HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-5-15, Page 1' 11 anti t ••6 nran (ESTABLISHED • M Me Largest Papers 'seethed .• Cord* L. tad arid rinboMed at tiodsrith, Osten*, even 23STIZEIDA lth01215TINES. Montroal Street, %Odious the Market Agnate. by J. J. BELL, -/ ITOS &ND rsoTRIsTos„ 1 TiMINS-41.49 "yr annum, is arlemse. 12 if credit • *nom No papar discontanned tlh all arrears are 'bee& tleept at the option of tin publusher. nie.Tme OF ADVERTISING : 1 donate per line for the int theartion, sse seats per Tutelar each subsogssat nowt -ion. 4, Ilearies eases sot exceeding 4 linin. 14 Per P tin 1 ma ses • le 10 tines 1/45 sell:mete to reckoner, by the specs 111118111111111 67 1 WSJ* of *odd Nonpareil. fig without aparido dffeetieas. will natal forbid, and charged accordingly. :4 . YEARLY ACILIIMMITS : Goderi MI o into advertIns 1th MI6 Woe- Tbstitte.ma rotes will be •Seepl t3 merchants VOL. XXV. NO. 17. GO Des Column 1 year 't 4 asetbs '4 '• 3 swathe ' " year. " 4 months " 3 mouths " 1 year " • lemeathe '• meallie Veda " trio - •• • siselbe IMO 15 25 - as FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY. 25 ( r ODIERICHTIIIPLE NO. M. Of T1118 ORDER 15 li hoe their emoting in the Temperencri HAL Waat Altetings. 3nouranct. 33 THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON %ND GLOBE Available Assets. $27,000,000. ex. O• B.C., A. F. A. A. Tens RV:SULAM COMMUNICATION to Imid on thefirst Wednesday bf each mcnth et 7 30 p. m. Visitiug brethren cordially Invited W DICESO.N.6.417; ch,Oth May. 1.571. I, 0 OF G. T. 20 St. men Mosday tn. commencing el o'clocat sharp. CAMPAIGN. 12 /tuna, brethren cordiady tented. 12 Secretary, Jum Mtb. 1121, INSURANCE COMFIANY, Lomas pa in • ead FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ! Claim, by ecadic-A:444's SoIrtIEC esti- mated et nearly VE,Q0C000COCO, ars being liquidated as fat a adjusted wrrworr rimer:nos. Security, Prompt Payment. arid Liberality is ed- ition:ulna or ita Iowa are the prominent futons of this wealthy eonthany. FIRS mot LIFE POLICIES Issued with very torsi condittosa. Head Office. Cana.: Branch. YON. • . "The GreatestPossible G ood to the GreatestPossileliv.Mber."' _777 GODERICII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, Pottrg. , BY ELLIN F. ALLERTON. • • We met on the hillside -we both were young- , • ; - Where count! thousands hare met before ; And rewl togeth the tender book That youth in 1 time cons o'er and o'er. 4111.•, How sweet the three ! How brightly down Shone on our f es the gplden horn Far up the path a eet roma nlung,: Soft blew the inds of Ow Simmer . 3 stellthin.- 5 AL born. tagessmmat 1e ail la einimar tetbr *ream imeasisimallIbesess. art far nron Division No.120 SONS OF 'TEMPERANCE. . ti r C. SMI1H,ResidentSecreterT, rdwiracet "Our path shall one," lie duly isal harbee sake, Ranevsbt. A . M. ROSb, Anent for Coderich said. *co hip Notieen, Prieste Adoorthiemontasif indnfidsal asetabors of arm* homes to :et sr for THE arouLsa WIEKLY NEBTIIC0 lot Tee _ "Up the hill, wo the other Ws, ?to. -L Pons of Tompsesnee is held every Friday elretOgat Whether heavy light the. litird ageo/.1,ei &Seventies will in all eases t• strictly to. 74 O.C100 in their out on West St. first &tor west of Post office. Visiting brettusin cordially Invited. Godeneb ith July Del . (Madrid for Insertion in any _ r lame should reach the office by noon os I. O. O. • ; • ha. basket. Bonen to fenb. , Only as one ' hall our' stre h be "Now," maid he, recevering the use of dering too, for I could not ill tryed." his tongue, "now, let us have a glass of could be from, and my aunt a eine," and taking a small bottle from seemed so surprised and curio Se we climbed together,' eon g and the right hand pocket of his great coat, contents, that 1 could not he 1 tt to me r- emelt knife and fork, and a carefully away about- something oho, tied -up parcel of salt. Spreading the hilatime to cool. napkin over my Ian, he presesited me r was very happy for the with the knife and fork, placed the salt -wOks, but it came to an an convenient for um both, divided the and with a sorrowful heart I bread into equalportions, and then tak- departure to my situ& f d of me _ _ WHOLE N0,1317. 1 gave marry him) be still alive, and would like to witness the happiness he has been the xt six means of producing, I herewith promise t last, him _a warm reception.-niLadies Oten pared Journal. . My , ing.the fowl by the legs, he roit y a would , _1- . --- -__ n. _ split it up the middle, and having be- gladly have kept me with her,. :but she Th. Tariff Dom* in OnlITIIIII:. stowed tho onmhalf upon m menced on the o er, g , potting it into his mouth. In vain I ty prevented Harry from &Ass me to compre end the danger of ening before begged him to tike the use of the knife marry him, but his salary &sae rk was the country in the ensuing Presidential i porarilybnt nothing sang]: In Syria, end dipping eitai bite in the salt before that I knew, that nothing but pover- half was too Much for me, h• pretended and himself, so there was no he or that , and -Congressional elections, without; once, at the hesdwaters of th3erdam a al of the heavy burdens et taxation that the tents were being pitchedninexam. and frirk; in vain I protested that the barely sufficient to support h Vali.'" having taken some action for the remevt csmel took charge of my "Itioat while fore, taken up the Tariff question i fi as much interest ite if it had wide& cif . ined it with a critical eye. all tem with t A might press upon industry. Thee have, there te be stone, deaf, -and would not hear a either. We breakfasted ear i out the . . ant' ' vetting one made like it, andgeb after The OSSUL BY MASI TWA oldThbotey wtlielel,esotrPinseayktnh°ier OP", •(''' expenditures. Two of these are in the coal, or brass gs, filin or in., ttd anthracite d :_s_ s wno Dieaaltee two yarns areusid what he is pleased to call hi" waist and we' ha that eemes n • ' handy, And they go off lake_ -seas grace- early a quarter of a ton. ful as if they hwa °Yawn' lir dinner. In only thirteen of the States do the receipts of the postal service exceed the West-Illinoia mid lowa. New York consumee 90,000,000 gallons of water daily. There are said to be nearly two thou- sand rag pieliers in the street, of Nur York. • An artesian well has been sus& twelve hundred feet fn Chicago, before findiog water. • Sheriff Flintoft, of LamIston, kas re- • signed his position, after an incumbeney of eighteen years. The Government have ad,opted the Waterous." 