HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-03-27, Page 40.1 • 41 I. .. ... , . . t .40.,woi• - ... • .....-- s ' 0,-.., .., ., ...„, •---Altir', ..s.4-. , . • . 1 „ - • In pl. When be", "g The octet of a Pullman palace oar Iflftfl 11 4116,000. 1 ray:Tand Perctitab;sont.. have bees vie - t NELODEONS, -pore Thunds in jr„b„,..11013SE ORGANS. - CHURCH ORGANS Piano Stools, &o., &o, rniley--'s thing- which w oe ecnit are iirleil. gain till 1900. T1e itfe of alkTehrer . ieg 01. Rocha, illor Qwwleweeasaye birth to four child- . gen, one dy-fast week. Two of them, ,_11 We : dowev sr. dnd the samanight. 'MiffPr. I_ _Duluth is named after Captain John 141110111RI 114kaoreatrifc,inAdath, I. Slices. GI the.French Marine vu peps, who ,ted the north shore of at. lak*SuPerior in 1679. , A fat manriding upon a lean hone, was -46*'lkilk.4 hew it comer. to pas • Gen kya him- . on was fat end his horse so fun I" He w or + .•ite lallg", , ', "because I feed myself, but I awe • * re the feeding of my horse to an- -at again. *ft idler... ,... -,.. ”.. be fay ski., . 'Corn cobs ere one of the richest of Us*, tried, - "Min.regetable products in Kotash. go Maanilctared the seltrbreted iters of R. S. WILLIAMS & CO., Towner*, The mostmteseire makers t. the Uemtaben. THE mideorignedheire to intimate that Iwo has Lees appointed &seat for Goderieh amililestarrounding conntry or the above fatly celebrated Ina, sad hspr,. pared to son all articles made by them. at NIANILTIPACTUREWM PRICER. Swung soy in sue sad terms aseertalled stops rib Wither • ware-hecem.Wied Street DANIEL GORDON, Goderieh, Aug 15, 1870 w36 face; A& are they in alkali t st in GOON THE " BRADBURY" Miner, countries the ashes are gornetimes need queer, 500 substitute for 'alarming. apace A boy named Vincent, employed in a shingle' mill et Cape Vincent. recently , "Pet ,/ endeavored be kick away some sawdust 1 pt , I sreend • buss saw. Ile will hereafter 01110016"1PlhalMille",„mak..,_ P; I walk oa one loot and • half. eignaw, -0 'e than peek. ! Boars are to be found in immense - ' Iwo mob% back, numbers on the Alma& main/and. They " JOU oRIL _ are of enormous size, bet do not evince ""elter• the ferocity of the California animal. . atrD MOIL It is .fact that contact with civilisation ••••••••••••;**".."'"------------"•`7 iecrearree the ferocity of Braila and his Leap year is so whole tribe. *a .„, ___,Ing*P ref Ole A saloon beeper having started bol- o. me goose gee- ..o doss in • buddies where trunks had bees made, inked a friend what he had better asked her sine/ shrol,.. _II" do with the old sign "Trunk Factory" 21Pe rout ahead 7116, "Oh" said the friend, "Just change the .Lt was a great oda ul T to a D„and it will suit you exactly." Pilles to put it in. A letter was posted ata village pest tl' betele• takillk1111"1•„,„ office that had no postage stamp on it, sof that, tow; bee, iu plains of the stamp, had the fol. ore sulk le this water than looter written on ogre corner of the an- ises the Water we got yaller vek,pe .-•'Mr. Pueemaster, don't chary, DO postage on this: the stamp would... Stark, of Lucerne, Pa., Pet stick, so I tore the thing op." the lealtirne Ile aalitsft..: Br the 4eath of a rich mete in New thechimney jokier In *ilea Stark. Orleans, Miss Nellie Mellon. lately ern - Hanel Ipeomiter% SOthe more bread if ployed tn s 'millinery shop in Eut Sae - ,o naw, Mich , has Mien heiress tcy• fortune re_elese,_,‘ 1 Idelfee" • good dsid_r of $200,000. Miss Mellon for 'several "1"1 ' eV "116C- "S"seetle ,la,,e". yews has supported her widowed assither led', 11104hwei ter Ilkley*, • IPera ee'" by her own industry. *iambs year breadr A hiwilrindge risme late In mintess The tunnel under the Detroit rivet is ing at the rate of tire feet per 1 gal al illatT eaallait' 'irimiraitt the Er:clueing the oonstruation of the titk'd iiweeniaireat.- .161Flis•eilud iwilnitedhore4,, it: masonry. A layer of quicksand, dis- kolnIt Oa,. 'and l'ai tho happy sin.' charging watinuAllY five P1113.11/ per re be but a met*. ' 'u large boners have been met with roll- mop., 17 calmed nincls delay, and some 'An Vint judger "Oh: no, said he it neeesuary to lee gunpowder to Aa lows lady concludes an anti-suf- NOgarkiligvethem, Operetions will soon be fraT= folios. 