HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-03-27, Page 1n•
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Advertnel000te *AAA al %.••••,... 24 AAP
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The large • irealetion of the 111050L mare
uAltrieaeol eereusies sena.
21e0.1e4 mob nob
wire rie was Orders by ?Actually attrea
lusintss iDirttiorg.
Dr Me..• MeDoustell
ILL ON AT201111 Pult 0001OULTA MOM
Int he II Wriest. a ea. seer, ear. ma 040
at say beer erterwarik. Mitt of tly•
16111441.1161101110111.,m 27m, =rm.
DR. iti•IslIDA.211.
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• eel Seeso $11244 eseemn Orieuel Salorol.
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elettlIehteM POI D. 0, Me
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airongsf."1"ii=lie000. la pastaall..0.
VOL. XXV. NO. 10.
. tunttance.
dil• B. tc•, •. 7. A. •. ei•
mem An I 30 p. a. Vienna bream
oertisity tented
W. 81101.0022. Pee
• Mg. ten. •4714.12
_ (/ (1. T.
(1110•11•11 TX1111•Llt 14, 0.3.02121420 DIME(
Meal sammea the magesenee 111.0 Vs*
A, Wen Inealege reetareeha aet elw•h•arie
Tullis' helms euntiallt. invited:
ieth. 7411.emir Ina
Karon Division No.120
rain 4004•1611 WILIULAT
boos errewneereace 2. heY at
$ dolma le Asir 4.0 04 W 4144 mem
tt Pon yam VIMUn$ Imams emlielly MOM
.1.51 041.11111110W W. P.
iligisideste) lid, Ott .0641
1.0. 0. F.
&eye.. • oe ILWawlew rlelesie
sge ))eiitto
O. F. LIT, fleeletery.
Wires rot Se ape. •
H. Happel,. - Proprietor.
leo fwella•US PDS OtallIMICISL
eamie rom la BAIA
•utli legt a the Imt
amie maim
Lam Lomat";
ristifMWS elro aTIORTST.Stalehri.
-..62Diteeeeee, cow.
, Cameros as ibtaarrom
DIM $treet ,
Comm (1.441"T. ilers•ww.
1,01,11$ es Setnalikaer
%ND a1TOltlRIM,aD;ADgTu••-
, 6e. Oketroeh. Om.
L, Demo ewe W amass. is.a.
Tomo go sote
snrortim. arrrniatinwer-mw, rust-
ler. le Mawr. es Sodom*
• 1
- Proprietor.
r -
GEO WILS011ife Preirrletter.
GOOOMorrUtsiet. Maple ala LA room
la at
Tele% ellettial toconla • int ams bona me
uRotreallee. Mont
. a
J. & 11111•111CILN CHAD MAGNA wr o . jilleallit -
Pallmiale It; alempew--7
4 •
b. Dee, tat, Mt.
111. BTUS Prolarlittor.
ca. 0 A al IF...air:3MM •
011essit Lean 4.24...-., 02.4.2 Marnmkr,
ISM Septa, DM, • e444
• Malfeasant'''.
altaMITIR, AlMillintlY."011.10101,Le.its.
Omen Or.
Strom. Mc Munster.
1117117L 011= !I B0er. Die=44e.:STULMTII,
*mom Abaco., al -Law 11./L.Twovea
5. INA 10141. .•••
11; Me Donnell
hereon emir eta, &ATM DLit. Ostwari
Hol. ealw teenier. .0camera pe=1
Good Accommodation. Ample Stable
•i30. ni. is admitted to be • Finnan
HAM kept in Good Style.
Mgr 1814.1475
- - _
1116t101:6 AllA/NINT AMIDST,* CAII01610
344.1,27 Were wr Iowa of lee. eslorteenies Net
el (274142428184eeelt, tow. so
, or IA pa meet of tin woe lawn&
42. 40].,, cane death 4.220 -
lir. roil
awl blawbe
0,000 to Land at II per gest
•1 offal •451
TA "
PRO i y
Iota and
- 1.
t• .4.11 Mom al bur I 'sat Rate.
too rem to obteated of
12- A
Ile ilw Mt- 0.:r
rity:77:77•77,0Loi tome, ort
-el - rem
AND 411.00E
•iraugaito awns, gt7,N0,00111.
IA... rod al IA* mow. of 7(2..,,t 16
Me in tor
sire egezi itimme rower.
t, awl 1.4•• &My le MI -
or lee tram Ihe)ramost Meow el
rug aelLIPI rourtao teem oith
ienal re•Mtbaaa
Odloa. 00.00111 Brawl, MON.
11. .c 61.11461Wwv lireewey•
A. IR. IMO. AIM ir.rc aloner"
Mo onfenb.
At &May erred Rate, of leered
111*11 d re
r ...at et AA, to
nee from two to mine owl. st. a A rale A
4444.0.2(2344444.0.2(234erad favourable tonna al
r..747 taneletoola; ran a •lsww. gel Son
okimp-'04nonscs HORTON
t rakrt.r SIM Cotner per
dt elitentge
Sere' es *449•$ BOIIdh,g
elf T•irente.
Seamen*, le sem tor Ms tellemigbaeless
P1401141144 Emma&
ninatroao foe
painfricIAL elf Teem.
aMAIIUCt, ot Tenet.,
raw as Marine too.... a e. at the
limes pewebbe robes
O$4,.e Merkel %mare 0.440n. seta lege
OM 'WAIT T111018
lifeORTuRano - THE A I 1.7
CAPITAL, - - - • $700,000.
Taistoenity votes -our miery or arr.
ens Terme raq Ole.
0 LA 19YRItki ' COSTS nig CHAR011110
1110 WWI :
gloy art, Omer abirth, Torahs
ChtlIgto tr.447
ALIJX$ NDIR 114Ing. , 0. P.
soma N119
"e "S,rel"eiotys2010 teta p oleiear • $r.4eot7ahmei*r , m4
:rro="",6'n:rrAwrmfooo 1oraray ame"
.nwithlittle orsodeay 24yondt40tie:44414m2041442e aa4213)42150
tIam44004.2724 ad 1,$ thlewr
bMa Is .1.....* -aeWMs.
tk& feMnateatoe or olefeele
iie41%544lnaelleothftta S
rweourep; helees lgsely, hitnel. 47
ared, wl":em:tta22.. p.4544.
mitaw m es Meidase .5410404810(12.
mn. peys7tir.ann.22).%altu.mam77at.n0.07
wseesgerAe ateNot
n anoteetWeeme ir•d" A
JOHN easets..t..!
sf Coma&
pt A slag omen
...Twomey iimemla10.
