HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1872-2-22, Page 3Fdwwy `42tisd untseimimplo W been started. Maimp aideeation with refeeea. to 1w is that they save the ratm • gust deal of hard work, all it is tie MOOS peufitshle pose el We milk. Hs stemf ed farmer's gardens and the shrubbery around their tutu see who had 00(1 acus of lse for was asked by hie wife en fur a piece of ground foes gen refuel, because he could 1 down bushels of potatoes on ate piece of ground the ass parsimony as that he could of. He thought farmers more &ttentieu to the raising •s w .. 1:".: • wells sot cue- On dell 'Tye blame ear r le facto _ I Ismnoi. oa el1S re tee Zino* of Ho. on•L. RAW Demi $i&, -Permit me tbrvugh the dvoegt- medium of .your journal to call the •t- i4vo.of tenttoa of the s a subject & s- which may appeir frivolous to some, but -,d to me a metIt of mwY i uurtauce, and tnf I fond!) hope it will meet the approes- a but hs Von and reedy sanction of all statesmen in our Dominion. Ws bare had man lessons oto the severity o1,• northern el- . $ mate, and are inning to learn from erperi.nne what the Intensity of the *Plows Wadies' winter will be, when the giant to 4Ply forest u gena. 1 therefore consider a a country such w the with adetensive .ubsUtute absolutely nocessary. 1 beg W suggest W all who have a regard for lake frontage and w SOYhue comfort and a taste for beauty, the pro- str fartylnms a ra tbtg p rougca • fish pew., of plautin(( the sides of all our uDlsareuuseand'Highways tl b successfully and profitably.' In the the country w &h yns fusee, uwhioh Uuitd States it was comic t be em- will in all probability beim the nine - portant and is looked upon suture• I teeth century expiw, prove &substitute of wealth. The ',maker. th eforree I tee the ongmal forest, by affording a at sone length to the •ub of asetsile amount of shelter from the driv- keeping, and gave some va tPta I'm!.Mg *kerns, and also a delightful decors - with regard to it. He them {afar thr.ee tutu*' of A riculture. 3'y w ore W the comer,* by tb pi ring 1 appearance. Let thus. ttrees be. Plan you educate the community, ie more cis foot outside the lawful fence liner in will [armee become a gw told foretftawa...M1a,3U.loat.apart,,a•rliy enterprise He recollected ,• 'plate a few years with • little cIre and protect - on which was reprsseuted in enter tion, they would &fiord a luxury to the • merchant who mid "I sell f ll,' iu travelling community by their shade in another • clergyman who aai r preach • scorching sun. A. the forest Nocella - for all and w the other es sod u Nocella - for ing so rapidly exhausted, the lnu;;or the profession' were represented, in the d, ay the greater will be the lnwmven- centre was the farmer who "I pay ienos of getting the trees *seemed. 1 for all." Aud so it 1), the f r l)VS fondly hope that our goverunient will tor all, aud the pruspenty of +ountry consider the natter favourably, and af- deP•nds altogether ou the au of the ford the beet encouragement they eau aericniturist. Farming is ung w devise and also., afford protection to that there is- lei haul work li.nested these who may be eispesel to plant with it, and the strain of menwb r awed trees in front of their ownro rt h the use of the mind an,1 keen.- 1' 11e ur Farming u becoming more au/ sure • »Verh merry will re agnize to,an, d our desirable occupation, and futons will an &cL iso ot will recognise i fve and Paas have as they should, a greeters'. in the •n act ir person •tine, bre kind 'liars- have - administration of affairs. n and on any wilfully breaking or des- troying auv of aid trot•+, lawyers may become tem relined, but iI Yuen, &e. the wmmnnity will alwaysMlepon- WM. DANIEL; dent on the farmers. Mr. CIMir then, Kincardine:referred to the Agriculture oUege'' about to be established by the • tonal _ meat, and of which be ermined babe the I • OOLBOfNE• . father. H. stated it would be 01 open- lion next year, and trusted it told be February loth 1872. encouraged and supported by th. farm. The Council met to day peranapt to ere of this sectioa. It wee dwrged to adjournment at the Township hall. The sive young men a practical ediVe'ion to Reece and all Councillors peewee The et them for farming suecessindl. Toominutes 14 let meeting real an 1 sp- leen'', .1 our ye.ulg *nen dtek to Proved. 