HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-20, Page 3elle, kluge 111 baud, but allure lout u some a.iaty rwrssL ■p to his tr'u - ••t( and thew plant • pistol ball between his Tesoro, Wednesday, %b. Id ears and see what the effect would be, A hire *u.ubee of Lolls ..r* pant 11 Wu .101llent. All bi& former reek - through a'mwttt.. mud • amebae titre orae in • moment 011 gone.' He lay ✓ ead • 1.0,.14 our. Moat r'1 them were before amtuataully"es dead sea mullet.' of • private or local char icier and did not Tbore .was nu tering std frightplilg, a pruv•.k+ muck di•cul.uou, Two Bill., !questing, nor deadly thrum tithe knit. or Pointed ''r Au Am w improve the into the lour bract. throat. - Then sea C•.uut•ni * ,.t Un.u,u.tr &fiu.•le f the era I, tadv no pain felt, u 111 li041 moved Province 1l Outui'.," theorem- to arra I w neu0.10* lui..c.d. for law rwpout4n PO'llw '4 h•ols, ewe I Now has wow the hog -butchering *NW OA the request of kir. BI.•kr., withdrawn. WO, and the contry retied will re50hud He •roto l Obit the O 'rrrnmeut had 'With the sura u4. of dy'cg ho,*, making heard compliant... u, the wording ,(Irks wumvn Lint, and theehiidr,u itt rho the school law, but had thoughtit beet 1Israly. )Uh their llngrn in their ears, to loin 4 gloat! PO general ei,a.nre en the - 100 into the depths et 5011.4. starer, 1, subject until mixt se•sien. Ile 1ta4 al. oft sway (rues the sounds which they ready given *mice .'f a Bill width, it it wdi never /order though the way 11th brains lar, would daring the recess to 1oul4 PooPlr• afford temporary reliolijor some gnrv- It u an .gp of liberality; lot it, ale., .mors nun c,wplainedW ill our *chlwl be an Mice 111 knulwuty. 1f it be a crime system, until the (.:overnmwt brought pnui•ha'd4 by law, W starve or uvtrw"oak dein their unmoor', uut s.atoo. Mr. • p"'r hot.., 10111 also be • crime to pmt Wed was pled that the attention of the • croaturk t, rear* Pala, which we Government would be turned to the have ehrlter'd and fad and c•wtrutly subject of the constitution of the Council cared for • year balk. of Public Instruction. 'lie a,wpleintd' We hove boom several horses their of the er.rring system *U0 in prectioe q,i.t os with • 001, a4,d so sudden and in day sehmils, and said that edea tion-' ramie,010 were all their powers fani- r0a1 practical edusu'.a -- Wu behind what it was lifteeu ears ago. Thursday, Feb. 1JS. A large another of potatoes were pre- sentu.Lpraying for the e,tahli.bmad 01 aU Io.l,nnte Anyluu,, a:so fur restric- tions on the sale of tutuiio.ting Itgwurs. Dr. B'ulter, chairman of the commit- tee appointed to tl,eatig*te the circum- stances 0oouacttd with the resignation of the late Trcvurer, presented their repot It .*.veil Mr O•Ioeron'srefu- sal to attend and proacete his charges, and included sa follows :- "Be it ramrod, That oto ..met ir- dweement .r lQer was made t. 1M Hoa E. R. Wood, r•aember4this Hogue, to induce him to rrlge hie pp''rili.11 ss Treasurer of the Province 4 Detrick, by the Hon. E. Blake, while • member ,e( the Opposition in the Legislative As- sembly, An ubjectioa Ming raised by, )Jr. Cameron, the .dap1in• of the report was deferre4 for went 14 uruoa, A number of bills were nada third taut, when Mr. M•ckea*ie moved the adoption of the report of the committee of supply. An amendment to have the speakers salary fixed at powered of Ineteasing it to =15,000 r was pr.p S,vl, was voted down, •oil the report adopted. A large aware of items of rnppty were then through coomittee, and a uuni- rf bills reed and referred, after which the Hurt adjourned. Friday, Feb IQ Alarge numherof Bltlswere&desiret s stag., after which the report of the Committee of Supply was received. An 4410 0/ I40,1AKr for e.aor•ging inlmi- gratat. provoked aoaid•waltle discus - Mea. 1 r Blake stated that it was the iuis.4rm of the Government to give a bore rd M • head to admlta and • jono. p.rtweate nm to chaldron, who should 1r approved of by peeress reep.rs.ble to the Government, either i,Y'L'ntt•.n •w at the shipping port., and .ho ahonld come to this couutry and take up their residence here for three w.onth1. Tbi• it was hoped would encourage the right eon of people to cone "et earl settle an ,hu'Nevttaoe. The policy oaf tM,(3uv- ern10ent was appy"v4.' of, and the item pared. An increasol vote of :81100 for 'venerated teachers was adopted, 'Jew • reward of 850001.., Ohs apprehensies of the murderers of Tb.s. Scott .t Red liver. The rest el the ruiners were e.mICUrr*d to