HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-4-3, Page 2• •
> i i liem►eats
Begot—D. McRae,
Tor Bale ---James Tisdale.
Surgeon Dentist --Y. Nichols/sae
Hare Bide—Signe& office.
Canada Life Assurance
C. Fletcher
Mu= sad Brace Rahn
wile a always been of the ()pinion
diless the Great Western Co. too
we oil'
serTative lenvention is to be held at
Brucefield on the 10th inst., to nominate
k a candidate to stand at the foot of tho
ellt, this railway it week' never be
This opinion is confirmed by th
'Id which we latrn from Saturday's
C . ors proceeded to Hamilton he
flgelhe Greet Western. The latter hali
*Pressed its willingnesa to build th
_— sees se gat amonnt of $8000 per mile. It is
1. seeessitsers wee er, nee reve=reetathaus -fillegether likely that this will be done
. . ussiseltheir le Which event tee Great Western
41* sp IOW
setrioe. Itio.:11ebs"thsmnftter ,,Itestati•Ossrsisi"es . Cerapany, with their usual commendable
•e• or emainewie sae itralietelibi` is" !energy, will no doubt push the road to
esie se: am seemmems
an assieve est es eeemosetetes Pen completion, We do not see what object
emcees, *1•40.0H. t* *Si hen WS °rest Western would IIIITO in tap-
s. IfosherribersassIss• silica thq ..
lot Met to ale 4444. al which is a part of their own line, and as
himemos se the Jew dear plane wftlem
• treseerobere i 4,1 their Neriwbc•Jafff the Northern terminus will be some.
Lvv__Val101.Pir where on the shore of Loke Huron, we
airs lie"fmrsal710. .. _, ,,•:___ene think if prolate steps were taken it could
"harehiont seem 74 UM SiPsag be secured fer Goderich. Our harbour,
East is our ridgebiaag AIIP%fer Ie. when the improvements in progress are
ronto. completed, will be the best on the lake
• ,ser Gam & Ono 40 hee and the rout by corning here would
parReerk,B.siitzse/Frentylrusiathemo• rised C -t A, 3y. secure a large share of the traffic whic h
4 would otherwise pass orer the Grand
eerthditi Iota New Tad.
__ Trunk. A capital line might be found
thought desirable, end though the road
frein Exeter to Goderich, via hayfield if
might not pass through so well settled*
! ...Sissies folloses,mrATN , part uf the country as if carried to Sea-
tse i forth or Clintoo, it weeld be the means
• Lege e .. of .ipening up and developir.g the re -
3.30p, in. niately furnish as much traffic as the
due as foilors,— eastern or central mete. In additon it
IC — • - • • 19.00 a, se. would paiis through a part of the county
a. , • 340171. tn. where there is any quantity of timber
Ex .. t30 „ „ suitable for building purposes and fire-
weed, and one of the principal objects
,. tn• London people had in projecting the
' reed was to.obtain such supplies. The
, townships North of the Grand Trunk
^ will be sufficiently well served by the
• Wellington, Grey and Bruce and To -
.. ..:,, gait, • rento, Grey and Bruce Roads, and we
a T ________t_ feel satisfied that the Directors woeld he
serving their own interestriond the in-
' tenets of the community hy bringing
, fen,. their line to Goderich.
00DtitICn, Oir Itli 3, 1872 . A meeting tate be held at London on
Bstre cep
toed et II
poll at the corning electiou in the Sot
I Riding. .k ineetieg was held in town
Boren" or Pewee *Hoot Ottani
called for Fettniell aftetieme lett,
Elliott made their appearance the m
The regular meeting will be held
Thursday evening next.
les eon De if the town were represented on that
k Store or at Me occasion. The townships of Ilay,
Stephen acd Uoderich would be ma.
tensity benefitted by the rend berme -
built as stiseeeeted, and could afford to
gire handsome bonuses. We trnst in
Tag KOWenktleet. . eelecting the route the beard ef directors
will see the advantages this line O&M,
nienebiPsti hall reeentlY ePrung and that the townships mentienell will
ap amen tho gtechanics in Toronto, be prepared to hold ont such intince-
Beesetoo, ettegitas of the other cities menta still warned the directors in
led MOMMS1/1 Cilinich, in favour of hay- IvinPting it'
ing the washerof hears which Mail!
AMU Itaileralve.
tea to wase. Akte prinapal argument By the order in Connell published in
eldainibet Oh. whe wish to reduce ther column, it will be• seen that the
the Mum ur is that labouring government have settled upen the stai-
rs tirne to devote to sidles vrhich ere to be granted to the
',went sine recreation rival Railway litiesthrough Nerth Huron:
have at their diapoime Tim W. G. & B. southern exteneion is
i nprove their minds is to receive a subsidy of $2,250 per mile
we on the part af the from Winghain to Kincardine via
t when they demend that Ineknow, couditi et that they prepare
thwassissuonemeemie shell be granted that portion of the mail for a third rail,
themffilyillhg bonne worir as for ten, it is and grant runniiig powera to the T. G.
asit101.10 too much, and employers & B. and L. H. & B. companies. The
ar• vellejestified in refusing to corn_ T. G. and 13. are- to receive the sante
ply. swam, a., a „le ars, carried ' subsidy from Ifarriaton to Winghan via
away ir sort of enthusiasm, „ are Wroxeter, on condition that they pre-
jeitairig trades unions, and pare the road fee third rail and grant
they elfat stop to consider whether eru- minting P"were to the W. G. and 13 ,
peersesie je to with and also that they complete their line to
their themads, and at the sante time Teeswater. This arrangemeut, which,
emery tp httsittess. Ten hours Isbeur • taking un "uPreluthee.d view of the ease;
ay rizby no moans nppreasive to a ja the moat equitable that amid be
liselffintam, end many employers have fixed epon, loves eninibsidiseti that
be meet •ery ranch hanler titan their portion of the breed guage between
lass, sal have to incur all the respon- DrYden and Wingtam sod of the retrrow
adligig,of the business as well, so that gunge between Winghani and Teamster.
