HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1872-2-22, Page 4• wissevica Zee Sid•w - • TILE WEEKLY HURON SIGNAL 'at tbo aarlerdilliff yin r ended 30th Jane, 1 aot J ... 036,474, • We give the loll..•iug ...traits trout 781, bubo Wlrun year following they to. theprthe ospectus o111•nimaad Ho! They t II7DeW67ai4rm, a, wcreae.durer813, oeataio mute ralil .blit t'fonuatt.n with eta JwN last have?". Yet beet, gin's, rater,.neu tothmCanodaof ours• but it el -boort. tis'�iielu tlwrebar ',The affect of tem poltUytiota of this .trade tt(e t i al .ill, the susieerebar 110.11, be I0 Thw.w 1a, be.lsres,; "a arrear •14164 tl sip*W, it, Vertu Jr..-agSrstagger feast, Ms{pnrNarLLy 10 nglielmlwrillss the iwwttru . ig cum, wish regard tda'' n4da, so ma i110124 111 Ica knee..& semsluuai.'nt..,.. fo moonily' prtrMent 1n As British Tesatyyews ago theta - wry stervelr1W • 1 M b,ltrioa4.w Ib. year ended jp bred a dry i(.'t igtaess• 10 ilio CetWtfy. W. M. r AV'AGE laV ILL OPEN FOR INSI'ECIIuN, t,1 SATURDAY NEI?,•LANANIAXD rand anorthic of Lads*.' l'uda.t the merest styles in leaps. Tata rutcrpriso, 1his0tlalerihor noel, Ilya mu bora undertakes a moo meth tin, won. Nevefr mews dY the watt of ad lawual p..palatwAN Parade 11 steoi. ;ly lett, and none bd.e• did Camila loosest • timer Sete t..r.ettl•- ate.•r,.,r"Ser11grw.Wrvanety4assoom of the great Poetashuc w hot. We 1)••- t,.aerga•taeau,l Iud.atrwas tam, A',tuimeo Uovern..*4 La.pl„dgo.I itaoll and review of tie rata al osedith,n et 10ouustruct, and the mine). tar whiea the L1ewulmM1 of C•ma.►w as site ueaeat I are at present beteg pushed fore rot. In - mo.uelat 'til render this laimcieatlythe Province of 1h,Wnura.. ilwaare evident; Rod sods a eerie. se now pro liming carred into Omni Lim r new year. Tire tit utter. It u.ay cwt leo anpertsu.s .:alto were u0whrwtid wasto,, luuwn to exploit •bat th.rtlesit,tstion, ''Omit- pall le healer* or t.. luwbtruuee. da," now etsbrae.a the veh.J, .4 &trek I But to ooestrum thaw rooks, and to North Amebas (the heeler half of 4as °occupy the lands which ale bring w , whole North American o mutant), wish rapidly opened np, a a o.. i1afi111"f pol,o- tbs exception of NewiuunuLrd and lotion is waatwi. Catt«lrupr'.growug li Prince Edwad Island. It thus.teeekeo rapidly as it is, but wit11 w' Ie hoods It from tho Atlantic to the Poconc ocean, wtght grow much tater. Bv.'rlu ywatl sad from. the Si. Lawrence, tr the Pular throagbuu; the Do.ui•iuo there Y the Skin M.wtr.sl, the great a. I3llSM al saw, 014land for snore tabor. Fatwerv, centre of Um D.ou.•nuo•n, •city at 110,- manufacturers, contractors,ttl unite no (100 Of Fall inhabitants, is about bpm theorem! the mom cry for lwbur. Sial ed Wren' ut s d railway 15 u 1111 Cesda; how there are over 3,000 miler in .