HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-5-15, Page 2• No ir OQyertisesseate. To Contractor,-Arch'd Mc$ell'ar. me Wanted -4. W. Lyon. 'vent Notice --John Harris. ce-R m. McCaig. st ore Lean Co -G. M. Treenail. lnso1veoe Neeico-^. 'N. ititiatieg. iteshu ehai Ilia Wes.. -Mins Nolan. Wanted Iu.me■lia'ele-B• = MM. L7,9 Bn)u3:ar Neare$Ds $. who's, not etre esprs•e r. taw 1 deb- he we -Uourage foreign rep ►n The Market Qbe.tiou. I gunboat Prince Alfred to Detroit last apical M ser am°suf ns, sad if we As will be seer from our report of the land J T. Garrniummer. Csee r Plff. tled. •John Davl nem mago d in tberight ht way we may k a name to pros- prooeedirgs of the Town Council, s by- son an d I. F. Toms for D°erdict by oon- Lw is to be submitted to the rata- payers "no. for 5220. R. Squier for Plff.; pertly of the town, authorising the purchaae:of I SS Davison for Deft. the Huron Hotel property as a site for a a Tows Hall and Market house. Some It ii Niger yme a stop was pat to the of the council were desirous that before rowdyism' which reel be daily witnessed taki•g this step tenders should be asked at the Itadway atapa oa Ib "Tithe °f for from persons whe had sites, which the trains end WhMwill lave the effect they would be williug to dispose of for of teeleas our toss notoriees• and Pre- • this purpose, but the majority were of r jetiagjps°Pls• elesoially ladles, from . of the opinion that a more suitable place .i• VOLV Tssn C/ttr.-The militia au- thorities have decided to increase the ration allowance to the men when in camp next June. The horse allowance also will be increased from 75. to. 51; and the arrangements proposed for target practice and musketry instruction are two crossing, en the Barfield Marshal! re. Sham -Action important one inasmncb u the cemetery. An order w nncil for this to be done to E some reason it was only vied out. A few rods of also much required on Hine Lead• to Mr. Bloke asked when the Gorcrn- lin went intended, to introduce their mea - 70; leek sure respecting the redistribution of rtisily "eats. a bad more than once pointed ing ils out the necessity of a cnnsiderible inter - t., ales, vel between the introduction and the ad. second reading of this hill, 'ecotone u • and rrc reful comparisons would have to be n totbs.! made with the cenene returns in order t. 9aw.inM w tr a .wer.rv, ere ooa.tdered v whkia; e, a •. mw eom'isg to it ezept when absolute y could not be obtained at so reasonable a • Moir of Elect- such as will give satisfaction, ami tend account of property being to ' t P P mast for piece of land with house in to increase the efficiency of the men. fenced, •road through which; tieaforth. Verdiot for Plff. J. S. Sin- ST, AvDssw'e Wasn S HonL Horse- English chorea, psrtie• new g• ng then : to discuss it intelligently. He hoped Glair for Plff.; W. R. S lister and F.. rhe new school house for this ward u are regnired to gr, around Vin lnt Street to learn, therefore, that it would be in: Bol nete.l for Deft. being rapidly pushed towards sample- sndSt.George's Crescent,whickeem never , troduoed without delsy. - Stetcurt re. The ,Igr irnlhtrel {Toroth' tion. The walls are rep and the roof is , been graded, and as it u aim impasse- Sir Gen. Cartier replied- it -would be . I•eerumi ('of !nay of °, t ooe o Action well under way. It is • substantial bleglewwe' would recommend rpt tt be int on a Policy of Insurance, to recover the wooden structure, and will have ample We also recownmendthat S sum of $1141) as loss ou barn and con- •Drum„dation not only for the present. street be graded say at •coat tents destroyed by fire in October,he de, but also for the future wants of tho in the Township of Asbfleld. The de- growing part of the town in which it is dollars. We would also n [epee set up was freed and false swear .situated. • that the street at the Hartnett ing on the part of the Plaintiff in put - case at •Dost of say $30 1'h Ql'6a'7'a BI$Tnv&T.-ln order to so- ting in his claim to the Company. ° immolate those who wish to resit rle.setR COST of plass tor cue was • very long one, taktu6Gradin Bruce $15, T nearly the whole of Thursday. About Goderich on the Queen's . Birthday and g street $ on I 20 witnesses were examined. The Jury be present at the races on the Melton $15, Napier at. $6, Course, the Grand Trunk Railway Com- $35, side walk on • Huron Robinson verdict for GarPlffret” far r l'l ; J. n hasagreed to issue tickets from riding Ilincl■ st. $10, y u i'lff. J.in w f r0 Ga , J. T. m)sod Road u . d fired an, 12owest r Canada ce n t, in Mine' I and ail stations 'B a s u ' Crssoeim t Deft. St. George.' De m' S. Sinclair for of Toronto, to rehrn on the 25th, an Baker roe u&nt Johnston et al Action forthefor 10 oeott more than single fare.