and the House adjourned. pwcjiamtntat1. a Soya iiso haws Rlua. ' 1■ • very little village there lived a very little 8a4cb boy, named Je.uie. Hu mother 4..re'1Its•■ ...1 he laved hie ra•4hee. Thu little boy wanted to.1.w a *i1. . Hi. another -lid not like 014,, e of I.ring her little Jamie, bot be hail ••cul so Idnch .boat gallon and *Fant ioreign lanolin. that he said, "Oh, mother, I 'Ir, want to be a aoll.o ' And et last Au metier said, "Jamie, yam shall g•.." the gave him her blessine, and she said, eh • you ar r, wl(.lher at sea or lied, Deva f eget "is sok now ledge your God; and glee. 1ue a promise th'4 ,you will knead dew, 000'7 night en board 'hip and may peer prayers. If the sailors laugh at yon, don't mind; gay then., and trust in (lerh Little JAmi.1 Arrow erpto hireether,the lean trick- ling down his cheeks, said, "mother i vomit* you I will." The boy went nn born) • ship going 4.o India. They had • vary good captain end some wen good aailnr., ant when bale Jemie knelt down at night there was no ono who laughed at him. He had an sway time mit then. But coming back her India erne of the tailors desired, and the e.ptnin had to get freel ones; among them thesis vises Try bad fellow. The lint relit when the sailors were going i.4 their berths, he .gar little Jamie kneel down to say his prayers, and he went up to him and Input him shoe on the ear mad, "Nur of that here, sir." Now, among the crew th.re was.. - other sailor, raweanng sailor, 1 an Korey 14. gay, but I think he hal been taught what wan right when he was a • He came up 4 this lid feller. who hal ,tenekthe boy and mid, "Come on deck, sod i will giveyr's a threah'.J, end they want on deck. I am ant tip roving of the light lysed, that there was not the flu test •videre th*t ray pain was experienced. They fell slowly forward Vitln•mt nolo or straggle. loo it wee with the hog. Wi11 tout tl,ereader, thee, sell to it that no animal of his shell be hunted down, caught ani 1r"uo.I, *tail then 411 Infer torture d the heat', this year. 'A pistol will be found most 81nvun. tout, but if a gnu be used ft 31 IJ be with • small charge of powder, arid. nittg •d third wood three-fourths of an inch long sod half u thick thmugh 0111 r- avr sa re11 ea. hall. In taking this and w thesily need. fee such peuplr - HARDWARE • S M 0 K' throw their irflw,(ce into a c.wmuu Special Naticels. centre to create the beginnings of suer • •0 order of thing.. Let every euftirated wnwaU Qo what she can to add • new Untellectuel and literary finality to the society she mores m, and we shell sown hate • purer and mon invigor•tinget- Inusphere, aid customs that Ire'dorst- ing, and • tuition that is r14iuemeut. - dmrrirds paper. • M'Cuts You Horse. -It is to the interest uf all who own horses to keep thew in a healthy and woad condition; e0perleutw has proved that 14&1.16'4 CoPu,Tlue PUwn.al and A*A,I•N 113001 1is111rr, is the met elbcactuua, it Inas been used by thousands who will cheerfully confirm this statement. For Heaves, Coughs, Colds, and all diseases which affect the wind of nurses It Ilea 110 equal, norisit availed u • condition medicine; it purine the blood, o"rrocta and improves the appetite, and softens the skin; in tact, so greet Is the ie,p: urs• went in thecuudition and appearance the animal u W hare 104 Inane to doubt if it could he tl4' rime horse. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & U'. i. 00 each package. Northrop & Ylryman, New-'' Leslie, Ont., proprietors fur the Do- minic'''. 4Gdd by .1I medicine dealers. 29 'There le a wile 111 Deborah, I11., sol prnuri.tt. that when 'hotting ern, and a 1 kerlal4ew into the wood pile, he remot--� ed seven cord. of wood to And 41- Al unigl.b.r standing by dropped • kernel where the searcher was looking, but when he found it he said : "Yon eco'{, fool we with th• sma11 kernel ; them* I lust 0111 • Ieyll. u4*. " darer the head u not disfigured sou to _--- be noticeable, and in •-.ery respect it u . preferable to the utd Lehrer wide of • killing a hug. The Coming Co}ntr7• The coming importance of the l.ke 8apiri wregl.nformitungpurposesseelus to be undeJmo•d as fully nn England u with ourselves. A large amount ' 1 .sural has leen alre•dt placed for u4* fur u1i0t*g pug40ee at the o(0wmg of spring ; several companies based wpm Eugh.h ritual have bra formed, and D U. • teleira,,h iwpelIy sod A banking company .re t.. be eat' 'diktat t.. operate especially at Thunder Bay. Thew are gond WM. They tabour* a growing O'nbueoc. in • rtr',o,, which though brut very iwperf.ctly developed has already give* some word.,rful illustrations of richness ; which bile fur to be far nose valuable to Cauda thin the gold mines .f Cel,fontia have been to that State. iron hear of many people that are pre- paring to go up' 011 the re -opening '4 nevlg.ttion, and of unionist 'nerdy 10 e vpplr the transient which 141 be re- quired. Hitherto the Lake Superior region in Canada has been spoken o4 ea a N ice plat* to go to, as one W which a pleasant trip night be made iu search 051 health. The wildness of the shores, the 'pictured rock,' ; the agates that wry 1 e pocked 4.p, and floe music and flirtations .f the oteannbrts lute been the grand attractions to old and young. Bet 1100 much of all that will give ..y before the eager rush of industry and c•mmercrt before the avala*che of, those who will make haat. to Ir rich, and would go .o the owat.ee ear am striae wer111 d 1M.) could but put moan In their ?one. 1. addition to these then will he the legit.' mate trader, seeking 4o turn an honest penny outs( the so sanitirs,( the est urn, and w:.o •ill prefer t.. hasten slowly to the ac• ane/Lion of wealth. Then there will be • large cl.& a hu Lave already got 'sumrition f good' ; emrt4iog that needs but W. dill! cul the blast to lawn up the ✓ .'oa-b,.md riches that lie beneath the - n iface. For the last two years the amount of mineral land 'hat he* been Laken lip has beat, something .mummy, All the available locations in Black Bay ahil TIl,ndur Bay, and into the back can *try f•or M.:ne miles hu been secured by'Inc•y IdIu*n,'thsty .d •harm may .et have oec••tuo to curie their luck. Than, what s .d more imprtAnce, rich r..11ey& havo been Pullen, the soil of w hich is crumble .f gro6ltg the fwd supplies necessary to tt.,, nae of those who will dock there. It war 'h. (srwete to California that dot rich in the early days, and re. it .111 he np along the brtght,euld waters of Superior. There will Micheal, land, rich 'eel, a healthy climate, and a brae market' .f grOwit. extent and et. ad tint price for hundreds of farmers. Perlispa, in the whole Dominion (here is o .0 place which promises to rifler w rich a reward for properly dire:ted energy in oonaeetio0 with agriculture as this So pc - row region'. It u close .t home -fuer days distant only -can be reached by ate•mb.t,and will soon contain as many Illustrations of modern civilisations se any aim place is capable of. For new it it 1s the mere of heists recently open- ed to the Untiring energy of the day ; though the grey old rocks, the ragged .hem.an•1 frow ningemifleeces Ieok down with a special of luajeeue contempt upon the efforts 4i the modern explorers to rifle thorn of thew Hese-hid-tr.rure.,- Fnx Prey. Th. Csdt's Dso1afsa. --- 4 A poor Turkish slater, 4 Conllanti nople, being at work upon the roof of • house, lost his footing and fell into the pP narrow street wpm • man who chanced but thew man did hll10, and the swear. to k, prong at the time. The pede- Ing sailor thoroughly thrashed the nne .roan esu k.11,4 by the concussion, who bat boxed the little fellow. Then while the slater escaped without ma4ri- Ahoy came into the cabin, end the ewer- &I 1111117. lag man said, now Jalaie, say pier son 4 the deceased creed the slater prayers, and if he dares to Perkp pee 1 to be 'wrested and taken before the Cali, will dress him. where he orale the meet grave charge, W.II, the next night Jamie rill to sad idenned ample redraw. f.ir.self, "i doe t Oke t, make any die- The Cads listened attentively, end in torbuoe on Marl skip, 1 .i11 .*yvn my th►tad &eked the slater what he had 10 ppxraay.n in ml berth; I won't kneel do■a . ry16.6.440600. In before the sailer., i will get into m, "Dispenser of Jnetice," answered the- )ia410ook and say my prayer, to m71.1f. 1oell*ed, in humble mood, "it is even u flat Norio -this man says ; but God forbid that .Bel mark the effect it had on the there should be evil in my heart. I am .wearinngt sure. What de yon think he • 51oor man, and know not hew 1 can IBM The moment he are Jamie get make amende." into his hammock without kneelingThe .nn of Um man wars hal her down to sal kis y en, hs wont mid killed therenp.n demanded that condign tent hila by the neck, dragging him out 41(011hment M indicted upon the ac- id the hammock, and rid, "kneel down cnserl. S i end, sir; dorm think i am going The Cadi meditated • few moments fight for you and yon not say your and then rid players, len young raecalT" "It than be so." During the whole envie leek to Then en the shirr ennlinOsd .