The latter will be obliged to build the
laths work is coucernod there is
rewion in the dentan•l. Bet unsubsidised portion of the line in order
even 111 the nine heur system were to °Wale the stibsidy for tho remwinder,
but the former are net obliged to build
egepte4we doubt very much whether
the maswould iie any more ready then the unsubaidzed portiere and accordingly
mow tossed themselves of any means of it a question whether they will do 10
loPm•lip•Ut placed withiu their reach. or not. The Government hare shown -
it is 1st to impossible to Ismailia their wisdom in the allotment of theate
Rooms railway grants, and the House, to whore
Mechanine Institutes, Hooting
I the privilege of accepting or rejecting
or Liter* Institntions now,even in the 1
the orders is reserved, will no doubt
cities. andit is not probabho they would
be suppesid eny better awl. (k is sn sustain them.
inth*Pntrilik feet thiat by far the lerger
ePen't thee leisure time ia talents' or
in freineithet pieces of qnsistaortelde
ewer', and m additional spare beer
would prebably ',vent in the same
war, If the anima loa4uee 1112142 os
only via' hear, work being done, see
plovers will b• eariged to adopt the 11.7 •
tem of paying their bands by the Use
We gemantee in that event that mem
of the 1113:1 wowed forgrt all abaet the
mental improvement, anti would I*
(pita +Wing to work the extre hourfor
the sake of the. extra wages.
1.nder the new census the County of
Huron will be entitled te an additional
member. These has been sone conjec-
ture se te the manner in which the
County will be divided, and no &mu
Sir John A. and his colleagues will ol-
dest -yr to nianipulate it in stich a way
to seam at least one Conservative nees-
her. Tbe Clinton New Ern settee that
the diririon will be tiomewhet as fel-
Nearer RIDING: Howiek, Turnberry,
East and West Wawanesh, Ashfield, and
probably ColNono.
Castes Runes: Grey, Morris. Bul-
let. Ohatoa and MaKillop.
Sorrel Kmiec : Ooderich Town, and
Township, Stanley, Hay, Stepheo, Pa -
bode., Tuck eramith end Seaf..rth.
Politically there can Jbe no objectien
to this division, es taking the roto east
at the hurt elertiori the Reformers if
totilatel read carry all three ridings. It
weak! however, be simply ilividiug the
North Rid*, and the South wuuld still
be too large in peoportien to tbe others.
The above division with the Town and
Townehip Goderich attached to the
Centre instead el the South Riding
tioa as (meld be made.
Though no defioite action can be taken d
in the way of aeleeeing candidates till the fi
manner in which the Ciiiinty will be t
erouldlibe well for the tevrnships to oreste.
imi, and be prepared as far AA possible for w
the ceining aniggle. Many en election se
has been lost through procrastination
and indifference. Let rich not he tlm
case with the Ref .rei party in Inoue.
Petition from Whitely and Elott for
Shop license
Moved by Mr. Detlor, seconded by Mr.
Gordon, Mat a certificate for Sh
ith lie rise be granted to Whitely: -
on Elliott. Carried.
es. Moved by Mr. meondod
ue amended so as to grant Ten ta
licensee instead of Right.
bbt Moved in ameotiment by Mr.
tuore, seconded by Mr. Gordogt, that
By -Law be not anientled—Lost:
m• The ',stip motion wits catried
majority of nee.
Mimed by Mr. Gardiner, seconde
Mr. Clifford, that the By -Law be sin
ed so aagrant licenses to two Selma
Moved bk Mr. Gibbon', second
Mr. Clifford that a By -Law be
visaed granting Ten Taterii Licen
Thesaid By -Law waspassed throng
different "%Aga.
Moved by Me Doyle «mood I b
Pas -
advent of !tiring conies music both vocal
andinstrumental. We had a visit from
a robin on Friday and feria an itinerant
harpist on Saturday. The vocal music
furnished by the fhtmer ie more aocep-
table after the long winter than the in-'
stnimental music of the latter.
Pkowswatia CONCERT —A promenade
concert in siietof the arstenage fund of
St. Stephen's thgrek, neon Road, wee
held in the Elitish 1141, las
eyening. It was largely attended, and
the varioes performers sustained thee
parts well. A handsome suet was netted
which will be applied to tbe building of
Tits Pentes "Aeratn."—The repairs
on the nunboat "Prihee•Alfree are
being rapidly miehed forward. The las
nn ether of the Canadian Itlystruted News
contnins an illustration nt the boat as
"lie appears in het present position. I
Dominion Telegraph Compeny has mad
arrangements te pnt up another wire
from 'Toronto to Goderich vray of
Stretford, as soon as the spring opens.
This will he a great convenience, as i
will save the neeemity of repeating
messages at Stratford, as has now to be
found its way ih to town. the proepect
of an abundant yield is heteever very
poor. The spring is so late that when
the snow once begins to melt it will go
very rapidly, and as bright sunny days
and frosty nights arethe beat for the
free Hoe of asp, it is not prebable that
we can have much weather favotirable
for anger mak ing,
No SAtooee.--At the ineetin4 of the
Town Council on Thursday •last the
saloon question again came up. A nits.
but defeated by a majority of live. It
was resolved to grant two ail etionsil
tavern licenses, thongh a license was
very properly refused to the Qiteen's
Hotel till its proprietor fitrnishes the
accomodation reeinired by law.
TR B W11.11'1[112. —Though we are now
into theinenth of April there is no mire
appearance of spring than there was last
week. Storm end snow are still the
order of the day. An old couplet runs,
" When April blows his'horn, its geed
for both hay and corn." The inaugural
here of the morning of the 1st was
"blowy" enough in ell conscience In in. '
spire hope in the boletus of tinr agricul-
RUNAWAY. --On -Thursday montine
when • the whistle of the 10 o'clock train
sounded for starting, a team of horses,
with sleigh attached, which the driver
had foolishly left beside the platform
eithout being nett. started eff at full
gellop down East Street. We under-
stand sot much damage eras dime. The
pr ise o leaving horses unfastened
especially in the vicinity id the #tetion
is very reprehensible, and may some day
be the cause of a senons accident.
d by
pieces, and the parents in large nu
were present and seemed to enji
proceedings very much. The W.
School is in a very flourishing co
There is an able staff of teach
take a dee interest itt the rel ns Wile subjecti. I see en Much misery and
with the yonng people of his con
the Rev. r. Kennedy's chereb. pith permit' OA might be at least in
;se irn.
1:ndttleiriau Inman is eery mem degree alleviated, if our rich gun
ernith HI Condection pith
e did -nce ao generally wait for some public)
lar occasion tor ' tisin theircharity, thin
,on and helpe them im every pie* lat tIlicainnkn.oiSpeekreirliling oft) eonintrIT4trifiCion;filsetitclet
ay. Snores' to the school. a' me to mention a really praiseworthy
TH. LAT. Coen Seer — ml donelien that has been given lately to
t McCill College by Sir Win. Liman,
pe • with $18,000 for the purpose 4 found -
/Jr ingachairof Geology. Dr. Dawson is yok-
en of as the first Logan Profosor. Thie is
not the firet time that the university has
been assisted by Sir Wm. Logan, but
never before hy so muni Scent a bequest.
