HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1872-2-22, Page 7February !ltd. - ?rotentlon Clot Want. We hear from time to tlu.e of impar toot thipmente M Canadian mamltactur- ed goods to tlr..t Britain ; and it u apparent that this kind 11f trade u in - arguing. Weere new shipping to Smo- ked, turbine wptarwheels. Canadian harvest tools mud Swing tachiues Amid a ready market to Ragland, competing then with the home manufactures is price and surpasaing them in the quality et finish. Lu this 1 atter respect both Canadian ani American tools us so much eup.rter to English thet thew have been uearly driven out of this market. A Shetheld said uauufacturer,after walking through one mit our utanuf.ctories, exposited his astonisheseut In the tenoning terms : - "Why you mauufeeture th0 scythe with a hammer, and !iamb it equal to a raver, while we still go on in the antiquated method of manufaetnriI, by land, pro- ducing a lase perfect Article, uut nearly w well Made or finished." 1f Canada m a.1l goods profitably in Land(land, with how much greater reason should she auk other markets where than is lees ouwp.titirm, and when she would com- pete with English tools with the cwt of carriage added f-Mun•tory Timet THROaIAT Wreraall RAILWAY. -The Buffalo Epirus is informed that the Great Western Railway Company of Ca- nada, finding difficulties in the proposal connection of their "Loop Lia.' with the Grand Trunk Railway, at Cayuga, emir contemplate extending the Loop Lune to Niagara Birer at Black flunk, and then taking an independent crow- ing of the river, by badges fr,ou the Canadian shore to Grand Island, to Tonawanda Talmud and to the warn bank of the river at Tous.ande, where eau• necnon can he made with both the Erie and Central Railways. It is understood that. engineers are now engaged in mak- ing surreys for carrying the proposed road serums Greed Island at the point indicated. The Lrpruus metes that the -Stock of the Great Western Railway 1r reached the par point, and some- thing ever. For many years It was quot- ed at little mon than 50 per cant. upon the amount paid; bet dump the tact t years the tee hu been steady and oun- tinued, and this gain in the valet of the stook, and the appreciation in which it is held ty the commercial world, is in the face of the opposition which the Great Southern proposes to offer. It is not usual that railway stock is found te gam ui public estimation under such circumstances, but in the car of the Western, has indicated the firmest aon- fdssee in the enterprise heel[. ae is the ability,' the staff under the Bund of Directors.-Ram4tei. AND www. IrlmmOSYTN. roar a�1{MT 00051o.NS M raw wwutul0 .ow TMS LAST OS IAA... MOTHIMS SETTER," CUTLIR Bros. a CO, 11040 tr.. 5054 tM Div. 1St11 Wuaat Co., & N....rue & r. 11.