Huron Signal, 1873-01-08, Page 2marred in Canada. Lord Lisgar, wkom the beginning of the yesr saw our Chid Magistrate, took his departure in Jane, and was se/weeded by Lord DufferinO who has made himself extremely popular with ell classes. He has identified him- self with everything cakulated to ad- vance the prosperity and happiness of those over wkom he Ilea been placed, ry-Ju Brackenridge. snd wilt by his wise and ladicions ad- ous are ,,% er -.Johnston 4 BM- minotration do much to strengthen the C.inP"a4 STrup HYP,-, bond of union between Canada and the The Romani elections which were held • few months ego caused great excite - 114/r 330644;441g 711r1"4"71" meet and kept the ()poetry in a. state of Nem Teel Toungo D. Donovan. anted -Thos Flaky. t. Andrew's Caurch. 1. tatatryihars who ao sot exprowe motile* to .41re may easel them mean ad arrears are gem op; Mitt seassetbase ars Nal eoppeosaledi asselart seat smemerleets ougheet Iron as take thieved A. regains. :are rentrele to atZtplaappa 101111.1 tra•Sishat. and Cfsbo.V: Nava, to Moll 11001111681 4100O0 SIDS. St 41• - Do me Rowzot & Coot twit w, Ore our onlyanthoriaed Ad- Ageets in New York. indicates the time to which • is pad. Thus, "1221111 oliebeertetO.mi p la up td 14 Mot he tore.; from% that date. ser it to be to their tukrest oroveritio al our terms are Nina Traaltasearay. ikonamit swiss lona as follows. - Mainleinel The elections took place en Mondey and caused some excitement in towu. The principal point on winch they torn- LOOLL SEWS FMB Ccereamm-latens are being tak " ores/ties a neM Fire Company in this town. • Jonwrrow Bzo. are still to be found Pastor of the Churoh. and other able Speakers will &Actress the andienoe upon the toe:seine. talented gentleman who has for some eel wee the temperance questooto but as time taught the senior department of M the Red Store opposite the Market the Seafonh Common School, end Ass the new Council will with two excep- ogling Dry G000_ u, tots & Shoe*, ! engaged fot the rampant yea, has got tions be the same u the old one, it is mo., cheaper than ever. ; • higher situation and with the consent warmly probable any more licenses will ENIONXBWT.-The enroll- of the &Worth Fichool Board, has an- • be granted thui year than last, unless some of the Councillors bays changed their •iews. There was very little ex- citement in St. David's Ward, the old numbers beading the poll from the first. In St. Andrew's there were a number of good men in the field and during the early part of the day the contest promised to be Mose, but Messrs. Robertson, Smith, end Watson retinal- ly drew shelid and finally stood returned by good majorities. In St. Georp's Ward the contest was close, and toward' the close of the poll Mr. Savage's friends worked hard for kiln, but lead to se- onnplish their objeot. Mr. Savage would make -a pod centioillor. Tile greatest -excitement WAR in St. Patrick's Ward where there were four candidates. Kam. Sloan, and Pawnor* took the lead from tbe beginning, but Messrs. Oardiner and Campbell ran very eveuly and a large vete was polled in the Ward, the friends of both being actively id work, The former won by four rotas. Tne Cooncil will be the same *as last year, with the excepttem of Mr. Camp- bell and Mr. Cox who are re -placed by Mr. Sloan and Mr. Watson. The fol - liming are the returns for the Oifferent ST. DAY101 WARD. Smaill Gordon Clifford Graham Howell turmoil for a newoUsesly long times. The course pursued by the Government during their tenure of dem, and partici- itlarly their total disregerd tor the true Interests of the conntry, and their reck- lessness and extravagauce as manifested during the last Session, led to major- ity beang returned agaiost them in Ore tsrio, while they also lest heavily in Quebec. Whether they will be able to bold en to office for a time or be obliged 11, gire place to others, the meeting of the house alooe eon determine. But one change has :liken place in the Minis- try during the year. Hon. Alex. Morris vacated his place on being appointed Governor of Manitoba, and wai em- ended by Dr. Tupper, formerly Pres:. dent of the .Council, whose plane was In Ontario the new Relorsu Adminis- lraticn met the house on the 18th ef Jannary. Carrying out in power with all consiateucy the course they advocat- ed when in oppositien they won the con- fideoce of the house and oountry, and though assailed with great Oiitterness, almost every election held during the year (and they were not few) resulted in e verdict in their favour. The retire- somt of Messrs Blake and Mackenzte /reused reconstruction, the Hon. Oliver Mowat resigning the Vice. Chancellorship to become Premier. Mr. Gow retired, Mr. Crooks took Mr. Mackenzie's place as Treasurer and Mr. Pardee the Provincial Secretaryship. The government wdl meet the houses on the 8th of this month as stmng as ever, and r-ady to carry out that wtse course which has so far characterized their ad. In Q]iebec the Opposition came back from the conntry with their hands great- ly strengthened, end during the recent session ebli;ed the Chauvean Govern- ment to c•ansent to the passing id a would not have done had they not fel. becomine rapidly greater. Men,- cor rmt deeds of the tioverninent were brought to light and reforms intrudnceu] weich will prevent such thing. being New Brutawick has been agitated ty the Separate School