11 was moved by J. Mauro, the cine. thinking re earn *Domeier senonded by J. liuchenan, that Joseph livelihood than on the farm, tit this, Carrell be Clerk. Moved in amend - was • great mistake They hall o work I Ment by A. lldloy, seconded by H. J. harder and were not so tradent M Nott, that John Kerningham ne Clerk. if they hal remained where erers :Bata.giiyse,a•Mag rrote inisssorof The speak.* wss!oddly app datieyidtl. --'fly siert -Ming leg% the re -seining his -salt. € 'tdeoessuy declarations the meeting pro - The following Attests were 1ita I ceeded.._ Mord big!' y J. Buchanan, and 7n o, Bound b ed J. M tri 1' • that ate! .grin ren ad y dto r Pu A The Thrmy, Navy and Velumere, ew coHamilton be treasurer. Moved in •p]wThA t. Murray. to by .e amendment by 11. J. Nott, seconded by, liergt. JrrUa. P y- I rang by I A. 14 alloy, t hat t►emleriesof the ditrrent f officers le fixed before any neuro ap• t The Mercantile Interests n( tied*, lw*ntmente he made. Moved further resp•,nded to by H. Scott,n annemlmt'nt by J. Monis, su6,nde. 1 Thee Lai rned Prufeesi.n,, .n1.d by J. Buchanan, that the four oflicers t to by 8. Mdeemten, Esp. be appointed before the salaries are a The Press, responded to Biases. named. Reeve gives casting vete is e Msthesin, Bell and DonogliyF favor of last motion. Moved by J. The Ladies. No person •aid ho Buchanan, abounded by J. Moms, that • ITER WEESL •: _y .. .-.• Y HURON . B1ONAL Hun. Mr. Tilley thinks the ppr+rrpect are good fur • sz and a hell min Du - minion surplus aezt year. An attempt u to be nude to impar new life into the old town of Niagara A party is uegotiating for the perches of t the uld foundry building from Mt Pierson, to be mewl u an edge -tool fac- tory. Kincardine u to decide on the 4t1 of March next, by the votes of the ratepay- ers, about the building of • $0,000 school house, and •$4,000 town hall; gadabout giving to the W. G. & B,, R. au $8,000 bonus. • The trustees a1(hall Collegiate Inas- - lute, on BatOrdayjf let, purchud the old Wesleyan Methodist Church; era t North street for the purpose of...bluh- ing a Ladies' High Subrool therein. The e price pard was $1,000 cash. The Hammes Express states that the Mein. lover Brothers, formerly of Lyn, Ontario, have decided to start • rubber factory in Napanee, and expect to be readyfor business by the 1st of March. They will employ trout fifteen to twenty hands, and the business will be a grestaclusillon to that enterprising town. The Yet»iia Adreeri er tions as an instance of the dou0usi of the oil trade carried on by the different teatime firms, that during the mentb f Janpary It,. W. McLean, agent fur E lehaet t Co., •hipped to supply the finery of that firm iu London, one hundred and liftg ear leads„ or 10,500 barrels of crude oil. The following is the tariff of liquor 11. census lately doped in Hamitten:- Fureach aa10on teems, $105; fur emelt tavern license, $80; for each shop lioenw $70; for each trinaferl $.. The above sums to be paid in addition to the Gov- ernment duty. Through the recommendation pf th Warden, . John Creighton, Esq., the Government has lately granted a mater- ial eater ialincrease to the saleree of the guards and keepers uf the Kin,1aton l'euituu- tiary. Recent &cements from British Colum- Lu stele that mining u proving +ucoesa- ful •ud remunerative t, those engaged in it. Gold to the value of $74,41) was &smyed at the Government Asmy ()fle e during November. The yield of the Detentes mines during the past season wee $400,4'0). Mr. John Brown, of Thorold, the well-known contractor, has donated the handsome sem of $200 to the corporation of Kincardine fur the pored/dee of a sex town bell. The two Presbyterian congregations of Elora aro about eructing two new churches, each costing perhaps $0.040 to $13Ju00. The Observer says it hu been suggested that the two congregations erect ono fine building costing from $18,000 to $'10,000, Mr. Matsonof Downie, b.ingdesirons otobtaining spring wheat midge -proof, sowed & peck of fall inidge•preof tot the spring, which yielded a cupful the first year. Ti. second year this was reduced to a pilot, which he again a owed. The third year appears tohavebeen more sueoeeaful. From the phot he received half a bushel of excellent quality. ._ Ln Goilerich Township, near' Clinton, dere