-Amy targoLlefol
fiew•;,, • Inpoo.o. inte t044041 *4.
.1 et0.404royjairde.
trer1Z• b no*,
Penne fesiele hr
n$1, mere vie be eljlialed
""•••6ase",....i tom.
I "•10 owlwook ewe •61•11.11
94077,000rit,Puts . .... 306,369.80
-"DINOytyl,/Eggorl. $W 7,8hlt 26
1109. y ene-RRIOR
FRI:ALDAN keno* Director.
kraleeirrilt Ogrigt Bata.
faitessige,,LT:TegirgdaSTIA4444)4 ra:,,,,,
••• „L•ft esti, ••••••••12irsel
wow% 10,14••• err747
tin WATO
Loud Agent.
210.54,40 tau
• -----.-.
NA etros. 01111
• e
*. 4
7 Menai
IKij,„,,m800.000 00
0444" -
d,4,. Ihmefeem
km* IleemitAte
Ilee rent.
threepartiee that
te 4224
445.4 27. op
vete arts he the "
tee vs"
eWeber web 444 (4 btopeolal 2.1 0.
knob, wwwww.14. et,A I te pope teri i$ win beenu,
grenteras fbe moister Ite option of bootleg .e.oet•
b44ate Mona e00 ealleregerol My thr eaell po-
made at prbelpal MOM." in the yearly i iorl•lornt
Ow borrower ant witamt troMele. pee
021 bla triee-e anodise 70. 21.4 of lode* lid
any 1114
700. et, pat off hie Pen ot Avaeoere
ravere(2ne townqwberh me be 004148 .2 soy neon.
!toborrower.) AA Intone( at els ger met P•I
...Atha by M Immo% oa the •ppliretate
swum will be allewel on ell aemisonts le Mew*
tell eartteelom est4 loan Malaria, he oen)efa
tholgoolears 7247,..14letter pen peal, eldneeill
to Ow Messfarg, 47 242854 may et the lkwlei! •
C11•11148 SI.1416111 SR. Inteator, st (Wend
0111- filY tit 1.00010119.01tilrattite-•
it PPI A teeter meenistsedbos element
CI el ritufratda,
it • liemet MC
eer* .oderiee
MO lone no P703 or ?ono peop•rif el 7 per
1 6201
. Airt•iitealosiztireon. Iter
Land otsee,
A. of Improved Venn and Wel tees
feceterieh, A1415 jiltion. THIII&MAPI
w I
New Butcher Bhop
opposite Henry Ks rtin'e
SOUR, 111111111.1111ST.
41IK 6t0.211m 0.pemereta Maw •thte flusf
Awl be will be pr .Zprzliztateeet mosso boob4.7
svirt. of • 10 r4
07. re lows. wig r, en with inT *Wimp, All
,,d eot,, pow et Van nerd, free hor •
Ms *pm" • =lar Ole above wide..
iftemorie yymaw_kuid gelled b
years harm the
the da quem afttsabeth and
were ao"wthamet rodbileZ: tr:inlitth."
waeiswhoth.uin heneverftenthe, heel. .1. .dlenti hr.
_ -07.01. .,. ...., ...,
sitsebierprdowoucir *into.): desoauwa. ithoor i,:e•
endriedlielap4erillthialtimpy Lebetjuakif did(r:U1
lie ardleallipler price. In ceeeplet•
... m
eg, • •
• ) 46"F.
........... ._::_========-=-4:1=g1:3:::========alilleld, - -• Ilk ...-eneenelenneAo--____
WHOLE NO ail:).
"Th. Q,restost Poseibfr Good to the Greatest Poeeibig Nitiaber."
pattrg. heitt:frille won't per -
11.4 n hle neither boast n 85342 1101 4.0 th feat: performed
es -
"ts-;;ttr • :•
ZoTellilit11"" Libor.
A good wile sem f Min hetifted One to,
And thowght with • =nor dreed
Of the piles of clothe& JOIN washed, mid
41. dere mouths to be fed.
Thor were the Obeeht to get for the men
in the fields, -- •
Aad the children to send ae uy
T 0 school, and the milk to ho skimmed
end churned;
And all W be dune that day.
It had wonted in the night, and "all.the
Wee el wet as wet (amid be;
There were puddler) and pies to bake,
A loaf of oar fix tea;
And the day was hot, .ad her aching
Throbbed weeMly as she mid,
"If maidens but knew what g wives
They would not be in haste to wed!"
Jennie, what do you think 1 told Han
Called the farmer from the well.
And• flush crept up to his bronzed brow,
And his eye half bashful felli
It warn this, he seal, and coming near,
He smiled --and stooping dow
Ilto lamed her cheek Teas thin --that
you erre the hest
And thereat wife in town !
The fernier went to the field, and the
le • mailing and &Meat tray,
Rang snatches of tender little songs
She'd not sung lor many • day.
Awl the pun in her head was goue, and
lite olettim
Wen as white sa the fume of the sea!
Her breed was light, awl butter was
And as goittenie Geoid be.
Jost thiuk the children all called in a
Tositire6Woodth'Ims ran Or to see.
He woalda't, I know, If he only lied
As happy a home aa we.
eight came d an, and the K.661 • ife
To herself a she softly said,
para. ke labor for ent
Amur that imitiriltri
Tits sins.
DMAJLate enutrtm.o.
"444044. unpoetg there premising
little save steam, we • einibuird.en of
Mondayish odors;"teay you, ols faithful
reader, who, having mineineetionaly paid
your' subectiptioneand filed your receipt,
seek 10 (10.3 loon there rages lost.ruction
and aditiassaent -
!Adel thou ever paa. 011 the windward
aide of /marl oyster, jest ready for the
knife of th• seeker fee hid treasured
Then you nay Sid to appreciate the
feet , that your haaty derbion 2. 277 no
Mingle baited upon • boreal course of
Cards Alien would'. have agreed with
yon, tholig,h, aa, on • snitry morning in
dely, she toiled over • wash •board under
a great apple tree in the back yard. II sr
plump arms seffered b• crmtnist
with the soapy fort which she so vigor
freely ventured up, until at rose nearly
to a level with the top of her tulaend
the cinemas. of her eoenelexeon proved
thet she had been reared hi • homily
wheal)]. pork -barrel vraa not the Alpha
and Omega of uieteties.