•ps.W.'n, sad within • year ..r so there .iU I..1, Ip) mon. Within fire yews the D•noiui.m of Ululate rill oert.iuJa ,oy poems, not le than 6,000 moles of rulomy, or.secttve Ermine, Alaska Stripe./ Persian, Astrachan. Coney, &cc. Gents', Pars, CAPS, COLLARS and GLOVES Alro s large aa.ortwtnt • d 'February 92n SEI�,IN(i OFF ! 1 GEO. fficKENZIE paralIlei of latitude with 10011. 10 the the towns a.,al•Ynnde at all times nems mitt 8sirs of b'rsueo, and 'Pius, in Italy. moven to twelve skiUinje a de,�L_ii� e1nb The extent of territory well adapted for farmers are mile tLo `1211' 10 uio1'1 l Wen t cat...moon wuhil. the Iluwnaww, may at friss three to four pounds sterling :. - be esti...odd M 1,25.1,910 square lairs, 01004k, with testier.. At the wlileiloa r an O11.g•t.h,r.Nt p ,t tool .4 w4i,h is at ate given a 114.1 It, Cntulae.n. (.earl) present ocomitld+t. The t:,tatpoglntaitkoe -batten nmth`wtgesxectrwtskr of the 1) www11 at pas, zit IS 3,575,003 7n lZuglauJ 4e emus without troop. Thu. soul.. The ,..0111.1 el ich it is caps the ..010131 of • v..ry to. ywatt, will 0t,• ble of sulpl.ortn.lt 1117 h• re:kood at tort/only u•.e.I.sa than 16,1,11.10,000. So ouch forexta.r of torrttory. The char attend t'IO !11.03 nn or Ica• incl judged' of I.v 11.11 pro luete. '1'11.3-0 a' a iso liter 1011111' et ,11. r.io ,l 111 Tito ....rid than th• .de pr...,1 u.l w ('uoa u. 31 it timber is 410011.eti. 1 f.• m 1 .Ito ,unrtct. We cannot Cort 3 fa -,t i11 -14•L to o'eet the .•J ha CrudA. 'I IW prevailing deonand. Now it _r,•-. (..rt. m ..f the imported g•'.,di 14 15 p.:r cent. 111 hla ofoe oot Ifd are: t,1+L a. 1 • T. r settle•• ('utrad states t,1 iavw.tsd editor .•f over, 40 per cent a ..11.0.::30. Taw toad .la at 211 the ...worn, gine oh,,'4t 1..2 (.. r 4 wt1 r.nnund pre. e, .■ laud .1 t:,o ,rev sea of the po,;u.0t • •n, the adu/tal lucerne A qu tltty, .loch ••. la 44.1.1*r •, to to elver •tp'11 which d cs int automat to noire ed t., yi.'.4 aldo,,l 4 g rip. "tnl foro1411 I tht. a dollar and A quartet, 0r-1.47 &hood o•t .., .p'.•t foruo4ulor, •,i,1, ,,. live eh !flog. of Engh.h gn.oer. bc.. .i L,•'14t ) foo Tao l'rorilie4 el notary., •.n.. C•41 - ill r,r•.rty e. ., but whet r , .oda art tc,ier dr•n, I*Aa 4.en no 1••10 t • Spend all odd ilia I,r.e . a ,rt f. '.. S 1 ••,1-t. 1 • *Ili r.n'uwu r.p.w 'Trdoaaiy n...taers alt $I In) an are.. th..t ,, t . tro... 10 pprroacwM w 4Fb.11tnela Etl, i$3l. N bat the 0 +t iim'uT rr.jff' 1; neerltet 'hi if -oil woe bt•f -re h'. 111 241,11.2 a p.'eM, t. a ••..,sotto• Dat ti,,• 1.1..1 La. really booroti•.' 1,p l.0 ti'•a; i.hcant:,od is 111 pr'4, ,.f 1 .1pi v•poitl. I't.e .y int y of this pro. '4,'i . ill ht ertdc-,t at s glance, It is- it, io lad to pie., tit land fatting iota t1,.r It.w 1. o1 mete npt.