•fa Ja Air iv MEIw Waggon aid ('arriage FACTORY• BATES & ELLIOTT HAVI pleaaen la Lata_ 0.w Sad rouetry that they Itin.r, .. •w P �gr.wNad u..td`a.t� (i. 4CHIItr: old da ) Immediately Jky delthe e' taro Ho- tel 11 l 5..ttead psr."511y to ell the work e ntreated W the. .ad .n ...red to luta .54 Waggons( Buggies, WW1. to the public of It is a ran thing to find a whole fam- ily of maven children live to an old age, as u the car with a family .ho long ago cane fn.m Nova Scotia and settled in Niagara Township. The Rt. Cather- ine' Tiara says the family contains eleven children, the eldest of WHO= u anw seventy years of age, and all are dill living. The parena' names were Gilbert and Elisabeth Anderson. The travelling and freight -moving public will be pleased to know that the Nerd of Directors of the Michigan Central ha re decided to Isy an add itionsl- ttack between this city and Detroit, of the beet steel rails. At the present time, then are eighty miles of double - laid, and the Board proposes to lay fifty miles of new trek each year. This im- portant decision hes been brought about in a.napestce Of the increase of freight which hr taken piece of late, and the fact that mon has been oreni than could be handled by the present capacity of the road. -Chicago Journal. Cutters, Sleighs, . 14ave thnhele ! la tlin.. of ted 1 wo,b*oaeklp and at the ref, I...ln .uoersH•e ntee, e. New Photograph Gallery 1 Alitlt'L ot 1U1AldiNhltS111Pe r TO�`N LOT$., hnelph �Cw�o� Machine Co „La 4e By1LDINt tar (Next di... to tA• Tt le froplt Office SOB i, oNr n HAVE trio Joy 'rico to portMwl fp w At (lY I.ai fnrlHtk Primo. H.IJW.••" 1 own., a.nr•b..• ( l..4 J, „,L,,, Mr. lionise *0 4. o, W 4par1 to tln111n4 hal 1' ,e ,,.1 M. (I..Ar.5 h The 4 . Aly Ni11 u.h , ae to la- Tli� t•rllwJ ou outer LLC Aly of Mnrl l:0n111.,•r A' are Saheenb., a..', g eemuu.red boson.T'Ao1•ewonhe Hloeee. r.N.e, of the tel ot Spun and Wee4 Street, la the Town of ' edenrb. ower the .tore %i n erly,rr•sppl1eedd by Nr JOHN MAN 115, would respectfully .dklt a .Mrs of pathk Oat /aria+ Vl4ltore inn Sae the nr.me att. 11 'I the eller 0od.7. .hyla He 1. prepared to de 51` head. dwore.. the Padear•I•h 15,.. Mirk M PHOTOOKAPHR, AMBROTYPEE PO1tCELAIN PCPTURES, b• p5Rw5.CN 15.. paid tIt o en onold t�I .Y Lugo ad mat 540550. b Mo Seel dple w 4M.4 Na ant.. allowed to leave (be Oelbf u le.. at proved wt A PALL SOL1CITPD. W. J. WIHITLEY Odwt•a. sept Ito, lel. /.15 THE OSBORNE uarr tt ue1,Nr pM,•pne, 'I ,. C... alhr ..rl Mud ,.IM 10.0 Leo *yusrr t.“.N.I1.1I.1'R r' • Uwn,..�♦w•,b.. ra•u;e w 111. L.., act J. Id. Chir SEWING MACHINE. 0o1.5h 17(1. ♦al,, 1571. ..:V It il. ls.r'n. 0l hook 7001 re anluw� Lob., 0LC I pad rt nn.3.. ' U• erns h, pel24t, 10 1 Very Thing WantEd I' lLe ser, haat M. NEW HARDWARE SWORE 313 331 Promptly *Waded to OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. N> ,.Tools andother C3• In (i ODE R I 011 , 111 ape TISK LAWWEi51'Oc1 05 • If J 1 6 • LOCI(-SWCH SEWING MAGPJNE 4`...9ARM Fra �'AL.E IFA A 10aPr `t.Al. rata. airy 4T► H no Say. .0 (J r edit eead, 41 t 1 l'.. 