HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-20, Page 4460 WINT �1 ;Ie DU !nom h - (Har mow returned bltIM te,. EASTERN MARKETS has iug purchased to the beat advantage A CGYPLIST'STOOZOIZ: n^���- � , PEAVY WINTERCLOTHI, a rwl4, amen,r HEAVY WINTER TWEEDS, Roark Sheeiel.l HEAVY WINTER OVKRCI)ATINRM thmugh *slob he 1. pmpn.l to .11 ether b7 theyar tad los r4• up oft Ihe Mostwt 1n410. .1 term -- ytlme with I4I4b1.7(1ICU RAT11:161. to • ram', Deat. MUM. collars t4. Ia.. all bled., else. antnputed lir 04 b. ill CALL (Ale' tLAtaSa not GJ«lek M ' 107'. If hnid. glib The Excelsior Grocery oiiM she there a less Womb* t1m- a m of tet $1J -i pf .1 tt. . Tswana sf 11. neer mem Mt .,4 C..Nn1. tine rem. o matey rad w+ i 14ira%, Stet d Me 151 gager It s:Yt tie WO )rethd woof. that h■4'd *sire e410 M- 100 e4d a petting Yfe 1" oral" t. -The that the pant of Ca- in the propmed top Woe' . th ay, at C•yga, ding the Loop Bleck (keit', dent caves - gm front the 4 Island, to theekater>fbank ti When coU- with both the Era It is no len:n d w engaged in n.•k- ring the propaed lalend at the prier rim metes that the Western Railway par point. and some - many Years It eMguo(. than .10 !ter cent. upon i lent daring the last 4 been steady sod coo- ia gaU1 in the valid , of the appreaation in .blob eonlnier,lal ovoid, is in oppoeitlon which the frr..p.ees to offer. It is railway stook is could to 10 estimation under such but in th lyse of the indicated the firmest con - enterprise iaeif, as in the Mae under the Doan. of U *tit lt Ti Nn- thing to find a whole fam- ehildren lire to an „Id •re, mese aith • family eho long from Nova Scotia and Nettled Township. The Se. Carher- esye the family contains 'Wren the eldest of whom is cuty years of sgr, end aft are ago The parent. elates .ere *.d Elizabeth Anderson. traveltg and freight -moving pill he pleased to know that the el Dinoion of the Michigan Ce have decidel to ley so eddiliennl- tr between this city and Detroit, of the haat steel nils. At the present time, then, are eighty miles of double - and the'Board proposes to lay fifty al Ms new track each year. This im- portant decision hes been bmugkt .bent m arneegwnos of the increase of freight AMA b... taken place of late, and the feet that men has been offered than 0,114 be handled by the present capaeitt of the n..d. CAiroe. Journal. - Zgspetohmeat at Etavos Er". • Yeaz Felt. $.-The Union Re• General Qommittee met lost adepted a reeolatina preesBt- theprernoN evening. renovating the Oorrlp Council to take steps 40 in - Mayor Hall. A rem° nit. was be the Committee nqu ting latnre tirs abrogate the u ce of Inuntil otherwise provided h la., a.rt %evolve the doer on 4. city , thereto oouatttaloo and t. frllorii4 mist be of interest to in Ontario, who propom reiterat- e telt jifanitolwt: The 4. n eletaof the iJ�j�Rd S'st.s Treasury has decided that inn rant Mem the Rvtern Provinces TAT ham with his team, vehi- h.mselu'Id effoete through the gf States to Manitoba with- eMgavment of duty, on giving his per- sona1 tramportotion bond, properly se- mi any route or in any manner be . Oiralars to collectors at entry, pviag fu1l instract,Inn, ammo of preparation, and will be 6 • Nudity* INTR.