HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1872-2-22, Page 8d 8 awe Who have 11i, �in the water a long time, ss it was quite - stiff and pow crises, but It has mace re- in • very little village there lived a oover.d. The dug appeared overjoyed ,very little Scotch buy, named Jamie. whey ij saw the animal tukeu out of the Wiz mother lowed. him and he loved his water, following it closely es it was taken Soother. This little boy witujiii W iso a 4, the barn, sad it calms dawn again la Sailor. His mother did not like the ides ter in the dry to aseertaia how the of losing her little Jamie, but he had animal was getting along." teed so much about sailors and about lareign lands, that be said "Oh, mother, no want to be a sailor:" And attest mother acid, "Jeanie, you shell go." Sae gave him bar bleesiug, ands she said, i , "Semis, wherever you are, t n ee or land, Dever forget to acknowledge your God; and give me a promise thee yyve will kneel down every night on bt.r rd shipp and say your prayers. U the odors laugh at you, doer t iniad; say them, and trust in God. Little Jamie looking upto his motber,the tears trick- ling down his ohseke, said, "mother I promise you 1 wtlE" . The boy went on board . ship going Fre India. They had a very good captain and some very good sailors, ani when tittle Jerrie knelt down at night them was no one who laughed at btu,. 111 Lad an easy time of it then. But coining back from Iadia some of the sailors deserted, mid the captain bed to get (kerb ones; among them then was a very bed fellow. The first night when the sailors were going into their berths, he sew little Jamie kneel down to say his prayers, and be went up to him and giving him .box on the ear said, "None of that here, air." Now, among the crew there was an- other sailor, a swearing sailor, 1 am leery to say, but I think he bad been taught what was right when he was a ad. He came up to this bad fellow who had struck the boy and said, "Come m deck, sod 1 will give you • thrashing, end they went ma deck. Now, I am not approving of the fight, but thew men did fight, sad the swear- ing sailer thoroughly thrashed the one who bad boxed the iitW fellow. Then they Dame isto the cabin, and the swear- ing man said, now Jamie, say your prsyevv, and if he dans to touch you I will dross him. Well, the first night Jamie said to himself, "I don't like to maks any dis- turbance on board ship. I will say my Peron in my berth; I won't kneel down before the sailors, I will gee sato my hammock sal say my prayers to myself. Now, wiletbat wise -was that fearless. But mark the effect it had on the ewes:loegg sailor. What do you think he Aid! The moment he saw Jams get into his 'hammock without kneeling dowl M say hi.prsyom, he went and "la Ova we Trust." IRE REMILY HURON SIGNAL Insurance. FALL &WINTER STYLES THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL MILLINERY LTT.'