HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-27, Page 16Compare Our Discount Prices Herbal Essence , Sugg. List $3.15 1 6 oz.. 1.4,4 SHAMPOO Maclean's TOOTHPASTE Stay Free MAXI PADS Sugg. List $1.55 Sugg. List $1,02 100 ml 10's 79c PENATEN CREAMsugg.ustsr97' Men neb SPEED STICK susig1g.6 19i s t 2.5 oz. 99 Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1070 We Sell The Best and Repair The Rest Authorized Dealer For HOMELITE JACKS RSempaallirEsvnegriniece HENSALL 262-2103 107 Queen - One Block North of Business Section Hours 8 to 6 Fri. nites till 9 AATIOIAL !It IMITI'1111 Lxna gFputtA TqleIMMI N. 57 ORDER YOUR BEAVER HOME NOW AND SAVE UP TO... 0 ON EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNTS! If you are thinking of building a new home in '75, qualify yourself for this time-limited Early Delivery Discount offer. Mail coupon to receive the Beaver Homes Catalogue. I - Mail to: I ADDRESS L BEAVER HOMES. 570 Harrop Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 2X9 NAME CITY PHONE If we should ever make a mistake and it turns out you owe more tax, you pay only the tax, Block pays any interest or any penalty that may be assessed. You people really stand behind your work. HEARING TESTS No Obligation 'E)(ETER PHARMACY Thurs., March 6 — 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes E. R. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. HEARING AIDS 88 Queen St., S. Kitchener „We& wet iiiitinninniiiiiminnnunnnutnitnumnumnininnunnwminitilitinnwitmoninitinink. For All Your PAINT & WALLPAPER NEEDS • 28 years experience to help you • 720 Pittsburgh Paint colors • Variety of wallpaper books CALL BILL MacLEAN 235-2934 EXETER rimminnuninumumminininnunniontnutimnitinininninntunnitiniennnuitnninn:F. 129 GIDLEY ST. A GIFT FOR THE PRO — After Saturday's final Exeter figure skating carnival show Judy Coates dressed as Pink Pussycat presents a gift to club professional Brad Loosley while president Anne Prout looks on. • Bring In Your Films 44/ For Fast Processing AT ECONOMICAL PRICES Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. 235-1570 PHONE 235-1070 Now Available . . . At Special Discounts Hand-Crafted Art Designs on MEMORIALS Choose Now During Our ANNUAL SALE A Variety of colors, styles , arid shapes to choose from trTE0 25 °A) EVEN MORE CONSIDERING THE PRICE INCREASES COMING NEXT MONTH • All monuments under cover and available for your inspection. • Lettering and designing done by trained craftsmen. ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IN THE SPRING T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Phone 235-0620 MAIN ST, EXETER Contact Jack Pryde or Gerry Ferguson OFFICE 235.0620 HOME 235.1384 Displays Also In Goderich & dinion ° '-.11`1,. ifet MEMORIALS T frrtroi:p, i OUR BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1919 Ontario who spoke on the virus connection, Dr. McCarter said hopefully there would come a time when a vaccine would be discovered against Cancer. On the afternoon program was a panel discussion on a new emphasis on breast self examination and the pap test. This was moderated by Mrs. Alice Garner, president of the Oxford Unit. Members of the , panel were Mrs. Christina Smith, chairman of Mastectomy and Home Visiting, Dr. I. McWhinny, Department of Family Medicine U.VVO, Dr. Ibrahim Ramzy, Clinical Ass't Professor of Pathology, Obstetrics and Gynacology, Victoria Hospital and UWO and Mrs. Helen Carson who had had surgery. A very informative question period followed. By MRS. ROBERT LAING CROMARTY Mrs. Carter Kerslake presided and opened the February meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary with a reading on Time. Hymn 497 was sung followed by the scripture, 11 Corinthians 9: 6-15, by Mrs. Gordon Scott and prayer by Mrs. Kerslake. The roll call was a suggestion for a local project to celebrate the centennial of , the Presbyteiian Church in Canada. The president, Mrs. Frank Hamilton announced the World Day of Prayer service to take place in Hibbert United Church on March 7 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Carter Kerslake was elected representative to the church centennial committee. The extra three hundred cookbooks which were ordered will be available shortly and will be sold at the same price. The pianist, Mrs. Ivan Norris, played an instrumental and Mrs. Norman Harburn read an article Page 16 February 27, 1975 Custom Slaughtering and Processing To Individual Requirements Cattle and Hogs ore Government Inspected in our Modern Abattoir for Your Protection. Specializing in Hickory Smoked Hams and Bacon SLAUGHTERING ON MONDAY ONLY All Processing Guaranteed LOCKERS FOR RENT By Month or Year EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 235-0400 WIPRIST.C.Ti.."W:1;:.