'You.war 1'3°11! „ „ , on the Caunda side; but it is oit " . a 1111616111 W171" wil4! lemed the total cost will be much higher hes simmer it down and it is bet a goer- was eic,„tert. etiliont,:j" thetttittY that Ile are ae4 The New York "Evangelise publish , se • handsome map supplement, showing i laia(41 IlleePer haying .tartdbeat- the vain territorial boundaries of the semis a builliteg where Wants had bees Presbyterisw Illtorch in the United utidkoolakedwj,", taMen. _Lil "2" b. bed bit- States. This body 01 Christiana, same T" --• '!" ' e`lin' '' rie" the Unioa of the Old sod New Sehoola I.'. sot,' laid the'lliond. 14" eluu'r now numbers 35 synodsol67 peesby Write, 1414 to I) and it will wait you exactly. 4,347 ministers, 4,646 churches, and following conundrum is just en gakeeit members, repreemstine a total emM ever it was: --What is the differ- aggregate of souls under its ears of over true the Fasflat of NUM& mail t wo millions, not oonnting hell a million • t; 0114 Issit Ile° "" um*" onedlrembell in the churches oeunected with the ether ninadests toes without his southern Anooninie. tr ' , bsey ile to be the meet Lwow. DIPTHEria. -A simple and sitioceesfid 0, ,,,, treatment of diptheria may be found in lir.- lirootoo„,„ B,,.., Q. C., the use of lemon juice. Gargle the 7.7euill‘reth;e. The re„rot . part freely with it, at the same time 1/111111111111k up the cast in the following orralloone • portion, fro ea to resc.h all ands .-'0eatliiman tif the Jury, which the sleeted parts. A French physician claims that he saved his own life with nartiee hem to14 thettruthr bop. Yoe • win ber gm. fi, „1,,,,,i ! that pleasant remedy. OW' said -ii pow Ponta), while walking Btile*-1 poelttcs of t..-teav"A at with her Intended during a wee. plied to small burns and scalds off immediate relief. The leaves ere soft - Out slippery stem of the pavement. 'Ilfh , yes, replied the somewhat heat. imed. with hot water, and while quite • hale dp,atan„, warm applied upon cotton over the ea- Mif our faatcr.' There was some cont- tire but" Stiri•Ce• This anKlicetiella lesion, and profound silence. discolors and apparently tan. t is par* a A liroeu.AND Ptsons. -Aa aspirant arid removes the acute sensibility and ' r British parliamentery honors, is tenderness. 0/ the 14ka„,d bergha, ' wu thu SORE Ts ROAT. -Everybody has a torrogoted blciiiiied-ari,oc .winnibr cure for this trouble, but simile remedies er or mit are you prepared to bring • bill appear. to be ..nal effectual. Salt and 1 • ti, eater is used by many aa A gar le, but a , Carpenters Wanted ! obligingevery DWI or woman . TO BUT THE (ARON is OCK t a public house to sell the gilt of the best tea is bettor. Others, a few drops of whisky, new measure, at the same old nmphor en mg ir, which very often d- emi:lion& as often ill they begin to A novo preacher accidently read the PI,A.1•T 0, 1.1 • litesilitmersalegl Sire re Wednesday Ansi Pratmolay. TO MID ISONEW TORE AND GLU. 11 Loarloaderry ls laad Malsad re booked and forwarded ts rod front al Railway Statioss in Great Retail. train Cheriatuia, Norway, Sweden se Amami,. as safely, speedily. co= stailluVr aad Cheaply, as by any other Route or Libel THE NEW DEPARTURER. • tlietpt'llaTrt. IOWA rives Neff York. Mon., Oct. leth, P cI, Sept. MS . CA La N IA .. Rat , Oet. Slet " Set., Oct. 7th . •NOLI• Oet, /Mil Bell., Oct. 14th .. COLUMBIA .Sat., Noe 4th And emery Wednesday nad Saturday thereafter from Pier WI, N orth River, at roe. „„„;,..4. 11111 •• 1. sham., so - d'111 *so .1s isUr.WO/ 11141 •711.11WWW1,1Mo mneinemeare7oe,gaimi ' ar • ,- •! lr f•nos EN -GAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, fait r- AND AN!!!MMPARED TO MLKE SUITS TO OFIDIMPAT CHSII,PEST RATES TAMIII.NG• 66.) baid=stise ter le Bares 0/ P.Iluket ear •91.5 11 CIICIIIIIICT, . 1 To Li•saroot,Otsomeow oa Dakar: 7"tir 314 N., 1 1' Fiera Ville, $66 aad 676, according to leestiou Calda Escaroles Tickets (geed for 13 sesetles) securing best aoeomodatios, 4100. Intermediate, 1133 ittionice, as. Certificate. at LOWEST RATER era be bought Tata/gig ham be times wishing to seed for their Meads Pratte e Apply at the Compsay's Ofeee or to imied payable oa prism Atte*. . ¥R8 W AREOCIII. W set St. Godeckb. Oal Giederieh Oct. 14 1471. 11 ikila 'A.' %I • k 941/1111111.' 