'lifter" for the Welland Canal , to keep up the water supply front Lake 4rie. • Theoceost of rimming a train et cars ortymiles an hour is fourtimes as muck as at twenty miles. The first railroad in America was built in 1826,to transport Quincy granit• to tide water, a distance of three miles! The itessrs. Allan are going to build another ocean steamship, to be called the Manitoban. Berlin hat twenty female physicians, and all °Idiom are raid to be excellent practitioners, and to have unsaid ample pecuniary means by their profeisien. Skowhegan, Men offers} an alluring bait for 13anaum in the form of a citizen • • fi help for it I knew too, anahe knew The olitictans in Congress begin to Mules and donkeys and cal* hay., sp. e, com- was pa poor as myself, and that. was no (From tho Now York Bulletin, Aprd 50th ) 1 the anything will e‘ev tem - word, making gestures for me to begin morntng n y p , good earnest, and with a s . as though Innwere dumb too; so I was be in good time for the coach. end we should pick the bones clean. larly Harry, who ecarcely °Pelted his that promises definite resells. • An he was done, figuring on It at leertiele arrangement has been effected by nhich of diet. ,The put his foot ern itidlifted obliged to eat ,! it up, and he took care I were all three sad and sorrowful, Partici:- bread, he threw thobones out of the for my journey, when I was s , the question ta! to be discussed daily OnS of the sleeves out with his talk "Y under the one hour rule for eaclompeech, chewed and thawed at it, gradooy tan. Vb hen we had tiniehed both fowl and limn I was leaving the roonn 4o dress and coach window, wiped. his lingers on the iny aunt's little maid servant ,sr:lot- and the remnint of the salt, he folded it, the said, gaping end staring, 1+1 it wale hand. "It's for y ye Miu, from Friday last until Thursday next. ing it in, and all the The formed speech making is then to ter. closing his jaws in • kind of newtons while °Pale and r fleetly up and deposited. it again in his the- first letter I had received! Ilia°. -1- road by paragraphs, and the epeeehes thing half so good as an uSermatie:re minted° when the new Tariff bill will be mistacy, as if he had never hetet ma._ 1 napkin, and after shakingeeff the crumbs ter in her h h I turned k won,- will be limited to five minutes each. As in his life. Then he smacked imi hp, attir the wub° 't the 'members are in a hurry to return once or twice, and reached 'ALM' home to electioneer, they will probably other sleeve. Norxt he tried thoirat t'?,_tta get through this part of the business collar, and smiled a sinde of seet eon_ ferPail next week, and send the bill to the Sen. tantment thet it was plain to &seem be id he ate. It seem somewhat premature'to regarded thad.as the daintiest parto im , ' anticipate the action of that exceedingly overcoat. The tails went along len the writ' - dull and prolix body, but it may be percussion cape, and cough candy, ,,,d Ine : safely relied on to prime away any re- some fig paste from Constantigid,„ • And then my newipapercorraspookos largo circulation of the SIGNAL makes it MONEY TO LEND strong - to Lova and and: a Wine gimes from the left, he fill ann y advertising medium. No. At Greatly reduced Rates of Interest F" n° toil is hSiss-31 , the lattar, and presenting it to me, said such • rarity. Youth - JOS VOIR OIP ALL ABMS Iffestaltilitt ir mom nameg, leadete& MHZ andereamed hes any amount of men., to And plucked tne strW grivred the brilklY, J T ••There s 'est two lams in it." - It was • law er's letter and sums• ✓ with seateeee sad asomildr. printed i thanked hint. saying at the same ten in a clear fair bend, as legi „ whit you wan. Orders ihrimaimmetnally &Mead- every Thursday: miming 1 loan front tyro Ifteen years. at a low rata of :4 tola• ot 71 o'clock. Antral,' on Ringatoa street. Visiting Flowers that blossom for Trnst at d .time that "I never drank wine." bit as print, but when I game be en • orethres are cordially invited competiton. He herod me readily enough this time, I was in a perfect mist as ts impo Y dropped out, and it took a chance gth„ °Manch, Pah. 34, 1511. w3 -1I- 1 TTUth. of the monopolists in the Hoene. forms that may have escape t e so tor yearly IsMannenta; rate of expenses will defy Way- interval:and favourable terms of repayment. Datable hut still held out the glass, saying, "It's "It's borne mistake," I said,. as thiandZ The Tariff debate has opened with • manuscript letters written for hemp,. - - -- .- . appraiser for the Canada rev • sherry. ' to Harr who eagerly seas+ it, and, brilliant aggressive m„yement 0( the rev. pers. But he WWI treading on dant, is ---.r--,-- --n_. ' inaneat Building jg Mating. . 