment on Butler Street, has
moved into the Corbett apart-
Janice Campbell, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell of
Chatham, is spending a few days
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. &
Mrs. Gary Revington, and son
Mr. & Mrs, Wm. Fischer,
Catherine, Cheryl Ann and Chris,
of Komoka were Sunday guests
with Mrs. Catherine Fischer.
Catherine, Jr, is remaining with
A correspondent
for coming month
A temporary corresponilent for
the month of August has been
found and your cooperation in
'phoning or sending her your
news will be much appreciated,
Miss Joan Lockyer has agreed
to "look after the store" for the
month, until she returns to
school. Hopefully by that time a
permanent correspondent will be
found to replace ,Mrs. Hodgins,
Joan may be reached at 227-
4421 or at 290 Elizabeth Street, S Phone 2274714 correspondent: Mrs. M,H. Hodgins.
Active in community VOLUNTEER
15:16 & 17
Funeral director dies
The funeral of the late Leonard
Nangle of Lucan, who died
suddenly in Brooks, Alberta on
July 22, was held at St. Patrick's
Church on July 25, Biddulph Twp.
with Rev. Father J. McGraw
saying the funeral mass.
The C. Haskett & Son Funeral
Home was in charge of
Mr. Nangle had lived in
Arizona for the winter months,
because of his health and was in
the dry climate at Brooks for the
same reason,
The pallbearers were Joe
Nagle, Charlie Carrigan, George
Nangle, Bob and Ronald Samples
and Henry Krigner.
GRANTON FLOAT — Lucan Lions Club members had one of the
larger floats in the Granton "Fun Day" parade on Saturday, T-A photo
Mrs, Dorothy Steller of
Tonawanda, New York, is
visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Catherine Fischer for two weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Hodgins and
family were guests on Sunday
afternoon, at a graduation party
for Linda Jones, at the home of
her mother. Mrs. Helen Jones,
RR 1 Centralia. Sixty guests from
Detroit and the local area en-
joyed the picnic type party.
Linda was the recipient of many
lovely gifts. She received her
R.N. Certificate on Tuesday, July
Dennis and Pat Hodgins, St,
Marys, are spending their
holidays with their grandfather,
Arnold Hodgins, Alice Street.
Jack Young with his daughters
Heather and Nancy and son
Bruce, of Sudbury are visiting his
father, J. Alex Young for a week
while his wife, Sandra and
another daughter Christi, are
spending the week with her
mother in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Froats spent
several days last week trailering
in the FenelonFalls, Bobcaygeon
region. While in Lindsay, they
attended a play by the Lindsay
Players "Abbie's Irish Rose",
Morris Murdy of London and
nephew of Mrs. Alma Price of the
McCormick Home, London,
A Masonic Service was held in
the funeral home on Friday
evening under Irving Lodge No,
154, AF and AM, of which Mr.
Murdy was a Past Master and the
secretary for ,twenty-one years.
Pallbearers were John Heal of
Hensall, Kenneth Hockey of
Dundas, Kenneth Carter, George
Simpson, Harold Aitkens and
George Thomson.
Honorary pallbearers were:
Keith Buchanan, Hensall, Jack
Lank in, Cecil Robb, Roy
Hodgins, Ivan Hearn and Hilson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Fraser of the
Stephenson Funeral Home, Ailsa
Craig were in charge of
arrangements, assisted by Bob
Fletcher and Irving Armstrong of
the Hopper-Hockey Funeral
Home, Exeter.
• •
The funeral of the late Jack
Murdy was held in Holy Trinity
Anglican Church on Saturday,
July 26 with Rev. John Holland
Mr, Murdy was the director of
the long established Murdy
Funeral Home which celebrated
its 100th anniversary in 1972,
He had been associated with
the local Trustee Board, the East
Middlesex District High School
Board and the Middlesex Board
of Education, as a member, a
secretary-treasurer and a
representative since 1939. Mr.
Murdy was also on the St. James
Cemetery Board for a great
many years and had been sec.
treas. from 1959 to 1974.
He was the husband of Edythe
M. (Hodgins) Murdy, and father
of Mrs. Edgar (Anne Marie)
Morris of Mount Forest, and
Michael of London, brother of
Everything still humming
around Branch 540 and on these
hot and thirsty days why not drop
down to the 'OASIS' it's the finest
watering spot in Town. For here
is where you will meet most of
your Comrades and Friends
having a cool leisurely enjoyable
. time.
Here are some important dates
co remember of events being
sponsored by the Lucan Branch
of the Legion: Saturday August 9
commencing at 4:00 p.m. the
annual 2 ball foursome golf
tournament will be held at the
Exeter Golf Course - following
which there will be a steak dinner
at Branch 540 for the par-
is coming up roses_
Friends shower
bride with gifts
Karen Herbert, who became
the bride of Gerald Mero, on
Saturday, July 26, was honoured
at several showers prior to her
Judy McIntyre of London
entertained relatives and friends
for a miscellaneous shower at her
home on Monday, June 9.