*T7 --w-- AS Bonn) to £tnb. Airway died. i t113 MAE• IP ed Ls BUJIANCE °•r�F�eShl 'Fashionable, Cheap: . J. MOGR 1OUSE. Cincinnati wants the cun,tdtt.tion of , Agent. the United States amended IB such a (also 'n eb July 1071. Hunner as to recognise the sxi.teuce of a Supreme Being: Although one of 1 HI their .minor (wins is inscribed with the legend at the howl of this paragfaph, TRAVELLR INSURANCE 00. yet the president of the United Sates is nMuglce AGAINST ACCIDENTS (vL"MIND the only deity acknowledged by the l I L Iy IJen Ar lay. d Ca, ipTS CRUS the charter of the nation, "The silver and pa asst d.HLpekt t.we wsek� nae _ t, the geld are Whim saith the Lord," but g1D, ,r tb. Mvmwaa d w n5pp1►er w.,red. chrstiall Ainedea virtually denier this, Ira" $dal to •t•,w,r tM ayems'deathdu- m three maths. .lee put. I and obliges Him to be content to eke tire seat nickel. The studious avoidance of aareferenoe to the At nighty, in, be wording of the constitution, speaks but very badly for the piety of the thirty- nine fathers who affixed their signature to the document. MIOCcaa You Humes.- It is to the interest of all who own horses to keep them in a healthy and DARt.io 0 experience has pro that OOIIDITlor Powusss and Alums N Haire REMEDY, is the most efficacious, will it has been used by th cheerfully euedlnu this statement. For Hove, Coughs, Colds, and all diseases which affect the wind of horses it has no equal, nor is it equalled as a condition medicine; it purifies the blow softens and improves the appetite the aria; in fact w• great is the improve- ment in the c:edition and appearance of the animal as to have led many to doubt if it could be the same horse. Remember the tame, and see that tits signature of Hurd & Co.. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, New-, castle, Orlt., propnetnrs for the Do- minion. Sold by all medicine deafen. Jr 11 a person faints place him in- stantly flat on the floor, er bed, on his book, and let him lay (4uletly for ten minutes arse: it is simply a fainting at, and the blood flowing on a level will speedily equalize itself through the opt - tem. If you aretroubled with rheumat- ism, pleariay, pain in the side or hack, (romps iu the stomach, barna, frost bites, &c., procure at 004•e a bottle of the CAN - •Dur P410 DvrwTIN, .kick iso cer- tain con for all.nch eomplainta. 8o11 Available Ariel.,oOx e molt Mita, _west, iO�it;YMa of the hammed , sad said, 'kneel down 1 at Dice, air: do you think 1 am going to fight ,for you and you not my your prayers, you young rascal?" During the whole voyage back to London, Jamie had in that reckless, thoughtful sailor a nun who looked after him like a father, and every night saw that be :melt down and said is prayers. The little fellow begin to bo- soms indnstriona, sod to rod. He said to himself, "Hers's a swearing because sailor who has reproved me did net kneel down boklly before the men." W.1l, he began to learn all shout ropes and ships and all about taking latitude and longitude. Now het me toll you a little of kis history. Home year, ago the largest ship the world ever saw wa built. You knew the Mame of it, the "Great East- ern." You know that she wentstaoss the Atlantic with the wonderfel cable. Now, who do you think was the eeptain of that great ship/ They wanted the cleverest captain they could and is England, and they 'elected little Jami.. Wben the great ship came back aft* her great mission, Queen Victoria said, ''latae Sir James," and Bir James Anderson was none other than the little boy I told yon of. -Home Visitor. LIFE INSURANCE, MISS McVONNELL IIAM JUST RECLICi:D A LARGER STOCK tans seal ,d the very beat solo, a I.te.t nem 5. ua klw.yll 1151.: - uV, Beseech, ltl►ioas, Lases, sad end.. ,..enta of 011 Imes at low Caah Oates Pall mlonoatioa Des b.obt.lcad of tl. H. iJ€T OR. Oad.rkt tale 11.,.101*. Ap■t 