- risk's at. $20, Harbonr . i price of • c1uantity of fie The Judge PeT. miserable old building used as a market, made it e menet. J. Sinclair for They will alio put on additional an tall ►total rif about $190. from Stretford touGuderich that all may ; All of which is resps0tfhll and which disfigures tbe Court House Plff.; C. Robinson mid J. T. Ostrow for be acconeodated and the evening train E. CLIFFORD, .quare,msy be removed. Local jealousy Deft. from t:oderich will be timed to start Mr. Gibbons from the C• t cstisrvaL aids' • later en the 24th, so that those who de- Mr. Cameron's offer to du has hitherto ted the selection IL It Y! arta e,,c ■tis,, t t -fr. npem'ary. Everefaee theptoprietor of reMr. Cameron has offered to sell "en+Abrsty ra,..pst r•, tMpzbtteherur pestis"- f:rttah E14•0113Hne.I Mw fit t° the lots with the buildings and material t' s Mye,wW w t • erd tae'■ soar a'e arn.ere eta the .. }sed tr: „t :•t1:; '' e / to d r e" sub," torpot on an omuih, between his house on them for =2000, and is willing that sit Miaber. rat atatto has witneesd i n,,,,,,. a,r. MJ•eID' f-fase to take the pan sed the n, every day payment should be spread over a term pthe of to whir► they between the of 20 ears. On these terms the coupil M4abstoriser ►•amoaneestely n.airy y neswl. ta.ere 1 ^'.er- conreisle t heliw tyMow Ib. of ..11.1 t es 1 sou e. oat dceo.-snn+rs °f the tee vehicles wh y propsa to purchase, if the ntepayetst rias req.trea pesseogers to and fro, Honorable authorise them to do so, ani to meet l Ifeeaseetb,er ,eewe w ••cher ptaass wtbeet bot thel.awtae te r,.:ser, east 'h.tr portnd. of business rivslryis all very well, the payment will issue debentures. We sect to tae froor dlnctiose, mev fest gangue used by the nnls in the hope something will be done that the bsnd ,teooutaaof pn•enenis anything __Iaale—JarB7l KinSress tet pleasant b those "bilged to listen lset is our adverting Agent for To- tot,oreditaeto those whoindulgein route. it. This ji'r.aefnt conduct culmina _GsoPRowstet. & Co., 40 Park an Tuesday d last week in •rw, the Row, spm'S. a PsrrtatLL r Cu•, amstaoss of which as they came ont rtrk Rww, its olnronly anthorised Id evidence before the ysaistrates are briefly as fullrs. On the arrival of the train the 4gktiug- and squabbling for the possession of passenges aria their lug- IL • vertising Agents m New York. OLILRi AT a,DL&ICW ST'ATIOTrains leave u follows.- ' Mail xpress Mixed • Trains are due as f Mixed do...-...... Express was gong on as usual. when one of the men connected wh Polley's 7.00s m. 'hes named Weller, celled Callowy ..10.00„of the Btish $x,hange • — 11 45 m. liar. The latter retrtd by 'asking some allusion to Wellers com- 10.00 a m. r -lint. Thu incensed Weller, who was 3 20 P m; on the platform, while CcJk,way was standing on the Foetid, and he drew lack his foot for the purpose of kicking Caliowsy, when ebe latter reached for a stick in the 'bus and struck hire on e the leg. Three or four of Weller's com- panions closed is ea Calloway, when in Nlf defame he struck Weller again with the stick over te head, knocking himdown and fracturing his jaw. An infor- - matios was laid, sad oa Wednesday the GODBRICH, MAY 15, 1875. ' exhale beforethe Ma and Messrs. Detlo,andCrab, J. P t was not Eadie copes of ths dey'e $vital cart b. concisded till Thuesday, hen after sat Moorhoase's Book 3tors or st the haring all the evidence the Justices decided to sand it to the Assizes then sitti. The (rand Jnry oonstdeneg thatCalloway was acting only in self defs.se,ignored the bill, and so the case Rare amid that the Grind Trunk sadTowantkeritiesshould have allow- uYan $ignaL O.iee--,ries 5 casts. Manufactures. • A short time ago we pointed out the advantages which would amens to the • teen by the establishment of manufac- + and coursed ko • tore, in our midst. P ed this rowdyism to go on .o long un - refer again to the subject, pointing out ,aeeked, sae ueleu something is now some of the branches of manufacturing dee to pat a stop to it, the ill fediug which might to carnal on with profit engendered by this collision will probe - and success. ?bis we now proceed to 1 lead to coon serious results. The do I ant thing we know knives and pistols In the fiat place the manufacturing ; *ill be called foto requisition, and per - of Agrtcnitnr•1 implements should pay laps moue innocent parson will be killed well. The County of Huron itself "holed •r maimed fee life. We call upon the i afford a market for • large number ot. authorities to act meth promptness and Reaper,, Yawns, Threshing Machines, - decision, and put a stop once and tor- Plonghs, Arc. every year, and tram the ever to lbs diyfr•oefnl scene” which have fact that we are on the lake, so that coal, i been witnessed at the station for the hip iron, and all kinds of heavy material two months. c mid be brought in by water, we occupy - - - • more eavurable peaitton for the carry- ing un d sash $ bunnies extensively Tlie Me mouse" to of attempting to . than sty otic: p►•cc to the County' deceive the people on the treaty ques- But tineaq'e s re tsideieele loci! demand non.We did nothing of the kind. Its eight b: as_;'c'.e 1, se pb)'Id ha►e to former article was so obscurely worded treat 4"26.1-14 o 1 si•1. tibia amu the ad- that it was dilieslt to discover its { inning utilities cur pyo conammpt,Dn'of imP'ort, exempt that it attempted to {{ oto reale Ta3greeet?lertb wo,t effArds 6 e the blame of whatever was ubjection- thin There mono sumps or stores en able is the treaty upon till, Referm flew ors: -es of d[►niwba to iaiertar.partyWe de think that lhri siaad has talk the rue 4 It a moat ito1wavee farm sieve hew too read to make cons.