are -movements in& igumtel to build two new churches, one by the Episcopalians and the otter by the Wes- leyans Abut $300 has been eib.cribed fur the former, which will be built ci kWt and will cost about $1,600. The • eikfeyan rhnrch i. to be )f weed, an es expected to cost about 81,600 At the last meeting of the Perth County Ci uurl!, that County was uived- ed into four High school districts. The '.flowing places are to be the centres of he several distracts : Stratford, St. Marys,' Mitchell, and Listowel. Trustees eve also been appointed for each die. rict, and schools are to' be established t once in district. *here nuns now xlet. loan'1'gsdlant enough to reap to this Gwen Hamilton be Treasurer. Carried, bast, and it sea+ soggesuod c losing Moved by J. Morris, seconded by J. leap year the ladies could Sisk for Itnchacun that David Campion be as themselves. Unfortunately pus of &visor' Moved in amendment by 11. J. them were present tor -do so, gid some- , Nutt, seconded by A. Malloy, tbM J. a body Struck tip a song about $looakey, 1)•.$tewart be •+ers+-,r: Heave gte.. h after which Mr. Bell espoused i• pose itasting vote in favor of aetetnlntent. Moved by A. Malloy, Jsetonde.' by J. of the fair sex and said a fel words in Murcia, that Thome lfeonish be ejleo- A number of volunteer tome -yew • payed confirming the appointment of then given and responded t and at • said officers. -Petition from trustees of late hour the party brake up a spend- !School Section No. 3, ropu:nting the g ing a very plea+ant evening. council to authorize them to b,now '' $ 2150 dollars for Schnool purposes accord- i- - - - ing to law. Prayer of let,tien granted- t The following penema applied 6,r and! u E&DDtnus and the /light en's,- were granter' certificates f4,r 'favem Limon, from Lashim, A. A lien, T. Allen, ' Mr. Eolroa.--The questingihould be James Symington, Sheppard Jones, asked by every heart of your' 'minaret's I Rodney Adams, and Johnathan Melbr. »der, here 1 mimic any unhappy to A circular from the Signed. Wiles, b.. day? How calmly we sb uld seek our been recni"ed and considered. We re - pillow/! Hew sweetly we should.f.eldtpd solve that the proposition carrot to en. ■leep. In all this world there it nothing , tertand because we eonaidaw it tea be a so sweet as giving ectmf'rt te the div duty theta publisher rows the public tressed, as getting • 1110 ray mo, the to give such information. Moved and gloomy heart. Children of sorrow skeet seconded that s new se! of books be us wherever we turn, there u not a furnished for tho use of the g11. moment cleat tears are not shed and Moved 1,y A. Malloy, eeso i, -sighs uttered, yet how many "1 thews{ Morns, that them/en OltIIU t sighs are causer! by our own thought- again on 144 imenea, how many • dsnghter 011041 ' rear" at 10 0' the very 'wul.utf fond mother by acts J uf unkindness and ingrat.Itude. iigw many husbands by one little word mike I-II whole day of col hoses and gl mot thoughts. How many wives by reorimi- 1 0 .nation, estrange and elnhittur loving hearts. . Horn many brothers and sisters Walkerton has of nixed a lioletd of meet but to vex each other, making Trade. wounds that no hmnen power can heal 1,30 ,5i 3 curls sof midi were cif Ah: if 'each one would try to excel in p this maxiwt day by day -"Strive to livered at Rogervillechggllfsetnry !as make the afflicted happy[" jealousy, year, out of which 1 i14. cheese revenge, beck -kiting, hate, with their -eau Mede. kindred evil associates, would forever The press and.JEa n.,pf the county Imre the tenth. Bo be M. 1 of Prince Edwart re ayttaungrr the Trial = • establishment of i'ghunty poorr4mec _ The feeding mercluanta and meoniac- Thi dupe, th- nun krw ewlnetrr ly. lama of Quebec aro proposing • packet u ,w rod them roti, sen news se by, line of steamers between Canada and Act s•. w l lr"h nn' the 1Yeit Indies. Theproposition will And ...helm 1.,. a. gathered home. klo more on these dark shone. to roars, be laid before the Government .t an 00.o all our work naafis early day. HOW aoeroar 10nows and nor Joy., A remarkable incident occnred during Tb I *,v et 1 rt not tele lays, the mileage oat of the Scandinavian. Alt vee,w sod dons The weather was the r,ngheat ever ex - melee nor life nn e,rib, orad. resp perThe Ar. *lied from lop 1 1 was theed by