0.75 TUE ISOLATED RTh FIRE INFRINGE CO8[1T Ol'C'unudat. READ OPTICS Ging Sired, Corner of Church, Toronto. ('API Til. _ _ _ . - Nw1ILD WITH GOVERNMENT, •' 115.,0011 rseateH, ALEXANDER Mc1ENEIE• Kee , M_ P. aa. wan. 1 J000 MAMMAN. JAM.; (Late 1ri.tant rwrretar7 western Aronnrt Co n..nau-Ceudla Nate of Coe,0en,.. Feathers sad Fluters. Ir A •plendtd stock of Cloaks . Sam., Clouds Wood, al Wool.. goods to eL.ew meso 71 B. -As Yim id ;Conseil le prepared topas .nerw- ly nest mho. thin ammo. aka reepn''tfnllr e,lietu a ..It from the l.twa, before they 0.ke the" fail and winter purchases. swSif Oudertd, pea '-2nd. le MONEY MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reduced Eat. Of Iatantt Bot now tono 011e*.ia .l •of mew 05 Tt e esehie isms of raparr.rt, torsos yoty a. Try ',Arty IasW.mesw rata of expera.e weft defy wmp•4to,. HORACE HORTON &p.raIerTor 1he Canada Per• ananent Balldlag k slayings 'Octet'', of '1'orouto. • DANIEL GORDON, r CArIr3IINET MAKER tla"HOL8rj a a RAI0vM 1 ! ka•14 n *5 as to 14111 the Gime pee. held •is ^ r saes 145.111:4, npwsek hitI IERBITFILI INSURANCE CARD, The ItubaMher I. agent for the lolhrw.igent-aw.0 I neurones Cuernmeniew teniae dIIof London, 1145054- 11.17.15(115') of Hart5O,1. I'BUVINCL(L ' r Toronto BRITISH AMIGO(' t, of Tomato. Mics Eh Marine aamuss done at the lowest poau0l. rates HORACE Hf RTON (Vince Market Shure, Gvdericb. Nth lido. . 01510, ADVAATAO tS OFTERED.1 1.t- Absolute w5rit, to Policy Holden, a the •hap• of a very large CW t'apt.L' ]ad- Th. aperient Satan tat.e.w ee by MM. Compacy of Insuring .s.-Iaae.de•. ramie oar. being the means of g.ermt eta Palley Holden ,nay tom num on d, tacked dwent■n, a.. 3.1 -The stockholders. Parton sad Agent., Ne- ts, ttsg all residents le (.led* Immo .111 be edyesbrt wtehee4 delay, and Mid .crest demes. • R. RADCLIFF, sat tor Gedarieh aid Odor, ler.=erste THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON AND t. LO11F: INSURANCE COMPANY, ANCHOR LINE. _ MAJ}l•oC al. wham 4 will 1■ 10000.55011.105.tensa won ,.t.■ aMo.hly. thee WM. Meta nu par patronage, pr e *054111500 sad In0rew atrega tamwlt. HE HAS NOW ON HAND ;Awn 1.1 me of w l.rp.t storks altanners u the Coast. d 1 ea the Aortal .,ns moaned 10 •.p ly ,' i.et.e.rn N With 0r75004 5.'5 tio.oralus leieeenvei asrativ Batt. e..Ir„em Bette N abet, do w 113 do • de le 01118 wage, rattr.ree of •rwj Feather r„leters moo an a ON HAND ALAROEA$ oleo wenboll Every Wednesday and 1•atarday. TO l 01 1 in lead aler7yG ROM NSW Ow lead AlAND u • .4 ts- �.L... 1./•'Pam., n booked end foment,' 1.ell and etatmas la red .riser theaters a.0,. 1t.o0. Afton.,a'Afton., ea .054j. spredel. co„drtablr Mot Cheaply, es by any otter Rasta or Nuel THE 1L0T DEPARTI.IM rr•M Warr:. Ing Nea Ywa. 240i>,e_De.Law• .se 29 to. triroan*, ,oaw of flirty l...m...r. ala _._. imaJo.vr8 on' tOOLLAR8 ! s• - tl!Oit1'Y ; Coot!Cooney reS . January, 1 Mr. I. F , re. the winter of 1865 I was afflicted with a seven attack of Bronchitis, and although (Der doctors were eery attentive, .rid need all the means in their power, they failed to ab ford me much relief. I obtained your Compound Syrup of Hypopho.pMtes, until it made a permanent cure. I am now in perfect health and free from Breuchitu. Respectfully yours, 1100- DALL CRoc1111. 