HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-07-31, Page 12EASY-RIDING FORDS BARLEY HARVEST — Farmers are out in the fields all aver the country combining wheat, oats and barley, This year's yields Mr cereal crops are above average. T-A photo 5-hp Ford Model 51 Warble Fly pesky problem despite good spray program 8-hp Ford Model 66 (grass catcher optional) 8-hp Ford Model 61 •t ROOF I LNG f2 11 PHONE 453-0044 1830 DUMONT ST., LONDON, ONT. Name Address Phone PARR-MERIC A NEW ELEASTOMERIC PLASTIC ROOF COATING!!! • Makes old roofs and roof decks look like new! • Repairs and waterproofs STOPS LEAKS!!! • Insulates against heat loss and will not crack under extreme heat and cold! • Seals out moisture!! • Covers any roof! SLATE ROOFS cover beautifully too!! I • Will cover and protect over tar, brick, shingles, metal, pywood! • Seven colors to choose from: white, black, blue, red, green, slate grey and mist grey! WE SPECIALIZE IN BARN ROOFS AND OTHER FARM BUILDINGS! Brick Work • Chimneys • Caulking • Tuck Pointing WE DO GOOD WORK, PROPERLY SERVICED AND BACKED WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE!! Like my cite/ Poppy used to say: "We Stand Behind Everything But A Manure Spreader" Call Collect or Mail in Coupon Below N. T. MONTEITH! 235-2121 ... EXETER LTD. :.., = "The best in service when you need it most!" F. fauldimMiummilummilitutuumuumuummuutumumummundluiumumurunii This is what On ri is doing to stabilize the ins me of beef calf pro UC Your provincial government has recently established the Ontario Beef Calf Income Stabilization Program—a voluntary program designed to: • stabilize the income of recognized beef „ calf producers in Ontario; • encourage a continuing steady supply of Ontario-produced beef stocker calves. It will establish a floor on the amount of money a producer may expect to receive in years of poor calf prices. Every producer of beef calves in the province (including cream shippers) is eligi- ble to participate in this program, which forms the first part of an overall Farm In- come Stabilization policy. You can partici- pate, by contracting to join the program for a five-year period and by paying an annual fee for every eligible beef cow you enroll in the program. Your Ontario government will also contribute to the program. For 1975, your fee will be $5 per cow, however, for this year fees are deferred until payments to producers are made. The provincial government contracts to make a grant per cow to participating producers if the average market price for Ontario- produced stocker calves falls below the stabilized price of 50C per pound in 1975. Payments will be made in December or as soon as possible thereafter. The enrollment period for eligible produc- ers in 1975 ends August 31. Complete information on the program, as well as enrollment form and contracts, are available at your local offiCe of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ministry of Agriculture and Food William Stewart, Minister ottsNoriaosto Government of Ontario Davis,William Premier NIFTY WEATHER DAYS • SMITH CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 809 SEAFORTH Call, We'll be glad to estimate a Lennox cobling system fo reyeur home, HAROLD SMITH: 527-1079 WAYNE SMITH: 262-2121 "FREE ESTIMATES" *eating & Cooling Phone 235-2187 133 Huron St. 'Etat, Exeter mitre uniform application of legislation relating to land trnotil 6'114 Mittoinlelnentieiliiumentunuottiotimiummintmitimemoninimuminee teemmee ss I ttttt t ;01,,i1101111 tt t tttttttttt lasilt01104101.1111110 tt I tt 110,1 tttt 1: i USED -.4 S COM BINES - a :-. ----John Deere 55, 1240o.t header, 900 7.4. SQLD 1 * —Cose 940, cob onel 2 Ile& 1---International 203, cab and 10 --toot head 1 1----ctoey 30 cab and 11-faot head I 2„,‘nw.notignot ta c,ob ond 10-foot head 1 1 ,. USED SWATH ERS Owatonna No. 29 with conditioner IHC 201 10-foot with conditioner IHC 20/ 72-foot with conditioner ▪ ----yrmmte-anot eeele,SOLD Ford 675 with 10-foot head ttttttttt tttttt f tttttttttttttttttt fllffi tttttttttttttt ttttttt Meta t 1111, tt 4111.111 ttttttttttt drainage will result from amendments to the Drainage Act and the Tile Drainage Act an- nounced by Hon. William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food, The amendments to the Drainage Act ease the requirements for the petition required to initiate a drainage works, Signatures of the majority in numbers of owners or the owners of 60 percent of the acreage requ iring drainage constitute a petition. There is • provision for a preliminary engineer's report which will provide the petitioners with information on the feasibility of the project before an expensive detailed report is prepared. The preliminary report includes a benefit cost statement and an environmental appraisal where this information is required, Municipalities can appoint a drainage superintendent to look after most of the duties previously performed by the drainage commissioners, Maintenance and minor repair work undertaken under the direction of the superintendent will be eligible for grants from the Province. Amendments to the Tile Drainage Act provides for loans to farmers in organized municipalities at the same favorable rates as are currently available in other parts of the province. The amendments also provide for the establishment of the Ontario Drainage Tribunal to hear appeals on the technical and financial aspects of land drainage. Under the Tile Drainage Act, if a municipality refuses a loan or reduces the amount of a loan below what is provided in the legislation, the farmer can ap- peal to the Tribunal for an im- partial hearing. Under the Drainage Act the Tribunal will hear all appeals formerly