HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1872-2-22, Page 1• Nee v*" THE WEEKLY --I VOL. XXV. NO. 5. r• S AL waNIMIsf (i0DE1tIcu, ONT, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1872. • 1Ht• 1190. 10Dt, 1 Ili. 1,0116E NO. 33 ,; it . r. A A . 'S. do.nyt.an , - neat p. 1011.4 1..t1...- thrliri ItT guron , OF G. T. (Ensaidaneu 1848,) • W. Dlart4011,78.1ar; AT UODIMICIII, COUNTY WI Ht. sox, thr•azin. THE WEEKLY SIGNAL, • lamest kcal min le Mt t•eeinton.l. puldria every I hued. limo. AITI1, WPM AND CHARITY. ODF.e. I • rttelP1.0 MO. 1111_15.F,11114 0015111 ind the- rag la the Ithapernine Hall. int s ethe 11 evg.esgetwaslas esiodisaare. retinas we• riedIsly MOW. tioaftle.t. 11111 Ikeretery tams - 41 50 pew mews ne ac ---$3.00 crag THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL, kt ualy te-weekir s near., 5. porehettio...1.. Tuesday ashel Prohey aft. 'nook r Truro- 41.0. per ...so 1. entrance 41 14poll • ADVERTISING. - P11/114•1 Went...ate Armed et. in 11•• void Nontsarol ler lie.. lawerthere. .4 Iwo eras thr for every With thesirt... thethe far yeinfy Wrerthana thole knows ea ap pith.. et UN lane. Ildrarth.e.wis. thew' wet.. lactation n' (.tbe IMO*/ et ...Mon. lnaerod tee; u shed sod N. 04 chary. utherclinly HI, els •I the. 'OW latabiat Wrentham an laths. ho erne. ; .11.1. Illock. ....len eh awl...copses, lb. Theetheley ova. Inr-n.s'elrAdr glogetthe street •nliiing tar Orro-a - t• the We A ndethe,000.04 410 egirres ere rordiallj MOM* •t•ad-ose 1.4 from the Wract ' G. F /1TKWART, Inertary. uri Di Vi3i91 No. 120 (01 Pot 8 OF TE1IPERANCE. ('1.414 WEEKLY MalITINU 1110 belelethry ru•i••.1104 et so cleco dl eV Mint net don ' th Vsettag brethren conlealty thesce =son it s. J °MINIM le le '1"'HE B 11,A DB RY" 4 July .9041 • flutittoo, 1:1ftctolg. poetry. want ot loyailty between them, b Daddy was getting ao garrulous that h •-• - - sometimes, quite unintentionally, hi t; '1ME::Y;:W41tTeirr :5411-,:'.''..,'.,'.,.l..t-A-....; -sa•-:e-. ..-N........1.1.....2..,-7a. 01::1.::;2:it tit..;„ u,1•je:1:..1:,: ' 11. hii.m.‘h,ii'maAluredrbe..:::Illi,,,,.;.••;;;;,tj....„:114. t., 1140 . if., ... lat"wgioultoh:ir';avtit'illiYi *is tinily . 'th a u Oho W. elle Still 0 c'enejsuli 56, "Father. nions)'• Dom back again 1 "Yes, John. 111.t IlF•atthh•err'lla WIll'el47;44' cf."1.::: babtek.,h 0.411 %pm, gOztg of 801111111L ifeS toitM ELOTW.ONS, 0 't GANS. rlIf ORGANF, Piano stools, &o,.&o Ithauferture be tta reletmatot Fin. al R. 8. WILLIAMS & W. Tosarre, The newt extensive soakerl la tier Mobtlever- T"' loth.. that he has Lane 4Pboe • 1.5seent 'or chaterich cenel the au mr• mid leg swath, of tie rhore Intl; relehretod anthead Wine- gar.' (*Wel ell artee 'ea Made by then et '1*'Ilt('yI'RER,,, %verbs oar • er than 111.1 terthe entrildird al Ire sob thorn. Werthrtthons Went Stn.. DANIEL GORDON` God•rich,4arr 15, GM .30 1.0.0.?. J. J. DELL, Editor and Proprator.• Dederick, Dec. 28111, 1872. injures Eltrtitotir. - - 13.• MI Doss call • Vintgiraltae* t.3isirtaistr=1•14-reiT3 , nettisinsst try boo afterstthla, p Petistannbn NC, Lb pn T•101•11, wool* X, r a.t.; '•••••• D12 Met•TC A. 1 . PN. PIC 00202. owes,. tt. as. Pt'''. ••4111..a. mai dna nor of ether. Ilrothl Oammems% • 11•01111:20.0 pla81122.22t2;7204.A. oda, •aserus.E:Ittf, • . 1...oarr• Betruen ARD 41770101111'..t1f•LAW •It l••••••••=ere, tWelar Crag. Ameael IsOmetalreseer al a _ Calotenant 41c giaregew• Kle.sto• steed , (Mew* • - C. C•Vellot Wu J. I O•eame - - - Doyle as riges22 fiarrarefy; arrows's:A tY:eleT.1101• .'heweerry ie. lb d...'