qeeetion. Nova ic.otie had "accepted th3 situation." Mwnitohis has been relieved of a miser- ible tool in tha person of the late Lieut. Governor Archibald and British Colton- ota has just passed threugh a Ministe- rial crisis the iseue of which is not yet known.' ma* 44 IS me eke as follentre,- here will confer a fernlike by ng us of any irregularity in the y of them pipers. be 41a..1 At all times to receive Ole of local news. reoorta of rneetinge, irsidirits, or any incident of interest ektkee in the ioca try where it 00tra or 01'4 county et laree. Snob atter latde ts seot at the tote of one cora per cos as oke,1 Prm•or's C.',0117 awl Ivo 4.41. To eu, ire poblicaVon in ant I. u -4411,r IAA it 4 amt.! react* th taint of the Maims in the four senior provinces of the Dominion will be made On the 10th inst. nnalmesting of the Horticulture./ fixie- ty was held last evening, followed by an oyster supper at Bingham's. A state- ment of the affairs of the bociety will appear in unr next. New If zaa's DAT arta OBO of the pleasantest of the season being mild awl agreeable. A number of callers were out, though the custom of 'moms the maim tin that day is becoming to a great extent taeolete. Died in Jail.- An oId man named John Gill, who was referrel to in the report of the Jail Committee as presented to soo comity Conned at its December &lesion, and also in the presentment of in that institution on New Year's day. Stgial. CIL JAN. 8, 11873. en gopi‘s of this day's Signe/mon los tett yeer 1:472 which ill nOrr nom. theetkings that were, has iteen in ' reniecte an eventful one, though y' tree from tbeise wars and revo- which lead an importance to en Turning first to BrItam we 6nd there thy° been prosperous. one Ministy still hold* power o it has been snbjected to severe havin; est greatly in popularity the ceurie %bid' it pursued with egr once to the Alabama Claims. These have been peaceably settled by iOn haeing been 'buttoned, and an laird for direct damage. to the extent Over 115,000,000 having been giVIM %IBM England. The Emperor Wil - Your of the United States, and it is to be regretted the& in them I enattets Britton ha. had to suffer huobiliation, it is a subject for con - tion that they have been brought pial to the Sword. The reccivery of it es Prince of Wales from • dangerons The anecess of tha Canadian teem at eleden, the Printers' strike Toronto, the horrible accident on the Grand Trunk •at Sheanonville and the prevalence of the epizootic amone horses are °smote wtothy of mention. The County of Huron' contiooss to enjoy proeperity• Railways are beim: Reeve R Callantlar; Colincillore, • 121. 65 ST. ANDREW's Robertson 106 A. Smith 78 Davidson. .. 33 Cox 22 Ger. aosen's Wain. McKay 71 Stonier (withdrew) 21 sr. PATRICK'S WARD. SInan 130 Ramon 122 Gardiner :. 92 Campbell 83 McKee Cook 122 Gm. Deputy Reeve S. Slemation; Council - Reeve, J. Leckie; Councillors, Messrs. Gerry, Baaentine, Wright, and Halli- day Reeve, H. Snell. Old Council re -sleeted. EAST Vtr•mictraasH. 206 185 163 cepteel it.. He takes the mathematoal Mastership of tke London High nehool with • salary of $1000 -being an ed - vanes of 5400. The best wish** of his 'many friends (Wow him to his nen sphere of labour. Ele is a scholar aid a gentleman and is well worthy V the situation. Snccess to him. Otte Nom Tamaase..-The name et our liew teacher teit replace Mr. O'Con- nor, is Kr. Birchard. Hs oomes from Bolton village, Ont. lie has • &RS clots Normal School Certificate and ens of a high grade front the County Board un- der the new Act. He is a young man of 22 years of age, but married. He oomes well recommended -is a man of good appearance, energy and a' and no doLibt will success! as head waster of the Seaforth Common School their interests. The address waa welt received, and it was et onoe apparent that the feeling of the meeting wu favor of the views sepressed. Other eentlemen followed, express' learn from. the Deeenibe r Number of the Jaime! of Ecitication which! hal jest come to hand thet the arnaoint granteel v, the Goderich High School for the first ballot 1872 eas$2:9 the awerave attend. ants being31. The Clinton school with the same attendance receives the same their particelar sates on the results be expected front incorporstion, bet generally favorable to meth a conies . Mr. David Johns, however, (metered_ ed that the limits proposed to be ass' ed were not sufficiently emnprehe and advooated the taking in of 1, acres, which had the effect of bringeig out a strenuous opponent in the peesod Mr. Willis, whose whOle farm would thus be included within the corporation lim and subjected, as be contended, k annals taxation. This objection hav- ing been oombated sumessfully in Ole opinion of the meeting, if not to SOO entire satisfaction of the gentlernah more particularly interested. MR. LIONARD MCPAOL.- This gen Osman tykes charge of the 2nd depart- ment of our school He hes for some time taught the Manchester School end is•well known to be one of the aldest teachers in the County. • Mr. MeFeill will do his duty and do it well too. We wish him success. He deserves it Oce, FINALE TBACKSIttl. - Miss Mc- Kenzie has charge of the 3rd depart- ment and Miss of the 4th o: infant clue. Both haVe giten FATAL AceiDeTT.