HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-4-3, Page 41 ler 4.44.4444.111. Sae Lies, With Aad that held the peachy bleats Of sightaliifillhflier teas. She never owned s aunt arena Nor dreamed of Mesidin Yet wore her tidy h..e-ipuiiY Wish such Sawa/thing greet) °e•gigsl That scarce the merchants ' Had made her mem No priacees wish balm/tea 11 A royal robe couldf wear. Ono daY *co MAW :IC 177 With wikadraid sopa Ard asked sweet Seaarli If she would be his Wait soiree • dimellarr:d'„,. . New gull a eoiltntry But Susy loved him mLea- illia.7.7 And so she answers!' The rich man bit has .10118Z!Sit Anti beet bis beeolity,„ But, hoping by WSW la Whig lie waited mill lad 04' "Year collierysigh, With brawny, olartle3° aid Aad off, diers wiflatalontat 11.1" Nr gold .1i&kT '1.; 'WhileWeak_.....adigera.' losigillai ittvatei And name orai- Axe aline tee& at Ilat aka / wit foie bride." esi‘tolled, her realtd cheek, Ana impliewesa she sod: HTo plowei law and seep the field, Awl eamesis daily breed, "1 unit is sehler than te Coatasilthis Wes tliabitk. - And Dear a jeweled Sere :at •Tow isstiky work. sar. orWilly • • tail•worn hulas, groessi by ale seers sun, Ara essilt bz than dthey had gespetlIntior *Oh • " Alldre.S.itt°04 sir, buil 10a not learn - love Or bonght Weald! [ed WeaderY wed, I'll sada use, And saki/ 1,,..d.op sou.- ltithesillem brew earraiter grand Rule iilleeely town, caa May ems See wedded Will, Clad is her hearken gose, -46'4 e Hone. to DID,023 bee worms. ta who ex pact without advertising. metimes tames like medicine ; because you are sick. Victoria has over 30 tons of silver plate. ris journalist has compared le i bottle of charnpagae, of w hoth is the cork. banks is England employ instead of men to guard their ere, of Indiana, undressed in with the usistenoe of re- iffiggrillfeS trrn MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH ORGANS, 1. Piano Stools, &C., &C, Menu fsetered by Use erebrated Vert are R. S. WILLIAMS & CO., TGEONTo, The most extensive makers is the UOInInion, rilil niiiiirrineelbegs to Intimate that be haa t.et. •Prorted rent for Goderich and the •urroo riding onintry et the err rely estetwatint Ilrni, and pared to seU all artktee made by then, •t ' mill WAN a CTURIEIVS PRIVEs, , the celebrated Irish novelist, is ueeleliteebe win "nms""rtal U be au scriber • Were-Nesuse. West Street Atvoffat, of Ohio, tried to malt. Oudiirieb, Aug 15, 1870 r30 consul at the port of Trieste. DANIEL GORDON" ladia out of his gun. He succeeded. /W62.$ no Saimaa! Turkey owes to trades - lain in Cosissesstinople, A is said, the agile of lltb,0410,000. ;Inanglaise' about 9,000 persons, or sae in every 24 of the population, can- not read or write. A neat, clean, fesebed-aired, sweet, dillierful, well -arranged house exerts a starlit influence over its inmates. A man died at Wheeling last week who bad not slept inside a house for sixteen years. Onediundred and five short -hand wri- tars do the newspaper reporting in the House 01 Commons. The following contains the alphabet. John 11. Brady gave iu ibick walnut hos of quite a small size. An Oregon 'editor alludes to the Dor- t:thaw of • mule by a brother journalist av a remarkable case of self possession. A Nebesekan thought hiawonld under- take to churn • wake, but soon resigued in favor of • 1 andertaker. A Keokak erre lomat' of having con- verted 1,f.47 hogs into pork in seven hours and fifty mintage. The number of people who speak Eng lish has been connted. It * seventy The man who quarrelled with his bread and better has since eaten ha own words. It a • London eustien to hire the riewr st eo math an hew from news- dealer', • single copy thus serving for a number of persons. Three-fourths 01 .11 the water of Lon- don bee been prononnced poimuous by Prof. frimkland of the Royal Inatitu- lion. , - Keep out of debt, out of quarrel", out Sagi kip MIMS. of damp clothes, out of math of liquors, ...• '''''''""- ---' -•••••---a- and out _a doors all you can in good Ieurv.-Testerarld. ears merchant I weather. the price of ; An Illinois minister reproved a party *ban ars itritgle buoyantl-When of lads w bo were playing cards in churc the boys areh I by some timely remarks regarding the 'Assault with Want to bemuse insane' • lad truttiP- Ill thi way they plaleadly attacks now. 1 At this season, among things for the Whoa should:tin apply • acerreala ;real protection of woman, and at the =illy to reellials1 Whoa is is , same time something that would help to elevate them, are thick•soled shoes. soinseigraliallig ev;two dogs fighting In3 made its eighty dars-fare $1,146, or The trip around the world can now jaakisaltnisuggp: '1 doo't rekoleckt assingligra via 1 man or two around.. st the rate of fair and ene-half cents .....A.