'Peed 1 ' gay kind; but he still persisted, saying, '' Mistakes be hanged," WA en ...." maint•ined during the subsequent pm - _n gnus reformers, which promises to be i • _ How sweet the Morn ! Ifow tit• hours I sneered him I never drank'wine of ving scanned its contenfle, cried, pipinegg Wiratorp G. 1. • HORACE HORTON L at limo for Consultaties up to 11 - 'SOMA, tiny voices, and little hairdo, modeatv wroag d d ' let chi l'k nad creature, 'hag the wa• ear. on t your paring ear letter over his head, and shoe ng out of Missouri led off with a very able On Friday, Mr. Frnkelnbitrg, society. of Toronto. .f And dancing beside us MIMS lititle feet, . e.c,nnie now, my IMP. P. A.. MeLlougs11 §ottto. Some .smart arithmetician has comput- ed that it has coot the Government over fifteen hundred dollars for printing the - single word "laughter" in the Congress- ,t, -701r --*-f" Serial Globe during the past thirty years. n recent calculation shows that there are 14,247 miles of reilway track in the united kingdom, which have cost not less than Awe thousand millions of dollars. _Calico, the well known cotton cloth, is named from Cahoot, a city in India,from whence it trot came. Otlico was not krown Ingland at all until as late as the year 1631. Glass bottles were made in England about 1558, but the art wee practiced by the Romans in 79. A. D., as they have been found plentifully among the ruins of Pompeii. Dean Stanley, in a sedmon the other day, remarked that "The universities of Roman Catholic Italy and Spain bad faded sway ; but those of - Protestant Germane, ilolland, Scotland, and Eng- - laud still flourished and abounded." A simple method for avoiding the spreid of small pox has been discorered in Alabama. They Jet the patient di• safely by himself ; hire a negro to bury him and shoot the negro as soon 9,4 the interment is finished. Sarah, the only daugbfer and heiress of Winnemucca, the chief of the Pintos, recently married a yonns lieutenant at Salt -Lake. A Jenkins of that saYt she wasattired in a blasticet aa, wide oyster -shell necklace, and partook heartily of the psrental wedding feast of tricesseed prairie dog &nitpicked cricketa. In. Franklin rerommends a yonng , in the choioe of a wife, to select her a bunch, giving as his reason, that Awn there are many daughters they inn eine each other.and from emulation ac- tin more accomplishineints, and know mire, and do'nnore, thaw a single child Raked by paternal fondnese. This is • oodort to people with large families. diChelmsford, England, the country maIltrates declined to grant the tide of the are hall fcr a lecture on the sun, ilInstated by experiments in spectrum analyea, on the ground that the electric' light aight endanger the safety of the A Midouri lady, upon killing a chick- en istek, found in its gizzard a nickle fiee alit piece. The nickle had been ous ground now. Ile began to swe across solid wiadont in these decennia that was rather weighty en hi. stowed', and occasionally he would take a nu Cil:• C . filltantion M.13. El . Happel, - - Preprieter. ., I NS UR A N C E CARD. i The Subscriber is agent for tha tollowthglint-elms declared I was the most sensible girl bW *been for Mr. Peter Paul." ft, ,ath.aavnemajnodrittny etas:is! adthahtiswte•oultdb"hitakerlehiginettiunpg tpeliril hloinis&44-time _ ___ _ , Clinging softly, with clamping sweet. , • Ah, the tender saduese with which one cote,11" i . , him that I real's; did not wish in -and he. pounds' Ten thousand peon*: Throe At length I succeeded, in convincing et the top of his voice, "Ten *wand Pan, SURGEON, lc ; h c., Goderieb, Ont. -- 1 In_s_mires.__•mse_ _eorospanles , had ever inet with. Mad?" said my aunt in a seven rieflarr Dawes in such a ainister, step -fatherly courage and hopefully, till he began le olPf eftthehCionmamliPtteP°ert otfa 13:40-17 il BO D ACCOWNODATtlift am CONNERCIAL , ''' ''''' 'rays that are cle34! Tile swilmill ••11ere's your health, uiy dear,''. he *he had not lost her presence mind), y,°° , which was inteodneed by Chairman with him, but beheld his grip with ged l_lr needle's, having un non sample rooMln Zurich. r,IM.).1,ath..?! Ito!don. Atwood. . • ' / gone. sort of a way. t seem I a that Mr. Fin- stumble on statementa which not eta ord. al01...1C A-roi . The beg ix weil 'applied with liquors of the best r...^.1^-'1.0 Or N ora. qnsiiity. flood *tabling and attentive howlers. ffROVI‘CIAL of Tnruntn ugh grew the way, via hard the toil, cried, "and a good husband to yoit,' Ind taking the gaping maid-ae t, who kelnburg is entitled to any credit that a carnet could bear with impunity . le , cemOnlra. he Gfe• Zurich. Oet. 90 , 1S71 .7-1 Wiles Mc Marino business. done at the' KHMER AMF.KIC A, of Toronto - i As the weary heat id the noon CSJUB - i and drinkin off the wine, he psured had seised the opportunity begin out the second glass, re g pirated the toast, ;tearing the beeakfast tablet the may &Use V supported it very ably, and made out a stand out, and his fore fege to 'tweak h to the new bill. He oertedn- ' began to gape and gasp, and his eyes lowest poosibls rates . , on. and drank it also. Then, smacking his shoulders. she turned her o t of the strong case. He admitted that it was and in a quarter of a minute he fell or And then he was strikeed fallieg down to make. sure it was empty, corked it, r'Now," said she, "now thatch 'a &wag not the most desirable measure that lips, he t warned the bottle upside down, room, and slammed the door b ind her. ' In the rugged way, ion; the hot noon- oonld be framed, and that it diet not *f- lied. • fect as complete a reform as the people and pot • It in his pocket, aria having t I to hear the letter r II imme- 'desk, a. m.. every day Wilt risit pet*tita hear afterwards, night er (Lae. tor ZURICH HOTEL. . Ilisseleme third door oast of Coot/s1 Scheel, /Or., Caweactwi -HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. HURON; . HORACE HORTON -- Office Market Square, Goderich„ atom cottage JoHN PRANG, - - prietor. on. Beth 187e. •30.1v. ICI AN, SU RO CO .71, atc.. OM , over his Drug . (blench, ootano. sw102 J. Campbell, NE. ne..140. id• porno...re. sotecene AHD ACCOUCHEUR. ittoosso MGM Candor. liemeald L Corner for the Cousin. Dace and resident* Ant the " Framer's Store, (old post tognlain Street, ilsaforth. 13011-17 ea Larwriti pht.,In.LITER AND ATTORNIT-AT-LAW, Mtn an. Menton. Comity Crows &WHINY. Gedertea• Os!. OSe..n Coen House. Csisseron tiarrow. • EiARAMS riS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCLIIT,be. 012:W. II`-thston street, Goderiek. Q. Cat:moor wth J. T. Gamow. _ Doyle 1;.1.Alumni= Alin A/TORN:11M 90:n1Mo/is- L. °olds. not W R. Swann. B.A. to -Chanson. ie. Godench, Toms ac ICLUtott BA 1RIVTIIRS. A TToRNIEVNAT-LAW. MOLICT- tors Chan:corr. Ie., eateries Slarallate & Meager lEtaitalsogno, he ,Godmrich. & SI NCLA IR R. Jr Cfindermilh Doe. let.1871- lo. 1.3. MAN %unseal inn house it tted n p with even cony slaws tor the triivell n public. I rom t attest ace atm 5. 