HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-08, Page 15S Orpha Club final meeting The Orpha club held their final meeting of the season, Tuesday, with a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Mildred MacLaren with 32 attending. After a short business meeting they played Court Whist. Winners were:- first prize, Mrs. Fred ,i3r9wp.; ,scssmd, price, Mrs. Irene = Kennedy; low prize, Mrs, William Stokes; lucky chair, Mrs, Olive Webb. The first fall meeting will be held September 23, at the home of Mrs. Marty Ginn. FRESH BUTT Pork Chops FRESH BROILER 5 -10 LB AV. Turkeys ib. 98' 68' FRESH GRADE "A" FRYING "'CHICKEN 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 LB AVERAGE 68C lb. ESSEX NO 1 Rindless Bacon lb. 1.28 FRESH SHOULDER PUC are rebuilding a line- on Albert Street at the present time. ROBERT SIMPSON was sworn in as a municipal councillor in Grand Bend on Monday night. He will complete the 1975-76 term left vacant on the resigna- tion of Doug Kincaid. A former resident- of Kitchiener-Waterloo, Mr. Simpson moved to Grand Bend in November with his wife Jean. In January, they purchased the Wonder Grove Cottages in the village. T-A photo 'V% %ik. N. • elkillHAINEWOODAWIAM .44 %!CWMC:VCICSIMCJ6M%JCI CVCIWVCVMCIZWCI V'OCN,IMV%,'l§ZMSNIh.%'NaO6,Th,n%.V 'OA CANADA NO 1 VANILLA and CHOCOLATE • $1 68 HALF GALLON BUTTER 99' lb. SILVERWOOD'S DFLIIXE ICE CREAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t . • Chamber sponsors Buffaloburger AND DISTRICT NEWS THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOOD WIDE 26 x 36 - 1.5 ML Garbage Bags GINGER, OATMEA;., FUDGE - 24 OZ Dare's Cookies FREE--FREE'—FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE With Every $20 Order "We had our first general meeting on February 26 and got 45 interested people out," relates Secretary-manager Tom Web- ster, recalling the recent history of the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce. "And we've never looked back since then!" A quick look at the programs planned by the Grand Bend Chamber convinces anyone that the group has, indeed, not been taking any retrogressive steps. "In previous years, the Chamber in Grand Bend had lots of get up and go," said Mr. Webster, "and then it seemed to lose its oomph," Realizing the community needed a Chamber of Commerce, SECOND SECTION Council briefs At Monday nights meeting of Grand Bend council —Council approved that the Grand Bend council chambers be rented starting May 22 for Justice of the Peace courts on Tuesdays and for Criminal Court on Thursdays. —A, request from Pioneer Trailer Court to dump garbage in the municipal dump three days per week was turned down. Council suggested the lack of an attendant was a major factor in the decision. —The Ausauble Conservation Authority was requested to proceed with work on the Walker drain project. A letter of sympathy was or- dered sent to the Forest detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police regarding the accidental death of two officers. —Council agreed to join the Sarnia-Lambton Tourist Council and appointed Robert Simpson as its representative. Reeve Bob Sharen is a representative for Huron County. —council will send a letter to the operator of the local roller skating rink offering assistance in keeping the litter problem at a minimum. —The Public Utilities Com- mission was given authority to purchase replacement bulbs for the strings of coloured lights decorating Grand Bend's main street. Host convention The Church of God ladies hosted an all day Mission Con- vention, Saturday, with more than 60 in attendance. Special speaker was Rev. Oral Withrow, of Anderson, Indiana, who is Director of Missions promotions for the missionary for the Church of God. He had recently travelled in southern central America, and at one of the sessions Showed slides of the country there. kiteppy pads Women, Misses, Juniors who appreciate UALITY & FASHION IN • SWIMWEAR • GOWNS • DRESSES . • SPORTSWEAR • SUMMER HATS • CASUAL SHOES • UNIQUE JEWELRY • LONG SKIRTS • SHORT SKIRTS • BLOUSES SHOP MERRY RAGS GRAND BEND 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 a.rn. — 6 p.m, OLYMPIC TICKETS Mastercharge, Chargex American Express 1 1/4 M. South on Ilwy. 21 Eric Mcllroy 238.2816 - .411111110POMPOP11006,, a few initial interested citizens thought about starting it up again. The standard `flowery letter' asking for a cheque was discarded as a poor idea. A better one, the group thought, was a questionnaire asking potential members if they thought a