If a few of our rich men would take
pattern br him, and give of their abupd-
ance, McGill College would be Placed in
an independent position. It appears
strange that some of the millionaires of
Canad4 hare not thought of this way
of reridering themselves famous. Why,
of even if it were only for the selfish mo -
nee. tive of making a reputation that would
I ire lasting, they mild find no easier
so- ,way than this. It has became the fish-
es ion ecru the line for men to bring their
nalues into netice by their gifts to:inch
at- inatitethme. It will he a happy day for
n" McGill when our rid! men «itch the
cotitagion. And it would almost appear
in- . that the time is al hand, for I have an -
eh other instance to record, though in this
to Calle it ill not the University nf AfcGill
ce. College that is to be benefitted, but
wooed take the last oent from 4011111 poor
needir man, if they were certain no one
would know of it. h this charity 1 You
will excuse me, for writing so plainly on
alai -nava oonirred in town
week. It is imid that the a
end- weather was the moving cease. We
one young friends may have it cif
ns— the fotere.
°dumb: & Mimeo our new plongh make
ses— ing business. They have rent
D. MeNsughes old shop Main St.
h They are said to be excellent mix
We wish them Raceme.
Smith, that John Dontighis penile
1 granted—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Davison, esconded
e Mr. Clifford, that Mr. Hosker be g
, ed a license for the Queen's Hu
a Lost.
Mr. Hoeker was, liewever, give
understand that so soon as he had
accommodation required by law a lice
t would be granted,
A report from the Finance Coin
tee waa read and adopted.
, was read, when it *SA trici:iedGbi ybo
e Mackay, secoeded by II b heti,
e tbat $15 be John Runciman on
account of 40 for lumber—Carried.
An account of Sommerville and Ren-
nin • for dour for the pnor atneunting
to .33 wee ordered to be paid.
Moved by Mr. Detler, seconded
Mr. Doyle, that the Mayor and C
obtain the security required by
from the Town Treasurer and sub
them to the Council—Carried.
A communication was readied f
174 as a gift to the town provided t
.4seectnabaieTtoimwne. Hall upon it within a
• M••ved by Mr. Sewell, ascended be
Gordon, that Mears. Gibbons, Cliff°
Campbell, Detlor end the mover
Committals to report upon the offer, at
Alen ascertain what the adjoinicg
can be purchased for—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Devle, seconded by
Dotter, that the /layer aud Meu
Gibbons, Clifford, Davison and
mores be • committee to investig
mid report upon the financial oondit
(.4 the town—Carried.
The Council then adieu reed.
good deal of sickness in town and
h try at preaent. The prevailing' di
Y7 are Rheumatic Fever, Infiamniati
rant -
the Lungs, Breadline, Congha, Co
The pimple are also afraid of the
pox, and large numbers are being
w have also ciecitrred and amongst the
nse Mr. Simon Powell has heel a sere
mit- tack. It is to be hoped that "old S
may soon be "himself again."
CeeozerientaC.P.Caueete —1
tended to haye a concert in this Clt
been shown the prospectus of a new
paper about to make its appeurence at
Lucknew, with the above mune. In
politica It will be Itefortn, and though
we do not ileite see the recessity for •
newepaper at Lucknow, if it can he in-
strumental in increasing tee spread bf
those Liberal principles fcr which the
Reform party contend, we shall hail its
appeaeance with delight. The name of
Dr. MeCrimmon is appended to the
prospectus as &liter.
Veltry meeting of Ft. Georgia's Church,
in this town, was holden hlonday even-
ing. The retiring Church Wardens
were re-elected—J. H. Finley on be-
half of the Rectorancl R. H. Kirkpee-
rick by the people. A. Lefroy, J. H.
Finlay and J. Davison were elected
delegates tie the Froviiiciel Synod. The
finiumes of the Church were reported to
he in a very flourishing condition, and
a vote of thanks was tendered to the
Chnrch-Wardens for their valuable ser-
Gonskiew SALT.—The Clinton New
Eris in speaking of the relative quality
of the Goderich and Clinton telt adduces
as a proof of the superiority of the latter
that it brought $1.30. when the Goderich
salt teen were glad tb sell theirs at $1.20.
We can explain that the difference in
pnce was not owing to the difference in
uality. When the government imposed
pretecti•e duty on salt, the
at the would not raise tho rice ahoy
.20. he detnend clueing tnat season
as brisk, and though they cinild have
d a larger price fur the eating, they
,uld not break faith with the govern-
ment, and sold at $1.20 while the Clinton
men asked.$1.30. Dr. litint'e analysis
of the brines speaks fecitself.
oue next issue ire will commence th
e publicatien of a capital story called $1
"The Great Chancery suit of Ootobed
vs. Rithtra" in six chapters. Subscribe a
once for the Sweet. and read it. '11e
Huron SItiNAL is the largest paper in
the County, and contains the best selec-
tions as well as the freshest and latest
news. Send f1.50 and get it fora year.
Lotions Socirry.—We hare received
feint Mr. Bentley the publisher. throiteh
1'. .1. Moorehoese, the March No. of
Loudon Society. It is well edited, and
as none' contains n number of first class
illusteitions. We would recommend it
In all, our lady friend" in particular
New Doetweie MON rtieve—The April
number is to hand. It contains some
good articles. Published by John.
Dougall & Son, Montreal, at 41.50 per
have no thank R. Hae ley, Esq. for his
remarks made befere the Committee ef
IV AY* and hfeans at Washington, in
farrier of the repeal of the duty on Salt.
Reappears to have etudied the matter
thoroughly, and in a plain straight for-
ward mannor shows to the Committee
tiuit the Onondaga producers enjny
huge monopoly which it will be te the
advantage of the peof.le of the Elnited
States to break dewr. He shows that
hy the removal of the ditty the Americen
producers wrield be placed at no unfair
alissdratilage, but tbat it will only plate
Goderich in a meition to compete with
them en equal terms ter the simply of
the Worth 1Vt..stern Market. We trust
Mr. Hawley ow remarks may have the
desired effect of having the duly re.r
11110441d or railhead, though ee fear there
tag brought abunt (luring the Rmi
present session of Congress.
at an early day, the Object of which
raise money to fence that fine
the superintendence of the affair, there- Dnnald Rona has given ten
fore it must be a suocess. acres of land near the mountain
with s large endowment fund for
the purpese of founding a Pentad*
: College in till' City. All honor to him,
may we wain hear of an Allen Professor-
: ship with a few hundred thousand dol-
men] Mrs. Robertson was a native of Alvie, ' lars to eupport it.