Duty emdiern and Gaining' wringers
were deemed • urns waste of money
lay farmer Allen, whose mother and
grandlnother had never used them, and
hence they found no place in his house-
h'Tidhe line full of half -dried garments,
and „the pile of bed and table linen in
the Mammoth basket ley her sithe'liore
witness to the industrY of the girl who,
O are gave the last trit to snowy
ceunterpace and turned to place it
among de fellows, was surpred to dad
a ni•egger regneing her movement..
Hie step, upon the velvet turf of ire
dd tarmyard, had been so light as to
render her unconscioun ef his approach,
and h_r, !plot heightened as, remoter hie
hroarbornmed strawbst, he said:
"1 beg row pardon, Miss, 1 ant la
search ol a troutddrelim, which I was
toll at the station lay somewhere in
this direction; may i trouble yon fur
erre information in regard tu it !"
• 'The little stream among the Meth
yonder roust be the one, I think;' re-
plied, she in a coorteims tone, klantring
toWalli a belt of dark peen, that skirted
Old further nide of a meadow, bobhid
the form buildings; 'my brother some-
times fishes in it further up the glen;
host seldom )3. me down so for as thit'
poll.ge chitin of mine used to lite
itenethhere in this ncighltorboel,' he
emarked apparentily tem Anatolie In
ha pisaternd adventure than to
'retinue the cementation; 'I al .... Id be
ged if roicould tell me whether Harvey
Allen'He iina,seb°11-,"1 sha.t"irshe, mailing; Harvey
Allen is my brrther. Re is at eat
aff"..lowhhnria,8".lehintnhieef!!?Thshet: galled to •
le fellow, who was appreaching from
directinti of the barn, with • hell-
holes palmlnaf tilled to overflowing
with eggs, where are they working this
Tradlinsup on the lif11 lot,' Remand
the yoongeter, rieratcldng the turf with
the tees ef one hare foot, whil,. poised
amok Ove other, he viewed the elegant
fishing -reel of stra.neer with opuii-
amithed admiration.
'no up and tell Harvey that a gentle -
min wishes to we him.' John moved
IA blow pace toward the house, castle/
lorry 2)0.0 .77(2 then A glance at that
andlerfel diddle/ rod. Hurrying hack
siren se he had emptied his hat, he
win 'Nem, Su, pa te &eh' busy, and
111:arillte it:letrablehnrerd:Inalten.o.eltt jorInh.
'nein'. ill timed
ipassfi, and bade him r, for hie brother
that she was in earnest, he
Aar' off at a briak pa,., not Seel
haret mail he reached the first
ig Tog. will step into the house, ter,
ueyhrether will 27. 27104 try soon,' sad
age apart" he sleeves, and rolling
te. down on ate spoke
'Oath r permission than will
I,. in% lots,' he roplisilirtiu
k I. 141,, ginatifti
, •
Irrey do mit let mo diatom you in the
in girlhood, before her remotal to
city and her Marriage lo glai tieing,"
lawyer, but had always regarded th
its somewhat apocryphal. Hoe ni
,this was too, with
large apron uver her pretty.calicu,
her clost-fittieg button boots. 1
reverie wits interrupted be the ohm
vuire of his friend.
'Well, well. old boy; whet hicky w
blew you iu thia directiouT
'Hardly lucky, though either, xi
it 'trended you iu the beck -yard.'
'I•usa why didn't you 'bow f
int, thulium.? ?Suppose 'Am hazdly
an introduction by this time. Geo
permit me to present my slider,
AlIT&hhe; yiterr rptio"ripille"rrhowed"':, and Mee
'1 men Maim to acquit Miss Allan
my imputation of neglect. 1(44221,.,
to be allowed to remota here, es 1
partial to outdoor air.'
'I expected yuu sooner, or I alio
have warned Mr. Merrill that he eu
And it pleasanter in the library,' Ca
added. .
'Juliana tomcod me fighting yell
jackets, and!,.. loath to leave th
ere bdued, ea we had robbed ueighbo
Bartoni wife of a boiler of hot suds
Falsely for • ,rigorous attack. and
anew were a little shy of cradling i
the fount corner until I had .11 40
.A6 Fire Jogskilet anew
as the nest was on the lower rail,
the gram u uuld have beep almost su
to catch.'
'But' come iuto the house, Geor
and, idler dinner. I'll show you
pretty a ruse to throw a fly aa there
in the State.'
'Sit down while !lay off nay denims
said. Harvey, as he led his guest int*
cozy little sitting -room.
• ou will find sumo paperi there
though I "%near you digested • dai
this morning. There's tp last Ag
warrant you have not seri
that, and a Spin AL or two,
my sister has not given them to ou
dairy - winnan's thildren as she general
does when she hag read them hersel
thinking that the 'the poor we have •
ways troth us ' I suppose.'
.1-8 be baCk intent Him se ren mine
S I) mike yourself may,' cried the mere
fellvw as lie 7541 28' tain.
afijrns11-. ,-Iiiitlftittwf- re
turn 14 his friend,louked about um.
of.reqsgocouluitdha.pnt h
him, though how he can Joey in th
quiet place, and drudge through them
hot dayi, when he is one of the be
chemists that ever took 13. R., a ahead
of my calculations.'
'1 don't know, 'though, either, es h
stand, much in' need of My commire
.ation with that wide-awake sister of h
for company. Let's sec here's a pian
there's • sowing machine, that rite.
must be her's tmeandshadieg of fterhaelf
there's an easel; Allan don't paint
sediloquised he, stepping quit$1111 iota tha
bay wisdow to got & better Mete.
Looking "rt, he saw that the sketch
ceprennted the Med swe and hill before
him with great fidelity.
'Do all them things, and big washin
to Inet, eh? Well, if any man had to
Me wouldn't hare believed. it; cooky
dinnorn tia, no doubt; wonder if s
re• eseirmartiaigt°hilmivieelifn. this
• *.k Ilan told me that his sister was.