1..., ....My Morden o KING OF AMERIOA.Nnajandootth•''wre naw.. ..1 tire R.raro.. rt.h' NSW INU MAORIS X& 6 I rn1,I4Ca.t►W ruHowH„CT CANADA ARE now el Hoololowt. They have been mond Wye allTonto. make tM Doyens lock - •lark alike'e truth Wolo .1 w pr,s...d ID, .14. to ur••tMr tnu•Mne oSend the pisMk. Sur `//k len ranee of en., per- t,o.. ,r.uty mid leel- A len. f aleaatmra, ad.INoMn*y. .lreagth an ✓ dura:Aute• ,op The Oehe.ne Sewing Machinehaa no rival. Carpenters Wanted ! ON HAND, a large arottsest of .I.WMU W bold Carp for Camp or Cord. ..one" Owerinh, Ace l5, 155. Stoves bop SIGN OF THE CIRCUTAN SAYS Stoves• Ir*IDtlCRISS'R. BY.O TI0*T TIIATTRrI Ta • Th. r. ,wt ar 345454 pprrang •,rt .. Enna. Ne. .nJ , Eva Taol'oas awe-Coll,rcrtao Pira C, Poway Lain Pipe, A Carat. Dnpats Mraoe...-The (luelph Mercury contains an ace' not ..f the brutal murder of a former resident of that town, together with her little boy, at Kane, Penn„ during the night of the 20th ult. The victim was formerly s Mir Farrell, daughter of Andrew Far- rell, who still lives on the Waterloo Road, near Guelph; and the murderer was her husband, one Patrick Burns, who married her in Guelph. After leaving Guelph they settled in Hespeler for time, when Burns kept tavern; they then moved to the Township of Normanbr, from whence they, eventually wandered off to the States. The murder appears to hive been a most cold blood- ed affair, the unfortunate woman hay - Ing been strangled and kicked to deeth, while the little boy's .kilt was entehed in by • blow from sone blunt instru- ment. The murderer ma arrested. On learning of the horrible mi,ir, the broth - PLAIN A1V1) FANVY TI 3\T Wa COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL g 'Coal Oil Lampe, , Old Ile Copper, Bear, Wool Piet.ar.. •ed Sheep e • lake.,. eschsere. 1.5 J . sTNRT, *dr Sign of the Iwrte COSI 01' H.rr•1 Oodwieh, Aug 15. I'M eel 'kJ� �r 111,N 1.# W Lich w Mn just received. Painters Wanted, COMPLETE STOCK OF ' n "L...mt 1 M i-sf5...Mwtlaer ,r l/��NaeFF urs cu.. Orr awl Putty ail of the beet =WS HARDW ARE. n/5nkn4. whish .mil be .Ad at rein. t►,ta•ry B1ackmiths Wanted, ..wpwutme IMror. punba.lwe.lo.brre. Please .41•. es a .all To ed. node Fame m of None N.11•, Inn•.4 - L1•t ret 0.,od5 told. seat week. . 5/ee1to wh,rh we, u.Irc the ahevery beet val. G. H.PARSONS &CQ.f - Dppesite The ;V'arket ilonsel Coopers Wanted, t.teri. b June tlr•l 15'1 5.57.4, • T. watt W are, ea net .4e gnat vedwt7 d tM Tool 0f OMIT trade. rhe Huron r, vCritruei e• NEW LABOR-SAVING! tzaisu 013QRTT. 1 N t' 5NT4:D AND PATI:. TED y 1.1.LI. TICH horse. 45.de.k. Tp. J IOts• BO B,1•T fe. has math pleas... la r en.gtotaenoweas,A 11ar. A NEW CH:JRN . often oars Istrnu. ate for who '4 Mau. wend • Palet for U. Deana ,s of • .nada when 61ready 54,.4weed, IY. 5.140.610 Mn ,ow.1.ee4 Hem. aerbly .051 y.1IY rr•. 