- calendar which would be brought before impleaeets, as 1 already a coo iderable cion en tin. far the sake of them There were only four or flee demand has -sprang cp for lab•r sevenE team aad wearreatimLedthat if asked to oases, and but nue of ,them, s case of ■aineery of all kiosk. In addilion to sieve ap sue* sagezusd irhmritance as oats stabbing, was of a serious nature. Hi. ea beet We medinnse which are rega'!ad en a .b w,aid"indignaab- understood there was an insane person will lei • lure t dem trwi five shovele " I`h '• T lea' Aron feeling confined in gaol. It would be Ikea dear hoes, fork" sal ail that dam of a>•t a "stets eyes is England in favor to inquire into and spurt upon the ant tarie na-seers of hmd troy!.- of lilting tike colonies go, and tbat clams case. As soon as they had concluded riff b. JMCw4lei fur that es.4on is wining to sacrifice tbe rights of those their labors and handed in their present- 414 resent- - ins enastrgidiun of the Phan- eoloeise to • certain esteat, to maintain meat he would ke happy to discharge lest h.oefneenoed• All kinds of peals. II is true that prsssure '• thThe Grand Jury thearetirel and the asci hatdwese, stoves, les., dto , 1 to beer to induce aur e North ~ htos>L earl bwtneiu was proceeded with. The le!' ::41' legislature to ratify the treaty, still it is following is a report of the oases which Lesl"i"e for proeur" iifteftisaal with it to do so nr not tame before the Court. fele C..elaad who are these wlie advocate ifs CIVIL alp. s Iias d steamers 1 Wier, the tory same men Scott w. Moffatt -(Abscoi ling debtor.) Lake S"o"rter, we age coaiemsed it, but now Verdict for PIT for $248- • J SSin- seamen Iiihmelhaar eight _ -_i_ rLir for Plff. Ars this 4 Patrick's f Twenty ,mmend hould be mut algar L. ron Read ad 330, tugs on invent at. St. Pat - king in submitted; airman. mitten on of the site of the Huron Hotel to tEse town for • market aite reported, re.Matmonding that the purchase i•e made. -+ Moved by Mr. Robertson elle. by "is Maehay that the Council too submit a By-law to the ratepayer, for to purchase of lots 223 and 224 as a site for iiTiown Hall and Market house. n er o preven e se ° The Owe" rye Jas, Ibrnyn-The sire to return the same night, after the of a site, and now that a oeutral position Prisoner was indicted for stabbing a races arenver, may do so. The steamer Dan be secured, we trust all petty local young man by the name of McCarro_l, ;W. K•ynww will also issue return tick - feelings will be laid aside, and that the at Atnleylillb, on the fifteenth of Aprtl ets, at seine'" faro, and will delay her ratepayers of the town will grant the fast, with intent to dn grievous of, de(o-rture till the races are over. Those harm. Verdict, GuiRy of unlawfully inducements will no doubt be the means necessary authority to make the put- stabbing and wcuuding. Sentenced to of hringinglha large number of strangers three months in common gad, at hard to Goderic . labour. J. S. Sinclair for the Crown. faurs.-. iinoe "unr lot issue things C. Robinson Q. C. and R. L. Doyle for have been active about theleunr. On Prisoner. Wednesday last the schooner I.rwaia ddc• The Queen rs Rnet. I)ornye - the father Donald, with a cargo of 12,000 bushels of the above. Deft.' was indicted for of corn, arrived from Chicago. She ►as smutting one John Bailey, in the die- the first vessel to pass through the charge of his duty to sfli sting to arrest Straits this season On Friday the Nin - James Durnyn. Verdict, Not guilty. tea arrived from Kincardine with 2900 J. S. Sinclair for Crown; B. L. Doyle , bushels of rhea.. After discharging at for Deft. the elevator she returned up the lake was The Quter rs. tin t. Darwin -Deft. The Maggie cleared on 8atmday for indictedisgfur f hie duty. Peace Verdict, o Windsor with a load of Salt. On Mon - discharge of his laity. Cro;B. L.t day the schooner Nemeses" arrived from Mon - guilty. J. S. binclatr for Crown; L. Kineardine with 4519 bushels of wheat, for Deft. discharged at the .levator, sod went The Queen re. Saul. Walker- North again. The same der the' tog with intent to do grievous bodily harm• WakAwaas of Ytitg.ton amrod No Bill. Mr. Squier was retained for steamer tdetsitobe gassed down on Thu theDefynce. day evening allium in for • short time. TM Quito. us. Martin Sdtick--Per)ary. She returned from Sarnia on Saturday No Bill. Mr, Elwood was retained for dr her first trip to Lake Superior, end chase. Haring a suitable site secured, they will be in a position to proceed with the buildings, of which we all feel the need w much, whenever the state of the town finances will admit of it. Disastrous Cosnagatioa 1a Torloato• DER[RUCTIOV 0? THE REST Ur THE' IRON BLOCK. • On Sunday morning a deetractive fire broke out in Staunton's Room Paper maunfactory on Front Street. It ex- tended from there to J. B. Smith's Lum- ber Yard, the Harbour Commwioners' Office and the Iron Block, of which there remained two stores uncunstimed by tho fire in February, occupied by M. Fisher & Sons and rt. Staunton. All these theDetence in this case.