%0504011, Jamie had in that reckless, "Thon shalt *tend in the street where thoughtful sailer •*tun w110 lex,bel the father of this man stood when thou alta him like a -father, and every night did" fall upon him." ..w that he knelt down rd rid his And M the accuser he added-- prayers. The little fellow hegira 4 be- "And thou shalt, if it so please thee, industrious, and 4o mat so gn,tipm the roof and fall npon the mil- der*rid to bi1wlf, 'fare'. a ewser(na crit, even as he did fall upon thy father. sailer •he las reproved .• berme S Allah i1 gest f" did not kneel down boldly before the men." Well, he Mgen to learn *11 shout OON1rZE$&O1'1$. y ,nr, a,",ntr of ropes et n don _-•D�SOS leave to eetnre 11.ntatto'^.n r lar then end all about taking rle..lrh and .n rr..nn,^ ,,. nr Ltitnde and longitude. • Ore 4 the fine ways in which women 1,,,..."""•^01.1 petn0ap Anrl•. tai I,.' 'w'h t r.,m;.b 111 h10tew R.1. eel* 51.051+..• Now let m, 411 yo. • Jittfe of his nen nnnlriMtte to the mtltnre of rgNr N tela Ione, ern u hIgtory. Solis years th years *te largest society and continue their nen is by SI TJ R N I iv t .k ia Atp the world ewer saw was brill. Ton taking their home tits centre of inlet - knew 1116 rune of it, the "Great Ear- lectnat and literary entrterrtinn. A 0,,,AT.I.i111414CRIPTIO110, den." Ton know that elm wr,tsewone the lady in DetMit hat Altered her hong* for PILLOWS, Ada/0kwith the wead(wfel rahle. Now, of the highest order, and Min do Too think wee the ea tam n that the hest people in Ohm city hays filled BOLSTERS,'N ay :hey b e, wanted the evereet her parlors to hear Emerson, Aber, morn t6 4.N einkl fled in England and Mn, Hoare, end other telebraled Wk - TSE LRICHTS Oooea.o*. Pea Ota, LSTs. Wheel. (Pall) u 14.3. 10 16 • 1 n 114:4ny) a hecto... - 1 I1 s 1 u hr) M • 14 6T n• SS r m 144 1,.14 ser Peyer. 10 „,ab 1 06 • I:arlq, • "sal, 0 St • Potatoes.16 bel, 0 70 rot. yeses■ 4 75 • N., 1. ie . :sass.. 44 le l'b,'Lt, INr lam a r6 lie,N. .... . • 1s • ourror, Is► at, 1072. Inert. (rdl)p:r 0.-b . tl .1 • 1 4.0 Wheat, Ivor..) per Im.h.. 1 14 • 1 I. .t.ur I ler MI) r mea • d Ir ..-*tar a M • 0 1 IRA 0, le, I.1d 0 7, i 0 Se U•rly, gn 4..*te .. 0 Se i• u 34 per her 0 43 w 0 M 11,1, 6110 e► 4r nutter per 1h ... . . o is • . 13 400., per dost. lunwo:krt10 16 • 4 10 I*•nam, Pet, s0, 101. wheat, (Po11) . 4114 - 111 w4.4,(sini4{)perboek . 1 N - 1 16 Pleur.(per 1Nh) o 110 - 6 O Harley. tat Ira* 0 64 - 0 S7 tots, let bed.,.. ... 0 74 - 0 SS Pear, per bed.... 11 - 0 46 P.4i6a, pr hod . . .. 6 4.0 " 0 10 Port - 6es "-516 Witter, ler Ito 0 16 - 0 17 1vaa,serd•a, uprke).•• 16 ' 010 Twee.*•*Pak 16. 11:1. wheat. (nog hew-. 111 .0 0 1 s w1...t, (4040). Md,...- 1.611 • I N 11.,,. (pee 5 r 510 W eal.,. a bed,). 0 04 M e a5 Dela. • 1'0.3.. sass. 44 .1 o 47 0.... • beak. . •u N 01T R Pork. elb ~J 5So M 6776 Owner. v 1 u 11 • 0 16 K w, . doe. (ease,* ' 1)010 • r r1 Tran'. Feb. 14, 10 wt...kWhinentoo iittaartrt) ..s.:.. s' 1.,1,( t4., t*, ..sas6 07 1laele 111 Md, • 07 • leas,. beak os • 71 0 Preat M Inver. • 70 • Prt.1-.. 44r 1814 • M • Pe.h.8,1• sas. ... sass •10 M 11,108, a 1 . • 14 • I.;y., e•.b•a. (nurse k-1) • r w se 14 w ♦s 71 td rraear•n.-tela Coosa.-0alar*rel r as. l'o.n.atuu. -by • thorough k de'y of 40. 1.0.141401 wham. r.r.1i wv1an11"w of dye to.J 001000*, 444,4 by • retu4 •.plrsu4l VI 44.0 1r4peeteoa el *0444.4 4g 814a's, lir, fps. has worww .us 405.1.1••1 4W ata • Mehra.. Serowe b.1 ha.. nay ease se many hoary d e ter 1. 4 '•- ltio,l .••,mar I:1444. rale ore r with ...Nb..d *afar ..r MOIL �. 4'h porker la 18n.1 - lad -44..11 *5144 a *11., 040401 ser. Cheese., L.4dw, Awe , wrier* of app.' Salty *3424*, C4** laud wuder•w 3111*.• JOHNSON & - KERR, 1 HAMILTON ST.. I CAUTION! CAUTION!! TO THE PUBLIC) OF THE BRIT- ISH PROVINCES OF NORTH A UERICA. 1 beg n0w1 retortion" W 100410 the p.Wie .r the &rlt..I, 7 ,rt4 4,0.8 44 410 .00.04 nal In Ma, Iva I u.e.1 the 1.4.14•.. el M. rad.• l.uy, N.• l ort,fur the.0..1 .In6.ww•I'e P'w •y I"er• rivets arm up le tint tn.. peeper et by 0Im•rl 118'04.. 400, to be aired 1 r.• wet t, say :hat 1 bete Harr* le h1'.. thin the W. meet -•f the 11411,...,.,,hr1loris 11.4 a Y4 . r s, 1.a 4.0.1 0.05,34, 041 It 411 le that the I7IW anal nets** w wt prpuw• *th thte. earl bare alwa)•.te•,ued. Thee who do. eel wt. to bode .ler/ by hallo* *pa Fens Wo.lw-l.re•,, hl.dare oew444.4714 *W.'ut rpm. the 4. ,4 torelsewh.l, b'.1 b prima then, eelre• of the r^4^ue Il..11uay's rills cad 41,1 t 'uonf4'teree by 00 la 4"µo* Kesel 0111.1. roll to owe that .0.1.d ion'. box 1'00. 