'THE HURON FAVORITE/ W Mehl) ..awo.I.A5• that tor . **44130 OF TINS AID LAWN, STR145121H AND DURABILIY ter wart $D4TH'N, SIMPLICITY OP 01.•1•1714 1, SND IVPSCIEor k N[INO Feed! 1'eed: JUST ItsJEIe.&1.D AT SH.PHARD' & STRACHAN'S 20 Tons Bran, Shorts & Mi( - ling., WHICH THEY WILL Bell Cheap For C'aFh. Grtederioh, Aug. 15, 1870. ..I. Ettay Pig, 4 QTR.SY ED tato' the cram.. of the .el.et Is 0 meet • ninth ago, a whit. row The •.a.1 .5.15(•1 v 1•y expeaee., 61,1 take her ir./y Woe 4M1M.r.1. •. leda1 • dw Cea. em. ti, I*TI. w O boa 1..1.50 Tr • farm fir .n_-.._• en of t e murdered woman et once left Axi.tct=.oWPriae et Sas lox Mtr.lor. N 11 -TM paddle that work. In th. ria. res Dian ratted or'«weld ...fooling to the depth. 4'. cream, or wowed to ter 4.As, THE (;IIURN ran le wee et Me town et Mr 1) Wis.. H, .don de 0,•Ie.l.h. Ginty or TownM,n delta ,.'nerd on :neT•I tern. For *5n.lwr pdrlh elan ,orb perr.5. .5'r at les 11 A 15 a rue, (intMrh T'p or by letter W G,rlrrI -k P Co. ALEX. TICHISORNE. PATPONIZE NAME MANUFACTURE (l,.1,rM1 TT Tt1 4,70. 1571. R -sett Guelph for the scene of the Irwgeify, BEING the Eat Isklf of Ind ret in il.e and the remains of the victims were tak- v 12th a.ncemmon, Eaglet n Division en to Guelph on Wednesday tut for of the Township of Aahnelil, &ma.mny burial. 100 acres of land, of whict. 1,45 eons ter --- cleared, the remawing 43 - Aures ate Averdict de ,5045)dwn,wree hrbeenIcovered withjt..stHardd+o'Ml Aieter returned Inst a Keri dearly j"anal' (wiling ark rine thmmtM r},e Pt 0016e1. muff h w• girl 41".for libel, he propnit"r of the sheet u i there a ""1"11 .Rmid 1• u B ( willing to sell .Hit ..Leap.- inning to beer. BaDdi. w i' islet .f . other actions of a lice nature an pe ndinII reel Ing H„ns• un a rte a .T against him. feet, ,Thu Carni is atWa a eel •.'nt 4 .. .,- -' (miles from Lecknov surf ttrr•Ail/,. flan Ei ht miles is x101 ea • rood data'- the Nor thorn Greve' i(or.J; - a hap roe g work for •Union aeiAe rrpre.s trun.t ne+ Railway 15 rutoph•4 tS 4h Lrinknorw. present. Psreugeve for Ran Frwneaci tilt lot Sid greatly increase in ':1oe should lay in, at least one month'. pro- Apply to • Tieion' before starting. JAMES T 'U`11'=ON, Jlt the Irr5wlews fir to timers DAV[SON ,k •it)iINSiON, [er.isl. ata , eloN1 ,1,h January, 30, 1871. . w2 9m. Two or three cold'. in sneees0tnn will, with many onnatituilnms, securely *stab. lisp the seals of cnnsumphmt In 11 system, thns converting whet wag origin- ally •simple, curable *ffeeti o, into ou, generally fatal. Ordinary pretence therefore make it the hn,tnew of every- one to takeearn of a cold until it is got rid of. Foitnnately `Bryan's PIIL„onid Wafers'. are tw,rougnll dspt.d to re- are all mnvba ,o'd rnl'I. end are equally effective lathe p'i.n*ry stases move peed I d IMgmmption wahine and Dronchiti.. Sola by ill Druggists and oo'ntr,r dealer. Price de. per boa. 211 --- r►, MDTRRRI,AW0 71114)50 CNmyo4.