-After 4 battle fought in 4, • brother soldier stumbled a Ifighlhnder, who wee busily en in stripping the Meth of an English and wanted to partake of the r121s,•ea,: mid Donald, 'I ean- Vtt; you mem go an' kill a sh.n• for yonra•L", YATE19 & SIC9N 11 e0■ GREAT PLtAIiI1R 1� ANNOI.1(CIMO to the pub!, of ar l,,. r awl ,ou nt. ...MA tM) e ena ,,, :h. a,t the .1tr.t• of M, A H. Om,n uoe mwr• bons., ad arm lar..* w eta• *5 .Ii owe •.:murk Thar , .,..•. had ♦ uO(.1D MOH Ob` 151-1t.CIC TEXT • cos eirriz I Ol TEAS CUFF _CES TOO .l l.'COES. hitlG A E. S'Y'IUP, MOLASSES, RA ISINS, CURRANTS, SICK BPICR CRuCKERT AND GLANSW ARE, CON aISTING OF, CHINA SETTS, TOIL AT SETTS. meg T COMMON B4D I'4711'. hiD/U111a r. And by the Dotes. Plover, Feed,( )ntniea,,Coremeal, B1rck- •h.af3lonr,and Eb.Tuwmgenerelly, .l- eas ■ on band GOOD AS THE BEST At D , CHEAP AS THS' CHEAPEST FOR CASH OR PROD':CE. 1 - Opposite ties Meeket, rate next Jdor to Jordan'. Dreg Store. Oodmle(,.tR)ky,MTk. , T Goderichltarble work Scott, Vanstone & Co. 1)50 1[) INTIMATE rOAT THEY HA*S U opened a Maw la W thou Clrud e HMS- It 1J f• lG Woaxt .a the one east M Mr. A.M. Johostom, TIMM4 G•der'n4, tad will be •4'e to esp►M Tombstones, Mantleplec es, Window Sills, &c., 4.o., bo„ f VA$IIIIONABLE TAILORING. W. dig J. KAY HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS lru A 11tJIly AND LRK PREPARED TO MAKE SUITS TO ORDER'LT CREAMS? RATES THEY HAVE LIECEIVEI) NEW TWEEDS A COATIa(33, NE V' ALPACAS, NEW PRINTS, & Gudertch, March irk. 1(73.4 eta611' L''rI TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OI'' 'rill v. "Gardner Sewing Machine," MANUFwEvi J ..1 AT HAMILTON. For family anti light manufa• Luring week the Gardner dewing Machine CAEiIED 0.1 OVER .1.12.nm MACHINES AT TnE TORONTO LONDON exert a_ mmi,H, CATHE � ES ORd1QOEVIL WIATER- LOO AWD CH ARLESTON EXHIBITIONS. It A.A. carne eR with high hones M the Provincial Exhibitio., Kinptun, tout Ree warded a IEa at the Hamilton Exhibition Thousands of People who saw THE GARDNER in operation at them ex hibitions were actually aatoniah.d at is SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY, 3T WILL SEW PROM THE THINEST MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST CLOTH & LEA PHK R. 1T IS 1AI4DtIOMICLY MADE AND IS Simple, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned, And has the most complete met of attaehmeots of any machine now manufactured. Call and see the Gartner Maehiee, at .ales oo.a, opposite the Market House, Goderich- W. 8. JOHNSTON. AGENT FOR HURON COUNTY. N. E. -The following is a copy frees the Globe, daring the exhibition week at Kind tun: -"The Gardner Sewing Machine Co. exhibit several family machines. Thom oA view were is opaan .. during the day and mewed from the lightest work to c ppiees@ee of ..1151 had and • bit of cigar Vil lensed. The mae been do light .g work as weU •s * required in any family circle." Roderick, Deo. 7ti, 1871. , e ! e se the beat 0t) le of eorkma blp aea rawaabte ,GAVIN STUTHERR, Agent. 