29 The greatest book sale, probably that eger took place in the world, was that of tde old eelleetien of Richard Heber in 1834. The catalogue was in five thick octavo volumes. Yid Oda collection had h ot a small beginning -one volume- pisked rip ata stall, entitled the "V allie of Varlets" about wbich Ike was in doubt whether "to bay or ast.te boy." A Carss Jett. -Not far from Hawick. hires astoeking-weaver who is a firm be- liever in .piritualiam." Some waves, knowing his failing, resolved M Lew some fan with him, eo procering a thread of ane gut and a ffybook at the end of it, they rePeired to the stocking shop after dark, where they knew he was alone. They looked in at the win- dow and saw him working awe with an old nightcap upon his hod. the tassel of which was bobbing spiritedly at .ver/ course, and the light from his lamp was dating fantastic ,hawdows on the op- posite wall, and ever and anon he was looking round to see that no spiritual manifestations wen going on his bade. Onr wags saw that their time was come, to getting a ladder they ascended the roof, which is of thatch and somewhat old, and is here and there covered with pieces of old board. One of 11ee holes baby situated conveniently over the victim s head, they removed the board, letting down the line and kook elate to his head. The bobbing'pirnie' seep hooked itself, and wee slowly and steadily drown up. The frame was at the rs.dls Leads when the "pirnie" be- taa M.s1•0de and the poor spiritualist a.toally looked op as hi felt it whisked howl his head. l7a remained in that politico.. if be had been petrified, with month sod starting eyes, a very eI astosiohloont, till it disappear- ed, as be tbeetkt, Iota the thatch„ then with a greatye ll be leapt from his st- board, sm..tise et- ' and.stiogwnh- • h.g his lamp let his hurry; he made for 4hs door, w'hlt► 1'ts had a gnat deal of stiMealty In fading; M lad he got out, .. MA ostnally ton boom, tolling kis saton- - Idol tits story. He wondered "tri's spserit end has sic an ill-wnll at blot am tae steal his pini.." The order .Isom.. was stuck, sod he declared he "wedna wort, anither night 'tinsel' for Misr stamen hen an' Berwick -- s s aaoaolrr.-Sbs following ao- of the ssassMy of a he* deg le tri Oho ](wed Planet Oesifoldeidsr lay WS w.sk Atm Om moo ri esstlas ass teem � Ice. Zoo- gy iR1. iib-lthbasi0 As- SI. notice that the agricultural yOaps11 all over the country recommend the nee d Suuooar's CAVALRY Cow - pillow Powwow. 29 fa": Them are probably a hundred or mon persons in this and neighboring towns, who daily suffer from the distre.- e iag effete of kidney troubles, who do not know that Jonwso0's ABODE/CB LIe1111I.T le almost a certain cure- In sever. CMOS, gnat relief may be obtain - .d, if net a perfect cure. 29 THE MARKETS GoianiC■, rah 1145, 1171. 051st, 0.0) llhal' it U• 1 17 Deer.rl.art'�p.. II WM- "t N I .1..11 ., m. 67 P ) e 1 M • 54 M • f7 y.�bw• sIµ• • 01 PiwlriM•Th • le • 61 Pork, a tin a 0 TI • 6 M. pie 1peder 14 ss 1 M pdr1.0 • p D■tasr. f 1 11 WE" fo deer (eMsekee)• m • M Cunros. ria. as, 1171. to e•t, (veneer bosh .... et la • 00 Wheat, (Morleg) per bash.. 1 11 •• 117 dour, (per bel) rote per baa` ......-. 5 i4 • 54 peso, per heel.7, per acme• M • M Praha, per bah .. II 46 41 eie Pork,, p 46 • 05 RutteTern, per 16 Tern, nee dna. (aepahed) - Ola • 6 U SA. nnr., Feb 10, DMA wheat. ((hhm Wheat, (Sprier) per bosh.... 1 14 Pinto. (per b1) • 0 ml . e M nee, - Parlay. bomb .. 