the mtsemer, r 0 so contraryover- board storm that a sailor a ihed over- Tet wisp not ,nen, for every 51,0. board by one wave was thrown back by not we efprrlonn bora below, the next. Is for our profit leer.. The first Irish olden wedding ever Old hither 1 ,0e eith ynlrkened pare, K g Wu) nrl'0 ,..,o, user,*, rope, held in Quebec was celebrated in St. around els torn. la 111,0,1. Patrick's Church, on Monday, the Tay er+"sIy Mt a. tnst..srt worthy gr.xom being John Lane, timber het TAO tea nem.N. won leers diet, merchant, aged 70, and his Ade and lows. mutts a,.eity prlk heart bride, 69 year. The church was 1 •ad r.velr 11 flus lwwer will sopa prow ed to witness the ceremony. Strews t0s MMM.N.%at hi0t The British Templar' of Nov& Scotia have 210 Lodges, with 11,l00memhen.- • A Mr. S. Young, a miller, late of Mit- hell, who a short time ego -emigrated to he Uaited $teles, has fallen heir to a large property by the death of an uncle. Mr. William Marshall, of Stratford, proprietor of one of the Sesf,orlh mills, Mout two years ago purchased eight undrel acus of pane lands north of blitchell, for the sum of $10,000. Ile old the same land a few days ago for tj,e handunne sum of 224, 700. On :iaturday morning of last weah.aa. Mrs. John Whiteford, of Biddnlph, was sing Ont o[ the back door she slipped Tel fell on the back of her heed ; such erioua iypLnies resulted from the fall hat she diel at 3, clock in the afternoon 1 the same day. A large nide bun and outhouse, be- longing to George WJliam+on, 12th .' nceii,I of Arth,ir, to get her with their ovrtoona, a span 1 valuable horses, and mbar live stock, s et of hay, seed grain, waggon, sleigh, and egrieuleun1 ionpf.- metes, were totally gummed by fire en the night of Feb. 13th. Drigin of the fire unknown. No inserancc. The Llndoh ddeertiser is informed by • correspondent in Moore the. some Mormon 4niesicspriys hey. Mand their way to that township, and- are making wonderful progress in adding to thiannm- ber. Meeting.are regularly held,at whiclr those who assemble aro treated with revelations, prophecies and lecture& in unknown tenguca Attorney-G'ment Clarko,of Manitoba, hewing threatened to Modish the Le isle' tivo Conned of that Province, that hetet minable body resented the threat throwing out the Attorney -tient Bill respecting liquor liccimes. : he provisions of a Bill now , thr"ugh the Manitoba Legislature likely to become law, stipulate that. u Canadism must be • ri idmnts of the pro - tepee M. lout 1.00 ycara before Miro the privilege of voting. A hey named Dillon, in the einploy of J. 1i. Armstrong & Cat, Gncli,h, Lost the tips of the fingers of his left band from coming in contact with a mneS- picker. 1)r. Herod deemed the wound, and the boy is progressing favourably. A railroad meeting was held at Ifo1y- mosilast week to take into consideration the voting of a bye-law of $.11,000 to the. Wellington, Grey and Brume Southern Ettenaton through the townships of Kieloss, Huron and Kincardine. The meeting was in favour of the bye-law. The Ainleyville corespondent of the Seahrrth Rzpnoitrr says that during the last week *me seven or eight contrao- tors have been going over the maim rrf the Wellingto&, Orey and • Bruce Rail- way which u to be let to -day, 16th inst. The nnmher of tenders is likely to be very great. Onr townsman, Mr. J. Lec- kie, has been at Hamilton and put in a tender. We hope he may get it. The section is from Listowel to Wingham, 30 moles --to he all completed in Novem- ber, 1873. reply to the toast. !tor. Carried. A Ry -law was . AM. a boor... h.10 hays spent.,Twentynew lodges were organised dar- r. M and is kind. ..at ing the year. The receipts for the year 70 t'1 e' ' . not le 1001, were $1,422.00, and the expenditure IIe risen s q t horn snore, I"' We all may Mawr end. 21,016.03, leaving a balance on hand of $607.77. The order is represented as 'bel15t011143Aa*day5.,., being In a flourishing condition. 7531 .11 ,s "salty bele., aseept lode rind'. well, The little town of Yarmoth in Nova tire. he, inset our tor. ewe Ac .iia b sbllwt to have a free library, IP nu sown sell ly sossliesse re1i1 )(r. L. 1. Bakst haying laid the founda- tion of it bJ a ft of 2,600 volumes Tows 0111 the s..tes* .. will ..e ear.fnlly .nl tether gentlemen, Asa Ilse owe bright Ma , dMe biwrti fel lotting his eta ave penalised to Where Os.. 5" 110 Wert nvsleeeo, aytrihute bootee a to form the Aear.4 dwrn ounce shall ns, 'sullen' of a museum in ,nnectinn with t Remote nbtte refusal The library J. C. lftellfPOAII, =vary, intend to e lien and works of •. BoYfsld, is b be opened immediate A Lien■ Ttiirsow.