5r1Ft ood•riek 1 TtR Jah, N E7 NAT Waggon and Carriage FACTORY• BATES A ELLIOTT IIATR plea** 114.':. 1 5 math( 4o 4M 1 W o1 wen .ed oelt sial t1.07 hare oad • 40 :to. 4 o rris R n NC ' - - IIwo Id•• 51 (L Rldett'. old .t..4,) Im.ma11.41y A4.4,1141 t • 1Vest.u, H4 t'I B 4 R attend personally a all tM 4,h meted 4 them..54 017 neEtrord le la,• ale ASK AND D UU BI Waggons, Buggies, Ire MMM John DIPA.C1NDR Ye Cutters, Sleighs, and •..ry5hmg I. their Ile* M Th. very loot Oriel andel •nkmawhlp and at a5 Toy berth mn4ent.,. rale.. floors, Blinds, J'cXI ni rt Cilr ouldings, Flooding . Promptly *WIN M. ON HAND, a large amortises* 4T mIG4$11S .rd dl blade el •Mrh-.ill M Odd Cheap 16. Owls or Oaa,� G; tAi VV(%ittc, o:n.,. Ay. 1*, 157.- .45 Molded f1LtMEea55aMPresW ek ftWM their'sperlenre in "wag , it1ey esti nren•tmh M,ne '0. 11 rho( --- . thorn wi•k • pall, T 5 B I 8lt*e+'tw'l ;h Sept., 1r,6f. fent of Dry inch and i if..rN 'ng ne hand- Scottish American bourn 8 STRICTLY CASH, AS BUCHANAN, Drat LAWSON, 19 K. IHi/SISSON. AM 15. 10170' yen E TO DhBTORs. AN SICII.LS NT FAMILY fee S.. !Wrests of BrltLib Resident, M Aelfxlss. FOP dT n'ebw MOMSbg IM or In Il.h 111.7. PMlt7, Nereael !mm W IO.t 1,1t.nry Puldle,lme. n. Ramp., aN Amok* Editorial. a Iaad1.5 T1g4.., h. end roma4 the testate of Tan MATER TTM rrn.tlM 5. Insolvent. are left wilt - •� -- Bnsia foe., 1.eitnm by SIX)lTISR AMERICAN JOURNAL .1. F. FINDLAY, C RTWNW OPII Vif/ sg,HITS, kat -ire am4"IW wt1_Ia k5rn:I*t."'• t.I 'es' • vain and Flukey. printed at City Rates Wanzer Letter A.. --FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, 1. tM d•npbat, .m de t e gnat* rortoty of d * work le swab,swab,r•m•ga4• loo. 11.4*. e,d wt of 18.4. raw lighter. *M.tom . 7 ether Shorts. Fowles work, Carrie. • heavier Woad .Ma • Ow Needle thee ..y ..• 4 . munfru•n4 rte IM merino* A■ Mark• Winslow .111 111 be board at ono muo-room, Ilam tM I.dl.rfor n .r4,. 511 Mloteey t4SWt welshes a*•,.crew• of 5.01, a FAONY STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, co Maga w A. Alt N. R. - All Sera of Maebk rgWN w Mortrl motto. Teed. ••d ■•.5.rrioo fnr 111e4.14, ter .10177 on MOIL R. M. WAN7ER & CO., /R• Rhow-Room next door to the "Semol 04..,. 0.d. -Ek, •a5. TOL an tommemowmoiwN +GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. et ElEA14O1N 1871. wen Rll1RRCRtnen5,• 4,H, L*. ARORNTNO TAMEE Toa raergrAT5ot4AGI, 510:LEA i. ,'TATS that dada. the poet 01.0, they M.• • Added largely to their Manufacturing Machines. A.. all havtag Ars sow Prepared 30 Ez.eute Orders formula PTA CIA•, eattyu•, Mamas. MIMI% mmaW. Moe.. Cov.n, 54,nkly T.m, Le,. M WITIPOEZATZE DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater In Pattern Than Formerly. Try *5W14 .45 eta 1011.011111 atfw5lm r COST'S SPI1111IN1i. ,MSW* frARDIND. CLOTS DRESSING 61,1 1War M roolry O '7 e� mriets ••4meme .. • stwwwy twit ro h1 M got 00010* . ty ee.njryr TSW whVy�ir wwl Ae.ede zia ro N r WY tsrart 4 do ,10 Yi'wslam. • MR. %Ur 11.7 -PONS 10. l Alle4r *05 rum mmMA ,/r�n 1: AO & SON. 1 CARDS, BILL -HEADS, His SHOP ,X11 ,LIAR' a VIDEON, le"` -"r - Notice of Appointment, lehounisaig Minus ' Notice. Oath of ilmlineation, "Ramat Tear 1a the ZiehlemAai ' - Sy Pro erw On•/, .l lil4ia.., 0.OYad, 1511► re rim nil T o .vsKiit a y' Tran - - - • normal. 