*Marana:014EME By MRS. E. SUMMERS Mrs. Al. Cocquyt, public relations representative and Mrs. Elmer Summers, chairman of education from the Lucan Branch of the Canadian. Cancer Society, Middlesex Unit, attended the education workshop held at the Wellington Road. Holiday Inn, London, Wednesday, February 19, Speakers in the morning were Harry Rowlands, executive director Ontario Division Cancer Society, Mrs. Isabel . Robins, chairman of Education, Ontario Division, Marybell Ford, co- ordinator of Education, Ontario Division and Lois Cahill, co- ordinator of Industrial Education, Ontario Division. The luncheon speaker was Dr; Alec McCarter, research scientist, University of Western On Thursday, February 20 Al. Cocquyt, co-chairman of education Lucan ,branch, Mrs, Cocquyt and Mrs. Summers attended the Chairman's Dinner and. Campaign meeting at Thames Lodge London. Repoft§ were heard from area campaign chairmen. Of local interest was the Lucan branch report given by Len Maslen, president as in previous years a dance is planned for April 12. Mrs. G. Jervis, Service to Patients• Chairman, will be a hostess for a Daffodil Tea at her home. The date will be an- nounced rater. Mr. Maslen said he was working on a plan for a complete coverage of the area for this year's canvass. The "Yeasterners" bake bread The first meeting of the 4-H on South Nissouri Church's centennial projects. Mrs. Thos. L. Scott introduced the new study book, The Unknown Country, which was written for the centennial year of the Presbyterian Church. She said that the title of the book referred to the fact that missions from now on are the unknown Country. She was assisted by Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Eldon Allen, Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. Robert Laing. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lottery winners Cromarty had a winner in the Olympic Sweepstakes when Filmer Chappel held a ticket worth $100. Mrs. Alex Zimmer, the former Marilyn Laing of Cromarty, shared with Stratford P.U.C. employees on a $1,000 ticket, and won about $35. Personals Andy Douglas, Sarnia, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Douglas. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Gammon, Agincourt, visited on the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Allen. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laing and Tom visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jefferson, Seaforth. A curling rink consisting of Mervin Dow, Gordon Laing, Harvey Dow and Eldon Allen came second in the eleven o'clock draw of the men's bonspiel at Exeter on Saturday. Club "Let's bake bread" was held at the home of Mrs. Michael O'Shea on Saturday, February 22 from 9 to 11 a,m, Three new members were welcomed. A discussion led by Mrs. O'Shea on the topic "What goes into a loaf of bread". Tools for the job, the ingredients used, func- tions and their importance, was made more interesting by small cut-outs which resembled a loaf of bread. The girls were shown different ways how yeast can be puichased and how it reacted with or without sugar. Mrs. Jim Hodgins, co-leader with Mrs. O'Shea, demonstrated how to make freezer whole wheat bread and several of the girls took turns kneading it. The business was conducted, roll call was given, the minutes of the organization meeting read and approved. The club voted to call themselves "The Yeaster- ners," Eight names were chosen to go on the book cover. There was a discussion on the design and color of the book, also on Achievement Day. The next meeting will be at Mrs. O'Shea's home on Saturday, March 8 at 9 a.m, Church news At St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. R. N. Savary conducted the 9:30 a.m. service, and took his sermon from 14th chapterdof the Gospel of St. Mark. Rev. Savary also read a letter of thanks from Bishop Ragg, for supporting the 1974 Diocesan Budget. The United Church welcomed the 'Venturers, Scouts and Cubs and their leaders to the morning service on the occasion of their Scout Sunday Church Parade. Rev. Mary McInally illustrated her talk "Sending out messages" by tapping out a message in the Morse Code. She told the boys they also were sending out a message to the world by wearing their uniforms which signified that they were Scouts and Cubs and lived by a promise and a law. Receiving their fourth pin for Sunday School attendance were Karen Hofrichter, Kith Knapman and Allan Mardlin. After retiring to the basement the Sunday Schjool children were shown a film "Life in the Marsh". Rev. McInally's sermon was the second