..O. ' Dorte ••••5 roest•. ft A. 'roma .134111111TiRe. • 17.11I 401.1CI• ton to Ch...,. te . tont.. MInethlo th ad rgi A RRIPTE RS. , Coder' il R. 1.14C1.4111 - ar•OICO., Gedwira, Om. to, 1.77, ly. 4.2•413A5/PAttlaNk: AW CHAXCIIRT 411k.CONYITANCINO. La DOM Wersece..*4 Oaderich Ont. ,Doderrich,11. 0.4., PIT owT•tf Ia. VI :CNN.' 0 A UCTIO IL/ erf north. thathe to *NW in. rOVIL.11,11111.WIL/1 Apere.a..1 Oterva se, SOLICITOR,* es.het. LEND. aqui .r. 11.11440111011W.I. 11) , T II.R. See'. 1•711 Doug.. 8, 0 yrrisin, Name • or country ;al neteralla width* f lam lin. - :0 plffll T. VDR. LAID ne. merits. ten lc/2-r .,n • blow eted Prone floodesni. nal to blade Plow, else. find Oro to taper. hal manor 3tterr -Jordan'. , Walt idneth. W. HICK Oodeort, Are 1.1. aoth Olt Rooms over Goderich. •agtot 40 fneentotterr C. Polo, IM50,000 tholthich, • NICFIC•TARINT, HGrO1 DrATISI Poet Office, West Street, 4,4,041 wooDcorir, • tr,./ falterel Apar, op, neer .1 1i.4, /thole( tr..... (1..6,4 V Lend 28 8 per Cent 1.4100.. PATENT9 FO INVENTiONS EXPED IOOSLY & PROPERLY owned Is 'Neel Mans see r vrolt. DATE‘T eled room If visa Drenghtou tii stoma.. ess1se Mewl for arta Agony le 1panatins ten year. Wain', Oil.. Ottawa, Oensele, Fillareer, Millie. of Indent. .4 11 eth•Ir - BRICK AMMATRMIG, LAN AW,111`, VALUER, &e • T.. 0437L213,14I0H. Mt F.: .EN ID. Cabala 1.4.4 Crcedll Co on tit Ins Ithes rawer sag Ce. fez. Cr, Lend Patents taken ont. Debt. thed h jets. 111.11111111 wl CL TOR 11111C ERPORIUN. 4.-........4 4 We 1)014V11TV lia mei., or0000Azs on SUNIst.11f ti544* 1144 ogrovert , Path 1110,111.1. eveff..111111 ••• • .2111 , • Oglefieb. res m Ina • 4ottig. PIANO, .ZURICH HOTEL. ft Hared, - „ - Proprietor. 7 n••• bar le well et with 11.-th of Iry lath troth/Me. nalaiattaahntiogl ethm en tea MeV urna aconailinstarnatt tent mailman 14t41.4 ote Ithr and attealm 0..,o,. MM.. Oct. ralr, HMV. -.7_i larird-!-G ZURICH. CO. HURON, /FIN PRANG, 7 - Proprietor. ,•• ••••••1•It•••1 ay with Gael, r011•eni•fle• 44, reehtle P4 O•s-hIntahllog that ow:that sttsthlesthe 044 fs. wthoft - - _ PORT A tlIPPT MITRE. PONT - rift° wouloor.• • Proprietor GOOD etherthellathei. 7,etenevugt. 14.'01 -• • 301,Bt/RN E '.1(1TEL, CODER1CH. P. MARTIN Proprietor. Clod Accommodation. Ample Stable Room. nt... is admitted to be a First slag Honor kept in Good Style. thieve 1.6th 4,70 DOEVION ARIA WC)1211:4•1. " J WHITELY 411. 5111W IN TUX 1104? U!CPREf-FENTP7D a thenenhy. Winn. by the lermical Frofenion .t the site of N. Tort lo excel the Von. of sre/1 other otta km. IN POWER,PURITY,RICHNESS 140'- FCQII,•Lirs-v or Toxic. 078 le report, seeneethletertl• fin,* fames. seth e...1:favrap....* 111 4. tbdoeson, oil the wealthy en In the ("mat HON .4 40. Proin Ila_is.1....-patewireite-rea tar' 221217Tr.' T.20ZIPA•202221• thr • hon. In -.they ',pert ntrIpet eon n/ the nowt 61.11,..1.,t1 k Insli•hil. end the etriaret ee•et p..lor h. Inn warted .t. 'Ay W , coo he iced., in 'thins, et the most h perftht luortment O. arm made. I oi I k a 0' th • - .1101 • CG01 tioarra With 7001 tianeII; thsare of yoor suet. end then; F. I acorn In leaner of 'our puny "sada obi Um ()coital scorn Met thus. llo• 1 larigh'd . 1 ley *Oil • ear loan, • in ,iintleas he to, at ,-4.44.' 