M t Holyoke until after her moth
died; now she in paying fur hereducatio
by keeping house for her fath, „to' like
dutiful chad; and household help being
tincertain,abo helps hornet", with the
assistance or that little ereaturethat
saw peeling potatoes: anil her brcther
Johnnie to hunt ea.
'What a life, and still shekel) %buil
nee -like way that must he ale molt o
e tch treining.'
'I'll get myself invited to stay a week
just to study her, for she anxiety
differs much from any Ewan whom
hate met.'
The young man stretched himself os
in the 'sly -chair and yawned,
tr The 'tin summer day and he medi
tattoos combined, rendered him sal
*intent with his situation. Their char-
acter we leave for the future to devotee)
Neon the heir apparent came down
humming softly a snatch from the opera
Tithieg • chair, he inquired:
'How did you happen to find us out,
Marrillf I had no idea 0( 7011 being so
far from the gay world .1 12714 Wesson
tlit paged you Were At SIWII$Orli or were
for a trip to the Thousand Ides, with
a lot of other known who had amine
to kill artistically.'
'Not I, indeed. Then you hadn'
heard that I had quieted into a sober
young M. D. and been admitted to
pensterthiperith old Dr. Selwyn, with a
fair prospect of stivooedinp to his practise
ono of these fine mornings?'
'Not a word of it. Permit nie to offe
eongratulatirms ripen your lucky escape
frc m the ranks of the (Ito -nothing brigade
which generally reernite among re
who have a heavy Lank &moon
tinder your lee.'
'Thank you, old fellow, and in rehire
let me ask what yon are devoting yuu
amides energies to. Expected to bear
of rou as settled in • drug -store ia •
thririme Western tows or aa superin
tendent of ..... chemical works neare
'tloarmia iihnehmoirdrinnittg..1,0 enter noen the
latI, where do you prolapse lo•
'Illisee! 'thy I didn't sapper there was
ea °pinning for that .rt of thing within
fifty miles .4 1272. neighborhood."
'There is, though; 1 prima to enealte
in the menufactuni id grass, beef and
do '
rn`Yifn.irmdpornr't mean to say that you will
nut fern farmer, for I have ban
ens from boyhood, but my father is
getting old end 1 mean to rent the Own
in the spring, and install hint in the
chironey-corrier for the iemainder of his
'17;1.1 right, 111 give in ;Mit why PP'08
imeli epon yonr education if it's
all to he Pinned in the earth?'
'The mom fitting place for it. I bury
It 427.2 21 may grow, and if 1 hring this
farm np to a hielt standard and mine
duee Mrproved Peek and latex -laving
nieehireery, it will VW money *pent,
net nely fee rom es on nAt • 1.101$1, bat for
every NAT IVA ef the rommenity isi whieh
was reared '
'Why, yes sew reemlar onthiminet.
Allan; yen. whom we lewd to ermaider
rio atm end immoyst, as yoe waked
am ne In t tory,'
re al balers the poi.
eitherier-olethen curter. if Shay 1$611
smelt feral mid rep it,' mplied
roe hie Plea eye kindling ea im
Remit sit army of Yerm nerrees
amend every mannfortrier nitre
litTlioef• et tar Aer. nt es ohs turned to her fad
AMA. delhored ha all pans of ter 1.• r a
87' 'l'IOIVr N . 10 "wi N." "" t"". wed 'wan end fentooe apspie
Iteamele Wsraab we, brn. vet- 1 Oeonre blermll wifrboll sod One TAM% TO MIMI" • ready martritt for ali
- ) dared nye Moran& which we am svgs..'
morrit-fia, 0cl/ix, ',ere ww• • a n, it. c'•^Ittfr girl 'Plotter ill ready, Harvey, re a
g elor um*, Weide s trash tub in her phoisent votegin the doorway, behind
hither'. yard •• though he had been a Mann.
thromand niSes eireast, monad of weir II. turned slid saw C*Iftre, hi a fresh
every tarn of hor nimble Angers. To b. , white train, loth • meshy" at her
more she wu Allen's rim, end Allem I thread, and two ne Mese twirled cane
e lliewitowww shAii him ; bet thee the ' Mir.
evi pseity of goer, NNW and genwerel rely filletwlelt Ofe *SAS of dark limn I
some, 'born he ii•A hooves Imil tme pesvoisi si A. WA, sitli a rue j
stremili, emit if is weigh charmed the hothlione ypun 1
u wash,
the rod thigh he had left 272.
the cety to sow.
• • • • •
'Oood by,issiorge,' mid Harvey Allan,
as, six months later2 the bridal party
entered the sleigh which was to meaty
them to the railway.
'Many • line Ani has bra taken by
anglers ern the city, ito this farm, but
you re the Med one who eh* ventured
to cast •lime In eite SUM'
HOUK 1St Um.
ST CAPT. 907*1237.
Old polbali • lb HighlAbd
Sootuaan, end his rther, Bens Van
Dune (both wealthy beef' ott
opposite &idea of &certain road in Water-
loo, Ont., aad they were opposite in al-
most nary way. Donald a farm was
hilly, and he delighted iu the hills sad
laughed at the Dutchman's meadows.
He kept • One stak Of *Meg end •
emelt, of collie doge to drive than
about the farm, while Hans was proud
id his herd of desk cow. and vowel
they were far mon malaise than
sheep. Dorld lived in • little log
house without • bit ti paint either in-
side or out; Bens lived in a great two
story dwelling prated • br.ght red.
liens was short and fat; Ponalc: wee
long and thie. loved a sing of
beer and his big yip,. Donald was
partial to snuff and whiskey. Hans
wore baggy white breeches, &nil when it
was cold weether an weenier with a
doer capes en the ahooldere,
Donald wore his 13ng plaid, and as for
breeches, had It bot heels for the cold in
winter and the mosquitoes in manner
he would have worn 0 040 at ell. Hans
had sourkront all the year round;
Donald could not do without his on -
meal parietal, with an oonagional haggis.