- An accident at- sal satiefaction.during the past year mid tended with fatal consequences occurred both are engaged for the present year. at the Satible Bridge neer tVidder Sta- tion on the Grand Trunk on New Year's Varna. day. The Mail train ran oft the track — and instantly killed two employees, a baggageman named James Douglass, well known in Goderich, &nd • man write about in this part of the named Wass from the township „fit., at present, the general elettion-is Over, tie. The passengers etesped uninjur- the potabo bugs have' gene into winter ed. quarters, and tl.• Epizootic has become a thing of the put. The great questions, VITAL StarisTics.- We learn from which agitate the public mind at prment the Tcown Clerk that the law providing for the registration of Births, Marriages are the Rail Road, the Muni/Opal Elec- tions, the Toll Gates and the Snow during the past year than formerly Dnfta. The people of the east side of and Deaths has been better observed the township want the rail mad to go to make the required reterns. The tit- through Brucefield, while those on the though there are many still who neglect - west want it to go to Hayfield ; the lowing have been registered during 1872 e, people or -the east are led hy • "big fDegor thiss 60town,-BilAki 63' MarriageS "I medicine man," and the people of the west are led by a "eig medicine man," Parrot -anon or Humor. -There was -and which shall gain the victory is a • oalpable error in the popnlation of the question which I cannot answer. ridings of Huron se published by us • The next sebject is the election of few weeks ego, which escaped nue notice ootincillors. The Reeve went in by sc- at the time. The number of souls in estimation, so did the Deputy, thanks to the North Riding, that is ea it existed the -storm, which prevented people from previous to the musing of the re-distri- coming out to the nomination ; the button bill, was etated to be 13,016. councillors nominated are George -An- The figures shotild have been 39,016 demon, William Moffat, C. W. Pickford, The same mistake was made by uearly Thomas Keys and Dr. Woods. I think every other paper. that they will not do much canvassing Prime SCwoot TRTSTISS. -This for the roads are almost entirely block - Board met last Thursday evenino. Miss 6d. Norval was appointed a teacher in St. I don't think that anybody here is Andrew's Ward school in place ot Miss sorry that toll gates are thrown off, every Longworth. resigned. O'he appointment body talks of good times and good sleigh i,f Secretory in place ef the late Wm, rides now. Mackay was postponed till the new Christmas passed away very quietly board meets A number of minor the weather being very stormy and the metters were disposed of and several momenta passed, after which the board ]frith Weft The following have Council to aid the Len of the North-west Terri ministration of the appointed a Mon's, pnrsuant to the Act of 1871:- Horo A. Boyd, Dr. Schultz, mei Megan. Joseph Dubuc, A. (J. B. Bannsityne, Witham Fraser, R. Hamilton and W. J: PARR/ HANGINOS.-W ben an amateur attempte this kind of domestic deoora- I tion it is desirable that he shouid attend to the following instrictions, otherwise the *oil, whets Masher!, will show_ blemishes and stains. First, pummel- -4one the wall to remove all irregularitios of thesurOme, then wash over the size, alsout one ounce of glue to a .gallon of "'Mari end when the wall ix ready secooded by Mo. • IA to receive the paper. The past. should resuireg on„iniously, That in meted be well boiled and then -passed throngh the early a,,nstruition of the Londote a hair sieve to' extract the lumps, a finron and Bruce increasing population and properitYAif the villages of Exeter and Fratoestoen, this meeting ie opiniiin that a ;is leeirable to imply for au act to Incorp Om those villages by the name r Corporation of the Village of Exet o amok. of and comprise the follotri lots oind parcels of land, vizo-011e are incensed to show damp, add a little C. rrr. an to atiblariste to the paste to pre - the poor. The most important matter for ten minutes before hanging. in a toallow the paper oi remain pasted iarder that it may be well stretched before neieg platted on the wall. Stout paper ...loth half of lot one. in L he rst t.ontee- haingturs 23, 24 an4 lo are attended to the Valuta:et ilraper;. will qiiiro a tenger tune If theseldirecti -114 d [lay ; Ole mirth such MS the 'flocks, ete.. re- -ton of the Township hanii without .0. creale or tut oojectione- 'to. the Township of Stephen; the ita iti hi:liff ooffioltot20,1,51::041211.1226,• 17, 18, 19,, /6 end the south helf of lot 21 in ilte to ,111. „„,,tonanoli L. ship of Usborue. It wee then, en motion id lea ae CI lo,i-l'itre-th-e ;'::1i-lt-o--;:oi tutu. own for- ing, Esq.. seconded by Mr. Wo. olio , t'iontsoto . Youvo Me,. _ No„,,,,4 men 1 wet liteac Carling. be a c ..... muter, Lo r le 1 PFP I i an CIO Subscribe on veur winner, 1 Ihe purlieu of teking such steps ee ewe " Lick IS .1 f0 -.I, p1114 IS I a hero.' necessary to obtain an Act of Incorpo,,ta- non at the wit session of :he °mimeo ,' Yins] Paithl iaa.IT keen th. iding is to take a fair share of the , remionber that the great- art of corn, wo , . Think well of yourself. Strike Chairman -for his able condutt. ili.he chair the meeting separeted, well pima, out; ?dime your own position. - :Put SAVAGE'S D; FLOURn ANDFEED S Nor $treert, lQ Qd KEEPS (ONSTANTI.Y ON HAN ,t vEtstry NV. Flour. { Family IL Flour. Baker's S. fir' SAN, VIDDL!