HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-07-31, Page 10.5 HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE MEN'S- BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS' 01'4 BAEIY'S WEAR YARD GOODS-FURNITURE- 1RAT1'RE$S1ES-PAINT SEWING MACHINES-SMALL APPLIANCES-LAMPS LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA $197 FLARES CANADIAN MADE F $ 297 COTTON CORDUROY sir FLARESP°PuL"B LUE SHOUT"$397 Look SWEATERS PULLOVERS ASSORTED STYLES, COLOURS, SIZES 100 PERCENT ACRYLIC & ORLONS $397 REG. $4.47 - $10.47 OUR PRICE LONG SLEEVE • KNIT, CREPES, POLYESTER BLOUSES ASST. COLOURS AND SIZES REG. $9.97 - $10.97 NOW $597 LONG SLEEVE — IMPORTED BLOUSES REG. $4.57 COTTON SLEEVELESS TIE BLOUSES REG " NOW ASSORTED POLYESTER $397 NOW $2 97 TAPERED LEG PANTS AND JEANS FANTASTIC VALUE FOR PANTS OR "CUTOFFS" SIZE 14, 16, 18 $57 FURNITURE 3 PIECE ROSEWOOD FINISH BEDROOM SUITE $39::; SALE PRICE $29997 3 PIECE WALNUT FINISH BEDROOM SUITE :26E9G.97 SALE $19997 PRICE II MISCELLANEOUS 200 DOZEN SUBSTANDARD JEAN JACKETS $4'7 CANADIAN MADE I I "Your Family Health Centre" 373 Main. St. Phone 235-1570 or 235-1070 WIN RELAYS — These two teams were winners in the relay events for Exeter at the swim meet this week. Eight and under winners on the left are Steve Bblazs, Jeff Pfaff,Steve Laithwaite and Stove Batten, while continuing on from the left are the 9 and 10 winners, Scott Batten, Alex Bolers, Scott Pincombe and Scan Jamieson. The eight boys also piled up a number of points in individual events to help Exeter to the championship. T-A photo EXETER PHARMACY LTD. Now Open Wednesdays - 8;3013.m, to 6:00 p,tri. 1/, THURS. FRI. SAT. S BIG TOP SALE Is ON UN. and MON. (THAT'S CIVIC HOLIDAY) JULY 31, AUG. 1-2-3 and 4 1 LADIES WEAR We have erected a circus tent on our parking lot -- to add over 1500 square feet of selling space and brought in thousands of dollars worth of special stock for this gigantic sales event --- Don't worry there's still plenty of parking. BOYS WEAR • ' I , I s.X $2 97 KNIT FABRIC BY "LOVEABLE" PR. ASSORTED COLOURS & SIZES FLARES ELASTIC WAIST ASSORTED PATTERNS & COLOURS FACTORY SECONDS REG. VALUE TO $6,98 PRICE $197 — $297 TWO PIECE LIESURE SUITS SKYWAY MARKET. CENTRALIA VILLAGE 228-6431 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Ontario Ontario HEAD LETTUCE Ontario New POATOES BREAD tEi AD POTATO 26 oz. All Flavours SOFT DRINKS H ''ss: CHIPS ROUND STEAK Schneiders WIENERS l Schnei ders r STEAKETTES 3 ,Bs. 994 4/1.00 10 LB. 99' 3/9.15 Plus Deposit 3/89' Reg, 89e SALE 79' LB. 9.39 LB. 894 LB. PKG. 89c Summer Clearance Men's SCRAMBLER SHIRTS 4795 SALE 11195 Reg, A DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS ts2E5 i 0.95 Wbmen's Polyester AMAiCA SHORTS $M Reg. $3.98 WOmen's 2 Piece TANK TOP SETS WOmenis Polyester SLACKS Women's Vi Size POLYESTER SNORTS Extrtd BEAN TOWELS Mon. to Sat, 9 a.tn, STORE HOURS Sunday' 11 con, to pan. 1.99 '8.95 ;4.98 1.49 Reg. $0.98 SALE Reg, $12.95 SALE Page 10 Tinles-Advocnte, 4,) Ply 3 1 1 congregation stages picnic at Dashwooct, By MRS, IRVIN RADER PASHWOOD Zion I,Utheran church held their picnic Sunday, July 27th with the Sunday School teachers, and Bill Becker, superintendent, in charge of the sports. Results of the races were as follows: Under S - Allan Rader; 5- 6, Susan VanDorsselaer and Billie Vandeworp; 7-8, Susan Baynharn and Travis Davis; 9-10, Lisa Miller and David Hayter, kick the slipper, Elizabeth Deters and Joe Becker; walking race for children, Heather Rader; balloon relay, Travis Davis and Lisa Miller; bubble gum contest, Lisa Miller; frisbee throw, Sandra Deters; string with marshmallow, Peter Deters and Doris Stephen team; fill bottle with water, Bob Hayter and. Mrs. Leonard Resternayer (team); young men's race, Earl Keller; ladies' walking race, Mrs. Earl Keller; tug of war, seniors, Brian Rader's side; juniors, Travis