Flans was a great stinger, with a full,
mellow voice, and often m the sunuser
evenings he would mat bredf o• his
sleep in front of the hers and sing
=the mermaid "Fadierland." Thies
would come out with his bag-
pipes, and plagirig his open ruff -box on
the window sill would march beak and
forth like& eenqueneg hero, salami tbe
27111.and valleys resound with his shrill
111111140 al he played, "Tin Campbell's are
Cannin'," and • host of other Scotch
elio patelimaa wee 1
house with a finger in each ear. In
fin, they carried the spirit el opposi•
tion and antagonism so far that they
would scarcely speak to each other when
they chanced 40meet, and as for thole
little neighborly exchanges of help and
the lending atria, so COM111011 among
faresers, they would hay* lost their
whole searit's roper the beet of their
stook before they would have asked help
nee from the other. la one or two
things only were they dike; they were
both widowers, and they had each an
only itlidd, and thee0 .11s0810 dared
ent his strapping goe Duran, and vowed
be re "sa Mew • lad am ever picked •
meter Mee," and the other dearly
loved hie kw haired pretty Maria 1
verily believe that at the time my story
begins they would rather have seen
them fall into their graves thaa fall in
lea with each other. But the young
people were far from harboring unkind-
ly feelinp, and were e•ideatly well
pleased to meet ocassionially, and the
eaftly whispered "giniten nacht" of
Maria, and Dencen's fond "gad nalit,"
the two old omen fr.* Ware of nin-
nies thi toll grit,* No urns, "wild b•
Iltted164 10, 114.4 they Nait lo go lbeiore •
Magistrate. Little did tke youngsters
ore what acrape their respective dads
got into so that it gave them tints.tage4
married, and married they WWII in a
short tine, ifeed started for home,
determined brave the old teen's
auger, and at lems give them • sharer
to forgive them, thougk knowing their
mutual enmity, they had Mt litth hope
of such • happy conclusion. lat the
meanthee flame and Desald mere
wilned before the J. P., ead the
Mine Fromm, they were Ater
five dollar, etch and mote, to be paid
proportionately, or fading that, 118•0
days in jail. Hans healed out • fall
wallet and paid M nate, but poor Don-
ald, efter fembhtig iti suety pocket,
could meareely dnd five chilling*. leaving
281 114* baste forgotten to bring more
mory with him on leaving bore •
Reoffered to Kim bis mote, het the
Magistrate did not know hire &ad woule
sot W.. it. He mist pee the Atte or Ise
raid mod hint to
"Ta toor• tit man," said Dread,
dor de no ken Donald MeDorld o' 4.4
Craigieknowe farm, and her nainael fro
• shentelmans, wort emir ten a toren'
toad, and fat for wed she no trust her.''
"8 may be all yore tree, whin you
my," said his hnnor, "but I'm ant sup -
=d to knew every culprit that is
gftt before nini sad if 7011 117 the
roamer you represent yourself to let,
bowie it null you itr• guilty of the very
ungentlemanly act of running a toll gate?
You ha.. to No to jail unless some one
bore will lend you the money."
Donald looked mound the room, but
among the few present tbere we/ not
limiter face, nave that of Hans sad lie
could DOL think of &skirt kis for
money; he would go to jail firet, and ire
was just about to express his rauliasse
to start when Hans stepped up and paid
the fine for hint, and turning loth. mar-
ried Donald thus addressQl hint:
"Men dear Mack, you ish a fool, unt
I ish • fool, unt we has peen fools dish
long time, now let no he fronts. Mine
daughter tint your pey will be marned
some time pretty son pefore *ow. 1
can t shrift mine leettle pet, nnt vou
an't three de poy, peahtest
die we an do ish in go home topiaries
an fool the young rasa% iiy not pein
mat at them, yen dry eapoet it."
1)00044%! peerarul 111.
Oolloglr I. Aitifintilialt-is
=ginemin'a hand and shook it heat tily.
, but at length he great:boa the
They left the remit side by side, and
pretty soon they started for home to-
gether in the sleigh with Doitald's horse
tied behind. When they 9.,t, into their
own neighborhood the people amid
scateely believe their own eyes when
they saw 127. 1.., tottether, but still
Feder Ws& their @uprise when they
heard of the roarriage, and got invita-
tions to corns over to • grand 'upper to
be given at Van Duser's the following
night. Duncan sad Maria were sitting
in the kitchen eating a hearty meal after
their ride, sad thee fortifying themselves
for the Morin they expected to burst
over their heed/. But had areal then-
derbolt oome smashing through the
room, they could scarcely have been
1110fe thunderstruck than they were
when Hans and Ihmald Came bouncing
in like a soup'. of boys, and kiesed the
blushing bride, and shook the hand of
the bridegroom till his arni ached.
That night, as they set around the
De tebnian's great open fire
aranpanied with a illy kiss at porting, It
proclaimed them to be lovers. Aud
their love might have glided quietly •
aloes for an fedefinite length of time had
not old Highland Katie, who kept house
for the McDonald', happened to he •
winter of one of their stolen meet nge
and carried the news at one to her
master. Great and fistful to beheld
wea old Donald's wrath .4 11., diserrvery,
and he rowed that if ever his son &polo,
40 127. girl again he would turn him
from the door without a penny. And
the matter coming to the ems of Hans,
he too wa• very indignant, and scolded
Maria tit the top of his voice until the
poor girl waa glad to steal off to her
room and have what women folk cell
"a good cry."
But the arena of (me love that had
✓ ented to ruuewas not to be damned up
or tarried into Other channels 27, 321 the
gross words•of Donald and Heir and
though they had to be • little slyer they
still had their interviews, and .1 2.2494
they planned • ruraway marriage.
Everything was quietly &ranged, and
one fine winter miming, while the old
mem were comfortably snoring in bed,
Duncan hitched his fatherit horse to a
cotter, and tucking sweet Kari. in by
his side, set off for • minister's hoer
some ten miles distant.