11. On4•h ttuverarenlineups u. .atcht• mixt..a. ..pal It0W,.a/ P111.rd U,441ant," rd that I4 111*.. .•: ria lab 4 1 OA4 1,aten1 Minot. Ion don Moor only theyio. 51f..r•. 101,1.•oJ ,. eo ..u.rr part of the r W. Wogs W Walsh curr.m8, .u.l.4,44.11.8 sod mete Ito .o tersuay, . of Was •4t r ver a 3rd through env pert .,Illy Qrda1. Pm' 1.066, the COW -tat.• either W eel r'.k4. .....r. for toy Polls nail Ihoteert, nod r t 40y. reason to 0elk,s thrl attempt.' Dill p1'ro2Yldy le,mole 1..1..4.. the pulp n,- I. 141. 308 L, rw,rra eel... Ion .•.tinea .eNanh falsely entr eestla( that upon ear aeon* for 4.r. art eau* pm}y 00.41ge a•4. *-0.r.l,1 dew„ 11•14.44.1.• Aa the pul.tk w their pard wont icy each A .prime. I int '*twat ye1tr.*t all the sly may read wn wvertlrmst that tb'y h. i4, ,I, la the pasha Ile Interest W ro,.nunkatr the 10rt..,t .11,.1 .ease to their (01.1. aa1 they may a.N le Jerr.n.led ..f their eery by postmen. worthier Ir 4.40*. of the ...Q...• *ey's rem are Oinlseelt. 1 would.,* u • moat fa.our,that .1io.hl It m.. to the ha •04.14. of say 4400.1 that *pours woedl- deeea.10104a .rhe o. *old a ,y N., he 1 ylra I W send r all tae r ,Herten be ,e0 scurf retina llie .none that 11 t, ea., the YM ate Wiry .•..f nae 8.11.'.. r4. ,. 1111"1 the .peon,,, m..1u 100. •0.1 like... theoeuu mol &Lite. W the hour In tie U.,,trl Stan .a 00..41. .0116 may har..uptdkd then, r as W enable ,4.r for O. proreleu. s pobllr, ,n Institute pr.eer11..o 04,:,,.l., --b ,nl .laser.. 4411 4.41;. W nnuu0.01. Tarr ba l,..4* ly any teres.h.,..y rite a eh 10=4.4.. 1h. .nf.n4*nte'e main timer beteg Should uiy p. u bar. "....n h. b44e,. 11401 he 411 1400 4.•eiv,.1 (y 10,04 spore.., umt0t Mot NMI'm. M 01140.4.n 10 rn.1 a t. letr(, t. the ad4r..• at f.e't (.4..I. be ca. Jo at • oast or.lo'..ta IA pw44.) ..le of use 4ek• of in. .l meth,. whirlers Wed le the mime. &moor b'•u011n, 44e.010r a 8µl4, .t flit Nether the rwlefsr 010.4.11 lee r and a^ *bet It ysrl.wn he may apply to L►a Orem beet elms he purebred them 1- have Isis Mees, 1'stq.M. LAeol.t.e41 Insatiate 300 ai,. b obta1• l4. W..1Y.y, eon 1., .. ere1pepel1ied al M b oat w peke, a '401,110 of aid IW 1W Ar wort., 01. at. •ri3.. ate M.. per Mire herr of P.II, ,0 514 .1 1440 Welt, Vett, .Ith4t{ 1Wls.*1, far .4144 r0W.lt•nee moat, 4 ret 40 ,180 !hare Ube honour to tw, Ilia peal nmlrrl . WHOISAS HOLLOW' AT. 160 O.Jwd Weer. tr. 164. Sword) London, W. C., a•r.4M.r 1, 1171 •W4511171. COM VOWED TB7r OF HTPfPRO!PIUIrEa n. plan •d .00,1, q meas 4 .pltwl M nn pn••,: .::.0 '. A •4.••h„ •4k,n,.r1 *J 08.11 .I /rn t, b, •,. ry w'I l•.n •tem Tt has the 4..l. nal '1m rq.e11rovert-Poets •.'n - the '.1N a10r• . , d t:a c :lest.., lrtl. (t le hd•1 Tl..ymy 8111 •ore P11mna007 00,4014004101 h. the nr,a. ,n 1 .n eau l 4;4.: 0'11 .c,vego.1 8,4,0, Bed pe4.,u¢ (•h 4* the 11.44. Il 044 "tor Asthma •n 004,,,.. 1,6 le MI. CoeaM .1.1 501.14. 1t .11- n Arse«'. •.'.1.111.8 from want M Unwdar Uw..,.1 Nor. J. Ire• ,0 a Y.1 a tut the Apiear, nyrepe •, R1aaµ., I.,0 awl lr.J•dm ,•t30µ 11,.'{e.rf. 1. (seal 10l ':r : i p.r,lrr.. .tpl.cn:. or Le.s Of rtdr, 41 wure,l i.d..rrha. Chloe .Is. •41."4$ tial w.t.r. • the 1.1..1 to peal, ✓ ill health! acid . eeeries• 11081. .1. Se; Six ear 4760. AME' 1. FELLO%V$, 04111[187 MT. JCNN,'Ir. B. Guile dept. 411, 1 xr • 044 TUE (:RE.IT FE'.IALE REMEDY• Jab Noses' Periodical Pills. HttISYALUARLR NlUICI NT I. VS/ARANOTin the ea. of ail (4.1 1.•01.1 aid 4 ..... ms dosser M which the learnt. ea...W. ton .s *4040.dosser 11 m'lxlte an ,10140 14311i11165111111, 611 orlrr(ose and . *may ewe m* 1.. rd. d no lets Ieca'.a y muted 1t 041, in Own m111me, brae , the forth. period ala re.^4ritr. these l'.rl. '*.NN .N m Mona if Petrol.. duel., i1. 0,01T T10104 IrrlYTHN rJ rerpria'•"v,.. Megan n r 04..* en AI war rtaee. mel soy aherrir lap • IJ.. dl car• oil Nermr soil'(pn.l ASeelMn•, Paln .he 47- ketal 1,40 1.l,tr4r •1.t4.aart ion. Pa 151• mtart.4 u4. hrn,r ),sign.•.. oaf wn.i.. then PON • II*R•a ■ 000 w. to all other west. Inter !NOM, •nd abhoap• p..wrls: r. reedy,10. eon w".nm, +boaet .wum'ny, w anything 6%0110110 Ihremtsto lien. Vol ldireteme in the pemp411'voumt each, peerage wk.h oho .IJ he aerofoil, w ..... se. Joe tares .x. Tome, m1'.. e41e•I"n.. I In .est llerania fnr p otage, ene1.eJ w' 4.410e,p . A I.. maN. I,r.Aaila, my re..n.1 age... 14 11.e lArtni'm,grin reel . bottle romtalnlne nae• Mr 14 �fe1a'mr.a, NORTHRUP & LYMAN 4ew.aµle)1. ir.,0essea .gens lorl'.w.dr Cr Sold.. 4)o6far11 . by Prker r n'Iwtlnad P. Jnnl.