_1'GS, CHOP FEED, d'rt 44' RE. 1347 Goaerich, 6th Novo 18;2. New lbnerttsentent THE ELEMN ARE OVER, BUT THE Me. (I. B. Mentz, General Agent for the sale of the Peloobet Pelton and Co. Geld Medal Cabinet Orgens and also Vrwe andSon's Best Piave, begs respect - telly to inform Ministers MUSIC Teach. -el that such an umnunous feeling had mai been exhibited to aid in advanci the interests of the villages in the eer proposed. -Free Pre.ss. 1111111. * pros Teachers' ExammatioL. We have been requested to ouhtish the following letter frotal Inapadtoe Dewar with reference to the rece t ex- amination of Teachers in this un - At the close of the recent ex tion of teschers for this County members of the Board came to th A )ended to the list might be the he n- TIM Voice or Tilt filant.-When a of shell is held ppl to the ear, dere is a pe- ke culla vibratbil noise. Philosophically ns investigated, the peculiar sound time poetess in a cart, over a imugh road, aqui the small ones go to the bottom. HMIs &bele the envious add jealous, Fare above the mark"you intend to hit. .gnergy, invincible determination, with • right motive, are the levers that motred the world. Don't dkink--don't clop.- don't smoke -don't steer -don't deoeive--dou't read novels-idon't mer- ry intil you can support • wife. Be- eaineet -be self -reliant -be genemus- ilf Wined. Read the papers. Advertise yoer business. Make mon i and do good with it . Love your God and fel- Ions your country and obe its laws. - AT THE SELLING ClIFAPER H AN EVER. Odds and Ends At Cost and Under. JOHNSTON & BR00;:psi NOTED FOR CHEAP G a doing gond to future candolates reorignized is a phenomenon that verY In English Grammar and in splitting much perplexed learned gentlemen for there was • decided improvemento not- • siting wrote. The experiment is easily witOstatiding stone wretched specitiens msde by simply pressing a spiral shell, I. orthe letter. The mechanical esmiStion oommon in collectione, over the mire- 1 of many of the papers, I regret lo leate, , brains of either ear. If • large shell, the 1 2101) h el yen' nature u tO pro- gonna is very much like that of a far off , . _ as possible at their own fits aides. The neatne,as, should the candidates, wbo mewls in the body is always in a state NEW GROlERYI LARGE IIRRIVALS roads so- very badly drifted that non' w people had to make the dint as •"merry" elude, altogether, the idea of order or .es,taract. Now, what causes it Every , good people of %Omni are not all imam wrote these papers ever be enfor Litate ' of tension. Sonte are more . the - James Erackenrid enough to stand behind the t desk. I enclose, Mr. Editor, one men for publIcation, believitir eauttillate will recognIze it, and, sante time, hoping that ita ptibl will be the means of doing itood, ial 1th h the cannot boast of er's stretch than others, particularly those d d that the "socials" every other day like you God- peel. of the fingers. It s conc. e erich folks, t no .vihration of the fibres of 'those in the Fisher & Barton of Clinton have t the -fingers being communicated, to the *hell, ' Athol it propagetes and intensifies it. as the ., in making future candidetes of tit 'same • tion of its strings, land thne the acoustic 6 ' el of the I brelow the knees are said opened • tine store in W Ilion & Foot a ers end Church Managers that in order old stand. Mr. J. Boot " an of Seafortla to enconrage the introduction of those instrements he will furnish them at has leased Mr. J. B. rd's store and post office and is doing fine business. Reeve, D. Stott; Coencillors, Mesers. wholonshi prices. • Rooms, at Mr.Stitt's, Purdy & Robinson have made thoir Potter, McCallum, James, and Mc- next Nett. Ern Office, Clinton. names famous by the fine cutters thev Gowan. 1351 . have built this wooer. The telegrapit Blume. . MAGISTRATES COCILT.-On Friday IAA ALB who'll has been closed for • IVErg Dy. Reeves, Weir and Gibson; Coon. I Me D. Bell of Duneannon was bronght LIMP 011 atxonnt of some difficult) alumi calor*, Wiggins, and Grey. . before C. Crabs,. J. P. cf this town. getting • place for it will be opened chanted with havine committed an as- somerof these days in Mr. Cook's Tem- ult of Rev. Mr. Jones on that village. perance House, which will certainly be se Reeve, 11. Wilson; Deputy Reeve, ' in Soiles hotel, the Monday before a meet benetit to the neighborhood. Duueltiss; Conocillors, aOcKee, Robin- Christmas. The assault mass proved and Fisher Barton talk cf building a cheese otn and Lovett. a fine of $10 and costs, amounting in ell factory here in the spring. 'Nothine Ssomern. • to betweea fil8 aud 110 imposed. &one like go-ahead men in a place. Old Council re-elected. • of mr. Bella friends *wild vim allow New, Mr. Editor I think that I have him to pity the fine hut Mopped forward 004 you all the news of any accnunt ; Christmes. and wishing you • happy New Year, 1 retuain .yer yours, 1C. A. M. C people show by their liberality in the etet ens way of bonusei that they appreciate increased fecilities for cominunicetion. The tell Wee have boon removed from Newts °Atha 'Wok. all the roads within the Connty, which Kamehameha V King of the Sand - cannot but prove • greet boon to the wich Island*, died on the llth of December. He was the last of the The beginning ot the veatr saw our royal line and left no successor. In town in a state of depression on account the meantime