±0rue of Moore having 4 Per 'rile' hoe to his lifyaincea 1 A shawl manufacturer in Philadelphia . . ...".7, -neiWeed that she was moor- : ha spun a thread twentsteiven aides long from one pound id American wool. lir S gleisphically descries a it is one (if the greatest yarns on record. certain stately clergymen, a h., , as A deed covering ten yards of foolscap thotolis carry not in their ,riiiii, but wrecently drafted by an Illinois attor- thney who evidently thought that deeds with e k ssealirmaak weal into • dillia - should be associated 0 ith words. =Italia be ewes aired about ter he'd bad his dinner.' dollars by being a silent partner in • bed to the indent of eighteen hundred room oda he presented with a A Brooklyn policeman laat year pm- Kluft* sad Stiott fought a deed. The wadding establishment. • . iThe year 1871 was remarkable, wt only result was dist they changed conditions ia having a Sabbath more thtn the avemge number, but in commencing and sliming un that day. During the lest five centuries more thaa M0,000,000 worth of land has bees wamhed away from the eastern mast of England by the encroachment of du sea. Holland has lost $300,000,- .1 r 6. 11 -Knott was shot, and ott war not. It silt te be Shott than Knott. ham* asked his patient 'tow meanation tooki' the latter re- plied, iarreesie in very sore."Thon,' said die liertor, 'you are to be pitied • . f A Viers*Eaaiia was not gond , fll wan 111112111tite tided to try glasses. He says be vent and took four at the near- A lecturer recently illustrated the poirce of hest by saying that the iron tot hiking &ems, mid the result was that hght was so much improved that trask of the Central Rrilroad, between be se* double. Alheay, and Buffalo, me a thousand feet shorter at this time of the year than on A galpusitioix to light the streets of as the 4i1, of Ad), : '. : 41411110 Wire was opposed or the Com - 1 set of paper wheels on a Pullman aloe ellocil, (in the ground that thieve ear hove run 1110,0(k) miles, and worn THE "BRADBURY- prakisr / NOW. IN THE MOST UNPRECEDENTED nasoinliy, sdmitted by the Mashie Profession or the city of New York to excel the Pierre or all , other makers, • IN POWER,PURITY RICHNESS It 1,17.1( OF' tsar le, 1 erg ly wipentring ire onos tenons “Chick- run imp Th mt all a hao the Mend r body, sueb. awl consetinently it wou when yid he Sill only run 0000 miles. ens see wese 1 out their steel tires. Cast iron wheels to catch them. .4 a sokool in Connecti- ant to web their teach* ew Year, because, se one of boys said, 'You know shit iinleseahe's 80 -gyring some - we wish her happiness shill go for some of um. Mails*: said • crone -tempered physi- - e if woman were admit - tee, their tongues would tory. And some physi- dans. it wed to practice there, re- filled the Wig, would soon make it a des- ert. A ciliiiitfhia of Cairo, Ill., expressed lately hie coritempt of nickels in kis Sunday eotleetion, and positively far - bade any of his eingregation from con- tributing anything under the denomina- tion u( five cents. 'Saco your cente,. said there'd aaa, 'until you have ire before you pub your hoods ia this bea. The widow's mite badness is played alt here.' "an to a bet to make it a Aft honest Irishman called upon the Worthy Chief of a new Lodge of Geed Templar' at East Taunton the other day fee the purpose of selling, him a g vat for use in the lodge. A New Hampshire man recently rew teed to subscribe fur a daily paper '-'bew NNW it helped to build up the business • place, and the wealthier the town was 11.. higher the taxes would be." The hymn " Nearer My God, to Thee," villich has touched more hearts than any other modern composition, w as written hy Miss Sarah Fuller Fow- ler, of London, England, who died loll Mn. Sarah F. Adams in 1849. The supply of India rubber is said to be inexhaustible. Each tree can be tapped for twenty successive years, and ' yields on an average three tablespoon- hils a day. The largest stationary engine in the world was put iato operation a few days sge at the Lehigh Zine Works at Fete - A young man who had become smiitis, deneville, Lehigh county, Pa. It ti of with a Southwestern Suety who us 3,000 horse power, its weight 660 tons. the disughter of a blooming widow, after The Napanee Bearer publishes `christ- a protracted oceirtahip plucked np "sings' among family announcements. cient *mirage tepropee, when the dee- It ought to add confirmations aud di- e& repliella qmestd be glad to imam corms, and this would make au inter- esting corner of the paper. SCCOILIMPUL JOUS4ALISM.