►ding itasldermen t., IT; new 4 Hata* ale l'e • w... 05..45. at the warp sate of abed ane a day. dor M disbar A" a 1511. The pnoeaan Nti it,.• stain the bigbauI ambition M their ,1,-' Corp. .r .tion dieser daily, RLLT Lt ieh 9. - A mss m«,t ,n` of edema to f'Ie�p to.day.,d adopts,) 'fitful/ the ten ofJu•II. N O'1` I (711!. 15 RRRRHT 011514 TRAY a rri.ICA1't0 .IR ow wu4. et the 0054 55.1455 et the t41 -1a ton of 110 Prods. M 0.45111/ m n.1.M m.nA eye Art I,0orpnretlaa the Teeasal d any. Nal Wray •*r y 1'nap5d Se ....1M the nano& ate M ee1.4* 500.4 npnn th. .5th comp.. .11 for .dher a-, Me1Caan in Yonne sad the handset to Bags, sowid bon today slerieuely leteg1lty se ad Briassam 1e ball, a,i astute. Dag• Attorrer atedaviMMe Mikis/ alionse paned lo. for Ral 'N'central part of th. Town, at 5 BARGATN. A coat liable hone. with ea worm is pp d nes. .17 oser Ion onetalns.ebniee ..1lefli.ii .4 fruit toms, 3V+p visa% Ae , in 11.8 1.01151$ AppIrto RAWL. PENTLAIIl) Oedesb►, Jan. 14, 71. woos, • ••1. ee ..1;1 Lajas Wanted 1 T., soya a aW PLATED W. LIP lm,mvr,aeot. 1.a,. lately hnw male,en- slot., n- ELLA,hr isoaaTRA o Salmftron 4' rWm • M the NE 1•Ll. ULTRA ,.r 4w1og Mu hl neo 04 , b W k,n 1. mil Arroeet reason*. r 0 t1 1 u,nl ruubn. 0. 554 r, r.ea •*a • a a ururlmr e.t her. w♦1V\T.. Dn.M .11 an 111•Tea. '.a a, /.t r.aurru rue rr Sas 1'ua /wm.A.o O.rrlr u .ap.... and reedill 0.50 pre. oded 1...'d at oto'k. t the pore hithert^ ,...gd formed lees doing • iia• ruse .a molt. the uu,S4W.era 0.1aa 4emr 4 to p4a':• It wlrhh the roti dyers 5011s'et , no the o. entre. ,t rete..1.045 rotr•ra.a will ,onvluc• all 45. ormarlaa se wa.yralW. The Guelpkh Reversible - hN awe. 5w wee.. .M-e.A..nd 44p14,a ilea.,, .1m thee. keno .o4' 4. of ,-h ,ire 5peY.n1••nt r..rr hbr.,, r owm(L wder.d. Te,...r ... raPTao',.-.nd'eea•ut.A • Don -.M IrMOaw.«t,.ne. LA..J Jweleie• n Die u o.po Leahy Ito Pww•.e k Ro ...dol.,. •l nolo 1/eelJ mteb.Nl with, i.e.. blend Aptly W 5. DAVIN %IRS TR! -t* Oedellph ITL! July. Ito meta y �O• I'OR S. LE. House and Lr1'. ON CA5IIMIA 1: r l' • N'rot )'RICit'OEf*V/ 1 acre Int 1. 55 naue•ido50�11 ,ly to B A. k1IOl1,l7 01 1.etis oerkh 4 Jule lea For Fale, A ROI'tl5. AND ACRE LOO, WITH A orotund Aryl/ 10 OoduAele Mar gen 1071. S. SINORAM ,Ikw1N1di rto.narrIY{e.&.- -50 4ddom Dtc.5r1+ 5..wrPair.. . ;AND evi kw& with fell eat., preeenlnnetlt the Riegle Terrwd Marin... SALE 17 Le. Sa.I. M.,hln. guaranteed. 51- 50,57, .0.•.D t•I•Tw5.54 11111411011, AT BAYFIFLD. 1 .Yawn TO tea. r"naT �r I OT300145 71472 BA7PIEI•D . a,N•'eeelON GULPH REWIND MACH CO...L Township of cn4.54.h ron,rn.in5 044*ornot GUELPH CANADA. its be/ quakily of Mad, Sunil .hent r mise. •f the Maria pasr•e u1 the Town IJ 14 tOvid There M a Al nh5m ib,ah.Age,t bodeelth, wiul.m Jtaw& r deans. of 11 a, re. wt. h 0tw'dI. 0 w prey.,. 