HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 8cake mix raffle was won' by Mrs. Larry Herm Women's Institute news The WI met at the home of Mrs. Norman Riddell, the attendance was greatly increased owing to the roll call which was "Bring a friend and introduce her," Mrs. Donald Roloson presided and conducted the business. Money was voted to the school for The Retarded in St, Marys. Plans were discussed for a bus trip and Mrs, G, Dann, Mrs. C. Lewis and Mrs. D. Roloson were named to look after the arrangements. Mrs, Elmer Summers presented a report on the district annual meting. The topic for this meeting was, Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Conveners were Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Mrs. Clifford McRobert, Guest speaker was Mrs. Michael O'Shea who gave an interesting account, illustrated by slides, of her Junior Farmer Scholarship trip to the British Isles last summer. Mrs. O'Shea one of a group of six, told of her visits to two Royal Livestock Shows, one in Scotland and one in England. These are comparable to our Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. At the show in England the group had the honor of meeting Princess Anne and her husband Mark Phillips. Among her souvenirs Mrs. O'Shea has a page of an English newspaper with a picture of herself talking to the Princess on it. The group were also honored with a dinner at Canada House, Scenes of great beauty were shown on the slides of Scotland and Wales, Recreation club will treat children Plans are being made to treat 65 children of Granton to the Air Show in London in June. This will be a community project of the Recreation Club. The Baseball Season has started. Bryanston men and Granton girls Sr: Team will be playing again this year, Baseball fun for ladies A group is forming to play once a week for pleasure, ladies if you desire to join this grop, leave your name at Kloss's Red Sc White store. Maintenance of the Park and operation of the refreshment booth, will be taken care of by Les Parnell. Personals A number of the members of Granton Mason's Lodge No. 483 - AF & AM attended the South Huron District Divine Service at Kirkton United Church on Sunday at 8 p.m. Dashwood couple mark anniversary Page 8 Times-Advocate, May 29, 1975 A TOP MALE BOWLERS — Awards were given to the top individual bowlers in the Exeter men's bowling league at Saturday's annual banquet. From the left are Don Jackson, high average in the "B" group and high triple in "A"; Eric Matzold, "A" average; Dan Brintnell, "B" single and Dave Worby, "B" triple. Rec softball organized A six team Exeter and district recreation softball league will get underway Monday night. The teams are Hensall, Guess Whos, Crescent Rolls, Firemen, Usborne and Custom Trailer. In his news release, ree director Jim McKinlay said, "This league is to be run very low-key, Participation is im- portant and it is our intention that the league will not become overly competitive to the point where the aspect of fun and recreation is lost because of a win-at-all-costs attitude.. Wor. Bro. Rev. Arthur W. Watson was the guest speaker. The Old Testament Lesson was read by Wor. Bro, Alex Gar- tenburg, Grand District Chaplain and District Deputy Grand Master Very Wor, Bro, Earl Watson read the scripture lesson from the New Testament. Still patients in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital but expected to be home in a few days are Harold (Hoddy) Hodgson & Frank Squire. Mr. & Mrs. Austin Hobbs were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald, Thorndale. Katherine & Cassandra, twin daughters of Mr. & Mrs, Jim Harding are spending a few days with their aunt Miss Winnie Harlton London. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, Mrs, Lois Herbert and family attend the Anniversary service of Saintsbury Anglican Church on Sunday. hfll ,,, ! ,,,,,, ! , ! .. ! ,,,, PIM! . .... ......... 