there is an interregnum of the condition of the Salt trade on during which the people are sovereign. which we have to depend almost entirely for tier futore prosperity. The removal of half the Ameriean duty, which cense into effect on the first of Augnst, Re:to things a more cheery aslrect, and during tbe latter part of the season the wets were worked to their utmost capacity, and vessels could not be obtained to convey away the marmfactimed article fast eneugh to stIpply the demand which existed in the Attimican market. We trnat next seseon to see an immense tbaakagiving serviees end public de - impetus given- to trade of all kinds in toonstrations, during which an attack our midst, and if tinr people are enly TSB made upou the Queen, happily eithont any serious results, by a tuts - )1144 imbecile who deatandied an for the Fenian,. The Ballot , has been enacted. and has se far Oft found to work swell The Tiabborne :Dr2 in most remarkable trial on record, slam The Belfast riots occnered &email), and for some days !got and S llosidshed had full sway in thistreets &ince is rapidly recovering nom the MoStration causol by the war with tO Praia*, and though -a crisis is every j India is Republican form of 40MBIM- roosting of the three Eniperors at though what their conference int so far as Europe is concerned. dewy however their deliberations ,arig too have much effect in retarding ior Wyoming the march of civilisation. tam/ sew governruent has been formed tem:moor to abolish elavery Polo. Notting specially remarkable haa in any the ether oountries East, Ramie is gi &dually imf towards India, and it will. net besnrprising if before long a fierce *Ina takes place bctween ibet power t. old 3 eat Britaiu on the plains of Asia, "Pan having emerged from her state oi isolation is rapidly conforming with Penn. bee passed through 0 terrible , °royal of famine _and raids' ole whisk • boon across the lino was the President - tial election wheels took place in No - !Farber, regalia** in the re-election of .! IIMesialag ONO by • large majority over vailthe Hen. elves death a few days dear %he _ mere gloom over the satire ' - Boston fire, ascend PAO bp Wit of Chicago a year helots. Iron rguiss/ festival in the sense itly4ilie season, the overthrow Tww.wof ring which was fast Tar York to boakerptur, in Ors Japanese Ivabseel, Qs sond- es ospoilliko guise itsalsyby Yosk...11srehl to seen& sot ahligulignis, sad the in torsi - in go on- lemet alive to their own interests there ts no reason why Goderich should not yet, with its improved herbotir, its facilities for cornmnnication Rich the Northawest and its other advantages, become a place The obituary record of the past year contains the following prominent names, King Charles of Sweden, Lord Mayo, Lord Bulwer, Dr. Norinan McLeod, Canon Ranseito Lady Beaconfield wife Greeley, Ex -Secretary Seward, James Gordon Bennett, Generals Hillock and May the year 1873 be one ef as great peace and prosperity es, notwithstand- ing many calamities and drawbacks, its departed sister 1872 has been. • NAILSAW EscAPS. -Mr. David Patton, Reeve of Goderich Township. hol a very naroiw name from home instently kill- ed on the day et nnmination. When Morin prevailing at the time, he wee MISTING tit' TH1 CoCNTT I.ODOS, AND overtaken hy an engine and snot, plow TZSIPSItANCS tioetei.. arri pitched t Of the track. lied it net — been tor lb* oepth of snow on the treck The representatives of the different And bv the side of it he wonld probably lemeerance Lodes in the county ttel . hare boon killed. Foetunstely he es their quarterly meeting in the Toe I taped nith &alight bruise on the leg. Hall oil Wednescley efternoon, 18th LSOTC1.1. -We have runchopleamee inst., when several subjecta of interest . to the order were earefolly dtsciassed The Legislative Assembly meets on irnat7el.1"31°711A‘.ingof Baranteford, WilV1V:Ieliver The business pert ot she meeting 'settee the 8th of January &lid will nominate a his celebra'ted lecture nn the "Heirrei over, the delegates from the neighbor anocessor. A revolution is anticipated. Martyrs of Scotland" in St Andrew's * Lod es and the public were invited Church im this town, on Tuesday even- ing. 14th January, at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. efichrane is well known as one of the A most remarkable transaction has just taken place in ennnection with the Krte Railway. It will be recollected that Jar). Gould as President of the Road, filched large sums frotn its coffers and was removed from biz position in conseonence. Ile hes now voluntarily restored kis ill Rotten plunder to the and other property. Some hatre sup- posed that that move is part of a gigantic scheme of speculation and that he ex - Makin The U. S. Government hare bent a war steamer to Honolitlit and • British ves- sel has also been ordered to the earn* The negociations for Union between the -Free and OOP. Churches in Scot- land have fallen through is. the mean- time. It haa been decided however to make the ministers ef the nego,:isting churches mutually eligible for, a call which is a step towards ultimate union. The Joint Committee on UniUn of the Kirk ants Canada Presbyterian church hate just concluded a session in Mon- treal. The utmost harmony prevailed, and there is every reason te believe that the union will be consummated and that before long. The Rossien Government