-W0 had the curiosity to inquire at the Tribune the smonnt of their largest day's receipts A few days since, a man sell known !about the new year, and learned that it im New reek meet - not yaung, and warn $41,827 54,-Nw York Witneu coulil net 613J10 --was sitting at • party It has been said that there A only one near • roan lady, and watching the aan who has a correct iciest of the size of U3.11101/ the 'Germs n.' He turned to the United Stats, and he is the. man her, kriedrienher well, and said, '1 with who drove a yoke of oxen in 1850-1 from you woeld let me put my arm around Maine to California. our waist.' Of comae she looked at A Connecticut fisherman one day bait - know I aan't danceint in 21,5.0t21,5.0t "()h)' "()h)' °aid h' but se* ed his. hook with a 1183 frog. After pa- I dont differease. AU these young men m tate nutty waiting tome time for a bte, as he chatted with a fneud, he found that the". enall eb°11t the iztrie' well"' and his lice!, bait had *we'll ashore, and was wily should not 1 have the same pried- 'go. though I sit stillsitting ' cinietly on a rock. He wound up ' his line and went home. A mill masuemse °•°°."' of SurreOVraritting iti his librare sip - In visiting the Bridgeport cartridge A country lad arrived Pad Mareishinorectory, the Grand Duke Alexis asked . Gov or Jewell `if he knew any such ,* • isttr .°° 411F(4.7"..k bw---* workingmen ever having been actually whica rieletren an 1 mmentate answer - The Surrey •iecteal to officer He wait puzzled a Spire goodimat ti redly posed great dos!.. the Governor replied: 0 out a glen of Mare 'chino for the lad, certainly; I myself worked in the shop and wetttng • rePlY' flaiDg20 f years o age. finished and sesied his leiter, he looked a tanner until I wu • ainand 10see that the bottle which; Mr. Spurgeon preached in the Scotch kad beim re itian huff full, bed been Cherch at R‘tme on SundayDec. 10, to Turning to the bey, ha •-- a crowded zongregation. Hs was after - `Do you know. you Asp. that War& interviewer' by two priests in M- otu And "then eoetume, bit, having unmasked worth every penny on't, your henee!, then*, he declined to enter into the con - wee the reply of the simple rustic. troversy they proposed except upon a ONII TOR DEAN RAMS•Y. -A donee blic platform, where he said he would date you were I not engaged; bitt wuthes kr mary, and I think she is jet new withal!. an engagement' The youg man left for his childhood's home. la the -111enrions or the wealthy 'milt: Concert Halls of the Profemional The rower! espslarity of the NSFEA.111. Ferwity PIANO accounted for simply os Its flurriesr manta, berg In every respect the perf errs el thereon *Med Werinsnah.p and the hiTamill reed of pasha Ire ler warned t. those beet gualifed tepees,. b styling it 1b....0 perfect lastrumant that. mw wade. eir mums Ramis rue $O eri 0100114 so:one:as to amount of carving andllaiah. T.J. MOORHOUSE A GIVIT., The .eut eserceptreable •"Testintenies- front well known macros, bolls Canadian and Aurerbma can Maven .2 20. 'wreathe event I North Side liforket Square. Goderich RA Sept 16 WIVE of COPARTNERSHIP. HAVE the. der forlorn *see part nerer p in the 1 Hardware Roamer. 01r...3eorge Booth, ol Oodaneh. The hosteler will continue to be carnal on %soder t he style vet .Heigh Gardiner dr Co.. et the old stand yrs the Market Square. Owing t.. floe change 111 the firm •Il debts due the lee arm ol Hugh tianliner dif Co., inset be paid .4 0004. ilkoberich, Hee. 12th, IS I. H 40 44 sic CIO - • Carpenters Wanted ! - TO BUY THE LARGE 'STOCK. or Nails, Tools and other Which 113 have just received. bteamerstialiEveryWardseadiar sausk Saturday. TO &ND FROM NEW TORN ANE) GUM- cr:_y_allias at Loadouderry to land Mialb sad 117 Lase% re booked r. mad forwanled to id from all Railway Staters le Crest Britain, I relaod, Germany, Norway, Swedes or Denmark mei America, as safely, speedily, coinfortathe and Cheaply, as by say other Rohr oe THE NEW I/groat:mot ear': ssmipbt.1":147...e.stituti A ..Itat, Oct. Illst Prom Nes Tort. Sal, ttepg bd....102P• Moe., Oet. link, Nat, Oct. l'th ....ANGLIA 'Stk. 24th Sal. Get. 14th.. • • COLUMBIA eat, N•ir 411 And every Wedeesday tiatardas thereafter from P1., 211, fern' River, st emu. Rayne or Promos P•TAILIMICtlalaint To La•asettet.,GLoienni on Dome : Pm? •e•siii, ess and 117h, aireentleg Meatina Colds Excerpts"' Tickets (lewd eie 12 months) • securing beet aetioniodation.1130. Intermediate, fr13. titemage, $tM Certificates at 1.0W AST RATES can he holight here he Chow wishing to red Or ther Mends. Drafts issued payable on primer tattoo. Aill" at I" C"1"4"..11:1•171setclisfeAt.."R:Nal°Cer:k. (rderle11041. WM • GODERIOU TO EUROPE TWICE A WEEK. 1871 1871 The Splendid Inman Line, TI1E QUICKEST AND SAFEST STEAMERS and best aecorravistiou THM"1134' RIBES. HAVING been APPOINTED Agent for the INMAN LINE OF STEAMERS is ennisem We tleksta FROM GODERICH to LIVERPOOL, QuitNerrote, outwit, onutrenutkplientY Via New 'fork at the following low ram. ;- . cabin Ix fie gold Steerage 3505 .