* I lisdmer a Co., Myl Ad alar.' Ileel0nrn Mem el le; 1 Plek.nt,t tete, J. R.' ('nm'm, bhmtne, 1.3. ened,Lee100.11l. Hick Yen : eefee111, ud 41. Mader. •adr e. .7d,' CAAADIAN PAIN DEHTROY- EN. • SIO R1t111a. TA.mw.' 00.04. roll Werth Ts 1..1.1. 014 ,, • li•M Debit. 600 eall'ht•r •% 01 14 .a, d taws roe d.a. Pe. ear. •t •ley where n le 0404. 11 te the eh.ipe.'t Nothing ever made. 1.....* cur....too meas Nona T1r,4T. us+ OMtie :tie .04 i•+1.. ,opPins het. write hes eared u "Le •....to 0 *00 me or two Mone [ r s Irl eases n(111*,, sal 14,n.., T41rel.04 N1 Ll .4.1,1 . ppboatlm 'ore ••.r tee yrt...oaaru 11111-e• r I 41144' 11:1. 44.• Use ion'. h•. cured 1. tea 44.ea 01 mita yawl starMa . i1.4 Pl .h, of , Ri'1.:.a cocoa, Pa, esp. "1 rent ton, cud,• 01.• hell*of r"•., OIL.* 4eb.fleeted Woxw.ank lr,u: .{a Ca ..gel l.,.. Ly.h. Ido-0(I.wa Ae•M.r who hr had Ae7n.• Our ••1 k^t'y hair,44 Ito rest Iait4 lea • • 1 .tae wield .01 45041t 41 r ....Igo, wr mn." 11.110 .....,or•A :e•... N. Y C.. •' •n,r ....Il bottle of ,one G-, ,ti.tr tin reol..•.d Ik4 ,..0•a 1r1ero the rr...a M 1 4.1 • p.t.n •ie.,e • . b1•p•r m rlv.. i•r,,..." 111. J. )•n..y, ,.1 Wo, •".4.8.'4 T.. wllt.•0;.• Yeu1r IG,u-r4e •n h. need .-.4 nrmrie 11.1* "11rwineok.' 14.ler, 611 weer the ....Ail *4y. "w here rover 1.1.1 • nw..M4n.' nil s+ 0.,42 .n. h elreky� eelSdw•n..n r lhig." 11 . r.o.np.'..•(0* NIr to tM Ren (htn Tn .e I.., good a retie r for arwr•1 .44, ea4 to ns etre 19 .. ,m'wsu,whly *1,0008 teaatty. Ihing etre ,de *111 eve you 1....11 soli 041 inner do•l:,n of ...prose. Is .•L1 h) w•'.0 more•1 Irv. i,. trey pi P'le. *wane.. Po-ry Io O. 10, 74''11,1. 015 01, R. T., 4.4 .VJI&rn11Ul' a LT11.*N, aswerf,., Wt_, Vole As...1, nn the .7,1004 ,0, 7...,. ids Or" -th 4e. Owl sad Vieetrard.-ars � b.M 0 O.,Ie.1rh, b. Lieu Cate., I Junin.; I*�n,r a Co ,earl. r1,0m. 1a.nln lin Bogert -Me J 0v -0.d (0er, J. 11 Miele, Chtr.n;K.,.ronl niel,J.yoy,g-t�.nte; and'0:1 .4....., • .lufv or rue iAMMUTH CROSS CUT SAW Having sowlfiO4d (Heil still pur- chases 111 SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE. Are now prepared to fill all orders with which they may he favored. They respectfully invite sttruti to the folio wing !ices .f Gouda whldt they are ff,repar- - a edtosell VERT LOW FO$ CASH, • NAILS Of all sixes and description, very .heap, GLASS All sire from 9 r. 7 W 40x80. BOiLED and RAW GIL VARNISH & BROWN JAPAN, COAL OIL, of gond 1)11slily cheap, COAL OIL LAMPS, LANTERNS, REFLECTORS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS & WICKS, SLEIGH SHOE STEEL all the Lading skier, CAST STEEL, • fairassort- ment, BAR & HOOP IRON %goodaw,rtment, CAST STEEL AXES from 81 upwards, BEST CA$T STEEL FILES, s lull assortment, AUGERS, HOLLOW AUGERS, and AUAER BITS, ANVILS, VICES, COIL CHAiN, TRACE CHAINS, COW 'trekTiN, • SHEET ZiNC and CANADA PLATES, CROSS CCT SAWS and WOODSAWti FRAM- ED, SPADES, SHOVELS and M.4. N U IRE PORES, long and short handles. A very choice aasort&neat of AB LE & DESSE1.T . HIVES ' In Ivory, B.ek-horn, Coat and Bone Ilan -Il,-.. A enmppl1ete .rnrtroent td PEN and POCKET KNIYIrt(, RAZ- ORS and 440188ous, from the beat English Makers, ALBATA mid ELECTROPLAT- ED TABLE DESSERT & TEA SPOONS sail FORKS, ELEC- TROPLATED BUTTER COOLERS, KNIVES and CRUETS, very suitehle for the approaching holidays. ENGLISHPl.'.NES, PLANE MONS TAYLORS NAND, PANEL wail KSI' SAWI(. A complete •amtrtmentt of WHITE, and RED LEAD, dr1 P]ITITs AND COLORS. STOP THAT COUGH DON'T DELAY. /.0jwok, .. dap, nest It e..p n. fee l..•,r«.erg.. ae wick 0. loop Yom 4/ .ole 4 *414,,( e. wine peer 44.10114 bra of Weimar On.. mea her ,•tie ltfrrv. Hew on you stop It ? W here is the remedy ? Allen's Lnng italsam 4.,n produce more evidence of real merit than any other article for the purple. 1t is meld every- where by Druggists and general Store- keepers, Read the following extract from a letter received from Mr. S. E. Burwell, s well know merchant of Ontario, Merle. PKR*y DAvzn & Sas, Dear thew -Last autumn I was suf- fering from • severe cold which nettled on my Lnng■ and produced a distressing ming!) for which 1 gave tgial to • numb._ of Lough Medicines but without any benefit. rat last tried nne bottle eat A LLA N'eLC Nu BA I.' A w, w high .1 am happy o be able to merge.