• 4 was visited while in the harbour by a were completely destroyed. As at the The Quern es. Juehra (Jslloteuy - 'large mt tber cit ps. ple. She u •very Assault with intent to do grievous bodily hane°°ete uses'' of large capacity. Her previous fire in the Iron Block the en- harm. No Bill. We understand Mr. glues were powerless to arrest the names. Maodermott would if necessary, have cabins and staterooms are comfortable conducted the Defence in this Dasa• and convenient, and are heated be The lou is about 00. The origin y steam. She had a full tist[go, so loll in of the fire is unknown, but it is utloposed The Court closed at six eeh,ok o>. fact, thetelm was unable to take all the Friday emoting. In the absence of M. freight which here twined her. She to have a mmenced in the engine roam C.Common M. P. Mr. Robinson . with kook "epic earth and hour but was of Staunton'+ factory. Mr. Gesrww held his Briefs. obli to leave • uantity of hay be - The following u the Presentment of hind.We trial, leer flat trip u net an the Grand Jury,- a,tgury of the omens whish weansatis- Coumr or HCIoe, i Tile Jurors of bed will •ttond`tite new 1' On Sun - The Spring Assizes for the County of To Wit : our Sovereign day afternoon the p bevttoe ar- Huron were opened at the Court House Lady the Queen beg leave to present- rived. In Wooing the her r she kept ou Tuesday afternoon, 7th inst., about That they have visited the Jail and too cls a to the north pier sad grounded 4 o'clock, Mr. Justice Galt ou the bench, found it clean, nail kept and in good or- heavily on the bar. She did not succeed der. Referring to the case of • poor in gett{ yqff for three or fo,ir hours. J. 8. Sinclair, Esq , conducted the baa woman confined as a lunatic, the Jurors-. Rho cluingabout 10.30 pt. for Bay ness on behalf of the Crown. The only are of opinion that the Jul is not • suit- City and Saginaw. representative of the bee prewnc from ' able place for her, and that it is veryDa. Stem's II,Lasrnayso If ureter o f nod tering Aegis's. desirAble that she should be trans e r outside the County was Christopher I to an Institute specially adapted to such Tis Brite. -D r• Sitio'► bot utc sad Robinson, Q. C. of Toronto. The saw,.History of the Bib n, tl w q bred in this section, and' according to following answered to their names and Referring also to the Casa of a poor in- testinomy of minister, and ]Darned were sworn in as the Grand Jury,- digent man confined in the ail •a a {ren everywhere, this t. the nose valu- able ui. ilsekav, Forma vagrant, the jury would reepedfully im able work Nur caned in ezplenation of David Anderson, James Kerr, prep upon the County Council the ne- the scriptures for so reasonable • rico. George Anderson, Rubt. a err, born, ""ashy of providing • suitable inatitu- Already more etpiee hire been .ofd than 1f the iudi t Moved in amendment beig,f. Camp- bell sec. by W. G. Smith, Ana the wet- ter be referred beck to Bea Committee with instructions to advert' fur tender" for property suitable for each purpose. The amendment leu klut and the original motion carried. rhe Mayor was anthoriSd to accept the Main drain from the eontractor es soon as it is reported to be finished. Mears. Clifford, W. G. Smith and Pasmore were ,appointed i a Hoard of Health. The Road and Bridge C mittee were instructed to have Kant feet between the Cambria road and 'die Railway station repaired. Mr. Moved by Mr. Ctifford,;sec. by Pty nore, that $50 be grained towards paying the cost of coal used no the gun- boat ezcnrsion last summ Lost. The Council then adjoined. rodneed as scion u possible but I could not name a day. • Mr. Holmes ingnirted whether it was the intention of the <3overnment lo make any changein relation to rationing and hit. vert , la. ')has. Brown, Geo. P Matheson, tion for the r"c"pt, on u flan f any work ever published, except the Wen. Carson, Jas. MoDnnogh, BmbR Dickson, T. McMichael, Wme Ltwnin, Samuel Pentland, It. Forsyth, John Shipley, John Glen, Alex. Stewart, T. G. Jackson. •'Jacob Wisner. His Lordship bristly addressed the Grand Jury and regretted benne kept them waiting so long, but he had been detained by an important cue et Sattd- wieh. which had only been concluded late the previous evening. He oon- gratulatd them on the lightness of the poo pay of the volne anon' drill this the nature cit the W. M. SAVAGE TMNOWO?ESIVGAI.&RGE ,irtt]MEYTOF • . LIA1`` AiP :4PM 0! the Newst8ii and , lhrrt hrn Ue wise: Cdr.fSltA etyl 3 0e 1M freggl et n • area *eel a00 (1YAr•441utsetPet"see sae roles sob- i a: eel et teetIsete rqd L a6ee Resat yule oft tem■d. • .eieAsi,atdi1St Mtt 'As; -p3.4•. Yt+. sight lead to - 15U ted t1a the n'a'wa00ie this amendment Sir George Carrie( repl ayss%.t y . sums placed in the estimates new toe Mr. Tottnj t foe any "zees torethe House were oo tM surae seal. u i `lou ae Nei t If year, but that it aoald 1» gratifying ydYia t the eat ehs8 to him if the House to the ffi ' t it looirlis derlar for Afar id' 1i + i't"e'd conclusion that the puff to tbe sowed- As Lent• c, Mr not su crap . was, mat- grins/at jge.e bsti/n ter fur the Hoes, toleeide, soavefaleTAsh Swat. ?hittt ate• The remainder of the sitfeiagwas taken the Paeifje %cul LMo>me'w. r" I1aC111Lot'a BALL. -1/1 helor'a Ball was given here la* wi It wee great success. were up with a discussion etc *groin resale- f11e uy k of tbi tainB Canadng ."riae th, WgDtenstu , l .D[ay- 17gtRe1f States frit on on ac- tndaye sitting Mfln takes of Injnnet „ M aTheoi the Pa_ debate we eke°Ward isi,L. flegidl were t hetey? ' to1d;fint,thatl1 ee0 1►selmpolitit M ftuelt: "sen d, that 13 lier*dtati 3.v at ab peo ei pd Third,' lha u R1, _-- lite an in ' X10 nomwed -Mr. Blake ed k Sntartei ts tions mored by i ir. Castwri ht in re ret wl il Istion to the lei lei de aims eltataiiel Buhl nsaUCa•xat.-M M theson and tingg, proprietors the Clintou )Pete Eni and Wingbasit sti+nes, have wild out beth estalRtshmd is to Mr. E. -Holmes, former propria of the New Era. Mr. Methuen hoe rmd a three menthe partnership witkt Mr. Holmes fortho purpose of closing his accounts and arranging leu bustntlemattors, after which the latter will beton° sole pro- prietor. , - 'i L. H. axD B. RAtcujr.