-Probably the largest petition ever presented to the Town Council, wee lad before that body last night. It was rine got fp and signed exclusively by the ladies of the ben, asking the Owned to reduce the num- Mr rf terms lissome' and to grant no licensee to saloons. Thant were 1475 signatures appended, whish covered • nOel.at somber - of ebe.ts of Jeoke&p to make a dooessent oboist 40 feet long. Mimi& Iweeihowseer, °l's ren fig re rad 1 An elopement is reported to here oc- curred in the vicinity of Paris about a fortnight ago. A Mr. Daniel Brady, a married man, iuducd the only daughter of a hotel keeper at Mudge Hollow to elope with him, and to enable hire to successfully apcomplish this he made the girl's uncle drunk, and then took the eerier buerl a train of can at Harrisburg Junction bound for the other side of the hue. When last heard front they were at Itocli atur. Brady leaves a wife and two children hehiul,sud tslverdfee rlth 111114. An old man named, Barnett, nearly 111 year of aze, committed suicide last erect- by hanging himself in a stable at Walkerton. He was living with his son, and was well treated an 1 appeared cheer- ful and contented. Ile attempted to make away with himself once beftle), .:bout a year ago, but failed, and appuar- ed to have fully given up the ides, only, however, t i be more suc.xesfully carried out this time. 1 3 • T n 6 aYhament ry1 quera.. Hitherto the lake Supenur •Ye region in tau ahas been t a one spoken whish • pleasant trip might be made in "earth of health. The wilduees of the show; the a 'pictur.cki the agates that nay be picked up, and the tousle and flirtations of the ste•mlxuts have boeu the grand attractions to old and young. But now much of all that weft give way before the eager rush of industry and emmeroe, before the avalauche .f those who will make haste to be rich, and would guts the confines of the visible world if the) could but put money in their purse. li edditeuo to these there will be the legiti- mate trader, seeking to turn an honest. penny out of the oeeeultie• et the ruiners. and sotto will prefer to hasten slowly to the aequisitiwn of wealth. Then there will be a large clam who have already get 'something good' ; somethiug that needs but the drill sued the blast to turn up the rook-bouud riches that he beneath tar surface. For the last two years thei amount of mineral laud that has trona taken up has been something enormous. All the available loeateuus in Black Bay and Thunder Bay, and into the back country fur some utiles has been secured by mucky fellows,' many of whom may yet have uweasion W curse their luck. Then, what is of more importance, rice valleys have been trodden, the soil of which is memble of growing the food supplies neceseary to the use of these who will flock there. it was the fernier& in California that got rich in the early dap mod so it will be up along the bright,eld waters of `Superior. There will becheap land, rich soil, s healthy chmste, and • home market of gruwius 'atom sod ex- cel.ent price for hundreds of farmers. Perhaps, in the whole Dominion there is no place which promisee to offer so rich a reward for properly directed energy in connection with •gnculture fa this Su pee *tor regime. It is close at home --four days elutant only -cap be reached by steamboat,sud will Boon contain as many illustrations of modern civilizations as any now place 'wearable able of. For new it u in the sense of being recently open. ed to the untiring energy of the dee t though the grey old rocks, the rugged ehorosand frowniugeminetoes look dowa with a species of majestic contempt upon the effort. of the modern -explorers to rifle them of their time -hid -treasures. - Free I'rsss. :The OUTS aegilion. A poor Turkish slater, of Constanti- nople, being at work upon the roof of • house, lost his footing and fell into the narrow street upuu a man shu,ahan.sd to beat the time. Tito PtdpM • " Itriau was killed by the concussion, while the slats es aped without uuteri- al injury. A eau of the deceased canned the slater to be arrested and takep before the Cern, when. he male the most gravo chugs, and claimed ample redress. The Cada listened attcatively, and in the end asked the dater what he hal tet toy in hu defence. "Dispenser of Justice," answered the accused, uo humble mood, "it u even as the man says; but Gut forbid that there should be evil in my heart. I am • poor than, mild kat,w, not how I Oen make amends." The son of the man who had been killed thereupon demanded that condign punishment be inflicted upon the m- oused. 