4.i, .1.titsatt 1.444.,pre,. of Malan . Whoa raw nu •rtny town th.l,14, • awry upon the was, 'Z'"W•o .11 • (14 wayeat4 home; Whea 1 roark'd the peeer•1 ?Wetly reed With thee t, her h Ite deely hors, Ace 1.•40,1d, oo.: 4 et the 1.1.47 tsu'd .1 111, is eery oar; Whe I thosenthel the potheng <mow'. speed, The didto et the •••rrier dose, 4.4..; love the law of a tut Or the Itte• uf inpatient lore ; out things which got Beni). into trouble it, go on. obliged td remind grandfather that h ao, when anything le ppened, Benjv w was not to tell. "You won't tell another that I let you fall in the mud, will you, grandfatherf' he would say, u they but their steps honifiwerd. - erth no, Benjy, ' the old nian pro- testod. "1-1 shant say a word about it." At drat, behre complete confidence had been established between them, Beni, tiought on one mveasion re- zhate his gnindfathere Wit • cent (said' he did Ilset at that moment possess, but expected to hansom.) day), hut he had come to know that the bend of lore between them was strong enough 40sustain their mutual devotion, exc. pt when it age occasionally beeieurnl L) 4114 Wh. shoo Id he bound to the resetweeeet. power .1 either love la uioney to control. 1 reseed sot hat Odell how the wend would fee: Awl ...id to the II; thieve." A5 the. v•ee oartetise'd •fie. __;* . Going home, in the summer ravelling*, . which, in Dathly's case, was beyond the inadvertence, or a tepee of memory, . after their rambles Daddy and lienh • Daddy Dears Monsy: had deetilvnteiesng tales to tell the „Ix. of Stinkers Town. family of t e eunders of thogreat world HOW. IT WONT, Atli NOW IT C4111 • "Grandfather," he said, "it's a time for your gime of ale, ain't it?" "Wail, yea, John, 1 thin* it's go nn that way," said the old man, cheery time. "V ill you take it beret" John aa "Is this the NagW Head:" the 01*0 in.quired. The liag's Head wu :he w he had "used" for forty years: "No, graridfather," Jobe said: ' is not the Nag'. Head; but they 01 good glees of ale hoe." "Well, just u you hire," Daddy minted. So John took the old Man into a p lie house opponte the workhouse y and gave him t.he usual five nickels; it wive Daddy's pride always to pay hialiquor with his own hand. W Daddy was sipping Meal., John t f ,ft•• couple of gliets. et spirits: la• tryierle-serenrins **point When the old mu= shed hi. glass, John took him u tore by the hand, and hurriedly int across the read. He visa at ate, hesitating. aid' a full heart, Aloe, that those relation* should ei. hoot , often have fallen upon indifferent ears! But John and Martha were teeuming tting • sullen and moody, a prey both of them o to the deepest anxiety. The family was still increasing, but the business cosi- hod. tinued to resist all efforts, the direc- gthi tics of development. . John was getting deep into debt. Tho tirtits were hard, hich and were coaling en harder with tne preach of winter. Coals were at eight 'this cents a hundred, liotatoe• at • cent a PaY eve I so reetr in R. nt he le- V eh t to 00- e re ftp & pound. The poor people couldn't the price. Poor women came for a a.. pounds of coal, and took them away . their aprons. There eras scarcely • oh_ , use for the truck. When coals were org, dear and fires so amall, Chaldron.t for Wit a good deal given to warm itself for bed, which thus became a parttime hila institution. The consequence to Jo gga,gd was that. kis bed -wrench rusted in 44 was nem, lied in view of thglrayde whi to eeconveliteed 4pm-it, it mean be sod fin- have been engaged in