•tIL,to.., tole . hat u., Duct obL.'n..l p..ssrs•i..0 might than aril it to settlers at a profit. and Winter Cloth Caps ober was to purdah., • freeho..1 (-.rt,. of 100 term. Thousands oftuen s ht. Mo- gan is Cooed. in woo vay fire sow in she p.1n,.SL41r,4rrlua:r4 pr.;.,rt.t' For 01.44 and 1011014,0 40,0.11ars isswut8- Wiry of w.,rk e.,o.ywhero \tab regard to 44x341011, IOW .ivdis:11 anu,tnes nu the .ol.4 .re Y' 'solid tat• meat and awt. he did, Rm. 4'21 ,ri,,Clal 44 n'ern.ov :Ls gate •0.Y ..1 .1 merely Ad .01 hutiai 40. and is sow de, .111.310 its ' a w Y0tw,$ to Ilium.. reroll or . in nitMienr �LNarsfleAvrei- M#im the 0 .a,stMet ion •.4 new hues of railway. • For men ' f iMac.. L.ryge or swell, the Do...ulion cf 1 'nnade presents a must f •n.rable fie.dfor the navestmentof fut.ds Io the prol.;ut,nu of buainou ; foots eight to ten per cunt con readily 4.e ob- t..meul for money upon undoubted real estate eocur.ty. )Ion) ot i1* bm.ding- and l.N.n societies pay annual divLd..ada e 1.,re w, tu.med Gann and Tom hof Matt and ten ppr ant, and sometime; her as oolong the princmp-.l pn.lu0ta of •int. In *country bk. this holed in- C.m.ula; but tustop Chari wa.nlM1 five a dutry is sonata sake Its way ; the very very imperfect Iden .4 the capabi.ttiesof Melina posn.fons in the land lie Vett •14. tie amour!. Vernon. tools .4 Mute th new tt have the ability and storage are bro'oht to great p.rt,Ctiun, 111eh as w seise them. %,r apples pears, '.tum., peaches and wrap.. No one who will wb4k need veer lack The hikes end rotors .bound wait fish, is c Tornado meal or a glad cgat, and the loss inhabited pans of the nix a cheerful tireaide'4 hit own. And stnntry with doer, duo 40, partridge, wipe and litany ocher k1:,ds of game. Then the e'rth may fairly be sa•1 to teem with mineral wealth. Hondo i. iron, there had, there copper; then silver that conies to light All 'beau Minerals are found in vast quauti•iew, linden, with tin so epefo.l .d trim, have .tread4 been worked tognatbdvantltr. Cat.a'liaa iron, which in q.saliry is equal t., the Swedish, to only waiting bold be lm ved methods of transport, the coal wary far amities it 0112 h e o at a sufficiently cheap rate. Th'i have in meth instable sup- ply on tbi Attantio and Paci& .2111 boards (het Is to say, to Non Scotia and Br.W4 Oulnmbie) and alpait mid- - • way between the two Omens in our • real North•WestTerritory. Rich de- posits of pin.nbago, of antimony and of pbsspae of lime have also been dis- covered; while the Pr'.vi,we ..4 Ontario is deriving Ormolu. wealth from two .4 the most important articles of doily con- sumption which she u fortun..te enough to pommel in apparently unlimited • gnantl„ty, vo'.,'petrole.m .nd salt. But that Canada is a country .4 im- mane resources and destined fora woo- derful career of pr.rperity is evident from one feet alone, -the extraordinary prioress she u making es tho prurient .moment. Take one or two simple and incontrovertible tawts, When the ' United States, six years ago sae that Theghoetshave eetsblishedthamelvei the different British North American in force in the township of Adelaide, ri.ninums it.tead of I"oklat to "annex- wbore they are c d14.144 up all manner atom" r their probable, and desirable of unseemly prink.. Gnwmer'a school • future, were, entering into closer bonds liou.eapm prs to tin choir beaJquarters. 