09DERICH TO EUROPE • TWICE'A WEEK. I NOW. IN THE MOST UNPRECEDENTED naminity, admitted by the Muskat Professes& of the City of New Tort to excel the Plazas of all other nutkers. IN POWER, PURITY, RICHNESS -•••••11--• IC cjil "L'Ord Out lerrlS17 seprilsodinga • ono, beaus "Chick - firings treteintralyer in the Illansissisoll the wealth, end in *be ConewilltHalls .1 41. restusseesis. The immenee popularity of the IIIHIA.TI. 13Y_TR le" Aisles t • accounted for 4mo, oe its superior merit*, being ta ',very respect the pert *coon of the moat skilled Workmanship and the Mouse weed of praise lea been warded t, by thee* beat qualified to judge, le atyllaglt tlid moat perfect 'estrum**, that is sow sods. ar rue.. RANG. FROM 11330 TO 11000 aceorther lemons' of carom awl Web. T. J. MOORHOU SE AGENT. '11 The meth esneeettosable .."TeatImeetale from won known aroma, both Canadian asol Americas W sees .4 14. store of araste North Sid• Market Squire. Gotlerioh Ilst Sept. DI NOTICE of COPARTNERSHIP, MATE tins day mime into parturehip J. liardware r. George Booth, 01 Oodoricb. The besinese will °outlaws to be carried on suer theatre of Hoge tiardiarr de Co, at the mid amid as Ole Matta Slaare. °W11' la this change in the arm all debts due the late irm 01 Hugh Gardiner lc Co., inter be paid at Oireil• ()Watch, Dec. 1th, 18 1. H TheuIplentlid Inman line, TI1E QUICKEST AND SAFEST STEAMERS and bestnecomodation MEE NURSCRIBRII *AVOW keen APPOINTED j Agent for us INMAN LINE OF STEAMEFUS is peepers,/ to Wane tickets FROM GODERICH to LIVERPOOL, QUERIENTON, GLASOO W Olt If, Via Nem Yolk et the, feglowleg low Cable paistdegold (Steerage OM -7 From Liverpool, Queesstois, Illosyrot or Loatioatorry to Golortokw Cabin 487 01) gold Steerage Se 60 gloCalvin Tlokets forth, Round Trip tuned at ere stnetton of 10 per cent. ACHIM TIME -TABLE - MY OF BEI °T01. leaves New York Angnat CITY OF w•seinoros • CITY 011 NNW TORE It CITT or BRUSSELS 11 NEMESIS IT CITT OF LONDON . 11 CI fT OF ANTWERP ' • " 54 CITY OF BROOKLYN CITY OF LIMERICK Z./0 t" f„ 1 MTh. subacriber would retroterany the tan!. stomata to Malt Furtive thia,amann, toot by the lamas Line. which siwaya rubs on tient has odes the bored manalthes, and which can Obeli *snot comfortable anoomedation to re. N. 1 -The rates Railed aboveta yaw . Godeeich Station to the deck at Liverpool. Ass, Giargow or Londonderry arid eke mesa further formation apply •IdttleldW WenDel.L, Goodies. Ranking (Mee. Death$111 .11al Afloat. 1871 'NEW BOOKS, Wall 1 &C.• &C. • WHOLESALERRETAIL AT BUTLERS THEY HAVE dECE1VED NEW A 41.1441 IS 00AT/MGS, NEW ALPACAS, NEW ?BIM's, &a tele 114140tMCMarch 6th. 1871. U... ..!•r•ti• 11.1 1-F1, U (,) •‘. 411 ire....."11711 .° C4 -41313111C sw55-tr FOUNDRY •) Cb.ossp " "Awo sqlosumeriwtrteil • .29 IC) Ir• COFFIN TRIMM:INGS, BeautifulAssortmeut OP JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold Zos wan! to - of 1 an =sr ,t1 to make eoillattalialazhortest. H.Pialid• tat:174r beer 1111111IT loar.srptimrr"." stead, DAltiSt OAB1NE'X', M Tama% -.4 sold ER it 1 T AT to Mead at them par. Itised sp 4*1 s &Amite 0 eed Uksa CHEAP AT 13UTLEtt'S Fishing Tackles, =Ile yin la fit:11:1=eli =612.1ritIMOO4* •elegitert• -• f• Iry -- IZlots Shaz., 11/11111W SIMARD W OW kmegeineshw oursitem ta•Cosat7 asd Yea inertall rotted. nirvana to omen sesiewese wisliersesualre Oar. limp/mho! -• essomersen se 'P5540: WSW Redroom Betts la Vahan, de to la ClasetOet, tee woes weed, astarsue el every deecriptem, metier Ikeletere. Mewl loo: 110 ON HAND ALAit'OEAS ?carve sub se ott Peatissw .11thqraptia Pteetoeraph tiei Quash name ansagessean with a SNonto IMMillestariag see ripply 0:14: Piston frames t sal st7I• at, l'enate pellemr - .alemmemeellaillen-ne atathaullthem Er Hu Inver en hand a plate assort Collis MOOS'S Ote Style. Alen.HMAIISSIE Mire. C713.0201%.31,14311/761733, DoorsWest st Peet Lir ALL KUHR. ;ONSISTING if' Rh Ell, BASK KT& KAI rs HOOKS; ..ct LINZ& into Parlseaun w en y g • rho keeps little alum and hoaey dissolve in sage •N D sunsuit,' kin fords relief. An applicotion of °loth' Nails, Tools and other rico well known verse 'y feet are se hines COOL, as the most potency in removine MATE II e •thag & EARACHE. -Put a little black pepper who Ions, inemacf of .you will inflammations. hen in the hen -roost, where it falls to w'ree eott°13, (tin in sweet oil, en in - asleep. it tightens its grip, 50 06 to .not, sort in the ear. Tire ti one of the quick - to al If And dat's how tree faith, est remedies known. Book.' Fittoo -Take a pint of rommon soft Inj kroa4"4 hedilvai *Pk void .1sely t. bor. • 1,11.aef iatpured !sieoesnan 04 was killed litstelob, and &ion, and insert the finger, mid the cure Is certain. your deb wilt kill me if yeanintinue to COLD. -Contrary to an old theory, a ge to it every nigkt.' popular writer gives the following one Ideitico the cuatom Aga a duel . how to meows cold; Eat nothing but has been fought, to erect a meson the a piece of toast, drink freely of cold wa- spot, and everyone that peanshy throws walk twice a day until you are in • gteren'tle perspiration, and go to bed early. tramistonisemetous hat theetaicrosseu. iiousame.o imp; matom to clear stony land, ry erecting To Pirovvort Rovr FowLs.