55„455. *Wm* .4.5 MOM w W. ;(,Purnamu & Petunia.r, Lists"87 Per* Ben, N. T. y r' Lists, S'atoaa 4,r MA ,tom W OOD labia inawl? uorrimio Vit gip remoi., a •,KETTt'.ai • ''p>r..'.f ><.k" P> tura' us i $NhlYI•M1t� T . •t, e..N.,4nt . !(It'!11$gerFlOS MGIAL OFif)C$-•• 40 Nsw Photograph Gallery 1 (Nell door W the Trio/rttp % Olt. <. ) Tea S.s45 hafted ■d ••:••mead buses*. •• A . Hlooamewmewof the Merkel St4,w • Wet Eire* 4 14. Tae. of u.derl.'b u,r the slur. IW.•.ho5.uprd by 5.1055 11AR 111x. would..et1.11 .41r11 • WAG. W Po)" It gums VI.l4,n wIV las the Tu..51104 T putt hwswoot kin* of feework ers 1. the lePkotutl.l'h 1 iiii l l ldas PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBR�OTYPES. PORCELAIN PCTTURER, &o. 11H10ES 1t,F'ASt/NAULE r5l. sewn; 4,11 Smarm a. thetas a**1.0,7”. a4, la 04 os style W the art ao *Mow nlh.N to I.e.. the Ual1en attires y proved .. A CALL eotJCITLD. W. J. WHITLEY 0.4541►. OM MM. LICI• •.ay THE Very Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In GIODEItICII OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN Of THE CIRCUTAN SAW 6/1111 BI!u 1,.+tY Tp tT TIO T Mr. Just awl leted. yr u.o,•n.1 ae hot or •. w .w COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDW ARE. ofankl■d..84,8 e111 he a.l•I at pry.* tet tt 1. ▪ ro.p.Utloo Before 1.unl.ae ug rl.e. L. 0. 1' • . give B.'•!bt el Goods .51,1, nest week. 6. N.PARSONS &CO. Opposite The Market Horse 1od.rkh Juw eN len. aver it 7rhe Huron Favorite. NEW LABOR-SAVING� Q� V 3ELIN . TRY FETED AND P.ITLSTSD by ALEX. TICH 1 bow, WHOM 1 '1•• A, -iTIOHBORNE.' W web plea•.. M N►nn 4t4hrer. of Ham A NEW CHURN WM. ewo I.0estb0 tad for .baa Mor en and o Patrol 1.r )M Ilemaw. of Canada •‘ 1..”. . r,..'- 1yrWoee1, t1. perchers Mn co..ld t.1 ,t 1', 5..1 17 .ort. y of rte same. "TME HURON FAVORITE' •M wdtiy •raow4dge that for RAYING OP T11111 AND '1.813011, %TMRNUTH AND LIVEABILITY DY tO*NT4UCTH(N, SIMPLICITY OP OFA RIN.1 $Pato 180 LM YCIt:FCT 0P 01.115 NOI .And Low BrioCAIN .t 045 an myarlo.. N R -TM ..4011. 18,1 work. In 0M .,.•m Tao 1.1 Heber mt... ,•r,n.00 I .000lln, 4 the depth Me cream, or gauged 4o arr 4. 48. THE CHURN em M Teo et tM neo. M M• D Yew.n. H. sato) ek 44 404.8, t}w.47 .11 T....hI, Aglw 5,500 w liberal term.. 0.0 Meths woi. owe Arl•bler-,n. • tar at IM IT 4 U t Com. Wlern 4 TP or t.7 tete. t) a 4.,1.4 P. 0, ALEX. TICHBI)RNE. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURE God** TP 714 July, 1171. ORserif Stoves 1 Stoves t ETI Tae MMS ARO C.evrctHes PIPS Cirri= Poise, La*r PIPES, 8e. PLAIN ANI) 1rANUY TI N WA RI 237,E UOAL OIL WROLLEALE AND RETAIL iwCesl 011 Lm , '. Old Let NU710E u( COPARTNERSHIP. 1 HAT. 18• dry taker tate partsem►ip 1. the Hudw••e RLS.er, Yr. (Moors. Booth, et Uu•Wi•'►, TM h•aroom M111 5001.14, to be e.ns.d w god. 1M myle 181 Hugh Ue.JI■r, tit • 1M old mad ea the Markin Nein., Gores 1a Hue ehup a 185 8... all dada duo lM 41. 