7t anion silt one another, with the "law of bnildmg np, north .4 the Ammo. �n Republic, a powerful ..'1 ind.psnJ- t nationality that thought the timebaad-am«af'iiI'1ng, vfliether by emb.r- - Tashi the trade of the colonies, 14,04 bowled not inspire them with different .bows and 11rtbntl.ts. With this view Obey alive/mud the so Milled '•Rte(y.o- dity, Treaty," under which Canadian gSreYnwaiter, bah, coal, 0411.10,an e, ti in yset 111114... noint'el prosiness of Como epee fold., etas sed riven, elrler.Y1 ERIC Q Abets territory ditty free. Bloat ea. ERIC VM IcKA i Abetdelf Did they smite C.n...la •,ih y--.- 001411/111644 Forslys.l For from it. aft, jk wltn .M', ea a nutter of fact, that abinbt aker ga,ggl�:, (q', 'the Anifpiw uranin w (Iltt lilted !tow til"C"1 at the (motor Nq�edfJl hrsMn.soded in .dry .1044 Upliot$terlDre• 4 , • Aerates lrssrttttes am for.ner.y. Tho ((', oats; vary nosionshly the caro w•4h re- U 1'es f Solid to t;anadien tio,brr. For this soil 'b•'42 !.cronen dureemt0. last , -:aro lee• het Ceiebe• 4.'1" 'the dimelias p'•up4'.••••"h- .an Y ba421.er. Ya h n.a prplred eomrb;.h a'I 7 1.11,1. In 04.114..4000 r ,mor • w,omeni'a 1.41 of tlwe .e1 &In Alt F E, zr • 17` (i u.l. ng other a. trheta, utd s.. sem eessf ul W bicb w be sold at lues thau city prices. Gudurica, 12th opt. - 3811. F�tsIIIOiitBLE 'fit[LORING. w. HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, WILL SEI.L THE FOLLOWING ,gtwtl. at oust, and under : Over -c o ate, Pea -Jackets, 1 ankets & Flannel$ Shirts & Shirting. Ladies' Fare, At Half Price ! WA.+4 a awn 1,000 Cords of Wood GEO. McKENZE. Godorich, Dec. 26, 1871. E.TABLI$UID IMS. Standard Scales. GoderichMarble works 1 ND ARE PRF.P.0RED TO MAKS S(Ti'N 1U ORDHR'AT t�11ig.rIaT RMB THEY UAvE-_1 eEWE11 NEW. • rWEsD14-:31-el ()1, i. t� 1.J? 11 u,.. E Nair s, & woo' moire do.4 a m111, want in this maid 1 He does eastt e..tltethlog more, and, loi1nately, Causede thea supply him sWl. He wants go'd.governmout, stable political tistitatioi * and a pure ed,uin- miraoon of Potrero Alt these ere to 421 tuunl hero. We Csua.Lat. look upon them) a muck our 1Yrtkrtgkt as the sir_ we breathe ; M, ..const 1110.l al's we t. them, in fact, that perhaps we d.. not (eels' thankfnl for them a. we ought. Hen liberty owl order are recunciid ; Dns www has to be mcnti00 4 to the .that. Thew • mos wants a good syste,1 .4 edeea4on for kid children; horeArls, Canada is on • level wild the vary, fire. must ooeatries in the world. Jtmt as bats, 1 t+wnship s cleaned, and 1wem be(..n i1 Y 0100'04, up goes the lig eOb10J- hwuse, •hero tho .4. 