the disastrecte cupation of eating it, head off. Th fortunes of the emporium were at a ve low ebb; John and Martha could mane- ly provide bare food for the tamity. The black Beadles,clamoring for victuals and not finding satisfaction at the little oI round table, named like • cloud of locusts over the stock in the ahiip, and making short work of the carrot., at- tacked even the cabbege-leal es and turnip -tope. John and Martha were denying themselves day after thy, that ch the 1.bdnian ought have • bit of some- hi thing nice and nourishing. But thIugo were coining to crisis now. The coal - merchant, the potatieinerchant, and the landlord, all three threatened process, •,g) ATI and John woe in boort/expo:Winn of an execution. All hie striving mid been ,t of no avail to save "him and them from that disgrace." It must come row. ,.., Notting coeld avert it. th Ono afternoon Jihn vras sitting 016 0. tb. stool,on the site of the mountain ofei•al, 016 which had been removed to the laat .11 shoveful of durst (and, •las the capit- alist .4 1.11. wharf had not the faith to .0 replace it) utterly dejected and du : ple- E ted. li was • temble trial for • strong - hiwt than with • 51001. heart and a vigorous will, to be thus beaten dowu mid train . r•ze.a life twat ID,' money is ie George't . t now that uApn doll:es:1% ril,teadridiiel0"11Spedr 1144tbsuirbRia"r ia4t0/4140 14 every time to give it eiviphsaie. "Are you gime mati„ John r Martha's reply, when sho as allowiel almalt• • "You see, sir," said J 110 to his v tor ; she thmka cunt he guar ; Ito 04414 der 11 I thought you were nowt Gut heria-Daedy ;Vet reit e yon, fdaro Fay, and you Cats 4,44 haft.l. he toffee talked about his brother :moo whs. *tut to but thought lie had teen dad e o At that moment Daddy came in Ervin one of his welts with ltenJy, and was told of his fortune. "Dear," he said, sicking into hM chair, "brether George is dead. Fuor bopi; poordati t.1a boy.'oleland after some delays caused by the difficulty of procuring the necessary thoufs Erase.) great adiatanett, the great "Sew -York Life" Company Paia ever the tweutv thauainii_ &Lam And one day John, knowing Daddy's Itiowisli te.Liyew;ftf.alvlen ,nho, mg • which had ken the old mair's bank ii the days when 11. 4,00 well to do. "There, f.*'her," said Martha, putting hisbs.tuL.ub lnvhanitr' d. "And now what illi "A hat sill I do with itl" said the old an. "I'd- Ill keep my minium to iijyfm, •hne,..d1,,ui I lit "Bum t there s ore than will buy the n "Youdk,,,Lu: mean that, Md artha,', sai liealau -"Gli yea, }stoma, a leap "Then," said Daddy, "I'll give the st to John, to but a horse anti cart." "Bet there.e mote even than that, Or PRIV. itisoe FROM $3,30 o81 000 meount of van in. .04earth. T. J. MOORHOUSE- AGENT. The .a wthithateont•lo • Tthtire• nada- fat •e'l trithlthel.., both eiresd itletrithe 00,0.mar .4 74 •theetefthethent Kortft 8;414, iforket &parr. 002$e, 11.4 Neat 14 nr LOOK OUT FOR. THE -4101--311rAT1111 R. WM.-LT .7011N IC NOI err now no note northet. Ph fet6118 1311,11i1S are SP ink Waegons._, whir h foe anlatthn-e end elotheoller namot ha set peened, and or exec...the patron. of ell who w ent • Or.11..-141.1. article, yth All Mork sh sersina CARRIAGE TRI‘IMINO, e sit 11. '40,1' he. well and ...dolly .0.