-Let Mimes where no dent hin ever bum , those who have fowls sick with roup try as a preventive, dosing them with fresh tiaht. teacher in one of the wisois Bel_ dirt aud green grass; and as a cure, two tient had up • class of four le..yeor.. or three spoonfuls, at different times, of litoroid "like taat";1agoltothetillegiskthillikAttether Carulina Lair. PriaMelinll gene PROTECTING ROOTH 71110111 yeaksyld 'wn" ''"y • - Roofs can be protected from fire in an ing VII the quick re*. easy way by using a wash compared of At 1, menagerie in Ind maga *ma him*, salt, and fine sand or wood ashes, lioness escaped from her ceas, end the put on the ordinary way of whitewash. Chief el Ponce went to the of the It renders &hined" fifty fold more safe against taking hre,front falling cinders, or otherwise, in case of fire in the vicin ity. It pays the expense a hundredfold in ita preserving influence against the effect of the weather. The old and more weather-beaten shingles are generslly more or less warpsd, rough. andcracked. The application of this wash, by wetting the upper surface, restores them to their original or Bret forin, thereby closingthe spaces between the shingles; and the lime and sand, by filling up the cracks, prevent warping. ch we bare just received. SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. Merich. 1910 .A713 . 1r0. ewhal 1,-;31LteriSfilVe NEW PREMISES men lry. Lumber and CorrItoodfaakes is Li Aster. Ooderich.Der3S N.' ire. 1•1 • oi oap, and stir in ar-sleick limathat is of Painters Wanted, one the cocsistency of glaziers putty, make • To clear out the Large assortment of Paints. Otto loather thimble, till it with this comtosi- b p 51 centre pito in five minum, re_ relied now es saying he olden Gists loot for fun, to decide a 111 %melee that, be says he didn t kno the litmus was out, ma he didn't Is an the pow anyway. Tea Masseas or GI -ler --fosse time IV the wife of • Speyside sifter died, leaving s young and numansej!rrnig. !rho enaister a the plunk called to administer some ess=keis, forlr-trithepoor man in his usgeonst. 'Thil Me been a sad blow a foit, MN*. he laid,'a su'iciwn mdmee va- I It has been all tinkles Ow re- ply; 1 have hod aothing the death of toy grey roarer' A farmers wife called to ht mho* Jock, urea in to your par** or tke flees 'lla' drisonin the iik: 'high tno urchin roguishly replied, ase fear, they any wade throlek't.' Its mistress, iudignant at this her liberality, ezclaimed, loon! that's saying that ye Atha gat a. ough. "Oh ar' 19's Jack' Tleria gre enough for the parritch; The following dialogue is red to have 34,&*. -This substance, so often re- ferred to in the Scripture, does not al- ways mean the same thing. In Numb- ers xi. 7, 8, it refers tek coriander seed.; but which wsa probably what we now know as millet. In other instances it is the manna with which we are acquainted in the present day, and which is found abundantly in the Holy Land, and in other Eastern countries. Manna exudes from cettain varieties of ash and other plants. The bark of the tree is purpose ly wounded in order to increase the flow of it. The best manna of commerce Colors, liLtas mid Putty all of the beat Qualty. Blacksmiths Wanted, To select their tiuppliew of Horse Nada, Iron and Steel. in which we caa give them thevery best value, To s Coopers Wanted, • u,t themselves out of• greet variety *4 18. Tool of their trade Laies Wanted! To woo emo very large stock of the Boy 71.1511, 1,5. A arse Qung, of I -Lope oo hood aiirriardware of all kinds, in ea Leas variety N. B.- Everything sold at the Very Low- est rates at H. GARDINER. Market Square, Goderich. onthros, sot Ray 1871 LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG WATCH taksa Pleme in"s ich"el new 541417, comes to England from Calabria, in &Waled: Now, then, the het boy of 1 Sicily. Its odor resembles honey Its the grammar class, stand up! Tim,0 , Y taste is sweet, with a subsequent bitter steads op, blushing! 