10(1 of • -s,ul•d duotion ars imparted gretmtously, or at • mere nominal coat. Jr, the towns, cwr public sokrals aro c..nsp.tcg..Ma for their ■,hential, and oft.0 tamed/el ap- pearance, and the e1ulatwo menial to them fleas all have contested who have ever I'o,Ld into the manor -thorough mod efficient. in England there isoomplete roli(ious liberty. In Canada then r cwt only religious liberty but re111.0 s equality ; Caere me n0 f mooed o 55111.. ea arokois mosey mil 'homes h. own and pay@ fur it. alerieh, \Torch gtF."T�T`" "• . , _ ROW 13 Ida TI . o BUI DIARIES FOR 16.2. MAI)E 1'UGkET AND! OFFICE' LIAKIEs CLOT HINGI, • While the sack is complete and welling REMARKABLY CHEAP. • A Splendid assortment d Broad .loft* Furry weed. made up to Order or Bold ,by the yard GENTS' FURNISHINGS of the !r.- ' Styles and Patten.. The Rnhscr'iber would return thanks to I his supporters for the liberal patronage 1 extended whim while in the _patronage !Town 1,f Oodlrich, He an now afford toes! at CANT; end is determined to Rive kis custdtaee the benefit of his e nemas in business. ABRAHAM SMITH, Merchant Tailors Clothier, door2s East of H. Hntion's Grocery, Market Square, (hderich. Sept 914. 1871. For Bale IN Ootterich, the Hone and [Lot a Present occupied by Capt. Ord • fwntly. BtaWl- fuely situated on Light House point. It contuns fifteen rooms. Hard sod Soh water, dna. Apply on the premises, or by letter to CAT'1'. 0RD Feb. 13th, 1872. sw1r5w4 God IN ALL THE 812E8 AT OMOOaHOUSE'S. ()Moe" IOWA 'toy. - • to ..pplimof all kinds '4 Wedig Papers and Envelope, now to hand, and selling low AT MOOttHOUSE'S. BLANK BOOKS. A general anertment of entry STYLE AND QUALITY of BLANK BOOKS just opened and offered at lowest rata for cash AT MOORHOUSI'.'S DAY BOOKS JOURNILB LED0�R8, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS,- KET BOOKS, MONEY WALLETS, PASS BOOKS, 4C., &o., AC. 'Canting Machine FOR RALE. ( INK of Lomb a iutpro$ed.Kaittlag Machines for We, w gni.M wu,ktlg omit'., GM be menu r eMY V ace MI a mar Haatltw Street. Goderieh, l2t8 ieb. 1872. - - w41 n,'. W lINTFD , A LAW CLERK. Apply to "" 2TI �H,CLA la F`SHATTER. (kRi.nich, Feb. 13, '72 sw85.44w Wanted. .-.n•.a1 eon viol r4r .-.n canny. 11113.`1. ROSA ROIIERTt40N. . w ratdo#'honitie,th. wh,hlinna at noire.., Js4 alta. 3534 R Ii...v ,.J, for thele i..l ',set aewrneMl *aft r, :, 11,102,• Ise ,. t sloe Opslnln retorts of the et ALL DSSCRIrl1l thee, pear in rhaah las change owned showed ter'=Lu Rpi Ow4y bareyany perceptible .hooktothe com- 1141Ter 446 Csalle r7- The Years that BOLASr!'WRf ' ; elapsed AM then, 1'Itif, 18614, 1880„T 1 �7 f7 , DL owl OWL have brei 010.34 the MATTRA8$1 4,• &0.. mosso eased* hos o'er kn..... Aro i- ljen:lsb.n trade reian.•n* Are m ttheChE'1 p . y9s. Caw4lst woes isllhr onioliti .4hw1 Lha Milanese, - /orb or. a 1w411Ow?Rrt. ho,tro. ^ win �t 'Meg (Atwfederwtiow, has strung riterV11Y in/Orvr.p, ow nowt sae mite n 11Y LOA Intuit l44. ,I t tent )'r'vintrs a •wdw. Har.eh, on s.wd en ..ww.w,N.e ratifyingInto inkt .0..1 !tot „h. me.: aO ail TRIM•.IL4'0F, gwrwprn.ut cel 111.1 A aA 4 to r., .o war 4r Ater n . 