- The sur- veyors of the G. W. Ro:were at work last week running a trte, line through this place. QCEEV'a BI RTHLAti..'•--•4• fhe Queen's Birthday is to be celebiejited here in a becoming manner. $1111. cls.: , dTPA ao siltfsig of This Hottse concurs iditif w "19br1i 1 1a'f•-A #pies ted by the Ca►adiao Goveroment 1011tfYse, hitltod with reforenc 1e tb. subject d the Ba. ' Re ibis ern or Man raids in their Minute of Council, Tuesday nett dated 1st July, I8 b. in the foUowirl` Into ttstssittes WI words: -•The Committee of the Ppyy -lraa atiao $ , Connell feel ft their dntv to enrol "and Mks, on and "ate very strongly fo veur Etoellmsey tot de lest a movingthis inforutstion of Tier Majaay'e bones- odd siege he IWO meat, that deep sense enter•taiued by i a had son the people of the Dominion el all shrills .ub% 4r, the United of party, that they hoes not received ante* the law from. Her Majesty's that - greet repealing tb M$ snp(tort ,d proteottou tidy as loyal This doubt hod glass subjects or Her Majesty, they have e - ander an old law ei right to claim; their minute of Council all goods and dated 29th July, 1872, in the following from countries east fiords -'The prisapal canoe ed dif- Hope were sallied to ference between Canada sad the Weed r cent. thus it States hu not beer, removed by the" * other con •, Treaty, but remains a subject for snide law, if it ety;' and ip the following words -'the would be that tea i fact that this Fenian erganisatintt *still Or England iaM In full vigour, and there see poreason would be aha e• u hep.• e►en«. '7 ER!O$t' GIENCY ;r Tis vand Loan Company of i NA I) Vii. by Rose& Chnrfer. ?tj.L--ONB MILLION Pnf'4IDS s EIERLING. e n r Bible itself, about Half a miUa eo lie R13Lw'Al"--A lett a number of The Jury dein to ":press their hamtnr beets disyeeed a in the.old Chi - Were and AinieyvlUe,a apsratinns will be r bNseen this sed a `amount of thus pug adds much Se,wneritY et Ilagcs. opinion that the Spring Assizes here are try sed now it generally held at • very tnConve- Md about 300,1 went season of the year, 'especially for do "ere lyre been fanners, being in the middle of sed tare interests and theta the public. to this, Una, Pastor Oamada; Preebgtottele -geoid* to have the stflete cleared up The Jurors are of opiaioa that they Church ine On may deongretulate the (Mart end County on the lightneas of the nen* cider a Fr61411e, I know of Dr. Nitilts s, tion of the intellignee, virtue mili Healey rif the able as (+specialty happiaess of the people. 1 ia, Sunday Schools. - E le EL - irk Jimors desire WI aelsiemendge the wee, son! of Goderich. amistarwe arid canner of the County 711 ern welIewainted with moat of Dr pony to thetr Assent excellenoe. would nionamend his Bible Metory as a work mensal da nil for instruction in families Sohnols.--J•itas • graded and Cotten ' eidewalk *Moray, who has inatertally them in the inners'. of their duty. WILLIAM MACKAY, , Foreman. Grand Jery Remo, idea • .r Review. -The May number of this Dr. i to's Illuatraeoll History of the magezin• is to Itend, le. contains a Sib e, and have leo doubt that it witi choice list. of artunea, saw* which the prove epeeist* elelitable to Rabbath followIng are worthy a perticular no- School Teachers and an eat., engage in tiee,-.The Growth inif Comedies. Coes- gha edgegaeoa *ducat I of the young._ a with all their . by James Young, torp., G • W. 6. BIACIERTQUI, iskomn Minster. Marfa eo Merestf-(Abscogidieg debin Our mien Bishop, Dr. S _, from tner aoquaintance dif Dr. Kitto's 4° 1110-"Ivibea' Pwe'Y in P.3wwf" or.)Verdict for PM'. for $221.1.17. J. S. Nine Hours Movement: T , iee works I have no doubt that this Mowry IIIMIabbititcoasistent. Sterrett vs. Moiratt--(Abiscrinding deb- gittlEalied by Adam StevensbedeStsCiorit",,, of tbe Bible will be very valuable to fam- ilies and. &angel Schmels.-Wat. Milton', ftetartviaers os the matter Sinclair for Plff. Britain. Comas and the Mr.) Verdict for Plff. for $162.50. y. Threat.). N. N. C. brieister. L 0 oAhlrsirs .• every town and Township of Ontario. Veins ansiouneed in the tion ef Ejectment -on'default •te -Art- INA lei* thee he wield shortly fage. Verdict 1.4 PM. ajltKliair linerIOR Baronet Amerneriant.-A Albion Hotel, Stratford, Ontario. thdlas1 Nest tha Auteri- ' 8. Sinclair:lee Plffs.; B. L. Doyle f4or Saturday 1st June, et 6 o clock. P. M. Tetra Onnoll. ve taken eninilsi step. i Deft. f menireal " Bain et au_ke. It is hoped there eriel be a full etten- dance. The Council met on Fridey eyening tins agoust looker and endorser of pro- Vont-Nyman Cmist-Thc volnnteers of t Wind- lest. Present Ile Mayor, Reeve, and Messrs. Pawnor, Robertson, Campbell, aotreard, and it would be very difficult $106.16. J. S. SincLair for Piffs. ; 0. sor oa ine petit oifr =tor the purpose Gardiner and A. Smith: "weer" ttierwealfenwewldhe mussel-- y note. Verdict for Plffs for this district are tor ihte emwles W. G. Smith, Go'rdon, Mackay, Clifford, aling ear extensive frontier. As Ye' le:hairs °goon and men. Weefreld offioe, and his seat. /I it 71rameemily affair. Re- t'mx Councillor elect for St. prevent its being serried se success- Robinson Q. C. for Inane • - f tting e e dri IL Orders good many hides have ;been sold and 14 two every one interestod in the pree- ferreil to tie C. Robinson Q, te. will shortly be *sited teepee guidance of lure liked took the declaration of ty scarce this year aud. -consequence !tea eerie His attentidrand the linen - r meetinairo to held, sad it is hopeel we have nine 'stories sta ia our aide. for Investment :bs ser tyf {at'toa et Pi maybe- a redacrsaw!,b imestr .tatty pwrtaewaLifaaevaa 1lewsaree tss+aseR' .