4, Cltu W. N walaoa,en-.4 eafoh. for rrop. The nominate of Ile end w r.eely 5th Sept. 1•71 r ...red with the bast of 1.0.x1 .Id maple tinberol -we!3.415141.I Retroo��th. 50. 75.'oDt hand I•w5 lw tw. oe M (54 pr.5'My •IdrL 15 r I5.1n1 15' 5r, old vir;Tugo .leer -.Tiled" - A arse Quantity of I t r o pe on bead' iairIIard' -n rte of *11 kinds, is e. 1.••• variety N. R.- Everything sold at L)w Very Low- est rut. at H. GARDINER & Co.'s, Markct Syoare5 (ioderich. Odrrlrh, 0th Mar 151 Sheriffs tale of Lands. C'wat• of Hann t 13Y ring. da Writ ornadiulre rn Wet : { Kap,na. ter Part and Y..r, Tama. for rood,. Meed out of UM 5.Nsty' 1'wort f wore. Snack 5.d to me dlrer4d against too. of 11u• d. mid Tenements M Moho Moran.,., .111,n nit .0 the Mer -ban. Ilauk .0 1'ea:.., 1 have ward., taken on Saer5Mnn all the right, l M. and meet mid .tu,t) of sale w f th• oho.. w awa 45..4.*; In .n4 w 1(.•m 5.110,0x05, 55.1 e l he leas f,urte.nth mm.enlo• of lh. 7.,.n- . alp.l445..4.k. IoHr C•.,o,„f 11nn.. re.1 Ao,ng twooherar by dlosh hernia Iwo o.. met Arre• turn .+ Ir., wh•eh hernia aha Teo.. boo I .tell the▪ kr IM. al n) 4,15.., n tee Gert .lunge, In the Tow. .ft.drn.•e, oa TbSr.iy t.e Ar.ria, day of J.nwryry a 11 ,all, cies Y�red.ur of the Murk. to the sftermwe. JOHN MACDONALD, Sbbrif of Huron. -i• H.: tl.tSUNS J., RAKDT' Rh 1111..111111 NTS,. 1.t)UARE. 00 DE H WTh Have for : ala - SIINK._FOB, an•I other tuna, moss ctrl oWR, mu, saws, wool) SAM'S. AND BUT MAKES -• • OFH 11'fDRAna, ClloP- PING A%ICM, VARI- OUS MAKERS AND PRICES. 1H)Y'R ' XIIR. HAND AXES ANL BI4IIADAXES. COW TIER OFSEVERAL KINDS, ' LOG ' 1 A 0 CHAINS OF / LL SIZES, - IILARft PUTTY, 1 '•.ROtil►fT AN ft cm NAILS. &c And a large assortment .r! all kinds of Eher1Y'.0a.e, OaDrlrk, 1 11.'. 15th. 151, 11 AItIOW At lee prix. fee CASH. °main MARKET HOUSE. G. 14. PARSONS & C. Moderato, Noy. 4.,1871 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. R,BRTTOP HURON,I ivy ,Irtte o1 a Plorte• T bon writ M Pert Fnrly 1a wool oat of Her Md.t,'a I',na1) . ,ort, .4 the Coned; of Heron, and ,n m. ,lm't.,l • Seat tee ISM.., d Tnenwnta 1.4 Jane. L. BIM.n. lad job, r. et the ants or Rh MM Rater, 1 Mrs Mond 054 token In esegnh n, .11 the nut INS ate lotSled .41M oleo.. nen ed 1 N• ndentt, l,bn Tale nil to, .11 4 dap. that . retain meteor tn1.151 ed Irud w.l piel.11e. Mtn.. 1)554 es I brie` In 441. town.lr ,•f lathe .mirk, la the C, ,54, 07 Ilnenn.1.41'ro 1*00,.4 lnnt.no. (wine m,np.a4 of pert .4 1..1 nnmlrr Fenno, In the lint.00,erl40 ,,NMT..w,,.Mp.•f T"r0er-ndth store..M, and he. lee In .:,e women . f (Inrpl.40 y and may M bene, knows rad el mode. et Pilo. (w5.w.olwttte14 • Moe a M•t I pion, l "t ft. -.0ahte g 1 15 .,r rlw r.,.' ,da. thunk 1.41, h, yf5 .,,r..f . ,give 016110 .n, .0`1,01 0.4.Vtlt n . r,n.r.0 Nn 1• ..sant,-•a nov r M.eSn-I1. pie .4 I.1. r• error nee.,. resf,.11115 r,,.