Lot Badanook, Scotland, She married has come and gone. It posed off with
hey William Robertson, a native of the01w° _more than usual eclat, in spite of the
- the Goderich Jail soon after it was IL St. Patricks Church. This Rev.xntleman
hew Died, at the Jail, Goderich,
mit 22nd of March, 1872, aged 72
Ann Robertson.
res. locality, who wee appointed Jai of opposition iif the Rev. Father Dowd of
nilr.s.rtr,amirngd sahbee fiwIlmed mthuset:iitreuest• - endeavoured last 'year to stop e proms-
bs a' and her worth fully appprec Anon tIlat is c u Winery on that day. He did
lid among her friends awl acquain mot succeed, however, and. one would
kite In the yerir 1882,heronly son, Alexa have supposed that lie Would have learn-
bmedia we intpb heels rentirzli tyooguongto ntlirientiatheocm• be have gracefully yielded to the ene vitable.
r, ed wisdom by that esperience, and
part of the country.and a party was HI This year the same thing occurred over
agaite -the Rev. Father making more
the ed to go by land and p UM over the I
strominus-effoeta than before to stop the
Mountains. After reaching the he
-en the Fraser River,in running a clang even forbid it from the pulpit but all
Prom -anion, bill with ne success. He
I rapid he wag most tinfortinistely d
ed ; ois receiving the mournful intelli
she 14114 completely treken down
grief and sorrow, and her health ra
pee way. Paralysis rendered her
able for seven long year* to leave
chair, and fet the last «limey nio
she wits confined to her bed, unal
'love; for• die hot e'er nemins rh
speechless, and the greater part og
time unconscious. During her prier
•KI allies" she was regularly attend
the Rev. A. Necklet. ot Bt. And
Church, and the filial attendance of
and Mrs. Campaigne to their aged rela-
tive is beyond all praise. May the
house is to be erected in Section No. 5,
At Grangehell. It is notch required.
Weer. SOLD. —Wm. Green, fir. has sold
his farm of t5 acres for the hands,
sum of f2,500.
PRIARYTATION. —KT. Shaw, teacher
Union School No. 11, was presented
a beautiful set of China at the examin
tion, on the 18th inst. Mr. Dew
school Inspector, mu present at t
exeminatien, and expressed himself w
satisfied at the condition of the wheel.
ith sing promised in the 6th command)
• be theirs.
St BLS Soeurrr.—The Ann
eel Metal
rif the Bible Society was held in t
Wesleyan Church on the 14th iilt. T
report showed that the sum of $17.
was raised last year, which was (livid
between the Canada and British an
Foreign Bade Societies. The attendan
at the nieeting was small, which was t
more to be regretted as the Rev. M
Caulfield delivered a very interesti
address on Bible work.
Seen. -Mr. McTavish has seld h
stallion "Young Robin Hood" to
party from tho County of Peel,- for th
sum of WO. Horse Both is•looking
PRZSINTATION. —Mr. Stoddard, teac
er of the Eginondrille School, wak pre
anted by his pupils with a purse co
the close of the exareination n the 251
&moot Ex AY INATIO:411. —The wiener
ly examination of the wheel* was hel
immediately before the Easter vscstion
The different department' are in a satis
factory condition.
Copy aooes.—The Managing Com
minim of the Schools, in conjunctio
with the Head Master, hare been in
structed to examine into and report np
on the hest series of eopy books, with
yiew of having them introdeced into al
the departments. The want of uniform
ity in the. matter has bees serious!
felt in other places as well as Clinton
and the example of the Board in tha
!ACID might be followed with profit.
Nona from 3ControsL
Since I wrote laid nethieg ef any
ell interest has occurred here. This vei
h° still continues in full force, indeed
h° the put week or two wo have had
95 intense odd -elmest erpteling env
ed we have hail this seruion. lt is
d discouraging jueti as we ha4 begun
ee look fur spring, and expect to see
he least, bare ground, to find the me
r• falling to ten and fifteen degrees be
ng zero. LASt year at this time, the st
CAPS wore running end the snow
almost entirely gone, nee if we get
of it in a nionth we shall ne lucky.
is leek at the great. banks that line
a streets, one would hardly imagine
e May would see us free from show
p. There is one advantage we possess
h• many places however, that is
- rapidity with which the snow leeves
n- when it really begin+ in earnest. A
t days sometimes will make alines
eur streets. There is always the
ger of Meets from such rapid thaw'
and we may hese to put up with one
. year. I bear that some fears are
this may be the case. We learn
trust tkat their fors may prove
o in the lower part of the city can liar
he estimated:
We are having a fuel famine.
prices have been going steadily iipwa
tor weeks and now it is &Intent an
pneibility to purchase coal at any pri
The price of coal last fall ranvd f
was of uo nee, the Irishman still
his walk and his Winners. Ile
have know better than to have at
hoe D —does not obj
ed stop
is that F
procession le themselves, ou the con-
e teary, he rather favors them, but he
wished te sneeze itericcerding to a pro.
eranime cf his own, said to exclude cer-
testants ere. gled of it; for it s▪ how. that
the Catholio here Imre etill Pone in-
dependence and self repot left. Father
13 —need to ride the Ste P. Sudety, but
lately lie has found it getting unmanage-
eble, se he li is :withdrawn. The presi-
deut, Mr. Howley, elected in spite of
•his oimositioq, is a gentlemen of very
liberal views, end so are many of the
other?, of the «Piety, Lir too liberal for
Father Dowd... Verily the world is pro -
meeting, and 10 are liberal ideas ad-
vancing, and will centime] to de se, al-
t thimeh ell the Father Dowds of the
country may oppose thent.
authorized the Omit," /twee -ors with
°en' 99nenrememi mil the consent of
the County Bards. to grant special
certificates, &a. ' Now, how doe% tbis
agree with the following extracts from
the Chief SuperiatendenVii "Remarks,
dated ITeronto, Aiigust IT, 1871, and
addreseed to the "Public Press."
"A Cooney Inspector has not author-
ity to gire temporary certificates to re-
jected candidata. nor have 1 the
authority to authorise him to do ti4, yet
he can do ao on the recommendation, or
with the consent or a majority of his
fellow examiners."
In other words, Dr. Ryerson says is
August, 1471, "1 havered the authority
We now, in conclusion, bee lesee to
call public attention to the following
ire 4 -
New lbvertistments.