14_1% I ca, air: flavor. When eaten it acts as a mild 7.1•11111111811- Well, mr-getna %rpm purative, but 11 1. also more or itsini hit - tea me what rowel, arer n y 11°T: 1, itwits, and is said to be fattening. lie - 'Tee* sir? FAN °f -c°•`" ' ma.' tx- , sides the trite inanna of the ash, it is &miner: 'Tell Me, thcu, what am vv,,, known that there are uo less than eight .ihr First boy, grinning" °Ili "6;p/1' other plants which yield sweet exude- ty of the question: 'Yols, ad 1, =I. !ions; all of which are used as food. yowls be chickens!' Some kinds are eaten by the Arabs, who L "enbed gierrIone 1" "kited ie form the caravans which cross the des - the following manner by all illtterate art; ether kindare eaten by the monk" prtasher who despised educatita: 184r of (04iit Sinai. yea have been to college, 1 •Yea sr, was tite reply. 1 ZietZii. , Tani or Beltzees.-Juilige S. C. fel,' rejoiesed the fornier, th"-- '1'•- Lord Bastin of San Francisco, la the owner opened my osouth without any learam.‘ of a large tract of land at Maine Prairie, ovins88 IlIcKENEIE returns his sincere A similar event,' retorted theet..__ on whkh he has a large number cif stock D thanks to the pnblic for tbe gettereue mitronage ;E:1•5 eh itiTt'r=rdb:o cdeVrneasu ei rim obrue ag niaar: RUSSELL WATCH f he No Prairie, tont once remove all the stock keeper winch lee • position to sell cheap, and towt.- Id G -4:31701E{ CJ -1 AS YOU GC TO THE POSTOFFICE 451. N. 1.).AVIS IIS 'IBIS DAY REMOVED TO 11IS COMMODIOUS NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JORDAN'S DRUG STORE) Convenient to the Market. His stock of stoves 8cc, IS LARGE AND COMPLETE DARTIE8 IN WANT 05 ANYTHING In Ids K line will mare money by inspecting his Mock 4.107, ilritir }ill WORK WILL Ct DONE THE SAME AS USUAL. • 1s1 Jul.1870 wil Stoves! Stoves! 5. • ,r ;Grist & Flouring Mills, :Saw Mills, Steam Engines, .Boilers, Salt Pans. Thrashing Machines Stoves, Ploughs, Cultivators Straw Cutters and Brass Castings. 1 hate new on hand a good stock of Iron and Wood Ploughs,Engmas and Boilers both New and Second Hand, which I will sell Cheap. Call and examine my stock. ExtensiveNewPremises •1113 Splendid No%v Stock. C. Barry. ro. CLAW Makers, lhaler takers Wood Turners, mr..A.accr_orcor Mare removed across the street till the store next door to W. Itehoson's Harness Shop, where will be fogad A 000D ietiolialhicaNT of bitches. Bedroom. Mein/doom and rat er lig altars, .itch.. ?ABLER. CH A I RS hair, ease end wood nested CUPBOARDS B 4 DeTRADS. W•f1111 STANDOI 11•TTRESSIIII. L01:5 80 As. 'WHATNOTS. LOOKINC, GLASSES 0- ars PeedIssirl 1.0 everything • GILT FRAMIN4 their hue Cheap for oh. N. A tilleillets movettisteat ofratee end lahroude sleeve ••• bead and a Hearse to AI , al os rinisoe- able torm^, A tat SOLICITED. Goi•rich 11 es WO The Excelsior Grocery -y-Azr ac ON TT VII GREAT PLEASURE 1 ILL iota 'awe 01 411 team bam Omta* oat tha interests the above Grocery. sad new I eiw• amoral They Ps Er" TROUGEIS AND CONDECTING Piet ' OK place la Salaam's Uwe; Mat such pasturing. flaying become a convert to min stone attentioa to Gm CISTERN Fowlers, foltaD PIP/A, sts. Weis are of rare OCCUrr.D" It the ?res. the reliability of the Signal Bureau.a few tint ay.' hours before the late 'violent and dis- NNOCNCIN0 tr, that 1,14) M. Orton to roe oa thet bads A itOOD K 43-1-2, () CI CONSISTING R. RUNCI11AN. Goderioh, Jan. 8th, 1S71. wel. ummusimmeamewsmoisem. TR1UMP!lANT SUCCESS (.) t"r "Gardner Sewing Machilk," MANUFAOTURFD AT HAMILTON. For family sod light manufaAuring work the Gardner Sewing Machine CARRIED OFF THE FIRST OVER ALL THE MACHINES AT TnE TORONTO, LONDON, CHATHAM, GUE‘,PH, CATHERIPIES,ORANGEVILLE. WATER- LOO A.ND el; RkEsTON EX 11.11.4TIUN S. It also came off with high honors at the Provincial Exhibition: Kingston, and was awarded a Diplome at die Hamilton Exhibition opiThousands of PeohpliebiwtihocissairweroTilacEtutaIllAyltDaslitotniaheaR in atopeisration at these ex - SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY, IT WILL SEW FROM THE TIIIN EST MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST CLOTH & LEA HIER. IT IS HANDSOMELY MADE AND IS Simple, Durable, Convenient -and Easy -Learned, And has the rest complete bet of attachment" of soy machine now manufactured. Call and see the Gardner Machine, at salesroom, opposite the Market House, Goderich. ....