Oh, whiten Nernst. there 4741 00 each I h
side uf the road whoa their flight was •••1
discovered. Harm came out to hue pte
and shook his 77.1 .1 the opposite house
and went through a string a high
Dutch expletives in ha highest key, ,
and as thongh they were not high
enough, he hopped lip and down in the
.now sib.. jerked them out till at length
his heels slipped from under hint and
he his length in &snowdrift,
was strived that they should all lire to-
gether in the big house, and D1100111
'meld work both the farms. On the
follower Melt there was a great supper
;tern rejoicing. A fat turkey
one end of the festive board, and
sourirro.• huge haggit. sasnismi.the.ethwlea wbeehilie, trnheinieen-
tenoning space wea filled with dish'. of
piss, and all troth's dishes and dainties
that Maria, with the aid of old Katie,
meld devise. After supper they had •
tedly deem, Donald leading off with the
beide, and cutting such capers en only it
Highland man ean go through; and when
he finished of with the Highland Fling,
there went up such it shont of glee as
might have been beard a mile off. After
the party, thusge settled down into a
quiet routine. Hans smoked his big
pipe, and pared it to Donald. Donald
treek his snuff. and passed the box to
Hans; mid they lived quietly teerether,
wither a word of there, say* that when
young Donald Van Diver McDowald
madie kis appearance, Donald wonld
insist that he wee a Sone/ran to the
beek bone, mei Hens watt equally p oitive
that he would "shoat pal II Van Diner
errs top so toe." Rot these little differ -
eras nearer MAO no bermes gnarrel,
and they still live in pewit an I plenty,
and always irritate the &only of
• hoppy day that made them frigate,
witnessed the happy union of ticolch
and Drab.
pa- ne Rt. Clair Hirer in now fres
nmiennosdkeruanninintglie apemen; have one -
pile A wood chepper named Head, at
work near Peoghkeemie, built • Am
just in lime to escape a blow fere and, while eating his dinner, the heat
zing over him, The Sootcheaan was it fell on the man, crushing him in a
not at a loaf for hard re..ortf,:httioii.b:ootthhiga(h114:biliiriac:
Donald's walking stick that eame whis- thawed the frost around the hooltittr tied
under an owe -hanging rock On Tunaday,
event which has hot lenirrectsisoe 1857.
imrriirohl.Thrne"g0riserner part of the Lachine
Rapids ere reported frown oter•-••
anin, da:npgrrliapsh,rsetii.ihn. r1,1
they kept up • steady fire until both
The millets* in tho neinity hard -
tees. Donald mounted hie mare and
were tired of the game, andst.xtedthen that':
ly know what to make of the tease I
Hans got into a sleigh and
moat simnItaneenaly from their gat
in pursuit. Donald was • little-sheed
and bound to keep ahead, while Hans
seemed determined either to pass him
01 701 neer him. Donaldi bluebonnet
was pressed firmly on his brow, his
switch played nimbly on the rnare's ribs,
and his plaid ,streamed ent behind,
;chile Hans puffed great donde a smoke
from his pipe, iind flourishing a long
whip shouted to his heats
On they went, op hill and down over
bridges and through toll gates wi'thout 1.14. estimate Of the preduetion flit to.
drawing rein on their reeking horsee Immo In the West this year give Men-
nntil at • distanovi of some ten miles leaky and Tenser 90,000 lihde.,
from horn. they reached a little Tillage against 110,000 laid per; Indiana and
where two taverns were kept, Donald Minnie, 25,01110 againet 40,0001mt year;
drew op at the one aod Pane at the Tanntaid ,hanetteri150,000 hthB4,000.. of &caymans: 8457,00,001t)..
ether. Here thmillytmleatrah.aldwripiithat • yoneen5
90,000 may reseh th• eimporta.
couple aneweri
the Nadine had Men nen stepping at a poet of m, 8.4...,. adalialabs.
the door of the Bev. Raid win schick, British minnow at Washingtos diseiggi
the linage Min1. itel/AT4 and mon likely i a thin rm.., in ilii iiirrireatiorkm.
127. .14 ow▪ l:7 felNInoWewtan.rerewtbaa.inatantr".°tilir'sylre•ttirhndeg i Itticnii•i7bwandquinPretleaT 7.. the:il laf Ste Ho".
re ad 14. 127. parson's heves", Haft Poltnir mem of Mein.. ie nee•"----iree Mot;
fle."Ofeblegneirabfirlot,..flon.....:14 lielmet tla-d.:;,,,az,r,7:,,„msi„...n,r..,;-x.....jr--:o..r.......m...:::..ran,,„,.-k.--. .,,,,-----7.::pig..-;
=..:e:::rn::'aa,.d- -44.2, 's0.
1b....,& 071 111: "7; ;ft 17 2-th'reC7,16::r 011".4d, anal' 1714 '
*ere thee end' • VIEW 8806 ', $1.6 o&le is tenable for 11.• or ale rears.
Ine te„ri I, -i - gala th• eoelearly or el the tibiae! melt la did
quiet which reigns. The sight is maid
to be well worth going to nee
PS- A " joke is eredited te an Am
earn visitor in F.:lighted " Waal,
stringer," he repertell .1 hee. erm,
" 1 'nen yonr F.nglish points ain't no
Say smart. 11 en A meriesin jury hod
1.4.4the Ilehhorne ease, I'll tell you
*e.1 igoyei ease dons. They'd iest
horight .p*4I the Tiehhorne bonds, end
then f.mvid a verdict for the plaintiff."
Lewd Napier, favorably kern Ss
rarnel with at wet were
the diplomatic mops or rt. malitry.
eolloettagfilio more haporiant Iss•11081411$
hand, they reemmed gm 0048
parson's. lite Rey. Plaildwin eras quiet.
ly Attiring his breilfeet, weirear
with the eiiming fee; 'Meer lla
tore in the •front parlor i
welting to have the knot tiO4.
looked throng% the window., and, 44
sight nf hoe fellfeer's well. karma Mem
A PrIVILIIIN Donne. -ft is islat•A
that a' polies name en sesp..t-
Issy had Are their dry le tug ibisirm
leg that ameitheit was worse. • keen
*moo ro+rqg the Writes eltsksv rips, •71
in.nekeet te* door, *MA Well tilel•
Op0/10,1 hy I san, to elions the Millobible
Ilewsbmwnwiskill kis 111wpwliellbib. TIM Dian
'inn( he MOM am, mall fitimPt6etaire,
2)7 asid soie 'Awe r.4 nrOad. reeimideg that
Agar*, she essits hills serous heed bell 14 epos ein the eivedllth weia herr
into Toissoaree arias. lashed One the day hellok "WM mioneg
sod wee lass to mit met of Om hen! 4,14:61.,he eilwrs2. TIM !wet mem
door with itie arsrf.1, vim two owasuirs owl .414, als,
am et a Nutria IMF INKt
A 'Redden mid fgeoblit mid b•••
made to the groat epee of Tiehborue
Tichborne, foe more Kos a year,
"to: b.
thr0hi." t
Otharit innamiCnIolint, atilt ellatuP'nemli.'
decided to ettledraw, eilieroupoe he we
ikr"41$ Netwed-gaftoorlakmf.j"11"; 11.27..'KM UitYgnik.