414 W Hug% U•010sor A Coo, twat be peal al ..d4,. uuderah, Deo. 108, 11 I. tf 0 W c/c). Carpenters Wanted ! To Sur THE I.AIOLpITUCt Or Naila,mm7 ools and other Which tra hese just receirid. Painters Wanted, io,i.•r wt the I.rp •m*nm.■l of 4.1.1., q6 01. o.... •r•1 rutty. au.* Ihe boot (f0 ity. Blacksmiths Wanted, TO, _rIe1 arts 4, 4eppltm .f Yom. P.a. Imo mod Abel 1. 0Mover; Met rales. Coopers Wanted, To moat 18405.1,.5 oat .h groat variety N the Tao. of *Mm trade. , Ladies - Wanted To 5550 • asi7 m•7 lart..hrk of tM BMA PLATO vas, A .rgi gement, of Itope oo hand a1tTHRrelvva PO of all kinds, lo gala. rr4y X. B.-E.rrytAing *At et the Very Low - rt rut. at H. GARDINER & Co.'s, Market Square, (1oderiet. Got••.l. L. Nb 41.5 15:1. PULMONARY BALSAM W pry.4550 a 0 50004. 1.1.110.D n YMil MOOT C 115101055 ►N .1LeCu.5 IN mt. 1001.050 s0. TUG 4,MAIM *MAIM MOTOWN) BITTEN. W WWI 5500. A CO. H V •• - •O*T01 _ H,S Wu Iota 0 > FOR COUGHS.COLDS&LJ W•:a(Co,.t !hooch At Co., H eTILT,.. A., KIM Shetld's Sale of Lauds. 6awtvwf M.raT shim Ma writ M.rwllt toe r.. WH : I B It:poem 4.r Part and Toe. Par W fm residue ,..nM wt et 14e *Orly' Court W yne.ne Brach •al 4. tie dlnoled aplo.4 the I.. '.1. aIv! Twewol* W 14,4 501101.., at the .oft of 1N Merchant. Wok M Card., 1 Ws ae wed.* t. bel In Evr.lh.n et the 11 •81,111'. end '1"."11:4•••••:. 1aaarent nut go.ty of "diertdol J tM .be• sew,.. Mfesdan{ Im ands 11.10 e5ml sn.r.a, and e.g:.t In the frrte•518 .0x«.1..5 s: W Town - snip of How4k, Is 0.e C•wnt7 M I15n,1..weals+, Montle. by ,dnm..areew5t leo ►adroit 1.rri. mere or Wes WWI. 1a.od. W T.osar■1. 1.511 tsr for Ea4 at moms*, h the conn Hem.. le he T.,.• ♦/inderk►, •a 11..•.47 hi3O .44.408 d,y,.f Ja..wr7 *. D lilt, AVM hear of mar of the .lock, u the .Mrs. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of Hurel(, Rao .P• OM,m, (1.4.4. 1 11.. 1 :14. 1171. 1 SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. -0- COMITY OP MUMS, 1 b TIM. 5f o Planes To 1114 14,50 M Vol Photos, le .ted out 54 Hoe 11.40•!1'0 C.m.t7 court, .d the Could, of Hoven, 014 1. me Mewed .pleat the 1.054 ■04 TEM.mma of lama 10 R,blr,■ •rd J..M Taber, ot the .art of I WA Hnnter, 1 M.0 Ms.4 .d basal. meest1m, all IM frlht, 1144 .ed ,, ,n owed We o 1*51 metal. et, .o►. Tab r t al. M esti 045045 we lrasp1 *5l or tothe T. l• 7s*slahms .mit , Iyth Co6.ty of 4 the , ♦ sera 111, 1■ the Conary M part o .ohtewerser 1OWMom4 Is .0101'.4. 0 W part of Id WOW PPao0, 118 W rind rnror4• d1M Th Alam dT Parr•msthortor • d akl,may 0d ho- lm htMr114a0 d 0110y• tr7Mb.I0* twos •d 1.ethod0.0.• Y :0 Ma Cow 4.1 . t .Mn p poo H EImM ht lM �etrtk 4rl) yd 1e Ms P iMtOr (March led. 4.5554( l tM dm. • .nee 00.1 t N■m0■ b s .,t,o,0 degItsree., wet 7 Math re.41.Sri►r•05/5-..5 db.t4,1 from IM . w ib.•. elirmmrso 4,,.d. I ►o welled.. H one ISM{ MS it 1.,r..o lama /Sees e05M....b. Firm Corommmety 5.. 1M M'R5/iWtkr.h o...n .he rrrNrrl, ewle ,.1 . oo4veh„w ewew Om* Wm. monk ..rte., d.. gre•. MM OPMe e••Ma mid eighl, Ilege ,o Melody haw M 1M and rim nm.'. MOti: tMwes •er .r.' doom.. '..e..I4 Moog the ri4 .dT.1M 5d them .015. ..1 *nemm,0., thane..,4,1 •0 degree.e4 t...l.. Yr sI••••••!M iro roma or ler 4 sal Baron Rom/.MRwoem mil ron17 oea1g Earl* not thee. theme end .oto. OMNI.