1670 41•1144 -ft yr Good Stabl,ng an. p p PORT ALBERT HOTEL PORT ALBERT. GOO WILSON, - Proprietor. kfle,00,,____:„..dacoontort.olea.tion, Ample Maths room. ur This in admitted to be a first-class hotel, and Perk Albset,Goic. bit, 1511 iff. r, i z . .... 1 411 Th 0 • I -00LBORNE HO'l'El.,, gm' t4 rcl -,32 . , ODERICH _____. 0 0 .t: 0 .‘ " t A pi ...,, t• E. Rua, TIN PrOpriet0T. C) * t.: Cs g CO ei Good Accommodation. Ample Stable (::::, V" , n Is co,4 Q g2 Room. iii. I" c.> eri e. 0 ,,,'•• .16 re- This is admitted to be a First elm :. C2,-.• W 't pi z ii, r.1 House kept in Good Style. , .. . .. r - ' Angus! 154 h. 1870 • ‘°n A 24 P4 kl CI:: COfflaer Si Kisfrafost end Victoria Strada, ones Of root al.wila.) GADIRICH, ONT. . : :foto', ;am Zt:42) ° .. . A "4 '2 D. litcRAE'S HOTEL, I.- r.,) ... 7 nets nom. is rirDell Saw 11.11,801[N1707. 'ffThti Bar to supplied with th• Mat liquors and NO. Mgarc Good stabiing and attentin bonier in attendance. 1E11. 3itsuranct. THF, TRAVELERS INSITWOE GO. -- T. TROURES AGAINST eCt'IDENT8 CAUSING awlsI IIoitly Wary Of ices of life. guaranteeing the vs. Feat of eetlpuintrl sem per milk from 151 t, or Um payment of the priarnpal sum insure& rola $500 to $10,00.301 the lry cages death with - LAND in three months. also grant./ 11 LIFE INSURANCE, . sae endowments of all forms at low Cash Rates' : Pull iaforcoation can be obtained nif e. Ei. DETLOR. hi...6.mm 4 the swim. . - -- •_,.. • ..rir. &sob Ageat. Seo - 64 ?nem '" Goderi•t.rtird Rev. 19:1. a :476 • • W. HICIZo THE.loaciLATED RISK sfe MONEY TO LEND - Oil NAST T CHUB nit arosAss. '1' WIC A. D. HITILON & ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIt?.Y CAPITAL, - - - - $700,00 'alma ea gen. able is borrowers Udine(' tho as•mb with the glass, he again • ly read aloud in a low di t tone, had a right to expect. But he insisted d° as T." that it Walt the best and only Tariff that could be passed through the present Congress, and that it embodied an in- stallment of reform that would relieve Industry from some of its more preming burdens. The reductions in meet mass were small, but they afforded relief to a large number of prodnears and consum- ers. The proposed reductione on the leading oommodnies of general cionsnitip- thin, such as woolens, cottons, iron, cop- per, salt and leather, gni, redacted the revenue S20,000,000, but they involved a saving cf from V0,000,000 to $80,000, - 000 to the rople. • Android hands bote him away from me, Over the stream to tko other aide. told me 1 with "th• most sensible girl he that my p had everinet with." sifiiired as soon as possible for t purpose , Then he becaine very silent and o receiving • legacy of ten f °nomad 0 ! weerY, weer/re the waY 1 have tr"a • thoughtful, rubbing his chin, and sighing ponnds bequeathed me by the *I. I of Mr. P 1" "Yen are ht, roy The pattering feet beside mv own Nen/ore keep time, and the fade hands Clasp mine no more. Old, and alone! '1 have passed the summit long ago-- SlowV, painfully, creeping down ' Gray lock/are straying my teruples o'er, Where @Watered bruthtly the curls of brown. At the foot of -the hill rolls the sullen stream ; I am nearing it now, at the eventide ; I shall enter it when tho sun goes down, And meet my love en the other side: P t n at Intervale, always looking grave y mysteriouely in my ?ace as he did so. dear,'' said my aunt, 000 ly, • hare I was beginning to get alarmed. when 110 relations of that name, and Ittninet be . . • tale " "It's worth &min : he seemed to make tio km min , an bluntly proposed marriene to ine, re- any rite," cried Harry, still, marking that he never had hail n wife, ed, "and the umner tbe bette and thought' he would like neve. He still gn by the coach, and go s pretended to take it for granted that I to London, and I'll go with would be quite ready to jump at his be ran for his kat to 'hurry to proposal. and would he only toe happy end beg • helidny from his to hid hint fOr a :husband, and when I As I ran off too, to get my bit et and flatly refused the honor, he told me to shawl, I heard my aunt say some - take tone far that such chance might thing about the expense, but t cried, not come my way every day. At a lass "Hang the expense !' and rued+ out of whether to laugh or cry, I said "No" the house. r, ot mat- sh• can ht on ! ' and • office toy ers Mr. k in elnbilig, in his very able speech, demonstrated that the causes which may have rendered the present 'ff ient during the civil war, agate, vitt so at .4i'd we have mewed to operate, and are wo longer • t d er- He was back again in • tri as stiff as a carpenter s week bench, an died a death of indescribable agony. I went and pulled the manuscript out o his mouth, and found that the sensitive creature had choked himself to death on one of the mildest and gentlest state- ments of fact that 1 mier laid before a tresting _ _ _ PhOterronses , Dr. H. Vogel, writing from Germany to the Philadelphia Pkot.graplier. relate, a queer case. A photographer made- pie:Afire" of two brothers, who refused to take or pay for likenesses. The artist complained, hut the indge was of the same opinion aa the brathers, and decid- ed that the pictures were not likeness- es. Mr. Photographer then went home with bis rejected pictures, and placed them in his show -window with the label, there olong„ the chicken bemg unable "The murderers of Mrs X." The broth- to digest it, that the letters, face and ere Oren waited on the artist, and alleged edge mes wom perfectly smooth by the sand sail gravel that the chicken had eaten, sad which had rubbed against the mad in its course through the gizzard. • h of in self the sot off together, bidttinw aunt • applicable to the present tariff. The th•t it wss elitist to expoae their pictures hi onntry has ith ch title and on his refusal to X7sete. next moment, but the it'd gentleman merry good-bye, a very di eren parting wet of production in t s c wee not st ell diepleased. from what we bed anticipated a few greatly diminished since the close of the remove the , W Sti & . plectra,' they entered suit. new that I wax as ame at coraort ars:AR "Don't be in • hurry, my dear," he minutes before. Nothing wad settled war, while the cost in Europe has lte•n It rernains to be seen bow the jedge will many decide in this new phase of the affair. - said, with a homorons twinkle in his about my coming back or going to my and is still rapidly increasing. head right under my inoal-scuttle of a sands I would Bottle cn you, and 1 wonld Fortunately we got ths oolidhLto our- American manufactorers have advanced rates for the same kind of com- - A Flirt. To otra M.P's.