W. 1,-17§AVAGE
Of the Newest Stile, and Pantos,
If yen »sot a 0001) ase'resluelasyll TIt "leo: .eo le•t• a wee,e,.. ‘.
the LAW not Varese /tees see e• 1os:
ether Peer&
0.44rieh. • Fell Std, 1871. 11111,
Too IsTaston of the thlui ewes, tersouscapr.
absurd list of studios for the aixth class writes' lov .... N WRAR.
taken frowi the new Programme epee -
said, and printed
on the el -misters as
obligatory in every sense of the word:—
Reeding, spelling, writing, arithmetic,
columnar, object lessons. composition.
geography, use of ihe globes, ancient
history, modern history, Christian
morals, elements oil .ci•il government,
physiology, natural huitOry, ttgricultural
meiisuration, book•keepinit, linear draw-
ing, vocal music. There! IV. most
stop fur breath! Whet humbug to try
ter teach &chill all the suhjecta here laid
The Text Bonks, tekt, for this moder-
ate cosirse would coet at least $16, if it
could be carried out, but the Pregresime
is inoperative, no ordinary scholars
being far enongh advanced to enter the
chum, sed hit few teachers qualified to
instruct in half the braniehes mentioned.
Brockville Recorder.
In the New York Titotw' report of th
investigation into the breach of neutral
ity by the American Governrneat "turn,
the este Et:reran urea, we find t
answer to Carpenter and Ames, that
, there was in his judgment no clang*
! from either Casadians, Indium or Mexi
cans, he told Me Committee where h
tkought the real danger lay, which
important enough for the grave coot
great danger of a large army °mei
here from Europe and endangering t
existerme of our nation 1 A.-1 herd
think there ta, in the shape of an arm
They might make an attack with th
iron -clads, and then we might tool t
• iinvelmieniellytotluerda:amiewil as to
coot defences 1 regents t
e Three doors bolo • Beek of Noakes";
d- —
he Corner ef Eielstos and viakaG, at,,,,,
• The Bar is semsabed 40114 limbo, sow
hit at▪ teseasses.
hat, For Sale.
no North Enron itailways. if there are any fears entertained at all
MINOR, MAZCII 25, 1872.
The Committee of Covina!! have had
under oonsideration the spplioation of
the Toronto Getty and Bruce Railway
Company, hereinsfter called the Toronto
Corupany, and the 1Vellingtott, Grey
and Bruce Railway Company, herein-
after called the Wellington Company,
formed erft of the Agilely Fund ; and
they advise that, ettbjecit to the ratitioa-
Lien of this Order in Counoil by re-
solution id the Legislatire Assembly (in
default of which ratification this Order
have authorised to be made outer the Rail w ay
might Fond te the Toronto Connesey of • silo!
tempt ie te two thousand two hoe Ire.lani
STALLIoN -- Yesterday we SSW weigh
ed, the famous horse Cambridgeshire
Bob, which recently killed its owner
Mr. Stonehouse, of Goderieli township
It weighs 1,820 lbe., and is a handsome
specimen of horse flesh. —Nese Era.
SPRIRO Snow. —The Spring Show •
the North Huron AgrienItural Society
ill be held here on Tuesday 16th
six to eight dollars, lately it as
selling as high as eighteen dollars
.1 short ton, and to -day cannot be bon
for any money. The farmers in t
vicinity have had their hervest in t
• ' wond business. Maple sold lest w
• for sixteen and even eighteen dollars
cord, and tamarack as high as ten
lars. One of the greet drawbacks
f houeekeeping in Montreal is the sea
ity of fuel, and various plans have
a ogg•ated to bring wood into the cit
The Grand Trunk might du it, for the
is •n abundance of it along eheir lin
bet they will not take the trolible-to
it. One a the strongest arguments.
! favor of granting money for a new 11
. road is that it will lower the price
fuel. The citisens are beginning
wake up to the importance of this
ject Anil are giving it their serious att
tioo, an" when we consider tied for
months of the year we aro under!
dominion of the "ice King," it weed
seem as if it were high tiine that sem
thing were done. 1 notice that ono
two fuel associations have been formed
which will prove of great benefit to th
members certainly. For example th
members of the city police have form
an asseciation each member of which
contributes a tiollar or se per month.
This money is to accumulate until nex
cheap, and a haree load to be boaiehte
anti retailed to the subecribers at,
the wholesale prices. This sill,
be a great bomi to these men,'
whose ,my at the best is just enough te
keep soul and body together within'
having to pay famine prime far fuel.
Some of the large manufecturine fin
here buy tip vial and wood for their men
charging a small percentage to cove
expenses, and retail it at a low figur
wiring the winter. These arrangemen
are very goo i as far as they meant! reflect
greet credtt on the firms who are char-
itable and thoughtlul enough to take
the trimble, and they do not hem aey-
thing either. for they get their money
back again and with' interest. entnithey
gain largely in the end, for their imams.
are more faithful and work with grjater
zeal fur those ethployers whn allow i.thait
they have serneeregard for the comfort
of their heeds. Still, but • small nion-'
ber, comparatively, are able to- benefit
by this. Hundreds of poor fanidies ars
obliged to par whatever price the large
dealers choose to ask, and as they. for
the moat part, are entirely devoid of
conscience,. they will sek hatever thee
dare to. I do not wish to do these deal-
ers any injustice, but I .firruly believe
that they get to be the most heartless
class of men in the world. They know
that the poor must hare fuel or freeze,
and they take advantage cif the poverty
and necessities of their customers to
make fortunes. Their money is not
made from the rich, if that vrere the
case, it wnuld not be so much matter.
People who have money or credit take
care to supply themselves with fuel when
it is cheap, but the pnor shivering
wretches who are forced to tiny a cord, or
few hundred weight- of coal at a time, it
is from thesethit they drew their money.
And some of them. not content with
cherging an exorbitant price even de-
scend so low as to eheni in the weight
or measure. You would scarcely believe
his tn be the case, but there hare been
several instances of it this season whieh
ave come to light, and how many there
are been that hare not been knoon, it
s impossible to say, bid no doubt, tile
cases aro many, and that toe, by man
ho are considered highly respectable,
table contributions. There are men in
his city u in all cities, who *01 sub.
hose names figure prominently Cinhiechagar-o
allow calms, can see their names,orthe ,
last fall we saw tt stated the Gi'derich
was to be one of the meterological sta.
nen' which it was proposed to establish
in Canada in connexion with the Signal se
departmentat Witshington. The location hi
was afterwards changed to Southampton.