0 M - ream, per hash 0 00 ' P.1atoa, per hush..... . e a - Rnaer, per it; 0 10 - Enna. dor. unpacked).. • 10 ' MerrwsA1, ►Deb. 15.10 wbwat. (7.11). 10nb.... 11 tea • Wa.iM,,.st'(ylMt//111 bush,.- 4r . ���lara1((z�!ar�.�rekr).. . e.r•, IerAMM,.. ...:: -.::: 1 446 • PPennem•,Meek....._• a la A P•wi, r a•k 11t w ;MEW. l a - Bir. ir. (urk rall0 • 11: •f • Sat., Sept, fie, L, apt. Mahe ..0/IA110N1A,.Mst., (A1. M.L. til 711 .... *0(11,14 Bet., Oct. ?Atli Set, o*L lath....(rOLUMBIA. Sat., Nor tis. Aad every Wednesday mid 5atarday themetter from PM: m. North River, at nom. RAM e. P.sa4P1 rearm.• m Cuaame r, To Wytsnee., 0u.,O. oa Bear: raw Certs, 110 .ad era, ewerd0011 w haat... gala .,sanbs TRW. bowl Yr 11 swathe) rearing best.n•oe.elaac•. 0110. Intermediate, eu. Mteen.ge. •00. l'.rtlnraleut 1,10E5T RAT70 raa Might bee to tlnw .isherr to ae)t1 for them tri ads. Drafts breed payable un prowl 1.40.. •i'S, d air Company's 0acr air to 11511 0ARN0010. N est lt, umlaut. OWL poderla Oct.' 13 107). GODERICH TO EUROPE TWICE A WEEK. Clam. by C1IIC111.C*I) VIBEeb mated at pearly e>tO.0014:60401, g t 1S Ma atas fast e. elyu ted Mna. sermon" nrnr.o -only. Prompt Payment, sad Libman', i. d. }d5e0t of Its lo0aw are the promlaent feet.ns of uta wealthy .*,errs,. FIRE ared 5.101 POLICIES l...M with ,aryl IIMnI roodl4uo.. Hood Offloe, Canada Branch, MON TEEA.L G. P .C. 8 M I'I H, Keanlen 14,reurr, A. M. ROSS. Agent for Cogent 181 .olTIVII l Or Picture. orb aa (1g Pedattaee(lreees Uthygk. Ph"4wntrA d kin Qse/Radtr se/Ivied made arnageea wet a foomto Manu nag Roar rsa es„* Pinta r. Fiala. a say style meed at Tan* prise. tT Hu always ua hoed a eesepwls awl meet d Comas St Shrouds la the Latest St¢. _11.o,11EA1118Lrn to Wire. C712.49apreaCya11133. 2 Doors Neste Post Mee. rk. Limber and (b,tia000dt.bew its'La (7atrtaa. pseud„ Irl_ .d ExtensivelewPremises A30 Splendid New Stock. 1 J!?;d��u ,.,liYly.iN,ulale„luau' WESTERN ASSPRIICE ' COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK .. 6600,00) SURPLUS FUNDS 206,389.8 RECEiPTSFORTHEYEAR ErNDINO JUNE 80th 1871. 357,858.28 HON. J. MclOURRiCH President. B. HALDAN IKaaaging Director. • FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE AT Lowest Current Rett - C�thPECIAL LOW TARIF►O0RATte,COVOIU!O o I.aranee for woe or three )esu ea detached Dwwellings thirsts. sad Sebald with molests. Ir. CIl1r, Tomas mod Caste) playas. Ther uta aad terms of pelt, pwOcelirly favorable to the ram, We Commonly. Pint CR. man .anted for s tn.ellleg A, for Ilse Waal?, 0etlylnt ,hl. Teen Apo, ie .Atlee with rofrreaa to the undersigned for Raw 01..10/ to the Heed (rare D. WATSON. Isocal ApM• Goderleh, 57th rept. 1171 £ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CUYP'Y HARTFORD CONN - The Splendid Inman line. TIIE QUICKEST AMC SAFEST STEAMERS .d toot .ecer0datba TIHZSCRS('RIBRE HAVING bre APPOINTED Asst per the INMAN LiNE OF STEAMERS IsDad t0 true 0,54. FROM UODTRICAW LIVERPOOL, GUMENE001y WLAMOOw OR WNIMI*DENBY Via Ne. Turk Itt the following w. rate, ;- Ca is elinin pow Steerage 311r Prow Lieepa 1, (In.ensfo,l, Glar oer or Londonderry to Ooda ten. 1'AMn 1167.5" s• .4 Steerage 10 M O Ceble Tweets lnrue Round Try at a ra dna. . of 10 p,r tient A Prl-MT TIw4T.t0LE. (gee or two va,1 leoeseg tat ara1 CrrlOle wosnI 'sT'V 1 CITY'O0 NEW 11011 cITT or 51U11150 0.111011 CfT1 00 LONDON ('IrT or A7T0LRP CITY Me 114101441.110 CITT 00 I.Iclines ry-Thn o•sooso ongramahalow assn ■t edleglto wife nae mes ammo. lam tp ere mm.. Lae. lehieb slump passonar. M IMM sAtaWa tsemenMda�l.