have com- municated to Her Majesty's Mtnisten tlaeir plan for the campaign wink the Khali of Khiva and offered to allow Flritish officers to accompany the ex psdi- between the two countries has thus been removed and Britain will not interfere with Russian operations unless Afghan- istan is encroached upon. Tbe result nf the recent strike among English labourers is that hundreds are toot Ronal in the eveniuy, get up mole, Lodge. The hell was beautifully dec•-r-, tither 'tallow body of a inlin dons tho vibes. them from trying , to obtain ce utiol they can do better. It t not, vibrate in the same wee, and le con. however be forgotten that anti r of tided to the ear produce the 14.11110 cotes es most eloquent of the ministers of the a ed ter the itecasion, chiefly through I./amide Preeleyterian church,• and hie the exertions of Mr. C. &Mow. *A few mission fee er 25 cents will be charged, served; and the au.dience which nine the peoceeda to be divided between the hays numbered about 360, persons, wits, debt on the 'Manse in Guderich and Smith's Hill Church. Hnmn Lreige No. 62 1.0.0.F. held on Thursday evening, Jen 2d, the follow- ing office's were duly installed fur the A. out of ealolment and many propose of 'ingham, has been appointed by the going to Brasil which holds out speMal Bishop of Huron to the parish of Prams - inducements to English emigrants. If of the Rev. Henry Bartlett. ten, rendered vacant by the resignation proper steps were taken many might be Tits POTULATIoN of Woigham is 1,• induced to come to Canada where we 109. we regret to learn that the proprietor a ftaNi'reou wants a Bank egency, also have plenty of room for all sueh. Carleton Plue Herald has meet with • severe loss, his office and residents* ham iog been completely destroyed by fire on ! New Year'seve. His leolicy of insurance I had lapsed three days before the fire, so the loss is all the heavier to be borne. ' Moat of the contents weresaved though in &damaged condition. With commends- pected to realize more than the snnt in , bile energy the paper will be issued as question by the advance in Erie stock of which he holds a large amount, by the move. Thia is abrird, for any advance however lerge would not reach the sem he has given up. Nu doubt he has been influenced by the fear of • prosecution, which is still threetened, though his own explanation of his conduct is to the effect that he had 'mewled, ever nom his removal from the preaidency of th• company in the early part of last year, to return tle money he was moused of leaving plundered, and that he had mere- ty held it till his relations with the esespony were sausfactesorily arranged. If this were the case, it is rather stranp that he should always hays denied that he was indebted to the company in any way, or that he had any of its funds in his posesersion, and that he should al- ways have declared his readiness to con- test his right to the property which he was chaapd with having frauelulentlY anpospetseed. Under any ciretunstansee the stem he haa -now taken is rather z reumarkable one aad something new in the history of beusinesetransac none. abraMardlaust be an expensive place wale* airt/is rosoono Ines Avondale 'llanaWattWos B847. usual. Tbe traffic on the Great western moi. way is increasing eo rapidly that i: is proposed nezt summer to lay • double track from Windsor to Glencoe, to con- nect e the latter point with the loop line to Fort Eris. The cost will be $1,250,000. Chatham, One., is now lighted with Small pox prevails to an alarming ex- tent in Boston and several other cities el the United States France and Germany are on anything but amicable terms with the Vatican. The epizootic prevails along the entire eastern slope of the Rocky litoontaina. " Stokes, the aseassim of James Jun., has been found guilty of amesdie in the find degree. Seatance has not yit been passed, bat it is unlikely he will suffer the extreme penalty of the law. Having received front the Dominion Government a good appointment as physician to the elohewk Indians on the Bay of Quint", it m he intuition of Dr. thorihmiteklui to removes from Strat- ford, to mummer the practise DI kis profession in Napanso. day (23rd Du. 1872), allonembers pres- Reeve to attend to the settling of damages seatained by J. Howe on S. B. eroige. Ordered that all taxes must he mod tin or before the first Monday in Jannary. Clerk to prepare papers The following ordent were granted - Harris and Brother,Gravel 10.00 Clerk, Salary 100.00 Inspector 20 00 L. Stahl& as Councillor and job letting • 36.00 Reeve Li 62.80 Deputy Reeve " 11 51.60 , Treasurer, Salary 11130 Sta. itt 93-0° . Free Preen printing . 3.50 J. Ryan, work on 11 con 16 00 J. Pickard, Lumber spikes 7.78 Mrs. Ifechen, Chemin,. 10.00 .r. Dating, work on Moen 6 on A. McCloy, error in amentment...1.00 C. PROUTY. candidates put In gooi papers an nes "Is. I A correspondent of the Lon loo' CHEAP r OR CASH 11/1100RE added veryllargely to them, 13,11,.