-We recom- "Speak out, I don't hear you," he eye, "I am an old man, and a rich old situation, everything was in A; state of aim', putting his great bald turnip of a man, and I won't say how many thou. delightful bewildering ueetrtairsty. It: juice' to correspond with the in- , . - - stage coaches, and the old gentleman a very pretty widow, my r," a our hearts' content. I alwal e the boom market in co 1. The effect the following Standing Orders of the modities in Europe, and they now hold mend to the legislators of the country bo t It was in the days of the old not trouble you long. Tou would maks selves, and speculated and wandered to bad hazsrded a trilling remark 'amid ' leered in my very face. • mistake, and Harry alway* ',declared of these war duties on certain commodi- Inverial House ef Comuions, dated ties has been to cripple them, and serer- May 17, 1614 :-"Ordered, That this and I being the only irraide passengers, I odious old fellow actually winked and the same coneltision; viz., tha it was all the weather, by way of being 4greoable, I was burning with indignation, but that, mistake or 210 mistake lietfelt sure al very important branchea of industry, House shall sit every day at seven and commenang a 00eYersatihn. But restrained by a wholeenme dread of I would return with the ten thousand such as tanning. provision packing, o'clock in the morning and enter into I repeated it seyeral tones, each time politely ets possible, and .thoogh he to a situation again. 8° * hing""" to Canada and other countries. He no new motions to be fonade after twelre. woolen factories, etc., have been driven the grist business atjtight o'clock, and he was evidently very deaf, and though angering him, I reiterated my refusal as pounds in my pocket, and never nest in louder than before, till my Voice had argued t he point for some time longer, I and jested and amused ouree , for al.1 showed that the protected industries of Ordered, That whosoever "teacloth in risen to a shrill scream,. he still cried - succeeded in the mid in silencing him, -the world like two children had g°' the country constituted only ten per the entry of the House, pay Is. iiresent- Getting very red in the face, I at •,svi,,i female miens averse te gold, London. Then matters to look cent. of the total troduction, and that ly unto the serjeant.16417,-Ordered,flat " 90 r all the members who shall come to the "Speak out 1 doe% hear you."; 'and h-rtr:1 him muttering to himself- an unexpected holiday, till * reached 1 t tem r end lowering my n hat car. averse to au," serious, for • short time w Id decide h tter and we made o way in length me my pe , voice, reinarked to myself, that "1 A &A ell though in great surprise at my dui. t ° nut ' • fool for my pains," adding seine not mon. Il e did nut speak agaimbut fold silence and with besting h to the Ise the old gentlernan. I cpuld have sunk his, tatiend Tur.(4.. nat.. as t.houfh disco be k • address mentioned in the lit, There we were received very 'rteouslettearly. very complimentary remarks ounceniing . ! th• floor of the coach, with very shame, 1.4okeil at him he opened his eyes an O. I Lose if you choose, nay dear,'but 111 be that had Toot been frightened I wourr slid prooeeded to henries, a !through th• earth or liather through by the head of the firtn, who tift hearing so a r, an c *mg ns (nes, ay c an attitude of despair; but every tnnel unv name took us into his p ate room ce. He at all was was not be paid at T 111111 as7 hams rudissocisly ADVANCLS MONET ON EEC Tit/ ot Real Estate, and on Terms vary far lowessen., mew aware as he briskly replied, •'Call me an old wiuked at me with so much droll', seemed to take it for granted und yeti are no fieil; always speak in have screamed with binghter,, Then h only free of duty but was: , that low, diatina toue. and no fears but began to linos* (though I was anent; immediately ; hut I told hi r bt reirearkin that the 1 IFIRE INSURANCE f • WTERS.COSTS mesCHARGED I'll hear odery word ou say; people The Society pan tts Solicitor charges. Anv ono) of money, from 1020t upwards, ie lest r env number of itoosonn to Mono maybe obtained at any time with little or no delay yos eispied in investigating the title and preparing the ..t . Mortgage, Die cost of which is paid by the olconety Ithei settstble MI yon me. , e • talk," he addO, coming, if The fell amonat of the loan ts advanoed -so dedne- beg har nossible, still nearer MS LhaM before. • tion being made lor elsoessisalon or other charges. which often add so materially to the cost of loan r - - only pref ended *43 `lee" and 'mitt"' afraid there was sous mistake Seem to think they sh mid blow trumpets • ssius-11-1-• . • coossawreceerma and Itleme' several times, "A wife, a wife, • Ciotti f:g* a'wifor how tesrified was; I thooght the journey would nee come to an end, and I don't roman nver being an overjoyed in. my life when the coach stopped, and we took two gentlemen teem the roadside. old friend. was all alive immedietel and lost no time in entering into cony lotion with them, fastening on them turns for all the world like a leech, surmising me much by productng bands..ine ear -trumpet, Raying, as and drums into a deaf man ar, u • a groat mistake, my dear, a gnat, mis- take and you've found it out at Isar, appelliCAI10118.611W111 Ca.nacift. 