4ra%, Cali medimtel a few momenta And then aald "It shall be so.' Then to the dater be continned- "Thou shalt Bald in the street where the father of this man stood when than dedst felt upon him." And to the accuser he added - "Aud thou shalt, if it so please thee, go upon the roof and (all upon the cul- prit, even as he did fall upon thy father. Allah ie great f" Tuzovru,Monday, 11th Feb. A large number 01 'bills were passed tbrough comatttes, roost uf them of private or local character. An act amending the Agriculture and Arts Aet bad • clause inserted prohibiting hone rac.ng within fire miles of any exhibi- tion, epee pais of a fine not exceeding g60, and in default of payment impn- ce muent for not longer than 30 dells. Mr. B,ultbee tutored the following re- *Wetiun,-"That in the opinion of this House, in view of the immense and rapidly increa+ing develupemeut of the wourees of the North and West, It u of imperative nooessity that means of transrortati by wa' of a ship canal connecting Lakes Huron and Ontario, should be ptovkdpd, if practicable, week out further delay." After considerable discussion in which several members expressed their prefer- etcefuf the Ottawa river route from the West to the ocean, the resolution was voted down on a division of 9 toes. A bill relating to the Division Courts was then pasted through cuminittee. Tuesday, 13th Feb. Most of today's sitting was taken up witha debate on Mr. McKellar's Bill to render mentburs of the lions(' uf Com- mons ineligible as members ',if the Leg. isfative Assembly of Untariu. The Bill was finally road a second time en a vete of :e4 to 19. To, W000 g•:ANDOL. - The Special Corumtttee appoiuted to i nrestigate the charges brought ►ggaunt the Government ofuaing linden iin0uence 0)" lin:Ince lir. Wood to reign hu seat in -the late Cott- I4iun, met to -day, but bbl. 'Cameron having refused to anwer and substan- tiate hie charges nothing could be done. The committee insets again on Thursday GI prepare a report. The charges have Mk with a ds et and emphatic de- nial from both • Wood and Mr. Blake, The Oldfelluws of Sttatford have let.- and as tore bre in thein cwnot pro- ly purchosed tome valuable property duces a tittle of evidence, the only con- inear the In trket square, for thuso sin t f elusion we can 0)010 to is that they $3,I0)1)cash; and have also negotiated for were maliciously brought foe tleepurposo budding meeerisl to enable them tole( injuring the Government. erect a baler- The Brecon says this ar-1 Ti to:fro, Wednesday, Feb. I4, rang went is considered a mutually d- A large number of bills were passed vntagneus one, -tis Mr. Myer, who through committee and s number more gets a handsome price fur his property, red a seeped time. dost of them were and to the O1dfelluws-who hat. be-' of &private or local character and.did nut emu a 'numerous body -as it enables provtae,'tu,ih discessiun. Two Billa, them now to euchre for ehemsalvea what ' one intituled. An Act to improve the they have loug felt the want of -e milt- Common and Grammar Schools o: the able hall. Its their intention et erect ' 1'revince of Ontario," the other to amend in the *piing a very hpmisdme block a, the law respecting Public Sch'ds, were budding& for 10 -witness purposes - at the rro1 lest of Mr. Blake, withdrawn. 