So frr as we know uothing has been done
aa yet towards opening the station and
we thiuk an effort should be ruaide
secere it fez. Goderich. The chief value
of the weather reports as taken at these
stations in in coneexion with the ship -
pine, and as this is to be the principal
harbour i.f refuge on Lake Iluren it is
obviously the peeper piece idace for the
stetion to be mitablialied. This being a
High Scheel meterulogical staticn the
reponse of both observers might be cern-
paired and thus cnsure a greater degree
of acieiracv.
leurrevr. - inquest MSS held OM
Thursday laid, by Dr. McDougall, on
the body_ef David Keefe, a resident of
tho Hats, ',bout 60 years of age, who
exeired suddenly the previous evening.
It appear*. a blind man named Slattery
Sonone EIMISITION. —On Tuesday
e ning tke 25th ult there Was an "gx-
hition" in the School in 8. S. No 4 of
this Towuship, which is tanght by Mr.
Martin teethed:tad. The School was
etanained during the day and was found
to be in a highly satisfactery state, Mr.
Sutherland having proved himself to he
one of the beat teachers in the Township—
if net in the County. The Exhibition
«insisted of radiational, dialagnes, read-
ings, songs and instrumented music. Mr.
Hough playing the violin to pertection.
There was a large audience n the
occasion and it was 11 o'cloc fore the
P.grZampbell of Seafort who had
arrived during the latter of the
evening was called to Um plat ern and
well pleased with the nriceedinp. The
um of $30 was realized, there beiug an
dmisaion fee of 20 eta. We undeistand
hat the money goes torards the estab-
isliment of • library for the Section, a
ery laudable purpose indeed. The pro-
ceedings terminated with the singing uf
few choice pieces by the pupils, after
hick the lenge concourse dispersed.
ir able and palmier dentist, who had to
impend business for some time on sc-
nut of sickness in his family, has re -
tinted to his old, stand over A. G. Mc-
Dougall's storm Mae' Street, Seaforth,
where he will be foiled during office
A Roor FALLEN IN.- •On Sunday the
31st ult., the roc( of the store lately oc-
eiroied by J. Bonthren & Son, on Main
Street, fell in with • crash, on account of
the weight of snow on the roof. Mr.
Counter our esteemed watchmaker and
eller, had on the day previous remo•-
ed his Meek into the building, and fear- ,
such a calamity, had on the day in
tion gone on to the roof to ahovel off
mew when the whole affair collapsed.
understand that his fine show cases
immersed clocks have been broken.
loss will be conaiderable.
BOY Hear. —On Saturday lam the
h inst.; a hoy whose name we have .
ascertained, cot he foot pretty se-
ly injured with a sleigh. His foot
tuna:eight, and he wu dragged some
gor, book -binder of Holiest, has jot
oved to Harpnrbey, having perches -
he house lately owned and occupied
Thomas Sherman, opposite Dill'a Ho -
Mr. MeGreger is a first elate book-
er, and will be a great acquisition to
place We wish ham success.
HE DRAMATIC CU:B.-116a Club we
erseand have suspended operations h
he season and have just made a do- h
in of $20.00 to the Mechanic* In- i
te in this place. They previously
1,30.0o which niekes $50.00 in all.
hmesoutnelbnninkqeuestortithnewlinelltbietintespent in
the • 29th ult„ the Anniversary of
'ff-- M. S. School. was celebrated in 6
Church. The attendance was viad. f
children sang * great many 6Lie p
where in the neighboihood, of Platt's r
Mill, here the deceased and others
were in the habit of resorting to carouse a
on the bad whisky to be -obtained there. w
Keefe had been at this place during, the
afterneen in Attention and had been
drinking fniely. In the emirs() of the
evening Slettery spoke to him several
tunes and received no answer. Being
blind, and therefore linable to ascertain
tilt] Call9e of Keefe's silence, he called in r
ie netehbonni when it was discovered
t he hid died while sitting in the
ir which he occupied. Atter hearing
evidence the jury returned a verdict
ccordance with the facts.
Divine's Coewrs.—The next sittings
1 the Division Court will be held to-
morrow (Thu rsday.1
erstand that Mr. T. Furew is in the
eld as the Conservative candidate at
he next election for North Huron.
:61 this twee at which the Odd Fellows
ill be 8o clUck instead of half past
GOO» FRIDAY. —GOoll Friday was
eenerally observed as a holiday and most
e town, (pipit fte it usually is, wore a
particularly forlern aspect that day.
We weidd direet attention to the ail-
ertiaemeat this orimputy which ape
peers in enether column. We enneider
t a first clus company end worthy of
rery confidence.
per w,,a bored at Terme) oreSaturday
bust. hitt up is nent, and having
mph. ee 'tgler). give it e good 'earl it
et „„ eregteeerepere faveersibly with
ny of thy in every respect_
• lit Watt' sill melee je.
This Court sat on M,nday Iasi, J'Idtr,e v
Town oonnoil.
The regular meeting of the Town
C04111Cii was held on Thursday evening
last, 28th March. Present, the Mayor,
Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Messrs. Davi-
son,•A. Smith, Saadi, Painnereocamp-
w. 0. saiith and Doyle. The minutes .4,7_
of laat regular anil special meetings
were read and approved. and
The Mayor gave& verbal report of the
iiite.vics with the Geverninent by the A
delegates from Goderich regarding a 301
subsidy to a lino of boate from Sarnia n"t
siandtredGodszeritteishfatociuDryul.iith, which was con-
Ho also laid before the Council a die
copy of a memorial presented to the ed
ed t
A communication was received from by
Dr. Rosebrugheisking it the town would tee
be willing to incur en expense iif $40 in
by the toe u to the Infirmary' in Terme bind
behalf i.f Mr. J. elan, s blind man sent this
preying for rer:if 'Its to obtain hernias
"IX•meth for Tareea license.
The School Lsw isyslittions.
Fr. en Windsor C..rn wall • cry hes
gene forth agAiest the How School Law
Re:gelation*. The books are too many,
and the studies ove-whelming. These
! senibly; and Mr. Blake was coinpel led to
, interpose his authority. Amid the
general complaint •reapeceing the great
number of books «mewed, and the uft
repeated changts to clime lesoks, a met
by Dr. Ityersen. This circular was in-
tended "for the information id honor -
*hie members ef the House of Amenably, '
_7 and wherein, auioug °tiler emertions, lie
; mys—"I am pretareeled the proper time
"1. That the ?ere Beek' authorised
have (with two i exceptions)
' been tatty Otenenial "nee in 25 years.