1301,4V 11111D OPTICS Sagil Street, Corner of Church, Torossto. 111c rtotonsoon. Sashes, Doors, Blinds, CAPITAL - - - $6110.0M Limber, at the GM- Digposyglp wpm novvioNMANT, - $60,0011. 1309. 4 joitCHLOL.,40.,./. GEON DgNTIST. ence, West Street. ▪ Bank of Montreal, ..1IPBELL ry surgeon. University, Macs, New of Oaten° Solarium.) VARNA. Saturday. 13 3m.• S• as IN •O, C011.1.1104 'STABLES, a HOTZL,GODIERICH. • os hood Calm prompt. Ulg ' N T S NTIONS es PILOPERLY raTilDVIT. ALS*ANDER lleICKNZIE. f og , M. P. I' 1 W111101.5. I JOHN MAUMELAN. 4!ill.1 (ILato Assithant-Secretary Western, Assurance Co. , . Brailtssa-CansdiAn Dank of Commerce. dudes and Europe. moms. fiend fur priut- operation ten year -a -- ADVANTAGES 0171RED. 1st- Ahooloto Stirlifit, to Polio{ Holders, ts Mai WIWI of a very large Cash CapitaL Sod- Tbn important tenure Introdured by thit Compay of 'touring ma-Assenfras pommy mfg. tlia morass of goring its Policy Holden mry tit'utotes on dttached dwelling*, Le. srd-TI•Stnethoiderti, Directors and /rota, ho- e nods leers will be adjusts4 nee other socialiser nem issetrienais The ter- Seeing there was no escripe, 1 submit - :°0 blerdnes'eTot;erest TheiLe,:lodeutc.sal foirnstal.mespints 1, 1 more so that I felt really 'gratefol to the itut angry, who could tell w at he -A BOrrowor o&Wihfl WO ler the time his ortgage to paid off. The tapidl• In - an we wore all Alone, and gping as fast creasing business et this Society is the best ! non of the favor with widen it to rewarded by the I SS four horses could carry un So 1 Wilth mints sr priocipal included in the yearn Instalment. ille.l021, for he was wonderfully. in - gent eman I had ever menwith; and 1 miser nth repay its loan by yearly, bainyeariy. er ted to my fate with a good grace; all the and Om ars dindedthat by their payment the old gentleman for taking my Wiper - debt i' sat•reir "tin "bd. th."'"141141. '1'6- I tinence so good-humoredly. Fot had alien o the end the Moe stipuleted. 16 rears. he pais $06.70oseh year. snd at the sad: el inlet. have done --struck perhape; Dimling community. sad its popolanty willbeconis gliml to talk and listen SIB much as he better knows and underlined By the small pay- : wisnea, and really enjoyed the concer- n:eater as the merits of RA system of bindles NeCeltl• . the borrower 'trying:illy. and without troublei, pahyisi itteilitient,' and the best informed Old believe I acquired mote general and use- ful information during the: one dog's journey than dining myl four years' boarding school education. including the learning of Pinnocl's Catechism...and Idagnall'sQttestions. I was pleaaed and flattered, too, by the approbation and pleasure he ex- pressed at what he was plowed to ;All the exquisite modelation .1 my voice, and could not but feel gratified at being able to confer a benefit on a human creature who w AS deprived in a great measure of a sense of which I war in full poeseasion, and by. the time we were half way on our journey, we were on intimate terms, and the best of friends. He had managed, too, without any Ma- pearance of impertiuent curiosity, to in- form himself of numerous particu- lars concerning his fell"! passenger ; where I had come froin and where I was going; my name, and the name and ad- dress of the aunt to whom I wits aholit to pay a visit of some weeks; and had ascertained that I was very peer, and that, my visit ended, I was to commence my duties u companion and reader to an invalid lady, who had pot tho repu- tation of having the beat of tempers, but that I was very glad to have secured the situation, being an orphan and home- less. I was surprised, when I thought of it afterwards, how I could tell all this to a total stranger but it came all out natxrelly euough, at the time ; but thotigh the old gentleman managed to make me thus frank about myself, I knew as much about him at the end of the journey as I did at the beginning. When we were ,about half way, he ceased talking, yawned, stretched him- self, and took out his watch. "I am getting peck*, my dear; hope you brought some refreahments," said he. I replied bn producing a small supply of sandwiches, and offering him • share of then,. He seised hold of the parcel, counted them, and takbag the half, them up as though he was famished I had such difficulty ill keepiog gravity, that I nearly choked keeping down the laugh whas my portion. He waited till I ed, and then aaked if I had virrions and on rny producing ott Ms loan -thus ',coding property, which too often happen* when the pnneipal falls due in • large sum at the end of the term- ite can, at any time, pa) off his loan to advance on• fansable terms(whIch can he settled at any month - meeting b the Directors, on the application /of t pir withgut delay, and paid in malt ar moo. itle borrower,T and interest at sis per CAD . lug all residents in a E. RA DCLIFF. annum will be allowed on all payments in ad ranee. Tell particulars and loan Lahti: may he obtained at ' 1 yr. -mit Agent for Dodefitch sod r :claret mm.smelagy.• °Mos, Or by totter poet:paid, addressed to the Secretary, or (ruin any of the Society's val- uators WESTERN itSSURINCE CHARLES FLETCHER. Nalithtort •t Galeria otta emu,. owes utets Red • NG, TILUEItt *END, Ccand %la* goeot • 81/1540 taken Mt. Due cal sod IV lots M. Yip k - L1111 COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. VkPIttuLs STOCK . $400,000 208,369.60 RECEIPTSFORTMITEAR ENDING.IUNEMIA1871. M7,858.26 HON. J• McMURRICH President. B. HALDAN Managing Director. FIN & MARINE INSUHANUE AT i Lowest Current Ratca OPVCIAL LOW TA RI F F OF RATBS COVRRING . 