1870 ) e value '4 ,yes, ;41::: 441..pistonnntae b►tre�y T.. (,FT"w.AarM.1Alw'•t, ~lwthe W8ElkTo '45 is. ) l..ok nn;t L 1rr 04,060, a tin .71,R9Tit115. ALN d, ollekt of sehool sr 1 .15110 AgOri oN SALE' I21•:&L4 i:p4'I'4'rE. Nos'r "444' fIR l' ►1[40,1(7 AD'7ION, - L 4t • 4'. ItuM, ,5 ole 4.114 .44►dMea, )4 TItur..d d1, the .24th 4.y F'' 1roary, 1 •71,11•• AM4.tk. P.Y.,ene Anon.. a Loris sed +e1'ohti►r n'o.st 1.. I. 4101. or wile .,4.u,t..4 ), even Hen ...sant "tap, wits ins .m p.. last at allN e4 Ma I. 1.4.4It, In the la C.o./orlon ta orlon e .ee-alp M 144 1en•4 .eh. ?. Ione ninth et Is M4 Ito Coma aM•n of the anal•• ete on.. ,, P.,t n4 1..t ti, en Its 0,1 .n.rwa.on rA dal at lowest possible quotations AT MOOItHOILSB'S North Side orator -kat avian • Oderich, Jaanary 9th, 1871 WH!-�A-$$ Lazarus Morris It Co's ;frssY et'AL, IFAlta.rr L, a 250 Different Modifications. LIS, Hat ICALIY1y.CJAL WALKS s. 44404, PI.ATIUsM SCALES, (ITER !CALEB, k1., aa BERhBE OF COIINTERFEITS• BOf ONLY THE GENUINE.' AGEOTR n•x Yly'.40tPTC7Sd Double Look Alarm itrtloyDrawera. o va's CaL.I IATILD Spree, TimisW Corm MILu, WAatuoca Term's, tc., la &oleo • prOmpily oaf teaaww i FAUt K8 & CO., N MANY 0?., BUFFALO, N. Y. FAIR._t!th III DW 101 BAOADWAY, A t'r FAIN .ANKS, BROWN t 00-, pit M far I Ticar, tat TON. Oodaar.. sec .til U:1 More nee. HAI Scott, Vanstone & Co - NOTICE. Arhus Sulrcriber cautions any ono fain neg"tiatiug or buying • pro - tuition Note given to favour sf John Raid 1• bearer fur the sum of '140, at 1 have T1` -Mired no value for the said note. JOACHIM GIIANACHE. Lucklllw, 23rd Jan'y, 1875. Inc 1, `qOTICE. ro 20 Marra. 004444 and Nates sharpened. 1)P.ra To ISTIOIATR THAT THRY 11A01 ORM. left tone 0.t.ea ase will M parsed, at- tended t- brarb01tl.lrlDarudue tenday lay JAMES WILKINSON. 104.x14315 ,ells, 102. .wwtlal0f. IL 313 + On:rig Tait, lathe old SYN nr Yr 3.111 . 3oa1Lm, V,t tori. 440d,n•u1,..d 4 1'21•Ve t•, 00, 174 Notice. Tombstones, Mantlepleces, Window Sills, 1&c., bo., &c„ • 111 led et41e of workma.hlp and ea reasonable terms GAVIN Agent. .wyYl 0edw4•0 17t1..1.01, TO ILENT- ti IIOOD BRICK HOUSE, Wi'I'H [� back kitchen, 10 minutes walk from. Town, with 11 roup.,-It.blleand 2 acres of land, and a good orchard, all well watered. Possession given on the let of Apri1,1872. Apply to JOHN MITCHELL, Grocer, Goderieh. God,rich, Fob. 6, '72. sw983w3td, PUBLISHED BY S. 8. WOOD & Co., Newburg, N. Y., at 111 per. annum. NOTICE tO DEBTORS fipeet welch LIKE BRIGHAM TOTING ON TRIAL 7011 MURDER 1 Noma. -Loy person bending the answer to above to the Agent F. Jordan, 0ederidt, within the next hairy days, will receive u order from L. M. d On., for a ppaian of their superior new pattern Eye tali..... Godsends, Feb. 6,'79 ,w9AJw4 own+ide.t N.IYII, N Arra, eons w eYw►MM ' 1 art of 44mare la 45.441 thenor1 on 116. .Ser .t Horn 11 .r,.m re•r)r0.a . +rt 1t."4.jl.1^..