lain poeseasion of the Tickers, estates,
1.46.dived onlytoiosno 441,2410.,
andia instal -Lot the cam is ma of the meet re-
markable aud romantic on iseuoind; and
the Claimant, Arthur Ortega, or Tholes
lidenitad te
°"ten an
famous mites!.* sell rso ts4.$1 11111yete-
720660 personages. In spite of the unveil.
ing of Arthur Orton, he will always ben
aurtFisin'irii.s.dintli"noug"(40t;krehe(T4M"initilinety.."'eartibe. ,11"111.°:i
Tbe claimant pretended to be Meier
Tichherne, sin and heir ef the late Sir
Jame. Francis Doughty Tehboreet. The
reel Roger Tichborne, who, if Living,
rumeldriambeithen 181)3, on.
beromite of that
WWI, riled from England to South
pleasure journey
in the latter country. A tem • Aorta...ay
in Knuth America, he Int 041 the alp
Ilene' frost Rio to New York; that ship
waa never heard of, sod due time the
momenta °Moen gave her as lost,
and settled their rtake acieurdmgly 12.
11363 the herr of limn Tiehboene died,
..4 127. title and .4400.5 4004.410.2 to a
Posthumous .on of • youoger brother id
the +begat Sir Rodger, thee gi yen up for
dead Lody Tiehborne, the mother of
the misaing matt, eivedd never be brought
to belie's that die skip 'Bella' and ell
Otk board had perished, and she offered
large rewards to those who might find
her son, or give any information c-
041111119 he existence. Advertisements
to the wed were widely circulated, and
ono, announcing the death .1 817 James,
and uffering a reward for the discovery
of his eldest son, wee 5441 (0 the jour-
nals of Australia and New South Wales.
Nutidings reached this faith'sl maralor
until 1.41, when she reeeived • LAW
horn • penbon writing from Australia,
who pnifemed to be her .on. rho
ter 01 242. Inter arrived in Pens, where
lady Tichborne was then sojourning.
Jae. Ihth, 1867. This en 2711.01840.02
in the late cam; Lady Tat/therm, reser
aired hun JAIIMOIR too isms
, srvi vas& lies- Inv
•I2,000 • year. This man immedisite4.
oeminenced proceedings in the English
courts to reeover the Ticliburne estates
from the trustees by whom they were
held for the infant heir. In ;March
2e68, Lady Tichborno, then 64 years od
age, cited, and thus the claimer loid •
moat important witness, whose 4024*27.
ascribed to foul play 277 2.2. antagimiets
In the cam,
His story oaa, thee being weeder al
512, 003 the 'Rena' in 1814, he had bees
picked up, the 1001e sur•iv..r of the ship's
enormity, by • weasel bound to Austra-
lia, eller, he had, for private reasons,
pawed se Meier Castro. -Hoeing the
death of his father he he called hien),
Sir James, noted in the Australian pa-
pers, lee had returned to England to
shim his own; and so his troubles be-
gan. The eel, finally, after MARV de-
lays, retraced about a year ego, be
fore Lord Chief Justice Bevil', and with
bred vesatione, has been oontinued ever
since. Mr. fierjeant 'tenanting and
others appeared for the claimant, and
the Attorney General, with other mu -
mil, for the treaties ed. the estate. Th•
evidence wee at find eontradietory lad
baffling, the qweation of identity being
oonfused by witneases, some of whom
positively identified the claimant ea Sir
Roger, while others, smelly compeer
and certain, showed that he onild ned
by any possibility be the genuine Tido
borne. The moot damaging testimony
re 12,44 01 the elaimant, who failed en
gine • clear and entreated account a
Isis wanderings, wreck and rescue. No
evidenee.00nceraing his rescuers wee 2* -
*7040044, except he own word, and he
was especially confused in this partial -
lar, and several times changed the nem*
and nationality of the ship which picked
him up at sea. Worse than this, when
mos -examined,
wranh:h c4tlattiniti"eg
h02478,6hel'iteli..1'4iterrha.Ytiinhrewile, wittt
needed gentleman, was familiar, that
he email untanght,illiterate person. He
defined • qnadrangle to be 'a staircase,'
and translated Loos Deo seesper 'sae
laws nf GM forever a permenently,'
and made similar menial blunders.
The world was ransacked by both par-
ties to the "nit for evidence bearing up-
, n the came, oommiesione being sent
to Anstalt, Routh America and ether
lands where the miming man had been.
and whore the claimant ia supposed to
elaileallt ogre Inaly met by the gale of
bonds Mooed on the pros
have travolled. The exenp
t.rmf tihag
.bion of the lel hie favor and of hie
Liming. into his inheritance. Rut the
tide has of hie been sjgadily running
against the fellow, who "E ems to he Ar-
thur Orton, .h,..orelative now live 14,
Wand. It is tolerably certain thst
he mot Sir Roger Tichborne abroad, and
learned hem him some of the particu-
lars of his early life, with whieh he at-
torwards was able to impose on am8 of
the friends of the len man. Rut he
subtle asaistanta, for his Mee haa been
of his impneition ia or of matchless In.
made up with great skill, arida, Story
meet have had. it seems. a,hreanwitandter
in()Irslutuaviwitirdttemialieft the Om again came in with
"npndta velosirirnIgineri,nperhY,r)wineiLei,i,n tA, brio,
request• the other day, which
rm:ed. Ththeintraorin
the Abtorney General, which occupied
tsentr;enante:ILd,asysturinniotaftrillyelfii:eery7.4, hrsoimmdative.
the catastrophe to the wretched b.
ling, this remarkable criminal, who lbrig
fearfully and ingeniously perjored Min-
ed'', subsides to the level of an artftil
adynvigkentturureaffihaan;e;lhlein"thPri• Ellimogskinelfah tediari!
with dismay, and have fernithed two
continents with materials fa:: jgeossihn
inRar.yrofThiidthwyoer..A.-mornaiag:N...i...u.nabosyl'. 0:e.htriiied:larehrmessibsowa,...1.7war
drawing hie remarks to • noes mid711-
Col/widen, eoneleded his
4 274,
gait and an ia-eented wbith Roger
("Irv"; efh6dthe ernIr7dlyirr7i): on* $•"141 riumitILIB611"-
net his bseli, sod atemadrel lit thie
Cwayillegegen-inliririkiets".."1" ret:141.1.1"117111m4alir
plint"linalef. Tyk4.7101:164.R•govirev' 4"3:01111111.116sid
ether persona He «intended that the
defenilant's moo *ea flied. elet •Itssiy,
krot the shoulder.. 11 1*, 613 deMewlatraMall
Moserary. Threavighterei the long sad
them would he wire el thew
on of all; and h• leretld leek pie
tempt to trek theenehee that deirn1/816.
et a rib:Weft defy 114pAgrild WO • $
The fortnnes of s ride estate a.4...