Davis' side; a scramble for candy was held for the children and relays for adults. During the supper hour several special prizes were awarded. The largest total of the licence plate number, Mrs. Alva Willert; the longest belt, Oscar Miller; lady with the closest birthday, Mrs, Hilda Racier; closest an- niversary, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Miller, boy or girl with the most buttons, Joanne Slezak; guessing the number of beans in a jar, Harold Stire. Group 3 with Mrs. Hilda Rader, convener, was in charge of the tables and food. Ernest Miller, trustee, thanked all who had helped in any way. Personals One of our avid gardeners, 88- year-old Louis Restemayer, informs me that last week he dug a hill of new potatoes containing 22. The smallest was the Size; of a plum and the largest, the size of a duck egg. Wendy Beaver and Eleanor Salmon are among a group of South Huron District High School Grade ten History students chosen by the school for the Educanada bus trip. They will visit many places of interest besides meeting dignitaries of the municipalities. Cindy Beaver spent last week at the United church camp. Bimini; near Stratford. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Mr. & Mrs. Leeland-Resteinayer and Mr )41A. Ear1,,Weiberg- and girls of London spent Test week at Inverlocky Lodge where they report the fishing good. Callers during the week were Ray VanDorsselaer and Elmer Rader. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Stumpf of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Albert Miller. Mrs. Edith Beierling attended the reception for Mr, & Mrs. Wayne Windsor, bridal couple, at Nairn Saturday evening, The bride, the former Cathy Beiering, of Parkhill is her granddaughter. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Rader vacationed in the north during the weekend and enjoyed a boat trip to Manitoulin Island on the Chi-Cheemaun. THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET is )if • intended for last week Bible school closes A large crowd gathered at Zion Lutheran Church Thursday, July 17 for the closing Of Dashwood. Vacation Bible school. The children presented a program of the songs they had learned. Parents and friends were able to view all the, things the children had made which were on display in the church basement, Pastor M. Barn presided for the program. Superintendent, Esther Salmon was presented with a gift from the children for her work. Miss Doris Stephen of Woodham, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Edith Beierling, and assisted at Bible School at Zion Lutheran Church, Tammy Witherspoon of Crediton, vacationed with her grandmother, Mrs. Greta Schade, last week, Mr. & Mrs, Leo Gibson and Michael have returned home after camping for two weeks at Lake Wawanisia near Parry Sound. They report the weather and fishing excellent. Mrs. Lovina Miller of Zurich is spending some time with Mr. & Mrs, Reinhold Miller. Mrs. Martha Miller has returned home after spending a week and a half with Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Miller and family of Port Dover. Wedding Anniversary The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Alicia and William Struyke was gayly celebrated by 65 guests. Friends and relatives came from Windsor, Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, Toronto and Holland. From Holland, were Mr. & Mrs. Joop Vny dall-Moerenhout, Hengele, sister of Mrs. Struyke; Mr. & Mrs. Jan Moerenhout, Temples, brother of Mrs, Struyke from Schesberg, and Mr. & Mrs. Jo Vandeberg, Brunsum, sister of Mr. Struyke. Also attending were Mr. & Mrs. Struyke's children, Mrs. Jeanne- Storry of Hornpayne; John, Mickey, Bill and their fourth adopted daughter Eunice Healey of Hamilton to extend their sincere congratulations. ARC Industries social Luncheon and dinner- were served