•n .old si Naflta.ea l 1 . w4 t CI; . � .erilfi M. tint Ora; Owner Wanted 2 „ace , m .• 214 N •t+•n� a.N k. st 1 stensa�t ` /roei wTi M ee jr ~auk • r411107.lc.h, IRK • 11 rave ' AA 5LN.110•14 awl104.00 PIMA. . es '05..'0 no hto ma e's MIL R. RAIITIlt. 11.114011, PA. walltAtris• SOLVENT ACT OF 1889. the matter ol,Donaghy t Simmons, Insolvents. All parties indebted to Ike slbore Notate aro hereby notified that salsas they all and settle with me be- 'bretbe 10th of February next, their .e- emed. will be placed in Court for collec- tion. ollect tion. DiXIE WATti)N, Goderich, Jan, 16th, 1872. w52c. 44 rrayed. CAME into the enclosure of the un- dersigned, Int 33, Lake Shore, AO - field, in Angust Nat, three Sneer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take them away. FINLAY McL13NNAN. Goderioh, Jan. 18, 72. tole' GILEDHILL'S NEW GROCERY AND CROCKERY ST:() R E. THR aneICIINRRe nen TO INTIMATE To the Inhabitants of Oudenca and lurr000dIn` nent•y. 11.1 th.y Mr• �'n.d a Oma ty aid Cronin." More 1n Um bW.1I. forearty n0. 14.1 by R. T Mllaalt. r a nwicask Stara .n4 Tart M Ahneatn Bmlth'. Market M.n.n, 0. drrieh, alar. 5111 he earl • imolai wortrst of .vary teen@ Y t►Mr 11., sec► u TE '�tARd Ct1iuPEN, 0PIClt. /RA earn MRA? IMAM DTRHYR A c., ac., ac All of 10140 will M laid FNra 4..06 a. & .eine., La. Ind. 1?'), 'Mt BY" . (•OD taken in exchange for STRAW CUTTERI, PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, SUOAR KETTLES, d.•.o., dc.; also in paymtat of Notes and Book accounts. - _ Briog in yoarIV and While the dei hangg s good. . R. RUNCItt N. Oedatirh, Jan'y 30th, 1872, w9 lm LIST or:LETTERS Rgl(J1.1!W 10 1.ODEItICY N,1T Or0ICE, MS Isbn.ary, tr1, Arm•tr en Y.eoe J•,1, Ihdd 1.41. sr. Mtnw1 J. Nraee brat John Yo.. J. Caner w..n'04 Y, MIs. Clio bed Ann 4.1..40 Sage Cense 4.hs Yel.rel A. 11. C.rowaylantee YcuunlMl A. A.. Yrs (2) ei•h Jou Mee Camp./ C Crwl noses'., C•r0e1 her Carle 1�w. Ureal Umot Durble.'Wo. Dnnpati John Polknernobrt Ileryantltott Ho.. N.F. Mn Holland Yoh Y r Nary Blom. Hayden Ten. Hall tom, Jo0.1W1 M•M., Joins Role. Lawn A. ;.aa Donald Mas.oald. L./worth tom oars D. WA'tll.arr Jobe WA' Ye 11.311laabolla Min McMullan H. James y c Kiaeoe Janet Yaw 44 K.nsi. Mt. $*444 Robert Patterson lames Cpnth Henry Markey Clary Min Wily A. Merin D. Rev. Minium cirnrse wlOo.4 w. J. Whiner Mr. Young Mm. ARCIIIIIALD DICEION. l'oltm.ler. WANTED. A szsesWI'ABLE GIRL who an cook, *soh and iron 1411, Gond references required. Higst wages paid. Apply by letter stating qualifications and references, to) MRS. W.RiCHARDSON, Bank Montreal, sw982bw2b Chicago, 111. For 84a10 (142*. poen M..Yamearl..wltbbel 1r.1n R,. 1 ani I'(l ; ply to hili D tt 1 BTR:. 