% position tithe SJI11.2 stand, t gen I II AWING bought nut !t1,.. • A LOCI'S Stock of Orocerie D RY 600D show : Maggie° Ned, Liz. Mary Robinson, James Tremee Cempbell, Maggie J. Oliver, Ja SOU, Matthew Watts and Gilbert 673, 663,655, 622, end 608 markt 1102, the aggregate of all thei Class papers. The ladies, it will served, took the load The smallness ad the number successfel is, in many cases, ow pared with a teens mui delicaey that rf•- tle9ted much credit on the lady membeho of the Lodge. After the audience had speut a reesonable time over the reel things ef this earth; and young and old, low and high, had apparently done justice to themselves, the County Chief, Mr. Wanleas, was 'called to the chair, and presided over the meeting in his usual happy manner. The mental part of the entertainment then commenced. and consisted of recitations, dialogues, readings, speeches and music. A num- ber of very &noising reettattons and dia- logues were spoken by Messrs Campbell and Armstron, ef Varna, Meters C. Barlow, W. \ an Valkenburs, and Dr. Buensuan and Misses McDougall, Arnold, E. ef sheik, Van V elkenburg and several others of Zurich; and • reading by Mr. Redmond. Able and elognent speeches were delivered by Messrs J. Grandy, W. Grandy, P. O'Brien, Odium and Dr. Buchanan who showed in a elear and forcible manner the evils and dangers arising from the use of intoxicating liquoes; and the benefits accruing from the strict °beery- ance of temperance principles. During the evening several beautiful pieces of music were performed on the melodeon by Mies Hopkins of Exeter. Very much w as added to the excellency of the en- tertainment by the presenoe of the Zurich Brass Bend, which played a large n umber of pieces in • style that far sur- passed the expectations of all present; and when we oormider the rapid progress they have made in the short time they hbauTteZurienhPwill soon have a music band second to none in the county. The usual votes of thaoks wore pro- posed. and at eleven o'clock the audi- ence dispersed in good spirits, hiehly pleased with the entertainment. TIKYKRAYR-It Lzorres.-The Rev. W. delivered a lecture on Temperance iu the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday evening the 7th January 1873. The Rev. geutleman gave au excellent lec- • Peter "Miser writing from Lobo, says: About , , _ d selling at reduces! prices. ut of i k citv. Feinted -0o than existed as . ''-'6 °an", o were • and this furtbriate family are now : oit tn come into possession of $28,000,- , - - perhaps ao roma able to the rettier dtth in is situatel inii Bmadwev, ;Mew lurk. . GOOD BARGAINS IN LARGE 1 ARRIVALS We dere made *ware of the .ack iif thorough preparation on, ad a few days ago, hy one of the fa - .tilt character of the erithrueirsil pap- Mrs. William F. Luxton; late of se°74. Raisins ar Currants, .,1 the candidates, but, in other lasses. teo tly. Thee imniense property ref,errod, era for Loth classes. 'Ilie proteins km forth, is, we belime. a daiiehter of one Everythint that can ustiblly be found La work, but rettiaired clese thiniting and shove mentioned. eie that .5 tart a the tatlere &As and prices, if yon wish to save money. 1 tle nitric tele+. It is more thim p 4.1.1 OetTI:Litlf.- We regret to learn that :Outvote -to the solution of pr4 one perticuiar text book. FO c ass .antlidates, a ykry (1,ffic,i , pope!. - louked for, was the resOlt of repot eon. , CHEAP tt'ASH STORE. a Grocery Store can be found here. oilyed no great *moue t of tu hailical of the mayhem of tho fortunate family , ' Do not fed to call and examine goods i..n et. Oresbyterialt Church 4/ Scotland, -died , • nonmember the mand,• corner of ono Glencoe His death, whicli was not un- , ems tu on Monday ereeing, December 30, at . failure in it is* lathes adttageihtr. The . . were, 1 onplaus- 1 es eat k tut an w nou It sou 1 of bet* ailing to. ndidates ondclUs One, i bly the pre- • T ERS WANT D. oher papers for both classes think of a char:acme not to Le ed of, althona_h, in Huron, to history proved • h many, and certainly net‘heeett thing intricate or erotpety One ifeature of act exituli caul idates wht never taught. .be mull for au h to make be 'thoroughly prepared befere ihe Board. There were sixty for thint class. aud seven for st cert itiottes. The 13oard decided that in tending -candidates must inva scribed time, es nono will he received. aoalarta Soo -um -There was a Social at the Rev. FL B. Palmer s residenne (the M. E. Parsonage), cn the evening of the 30th ult., which was a very pleasant affair. The proceeds were in aid of she Church. The Rev. Mr. Palmer is an able, easy, plain preacher of the Goa pal, Lod is becienuag ve:y popular with the people of the town of all denomination& Sens& -It is intended shortly to hold • Soiree in the .51. E. Churc.h of this village. Ws belie,* Monday even- ing the 20th inst.; ia the evening ap- pointed. The Bova FIMIDOr bee reeticin we have no dou t tim copy of one of the pape by one of the plucked candt 'object of Goograptly WAR, et Noes - ret unir tames triton the poles. Ecliptic, the a parent path of the Lin. 1111 s Du row neck of lond eu,,Lec; jog It o la bodies. Peninsula, a piece p laod al, most surrounded by water. Attliipelego4 a sea dotted over with islande. ; 2.-Neefoundland Matte. elik, Green land, Nantucket, t5i4odors,1British Is t Vermont, M:intpelier, Capital ; 141411. St.''''