Chamber was necessary and what they would like to have the Chamber do if it was started up again, "We sent out 125 letters and got 23 replies," said Mr. Webster,. "That encouraged us to hold that first meeting and we were very pleased with the turnout," Officers elected To make sure its efforts were organized and all willing members shared in the Hi! For those of you who missed me in last week's T-A, I joined the staff here April 28. My duties will include both news reporting and advertising sales and will take me around the entire coverage area of the T-A. At the present time, much of my effort will be directed in the Grand Bend area. I received my baptism in Grand Bend last week when Bill Batten gave me the tour. Then on Friday he threw me "to the wolves" and I've . been mean- dering around the Bend since. X X X An initial impression of the village was that it had an energetic Chamber of Commerce and I was quite surprised to hear that it had been activated only recently after a bit of a slump. Residents of the Bend will no doubt be surprised to learn that the Chamber of Commerce now owns a buffalo. No, they're not raising livestock, just getting in an 'on-the-hoof' supply of buffalo meat for the Buffaloburger Fest on June 13-14. At the present time, secretary Manager Tom Webster is busy lining up duties for Sandra Ducharme of Dashwood and Brenda Mawson of the Bend. Sandra will work as a travel counselor at the. Grand Bend information chalet to be located behind the PDC office. She will be paidlby the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association, Brenda, who has worked in a similar capacity in the Bend for the past few years, will return, Both girls will be taking a two week training course in travel counselling at FanshaWe College sometime in late May. Tom reminds everyone that tickets will sOonlbe available for the draws on the four moped bikes to be given away this summer in the Bend, Funds will go to Chamber community projects. responsibility, an election of officers was held and along list of committee chairmen appointed, Taking the top spOt was George Kadlecik as president with vice- presidents Don Southcott. and Peter Heist. Tom Webster was hired as secretary-manager and David Nelder took over duties as treasurer, The board of directors and the committees they are responsible for, was appointed. They are Griff Thomas, community im- provement; Mel Douglas, ac- comodation; Norma Baird, welcome; Mac MacLaren, civic affairs; Mae Morenz, publicity; Don Flear, beach; Cyrilla Van Bruaene, program; Ralph McKinnon, advertising; Keith BITS'N'PIECES....The smelt have been running well around Grand Bend Over the weekend, good catches of large fish were reported. ... Grand Bend's fame is growing. A recent copy of the Peterborough daily paper featured banker Dave Nelder corralling a buffalo on a ranch near that city. Dave sported a boldly lettered Grand Bend T- shirt . . . Howard Court and Don Kobe, coach and manager of the Grand Bend WOAA "B" champion pee week hockey club, had their players out Monday night to watch some interesting films on hockey history. The boys saw the films and devoured untold dozens of hot dogs at the . Green Forest. A tip of the hat to Pete Deitz for sponsoring the event for. the hockey play- ers Don't forget the Missing Piece Bikathon this Saturday. Sponsor sheets are available at the Missing Piece. Cyclists will get underway from downtown Grand Bend at eight Saturday morning , . . The village council and the press photographers were a little late arriving at Branch 498 Royal Canadian Legion for the mor- tgage burning ceremonies Monday night. So late that all that remained was a little pile of black ash. Fortunately the necessary officials were still on hand and the whole scene was staged again for posterity. XXXX Hopefully the front page of the second section of the T-A this week will feature Grand Bend news, photos and ad- vertisements. In the future, the T-A intends to continue this idea and hopefully 01.1f Grand Bend readers will like the idea. If 'you have an idea about Grand Bend news coverage, don't hesitate to call ine at 2354831, We need your help. See you next week. Crawford, beach; Paul Johnson, winter activities; Al Best, membership; Peter Warner, special events; JOhn Steckle, beach; Bert Albertson, ways and means; Xavier Boogernans, beach chairman. Developing rapidly Since its inception, the Chamber has been busy. Right now, members are eagerly awaiting completion of the new chalet-style information centre being erected