#t. TRUF LA$,. tramcar rwitur ..44106 ' Conned east this dal' all the, mem- bers resent, 3. minden, reed and confirined. Court of Revision stands adjourned till filed Setioaday in June, at winch ineeting the Miner quostior will be considered! ti • Mr. Manning weol instructed to see to the, repsirtag of h cul - rut on a* elth cores; also tn at• ceial te. basins 4th wait root tn 2q. B. opened outormi the Reel* and Mr Stbhls to see to !opening rend on 4th con, The following . orders; were granted. 5 McLean & Co., print ' Menke, $11; Charity, all; In Om Ise work on S. 0.25; Wm. Lawdum wink on centre road, $1.25: J. Maned balanA foe aeliessing, 124; C. Cronin land for Stead, 4100. 4; PROUTY, t! Tp. Cleric The ferrners of thisTiiirmiliip *are fast finishing the spring seeiling; • few inure such days as we hare will nearly out spring. The fall w`heitt the whele looks very well a 'd fairme may,expeet a very fair crop. Fall r eab pke$t- to hope that the United , ment will perform ft•nety neighbor any better it the vern- nut., while If fzionitT Owe of re ellen pealing Am, be in the past, leads them a • wore the can die subject of difference with the United cow with the A State" is one of all otherspatich is nf for the Mater special important)* tee Om Dominion; and send killimenine .1407 let, in the fit -lowing woras•-The failure - Cana& free of ditty,. a of the Righ Cominisaioners to deal with ma* would Ile iise lie* et el it has been one cause of tee prevailing tin per men' /soca orqp.abiptu dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Wash- neiglit esebe licamillwalinvitiorL sill" After speeches by a number of the bine to announce one'romi4e! Int the heeding members of the house Mr. exact efreet of flee lairsed by -Gal- . AT LOIPIDON. tbaperivamt test.. ter tint COTT•413 Alt tt 'MS sstgests. soteraStists 121.a Olisistis• tette. Blake's metion was lost by 57 to 100. •greas, when the egilleeo . whether they would 'Ince the mareiteetee TUESDAY, 7th May. -After routine et this country rat the same footing buntline, the American inerchaata. - bir Eremite Ifincks said he WW1 about after a few remarks by Mr. 'rope to give notice of a resthition upon& sub- the motion wart adopted. .- 1 ject of greet itupartance to the country, Hon, Ma. Pope moved the Flonseinee end he trusied thin would hear with in- noninalfes of the Whole to consider the leareseop see emnetes- tei Ettaieen,1144414 be dwigew" the few "leer* be felt it following resolution: -"That it is expe- einsiase none; necessary to make io giying the notice. client to amend the Inamigratime Aet of eleeireee "'ale" ror tbe brkl, *twi, awl *we the hcnour of =kin', his financial state- log the e epitation duty of min duller AT BRANFORD- maut, in the otimse of which de ilia inti- thereby imposed for every panenger or 1 AL/ND - IN TITUTE, mated, it would be remembered, that, immigrant above the age ofune year,and under certain eirouinstances, IL would be instead toered to impose a duty of t..,., Wersouop,literr-Lom, Drain sad Veteperem . i • yajt -FOR THE INSiNE, that certain eellairras then pet the Conrese of the United Sta inta law. ae believed it was forty-clght noun at ter the de y necessary forehe Government dollars for each pessenger or inunigreatt }lee" '41.sig,:e."c" th• 11•14".1""irk4 ore h re- .tigittnipt it the tariff ; Steele tho ege of one year, arriving st LAhriee. Ahd 1.1 lallritite• Ilbeeleene me. %/gee leePereliee in ease their pert of destinetien is Canada 01 tilted. 'ewe Feet* Swim anessewpfx used et the Imperial Commissioners ,uf Boit- eept,11. about ration, not carrying a eilrgeon rind oti A tiC D err ef board of which r measures for the 1 hie 'Pesch OW • telelifrem h" bee" re- priservation of the (math of the psesen- I Departletat of Tublig- Waal,. - 'revolt°. litliT u, Ian 7,"4") l',,,_13110151""S that taw bill* si Remand orew have not been obeened I um Guinn eist taa and ordain n during the voyage.* __ _ pa mod by Obagreni• but it was eill The motiou was carried, a .1', Wit night Walt the hove ha re- kieuse went into Committee,adniodlithe I reeved authentic inforniati tbe relohittou and reported it to the House. 1 President cd ihe United States had Sir Alexander Gan said that before I actually signed. the hill; so Gent beyond the orders of the day were celled be doubt, lime duties woeld be topealed would put a Imitation- of which tie had on and after the let Jnly nient Now, previously given neliee-wheeher the persons engaged in the trade in the tiovernment had taken any and what United States had been very seriously gimps to have the cloins and interests of embanassed for three or four months, the Dominion specielly represented in becalms of the uncertainty about the 'he reference to the Emperor of Ger- contallince of these duties, rine if many of the question of the San Jilin, he could judge by the questions which boundary. had &en put to hint within the pao few Str John Macdonald replied that Ger days, greet interest was excited