-..atet ett I derpatch, smear gnitrrytt.n•Aent • of Mr Joh, ▪ ifoianeny of Fr enorton1 one of the Goo IUMBFR WaGIR• en thir Ile. ...Ad., attend el to. Jobbin d R 1... .1.1 emelt...rhos, of the work "'Ai thine (41 .740 11 roventhe rioderi• h het War 1471. • • - Y'`U Tr! T" PIN] VICE rle.'1711L VII Mhos. Id. *Innen r Manna 40 10. rintelitaft. ILeTer • erf ono, be amen- .-4 ones Int .11. end 4.4.t.,,.,, el a• &three et en.. and thole. t- eoeht .maal etre-tele v 4, 1010 Trt'fiT'T,L • thee Plant whish he 1.15.1, nt follnelerecli fl 44 on lenwl c.o.. ler,. .1.l. I shoe live - he, ha ;ell anitson gel An.i ln n.rstran• Galin` .1.11.4i,Il• the foirehee TIWTO0 •• no'..'"n reefed Ging a tml eat, h en. ''.'017i";:;51;71 Ihelr,1"."1.'Ve vt.•••pial• •......,,,l,( of gold to piano ;2, eiona___windsesAtut 14s jis_raintreS fa • weds- atTiT({.. mann., rail PIM /0()TICT,.4.'“ 3(1.! ENZ f • 8...4 van. 1,71 . . _ PHOTOGRA rib no° Per Dozen. W HICK, New Bittehcr Shop Opposite Henry Martini- HOTEI,HAMItION ST Itenthlthe he. realer. en Into Oen. that h. h. nthath • Potent nano •t the shore 1.4ttro. .4 he 41. fethosetell treetprls thnholent 4.1111 eff a lower or...a otheethre 10 1.0*. fire 014... Gorey nen Kg- delf an. la ell nees of teeth Math *4*1. an. ItARERT 11/11oLlt A le ea.. War. Ith. Int ref - 1.0 led the look - 1,14 through a mist tof tears at the Lan the workhouse bell, inviting only hutch of despair; when the old m ooked up in Ins face and **id: "John." "Yes, grandfather." "!Ain't this the werkhousel" Daddy's look, hill intimationthat new where he *1.4,the thought that uspected his design, struck John he heart; and he hurried the old m way (rice the gate. "The workhouse, grandfather, .1(dIn said; what moil, you think at? (Nut, dome •107; we're goi Th. b; grthitlfathet, going home as e can. - John was so =Simla to drag Dad *ay from the spot, that he fairly life m off his lege and carried hien ac 0144,44, In Ina excitement and has finite forgot Daddy's feebleness, an rried him along at such • rate th e old man h.!, hie breath, and w arly falling. 1. was not until a atree ad been put between them and t irkhouse, that John relaxed his epee d &Hoe ed Daddy to mover hitnee ter that he had ied him gently bac the enifairietn, took him in, and r cod hint in hie old chair by the lir '1 couldn't do a, Martha,' he saii ly hand was MI the bell, when ked iip at me •nil spoke to ine; an look, and what he mid, etrock me heart. 1 couldn't ltil it, 1 telt as a• eoingsto murder the poor mar s worse than murder, Alartha, t a fellow-crerture in yonder; it tying him alive!" 'But, John-' say, it shall never he done by rtha 'John interposed sternly. "W it do the beet we rim for him, an ve to the Mat to SATO hith and our Yee from that disgrace " An interchange of looks meted th 'Tact between them -that Daddy w have a home with them whilst the I roof to will their own; and Ind bread to share with him. die the au a hi 1.11 he hu -th tie 44 w. an Af 11' pia Md • 4)141. I • bit he he to 011 no, of ng aid roes to uI at as he 41 If, led under the feet of a cruel and releiii- k legs Fortune, whom he had wooed with e- hie -art, and wrestled with all his e. strength. Poor John had received so father ; eser 1. ,,,tic, more. "Oh, swell, you just keep that for urged, blanks, for taking care 40( 70443 d father; AIM Daddy, with no elsdarirate (Deign, t with the simple Mete:ems" nf a ih tastonettines wiser than the snots mittens of law, saved the dangerous malities of will-makieg and the arges•for legacy ditty, by handing to • daughter. Manhattan beg containing the emery. . Before