directly behind the Grand Bend Public Utilities building on highway 21. Chamber president George Kadlecik, also the contractor for the centre, says it should be finished in two weeks. Pork Roasts LEAN 130NELESS Pot Roasts Sausage With Every $20 Order A CHANCE TO WIN $100, 000 The new information centre will provide a reception area, and office space for secretary- manager Tom Webster along with Sandra Ducharrne of Dash- wood and Brenda Mawson of Grand Bend who will be working with him. Mr. Webster explained that Sandra is being paid by the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association as a tourist coun- sellor working out of Grand Bend while Brenda has worked in the tourist information field in Grand Bend for the past few years, Both , women will be taking a two week course for tourist counsellors at Fanshawe College late in May, (Please turn to page 2A) drainage problems which evidently did not exist before the drag line operation was com- . pleted, Councillor Robert Simpson suggested that the developer, Southcott Pines, should be responsible for any problems which arose from their action. "They certainly don't have the right to interfere with natural waterways." said Mr, Simpson, Councillor Bill Baird asked who had given Southcott Pines per- mission to use a drag line on the old river bed. Reeve Sharen stated that the firm had claimed ownership of the old river bed and the thirty-three foot roadway on each side of the bed. "We will certainly approach Southcott Pines after we visit the area and learn the nature of the problem." said Reeve Sharen, In other business, council agreed to authorize the signing of an agreement between the Grand Bend Public Utilities Com- mission and the town of Thed- ford. The agreement will allow the PUC to do service work for Thedford when crews are not busy locally. The PUC has a similar agreement .with Stephen. Township. Rates to be charged will be $10 per hour for the truck, $8 per hour for the lineman and $6 per hour for the lineman's assistant. The At its May meeting Monday night, Grand Bend municipal council welcomed Robert Sin-m- son as a new councillor. Mr. Simpson will fill the seat left vacant on the resignation of Doug Kincaid. In response to a complaint from a resident of Lake Road, council arranged to view the area regarding drainage problems, Reeve Bob Sharen said that since dredging of the old river bed had been carried out by a local developer, several area residents have complained of HOSTESS 13.9 OZ Barrel of Chips MAXWELL HOUSE 1 LB Bag Coffee JAVEX 128 OZ Liquid Bleach MEMBERS OF GRAND BEND'S WOAA "B" championship peewee hockey team are seen above with their trophy following a banquet in their honour held at the Green Forest on Monday evening. Team members are, front, Bradi Van Praet, John Court, Mike Willert, Guy Deitz, Francis Kelders; back, coach Howard Court, Bill Mennen, Jim Around the Bend - By TED ROWCLIFFE GRAND BEND EXETER, ONTARIO, MAY 8, 1975 Lovie, Graham Kobe, Raymond Vlemmix, Kim Wilson, Nick Vandenberk, and Peter Deitz, sponsor of the evening. Manager Don Kobe could not attend. Films of Stanley Cup history. were shown during the evening. T-A photo 78' 99' DANNY'S HOME-MADE PURL PORK YOUR CHOICE or ALL-BEEF 98` 1010MCICIWOMICMCNSIOCWOMMOCICVMSICVM.. • N. CHEERor OXYDOL lit DETERGENT 5 LB BOX $1.98 88C 78C 98C $1.38 $1.08 DELMONTE 48 OZ TOMATO JUICE 414 "ViMILIMV0017:!MIMMIL IMIIMV A CHANCE TO WIN $100, 000 1 Wintario Lottery Ticket woogsmozcswgwomoiswoomoomwoomwoogsvoi8,wmt-ogsw000mwoomooms E TENDER SP ROYAL CANADIAN Legion Branch 498, Grand Bend, celebrated payment of its mortgage with a 'mortgage burning' ceremony Monday night, Seen above lighting the mortgage is Past President Clayton Mothers while President C. E. (Larry) Maclennan holds the document. Looking on are Harry Cotton of Corunna, Zone A4 Deputy Commander and Wally Matheson of Sarnia, Zone A4 Commander, T-A photo Council to deal with drainage problems I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I INSTANT QUICK Chocolate Drink 2 LB BONUS PACK - 6 OZ FREE $1.68 RADISHES 28C lb . FLORIDA RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs 68C U. S, NO 1 LARGE sl-Q0- 1 Wintario Lottery Ticket 28 HEAD, LETTUCE T MAIN ST. GRAND BEND PH.238-2512 Open Thursday and Friday night until 9 P.M. — Sunday from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M, 4,9c:woom000m,‘,..wwwWivivo-vww.',10.,Avocm.,44,‘„wi lomics,iiliocw000k.locwowowLANWOmmoi.voommwrocwomim4 InImmoommo6.11111110.1111111111.11111111.1110111.111111-