"2. nett thuinew Itegilletunis
not bctio..•blig‘totry, only recomundat
atepresent, until experience Aml dorsi
Grated their iisefulnese mid telaptat
in `thl.. fteThhirt ith the consent of the
Cenny Beards Met the cencurreuoe
the Comte /tweeter, I hare authoriz
hint (after the July and late Deem
eesteivation) to grant special certifica
to every teacher who faded to peas td
he his ofeela trid,lin the pest, pros -
that: blaek *hits. We hove
• denier. And teethe following rearms
With reference to No. 1—Th. full'
ing Text Books have been chenged w
in the Unit! specititel, and are placed
the order of their authoriation by
lion's; e)rtl, • 411i, Devisee;
Ai ithnietic-▪ 1 It, Irish 'National; 2nd,
gad Sang.
2nd, Sangster's: • $ril, Irish National.
Readers—let; IIrish Netional; 2nd,
Canadian Series -
Spelling —let, Spelling Book Sepal--
seded; giul, Now Spelling Book.
With regard to ilaserfion No. 2, we
are rather plizzliel et the grammatical
constitiction thereof, but persume that
the.meaning is, 'the art
eseeblie story, Witold), recommendatery
at premed, until yxperience has denies -
i • In reelr we beg to ubserve that every
eicheol official with whom we have 00 -
,versed is deindedly lif opinion that the
?ire obligatory, as per instrections
genii the Febicatien Office, and we ap•
end the following proeflor-Sec. 17,
-11..00 Act of 1571, declares that "sio
▪ it IS conslicted actording • the'
tegulaii.irm provided by lar ; and by8re•
19 of the Outerie Conselidated
-heel Act, thir !duty of making see
gulations devotees oit the Council
hief Superintendent is required to ere
itch instruction. es. my be necessary
e 88. See. 20, with tho approp• riate
nrge.114!feci jtHendinurpag t‘itoGuenwnenirnalfc fiRuegbiiieilasehtionsjoh4fori, tee
re should see tlot lbola
tia)t,',Iics.wre!1"Qnliefoipecli:en4rrieiiputioitelinarsd:anriorlittereheyilir.siuhilbretelirifilttot.daMoecf Ttare..1
uhassittglitht:n.i0Thi:icentoth ta,:tiiided„dthit.ore
ay Teish:rtfolBrildt.k; utviggihitooich
ham ; and ihe Committee fur es • a I.
that the said greet of sid tie lapou
One. On cenditien that the Toroute
Cenpaily shalle better: the first (lay of
June next, agree, hy au tustrument em-
mitlying all proper jetails and approved
by the Lieutunatit-Goterner in Council,
tbm in case the Wellington Company do
oomply with the condition. impesed
that company by this Order in Oeuncil,
theu the Termite ComPany will do what
nay be necessary (inelnling the worts
prepatatory for the laying of • third rail)
in order to give the Wellington Company
nutmeg powers over Ott portion of the
T menet C• miesny's rail nay between
Harristen and Winghem, en corona to be
settled between the Cmnpanies by the
award of the nsajority each Cempany,
and the third by the two so choeen or in
CAW of diragreenient by the Lt. -Governor
in Gemmed, in malting which award the
arbitrators ani to have retard to the
amount of public en.1 granted under
order in Council, ia respect of the(
portion of the Toronto Cempany:s Rail -
Two. On condition that the Termite
Compeny, shall before the first day -of
Deoeinber next furnish proof to the satis-
faction of the Le -Governor in Comical
of a botia Pr and sufficient amtract for
the completion of the works, exclusive
of track laying, on that portion of tbeir
Raitwar extending from llarriston via
ries that, !subject to the ratification of
this order in Council by resolution of the
Legislative Assembly(in delimit of which
ratification this order in Council is it,-
epemtive) peyment by authorized to be
made out of the Railway Fund to the
Wellington Company. of a s.im equal to
two thousand two hundred and fifty
dollar' per mile of that portien of their
Railway between Witighem and Kincar-
dine. The Committee further advise
that the said gnent of aid be upon the
followingeonditions, that is to say -
Oise. Ott condition that the Wellington
Company shall, before the first day of
June next, agree by an instniment em-
bodying all proper detoils and apprered
by the Lietit.Governor in Conned to do
what may be necessene (including the
works preparatory for the laying of •
third rail) in order to give the Lendon.
Huron & Bruce Railway Company run-
ning powers over that portion of the
Wellington Company's line, between
Wingham and Kincardine, on terms to
be settled in like manner as hereinbefore
detailed in the drat disuse of the con-
ditions imposed upon the Toronto Com -
tho• Two. On condition that the Welling.
Cempany shall, befere the first day
el- of Jett° nett, agree in like meaner thst
bth cane the Turento Company do comply
with the conditions impneed on that
ite.a; Germany by this Order in Council, then
the Wellington Company will do what
may be nee:ataxy, including the works
preparatory for this laying of • third
rail, in order to give the Toronto Com-
pany running powers over that portion
of the Wellington Company's line km-
tween Winghern and Kincardine on
Senn* to be settled in like manner aa
hereinbefore detailed in the fleet clause
of the ounditions imposed on the Termite
aerilnisPaetlincYllit c...itrect for the ow setestei .
Three. On condition that the Welling-
ton Compiny shall, later, the first dav
of December next, furnish proof to th•
satisfaction of tile Lieu elute ern •r
in Conneil of the existence of a beettoteie
on that portion of their railway extend-
ing fr. en Wilighem, via Lneknow, to
pOrtiOn of the Terente Company's Rail-
way between Harriston and Winghism
not leas than twenty miles in length and
in respect of any portion of the Welling-
ton Cempervy's Railway between Wing -
hem and Kincardine not less than twenty
miles in length on the fulfilment of the
conditeme of the Act as to such irti
and on proof te the satisfaction of the
h Lieut. Governor in tlotincil et the se-
a istence of • limea fide and sufficient
tract for the completion of the works be-
tween the said points respectively.