• From Liverpool, Queenitots, elamov or Loadonttorry to Older/eh- C.abin 1E37.00 gold Steerage 38 30 laperabin Ticker forth' Round Trip issued at are auction of 10 per cent AUGUST TINS -TA ttLE CITY (IP REP•Tirld leaver Seer York Anzust OTT OP W *SID NiSTON CITY 1 Or '4 pm YORK •• 1: CITY OF BRUSSELS 11 17 CITY OP LONDON 44 CIFYOPAXTWERP OTT 1017 BROOKLYN CM' OF LIMERICK • suhaerther would respectfully urge thriee atandirqg to malt 1.11/01aa thls annlon, toe,' hy the 'ernes LIsmt: which Slugs runs on time, hat made the rowed easnalties. and which can afford the mos comfortable ancomodation to passengers. N. 13 -The eaten gooier! above take r Liu nom the Gioderiek Statt-n to the dock st Livereonl. Quip/l- oon, Glamor, or i.indonderry and mot sects For further formation appiy 101 • AND W WADDELL. log's Boating trAce. Erma Street Goderieh .1•4 August. 1871. •111 12 21 it MONTREAL QCEAN STEABE3HIP COMPAIT. DORTICKETS to and front Livers...I, London - .F darn", or Glasgow by the above rdeanirlop Co'y aryl; to P. H. CARTER. Agent Grand Trnnk Railway Goderich. Ang.15. 1870, .30 Scusinsii, Jamie, belonging to a Scotch burgh, sad who did anything for an honest living, was noted for his reedy 8. 'Oa owe ammatelni he was sant 54 a drierer to Carlisle market, and, se he was happy to meet them. Young ladies who are married accord- ing to the old fashioned ceremony falter a little now when they come to the word 'obey.' The latest dodge, however, is to =lthroegh the town, his trusty col- repeat, in indistinct tones and rapid otted into a butcher's shop sed made manner, 'Lovehottor and be gay.' Many eff will% aleg of molten, wherserm the a guileless youth gots fooled in this Man- hiitchtor gave chase, sod collared Jha/70. nir them days, but ho ands it out too dermuidieg at Om ISM nate whether or "ye. not the dog wan Ida Jamie, nothing A talking match came off at Ne Or- danted, tensed mond and surnoyesi his lases for p5, which continued thirteen hours, the nvals being a Frenchman end a Kentuckian. The bystanders and judges then went to sleep, and when they awoke in the morning they found the Frenchman dead and the Kentuck- ian whispering in his ear. AJoachelor had the blues, and applied I's doctor for Boric medicine. The doc- tor inquired let., the case, and wrote a preecription in !Alin, which the bache- lor took to the drug store. Translated, the proscription read, 'Seventeen yards Charles M. Charlie's wife had tallert cif eilk with a woman in it.' Not bad to soak and died, and he mourned her Ines take, big an awful expensive remedy. with much grief for a time, but at the ;. end of lux weeks he led another blushing TER "LIT Na It IN 7111 UNITNI; bride to the altar. During 847E3. -The first regular newspaper am nodding festivities • noisy testi. establ,hed in tho United States wa trued the minis, and than looking the Feseliahasain full in the face, sai--Od, he was um .is, but he appears t° cleats'. See blamer Iwo.' Moine ef our recant criminal trials, in which the sunset at the actiesed take u sis ens: peued meads of defense, re - ▪ •s the fellowien aneedote 111 whish the advaraages al a 'strut Pit ting of tile case' are ellearly show"; In a small tows in Pennsylvania, t.r.d • • Telltae° tailor ususad PaInterstWan' - . eclair '-60*11. Large anaortritant of Pointe. (his Woes. 0.ase awl l'utly al/ of the hest Quality. Blacksmiths Wanted, To select their Supplies of Iltiese sn.1 Steel, in which we can give them the, ery beat lain., Coopers Wanted, To snit them..1,A.s out .43 great variety of the Tool of theis trade. La,iis Wanted To name 6 vary very large stock of the Bear PL•TILD Ale. arge Qaentity of I -tope on band sar11a.rt1.10Va re of all kinds, in salter variety N. B.