•s•altlt , sy w*mM (RSIa 664 as n Ns•.-Thgat* s�mallispia boa u• Oalsolei aMagni fella�eaalkaila'Dein LM,pe,Ow.- IerMIL NW lesWs l!W2* 0ADDtl.1, • y.odlr.(. Bantle/ Orta. swoons CASH CAPITAL $3,080,000.06 CASH ASSETS5, 782, 635.09 LASSES PAiD IN 51 yeste28.000.000.00 The Largest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS M r1 Ir 1e 1. se48 e • 'hmaw•eZ•11M•tat N 1wur, (Mr t m 10 11141143.118 seise"•'t Ile • m ra..t.'0 ber.• a►•1�-...As../1 iw • • r44 i rely rite. ter Pah. es IOW. Ili 4g. oneme a4• es n r •, • eft* Arms.>elral< 1Ib. A THE LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME OP ♦w? FIRE INSiTRANCE COIIIP'Y IN AMERICA. g . Deposit ,rade with the Ihonin.rnw (Jeeeremest for the benefit of Canadian Polley holders ezcleeiveJy. )'Rseent failures show the impor- tance of patronising the Comp.niee that afford the most reliable indemnity and the veins of an AEtna Policy mut be ap- parent. 11 -g0the M R Dwellings, Churches, 10 ui ga N aw Mell3t d Sr ord these and vaned 54 mdse me M. . they au be made wtt5 .Sty tow O•mpmr. DIXIE WATSON, VOW .e1 Ood.t(.h. Jen 1115, 1111. - 11 10 11 '• •' 17 • 11 .1/t Snot. 11'1 MUM IITPORTITION8. A. P. MILE AN, Merchant Tailor, alas antral Min. from the BRITISH MARKETS ICU, • .pleedw awe et Scotch and English Tweeds H, NELS, Y'S CLOTHING. EN'S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, of ell descriptions. AND GENERAL - OB, All thew M pnr.h.0ed to the brat Meanbea, • which hii .,.1,.0.10 will towe ma tam&& Its (A511 and see the Sark and feat Ilse pricer. East Street, Opposite Knot's Church. ((edsbb. 114th (11. 1171. to A N U PROVINCIAL kRBL3! 4 , MONEY TO LEND 011 LAST TERMS C. Barry IL Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertaken & Wood Turners, am. (e.. mowed am* 1•a game w the W11a .0,1 dour,,, w. 1111..'. Bafem Yap, alma. .1D be GOOD LBYOBTatasitT of hlkaa, odious. Olamereamural gar or 0. Man, 1055 ie II1OORPORATr1, '1•H E A. D.116 TABLES. CHAIRS hair, ease end weed mated) CUPM/ARIM .Rmf.A n6 waw rfAwtwA MATTI.RS1.t WENO. WOOL HURON & ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY. CAPITAL - - - - .S700,000. • ADYA NCRl1 MOfE1 ON Ir:Ct. 1 reef of Real Notate, and o■ Terms eery favor- able se bmo.erw HO LAWYERS' COSTS u.CHAROED ytr 0oe5et7 5. Ice Solicitor. .hop•. ANT ,em et nary. (vera opwwu, le NM 5 I05V anther of pre, to 055505. May Maybe °Maimed M my tiee with tittle '0. a° 41x7 beyond the same taped la temetipny the taw and palating the M. thesoet dwhirl le pale a1..w7 The fell enema d the Irl w edv -so de tac- Um Was made M ammehas m 5 Wier rams plea ell. yY le weal 500 50 N thereat d a loan baa erarse 1 150 I new moon.). The boo. 'ewer ma siest51 "pal ls1 �.. 7`.tr v moontane,. r salt Ise melsparta wade.0he ie•.dse wtrras1, ° aaall IMI ler meet the deb: 5.. ere w Nrtdseleetml. M 0 payment the debt le elttraly ssterllelshsd, sad the mortgage dla- ele a, the .14.1(5.50.. et1Mlatwl. lb wMPLE - A etdal theen few lb M pays tga Mortgage la p dpeer.off and a tM .rid of the nae* M. es.oft le r The 'avidly ta cs- .Iowlyl babies. d 7►Is which b tin hh.r0at y the tans of the faro. with 050.5 It la nnrw..Mee0 b7 an. grfareing erse the merits. and its ..popof Re .111 Meme greeter se the menta M It. icstael d Reding mg he.o,oe atter kn0.e sed nnMrNIn p7 the .mall per. mate armee, Mt 10,104a In the 7wr17 able, my. the bosh..., Ue. eft and .enol trouble, M7e or N. nam -WB.. 0.nMta/ tere rhea d moss ht. plledee Della a eftee happen..Mo the pnn.Ip.l also m. w • wrp amp d the sed o1 the bran,-- .. 