'lie stated that the Government heti new con rvat•t o 1 te n e sr isah K v1ds P•P heart complaints as to the lunching of tett hefted in Toronto, b, be celled the •chord law, but had tboughtit best The .tbuf, and will he owned by • corn- to brine do en no general measure op the- epanv composed 01 Meagre. flush Allan, subject until next session. He had al - I Hon. J. S. McDonald, King, of the Bank ready given notice of a hill which, if it of Montreal, C. J. Brydge. end Jot■ became law, would during the recess lehedd.n of the Grand Trunk, anti -flood ale,rd temporary relief for some griev- erherin, • of tae fine of G eiderham & apses now emplained o1 in our school IVerts, This will undoubtedly be a ',item, until the Uevermneut brought strong cquipany and )0t which will he clown their measure next session. Mr. able to command any amount of money. Wood was pled thug the attention of the An Application has already b it n made W (;u e.vmnnt would be turned to tho lite Dominion Pfartiament for we- tot pf sun ectof the constitution of the Connell Incorporation. The company are ay of I uhlic inatruotion. He colnpLeined deavoring to purchase the..fekpraMll ofeeteen&mittiug system *tow in practice plant, ail will, no .doubt, ultimately be day "wheels, and said that.eduation- abeorb both the Telegrap) and Leafier. real practical education - wee behind In referring to the beneb¢ial effects what it 003 fiftoun year• ago. oftrailways upon the sections of country ' - Thursday Feb. 15. through which they psi', beyond that of A large nnmher .f petitions were pre - increased 1acilitiesr•rhe tepeetafor instsn- rented praying for the establishment of ccs the rapid rise in the value of the an Inebriate Asylum, also for restrict land, along the route of the Hamilton tions on the sale of intoxicating liquors. and Lake. Erie Railway. Within the Dr. Beniter, chairman of the oommit- LMte>f deice tut Nu_ 3." west range of tee appointed to investigate the cavern - the plink road, township of Oneida, stances connected with the resignation about throe miles from Caledonia, and of the late Treasurer, presented their c.;ntainmg 75 acres, was sold for $3,000. report. It recited Mr Cameron's rata - leaf ore the construction of the H. and L. ml to attend and **recuts his charges, E. .Railway bemoan) a fined fact. the and eoneluded u follows :- name lit would not have sold fur $2000. "Be it rss,dred, That no corrupt in - At the Bain We in Seneca, a lot in Cal- ducement or offer was made to the Hon. slnni•-one-fourth of an •ore -was sold E, B, Wood, as a member of the. Home, to induce him to resign esu position u Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, by the Wm. E. Blake, while a member of the 'Opposition in the Legislative A.- sembty." ,An objection being raised by Mr. Cameron, the •rl.ptinn of the report was def reed f t f ti A her for $207 50, while a lot of the same alae, bclongeng to the seine estate, in Cayuga, eau sold fur $50. The people of Owen Sound have taken steps to secure the construction of a dry dock. -They claitn that the establish- ment d • dock on the Canadian side would not only be of great service to •os- sein in Lakes Snperinr and Huron, but the comparatively low prices at which hello and machinery could be repaired oto this side would attract •bnndsnt pat- i fixed at $Iin11 inetuvd of increasing it to pat- ronage, and render the establishment of ng ado1k a profitable enterprise. ft is De- $I"oiex) u wan Prepared, wee voted bicved elan, flat the splendid barber at down, arm! the ropvort adopted. A large 4lwcn Senna, together with the facilities founder of items of *apply were then tor ahtal&i mematerial, either by water timed fhmngh committee, and a none • by railways now ender censtrnetinn, render this a peculiarly favorable gee. gra says the prejoet ie famour1hly d by ship neper'( in that section to public gene/tally. • nr wan o nn cep num There is s man in Deborah, Ill., u penurious that when rhelling norm, and a kernel flew into the wood pile, he remov- ed seven cords of wad to find it. A neighbor standing by dropped a kernel where the Searcher was looking, but when he found 11 he avid "You can't fool ire with the small kernel ; theone 1 of bile were red a third time, when Mr. lost wu a large one. Msckbuzie moved the adoption of the report of the COMmittue of supply. An - amendment to have the speakers salary '- - - 0027Q3RaAZI0N, 3. I hoof the fine t+ovs in which women can remelte to to the couture sof ::.akmg their berme thabntre .of intel- iscieti rind literary a.nrersetinu. A {rely in Detroit hue opened her house for o.orrerintiones of the highest Order, end lis lest people in the city have filled her parleys to hem* Emerson, Alcott, bis, ruse, and other celebrated telt ere ; and now a di*lingniehed scholar *11 Ann Arbor is reading a course ofliterary lectures to each as will come to hear, supplementing the reading with criti- teem*, soggestionn and engTides of their own. We hear of similar circles in Chicago, Dubuque, Bloomington, and other places, and hope the plan *ill he carried ont in all our cities and large towns. Surely there are peep). enough in all car cities who are prepared for something better than the usual recep- tinm and parties of fashionable society ; and it only noede for such people to throw their influence into • common ...entre to create the beginnings of a new order rat things. Let very onitirated woman do what she can to add a new intellectual and literary quality to the society she moves 1n, and we shall soon have a purer and more invignrsting ate morphs», and customs that ars elevat- ing, and a faahinn that is refinement.-- reerieae paper. "Teta Dnr•acrww Ote&z."-.it is stated that 1)r. Ceetwaingie engaged on a work in which he *11) •4lelept to prove that the end of the world will eerWstl be the r 1875. Poor World 1 There's year • Mr. Hammond ei Awiudon, who wftl in.rt that it's flat, and Dr, tie has attributed se many suds M IS • otoo'-Isere tank-Asa% r of 1,1111 red and referred, after which the House adjourned. Friday, Feb. 16. A Targe number of Bills were advanced a stage, after which tho report of the Committee of Supply was received. An item of $40,1100 for encouraging immi- 'ration tt,rronked consider* ole deseue- atnn. Mr. Blake sated that it was the intention of the fiovernmont to give a bonny of $0 a head to adulti and a pro- au.o 0.ehiidrew, we, *honied, r approved of by persons respns.ble to rho Government, either in Louden er sit the shipping ports, and who should come to -this comitry and take rap their residence here for three months. This it wen hoped would encourage the right sort if people to dile out and settle in this 1 :evince. The policy of the (toy- ernment was approved of, and the item peed. An. increased vote of $8000 for superannuated teachers was adopted, also * reward of $5(100 for the apprehension of the murderers of Thos., Scott at Rel River. The rest of the estim*fes were concurred in and the lion adjourned. The Oomiag Oonntrf. Tho rooming importance of tie [Aske Supreme region for mining pnrpo.a seem. to 1,0 underrated as fully in England as with ourselves. A large amount of capital hu been already [placed for nee for mining pnrpeoe. &t thin opening of sprang ; several companion brutal upon English capital have been formed, and now • telegraph anointty Milt' a benking company are 4. be sM ARAM to operate .specially •t Thnuder Bey. Thew ere good men". They iodinate a growing ormtnenec M a »glen which thnugk nee vary imperfectly dc.elnpd ha. &ready glom soave wonderful illustrations of nohow ; 'kink bl L fair In he far ware minable to ()anode than the gold Verner of California have ban To that 01.N. We heat of many •.. On pro. Wilt to $r a - ng rat tri tato to. ROOM WANTED. FURNISHED or unfurnished with or without Board. Apply to - (Iso, Fsa_er•te Moult '!guar" (Moe. ' P.b. loth 11172. a'. TI:REnrToa 1 .iletic) 11 fei1L1et CLEARED FARM, _ AN is inatrnctod b • Mr Michael Sullivan to sell at hes Sale Rooms, (lodurich, on Tuesday,March 12,'7!. at 12 o'clock noon, that superior cleared farm, being west part of lot 2, con. 3, P:. D. Ashfield, and east part of lot 2, onn. 10, E. 11. Ashfield, enmtirising in Ur' and lying together, 150 acres, abet 90 teres of which aro cleared end principally free from stumps. There is one of the hod barns in Ashfield, with a good dwelling house and rmihasd on the premises, and a never failing creek runningthrough the property. The above farm is 24 miles distant from Kingsbridge, 5 trona Lecknow, 5 from Duni/Innen, and about 16 from liodenich, • gravel mad being within & Menet distance of she property. TERMS.-Aeredit M6 rears will ba given by paying & mlall portion of the purchase money down. (! demwh, Feb, 20, '72. swM7wfdd. • TENDERS. , ■Anon Tr0Dsne w1LLiM 0*14 D n fw memo Wleienw Wee V. r. t 1,50.4 ren sew Wit. tial amek.d "Too*" rrwoanal Heenrie M efloopy et nrcb,•e tips esgetq ate 5WW $I0eee ,seam w susodrie ..ewe•Mse$ s•tD j 1 wets 1e b. leDa etrer. a Owtreww 1 esasst.emme 4.s 8 0. .eenzil tie line M, nos. es llama of ee. •