HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-20, Page 171975 Dog Tags NOW AVAILABLE Town of Exeter MAKE EVERY WEEK CUBS INVESTED — A rather large number of Cubs were invested last week after the reorganization of the First Exeter Cub Pack. Cubs being invested are, back row from left, Dannie Morley, Ray Hamilton, Larry Mothers, John Woods, Calvin Moody, Second row, Joel Aunger, Jeff Hohner, Dove Roch, Paul Chapman, Tom Humphries. Front row, Mike Webb, Dennis Meikle, Bobby Stire, Mike Talbot, Shown Glassford, John Mol, Frank Giffin, and Richard Osterbosch. The leaders of the pack are Bob Hume, Brian Wedlake, Cheryl Chapman, Peter Aunger and Bill Glassford. T-A photo One local lottery winner Plan WI nutrition workshop Used Industrial Equipment • Hyster 20,000 pound fork lift • Int. No. 560 6,000 pound fork lift • Int. No. 8000 fork lift, 6,000 pound capacity • Ford 5550 tractor/loader/backhoe • Bobcat M610, reconditioned, painted n. N. T. MONTEITH EXETER LTD. 235-2121 "The best in service when you need it most!" ORDER YOUR BEAVER HOME NOW AND SAVE UP TO ... ON EARLY DELIVERY 0 DISCOUNTS! If you are thinking of building a new home in '75, qualify yourself for this time-limited Early Delivery Discount offer. Mail coupon to receive the Beaver Homes Catalogue. 570 Harrop Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 2X9 NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE Mail to: ETA/Ws/F20 BEAVER HOMES \i‘ a L McINTOSH 3 LB PKG APPLES 68s NEW CABBAGE 2lbs ONTARIO 25 LB BAG POTATOES 88e FLORIDA VINE RIPE TOMATOES 58 VALUABLE COUPON itll every 1.111(•10',C ill IlliC coupon and chop it ur store, DRAW FOR $25 MERCHANDISE t nad ic) Wc now have tickets available for the fifth drawing of the Olym- pic Lottery. (Address) Mrs, Bruce Sittilake •-• Grand Bend, 1 .....W.""Ne'••••1eM-"o",'%" <tst week's wittitct - ST.INSPIJN COLORET) 1 LIT PARCIIMENT SCHNEIDER'S 1 L13 Calypso Bowl—Soft Margarine WESTON'S PONY TAIL Bread 24 OZ LOAF 3/sl 85 484 DELMONTE 48 OZ TIN Tomato Juice Margarine 584 AYLMER SLICED, TIDBITS, CRUSHED Pineapple 19 oz TIN, 48 250 GRAMS - REC.; .890. Hostess Chips 69 Cheer Up! We've Just Lowered the Cost of Having A Sweet Tooth CHOCOLATE BARS S i 49 1 lllllllllllllllllll 1111 lllllllllll 1111111111111 SMARTIES 5.5 oz. Bags Suggested List 694 2 FOR 69' Bags of 10 Bars Suggested List $2.00 llllll 11111111111111111 lllll 1111 llllllll 111111111111 llllllllllll DENTURE BATHS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Suggested List 154 Sugg. List 694 .2 FOR 69' Mime' lr1 l i lliunfpflll l mums,,ni1Ui11 111Pit ll11111111 i ll 'ill. by Addis of England Sugg. List 494 2 FOR 49 lllllll 1111111111 lllllll 1 llllll 11111111111 Imported Floral FACE CLOTHS 2 FOR 15 Smiles 'n Chuckles CHOCOLATE- MARSHMALLOW NOVELTIES 2 FOR15° Hacks COUGH CANDIES Suggested List 154 373 Main St, Phone 235-2070 Foreign position Andrew Robertson has been pleased to accept a position in the Philippines commencing in June for two months, in the capacity as maintainance person. This is in the mission field. Lottery winner One of the lucky ticket holders on the Olympic draw lives in Clandeboye. Terry Morgan, who won one of the $100 draws says he will try again for the million Personals Carolyn Hardy is a student teacher for two weeks working with students in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Hans Rosch spent Tuesday in Toronto on business. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Blake en- tertained Mr. & Mrs. Keith Simpson, David, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Blake, London, Mrs. Blake and Wilmer Blake, the occasion being Jeanette Simp- son's birthday and Mr. & Mrs. N. Blake's anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Isaac and Mr. & Mrs. Norman Blake By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Greenlee and Kimberly were dinner guests Tuesday with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Eaton, Mrs. Eaton's mother, Mrs. Leonard was observing her birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis. Mrs. Hugh Davis has a February birthday. Mrs. Earl Greenlee held a quilting bee last week. Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mrs. E. Langford Lucan and Mrs. M. MacDonald; Grand Bend assisted the local ladies. The Sunday cottage service was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis. At breakfast table, bleary-eyed husband to wife: "I don't think it was last night's party. I think the smog in the air, the coal tar in the cigarettes, the insecticide residue in my bread and the strontium 90 in my milk are all getting me at once." Why do you ask so many questions? The questions we ask help us to understand your particular tax situation. We take all the time we need to prepare a complete return, then we carefully check your return for THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Times-Advocate, February 20, 1975 Pugs 17 Cotton Rippers talk about proper way to choose clothes For All Your 4): PAINT & WALLPAPER NEEDS • 28 years experience to help you • 720 Pittsburgh Paint colors • Variety of wallpaper books CALL BILL MacLEAN 235-2934 ▪ 129 GIDLEY ST. EXETER 0 COMPLETE COVERAGE FOR et * Home * Farm * Life Commercial * Automobile Registered Retirement Plans CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Across From Beaver Lumber By MRS. DAVID KESTLE CLANDEBOYE Clandeboye W.I. held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Kestle with 15 members and four visitors answering the roll call. Mrs. H. Hardy read the minutes and correspondence There was an invitation from Riverview W.I. to be guests at their March meeting. There will be a nutrition workshop at Coldstream on March 11 and a letter from the new Provincial President announcing the W.I. Conference April 29,30 and May 1 in Waterloo completed the let- ters. Mrs. Hardy was chosen as delegate. The W.I. District Annual is to be held in Lucan Church with Clandeboye W.I. as hostess. Mrs. J, Donaldson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. W. McHugh, Huron County Health Nurse. She showed a film on health and nutrition titled "You Are What You Eat". There was discussion on the various pam- phlets which were `,`Ways to prevent Food Poisoning" and "Consumers and Food". Mrs. W. Scott adjourned the meeting and Mrs. R. Wor- thington, Mrs. R. Williams and Mrs. A. Lewis assisted the hostess to serve tea. Mrs. R. William Mrs. R. Neil and Mrs. D. Kestle were contest winners. Anglican Women Clandeboye ACW had eight tables in play at their euchre party on Wednesday, February 12. The door prize were a valentine heart, won by Mary Scott; the top score for the ladies to Mrs. Atkinson and lone hands to Mary Carter, Mrs. I. Simpson walked away with ladies low, Joe Cun- ningham topped the men, Harold Cobleigh had the most lone hands and Ken Carter was low man. Mrs. A. Hill and Mrs. C. Carter were hostess' and served the refreshments. Valentine dance A large number of residents Friday' at the Lucan Arena with enjoyed the valentine, dance 1.1.' the music supplied by The' Heywood Band. London, left Saturday for Florida where they expect to stay for three weeks. Ian Fowles of the .London Skateland roller hockey team scored in the first game against Shelbyville, Indiana. Saturday and Sunday the Skateland teams came home with three wins out of four games played, first game 4 to 3 for Skateland Juniors; second game 3-0 for Skateland; third 