•••••••••••••••••••••••• W. S. JOHNSTON. AG ENT FOR HURON COUNTI . N. B. -The following • s ropy from the Globe, during the exhibition week at Kingston:- "The Gardner Sewing Machine Co. exhibit several family machines. Those on view were in operation daring the day and mewed from the lightest work to a piece of sheet lead and a bit of cigar bog oombined. The mediates do light nutnufaciuritig work as well as all that is required in any family circle." Goderich, Dec. 7th, 1871. 1NT 333 W'4,j0 ;I. KAT nil Waggon and C FACTORY•11 BATES & ELLIOTT , itVit pleasure on LE mating to tiot public of %Re owe ewe meat., lhal thee bare opened a Wooden _ve 11441 arruide Shop ou e. plew la's at. (b Elhott's add ) intinediately adMialeg the Wewterii Mo- tel. grit s ratead personally to all 14° W.W.I eatrosted to them soder, prepared to iNi• •" Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Slei,ghs, 128 ettit ta,14 In their lint, of the very i•tir 1111 sirs5 emi workmanship mad at the very loliveMa• einnerutive ratta, 4f 4=k 3E3 MB 1N1'431 - Promptly attended to ON HAND, large assortment of ••• Is slnch will he mold Cheep for Cosa' or Ccrd.. woo41. 0.01snea. •nd. 16, 1870 Efjderiell if ;1i 1 wee BSCOtt, Vanstone Co. 1„?1,aard NwTa1:111'01EtuTuHrocarnllaflEaT IIA - cul.7,rKs Tani Gina4thaertoclbd,andstandaronfi L. toric FARMS A E1117,-1.,?, .-. in• ., .A. • SAligrav .); adj Anima the ce, s contaleme les .wl:V". t good yea. -eh Ors _.„.!3_,,rit..01.....• .....,.., , • at watered. 101 an •.., , • 1...! i• 116,7 ----,, 174.'-..... . . --• a 1 lip •1110k. 51-44se.o. 1. Lapno„..„,,rtlAYMID wous,imbio or ti:jabifirve•018 which the la=r6 ejldilier12wiree gilL14741tritl.padsealls Ter 1:1411"4116."11114.°11714 1114". ewateardsm al vela firLs;c4.21.... Tombstones, the &me Mild rum IN towiecterson r.8 abie tee pair roe es erP1710, JAMES Of w W CONNOR., Maple& , Guelph, Ang.15th, 1010 Farm For SW& •4 ' ore• act Mantlepieces, &c., &c., Window Sills, I &c„ u the Imo* ..,11.7uumbir and en reammalid term. Agent. Goderich 17th .1m4 • sw911-t Paemicie...litill3 Ts tin Timessani A Musa. North part of Moues Se flared and 40 scam mei tiara Wood thdeth, SW drat quality, 'name Bars sad swan istiorentess swag Grist sniesot taw Cosiaty Sara rate. Apply to tier,. No. U. 571. SURD& ROBERTS, To Let swum le Liam' a oitroersaa or scorn GRANITE MON IMENTEk• 2 :VOke. ""T 647crnzev..112 York street, Himont's, IMO W DANIEL Gado** hires*. Mt wen - keep tmovtantly os hand, and wie rut nieb to order cm ale rt we all Md. of Monernestal Marble nva. ern bra, twieutaTorni, fairies Headstone*,' Tab4e1op1lan- tses and Marbe. •• , ge , c., RAN Ascent, Kingston St. w108-6ram TEAS COFFSES TOBACCOES. SUGAR SYRUP, MOLASSIllie RAISINS, RRA S, RICE, • ., Waanzer 1.4et ter A.. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Ts the Amplest. win do the greatest variety of work, is more easily managed, lees liable to get out of rude A. arid runs lighter. 15.5toy other Mates &mom Machina. Carries $ hears, timed with a hoer 511O111 than any 15cl/bee mannfactured on 14. 1015.17,15. efAcion operator. will be foaled .1oar Yeare-rooss, who will be happy to exhibit machines aud epeeintena of rorenn, to receive orders from the Ladies for all sortsof FACNY STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, or Plata w rt. All machines warranted 11. B. -All sorts of Mat blues repaired oa shortest [iota*. Threads and necessaries for Machines Itept Mantly on Awl& R. M. WANZER & CO r 7 Show -Room next door to the "Soom / Office. Goderich, And. 70,187i, For Sale. Dna n int num en Ansi io J. Y. DITLOR aisini or lir. W. C Y Goderich July 24t.L. a,nce More cREAP PICTURFS. I (got anal Wseseicl 'Pl.1 le & 4166 A. worm wi • tea& Balla mt. • It: 0 • FOR ' •`11 FARM POR E. L. JOHNSTON BnEGS leave to return thanks to his customers and the bile generally for past favors, and hopes to be aide lo merit the same for years te come, intim, seine time he vroula intimate ta2 all cow cerned that on acconnt of the raise ia all kinds a materiel generally need in a gallery, there has been an arnalgamatiew of all the artists throughout Ontario to., raise the joices to a paying figure, go. that on and after March 1872, the pu- ree will he raised for Photographs lo $1.50 per Daus, •Particular attention paid to tLe copyist' sloti,0101doither large tumuli 1%o:ugh. bedrants. Large Photographs SOMETHING Ni0E.07,niak1 AM Li yttrrs-vine ing them as re painting on ea New Ph • ph (Next Int Tr, 1 GODERiCH WOOLEN FACTORY. rrn, h., ...mi., the soge..4 14 eat Ntotet, in the 7011.1 Or oyer the seer r"reisre-serepeoll,,,,,, _,!