.AllareW ft Church, Goderichp tadCi°1ou'ided in three torts, E'en Dutch, Venezuela. RA1LWAT 11[ECTISG. -A meeting of the inhabitants of the villages et Exeter and Franoestown was held on Friday evening, 27th December, at Drew's Hall, Sister, for the purpose of considering the best means to be adopted to secure the granting of a bonne by the said vil- lages in aid of the Loudon, Huron & Bruce Railway. There was s large atteadsuice, al- though the night was very stormy, the ter about to affect their interests meter Joseph Acheson, Lao, having been celled to the chair, leatec Carling, Eiem, aleiressed the meeting at some length, pointing out the position in which tke villages stood in relation to the Town- three ruouths 'lributaries ,Madeosskos. ships of Usborne, Stephen and Hay, the Bombers, Redua, Counties Lanark, lien- inootrrentinee aud undesirability of frew, Carleton, Rus. seeking to raise a bonus from • secticns 9.-Loffeaton s Islands, North of Scioto of each of those townships, and the ad- lend ; Turkey and grainy, limo h of littito Tanen." 1„ be derived hy eertheeth go. ; Otranto that conitecti Aanatic end plying fear an Act of. Incorporation. He edon, Copen flagon on the II t'zealand, then suggested the extent of land it was Balthism nioulitem. beteikt thee onipn bout fort 1411. -ht , v the fis. Destroyer. $,Mr. Meeloid Plans sail ipecit.catitor, can Le wen at ix children tn the house of Mr Tina Finlay. The Trintees 4. not bitot themselves Treasurer of 8. No; Ashfield, Belfast P. 0. There 1- reaeon to n 'eve that Eng- land will shortly have mother royal Edinburgh to the Han,Overign ex Royal family at Gmtinden is believed on the continent to be connectrd eith the Dukes betrothal to one ,of the ex -King's daughters. He hee teed,- both of them it is said under twenty-twlo, aad both very New 201nrtiEicincitts. SCOTLAND'S H EQ- MARTYRS! A LECTURE BY OF BRANT/FORD, STRAY COW. OY CRO 1. Moore & AcKanzie's CHEAP CASH STORE. (-IAMB TO the premises of the Sub scriber Lot 21, Con. 9, West Ws wanosh,in 'October last,a large Red Cow. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take her r way. LargejArrivals of Boorrl & SHOES, at Moore & McKenzie's CHEAP CASH SIORE FREE EXHIBITIOW tiF TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 1.1th: at half past 7 o'clock. 3.-Boundanes. bout (ler of debt on Manse and Smith's Hill , Proceeds to be applied to liquidation South by England, West feels:id and Church. Englsehe 004121, Miran. North Atlantic, Physical F, in Goderich, Jan. 7th, 1873. 1136a 1 the North 4 is rucnutainons but pictilt- esque, in the South more fertile rather — -°- ' ANY PREVIOUs'COLLECTION OF undulating ; Rivere, Clyde W the lirgest- . INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869, ' . Lisle Fine Limb ness. HOLIDAY GLFTS FAR SURPASSING 4 -Mountains Europj, Pyre I In the rnatter 1,1 Duncan Shade Gooding. between Flamed mid Spat a; A1149,' an Insolvent. "1°5, It'lat Mal; i•eturetl Eun'Pe", i A the Town of Goderich has bee.r tip- „ • Asia, and Solite:1n between norwaY °an i pointed assignee in the; matter. Credo 1 Sweeden. ' - . I tors are requested to file their claims . 6. -Rivers floe ino in tai the Hudson's ! before nie within one month. i Bay, Nelson, Artic,°McKeutie Ctotrado DIXIE WATSON, i Columbia, Frazer River ; Black n'ea, -tssignee. Volga, Dnieper, Danube. ' - Goderith, Jan. 4, 1873. 1331b rence, Mississipi, Gulf of Mexico, Ori• , STRAY STEER. nico, Corrbbeon Sea, Oat Caspian sem p, — Loire and Seine, English chain ; Smic14- VA.ME TO the premises of the Sub - ruiner, south of span ; Vistiilo, Balk* 11.1 scriber, Lot 6, Lake Shore Road, • Sea ; Severn C011/3 the Wetter from Leet* Colborne, about two months ago, is Red Boucot? at the Ncrth of Onteric, Mee or Steer, coming two yeats old, with some going in to the Hudson Bar. _,-! L white spots and a_ white stripe on its 8. -Matrid capitol of &mein on TAPS him. The owner will please pay m- aim@ on the arr capitol uf fewitzerland; pewees and take it away. , AT Bristol, on the 13ristol channel, Cannot- Colborne, 4th Jan., 1873 1351-14* ltur, bay of Canterbury ; Odense, Rua- — EVER BEFORE The Cheapest BEST 4' CE IN GODERICH TO BUY DrY goods, Groceries, and Boots it Shoes, BROUGHT INTO HISCOUNTI NOW ON VIEW is Moore ft McKenzie's C4AP CASH SIORE. Noyssitee ith. 1872. ad 1 `AMR into the enclosure of the Sub- ‘-/ scriber, Lot 4, Like Flome,Ashfield oneterieto DOC., 17th, 1872. ELLIMG kirr Steer with white on the belly and all T HE subscriber is determined to sell State Siocala, Guif of the iltrats of At- &bola the first of September, • Brindled forma ; Isle of man betwixt England auto, Little belt north of Denmark, O. 10.-1 he Mee. its riot in Lake 1st. John, and flows in a souther eutytng into the St. Le rence with desirabie to include withtn the hunts of the corporation, viz, 1.200 acres, and concluded by stating that he regarded the construction of the Railway as be- yond doubt, and urged npon the Meet- ing the adoption of the (tonne suggested se the ono bat. oelailatod to eAysnos georgi A. The St ratite d Becomes urn that (1"114"g the pest y ear the -fives received by tt I Mayor only smounte41 to 0.8. white feet and a star iv the forehead. 1 out and +rind itp minuet. The owner will please prove propeity, pay expenses and take it away. JAMES YOUNG. Port ileert. Stray geifer. !,,,;TRAYED from the Subscriber's premises, Litt 4. Lake Shore Road, Ashfield, !about the iniddle tif Septem- ber, a ligi rod Yearling Heifer, with some whit nn the belly. Any infer - maim' of liereaboota will be thank - Wily remit cl. MI AMES YOUNG. 'WEST STREET, GODER1V. Teeth Fxtreetell Widest rats BOOTS AND SHOES, AT DOM GOODm DENTAL ROOMS P. tAll amounts mast be mad witb 3 Doors below the Bank of MODIreiti, out delay. liamilteu Street. • •