3-0 for Shelbyville; fourth 4- 1 for Skateland. Mr. & Mrs. P. Shipley, Jamie, Tim and Shannon, Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. S. Jackson, Jim, Ray and Todd, London, Mr. & Mrs. W. Reddick and Guy, Lucan were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. A. Blake, celebrating two bir- thdays. Mr. & Mrs. George Lee and Mrs. L. Derbyshire visited with Mr. Derbyshire in Delaware, Sunday, Aggie Northgrave celebrated her 88th birthday Sunday at her apartment in Lucan. By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN The first meeting of Kippen I 4- H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Dickert. This project is called "What shall I wear?" There are nine members. Leaders are Mrs* Ida Dickert and Mrs. Jack Deitz. The girls are going to call themselves,"The Cotton Rippers." They talked about choosing clothes. The results of the election of officers was as follows: president, Shirley Chalmers; vice president, Diana Oud; press reporter, Jill McLellan. The second meeting of the Kippen Cotton Rippers was held at the home of Mrs. Dickert, they discussed line, color and texture in choosing a wardrobe, The girls are to have their pattern and material for the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned and pop and popcorn balls were served. Kippen UCW Kippen UCW met on Feb. 11 with 22 members answering the roll call, "Name the most in- teresting article you have read lately." Mrs. Bert Faber took for her Devotional, "Self Control." Mrs. R. Kinsman had the topic, "Christians in Politics." Reports were given by the treasurer Mrs. Bert Faber and the Sunshine Convener, Mrs. Ida Dickert. The visitation was done and reported by Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. D. Cooper, Mrs. B. Faber , Mrs. Hugh Hendrick. Mrs. Emerson Kyle gave the correspondence and the courtesy remarks. The World's Day of Prayer will be held March 7 in Kippen Church at 8 p.m. with the Rev. Alfred Fry, Goderich as guest speaker. Kippen is having a pot luck supper and games night in Brucefield church February 21. The ladies were pleased to have in attendance their new minister's wife, Mrs. Stevens and also to have Rev. Stevens drop in later in the evening. The president Mrs. Turner, closed the meeting with "I've got to talk to somebody - God." Persona Is Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gemmell have been holidaying in the South. Mr. & Mrs. Art Gibson, Wroxeter spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Deitz celebrated their twenty-five wedding anniversary with a family dinner last Sunday, Mrs. Garry cooper and Billy of :Detroit visited with Mr. & Mrs. Vivan Cooper. A shower was held at the home of Mr. ,4 Mrs. Ron Littleton Tuesday evening In honour of Miss Deanie Strong, Clipton whose marriage takes piace in mere') to Mr. Gordon Bell, Kippen. Exeter COLD WEAThE F BUYS T SPELL SIANNolinaGNS FRESH Ground Beef ESSEX Bologna BOILING Rib Beef PattOttlite• Week, $peciats • 5 SUPER SPECIALS— FEBRUARY 24, 25, 26 •41 NESTLE'S BONUS 2 L13 PACK 6 Oz FREE r u c k • $1.48 f .; SYLVANIA 25,410,60, 100- LIGHT 5-Bulbs 4. BLADE or CI4UCK Steaks 584 e .0 .. I I 7 8 C 1 0 0 WI RISME nit MA iG UNIT NOMMTUS 0 0,00i,N1VW).14. .%106.%••100.1.1000.%%%.•10.106,811.1•116:WWIAN,i LB ORANGES SCHNEIDER'S MAC & CHEESE, or LB 58` Chicken Loaf 88 LB 44( Spare Ribs LB 98` LB 58` Beef Liver LB 58' F-.%%.100041611.V%,1100.V..10.-WilAti100•NICNNIA11.111.106,101.10610.; ir".".",""•••••V"."...ased'sd BEAT THE HIGH cost OF EATING...SHOP THESE 40 FLORIDA 5 LB BAG Open Monday to Thursday - t a. ill. to 6 p.m. Friday, 1, to p.m,; Saturday, 6 to 7 p.tn ; THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238.2512 GRANO BEND