itt Cana- Majesty's tlovernment hi& comsat:inke- d& as to the effect this retie& would hen ted with the Cane -Mau Goverment on articled. In order to remnve anv aPPre- information that was in their possession, Government have riemleal that, on 1st .4 to Oa arbitrator. The Can if we continue to impale duties nn those the subject, and diesirod ta get ali the Jui,. xt, the apnea on tea and coffee Govetnincnt had cioneemiently alumni hension, therefore, •n this coerce, the In order to matte ups, etas to be present - (Cheers and sense- cated with the Provincial Geiverunimet tion.) Ile thonglit it waft evidence of British Columbia, and an elaborate the supe;riorityeof our inatitntiona over statement had been prepared under ths those of the lainted Stotes that, while charge of the LieutaGoveruor Me. there had been protracted uncertainty Trench,) ane the Attornev-General in regard to *be duties in the neighboring McCreight,) f rom a British country, there would be no scrim's delay .e.nd Citnadian point of view in ascertaining the intention of the Lee- inent had been gent hom isleture of Canada. (Hear, hear.) He tin The state• -- England in I tato the cue had the honor to give notice that. oik-fin lb prevent any delays in , he would more that thi° tion -se obtaining farther information, the Gov- ! ipittie of the erncuent of British Columbia had been 1 to intreduce a bill respecting Trades' the arbitrator. .Tr awl :this te soowil :di. Sir John Macdonald moved for leave GoTertiment to argue the subject before i MAMA eaoYintsetee°allisiaerandinreoWairee shallbe repealed poreig. ()fem. reCtemlution that the placed in direct communication with the i No special agent had ' after the first of July 'text. (Cheers.) been appointed on behalf of the Canadian 1 aa__.„,„, Venom. He explaisea that the measure, The remainder of the sitting waa oc. I Or rather ineosurn, for there were two cupied with the debate es the treaty. 1 , el them, which he 'would ask leave to ina- Speeches were delivered by Messrs. fdills I um, although * had given neat' Galt, Howe and Gray, emit after a few ' If of one, ens bona upon the asall• remarks in reply by Sir J. A. alsodonald the house adjourned. MOORE t communication waa received from good mane tune° iniiild. be, viy that ea it, °vogue* had wen milee lately to see the camp at but we aup. . "mill" ikrigsii 1116414sr fee' the and J. T. Gamer forPlft; B. le Doyle C. Robinsne stewed oheirman of the Wain of Public Public Works, Ottawa. e. • account of the bil found in the earth ful .; J• S. Sin- Echoer/Trustees, has taken his departure - - h intention of Sir -In reference to your letter of May 1st ISA 2 attack. What in the bee all ready for an early i tate the public mina a of muddling our brai the they are needed to hold bones together. tbe We that the law relating to M. C. Cameron, M. P. enclosing following communication with reference devoid:mad and. eckene to thie country, as well as Ole we must share the r andhenv- 8°Dle Pe°Ple here i'Dketlitreries eranbeie minal stlim wits not 'the Same as in es' themes, With the ciml and the of $1,156,315, anti on cotes to 354850, Cralab so. Ifeesse-ALdion for goods t with other places. I d,icks,e- no nee in planting po it will be asocisaasy to AM to the ire. suppli . as a poets on oertain other sidiebie in order diet fwr Piff' for $157' and J T. Garrey for to stalee up the tiefitunia. what theme doe fo, Daft. ...Semi • c artielee will he is not felleitaewn. The I .Britinan es. ffisater-Aotion of sedum:nettling in the village of Peisley, County tae 17th ulterequesting that the Govern - °hear will take offence Use bit of July. ti••• Settled by parties. C. Robiuson lad Bruce. We trust he mity nieet with ment will uadertake. the repairs of the The removal of tillefainia will have the ead J. T. Garrow for Plff; I. F. Toms abundant succeeds in his new resi- docks at Otiderich Harbor, estimated to aCeat of chimaeras' tee and coffee, _ - Lalltng.gt It. Desna al-Aotion fur ; - out between $6,000 and $7,000, I aui to inform you that the Dockage of the Relirei,i samptina &one, hoesskold. plied to Deft. verdict. foe Plff. for ° abenititel_ set harrels seer wee' ete oe Harbour of Goderich is not regarded by c:uMer 7011 Tilt -owes B tee -An item in of Collfamwood" was purchasing hay In the department as having any connection with the Harbor of Refuge. Baytield now boena df vehicle •• lagsaly meet inn the con- price f people of 'ante haye fishing suckers. Guilerich The , a nave the honour to be, Sir, hich has been, *nil. and that the English mechanic plan to deetroy shies imposed by statutes tbat had been t oughe to age repealed in England, as oPpoeed to the element, instead spirit of the liberty -of the indivIdual. with railroed lle proposed a law, the aurae in priaciple as the law of England, so that operaleves beige; One the from the Mother Country wouli have the a glerictue time seine freedom of action, ancl the sone rigkt to combine for the aocemplishment other tarern, of lawful objects, as they hal in England. e 30•inhahi- Hear hear ) The subject was ton im- • Thom seems to lie frest fancy in , for nava* fenemelsem Sunday. entirely sped hoe the fourth we do ant, Weir -alight, corned Mese& •If the time from busi- et. a respect to havo much We refer to out the io- c10117- to ems of sagas Sinclair for Deft. Davies. jPIrm es. piveje_,_4biObeyng 1114, the item wail taketv verbatim from a London goofs, e fuauy mat, paper. hence the mistake. By the way, It should have en we think it weuld pay some en terpriaing F. BRAfeleeTs4 j Y. I 72:it; stlhipepireihniad t ration, that so 1.1 bee was to establish hay pressing works M. tea Cameron, M. P. Do‘yle for Garrey f WatiOn sok eer-Action be. NIL as instigate* trisolvency for amount of a Mastionni. Verdict ter PR!. for Seise es. McDonald, (Sherif:PD.