John ertn thought et his borne eart-thoueh that was hirking in a rner of hie 101.1 -he regained the windy of Daddy's ..ld hoese. fermehed with ma many of the old-iiicke ea he uld irony.,' from he brekere elope, th teeny splendid new ones best les ior eirrieingrooni, and, when all was ne,led Daddy hack to his old quarters, I joined him there 'ink tlartha and the family. Hot dotage had hien coming upon r old Daddy, and he could ely n ude to untlerstend the chatter which taken place in-lins-pretition. H. meat last to lane- that it e ag a dream, sl sitting by the fireside of au ec and recognizing 1.1. old room 11110(1 with the tam. of .oho and kl,rthis end heir Childie•rolil; tell his daiighter ake him ep lid so bo went on dresuning, until winter's unit.. 10 sok* up ill • land ere there was • 1. 0" 40 gotng to sleep. nil the days 1,1 .1.lin and Martha aro ly 11. 1. long Alla iangpmth orts, for ey ,,, Fill their old father ill 11i et aro and d, and the hr:•aki which thvy mat up - the waters hes coma bark to them 11 a him i st. he 11 Me 11111 stri ml get to he. es. Old Daddy had net onlynern a con ghlerable expense to Jehn and Martha hitt tiering the winter month* he hi been much in the **y. 104* alway pottering Afton in the shop, which hen, sherthe inttimproomt- nmeh ac.•pe busieess and d etticity coml Med. ,-Bot now the fine flays werg eon '&1('la * Daddy •n)it 44, ahle 41. 01(1.4 !re• o I drill of It. loth e.t.a of doers So, when the fine dais Mime, ;WI,, Ro.jv. J- ho',, yonngeet but;.,, who *441 root enenvh te be of any assistance4, the [mantras, •11.11 ditlt•ed to the Rle ,IMI Bridal tlety mind in grandfather and takieg him for eheti it was movement 4, Fel Oeet .1 the *my. I,ittle 84ojy, e, large -heeded. wise -looking hev, of Year*. was Dubly's eapecial and orite;nr, perhaps, it might ha., /awe much move teener sible a torsOn Itenjy, that Daddy was Iiis pot st 11 mite Be that sa it may, they ed earh othr, end 'on tine divyt, the Ada shon, it was their deivh; ander hand in bend liming the eisivfi ty streets, prattling toga her like eltilipin, and gaging in, with child- wonillsr, at the pretty things in the 'hop window.. The people mond l-mt called them the Babes if, '4.- %'«..1, and old Deddy was eartainly el tench • Mae a• Seely, these Yeandeoite tienjy lan• Men net to -slows his Bold of Daddy 's 41, for itee partleelarle rojcentel to leave him f• r a moment and toyer he did, not to hit him rnmh's n. Ono witelde day Berle did let rly tumble, and 11*'! *tate nt mind *110 )16 f.4r fear hie mofher +toted find t. 81, 11,4 his Nett Vrith hi. little prieket heetfliterchief effsee .71 ef mint from Riddles trwew*-0: he emu afrskt lest the told man might on him." free that Am. ••• any many heavy falls that the spirit was toA almost crushed tint of him. 'When he looked up and so.., strange men dark- ,,., Wnh ening his door, he felt that the last blow was ab••ut to be struck like "Coles in," said he • "don't stand n ,,, upon"?. any ceremony, I beg, I'm 1114(1. nee pre_paftd for you. - c,Aru you ;" said the men, curiously. wit "Y•• I Jelin replied "I k now vont 047111(1as well a* you do ynur. If." "Thi Ton 1 'said the maai in the same tine. • "Do you c mie bete to mock nis r cried John, angrily, .risitag and facing the intruder ; "o mock me as well am ruin on I" "Mock pm r' said ills Isom. Yes, muck nye," John repeeted, in the 10014 1.141417 tone. "I did tee Celia IFITO to mock you far from it," the man raurned, feet, ley business is not with you et all. I outlet to see Air. Dudd, who was an old neighbor of mine. • 14 wsl him littl six fey *05 frn I01. why. • to Yr H A I" DOZENI om RA (lc !gm ATIYIti heel LA. 32 rent, postage fma One got', from 1,,76 `•••••le fator• *Ten., poetesie• frt... to any "e" address ret Particolar Attention pa Idioropy- In Ig old Ambroiypes. For sober large or 1.150 phni TI. •ohnrilter4.1 retrninethek• frith /.