heard by the county court judge and all appeals of a technical nature formerly heard by the drainage referee. The drainage referee will continue to hear appeals on matters of law. The level of provincial finan- cial assistance has not been changed by the amendments, In making this announcement, Mr. Stewart, said, "The amend- ments to these two drainage acts are based on the excellent recommendations of the Select Committee on Land Drainage, chaired by Mr.Lorne Henderson, MPP for Lambton. I feel that the amendments will serve to sim- plify procedures in applying for drainage assistance, and give greater efficiency in completing the projects." Complete information on the revisions to the Drainage Act and the Drainage Act can be ob- tained from county agricultural engineers, or from the Food Land Development Bench, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Television repairs are best left to professionals. Colour televisions emit dangerous x- ! rays and certain circuits are shielded to protect the viewer.. Improper tube replacements or failure to replace certain shields in the high voltage section could result in dangerous radiation to persons viewing the set after repairs. Almost every phase of the life of the warble fly seems to be aimed directly at making life miserable for cattle and cat- tlemen alike. Through July and August, says R. E. Macartney, livestock specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, adult warble flies buzz annoyingly about cattle in an attempt to land on the legs or underside where they like to lay their eggs. The presence of the flies so disturbs the cattle that they run around wildly. This runnng or "gadding" can cause serious injury in the form of cuts, scratches and broken legs, as well as a loss of milk production and a loss or reduc- tion in weight gain. Milk flow may be reduced by up to 2.5 pounds per day which , in turn, can reduce weaning weight by up to 40 pounds. The flies lay their eggs on cattle throughout July and August. After three to seven days, the eggs hatch and the larvae make their way through the hair and penetrate the skin, causing irritation, The larvae overwinter in their hosts, and migrate up through the body toward the back. When the larvae Corn, wheat yields up "Wheat yields have been good and the quality of the kernel is high," said Agricultural representative for Huron Don Pullen. "Due to favorable weather conditions the cereal crops are above average this year." "Farmers planted three- quarters of their winter wheat in the new Fredrick variety, which is a light yellow-beige colour when ripe. Yield is higher with this type than with older varieties of Talbot and Yorkstar which is a dark gold color," Mr. Pullen explained, The spring grain harvest of oats and barley will follow the wheat harvest. The yield is slightly above average for this year. "The corn is now tasseling and is head of normal by about two weeks. There is a dry pocket from Centralia west through Crediton but overall yeilds should be above average," Don Pullen predicts, "Growers can look forward to an early harvest in late September or early October. Last year the crop was late maturing and harvesting was in late October and November." inc!inage Act CI anges ease requirements • 1 11 1/ 1 1 0 12 'V;14▪ tt 11 Deere 42, PIO tttttt lt ttttttt m ttttttt $1111111111 tttttt ilf/aferlffIlIfItilfilitillo tttttt 11.:5:4 t 111 tttttttt I 5 t ! t ., von t tttt ttttt uwom ttttttttttt ,., tttt 1 ttttt tumuwilmou.wwouu:: X-SPAND-ALL SYSTEMS PRE-ENGINEERED STEEL BUILDING — ALL-STEEL FRAMEWORK — PRE-FINISHED SIDING and TRIM — VARIOUS SIZES AVAILABLE — EXCELLENT for COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL or FARM USE. reach the animal's back sometime in February, March or April, they cut a small hole in the skin. Within five days of reaching the animal's back, the larvae molt and become covered with spines, In trying to isolate the invaders, the cow builds pockets of tissue around them called warbles. It takes about 11 weeks for the larvae to develop fully in the warble, and all through this time the hole is kept open to permit breathing. As the larva grows, so does the hole. When the larval development is complete, the insects work their way out of the breathing holes and fall to the ground. Here they form pupae. In approximately five weeks, adult flies emerge to lay their ego, and the cycle begins again. In addition to loss or reduction in weight gain and physical in- jury in his cattle, the producer can lose in other ways. Mr. Macartney says animals suf- fering heavy infestations of the pest fetch lower prices. High numbers can cause considerable irritation, resulting in higher stress. This increases the possibility of other kinds of infection. There are very effective control methods which involve the use of systemic insecticides in September, October or November, when the insects are beginning to work their way through the animal's body. Far more information consult the Factsheet, "War on Warbles" (Order No. 75-061) available from your local agricultural representative, or from the Information Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Parliament Buildings, Toronto M7A 1A.5. It's Ford value time! Come check our Bloomin' Good Deals on Ford riding mowers. Your choice of three models to fit your yard and budget. • Rear-mounted engines • 3-speed gear transmission • Cush- ioned sent • Short, 35-in. turning radius Also see our Ford line of: • Lawn and garden tractors • Push-type and self-propelled rotary mowers • Walk- behind garden tillers * Chain saws. Complete Service For SMALL ENGINES Better Farming Starts At EXETER FORD Equipment Sales Ltd' EXETER 235-2200