0 Inettrance for one or three tsar* on detached Dweibligis, Church,. and &Imola with contents, in c,,imm, Towns and Country plane, Them rates and 1 terns anodes pirtiruertr favorable to the Tans. li ingifters°tu7lasauattemi.n wanted for a Rennin Aneney fp, lb* townshilm ouilTillg iliis Town- AMOY in , 4,A:us with rebniaces to thinned...m*4d for trans I ...lop lo the Head Airs. I D. WATSON. ! :''' I Local Agent. 1 Cioderich Ilth Sept. 1471 .9 . . . , /ETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMFY lc HARTFORD CONN. .1 CASH CA PI1 AL g.1,000,000.00 CASH ASSETS 5,782,635.0e :LOSSES PAID LN 51 rsars28.000,000 00 Money to LoanonRoalEstate, A PP1 SliSEHlot neTrustoindLoawompui rs. oitc,perCInAda. 0 M THIMMAN, • . teemed &mare Cotterich 02131000 Maims on Paws or Tuws property ••st per A eat. *mil to .1- WI. neon. Solicitor. he, 0.4.1081. - Dederick. . . . MONEY TO LEND AT SIGHT ren CENT. SIMPLE 115Tr7131. The Largest Capital, THE LARGEsTAssETS TIM Lk NE MAL INCOME sTA_AVD Pal INSURANCE COMP'Y , for 5 or 10 vears. Interest repavab either yeatly or half -yearly •pply to SLATHERS, St. Helene. 170941. of nobody whabore, or rather the name of Peter Paul. " right," he replied, with a cur ins at the corners of his mo you are doubtful, I'll read t the will," and taking an o document from his dealt, he ger down several pages t the place he wanted, and the otonous, sing -song prefessio read the codicil which bequ , ten ousand pounds, free of and the reason thereof iv stuck it into his ear, Excuse. • s • rotor Paul, Tut, that reutlemen, I am rather dull of hearing woman he had over met wi Both gentlemen looked considers steak so low as to make • d • who had 4°2 it Uri 4 gm, 'his in g bunt, by ts the 1m • of loOking und Mon - he M me duty, Mr. only It is ssidthat there are now upft hun- dred theessad people congregated at the South Afncan diamond fields; creat- ing such "demand for supplies that the price of peeduce at the Cape Colony has increased eighty per cent. The last steamboat Miro the Cape to Southamp- ton brought diamonds I allied at f160,- 000. In the region of lelaralijkis, France, a beautif Atte paper legiElip from hop vines, and* strength in nneetaii with pliable texture, renders it with those who hare tested its the interesta of • ninon actvlutlem•usestroag• Thp.lhia3bpterifniebrie.w ealind cent. were sacrificed under the operation house ii::.er eight &clock shall pay one of the protection fallscy ; and the United shilling, and that if any tnember shall ano qUestion but that it would make States now stand in the condition of be- forbear to come 'or the whole day. he excelleit piper. Its scarcity. h ver, ing the ouly great civilized nation in the shall pay five shillings, to be disposed of will not allow of its extensive for -.. world whose esports were constantly as the House may think fit, and the • this poxpomi decreathig. In conclusion, Mr Finkeln- 1 aerjeant is t i gather in the mentor. burg made an effective appeal to all 1642. -Ordered, that whosoever shall The Most Canis tunnel is to be out - parties to support tbe present bill. He , r ot be at Prayers eve7 morning sh&Il done. Gemini, wanta a portion of the represented that the Free Traders could pay Is. to the poor -a box to be pre- trade whichis expected to flow from the get nothing better from the present Con- ' pared and set np at the door for this east throusk the mountain wall of the gresa, while the protectiouists, by refits- purpose, and the burgesses& of West- Alps, andmeans to have a tunnel of her nig reasonable and just changes, incorred minater are to take care that the money own. It iito pasa under the St. Gothard the rialto of a reaction which might swoop be duly paid. 1647. -Ordered, that as and will mooed the Mont Cenis teazel iu ed the soon as the clock etrikes twelve Mr. 'length antleost. away aft protectiou. e Republican majority that the country would hold them to astern responsibility for any failure to remove the more pressing burdens of taxation, • h of the hour, and the Speaker do go out of the chair and the House Alan rise:and that in going forth no member shall stir until Mr. Speaker do cto before, and then all the rest shall follow. Whosoever shall go ont of the one that is probably destined to produce House before Mr. Speaker shal. forfeit u the Most profound effect on Congress and 10s., but that the reporters may go first. the people, was made by Mr. Burchard, Ordered, That no member shall stir out of Illinois. This gentleman is the latest of his place or to speak iinto another; and and ablest convert W sound economic if any member shall whisper, or cross principle'. He was appointed to the the House, he shall pay 1s. into the Committee of Ways and Means last De- poor-bex. 1692. -That 1143 member do comber as a Protectionist. But his in- accept of anv entertainment at acy public ' .1 Antioch, where "the disciples were called Cheisttans first," lately destroyed bee an ingthqualos, was founded B. C. ROO, anibia, therefore, existed 2,172 years. It was the birthplece of St. Chrysestain. In his day the population was &beet 200,000--oue-half of whom were Christians. It was "the sent of the earliest Gentile Christians, of bloody tcipersecutiona, a active missionary labour, and Utopias. whence St. Paul went on is first sussionary tour. house for the carrying on any matter A Osman forest -keeper, eighty-two under the consideration of the House; s Years AL not winhing to carry to tlie and that the offer of any money or Ifrare ,an it/Tort-eta secret, has gratuity th any members Jar Putters Pohlish4a recipe he has used for fifty years, ad which, he says, h.a.s amid and • great number of ani e horrible death of hydropito de must be bathed as soon is h warin vinegzr water, ancl, hag dried, a few drops of d peered upon the wouad the poison of the saliva, sad • nt from all present end' who could i vestiginions on the Tar quo" i n man hear; 1 • member of the committee led him to intereeted and amused, and I sat d 1 from hire a ow ef eherry,3;ey„,.. ...A : doubt and finally reject the aystetn of e y er refused 1 looked on and listened, very glad that '''- ' '--- i Protectionism. In