1.m, at Y7 tine. pal or 5.1e tied ,n alyo u ot. aronbIi i.ama(wnl.h tr , rale at 107 meith- m.e,wsa We In ertma, at the applitatlsa of the lm will r, and Interest at I0 pr drat. per .nam wltlMallowed oanM permeate In a.1ned a. pall p ty.01 50d Menta may M aMalmd .t yt M ,situ the Society's et, 014,. M to the Secretary, or from say of W Sncle/j a ..I. .°arm CHARLES PLETCHIR Valuator at Oostende/ r WHATNOTS. 100011C GLASSES 011.T /NAMING. . am prepared to mil ...r7theag le WS, 1150 Cheap for Cash. N. N • mapkt. as.oR0 5t .goodies .rel memo alware algal asd • Meuse N hoe , al w moor •hla A CALL SOLICITED. od.04. , 11 A■g Me • • 4'. . 14t'J w BOOKS, Nall 1'111,, (- r &co &C• WHOLEBALEARETAIL AT BL•TI.F.R S A BeautifulAssortment (.1 JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, 1' - 't and to be sold J • CHEAP A'1' l3UTLEIt'8 ''5 Monoy to LoanonRoalEstate, A PPI.AIYF.Rtdh.Trsd1. staeo.nComp.n7 of Upper l:.nsds. O M rx17cMAN, Merl -t Bevan crdnrh 0013,0000 MID Lan on Pane er Town property 1 sot. Apply to 0. CAMPAIONI0.11citer, a,,, (Yt.00(1,, 1011. 41ff Fishing Tackles, I ALL KINDS. OONSISTING 001 asif4 BASKETS BAITS HOOKS f 1 and LIKEN .rl . omelet Ms AND BELLING AT cOeT AT HUTLgR' . et 7 per 04.505, Iflh ANL. 1170. Dela Notice to 7)(1'htora MONTREAL OCEAN- A GIDERIOH PUP FLOT&T (11111 IVRSCRiItii Is PRMOAlOD 110 )7I11J `Ana .near far, rola DK 164 sit Wmea "4"r4/111 raMaer•rr ZI Erni 0TwjaNedOe****mal siassams a tow10:110eir ;Airs oksaw oorrtlrlts. pat t aei••••rktmamd• tset�lJ 010000poseta 1 1 a 1 r' •. . F' ti •i HURD& ROBERTS, water n I. 021.11 a r.towrro err SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS Tsrk street, Ilaailtes, seep eaer..117 as land and m10 Inlet. to eider M Jana seta .11 blade et wowon•n,el wo.Me It dike .al.•c54 esa lbe•taTa0l. Oe T0. •605151100 Oases Bahia Tap 111. Yea heti and Simla. teal Slew, $e., t,., e... 11. MORAN Ates, Kingston at. amisseS. 17 •wlese ee CIDDPlt POSTS AND RAILS tFOR BALI IMO !MIL II*OELBIOR GROCERY 0.5.10 /•t. an easel. t _1 o.AeYka.a.hia aJ _. STEAYaRIP COEPANT. yowl-me110N aM hes Liverpool, Insula- r Aerr7, or ob.,. by Me Jon. MWm.hlp Co'y appy res P. 11. 0AaTs.w RNIw•T Oadamrla, Arg, Ix, ItApnt Oaed Mud' sa, - Goderioh Harness shop W. A. MARTIN fl 7.wm.we N is 451. rift N V pb'w . eaaO.eal 115 M kr_ _14 y. 0* d /M Attar a d win* l n..mi of Han_ MSM w. a w. �NNW, yenta. W. p{, ..e Ow errdrelR HIM yenta a101p pmon Calr. , W m eplupr•et M r aaN 1p LiMIT Alb iMEATY HAP. Kt , Ztura.stl taloa eat Omsk Oellete d 5,.Iewa 0(711 ase welt baps* soder. peomps- Iraf•das51 N !'s..lhwi' 11111111111$0 ;urt'r-c..a, Al. Mew 151 Maleasingre W►.. heed taeeh, 54 50 r.1. ONpOA, Jai* Sti 1031. PARTIES will pleas. wiM04 .1 000, tDs writer ABRAHAM SMITH. OM1,leh, lir flet 1071. • BRANTFORD BR>WFRY THOS. SPENCER, PRO. Spenoer'sAXX Ates tk Potter; 8penoel'il Bottled Ale" n Fine condition, enenesr's Ales in Pow aeon, barrels and it �1t barrels, et the GO D> .IOH DEPOT, j�AttNRT IQUA OEO. GRANT. a.,easL ern. 1w 1811 115114,". Land ft sos • aa/ 001 Lion nit tetAM • fi.dsslob, jig 15 0 mei i • .4a. ..e.._. •