Executive Council Chamber,
26th March, 1872.
by military men, and those who have it Ititir;e.:,t,' 91rffnnegg. A • Allgok 5'111
examined into the subjeet, it would he
from the fact then we hays not our forts JAB faille
on our sea comedproperly armed.
deficiency in anaiug them? A.— Ws awl
make muskets, but we cannot make can -1
iton,rm the spur of the moment, aud the i
and calibre ; for nuisance, cannon weig
ing 50,000 pounds each, and some
to resist iron -clads, we look on the
teen-iiich as about 21441 amalkast, gun. N
want very heavy ri_fied guns.
which will gledden the hearts of
shipbudders in the Deminios. We ha
• time n !Awaken plice t:.• value
IIIVW *Val alit:heir vowels. The mark
111•4~11,17th March, Mr. 11114
-a 071,1 Canada*. liallt•
• tea* 27114, 1St 1111.4
value of wooden ships ties so far whew. Marl' /1 OF rin,n ta.
ced that it is said some hundreds al
pounds more may be had fro host class
property tif this kimi then es er wee is,
agiued wotiid be the case. Several large
docks were ptirohnied a short time sg.0
dippers which were lying in ',twerp.",
by Tyne ship-ownem at comparatively
Jew rates, aod the. eve beers run so
wooden theta the es system the
caused • re -
W▪ OW steamers SS
rirel of trade i
principally empeer ships. The
the coke trade. It is anneunced that due
year • censiderable nu in tier of yeeeels of
thm description ratline from Cie Tyne
• Le put into the Caoadistimber trade.
Englieh'papers complain that smell coast-
ers have also become very seam, and
there is &continued difficulty in getting
heed,' litee skips to carry small parole
and goods (nen our northere porta.
This, they oar, has bees very niuch felt
during the winter in the es erse• trade,
a steamers, not being able to get return
cargoes, ceased running to several pieces;
the weather being open,merehants intent
have liked to have got goods away which
are very much erected on the sager aide,
bit there•has been the difficulty about
ships. Front these reports it wouplid
appear that there will be a good market
iu England for Comedian built wood
vessels during the present year, and
of vessels will be built ia our It;
yards. This revival of trade in wooden
yowls mot add to the property of
the Dominion.
BRATTY. —Beatty of - the Leader eon-
tiuues VD -write up the cause of the
menters who are on strike in Toronto.
itaHeillesluaipaos to be the w
He will be a candidate f
but everyone knows
tahlatz ethweorwkin:Imeng:vrecti"innot
treated them when the sin)
rily Isis hands in depreciate—, "__7
silver when others were -117,.°113_,_
Mel% in bankable fends. 1111V. `"tr
working men!" friend only eiss is Ube
some &elfish end in riew. he has
dilletIRIVIC OP OV 112.11.14000
rill LINTS run ran Wrs YEAR MIL. NB
As4 Awseen se Wawa art amain abaft a,
ismer Wine Is Us hello el leo **** Miss 1.1.
sa4 the lamp Mosso INV, flerhisSIL ~WM the IS -
fermis is UAW rimy besertast sa-
arrasseea, Iherrie sal Ta-
bles of Rates soy is elesised al way se Ur Owl -
B OK 8
pitched a cup of scalding 004,elote
mistress' face, at 84in Pruietsia, beat
the lady hoped the Prince ef tiasee„reee,
die. She is new looking he 1,0-4.,
place—British family preferred_reene
and odds, swelling of tbefluuk trona
tile, roughness of the hair, stoppage a Pommes
bowels er water, thick wane, emigho eerewee
country are recommend* eke -ekes
townie trouble in horses :—Leas of appe_ Ita
eteratry Condition Putodtre for the tel.
Veterinary. Serpens all orer the
Avesta, e
the Government Dispensary says that pee,
horse ail, thick mad, aed herarm
A friend of inure whe is duet were in
no medicine chest is now maisente with.
,ainlv there is tooth* in •Its eh...et
any one who may tis the trouble to
Sroili ON ilia SUL-Tee sem has of
late become an objeefsf mat anxiety
to many scientific rflai Spasm* quite
coninson on thaterb,eisey be seen by
have of late ememd
elites; bid although Ilse pheamaeaa
more astonishing ts Ili weaderfid effect
look at it ethroiigh s*es of sinohett
ralgia, peens in theta, stream* itc
which astonish asonesers, key meal
cases ef severe ieditMeasselasee nes-
dealers. Price *gem per beide. 36
For sale he Nine meg „wino?,
At Kincardine, cis theraday e&w.
ult„ the wife die Pint I). kcIn-
li III V.11111.
RALLY Greet) ARTICLR. — We nuld At
call the attentien of all interested to an o
w article of undoubted merit, and which At
t we would advise all in want of to give it i
a trial. We refer to "Darley's Conido
j tion Powders arid Arabian H
sestorth, on hsffiek alt., the wait
Mr. Willis, eta son.
it1,Aiize.iby it, as provided by taw."
ben obligatory, forsooth! only mom-
mtbermore, the (Vinci! has prescribed
there in six divisions. This u• tterly
practicable Programme is printed on
ery Register supplied to the schools,
Pregranune v m• ust be • followed. and
any subject ef t course be omit -
1 language plainese) thus. fads to con -
the idea of ob:igatien, we Inust go
school ,again as we are said to he
rer too old to learn."
tly, in respeat te assertion No. 3,
y end December- germination' I
dy new being extensively used by
many of the largest horse dealers in the °
it improves the condition of the
country; these men have di
horse by purifying the blood and remov-
ing from the limp and liver all that
preventa their healthy action; its effect
is soon apparent in the improved ap-
pearanee of the animal, which is one
great reason why horse dealers nee it, as
they ars tims enabled to got better prices
and at the same time give their custom-
ers sound and healthy horses. Remern-
ber name, and see that the signature
et urd it Co. is on each package. —
Northrop & Lyman. Newcastle, kOnt
proprietors for Canada. Sold by all
medicine dealer'. 34
Coombs arid celds, when left to them-
selves, frequently bring on pulmouary
complainte, which lead to thst distress --
sin; and fatal disease. consnmptinn; but
if attended to in 'time, "Bryan Pul-
monie Wafers" are a certain remedy.—
They stop the irritating cough and
McKillop on $e feed ie.,
strengthen the bronchial
adapted for the use of sinstr=
hiciFuxini.stry .deattield. MS • •••••
On the 26th by the •.
Blackwell, es the _
bride's father. se. wile:1417e
to Miss MI:me, east*
of Mr. OM of Goderich.
In the TOWN'"? ol Tuckeressitle
29th ult., by the Rey. John
Mr. Rider, to Margaret.
est daughter,' the Rev. John
°11:Crbahlnoihnia:sit:pdays8u,Initni"fail:111L°tPummi'haegoedr2FtspaT. 3.1'tiirccE416:6i.h.
tine, youngest agrittcw.
th• 2124k
Is TOOkersmitb, on the 934 anti.
At Aint.r Yin., ow 'rhnradsjels..
701101“, 416141111tal 4 D4144
• J0
Ilhortir• =ma. wt.