in a Lenten series Calvary's message for 1975 "Trust And Obey". • Women's Institute learn metric system Mrs. Austin 'Hobbs was the hosfess for the February meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. D. Roloson president was in the chair, and conducted the business. A cash donation was voted to the 4-H Club who are embarking on a 'new course "Let's bake bread". It was decided to forego sending a delegate to the Officers' Conference this year. Members were asked to consider attending a workshop "All about Nutrition" at Coldstream Community Hall on March 11. Mrs. Cecil Bowman program convener for Education and Cultural Activities, conducted a workshop on the metric system. The roll call was answered with a verse containing the word "Love", A special collection was taken for Pennies for Friend- ship", an ACWW project. Lady Foresters icelebrate birthday On Monday February 17 Court Valentine L1861 COI' entertained their invited guests with a smorgasbord supper to celebrate the Lodge's birthday. The sisters and their guests were welcomed by president Sandra Herm After supper five games of progressive euchre were en- joyed. There were 10 tables. Prize winners were: ladies high score, Mrs. Elmer Summers; 'men's high score, Stuart McLellan; lone hand, Clifford McRobert; ladies low score, Jay Doyle and men's low score, Bill Morley. CG IT news On Thursday, February 20 the CGIT and their leaders Mrs. Scout news ./ The Scouts were visitors of the London Free Press on Tuesday, February 18. The boys toured the building and received die sam- ples as souvenirs. This outing was in charge of leaders Dick Kloss and Martin Vanderminnen, Personals Saturday evening guests of Mr, & Mrs, Dick Kloss were Mr. & Mrs. Harry Finns, Mr. & Mrs. Al. Wickey, Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs. Frances Conway and Diane Cooper, all of London. Mrs, Leo Mitchell is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Clarence in Whitby. Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Roloson and family were Donald's sisters Mrs. Milton Ericson and Mrs. Stanley Wysznsk, both from Sault Ste. Marie. While here, they visited their mother, Mrs. Arthur Roloson, who is a patient in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Mardlin have left by car for a two week vacation .in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. James Riddell and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hardie are leaving for a trip to St. Lucia Island, Barbados on Wednesday, February 26, Get well wishes go to Ken Ellis who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London In St. Mary's Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Harold Wallis, Mrs. Arthur Roloson and Alton Neil, Fair board - at convention Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shapton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and Garnet Hicks attended the annual convention of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies recently. The con- vention was held in the Royal York Hotel when over 1,300 delegates registered. Exeter Agricultural Society won the major awards for Class "C" Fairs in the photographic competition sponsored by the C.N.E. Dr. Garry Baisdon, local director and camera fan, photographed the various exhibits entered in the com- petition. 4-H club meets at Hurondale Hurondale 4-H had their third meeting February 23 at Mrs. Thomson's home, The 4-H pledge was repeated, followed'by the r911 call. Twelve people were present. A discussion was held on "Suit the Occasion." A demonstration was held on the preparation .of fabrics. The different seam finishes were shown. 3kIIIII.ttituttltm11111111t1IIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIiI101111111111.11111101.111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII0111111111.111111010: . E. lEsAHT0HFER. .1 F. SCOTT'S 120 Sanders St., W. -: Exeter 235-0694 F. = = *-Karmen Lee and F. GWG Jeans = = = * Western Tack Boots F. = = * Horse -Health Centre E. * Western. Shirts = i * Children's Winter Coats I and Beets . :.-. = , = 111111111!l 11111111 III tIll 1111 lii 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 liii III liii 11111111111111111111111111u11111111111n11111111p1111,1 ultu ullllllillllllllilnullllltllunlnllulal11nn111111111 1 111111ir (Across from Maple Leaf Mills) Open 9-6 Weekdays 9-5 Saturday Phone 235-1534 Foresters celebrate .birthday Granton lady at cancer workshop More cook books for Cromarty auxiliary' Carol Alee and Mrs, Pat ;1 Choveneek, visited the Ontario , Hospital, London, After a tour of the buildings, the girls served t..] cookies to the patients while they F. were having their coffee. F. I