„. woad reepectiully solicit a Mime of la the swot looder31171e, lie A mama will tea therzopang= idwe the Pbetegraph hoe, sold as yroGR PH 8, AMBROTYP posCELAINPOTTURES, &c. pR1C ES R E 0 NA JEI 4,,,,„,.tolot paid to roiling oas tila boy zed w°11 Id:lures hi the beat style eras _ &nowt/Its leave the Ornery Wawa. a cALL SOLICITED. w. WIIITLEY !WISES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GOOCH FICTIBT GedefitkKelt. 1411.437-7 STATE that during the pot inter, thty have sally EELe. rrix 'SUBSCRIBERS.' \MIL!. RETURNING THANES FOR PAST PATRONAGE, liE0LKA tiONbISTING OF. CHINA SETTS, TO1 STONE Z2011117(1111 And by the D, Flour Feed,Oatmeat, whutlionr,and Provisio 'arson hand GOOD AS TH(IBEST • SETTS. 1 ON 3111 meal, Buck- enerally, al - OREAP AS TIC& TOR CASH OR PRO 11- opposite the Mark door to Jordan's Drug St Goderlet. 448 CEDAR AND RAiLe F PIT ALIO EXCELSIOR GlirCERY God/inch 39t8 May 9. 1871. ; LEER ucE. and next SALE 1 ia 1.1.15 THE Very Thing Wanted NEW RARDWAIIE STORE . , SCSI le t (kiderch 'lle A man from one of the rnesliwkiete astrous storm he telegraphed from ,an terib,555 recently went to Witahingt41 to the Francisco to hie son in charge et Maine his on hand a veil Loge stock 7this reltable time- conatatueut he was, said -Come sp io. from the toles to the high lands, as a 1 sot be more tan ote • • fluor of the HOUd' Yet gon,c, was obeyed, and the men barely succeed- ma complebil a000 meat of gold lad plaied ✓ tghta. A member t 'es, whose tee satisfaction to the purchaser There is MI I and tithe' tha bad Watch zeit.niecs, when morrow and 1 will give yos • ma en Ib. 11111e re storm way impending. The order I • Manlike 1111111111., Call and iles,1 r,phd Joathan. q. ejways naseee to ed gettin,; the last of the stock out of Je7ierT* Wa/chis "Caalas "imairad 'a a work- - a cheer LA set on St S. &ad bet I ',ain't come to Weeh.a.ket to sit on the floor! Injuns mar (10 tot when they come, it they like, b" 1 that ain C11, thud, don't du it. CHARIAil II AND HIS C"I'L. Hickringal, who was oleo c't kted One day day his Majesty met the*Daifter"1"C i, ashes, and . bake it in the tire. The W. A. PAA,R„,T,.1,11. whom. " formerly lived in the everglades of Flon- preached before his MaJoet7, lee the Secued'e ehaPleepe- --er ''‘' da used to cut open a pumpkin, and put ' A pub. et to tell him of his faults from el,.",_" in a racoon or onsum, Cover it with ' fp,: Pl'antue owl' atTr.T n. has prrh.....1nen i...the Meat "Id lent to "•z".,w' o .,, „' ."1, er dish wise made by taking a fish just 11,,,:',..7.rn 1 11•7.5‘57tiniireiinolvi:ltgroj. „Isar b.HppelTi.d.5L.h.onhpn.:,..ith ninon to. Alter 60,1„,,,,,,,. w 0. m. 41. 1s: Duda,. ,.....! 1 hunters think it a superb dish. Anoth- not angry with me, quo pa' -yo-ur- Salarre,,, i`a" e tor, i . cleaning, wrapping it up in green eaves (...1 . - . (.7, 4•l brie Ye*" In 11111 belt Harmer Scotch oolloro -i:31,-vewlitdhul3meet; "3.1 hthato ! off the hook, and, . without scaling or Shops in Ctrago, land Ii .. Prl.r.d le• .01. 1111 'for telling the truh.' '5. 40,' says done when, if von tear a piece of the n Aret..eass el y.4 aid with despatch OrtIANI prompt - and baking it in thessme way. It 11 gog-meenistlf l LI " IT kNID HEAVY 11ARNESS, the king; 'but I would bare " ft the wrapping, the skin and scales come' Off trattended 7. 1 1 future be friends." Well, well,' (Louth together. Y01 tear Off the skin and TriessIn-, W11Fer Co71"C.Illeber the Doctor, 'I Will mike ie UP Tiell Your wrapping from one side, and eat the i B r, shoe,. c„,,,,..a..!y on and ibroegboet MaiwitY OU theistic/1w " Y01 maid, ru dash turn it over and eat the other, and i 114,;.,urer. ill lane 11. WI. the marshs a short time before the ant- DO vzfr, plus waters of the Sacramento broke Oodoilat, mina mob. orn and inundated the land to the depth of five or six feet. I -- Goderich A Noviec Dstr.