Izetesonde4 sport thole cordon; *gba g
nuns them to my wheth• the ft+
eta Arid lee liold home 14, 15 pre*
shoot be still galled • ememiretne, pea
* aellesideme rid • Milhde.
OM the PAZApp46.
II/ellutrallim: ether,.
u beew Waling
InenvullrY stripes. .A1 • lecture
*thy hi ever be. able to mans •
d emi• Os' te end liberaes If otir
of this country tei room
re, which wag delivered
e powered of the Do.
following is an cited
that there was ae nee
of tits barn Mould
. week,
thill :Zips biot:hhriahastilbeena ""Ctakeir
211,:q...54tithe 11-4,01 ythbee
Cabiseyeed which hait
gairr,.121 h.grif thead.disommttluit to ineeti4
Nwledesor jump the Mitch Do.
W ould add, that in no
Amtkiel.";;Cowi'ludis":11:744.41414:4•1.' Miltihei:jeard:411;1;:.;17.0:7"1":"44eil°°go":00:8;$1$1"1°:e:112
ertilid nal*
br.ia0"--°:tb‘aallshilisw141.7iiitall:mii.itfogebud*men":11:1,d,P7.4°tofdr:inrd. 1,11:1
r three thousand
British American
lf fivefold we
thee half- the
'moiler does, was the strain
,puraidintiat:sark:saweares:714:641,,, .14027eillbsels"."11: tsireka
their pries, it
miLigraphe muummito en.i.e.wiread.dinto
eine:Rely jest whyithengli" ncaPietiritang
with • vrisiinvi
b.„46.4ertir,.. bstearroproid adimilki • staturmedmerofotivnern:
pimemsupwatinstenuassarnsentrurrA irh'uandat was6Ibe oath.-
=miliriammmt hare owe MA
mply that the
nary military
tied the whore
toe, to tim,
Aura thor.
itt:tibe:nameese.a. the. they w•re
strategy was so pi their onnbina-
die or them
h.e.irbeenthe 9i02 ,i,.
thmeamialf&rpectaY "behoenf
issue of controve
uneasy *en es eared be.
czar.. *MO. 411344 27' ,ssallunisianthm7u.
imam kase tame we must ex-
pect to hare to, mats ems ispinat us,
- sesdk-gens, fleglirees, or !in-
fields, whatever tie asposs might, be,e-
go the Owe would resift that they
must haat ler fin ce tree the
olds he which tkithinch were over-
powered. But that man tho wont of
it. Tea seldom ewe bora on the
other side of the haler one that err
born cie this, and hewer ere might
cheer the pneortim by increased
energy, ire emigrant Irma to th•
United ROM for S0007 03 OM came
hi Conde, se that at the aid od ever
desidetrinproportwanaldi ss
plied leer diadems". We
inww:hh'itnlowt:kwill'riaphdth nthd776.567liftiwmte,P.°P.11708''
army wee perfect in aud
whoespeat navy dominated tbe sea?
Whet bed we to fear nem sock Didier
protweleill Sid Thia was our orient
faithee limed Mae. l'eder
Stikine!' belief that thwy were British
stahpull, that the anemones visa they
had le the Crown of Emend matted
thew M protection, nor forefathers hel p-
ed to enterer and organised these pro -
mores lin of late new drietnnes 1$.1
been pretended in the "mother, sneatr v
The diseepuration iif the empire had
been openly pr.nislgated in terlinz
organs: ref tiretheren within the meow
gem hid been toenail.' to sist a
same ir poky ; to call bum, their hires,
and leave th. Provisces without gm -
pithy or prerte•n ; and under tie M-
enem' of piste anil imaginary Mee
Of Dorking, troop,' ei re to he marlin
the Bert 'Islands, and their Mies
were to he surrounded hy
One Cohan Miniellar 2.4•1 lligte that
British A tifirien eciiild not he desert
U pon; and the third, a the eve of
n egotiations thet were to involve ow
desired interim "tripped Canada d
wteddiwirr 4, ighalthlw.deredthiu.p. Areverieyreted
sentrebot and gun carriage that km
hinuiedaimmiolle (17517. (0
gi t ) Ieglanil'. recent diplomats
tams Mt rapidly approaching wbea
L'elCfa,"„tarnal"fb.1.6111486deteluisriad.oleir.11 721418nP.641hd:rut:ohninPel:thiejltiePthafla:irmt1;
or rei ger forefathers settled and im
Toed. let this lie titiriellineel. Wit
:2).4.411 lientektedt.i to.nhAi
lier11 the bonne if thirty millions
of woo were hoard their oral
*ire with iu wo smell inland', gather
r,,rd them the troop. and war ships of
th.yeeire, and lave font millions of
pro Io fare forty millions, and to
deo efromier .13,0010 miles, then lee
wileire what they are at, and mar
$.4.1 rho, would lye governed hy the
meets.. N., Cabinet had yet dared
.t,„,Leading newspapers hatteld ne
„ ope this thought and gire it err -
owe? presence witein the 114)1.1 .44
• ow of dangstOrsod the bar for
. 1plina is. smoothing, If it had
arries-J. Noble lards siiii
ores had eseeringly 4044 *10s ore wen lenthod. As 1.
the Crow., Parlisseet. ions
ftL‘„-,mm;4eo'01 d6i8"o4n1Iol0sspgeisailii:swsaib1ra.47/
bl:ths po* edsnumbtiehs6ts,
..,y Melba hiseo, veil* gm
iter abdity Crdirliera
,je men,
Bo ee •
bruhidrimoime:rshaimp.st 0...nviejgri= 4,
legmaj .44 00
the at asks is
• et
Oro 2"/
9 in ,Armt
ndr, s wila""••
4. 03 osiorkziottil
- s-
1 •