-Everthing sad at the Very Low- est rates at H. GARDINER & Co.'s, Market Square, Gilerieh. Goderich, Sit Mar MMI s the thumpin' appeared olitaide of Hoe homie Buston News Letter, edited by John and began a dismal serenade with tin evimpbell, a Scotsnian and bookseller sod postmaster of Bston. The firsi horns sad kettles. After a few minutes die din and ocafusion became so great numbe,r8wx72 pinrienhteeds, w°nith% thwaolf cshoeoluamist, of 'VA Charlie left his guests and appeared PT': door with a piteous expression of or...ch Pagrt and was iasaed on mendey April 24th. 1704. This joernal had an crowrit his face, sod ad 'reseed the • uousually lengthy career, for it. was con - we: uir ought tu be sahamad tifluod week', until ta of yoib. little in Ire dm vas fif malting not' t the ROTC, 11 I , II period et • • Ito wont' [Tryout. Wa LOuIC. OVI FOR THE BIG ViTATOH AS YOV CO TO TIT Pon OFFICE • -- D01LIGLASS McKENZIE returns bk sincere thanks to the public fur the generous patronage extended him, sinCe be bwilirear Mat fall, and is determined tc deserve it more and more. He would call spectal attention to the RUSSELL WATCH forthe sale of which he fa Soleagent inGoderich. He ha* .* baad 4 `WV taro stock ol this relMlile time. keeper whiehhe xin 810101005 to sell cheap, 804 (0 guarantee satistsetion to the porehaser. There ir nothing more tantelmiag than a had watch sod there is oo excuse for being anoyed with ch, when hit° be bad chimp. ErA .iiwripiete warmest of rde si Plated JrheihrY• Watches and Clocks repaired in • work- manlike manner. Pall and Sec) DOUGLASS If f'KENZ , Qadmich. March 2310. 1871 Gqderich Harness shop W. A. MARTIN A 1. Or pulite of Town ead thrum,- that he M. la.'"aased the Varnein WW1.- o(34r. tome. Ilailidsy. oti ge,e. .L1.-1ilt.A.410 ktteerkmae.inas.r. oreed,,,,ehrrhrP. reiro.IeheA. hmip worked toch.. me three. yen,. to the heft Ilantoth Shops in Chicago, and is nowprerrrrilAton 0'.IS 119 LIGHT AND • HEAVY Iterso-zetabss ass sco" Collin O erd,. ‘4.0 e tido ea, 2.6.' .1,4 Trusilk, Whip., Carry•Ceintis, A C. . El TIT Maris constantly 00 hand t on-mghoot (tia•ash. ens PP 1171. assilob. Am Is; 1,170 owl auseserer. NEW BOOKS, NV all Ea.per &c., WHOLESALE&RETAIL a I! - BeautifulAssortment i JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS • • f.:14. • , r' . Mtn' WAY Cabinet illakei Upholsterer, &e. DEiiS leave ter return (tank. to the inhabit= ifoderleb awl mirreemting 001111tr7, for 110m1Pate01.4341,111441// the lase two years he bre in burros Mileage prepared tof.riu4alI article.. in relies, rick as FtY R /S7' I T TJ .L -i. Or •11. easentrooes, PILLOWS, • BOLSTERS, - MATTRASS4S, Casein") for Crawls, AND ON Tin SAO lain NOTICE. PICTURN LAMES kept es rad and ..S to order. Marrs cm hand es merriment of COFFIN TRIltfltlIN I am prima' it to make coffins on the sheiSest mama, and ru funersla no the most reason able karma. 1.1- Remember th• ole stand, ilriggir STREET, ei tbeisk12.11,11311, t reel If Ft HI lid C=017 JLa . DANIEL GORDON" CABINET MAKE VPHOISPERER, 11* SW I T .fl .01wtok with the 110121 chaired lined etoreleo.... .11 i 1 .1 FURNIT win?, w111 filters ellfry cm tile above mere extonstrely than ever. White thankful patronage, 0. 1102... by steel attenti in to conthiamie .ad Ia.-mese ofsuppurt. hits 11 44.811IONIVIILE .TAILOR1NG. •. • • NAVE l'41 -GAGED A i'IRSTAASS CUTTER, Aso nliP410APAD TO MAKE SUIT3 TO ORDERIAT CERA MT HAT La , THEY -HAVE itECE1 ED NEW riremstiCO3ATINGS, rirE91 ALPA Goderic Mare("*.h. NEW PRINTS, &o twhiC•tl` I-1 (J RON FOUNDRY rie • • • r wkart'l , f • STCAM ENGINE-WFtr.S Grist & Flonrine Mille, Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, Salt Pans, Thrashing Machines Stoves, Ploughs, Cultivators Straw Cutters and Brass Castings. • 4 have now on liend a good stock of troll ail1 Wood Ploughs, Engine; and Boilers ' both .New and Second [laud, which I will sell Cheap. Call and examine my stock. E HA8NOW ON HA 051 of the largest .tacks Miranda's* in Use and Is on the shortest notice. pupa emptily customers •Itli e•crytklog la Mika, Ifigwingroom an Pamir oette *drown , Setts in Wairet, 4. u. in 1041not, do do in iftwe nisi& Heiresses of every riescripti..n, nattier Dobbins. Pillows- atc. ic ON HAND ALARGEO SoRTEENt HP Plaberes suet, as Oil Paiunngs,Chirnir tt 1 Pfetugniph of the Queen 7 in rag nit14. os% r wilt • Toruoto Mariam uring I roe ern ply Pnic‘t..u.re Franke. la any style required at r . tr He alw•ys on hand complete irsisort meat of Coffins k Shrouds in tbeLatest, Also.111E4.lfaMS to Isi J t • I' ItECEINEI,, (Id to be 441 I I 1.1.‘ .1311./ Elt'S Fishing Tackles, A L L. KINOS. KahlriT I NU 1REKLISO BASK g FAITS Mt/OKSe .a.1 LI NP.1.• _ .01 ritherird AND USLLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. 