* 1- M IM p4e• r M5m•ag Cooper. Era*. Wnnl 1•(ek.a75, sd SMep .5em,.�5.,(aMI( hew r•ew, h.« 0,.4...4 ...17,7 Coo tabus. Wrell e. pn.M.d�'r'0..04 m•e f*n 17.0 room 18, 1.8 3. nTOR9. {dee M►Imas4 m Mr■,a � t7...a.n xplrk„M 4�' Ri;n oft. IAr,7e Coal Oil Barre R..ed• r... �.wm p 4mJ r'p' k' des.' w�rrk Inde Oodmiek Ang 11, 1570 owl ii1 To..me•w' I Na11 Tobe f. os1. at m7 . Tei .n d5 Cowl m am a o. To.. ,A. ,.1Mt at the Tore - 407t hay* .rk,A-D„117x.555 hn.rN 74,44, 5'seelJ5e.m. OHN MACDONALD, Rh.raffnf Hemn- Mora • MOM 4a4wmh, Orr 504.1571 81ert8 Sole of Led& Coeny of Hur0 , } By virtue of a To Wit: Writ of Fieri G. H. PARSONS dt 01 Q5 e� sed to me CD.;. of Qte.se+s jfeoo►, end to directed agairot the land. and tenement• of M•1 - HARDWARE MERCHANTS mri. (ampbau, at Ih. anit.4 Nlinheth Lepie7, I have edited and Wen 'cab ..glee Mel IM above named defmwd•et, in and fie lot number seventeen in the e{qgllifh cone.rpoB of the Township of nehmen*, is the County -01 Hutto. Wiiei hods red tommem x41 Mall offer Sae gay et fey OMes,-7M the Cosh IA tis Toep fll Ooderinh, Aa ,. eT, the emend 1Ay of April, 1872, M the hour of Twelve of the olo.k, . nose. JOHN MACDONALD, Sherif of Solos. Demeeber, 71. Sheers Olies, MARKET SQUARE, GODRKIC all the right title and Inter Rave for Sale WINK, FOX, and other tnpm, "ACME CUT SAWS, MILL SAWN WIND SAWS AND BEST MAKES OF HANDSAWS CHOP- PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS IND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, RAND AXES ANC BROADAXES. 00W TIES OF REVER),I. KINDS 1.0001N0 CHAINS ' 01 ALL SIZES, GLASS PUTTY WROu0RT AND CUT PUTTY, SA, And .large smo t.l.nt es all kinds of ILA 11410-W A It E, At law primes fee CASH. 0ppeeke ICSAtR Iintiel 1.r G. a. TAS MN I�Mteh, stTT. 9R,1rell War lrro • 1 11■ 1 .p Guelph Sewing Machine Co. THE OSIIORNE SEWING MACHINE. oi 0 6 °!r KING OF AMERICAN • 5.01011 MAl'Nlha%. LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINE IfbOLIAN41 rl4Nlnitlllg1T 1-ANADA ABS 1 wr•yy w«. Nat ►hr< 11..7 Me. Wmh,ek- stem •1111. ,,, W14 ere.tat Y. prro,w4ed 1- 5.014+ W m) .•t1.er muh w oared 14. 14, W la. Pur w kw* 54,1,1. of 5,.rk, iodc*lhw Iwut7 tad urel- .ne. tar 1.4.1.,4.1, **tat LLlty. .11..514 55 The 0e4o.ne Sonia, !Lachine has no rival. ar Impnr.melte hay. 1.1.1+ ben •tad•. *t- abling Ihe manafmtaren t4 dale at .0 tM N5 PLUM (1.711.4 d See lag MwItlla wt11 M J kaL W durum*...,.5. Our OM sew mew, to *Aa 0 .1 w an re .. urw•t w n4V.r hrJ.r. s ..1 sa+m•onu. on 00 ••• •.aasrTrp e'.■ 05.55 Tuna Tun l luso... "00000 4 4..pel. owl wMtZer- .ha ma4M M lyd I. .old al s..f tme i■�M•u54s Im charge,. no Loud lam .4,415 a )tae nay of rwk, W what wren Wag 4.1•rm..ad to Wm It MM. the rook et *,en 4NI, le the es uutrr. A 55101 55n,ra......461611 .H1,,o.ruse 111 Um aur 0.4:41.. .TAlae,a11W. The Guelph Reversible w pr.lrernr Ila t55g1 T►.d Mro.u. .fend rue w110- haw. 14 marmUeas .vas Will da •11 ran*. of domestic «.lea. Pam.. waaru aaus'aw Haat kWh s'ho. mit, ell:110.44 M, Mt. yr ►.,•► reviles gu0nr4* f1r seam worm •1s■rrnma .raesP* Ip*ttI roan Tu tau -Arruf GUELPH HEWING MACHINE 00., GUELPH CANADA. AI mho. Smith,. Aga. 1:ulrnra,w1O4m 3.5.5, Chabot . W. N Watomdlealuru. .11144. l.:! 