• • I roc. ha enfoloth•t tonde el tha Aiwa, 140 juin shy lhat lo. he• made seek iee- Dad ,stnecinanflin hi. gallery 450 ,44 'writ • Ithrl• of the wee he 41 00 irs4 ‘reat Itediteta•e ON eno.,0 -seo rholgt alpe. 1.1.. Josssos. 1 1419. /lerosteleb. Aar. I . 1410. .20 458 Mt ,3;l '.4 ,..721111, Pianism El1tthterin. The Neu England Former tells how • (melees hog was killed, and etenniente there, : We concluded not to enter hi, elle, knife in hand, but eillure him by sieLe dainty morsels rip to Ids trough and then plant a pistol ball bttween his ems end Ree what the effect Would be. It waa ecellent. All hie former riuth- nese in 0. moment viaelone. Ile lay tiehire rismatently"as dead a• a wallet." "Yrei'll excite* Itle, 1 hope ; bu. are ir,, oluealmg, nor dead y threat of the knife in greet 4511454, and I expected noCing into tho psi ir Arleta throat Thant wee r Mit had news," evidentlr no pain felt, mine limb *rovd "If I 4111 net mistaken," said the or nimielei niteered. • • • • stranger, 'it is good news 1 broati you. Nuw.bias some the hoe-butcherng* Von a1e51r.-Dodd's son-in-law, are you son, and the coontry round will mem .107 r with the ecresids iyit g h,a, n -"1 om air.;.00d wish I warn a the women faint, and theehildren i richer eon -in-law, for hts ••k- " John family, with their fingers in then reviled. rim into tbe del ths of seine "Porhaps there will be no fio get away from foe sounds, w ,hat, for 11.. sake," the etre. et re- .411tiever forget, though the turned. to hyoid people. ••ss Mat 40 yo mein f' john asked. It it an lige of libernlity • small 'Hail, feel, this, ' mi0 the ranger. be an agent humanty. 11. ' A f, days see I notscesi 1411 sd• P0141111.10 by law, to italitinte to pal• O I "or hoist, let it alsollt wh. h • creator* to nedler•ong have sheltered ani enred for • year h4.ri hon.. a We have giv and so sudden& iodides with OII their pow., , cal Mann inn% Atilt in,. int( Otr. .1o11r .41, of ,c"mu20 '1' or "a ' Neiman Strom, I waled upon that gentile 1116°, 1,4111 WO, th• pereon e anted •riateree !My forward widodit nein, Dot1.1, ntr old "Mh'o', and Th07 fell' ., ft wth with ate hos. hat. as no..xt of kin to his brother or ate. the reader, then, . e to lh trorge, who died some ties* ago in )nal of his shall he hunted; Wah, holo entitled to tweety thorium? TA" h t and hoetsda sad than sof dollars, 40 14,, proceeds of an Ineorenee the knife 1102,e. policy held by hie Iterrhet on hie ow Inki baton "Hold hard, sir," mad John, grasp the vtranger hy lbw are*, anil Marin loot wills bleed itia. "Yon're me • las*, • woad Isrli with • l...144,' "Anil answer 1440 0.0* John enotinued As the • • 5 e .4 • 14 • 11 nt in tee 4 aver, tylreners1 01., Illaei..1 iidoeming him that if lie applieit to Johnaton, attorney, 111 Naesait 5444., .0 he woulti Ise*, olf &m." "Ig tit stung, N •w, thinking; the 0140,0.4 44.4,4 welded might be ey eld 7 ot it• Ion bs a small eh 1101414 bit of her,' ewer fte awd:g 0011455 1141 tW • %WI 0.