1.rderich, 19t31 tag.. 1170.. 8.104 klx rem.; 1 ve NEW PREMISES • 141444.144.1 11.)A 1144 3EIC IHIS DAY REMOVED To xis • (1MO1)IOUS, NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JORDAN'S DRUG STORE) Convenient to the Market. His stock of stoves &o, IS LARGE AND COMPLETE 130R71E8 IN WANT 117 ANYTIIINO In Ids 1 line will sa • money by Limpet:Wag kis M90 before pnerhasing •Irmthere All. KINDS OF /08 WORK WILL Ez DONE THE SAME AS USUAL.- - Goderick 1s1 Jule. Ivo Stoves! Stoves! 2 Doors Wester Post Office./ el- tmb., and' Cordwood taken 41J .1fx Anne, itxbarieb. Urn It.' DM. • ExtensiveliAlePremises AND Splendid New Stock. 1111111Z,111•1 C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertakers & Wood TurlieffS, MIC.A.A1Mr..•TC:01%T . (usa removed &endo the street 14./ the .1,11111,ne I dm. to W. Aoherenes Harman b6,4, w he. e gal he found A 0000 ASSORTMENT 1 of kitchen. DoInvon. Ihnolgroon.. mid Car b Yu moire, lurch as TABLE'S. CHAIRS ran, end wood seated) CUPRHARDS ORIMYEADS. - WASHSTANDS' M A 7711ENNE,S LoUNEs. WHATNOTS. tOOKINC GI ES 11.7 71t 1)11 NI', ry- 0 11 f B are prepaid to sen eirryt lc their line Cheap for Cash H. 11 A complete minartrhont ofCollIna and ids •Iwava onhand and a Ilegrhe To hire . at ea able terms, - A au. SOLICITED GOMM kb ANN ION Goderieb, Jan. 8th, 1871. R. RUNCINIAN. w51. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS ) 1 ['IIE "-Gardner Sewing ilathIne," MANUFACTURFD AT HAMM-ON. • For family and light nialiufg „ilia the Gardner Sewing Machine CARRIED OFF THE FIRST OVER ALL THE MACHINES AT 'CAE 1 TORONTO, LONDON, CATHERIN ES. ORA NOEVILIE,WAtIER- LOO AND CH AJ1JN : it also came off with high honors at the Provincial Exhibition, Kingston, and was awarded a Diploma at the Hamilton Exhibition Thousands Peop e whoeswTHE GARDNER in operation at thee Sa- ab asto islied at is SIMPLICITY, t3TRENGTII AND CAPACfrY, IT WILL SEW FROM TIIE tilltPeRr MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST CLOTH & I,EA ['HEIL IT IS HANDSOMELYMADE AND IS - SImpIe, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned, - • 4D4 'WS the most complete get of at tiseb me ti ts of any . mane new manufactured. Call rudest the Gardner Machine, at saletrooti, opposite the Market Howse, Cluderich. • . 8. JOHNSTON._ AGENT FOR HURON couNry. N. 11. -The follow ing iri a copv f rfaa tbe Globe, during the exhibition week at Kitioton:-"The Gardner Sewing Machine (X). exhibit several family machines. Thos (al view were in operation during the day and newel.' foie) the lightest work to a piece of sheet lead and a bit of cigar box combined. The machine% do light tuanufacturing work as well as all that is required in any.faluily circle." Goderich; Dec. 7th, 1871. • -. 111 Waggon and Carriage FACTORY. BATI8 & 1/LLIOTT Tiara seamen, re hate JL / mat ing te the rattle -0 nwn iin7f Nemo/ that they Imre t4sen14 • Wagon net engage Shop on St - -11_14e.vicrie at. PL Elhotrs 01.1 .10.4.) winnediately manner the neater. Ho, tel. Id &K. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them. and are Prepared (0 )01,' out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, • eeeryth.ng in their fine, of the very l. -.-t term! and workmanship and at the vary lowcat re tunneratire rate.. 3C)3333IWC31' Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment or El 233 3E1:1/3 • will be mild Cheap for Cowl' or Cord.. wood. Guaterich. Aug. 15. MC wet GoderichMarble work Scott. Vans 'DEG TO INTIMATE T LS opened • branch of the LBL!- C ne & Co. THEY HAVE •neardine in the old stand .4 Mr_ A.M. Johnatoa, Victoria . tiorderich, and will be ab' e to supply!! Tombstones, Mantlepteces, Window Sills, • &c., &c., &c„ n the ben sole workmanthip and on reasonable (alt,'.. 0 AVI•N STUTHERS, Agent. oodeiseti 1710 Jea , • seat WORKE. Hik7RD& ROBERTS,' 11000151114 St I irrowrran or SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS York street, flaunt**, keep &instantly on band. awl will fur Mehl& order ea short notice all Iiindr of Monioneutal Mande 22 luta embraelng Navin r. ento Tomb -Tables Uradsiones.Comite.. Table-Toor,11aa- 51,3 iiarbee t er. both isol Slate, M. k Geo. -rich, ?! C., 5.'. 10,. AN Agent, Kierton St. 103-eirim One Cha e More FOR CHEAP PICTURES. for goit or I acZi TOWN LOTS. 2 g SALE 40 BUILDING E 1.0111,01011.11111- geed to 4(114(11.0.1.Seal teua Term remewalis, wen -altered. ramie lie Aye arraY ROBERT wILSON. limper/1r ye GAVIN IITINAgg Goderich 17th .Jit7.1C1. 