1 ATTENTION HAUDWARE. PARTIAL LIST. of goods fur sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite the Market Hose, NAILS, GLASS PUTTY, CARPENTERS TOOLS. SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, • HEMP AND nrrinsR PAMIf!, LEATHER BELTING, alleles*, WHITE LEAD, all prices. BOILED AND BAN OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL, TCRPENTIN • g. And all kinds of II A.11EF W.A. R.E (For Bal. Cheap, ■T G. H. Parsons & Co.. Opposite the Market Hoose, GODERIC23 June. M. 1871. 24 lExten.tve NEW PREMISES C,}, . IN. I) A V I IS H .is DAY REMOVED TO HSS MODEOUS NEW BRICK ROLM (YEARLY APPOSITE F JOtUUN'3 DRUC STORK) Convenient to the Market. His stock of stoves &e, IS LARGE AND COMPLETE P"I5:1:155.•x. WANT yi 5e01■1N►1.'11000 Iefwm Pon hafts N4,••••••• All KINDS OF lin WORK WILL DONE THE SAME AS USUAL. ..411.5, IA1010.1141 VIA NoncR 1• h. ey g("• lb! YdrarA Twmud, I OA Tn., M (1..55x.8, an Wer tnrl* `. 14m Warmer Myo, Ya5Alee Company. end an per Hm are ...Moo* adYS•t Ming Alm any m.,Y/001a *moat*moatMom ...rhino, or ...hag tMn 40554 a 5y .57 with him. A. B. COOK. omelet, Jae. Mb, ll7s, .1117., ) Insolvent Act 01 1889 and Amendments Thereto. Nippy W. a•tl•y Std (TAN,ryLor w, 511■Hy tlA Joakn• xaaosll 1501 A.01, 1 1101* A ALM howl An 1•..d I. 1W •w5a, JOHN MACDONALD, ekerilf of Herm 5h.rld•. 01400, Od.018, Dad 15.8,1.. Feed i Feed! JUST &HOEI VIM ▪ y9Im tb.t N' I�7E SR2HARDI 6 STRACHAH'8 ae hot..:114001"11•6AT t N .. TMS�AT 5 �rt� t"�T','�°sl�O Tons Shorts & Trio- e..'.. 'tO' iiirdfraoi knaaL,fll. =11 b, SreT Mee near • y lie "f � r...A arta W8191:114-11:15:111170T !4Q* TIll11 • est AWL R/INP.I.a1i814" �'. regi Mwse �• 1M .TTL ! I •tet 851 W8191- 111, Ines. TOWN LOIS. W.0 581,5 w 111.111-.1.11; au.«►. 4,.u.•, 1..4,1.1, r..•iy fn H. t'Te all 14.04 I.. W 11. ..e.• hard. lsrsy 164. Art,l)' W W,115NT N ILSIN. Oedwlu81714 Jodi. 1111. ILL1a 17 'TH NR .86111 FARM FAR BALE MS5TC1 ae" PINY. Y'1tf111 R It! RAT. 5.14 N..•' 4,1 f 1 Coe T.rn•llp dnn,b.r ().4.154 11,. ',rm•m1,.a .d tk. T,►a N M.L , nl.l.tav 1M .,•net )!..'t . , ll10V ll •M 1001,55• r,..N 4044 floe are ,Ino II,.,,. I.yn....k,nt, .4 4 k'. 14511. 5 1e•r I1l00 1111...,,•,. p,, la • I.nvt, Th, 1,,,14.0.,. 45,1„ ..,1 mi1•�W I'f0rn.rn..j.... h,.5 p6.4.d NMI Inl4 4 e.Wur. L. ha wt •08 a1Ary'h a IL WOWS 1 • as L. n•',,,Iv. •r 1. Ood.rr•► 1118 Jah. ten. ILPraCTD PRL ewer tl FOR se LE. House and Lot. N CAMNNIA M,•111 • heat HNICECUTrASg I 1 a'n lot. Toru.. t••wu1.1d. Ap,17 4. L. A. PIM p►147P wnr► I dal. 1171. *011141. For Sale. t A MOUES U:D ACES LOT, WHY A boating *Med AIT41 40 Oad.rf.-► May MM 1171. 1. •*RiH* erne _5, LANDS fur SALE AT BAYFIELD. O'P. boy. 41 n e4TPfa1J) a.ulIC41MON Tomahlft M blitoorm of 5yom Mae Ilstra of 5 M. Neuf t .f the Ammar..ar. of Maoris544,4 I4r ly 40papawlo a ad tor rm. TM.raiMad., .r 1/.. Mad MMoody ee..,y,r..Tdd with IM b45 of Mork WWW hir ed .p�dlld tro tk. ** 00.0:551 m•5 5000 .m t.. .54 ..5s dee of 104, w.emt) kirk 4 mta•hd 4 mold A 1.540.