-This was an tuition by Pleintiff for trespass against die Sherd!. in allowipg Pleintirs rods to remain in his hones and in the Sheriff's keeping the key of the house, handed hira by the Plaintiff, fur 5 days after "Moire of the goods on eteention. erdict for Deft.; W. R. Bain thePlain personp C. Itobinson and J. T. for Deft. mires, ss. Calloway, et &- r and enelorser of a Verdidell for Mc for failing to to the ea- Rebinson and J. T. PertY Iter There will always re demand for pressed hay for Lake Superinr. With reference to a commuMcation shi can help being ittrnek with tem No one travelliti; t fah this town - for niistance in coneideration of a claim front John Stewart of Stratford, asking bea of the lends -apdiethe tine , build. he had for services rendered, it. eas jug, id roads fine 'Rock sal hand- nsen mey won portant to be Liken ab natio without great care and study, and it was only since the opening of Parliament that his attention had been called to it. He had not thought it weU to embrace in the bill all the points whichwereinvoleed ie the battle that was going on between labour and valutal. 72p zu bject of the relations between thee" two was engag- ing the atWutiot of able minds in Eng - impartantestab inmate amid be tto for J. Lets Seesaws, Lien -Notwithetand- ing the faJt that the Torontn rine Col- lingwood people hankbeen decrying the new route to Lake- Superior, it must I become the favorite line. It posacases a ereat advantage in the fact that the boats run throur to Duluth, so reaoh that point without transhipment. The Collingwood lioe only runs to ?ore Tun Den Neisaect.-Soniethino shoukl be done to abate the dust not- sance. During the preralence of the high wind which prevailed on Saturdey afternoon it was almost impaseible to see &cross tlm street at times, in conseqnence of the entida of dust- At least the street rinning areiund the square should he watered. It wo pay the mer- chants W oontritente meall sum for this pigmies, aa their mast be seriously damaged by the d t omen era and goo s for Manitoba inoved-eleo gr. Gibbons sec. by Mr. eiaelcsa, thel!the suin of $10 be granted im full (A asyy claim or supposed. clidun he may him* In amendment, son sec. by Mee A report was received from Engineer showing that No. 1 is not in mend repair and th King'' had hem tested ami f work 'moderately well. ktowes indoor. working order. The following report Of the- Public Works Committee was read, nionted and adopted ' To tha Mayor it of the Two Public Work,' beg enadirei thee the ed Mr. Roberto. some adies.-Com. iteurrer,t3t1i May the Sees**. 1 Athens moved time(*) reading of no Pablic Lands,Bill. He laid it ref elusively to Marline* th " est yrritory. ith th whole land lumber and ni* favoured he tilif followed krap the survey e hide* in* besggettrililltsb from int adetibist line. rod"- - fur Nig of select these the greviiled 14 is nee I se settled usder lawful aid it provides for aree mode 1=1:by settlement. elm 1111111 ether srInts of the land, whose deliberations, he had no deubt, would eventuate in the introdiic- sibly with the sagation and authority of WoRTH KNOWING. -The Registration Act of Ontario, 1868-1869, cao, , quires -Sec. 12. That parenta of children- suall register ae the office of the TOvii Clerk within thirty daya from birth. Sec. I days register all ouirriagea by them cele - 13. That all clergymen shall within 'ninety or the ncupier of a house where a death ahall tak• place shall report the same ; within thirty days after death. See. 1 Importers a fine of $50 on di•ision regis- trars for neglect or refusal to prosecute offenders. Sec. 22. Insposes sib* of RV) enteteat for contravention of this law. Nevi lbucrtiffentente. AGENTS WANTED KC, la English acd German, 1317 lltrafor4. Out Het Majesty's Government, in the next Canada. 'Session of the Imperial Parliament. Province of Ontario, 1, Ile She County Gnat the luesnwhile he purposed to proceed County of Hut on. Ike (*outs of Herm these measures, one of which was la tbe muter ef JOHN HARRIS. Ineolveet. 4er:implement of the other, became it ONeteeeeeeeeeelaes:sevememett oey or June ;seat. affected, aide civil breach of theta*, re- eau eowi ea,e_ea..e'rel "PI, to the -Nese ef u under tan male Aft. 1.411361 'St? *Trades' Unions; while the _ Julie HARRIS, Other alleetitelee criminal branch. He by cameo:. and Garrww, movedied to bring in the bills. camera, et h de) of lia7 A. D.1872. 1317.11a. Mr, Mao.teoelked if he undersentid somiote" lirics;p7r04 1.genti:proceedamet° t.wh&i th ethdelde rof lee un handja garinkeemooamAd mid big intern- wee require it. ammo all who gebeeott. The subjoin was un - a further im- der ' in and the result G"aricli• wm• mai:A IG. reentennest $154 educe naretrisg with Wanton° *Le tin v S*11. If such FRUIT TRE do Parliament t,f reennoise letiareetnei:c1"n"oiefabff thbrisieutHribemi,t,YePtastrw-h°: NG others requiring leR HORTICULTURALISTS - tome, of Gninialoo Notes. , mind thst I am soli