• a We4. •.,.' 0,r 01 • *'1011 a fie 11.« h terse, n,. •n'ff n h' ,h, Ph1 am. e.•tem 44 IM Town4n. WI looker.. 4h, .. the r.0m Ado M aid 11. 0e610f FN. .n. ,h,-,0'. I.4•1 *m...5 Or. • . •• it tea .1, use .eI ;guar Hoke tow 04 Ir., to /he ,mnherll 1,1111, * the nod Ft . rash) - iF."...dp1y •10• d,qr...� ql,y It�SgA r. nn4 .,.,t.,.t5 h O 00 .. c. .'h v�weel e. node. he . .Il 'Irks r.SOA .,rem• 1 e t• /m I1•M M LRA ft...14.4, to Rtiba► ..wwn, r ret• w• e.5w w '. ( ,bee .Miless 51.. •11,1nte- Sees este• . A. , r bee 410'o*•d l eat • n, a, .nnum 4 t,., �r do.ean4 my ofNae, ear.lonef.Mlt f.• t I ..w rw1 ,h0 o+M1.1 &reA n'1110 . m .w7b.e,te' i) Sarr .M }war r IN1Sew0* 55 M nil yard Ord , 'nook • Honer -.4 .d.. boomer. nes • :i L•Arn.• eN. ...tl ,del aA •Ile to 5 • , fat I. err on rt .., o T,,' .4 (*4o' 5 h T.... fret, yea o.T..t ,I,A. 11„151.at ill.. hoer.e MM ob.. m•. JOHN MACDXNAi,n,' sheriff mf 11Mn.nr„ Mh.. II.(carr 1•.4••ash Rn Den. 517 , N TShad well r(lynt ..,whl..,rane4 fn tr Jaw 1 �i o N;. AI. 500 .1 •,l 14' A^ ,,, t .p ..111.1.), 1 aeat5e• w e., nI ver! r. r,.d I,n'Irr lard, • &.c ▪ we and poll rues t the Ri•.. 5 MwnwoM lis . - .Cao erre Thr ,ter rue. In the Ri•rr M5 icd4 wNh • PARTIAL LIST strodafor sale at Parson. & Co'. new HYdware Ston opposite the Market HOUAIL XAILS, GLARE PUTTY, CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, L� GRAIN CRADL, t7 M MANILLA RAPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, all saes, WHITE LEAD, all prises. BOILED AND RAW OiL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL, TURPENTINE, And all kinds of Sherifs Sale of Lands 11.i1141)-sV RE For Hale llheap, BY G. H. Parsons & co.. Opposite the Market Howe, Got) ERIC is June. 20 1471 24 I•:Xtenes1ve NEW PREMISES Coonty of Hnr ,,,ily virilef a r . To Wit I Writ of • sa fsewed on* of Her Majarey'a 0') ( Q,leen's Bench. Slit 1.. ms dir.wtld against the lands and amnesia of Mal. :.,lm t!he. al 7snit Elizabeth I Isp.ley, 1 ha a seised an taken in4. •' es,.tnn althe richt, title, and inter- ( elft of the above named defendant, in mid to, lot number r(, o 1 eeutirree,•,-i�y7 *55. -�' mlgCNtlt 1' thea goal/ 747 t1NM.e, W N Which lands and tenenema I shall offer vw see ei jlg+a/IY, irLl.ae ('..net 4e, Moir. Ine tee Ya da a.. Moa. imbed es the 1000 d s15+M5.e 55 woseaM • Perth dia. die el aslwrber A• 0. Mt n oess i sae sastnsuf a ow y p,b(101 ♦ P4 Tpe,ve of tthe cluck. sum • e' g. IfiNs a1Ro11 AIA, Meng 0t Sums. gerlide.Offien, Onderteh, Sled Dseeinb.e, 1x11. •.e.akere..•a. o n .lderal,,. w•ler 4555 .lark r.e 1. eumte et.� .5A. far ,1x5.¢-0, ennnlarinrtegl4 tonal. n Far harm. appy te. Jars. n. 511./N • W w ('15*7r1R. 1..p 1t.y 5,dd. 111Msb. Guelph, Ang.lSth, 1470 \\ w30 CA-. TS. I)AVIS X3 �A IRIS PAY REMOVED TO I118 Farm For Sal IN the Tnwa . hap or Collor. • 11 Ore C.n.ly'A Ilainn. North p.rt of Mort R. ens,/'n.