0 1 p potence, Feb. 7, 11177. w5•411t1 STRAYED. INTO the premises of the subscribers, St. Helens, Wswamsh, about hat August, -(brie ower ear ..... Heifer. both coming2 yeas old The owner will please prove property, jay expenses And take them away. T. A D. TODD. February 8th, 1872. B. 3c* N OTIOE 1 -•n:- ALr.PARTIIIS IJDERTEDTO THE Arial Office for work done pervious to the 21st Dec. last, are required to pay up AT 00125 t0 the nn'L,r'l4t�ttsl. ABRAHAM SMiTH. Goderich, Feb. 6, 72. 5198.3.3t1 STOR/1, two4..Rny Mmey, 4.wl hare, An. fe 0 uN or roans. 1M 111M aorta. r my it e 114 Onto 1.14. avail 1.�M� bio borLS :.Qin n O1Arrlrh. Pet., a, 1Ma. NOTICE. rftN1 urns. snn4,1'o.r1nr M the Ml Plait .4)3 Meohl.,I'l - . w'II is MM N Mlt At4o''l' s hem, tor•' Joke Ante ns Is Coes *OM on DAY aswtne. 1aa11ler. at 71 a 15- R 11,341 YR1rR, Trllen'.r. 0e4.n.h PA 11,10 nMN,wda Land Office. AOtAtest at trrra.M ream maimug Ye seem pa Y ?ROSMAN! G000tiab, Aug 16 into owl - r 0001 It is well tht erns,houb1 u, *Wail Sir Joh 4tursuiug. Th letter of mates friends is no M p� lIa 14 ti. Rue that u he oat 4overrment L eleoti00. The 1f tut Liberal united as the Coalition will 1 artillery. lis that of the mit Every effort, forward to spit is the game. understand tl now in their c take it. Let I Mb the ore Dogger whol tail that mai Ottawa. The make it •pptal have formed a fore no longer of Reformers. easily settle tl them question embodied in announced, 11 the (iorernmel •angle questa) while in opp which carries Reform Gov, tines be onset . they assuredly Coalition 11 a 'mite tIa 0..401 "It's all we "to call a epu'1 the sense in a Oa s Nery vel Must, "1 am plied,."Oh, no sect I Iov u+_. SLR DA110 13 jute spinner, thirty thowid maintain an hu is indeed doing The cold is s tar that there enoe and :'tool. many years. When the (: ?ratire''will h: debt of any < mounting in n 00011,000, or mo, amount of the States. A STAanio., Congress a to distinguished a GarB1ld,of Obi the commission that one -font (about 435,000, era goes t., per names uptn'tfu and who have 1 It appears that partng fictitio'I claim apex th snmmotm arta treasury it; sol 68,000,009 for 1 A Novtt. Cil Grand New Op of copper, cont plates screwed being at any tit ing will be mot of the theatre sun. M. Len, musioae1 to p several parts, "the hour of t By the aid e sheet" newspal convenient size with the assist oneaean be of formerly ! Tl don Timm and of that clic w profitable ani Paper will son microscopes w, Tim Eamon Deo, 9, was in wrapping papa MI that wt, le announced Lha printed on gut snowing. Pcrnoo T !bit of sao jolly go.!. i) fou, 4114 sc. I through th t olergytnan ed him ontl and the r thiLL►opl 11 "Ay, a7, sat very fine. 3 drinkin' se and no bo aye half o, awn' TNR OR CA' Unlike 'hot' the eight of tl good sakefact mons who tree and well repo and it h just[ Dellinger," I that sive ane pain almost thingts thew' gi4 std paint ciente will buy medicine duel We under moth is genic snood m; h1 fetal. Som, Jotesni As tot, hnwerer. duce Toronto! There are 491.41nt kin Mateo. Sofa Injerinef ^tt O(d 1N. Pm* / Mous pill wt Ary new gold tht,riet Pi .•-