1111111!1.1.101Ont .. iiiiiiiii ii iiii iiiiiii 1 iiii ll 111!11 ll ! ll FORMAL WEAR For Weddings or Any Special Occasion SEE Len McKnight & Sons aler chatge MEN'S WEAR "ma Phone 235-2320 Exeter HA.10.11 VOLLEYBALL CHAMPS — Exeter public school won the boys division of the district elementary school volleyball tournament recently. Back, left, coach Mike Soldan, Stan Robbins, Dave Cooper, Mike Brintnell, Eugene Clarke and Terry Schwartzentruber. Centre, Bill Snell, Derek Vandergunst, Dave Atthill, Dave Bogart, Brian Mercer and Steve Skinner. Front, Kevin Parsons, Danny Bell, Dave Shaw and Mike Clarke. • CONSOLATION WINNERS — The Kinsmen won the consolation playoff championship of the Exeter men's bowling league. Back left, Gernot Dauber, Jim Neil, Larry Hockey and Tom Humphreys. Front, Ken Snedden, Bill Dinney and Bob Reynolds. T-A photo SPARES ARE "A" WINNERS — The Spares won the "A" division championship in the Exeter men's bowling league. From the left are Bob Lavery, Ray Smith, Kai Jorgensen and George Pratt. T-A photo • Compare Our Discount Prices Adorn Hair Spray sugi:g.'10e9zta.il $1 .1 Breck Shampoo 7 oz. Su g$1.. Retail 7 Crest Toothpaste 100 ml 99' Bufferi Sugg. Retail 63 n Tablets 48's $1.10 Soft & Dri Spray Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1070 "kg • By MRS. E. SUMMERS Congratulations to the Granton Scouts for doing so well at the Perth County Camperee at Wildwood Park last weekend. The patrol under the leadership of Rickie Kloss won 1st prize in the Rope Bridge Building contest, 2nd in the Obstacle course, 3rd for the cleanest campsite, 3rd in the Canoe Race, 4th for the Canoe fighting. Each night ended with a campfire. Keep in mind the date of the big variety show put on by the scouts and cubs at the Scout Hall (former Oddfellows Hall) , on June 6 & 7, Proceeds will go for Crippled Children and Scout & Cub expenses. Church news At the United Church Rev, Mary McInally's sermon dealt with Fear. (4th in the series on Harnessing our Instincts) her text was, "Fear can help us." Next Sunday June 1 the local celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Church will be held at Wesley Church at 8 p.m. Highlights of union will be recalled, a song service enjoyed, and guest speaker and former minister of the Pastoral Charge, Rev. Susan Seymour will show slides of her recent trip to the Holy Land. A coffee hour will follow. There will be no service at St. Thomas Anglican Church for the next two Sundays. CGIT news The CGIT ended their meetings until September with a cook-out at the home of leader Mrs. Tim Alce. The girls presented Mrs. Alce and Mrs. Eric Chevoncek with bud vases in appreciation of their leadership. New leaders are urgently needed by September for both the CGIT and the Explorers. Explorer news The Explorers and their leaders concluded their meetings until September with a hike on Saturday to the 'Conservation Area north of Granton. They enjoyed a weiner roast. Girls who were awarded Praying Hands rings for perfect attendance were Evelyn & Maria Vanderminen, Cathy Riddell, Bonnie Harloff and Margaret McGuffin. Those who had just missed one meeting received Peace Badges. They were, Anne Marie Nixon, Kim Knapman, Susan Noon, and Barbara Gray. Elaine Rooney received her "E" pin for completing all her three years as an Explorer and having 75 percent attendance. Court Valentine COF Meet The members of Court Valentine COF met at the Forester's Hall on Monday evening. Attendance was small owing to the holiday weekend. President Mrs. Larry Hem was in the chair and conducted the business. A special donation was voted to the Canadian Cancer Society, Middlesex Unit, this was apart from the money sent to head office in Brantford for cancer research, Plans were made to charter a bus for the evening of June 26, to take 50 passengers to Grand Bend to see the play, "Barefoot in the Park" at the Huron Country Playhouse. Anyone who is in- terested in going, please contact any member of the court for tickets. It was decided to have a two penny auction at the meeting. The coffee spoon draw was won by Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins. A Ball schedules Games this week Exeter Rec JUNE 2 Guess Who vs Custom 3 Usborne vs Hensall Crescent Rolls vs Firemen Southwestern fastba II May 29 Ailsa Craig at Parkhill Huron Park at Lucan Bryanston at Exeter June 1 Lucan at Ailsa Craig Bryanston at Huron Park Poplar Hill at Exeter June 3 Ailsa Craig at Huron Park Poplar Hill at Bryanston Exeter at Lucan Usborne GIRLS JUNE 2 Elimville vs Exeter 3 Thames Rd. vs Hurondale 5 Thames Rd. vs Hibbert Hurondale vs Elimville BOYS JUNE 2 Elimville vs Blanshard