Mrs, Bill Hodgins, and
daughters, Linda, Brenda and
Jahanne, were hostesses for
school friends at their home on
June 18, This was also a
miscellaneous shower, During
the evening guests made up
congratulatory telegrams
commencing with the letters of
bridal shower. A bubble um-
brella, filled with flowers,
tumbling over the side was the
unique decoration under which
the bride to be was seated,
A community shower was held
in Holy Trinity Parish Hall on
July 7, with hostesses Louanne
Herbert, Brenda Currie and Joan
The bows from this shower
were fashioned into a pair of
pantaloons which the bride was
asked to model amongst much
A presentation was made to
Karen by her co-workers at the
Darling Food Market, Lucan.
Mr. & Mrs. Mero will be living
in Apt. 103, 1919 Trafalgar Street,
* Sunset
* Corsair
(By Bendix)
* Champion
Exeter 235-1373
Right now
cost less
That home or cottage you hope to
own some day can he yours right now!
The money you borrow at today's
lower rates will enable you to build or
renovate now tiefore material and
labour costs go. higher. Do it today
at Victoria and Grey!
Twenty years from now, crops
growing on recycled garbage will be
an everyday sight.
That's pretty hard to imagine
right now because most of us think of
garbage as just that-garbage. But
in fact, it's a potential resource.
And the Ontario Ministry of
the Environment is harnessing it.
How does it happen?
By recycling. Garbage will be
taken to recycling centres where it
will be shredded, separated, and
some of it, turned into fertile soil to re-
vitalize barren areas of the province.
The same basic shredding and
separating process will also produce
fuel, paper, cardboard, metals.
And we've just begun to explore
the possible end uses of garbage.
ticipants. It's $12.00 a couple and
this includes green fees plus the
steak dinner.
On Sunday, August 10 com-
mencing at 1:00 p.m. we will be
hosting our annual members
children's picnic at Roy
(Hillybilly) Hodgins farm. Don't
forget, mom and dad - this is a big
day for our children - so be sure to
bring them. If transportation is a
problem I am sure there will be
ample to look after your needs if
you will let our duty steward
Here's something new and
should prove to be lots of fun. On
Saturday August 23 between the
hours of 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.
Branch 540 will be holding their
very first amateur night and
everyone is welcome. Anyone
having any talent whatever, singing, dancing, telling stories
are cordially invited to par-
ticipate. Popular Tom Noyes will
also be along to assist.
Incidentally there will be prizes
for those judged to be the win-
ners. Give it a try -if the response
is good - it is intended to make
this a regular portion of our
Who says lightening doesn't
strike twice in the same place.
Lucky Leo Dewan of Lucan won
his second $100.00 by winning
Branch 540 August cheque draw
how about that! Rots a ruck
Leo. Ho Hum maybe next month.
The pot of Gold was won by
Bev, Hirtzel and all he had to do
was place his name in the Pot o'
Gold register, simple eh.
And that's 30 for this week -
remember - The toughest thing
about making a living is that you
have to get up and do it all over
again tomorrow.
of light
and heavy
The ail Ontario Irma C'ompony
Ilegun ur /8,'9
south eastern Ontario.
In 15 years there will be
recycling centres all across the
province to handle 90 per cent of
Ontario's garbage -everything from
abandoned cars to organic waste.
Why recycle?
Because the people of Ontario
-all of us-'pile up garbage at three
times the rate that the population
The Ministry is working on
ways to reduce that amount, but we'll
always have garbage. And we're
having trouble finding places to put
it and the landfill to cover it.
Once garbage is being
recycled, those problems will be over
But more important than the dumping
problems, we're literally throwing
.‘ away valuable resources with every
ton of garbage we discard.
In a community of 100,000,
garbage recycling will conserve
the equivalent of up to 3,500,000
gallons of fuel oil a year, 3,600 tons of
reclaimed steel, 4,500 tons of glass,
Our recycling program is
considered one of the most
advanced in the world, It's a
), commitment to a
different way of living.
And the whole • '
world will be watching ir
4,4 Ontario's garbage come
tfr**,•,..:, up roses.
of the
The system: step by step.
A centre for advanced research will
come up with many more.
Where is it happening?
Our Ministry has
already inaugurated
Ontario's first recycling
centre in North York. .
In the next two years,
similar centres will be
built to serve London,
Sudbury, Peel, Halton,
Metro Toronto and
Hen. William Newman, Minister
verett Siggs, Deputy Minister WCTOR1A and GREY
Kurt Bowman, Manager
Mditv St., Exeter 235,0530
Gabian Stone
Calcium Chloride
in 100 pound bins
Sand & Stone
Stone for
Weeping Beds
Credi ion 214.082