11.111111 F'ARM FOR liALi Aneer-etssii ?thing, SIMAII11.114a tut_ mid 5044, ka t I Coe Twerarlgiefahgefth. the corponotioe el the Tres fig*** vet...wag 154 acres SO 1.11. good her. There are also time losegid, 06 ,1(2 a weteeedliZattitid la are fret elnighodemibt pear trees, anbeerteg. • eery -and 1111411611ka. ifbia 5. (404IUl1157811 Pr."‘".01 • _ Mrs whim°. to be art with ninmeatei.611g which Appla R. WILSON on ts thisrm CIA•I tins. Goderleh ash. un. ni POR8ALZ and 14. D A RIA lo. A N 0.C ser• lot. Terme reeribibli-n4C gore* 5 late WI. 2l. be • giFor Sala., A. HOUSE AND WIT11 good hateingorrhard API'), allrgni113 GoderIch May Seth 1971. itellat• LANDS fur BALE AT BAYFIELP. OTS N011. 712 rieartit- ma ,,ellicweetorr earali▪ slidiewpahrs6"41141wiPla"1"14' 1•1. .:14:11.8"40%.1.16.11. 1.54, S... the hes guality sitehlrd! seer ef the 21 'AAA passe et Zara* There le a elearasere sal* 1,4 Prem. ed tor erep. The fellneinier.z,r0 bold 111 414010/ yelmswarierwistleinftleyzil. seas7tb..1101:tea:Innai'‘lp..771611hWi",71.1:C°1PagOr".d:igiti.1:". "...P":°11...‘::::11.4041.1711:757.1"171"8::(1:06.17:16"14-1-14b:rt: w1 Farm For to a1e. E. L. JOHNSTON BECS leave to return thanks to his customers and the public generally fur past favors, and hopes to be ebb) to merit the same for years to come, at the same time he would intimate to all con- cerned that on account of the raise in all kinds of material generally used in a gallery. there has been an amalgamation of all the artiststhroughout Ontand to raise the prices to a paying figure, so that on and after March 1872, the pri- ces 4 ill be raised for . Photogiaphs to $1.50 per DOZED, Particular attefit ion paid to the copying of uld AMUR�TV 1 MSS fur either larg6 or entail Photographs. SOMET i5 he Tomatip of Gibbs.* to the cosi" or 1 Beton. Mletrat ef Art E. HI acme SO ma Mier geed jetnert.i: so arm. lewd Hasd Casa lbes. Tre view Creeks. Soil firoi q.sbtp, lag Moan end Frame Barn and mall 021105 Orelhefl. TAW la rile ammo 5.W560Grist sod Waal 41 wallas of the Comity Teen Gedenek Trust/web. late. trlj to 101111 EDWARDS Cle the peerens. Croderieh Nor. SI. 511. To Let. 0 ROOMS, LATELY OCCEP/ED ST D. IL GOOD 4, 1NG'S Lae ear, wrodoor 44 the P041 °IWO op.:stairs Apply to DANIEL GORDO Gederich 1011 2401, 1871. For Sale. P4414 g BRICE 3Orlfae11 AND/ ACA IIE Ies. ineetsligNely MOM Wit AM Hoer. Teem a uosarkazola..i.si Route 104.4 tram the 0114) 14 J. V. DETLOR seg. or Mr. W. CiMPB111:LL. Goderieh July 2511), 1871. wade FAR NII FOR SAIJA. ifter 20, 5th Cos. Gorterge Tallegebesee at Land 111 scree Aimed sees warm of nil IV belt, IN Wk. bin the 1...fit AM& Apply 0.21. TRUER/14 Gierimark, fre an the premises to DITIDC01. Godench, Dec. 1310. 111/7L FOR SALE. 1 5, Con. 4, E. a,Aahlkidli mit n -A tansies 200 maw analog kr* covered with Maple les* hougba from Goderiek with Wattle* stream roman me, elk& land, there is earsee- uses et eked land on the treat it *SOL Am** • , IIILATinal -dich, Jan.201, fil"Pr • Valuable Prgeettg 0111 h LASER MANI 1.4 Godench. Cowie bosh, a118 pd were bra .5 -st :• The Excelsior Grociry EN "fr. SC) 11AVE GREAT PLEASURE. ET ANN tbe public of the 60.0 .21) country, have Innight out the interests of34r A. 11. the above Grocery. ASA SOW intend to run la own account They lam on A u0OD STO / TEAS Ct./FF.ES TOBACCOES. SUGAR • SYRUP, ." MOLASSES, RAISIN:4, • CUtiliAtANTS, SPICE4, PEE CRuCKERY AND GLASSW CONKSTING OF CHINA SETTS, TOILET SE STONE ° COMMON Z/DitillYaill1111031 And by the Dozen. Flour, reedit tatmerat,Cornmeal wheat/ lour,and Pro v isionsgeneni ways un hand GOOD AS THE 131' AN D CHEAP • AS THE CHE ST FOR CASH Olt PRO1rCE. fl:)- Oppesite the Market, and etta door to Jordan's Draw St'ire. Goderici, 4th 44a7,41671. S. =MB POSTS AND RAILS FOR SALE RN' MPHEN TATES.-.? EXCELSIOR GROCERY nederrea Ian sr. iars• 1' • THE Very Thing Wan ed NEW HARDWARE TO!E In (A- oor)]E cjI OPPOSITE MARKET /101jff. SIGN Of Til[ CIRCULAR SAW EYE TRO7GRSI A ND CO 81 D CTI NO PIPE nr pornacar at:RS BEG ?OSA LEAD PIPES, ate. hair Just ooto ple led opening 0111 ask and IMIN•444.4•4 rez.Aitar ANL) zra.istrr COMPLETE STOC ma- 'vv- MI, 44.11.•• COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tOrCoal oil Larbps, . dld fie copper. Krum, Wool Pick.ugs. a,,d Sheri 4 taken in ellelinnie. • • I. ac .1 *TORY. ffir Sip of the Large Ccal Oil Barrel HARDW AR of ellkacts which will he mil at ',nem irm.petttkin Beare ptrcharing el ...h.. give Ile a oAll -1411 ot Goods *old, ..It week • IINT New . &PARSONS &CO Opposite The Market House Isris 23rd 111. set/4f Witsier 3L4ett-vi• go FAMILY 'SEWING MACHINE, 41 Tsu.6 sleepiest, will drthe greatest surety et 'roads wore easily managed, km liable to get out of orde 1. and rasa lighter. thati why other :Shuttle Sewing Machine. Carnes • heavier thread non a liner Needle thaw say machine topic factorol on the coot Incid An entelen operator will be found at our nan•-roortir, alin ERRANT, to aBbIlat InaohioeS and specimens of work, au to revel.. ordrii IrD. the Ladies -for all goriest FAGNY STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, in Plats w rk. All machines warranted N. B. -All sorts of NI. laws repaired en !Ported Mitre. Threads sod neva...arcs for 5(01Idiom kept Moistly ota11.01.1. R. M. WANZER & CO P y At- Show -Room ncit door to the "Siena/ Office. noise-tena.../. ith. 1071. GODERiCRWOOLEN FACTORY. • ft F-71. plug suaseat ['Ens. W1111.1.6 AETURNING THANES FOR PAhT PATRONAGE, 11102 1, STATE that luring the past winter, th,y ham Added largely 10their manufacturing Mahines. And all having Men entirely retted, Are now Prepared ts1 Execute Orders In Tweeds 711 Cloh. Sairp.tti 7; iroosys. Blankets, !Lou, Cover.. Stocking Yarns, ate, he WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater in Pattern Than Fowerly, They woulialsc artimtlat attente.” CUSTOM SPINING, ROLL CRDING. CLOTH Par whIelt their maidi le•ry ta strvially rhntill-7""'" • d87.n,'e hi leaving Um sante with Mr D. Verguron,M•eclattAloderi.h.crir 'I Von th the Woe day Thom to exchange tbsirwool for Vol,' .42 hhil 10 uhrnibers • call 11 :4 • H. -*Prides Law, ret -clean wurk gimount"d .101W INGLIS cisiNG &e I to get canted by e. Rome with thorn :r 8iion1 1" nterest to give the .77'1'474u" ofl i btalid previousy Golenel. Vireb Goderich, New Photo (Nee door to TIIHE SuIrecnbet 1. it eltensorin Square and West wee the store forme HIS, would respecti )471017ale. 7IS11011 In the most modern Mod. armlet in 1 PHOTOGRAPH PORCELA I P It 1 C ES R Speela. attentiou Large and small pict No pictures allowed pri,red of. a CALL W. Goderie.iiert 14 GUDERICH l and lee oatmeaO, mailwillpleme give «.1604 .4 Tonrodlo, N ttn h.,, asom hand W. a. Ik11u l 01r.mp tEVERsIBLiRD 1.01 BOOT. CIIURNS" K -d 11IRTERS. SON, DOMINION GARRIAIE Vt. < I s"..1.41. - R. J. WHITELY & A 0 (3.1 WHITELY. joglf ENOI • are kow mauutazterlad. Phszttons Buggies and SPling Waggon. .4.1,11 for antics/Ante and durability miliw74,-00r, .310 ywaned, and am irecuring (IP. 101t.NItialf6 of - want a firth -clam nyticle. All Work Wm01,4m CARRIAGE TRIMMING,_, h all it.).rouhea well and tastefully molOw.7... L'- hn -rlestmtbli, under -the wo pert toniclice Knox Vortnerly of /iiPlit/410., id' the rum - LUMBER WAGON, C. WHY Lazarus Mois Orders In this nee vacantly attended to. Is ...neatly willeite.1. stfirrodetearit:hil...tm xt, a. :11:4.7. 15,11 &ie..4 oaten."' t" N R. inapeetmo of the work now being t•ni° • Jobbing and itepairhig• IMPORTANT House Sign & Carriage h.l 31.. 'P ,A,PC.Q.bt: a,, if NZ, TNI P. IL AtANN, N.:0::::::::h,mo Now is the time to Paint yourri:;;;Iiiitnttee'rrs: Skight and Carriag,es. 1, rEthr v. 4131,146C III A T age5)271Iiewlabisret 71".yearsi'l'est415iiltirt"sh..".i '''t Imhe WTnis7al Moh.-11. d•horelLIth "h. tly,aiel at reasoner 1,r.e.7-ph..ehm fo etro AY Orders fromIconstry canine Amps attended inSTIfitlih T41 1'itin:.11111dig. ' Grandad Glallud • Parse l angitiOdeln'll'etCh, e'eStfg, 15, 18°7.0 It' Mi'str) .2•L_F \4141"11 RE & co's 181414i)ee LIKE BRIGHAM FOR MI Nortez.-Any answer to above to t Ckalerich, within th will receive an orde for • pair of their a Eye Glasses. Guderich, Feb. 5, CiI#ALE D ESPECTPULLY 1. Lk of Gtelerich awl lc eleft NG CIN TRIM ER I sending the gent, F. Jordac xt thirty days. in L. M. & Co. or new patter sw983w3 SHOP IDEON 701225 ('4,12.1 thgt lie ho The thrtieth:6c hitherto eiseCied had long ex. C V Is t.ired 10 0603* their 236 trerytting to artier Three donne fro irt Aga le lerv Business in the hest WarkidlOPS who entrust him with eid on hand or um c st Office. sie153.. attilat NG BRA TEI0s..hFocsORo0e41146:i1r4r4e.all,"i6-1It!-1E"i-Ry fweai conIt fur vis t in a pre pR Feb , tN7:.Spencrsport:Speneer'5 Fi:c7rnct &ter GODERZT8± thc uf Apr GEp 30d011631 e1111. MI VA: G. H. PAR limuiwAn MARKET SQUARE., - Have Gode MINK,70X, and other traps, CITY SAWS, MILL SAWS, W &SOS, AND 11F13T MA OF HAND SAIP/S CILOP. PIN° AX ARI- OUS 1NDPRICF.S. AXES ANC BRO.kD TIES OF SKYE} LOGGING riAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS. rtrrY, WROt UHT AND CIJV NAILS. &c. And a assortmerill ! all kinds of DA- itnntopiplasv, At low prices rot E..0.11sHOT.T SE . Is ell burg, 2g. t c /SD grodilefeki Nov. ell,167/