Hibbert North vs Hibbert South 6 Blanshard vs Thames Rd. By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Mrs. Elgin Rader, Mrs. Elmer Rader, Stratford and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene were hostesses for a bridal shower for Susan Van Wyck, May bride-elect on Wednesday, May 21 at Dash- wood community centre. Relatives and neighbors of the groom were guests. Games were conducted by Mrs. Elgin Rader and Darlene Rader. Susan was the recipient of many lovely gifts for which she thanked everyone. Celebrate anniversary Some 50 members of Mr. & Mrs. Valentine Becker's family were present for their 45th wedding anniversary. They were guests of their family at Leizure Lodge, Cambridge. Children and grandchildren attended from Kitchener, Hamner, Peter- borough, London, Zurich, Exeter and Dashwood and vicinity. In honor of their parent's an- niversary, the family sponsored • the Lutheran Hour on CKNX Wingham, and also presented them with a floral arrangement. Garden clubs In the April issue of "Con- sumers" they are urging everyone to plant a garden for health sake as well as for economy whether it is in a win- dow box, among the flowers, patio, or larger. There are about 35 girls (Ear- Lawn bowlers now underway The summer season of the Exeter lawn bowling club is now underway with two jitneys held this week. Saturday night, ladies took care of the first two spots on the prize list. Edna Caldwell was the top performer with two wins, a plus of 11 and aggregate of 29. Olive Harvey was in the run- ner-up spot with a plus of nine and aggregate of 20 to go with a pair of victories. Wilfred Shapton was in third position with two wins, a plus of eight and aggregate of 20 while Olive Hicks was right behind with the same number of wins, a plus of seven and 22 aggregate. Harold Simpson was fifth. In Tuesday night's action, Wilfred Shapton took the honours on a record of two wins, a plus of 18 and aggregate of 27. Nelson Squire placed second with a plus of 15 and 24 aggregate along with double wins and Charlie Hendy was third on two wins, a plus of two and 29 aggregate. thworms and Dazzling Diggers) taking the 4-H Garden Club, Persona Is A number from Dashwood attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Thomas Van Wyck in honour of her daughter, Susan, Saturday May 24. Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Guy were in Windsor last week, where they attended the United Church of Canada Conference at Windsor University. Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Restemayer, Mr. & Mrs. Leeland Restemayer and Robert spent the weekend at Isaac Lake, fishing. Ken McCrae has returned home from Westminster Hospital, London, Mrs. Louella Tieman, Mr. & Mrs, Ron Merner, attended the graduation. of Margaret Merner from Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Schatz were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Willard MacDougald, Fullarton. Mrs. Adeline Kraft is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. SHOP NOW FOR FATHERS DAY JUNE 15th CHECK LIST Clothes For Thanks For Shopping at McKnights Len McKnight McKnight & Son s Men's Wear Phone 235-2320 unginI1111111111110111101111111111101111IIIIIIIIIIII011111111111111111110111ffli fin qui illtm IIIIIIIIIIIi111111111111100111111101111111111111111111111T4 Sugg, Retail 5 oz. $1.89 97' HEARING TESTS HEARING AIDS ,1111111.111101111161 1111111,1 No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY Thursday June 5 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries-, accessories, repairs to most makes E. FL THERE Hearing Aid Service Ltd, 88 Queen St., S, Kitchener 1. DRESS OR SPORT-SHIRTS by FORSYTH 2. DRESS SHIRTS by B.V.D. also the NATIONAL OPEN GOLF SHIRT at only $9.95 worn by more MEN than any other make. 3. JOCKEY T-SHIRTS for casual wear, also see the TENNIS SHIRT by JOCKEY. 4. EXCLUSIVE - PIERE MARQUEZ KNIT SHIRTS. Father would sure like one of these. THE CHECK LIST GOES ON and ON 5. SLACKS by DON PARKER, RIVERIA and ROTHSTEIN. The selection is extensive. 6. WALKING SHORTS Plain or Fancy $6.95 and up. 7. SWIM TRUNKS (SURF-KING) JOCKEY dual purpose underwear and swimwear. 8. HATS-TIES-SOCKS- JACKETS - MORE SHIRTS, etc. etc. -77.77 Children to see London air show C Granton Scouts win .contests at cam