in a smorgasbord style at ARC Industries with guests in- vited to the home for added social activities. Trainees Gloria Chambers and Theresa Market arranged the table settings and placing of food under the supervision ellethice Jeffery of Exeter, making this a joyous and complete celebration. ,4-H meeting The 4-H girls club II held their Garden Club meeting at the home of. Mr. & Mrs. Case Van Raay. It was a "Pool" meeting. A barbecue supper was, cooked from the niemberrra'riferit. Progress of the gardens, vegetables and mealplanning and tossed salads were discussed by the leaders Mrs. Ray Racier and Mrs. Earl Keller. Mrs. Rader had accompanied the Home Economist Miss Pengilley to visit the gardens and they were very good. A dip in the heated pool brought the meeting to a close. WHITE DRESS PANTS SMALL ASSORTMENT - MEN'S CUFFED PANTS LONG SLEEVE DRESS -- BY SHIRTS (SECONDS) MEN'S WORK GLOVES WHiTE SLEEVELESS UNDERSHIRT S COTTON SiZE 3a , DRESS SHORTS T-SHIRTS ONE SMALL LOT - MEN'S BATHING SUITS B SPECIAL HOURS FOR BIG TOP SALE THURS.( JULY 31-11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI., AUG. 1ST - 11 A,M. T09 $A SUN.,, AUG. T.:A UG32RND TO D 1 AA D9 A1 A.M. TO 5 6Ppt. FINAL DAY OF SALE CIVIC HOLIDAY OP EN MONDAY, AUG. 4 -11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. I ASSORTED SIZES & COLORS 4/) TANK TOPS / ) ASSORTED CASUAL - "BY 'JACK SPRATT' Z SLACKS it JEANS SALE R ONLY FO THIS DOUBLE KNIT BY "NASH PANT" VELVETS -. FAKE FUR - TERRY CLOTH - SHEETING - TOWELING - BEDSPREAD MATERIALS ALL AT LOW, LOW BY THE POUND PRICES DURING THE SALE THE FOLLOWING FABRICS WILL BE FEATURED AS "IN STORE VALUES" BY THE YARD SALE PRICED REGULAR TO $75.00 - DOUBLE & SINGLE BED SIZE BLOUSES ASSORTED BORG BEDSPREADS $45"To $50°' COLOURS & SIZES EA. CASUAL BY "JACK SPRATT" FROM TAM 0 4 SHANTER DOUBLE KNITS & TUBULAR KNITS $157 PANTS AND JEANS IN TIME FOR OUR SALE - NEW SHIPMENT LB. FOR THIS SALE ONLY BORG RUGS BORG BATHROOM SETS $397 DRESSES imported from Itary PORTED FROM ITALY BORG FABRIC $4" TO $8" PER YARD ASSORTED - 30" x 40" & 30" x 60" - SOME',0R- SUITABLE FOR DRAPES, BEDSPREADS RUGS, SEAT COVERS ETC. SHORTS KNIT BY LOVEABLE $ 157 BORG FABRIC END 9" PER ASST, COLOURS AND SIZ S CAR COATS & WINDBREAKERS SHORT SLEEVE BY B.V.D. REG. TO $11.00 SPORT SHIRTS DURING OUR "BIG TOP SALE" ALL REGULAR FABRICS - BY THE YARD WILL BE REDUCED AN EXTRA 1 0% riVIEN'S WET1 CULAR 4 ZIP FRONT UNLINED $397 $579:-TO $1 597 ASSORTED COLOURS & SIZES KNIT PAIR $ 1 97 CLUTCH BAGS 2 STYLES $ 77 :I $ 2 4 97 EA $397 $397 GIRLS' 7 - 14 CORDED COTTON $197 BATHING SUITS $397ASSORTMENT OF FLARES $ 1 97 DENIM CHECKED ,7 SHOULDER BAGS $297 ARMSTRONG-VINYL-9' X 12' s1-- STUDDED OR EMBROIDERED ASSORTED COLORS DENIM 57 c BELTS VINYL 4 LEATHER 77c SMALL LOT 2 PCE. $ 97 $597 FLARE COTTON FLORAL PRINT $2 97 FLARES WOVEN ACRYLIC $297 GIRLS WEAR SHORTS COTTON PRINTS 77c ASSORTMENT OF FLARES SHORT SLEEVE, LONG SLEEVE, FLARES AND BAGS ASSORTED COLOURS & SIZES $191 $497 $697 $497 TWO SPORT JACKET ANDSETS $457 FLOOR COVERING CUSHION FLOOR SALE PRICE SIZE 5 ONLY $397 BOYS 8 18 SHORTS SIZE 7-18 SUBSTANDARD AND DISCONTINUED LINES REG. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $6.98 $ 197 OUR PRICE DENIM AND CORDUROY STOCK.UP AT GREAT SAVINGS MANY MANY MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS REDUCED 25% TO WO OFF OUR REGULAR LOW LOW BASE FACTORY OUTLET DISCOUNT PRICES FACTORY SECONDS REG. TO $15.95 OUR PRICE $5 97 SOCKS ALL TOES INFANT BOYS 2 6X i>, "MANHATTAN" FOR THIS SALE ONLY ASSORTED LONG SLEEVE BY LEADING KNIT T-SHIRTS MFG biAN ASSORTMENT OP SHORT SLEEVE 91 REG. VALUE TO 56498 OUR nrocE $ , $147 ASSORTED COLOURS & PATTERNS $ 1 2 97 COTT ON FLORAL PRINT SIZE 1,5-17V; SHIRTS 'P O REG, $6.9s PLASTIC CHECK 41 PLAIN WORK ONLY 44 I GE, GREEN OR BROWN. CANADIAN MADE RAINCOAT 100 PERCENT COTTON LONG SLEEVE OVERALLS •