-The Indiana that Harness shop mend. throw the bones and ins e &way.. 0 ederIh, .A.N COAL OIL IfirCoal Oil Lam , Old SIGN OT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Added largely to their Manufacturing Machines. Are now prepared to Execute Orders Aid all haring lova entirely refitted, In Tweeds, Fall Cloth. NaLluelts, risimeh, wooers, Blankets. 11,.me Cuter+. Stocking Yarns, he., he WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, iand Neater in Pattern Than Formerly, no Will3 also call Wieds: attention to CUSTOM SPINNIIIG, ROLL CARDING CLOTH DRESSING tee leaving 1.111 /1.1111.1.01 Mr D. Fer,rosoe,Idon,her.G,rdrr..1,.....” r.•I MI g't ling their rolls,leutie with them For which their nochluery epecially six 9041tfortiec . wtilt,howrootutl „Ion,,gettora:4,,,edr ,tbybe ttsesnoweds: ricesi wishing to exchange their Nold for • Efr Il• B -Prices Los. ret-olaw. work tan jr:mt.,..1 IORN NGIalS.ar sott, B01111111/!-AIRIACE, ,,WHY ARE ggps, melt 111 nines RED TIC int.4 ra foe" s'i• ere whOwtalla„ rarer 'cnig °Lima 4 1:17 1P as ail ed well Irons AOMORI. h.• REORSIILE SOLE 130.1211 ROOT SCORERS. cHug1JS AND STRAW Curr ot1 arra bees, on! order epron attended 7 swirl oci cyst/ occupied 11 r. Dodd. D ARMSTRONG Bwense bind Ph w .w14 tf BBIN/tORD PIEWER nos. SP ENCER, PRO. c.Lazarus Morris & Co!8 s sperocinereiexo:dxitiii:& Porter -rne'ertil Bottled '.e . WHITELY & 1,11? /, A14 1 41,es in Pun ; • • "Igurlallifl-bitereireills!antd th oa) 'ESpetleig T, • • nODEPT • R. J. WHITELY. . AMIE IttoiX• LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAI. Ire now map uractaruir. V Phtetons Buggies and FOR MURDER 1 SPling Waggons. vhich for appearance and durability ,.,,not he sur- passed. .14 .45 sees ng /sonny of all 1110 want a first -elms &rode. 100 AM Work WWWite4. CARRIAGE TRIMMING ..Il Rs branches well and tastefully eeuted, with deepsitch. ander the ripenetewlesce or lir Jot. [aux (fomeriy Hantotom epee( uo Lo -e!• OPPOSITE MARKe HOU E. WieAGO:iring. ora.” le this line es aten," •1 to. JObbilnUgMBSERn Cooper, Bra', %Vool ick.ags. asd 01.a lakes 111 exchange. I.& J. STORY. tir Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barrel Godench, Aug 15, 11470 swl INcotiecitc, Debtors gine eir It/SCRIBERS BEG %BAT THAT TEAT L hate fast completed epniisigpsit ea Entire New sea •••••••••11-••---.1. COMP ALL PARTILES 0514.4.50 TO THE WU. mother will plea° pay up at once. AtiltAHAM Goil dolt: tth (mt. 147 L • -1N4:)41.ICE. retort son ORNAMENTAL TREES rat:mac. ,,p.ot‘t arid 5..2 sharpened. Mesh Son will be promptly alc undo:110 by Godertcb,Jatt Bot, 1)72.unistwsit. JAMES WILKINSON? LETE EITOCKEOF HARDW RE. egaliklada which winilis ampetition. Before Oman at tall. 11.•.-Lel asisesseM, L ILPAIIS OPPOIllitek Solssick Jam Wed 1I10 . M prices that defy elm w here. Posse ek. S &CO rket House .587-5.t Bwtricsearnt all ordert entrubt ,71 fiedatirla lat May 1871. N H.luspectiou of the work nor beino tutniti .1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Fs.ignR. MANN 1pe.iLit:.n,76,1,;17..,:11,7:,,,,:.:7,,,,,oTNI...1.,Fittii.,, :,,11,71T1,..;Ili.;Iy1":111:: tigr, Carriage Painter House attacked where he is prepared t111 sl attrn. i. Thankful tor pr, dui - 71.indalemonahlpthe 1.1,,,, s%vhLwt 7 Years suit italtaura 0, 1t. Now (ae time to Paint your Cutters Ski h., and Carriages. 1 or ()rims from . ,,uiry Carriage /bops stteud.4, to .518. dispatc. Bigu Painting, Gilding, Ortiltlag. GIWIWg • rape, aging, lic . at. F. ft. MANN, liodel tett, Aso, 15, 1870 sw/ Norice-Any person sending the answer to above to tho Agent, F. Jo'rdar Goderich, within the next thirty days will receive an order from L. M. & CO. f dr a pair of their superior new patter Eye Glasses. : Goderich, Feb. '72 sw983e43 HARNESS SHOP ,„ GRANT. se41-1v 0, PARS0118 & Co. gARDWARE ttRell ANTS, sown ARA ow) E lc H Rave for. voK, F'OX,aml ether GUT SAWS MILL SAWti SAWS, AND BEST It °FIRED RAWS CH PING AX8, VAR OLS MAKER8 toID PRICES. Burs AXES AN AXE Tits oF srAD-AXS CHARLES VIDEON' • LO ERAI. K1 G 1 le CHAT 11F.SPECTFt:t,IN INTIMATEATOTHr Pr BI4 OF s la gimes, I. a God,' ,111 y that he ha* purchase WROV1HT The Harness & Saddlery Business NA &c. And a large aprir 4.. se ogn id% of hitherto earcied by litr. Is5,11 A. T. 1 )W Ak:“ the', oil. is. At low prices for CASH. Oppoeie Eieything In the fine 87* 05 hold or Ise - to Or,kr, MARKET Three doors front the Post Office. G. H. OoderIch 22 saw 187 4 swi- hioderich, Soy. 111,18 OUSE.. 20 Totis • Sell C & Cs Goderich.