+t IIS acre. DO neared 5,4 Wader and hal, •Id 50..... 4M.1 Hata Rai 1iptee. lee airy.- LYeeka, R,dl 54.1 ghalq), pe4 Its Rogow u4 Pomo Bars •nd w5�r.Qtarlaa Ol rbn4, *MM.m 1 tulle nc514.0�n 5.�-.gu (ly5t MMaia•' with.ei mete. d We d.eat, TOWS 001..' . T,•... ,4,. rate. Apply 5e 41055 Slot 41tas (In4erleh Nov. 15, hl. `- �8 }'l1°"' To Let. 21100115. LATELY OCCUPIED 50T P. 5, ft'00 INo•a l.w omce, n.4,a.,, to Um root 05 , e e elan.. .tpply M DARIKL00RI10 Ood.rirh July ,4th. 5411. was- For w54For Salc. ArR ICI :'01P40E AND 1 ACM5 til, n.rt .1 Irly U,u 511, IZ tlYaat, Ten M�a/n/rh,IN. Inn to to am/ fn. the gen/w/y5tsth. * J. V. DF.TIA)R YRQ, ter Itir" W. CAMPBELL. Ooderich July 25th, 1871- 97adk- FARM PON. SALE. 7 or yn, 11th Gm nobles' It Tow,d I ,. 40 arm .1 1 J land 75 a.• .0,M peed Mn114155 14 1 .... Of .11 W►et. N all. few 1h. T.ele ole derh h. Applyto 0. M. TRUE5*. JR Godly W on IM premr. to ale ATM e0E Gotten., Dee_ IS.. 1071. sr, • FOR SALE. LOT 5, Con. 4, M. D , Aeh3eld, eon suing 2045 erre! ereellent covered with Maple mod Beech. 40 mites R.em Oodeiieh, with m never fettles trout stream runtime thronrh the Erntnl 01 the land, there is about 1v acres.ef e'eared land on the front d the Int. A pot! to ' • THOS. WEATF ERALD, Engineer mid Sere per Goderich, J,n,2nd, 1072. Valuable Property For Sale. 1111tt(yfa NUMBER Mt,. N D 0111NT.1y] VOW )rep lJ (4.dtel•h ('I, I.ft Sal n •1151.4 j.,411 Hr. �1(�j� mid s Ian.. fn.eJwrl Ions 11mteoeee alto. Det on 4,e 5.51 then la.lery,1•,o.t Vnone wain too. lm•hro•uId4w n• oven.' NMs'�ef %MS5 ' 14,11 •lo444.dimelWoe de Lbor.Ils.miflame b Ilse Loll Pl.11:lw d Liber iosetWr_.._ etyma' gnlt Ter. sok he0..e ae appl batten to -- ' Wm. ANT• Lit elt nod. '01 SO MMS,. h*3.1141.5 41OR Nww re ifrierlrh 11 Jule, 1171 eJl Chu ice Fara fop Faye cC Mi\1oDIU(JS NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JOKDAN'S DRUG STORM) Convenient to the Market. t stoves aces MIR LAE(3E AND COMPLETE EA11TIES 1N SANT n1 AN7TR1140 In hes '55.. Ir. ewe meoq y (oep.nlaW hes stent AL OONI U Nf SAM€ AStUAL. Et Oeeane, I. Jan )1/5 .M 11, r4OrL.Ilidp ewes Oise Wesel ealrok M Lase sism rw 0005. i nl 15, nu.0,. 14 owe,. ?owe.t elOM..A I J M tem,,. runes •54 tM Wed. It ,0.'4 h.sq4. +and tent,, WHIM, 44 4 11.11.. ••rfgm....r4 ,nd50. 4 lieAnneh A neve Dolma r,e.lr ries n.'e..l• w. Novato. Hh5*1 `, Ilmo•v;rd P. 0 vor Teat pati DAVIS KrRt'T11k4. (te11.Aeb 1. 0 •0wn.t 1.L ten .wpTJ1a' FAhC Pk*. SALE. `, LINO IA rr la,' C00 e1DIBICHTOWR5H1P• 47 44 .Sr Dn.411.4,•, wit/t_■ stood pN.l r...4 ad the ..y, res J .•.n« fru.. wooers, cutout. b .was d eeee neat meal i.4 e dwpfrtar da.)y.po•eyt°aM4a.5K.ine. ne Mr eredwl Owen 5.A III t 0(i M .b.0as Maley Pump hoe. ` 11111t. (050 mem wawa. 351...a.t • two Mesar mews 4rw sAlT to u5p/aawa41 JoM 4e�(a,ee . eq tNw1 UM -4 w we.,, *so•7seMAL lnnolgnt Ameaeair Mg ili IMO, witiatiOtafw Ta. JMasa e 4 r�1