thie respect Mr. he mov ignored me altogether. ' had ever heard of who oo refuse an I Bircherd resembles Mr. David A. Wells last, but not least, the onl I woman he If I had thought him a wonderful old l I offer of marriage from • ri old mann, and some of the ablest revenue reformers a,t once .1 of the day. All that ia required is to mrinwOriderf el now, sa, changing his trnm t oh the protective system in a spirit before. I thought him 4111 more of course re, eyes were 0 frOin the right ear trb the left, and f thin left to the eight again (as ho lirl`S3t11.1 One or other a his victims), It• kept up an uneensing flow of instruct v• cooicrsatiOn. Po talking with me, bis had evidently been suiting himself to cempani, the subjects lie 'chose being entirely different, 'from the &Intone question" in politica and m plivaice dewn to the proper drainin &lila for the cultivation of turnips, was at home in them ell, aril having dent', a wooderfol memory, he see to remember every thing .and every , y he 1:ael ever aeen or heard of durirge, the coorso of his long lifo. Ile was very funny too, mid gave us several heerty laughs, and after inquiring if the gentle- • ere for annoyed at first, but they soon bee& . HICK, ARO Hi thoarths's BLOM. Mofkft Seerwr, i (tOderlob UST .11.- AMERICA. made with as Dominion for the benefit of Canadian ifIONETHING NEW POI CO ma to Mr. Peter Paul, buti; comtetely frPele from preconceived prejudice' and the roonev. idedly, hardly fail to lead to a higher p a.n eeinomic truth. dumfounded, 1 hesitated a Harry se the lawyer gave . which to sign • receipt ter "Sign !" aitid Harry very loo ed at ' orsonal teresta, and the result/ can a pen with hfr Burchard's speech may be regard - I signed. ed as the most aggressive one t • las Neither of us spoke • Meted, when we • ever been delivered in Congress, and in heel the street, but se we 'hurried elevation of tone and severity of invec- lohg, Harry gave me • Withal look, as ; titre it approaches the standnrd of the a aqiieezed the 'hand *Mich held his ' famous Cobden orations that aroused the arm, and I whispered wil teart in m!, j people ot England to the peroeption of fi "Heal' '" he whispered, ' r I'll be jeal- 1 rotectionists. He took the ground that ous of till memory of Dirb! a remark which led to which ended in my bestow my ten thousand pounds n my cousin Harry, who was so overi ed at the on- ; expected turn in our affai aa to behave in the streets of London ( 0 broad' day- light too), in • mariner tOich I am car- te' ISUM have raised sedous doubts of 5 exclusively. an ate his share as headily as bieLits ho divided failures show the irepoo. ERICH. I done the sandwiches. Melmatzing the Companies that I - "Anything morel" bede aellit sellable indemnity and . put the laat bite in my *sou it ) A LL kinds of sewing machines repair y a first -c ass machmeast from "Not a morsel," 7 re ea Jilin& Polices immt ho AP- , Lot ed I, 1 • ' • be must be a greedy 01 mese. y,„„ to ,e,,,f,,,„Theee et 1 /few York. Orders may. he. ledt at Me- i with a knuwing wine men to, whom he wee talking married, he effered, without wmti a reply, to sing the "Laird of Cock and commenced singing that hum dittr without • momenta delay, 111 in a transacted in the House shall be deem- ed a high crime and misdemeanor., Ordered. That no member ought to re- ceive or give any visit to any foreign agent or ambaaarider. without the leave and consent of the House. Ordered. That no member have leave to go into mien the country without limiting a time when he ia to return. 1693. --Ordered, future that no member of the House do pre- sume to smoke tobacco in the gallery, or Flow at the table of the House, sitting at is one "Ad nraititzt•ecesrrel." or CREATION, -Sum* sat othnot.....ea tronnmers have computed t there are teat "91 :onicleessiscth;e7fi6i.000ed ,6000tarsa -4111 tbel several fr bia. possible when t enuriatic will des eyes, "Dear, kind, good ol gentleman' 1 the rank' injustice and set shunts of the having, like our suns, DUM0 protectionism is .contrary to the te,ti 7. cindery, belonging MOM of modern civilization and an obsta- field of space revolving around them. ele to American progress. He Araced the influence of an erroneous th ory in that which it tem, or that to whic lb &bent thirty planeta repressing the ex parisiou of our cinn erev, and held that it was altogether in ma- nble that, with the ienmense resc2urces diameter 3.60, OM% 15 his sanity in the minds Of the paasers- a:dithnastuseraalf road:tan:lag: tsw:)ofgrethae. I Lined States one diversity of production, and Tha eau 9 , eter Paid," conversation myself and shrill, cnicked voice, and though, 'noe hy. , our fellow-trayellers joined us, hee had We were fortunate eihaugh to reach nevur taken the slightest not:ce toq me, the coach -office in time 40'get home that the song was addreased to me exclueive. night, and found my auitt waiting raw- ly, and he winked and snapned his fin- patiently for ns. Great *as her surprise gers in my face at the end of each verse. and joy on learning the sews, and the • • I over slth formally oon- national prospertty shoe never be regarded as dependent on isulation 1„._°n.22, and exclusion. On the contrary Ameri- `"'" " can trade demanded the very largest freedom, and should be allowed to see its own channels withont let orhin The decline of exports,. ship-bu • gratulated me on "havin4 got the money and making mann* engines, prosperms branches of Ame • What the gentlemen thought I *now nnt, lint they imighed immoderate dolibt it was fine sport to them, was torture to me, and it was an pressible relief, when j finished the last rem, wink,: we reachod our the comb stop how I was to relieved nisi subject by his and beetoW the 0 t it without the old man. An a y . maninto the bargais, d Ilarry, slyly trY, wai due to the n tatting his arm round y waist. My protective laws. ushed u looked Mr. Burchard w, were pared statistics lex_ effect& of the ' las of r r. mons P to as the -41w •