- 1451tled44. 0....vo A. 75041(..• M scree of N..1ym 7 * .thrlmpM , ...Ph owl. pr.d.n • large gustily *Ammo*UPrt the a• 1•1.•4.t car ho I. the S.. 11.71.11 .fah • r o•I•r.ble wabor fall .411► .o. M mode ...M. OM for 0111155 et r.0l.rt•n55M perp1•m• tut toren. apply to. JAMis D. ALL51l. Oslo. w w i'ONNOR, S., 1.yIa4. Guelph, ALJ.15th, 1870 vie Farm For Sale. 5 . . e' Ee�eY▪ Mis. 11 , partof DIM R. arm N..a4 W wader f.04Cr_5ry th, r rem 1•+•d Hord %,.4 1U'Ler. T.5 mama Croaks. 5wl :re. ...lily, good tw Mom W •d .meta **lag Gebel Orchard, Orchard, .Ithta 1 014• W the County Tmile of tta• " 4awa tMl. 4h, ra r41 s. two. Apply to JOHN MOWASOS God* lei Nor. b, 171. N the nu �1e1o' 4 To Let. 0 MOM LATILT MX:EMU) AT N. S. 011041 4, MANI Aa. rite a aloe• M Be pint Oa , rommlb ~/M~ DANIS•. 00100 fe4s4R JIM 1M► LIM. o•AF For Bale. AB51CS:Y)TTAOR AND1Arta let. mot *HOLM *salmi .Mut ell .t, Two of ..o-1mtrk, en the Jure* Boon a Lad num W (045.7Nt•t5n Apply M J. ♦. DETIIIR TRQ, or Mr. W. CAMPBELL. GoderiehJuly 25th. 1871. 97aste- FABY ]P'O>;< BALE. 1. " r 1-a Cee Goderki Township, M u,. of I I•cad 75 • ti e,•... gad Stunt let••. 11 ••.• .f 11.11 wast, k 1.11,0 ,1a the Too II .t foo d.rleh. Apply to O. P. 711(5541 Godwkl, or .. 175 p- N ' DAVID COI. O.4noh, Pre. IMM. 1171, sm. Ton SALE. LOT 8, Con. 1, E- D , A.h8eld, ens ai.inE • Isms, covered with!facile and Retch. 10 mil.. trout Goderleh, with • never failing troot Sir** *0 reining tbrnrgk the Centre of the land, ihere is •boot 15 acres of c'mred lead o• the front 1,1 the lot. Apply M THOR. WRATRERALD, F.egineer and Sure yor Doderi.1, Jaa,I.d, 1172. Valuable Property For sale. LO•MIMUM115EMMAPI/ MIINTnST)WNOP t)od.rtrh 1r 1.44 MI to Wasted a.r•11 115118 (.5150144 • 105.5 eord.s04g Hemet.. *Moo -le A, .54 w Let M. then 4 alra.t.. Wier Wm. w Irma wMe►r.,o1d8 ,.*,.,l el Iso. • 5nt -Mae Hoo) .0 11tt4 .rot •M .W o tam. Sar.. T1. lora 11111 M and nth. together r soMmit yet parmr0m. Tarr esti Imo.. nn •pyr,l1le•tam to Wm. •RTMCN OM • Ewes Dt AYIEUE a JOHA8Tr1 1.4.10 lh daft, 1111 met Farm for Sale - 881440 tM Rut half of I.nt 81 in the 12th cons Sion, Eastern Division of the Township of Aeheekl, containing 100 acres of land, of which 88 sane are cleared the remaining 48 acme are covered with good Hardwood- A never failing creek rune through the premises, there is also • good young Orchard be- pnDrw7 w4, D. BGiidiep consist el Hewed Log Home and • Barn 40 by 96 feet. This farm is situated about 4 .riles from Lueknow cad tee miles from tM Northern Gravel Reed- When Me new Railway is eompleted to Lesei,tow this let will greatly increase In value. Apply to JAMES THOMPSON, On the ;MOM. coo to Mere DAVBOON a,JOHNSTON, Barristers, he., Ooderiei. Ja.na'J, 30, 1672. w98m. • Howse d lot for N • ventral part of the Town at m HAR0AIN. A comfortable Lma7e with six rooms in good repair. The gar- den motai= s oto( a aolleetion roof (reit tomes, 3rap. vises, he., in fell 4.5551. Apply to SAML rNNTLAN Godenck_Jae. 14,'79. ew980tf CA;.LIAT 'SHE I" U RON FOUNDRY, arderiek, p1 area those L. 1. Mos* Woes he, a0 g t UedwU4 ha. 4514!9• NUTI( ' Ask A set