* Limpet immediate relief and perforated • perfect cure in • short time. Yonas truly, 8. E, ifotwtu.L. Finian, Ont,, Much 4, 1871. iiv1:2# AEA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 15 well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Aids Bo,'k 4011'+ Heid(, (bugAa, CoLda, ,tore Throat,• ruin, Reeves, (b+trnM in th. Meters Aforhw,,l)yaretery Bowel , ,uewlpf.iwe., D.PM, . - 4rn/M, Frail Yate., *r the C.asMW pan Destroyer has woo 6.40 he. ere Iho 5.1.11e for a 1r0Kth of time, *1,4 orb .n,er ear 0 soil 111.04, falling Ina oingli. in•tem•• te Klrti pnr......t mbar who maaltyr •M h aw sewer k'w'.n . •IQI.414eatio illi644ien the elrw.Ront hare been viper!, 1nll.,,.I, feet os the n „teery, 41 se 4.11, 1 W .14,11. npreauelo, amt 1pak 1* the hlgaott later of m ..tree and Woe - NI e1W't. We area fres erp.rl.nre In the Batty, tenni t.,t 4 11 n.8M.gh4) ; and therefor. three sM are ..norm, (rNi, 00' iii the en0pla*nb, fhb *71o•h It * H.n rinert Ab mynpmd terms It 0,1.4 • 1hne.r•l.n The 6rn11drg .lim) of the (0.411. r.r Dr. deny..In rowing 13..11..^... frr.M,1 It i nr.., e•Mwl and I1.,1 .Inst. 1• an0000 the Indnrrm. pain, or Rheme•4 ern, and r p••atl0. Serer. Ara 74*,, 4ntIe hen high 1M la the Ila* M Wm-Init. Owen •re rnml,4 la fn.n M*d1eln. 11001.'• 0.11 tone M the mrntr• 1.11041 4.r ftp pi., and r.lo teaUlyl.s r r the .nl,•r,sl sada Tani... 11 glnr. rho gra tea. P0 fl.t,y.. 40*1 3111 to 4*s I,144M,d 104 rAil hd. .. ties* keep li . 00 . Phy.Nan. anew 141 0r It 1 6M se Cooly w111 he •tlhm.t It ane lryled 1l Prin.. wily tern, era C.wb pr aria. Jhsr•Seld ht Oewleneh, k7 Oen. lister, F. Jordan; Gardiner A ftp• Reynold; .iea. Rwnthnm, Rog.rville: .1. Pickard, Exeter; 11 Curb; Clintn.l 4 Sealed i nrbeow;E. Illekson, Reefort& ; toll all medicine desists. t 'M GerMh, Dec. ler, 11171. et 80 II ERIC McKAY, Cabinet maker Upholsterer, dm, MATTEASSES, tte•p they selestd little Jamie. When the 411 ; and Row a diraingnished eehnler of Gherip for Cjilwh• II*est ship eases batt after her great Ann Arbors reading a coarse of 4tttlary INT * l4lm, Qw.e Vte4Af4A .aid, ' • Rise lemmas ' eat retch se will o.1au to her, AwOOe tet 160614 6T NnT1f:R.) and Bir Janes Anderson supplementing the reading with trio- PICTU R -TRA --.hepta head and 04.10 • ..filar. Ravi M Mm1 es saris, of f�ivso own.' a het "rni.r eirelee m COFFIN TRIM'.�IN49, (Thio_.., •Dnbngna, RI,M10i..tont and EIATI�IMlItI� niha 1•Rs •nil hn lM .1B M taw 4, tache eln•wg r tai .h.A.d Wet other than the 1Wb IMT I Odd etre *tl•getanr and engnlnee of their "e 701 Yf/ 1 1 ■A .n ...tori nnwree 114 tea vis. raps: 'rho New Farmer bells liner 1 et est in •Il fnr fwd carte t 1' R.rs�mltlm. the nM d..A, isrroin.u►og Owe. St1r.b Neu.!! ware $ i* II* T •, and mr10srie 111 all mfr ds wlr Mg '�i ow O'yn:'"eoa.ip.d .af his .tart- f lion imilampormsebel4r►. 1• ...,...,.,,•.1. a Iy ,............. 1 PAINT, VARNISH and WHITS WAN/INRUSHES, MANILLA, 111,1 RUSSIA HEMP Rl)PE & PACKING. GRINDSTONES, GRINDSTONE FIRTUREB, PI)WAER. SHOT, CAPS, REVOLVERS, end CART- RIDGES, DOUBLE and RiN;011; BARREL GUNS and all the articles • nasally fnwt'l in s well selected stuck uf Hard - 8 bre .finis of the ahoy. steci has been purchased very I4. and has all been marked at Inert each pricer, we hate notch photo' re in minoring • call feint the initah'itnuts of t:o4erich and farmers and traders of the Ce.uty .f Huron. No trouble to show good. On- ly u1• price. Itowember the place, ' fll.t',HILT•N 1sT-. sign of the MAMMOTH CROSS CUT SAW Naar Elijah Xar•tain's Hotel. JOHNSON & KERR Ooderich, Nov. 20th, 18,71. FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE TU* MYRTLE NAVY! a Bee T. B. on Eaoh Plug. PRICE SO LOW THAT ALI. CAN USE IT. 0ATTTION T t ear Il will M Moro. tea, W. art Tt•C1W " SYRTL1 N 40T" Is realsteM, Mod enc 7ineorr suue4* M w ••eh ¢, a IL o. mei rhos. J•raary fs,1173, . wa Jr• r 1JF1 SUBSCRIBEIL BEGS TO INTI.MATI4 THAT 1 purchased the business lately carried 011 boa 1LU. W.7)OUCJJ.AtJi AT THE MARKET GROCERY, 1872. Sta n it 'Mita 11 urns ll'a)r ., I L1144 1111117 elle to li 1%TR kg JlEWARESCO BUY o! U 1!E UENUI art. n •. HS HAS 'o Imp,riekatlMloae --WHERE WILL BE FOUND A-= f)oldplete 16 took of Groceries, • Crockery, Flour & Feed, etc., rro'r>i, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES rte- GIVE HIM A CALL. S. A. MECAW. CtMlde'g. MOav CKll.se w. 50151. T11OyasN.NOutt w4*1144 /Plttl' rep.r.d FAIAIA K KS A 110 1112RRINICYA(n, . ytt ro.lss FAIRBANKS., RRt* 1101 (.10714' O.dena . nes .411 1+11 ew978tf PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT HARD TIMES, Arig rZ$GIISON's. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRY OUODS• Has determine to and begs W call the attention of the FARMING COMM('RITY 11. EPea f3c M L'Ror►AXt) ON ArplT*Ltl r ar.... t1•rhlwea Sw (edam left alta Tate. a Son e 10.1.4 s *r JAMES N•ILI Url.r4k, Ju lel*. 1472. r .11f.19. Nub a� If n' w,d wed b1..tra..lnM wtliM(Jr otorlinr s- sola'. .1 ear o4. airy • 87 BAYED. • N7() the premises of the rh.erib.s • St. Helene; Wswatnrh, .bout laid August Oo. Steer and me Heifer' 40,011 0r(/H.gly o,p. ,rid 71.. caner will p4ue prone pre'peety, las? er)vu1ee „mania take *Lem away, d D, Fehniary Gtk, 187ET. D. •tl9 0D • M T O LENT. t11:00D BRICK 11Qt-A1Fs, eel back kitchen, 16 minutes .alt 111 Tows, with 11 room., stable sod 13.0 .4 land, and • ►tnrd nrthard, an .ell watered. P'smsa••141hn en Ott of April, 1872. Appl to clear out his senem .tock to make em for large porrhnpt•l JOHN MITCHELL,- • Gree, Verret %iui.dk►, Feb, 6, 72. ew011.itd• to the tact ti:at CASH PURCHASER. WILL GET .EXTRA VALUE FOR TIIEIR MONEY In everything in kis line, particularly Winter Dry Goods and Olothingr 1;(104.!14 4111(1 477411 'e,4. & C.. •&C,. God, 'ri L January 120, l 11. eely, NOW isTOUR UNE roBIT HUl�UiY F-OTJNDRY • W11141811ICDBY S. S. WOOD &Ca., • Newburg. N. Y.. at 91 par. rlty. '-o OLEDHILL'S NEW GROCERY AND CROCKERY To it E. -4.0-- - rime 51:Il0Ce41sRs 4.4', T1, immure re t0. 4o0andyeta 0 Oreneh 6.d stororillss Cnut -1. that *sr.*. ').'.sl • Great 1.4 or*sr.*.o.*.ry 6401 a the 0,040.00 110.,•017 ...0= by 6. T notary'. ea • 0.S* Stem, d rµ3008 1 Ah,0300 *mht0•., Market sgs•n, latwltk, • help will I. mesa . ^nre54te.108000.1 d merle Moo Ila•, .1014 u TIS* 111(10..12 faAYr •11.1.1118, rIA 50776, 14AT .fegge V CUnT, BLt. 1114579 *C., *C., 1,0 All ..f .hien will he r1 a .*.•p n"nrh Onderl ll, dr .6. tel.. ¢ t .M.4 ST 0ltt, t.0 d*411.8 Nrre craw• Mm.., m.., fes kk77 •.k'4* a*8400. 1.,..•111 were .1 my tM.0 1 t I':.1 L) �'- `IA DE - The •bore I.4.. good wrllt Ye • ..r.4 *len Ge4.r1 i, M. I, Iar1 TLI a RQ[�I/I. 003000 WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & C+1+ While the stock is complete and selling REMARKABLY CHEAP. IA Splendid assortment of ! aroma Clot 8st F.acy weed. lnade.up to Order or Bold by the yard' t Lira• IUasuEING$ Of Ss treat Styles and Patton,., The Subscriber would return thanks in hu.npp.r1n for the liberal patronage extended to him while in the flourishing Town, of Goderich. Be nen now afford to sell at COST; and in determined to give his rn.tomere the benefit oflhis sumer in bluinee& ABRAHAM .SMITH, Merchant Tailor & Clothier, dnor2. East of If. Horkm's Grocery, Market Square, Goderich. Sept UM, 1871. NOTIUC, 1 R *ea. Oren lh • pnrh,e".hlp 141.17 ., l.tfn, ` Mw.n us Mr ..ndnr•IvnM, Thoms4 Johnston Ih. y)^n•,er ,dA 4.1. Telt. • 4'a *r4l Oto• 1 h the Town MiMorIeh I" *.'minty 0(1(nrn. owl.. 1 nano of J•,h••tea L ay...41 on 11,0 *.only ranch .try n' Rnr.mber 1Mt, di.snlrM hr .,4- 01 epne...1, an far aennganle he ..0. 7000.. 1.01. nee wen he ..erM wpm the same ens, .114 ort all dnhls else anal 0.1.4 41 m he flys I.4 nem 0111 he nervedae4I4 by loo •aid .Im'n Payne. 01N.0. net *...mals this T.ea,.ea,inth My n Nr^rarer, 4. (1 1171. 14,aL w. J^hn.Ine. 1 1004! rwis$. 113%naive.. 111.18 105,04 m ..Mr the .Me firm. 0111 ,n futon, 1y .offal m1 ��..yy 1MIn Pay. M aro , .m K t ,s. Mn n•r..t, I n thle/wm Stork 1OHN 4 f_1114 IS pin. Notice. W000 taken in rr•hatge for STRAW Uli'TEi1P, PLOCO,iS, CULTiVATORS, SCO AR KE7TLE81 els., fb ; akin in jr7ment of Noor and Row& Ihelinitlt* 'BrMr m yaitAIWA pYffg the dole tingQ a gno.t A RUNC1MAN. 0o4..4 . Jets', 30111, 1*41, • elle Grist & Flourine Mille, Saw Mills, Steam Engine Boilers, Salt Pans. Thrashing Mltc'hlnes Stoves, Ploughs, Cultivators Straw Cutters and 4 Brass Castings. 1 have now on hand a goo l si.irk 4 !emend Wood I'Innghe,Engines and Boilers Loth New and Soared Hand, which I will ■ell Cheap. Call tall examine am stock. ()ostrich, Ju. bah, 1871. For Sale 1N 0ode,ich, the }forme and Lot at preterit noenpied by •apt. Ord. family. Bean 0- 111110104 /1110104 011 tight Henee Voila 16 containe fifteen rooms. Hard -Nod bolt water, A.. 1t is from its sip and preitien rind 4o, 1 oommndatinn of American 01.1tate, and wood repay 1t* purchaser in • very short time. Apply on the prebi.1� F.b. hill, 1:79 sw970w4 Mderich EI. RUNCIMAN. alit. Ope5otJeLole s LIRE BRIGR,tM YOUNOON f41AL FOR MURDER 1 Norma. -Any person send* the ens wet to sh o4. 4. the Agent, F. Jordan. Uowlvrkh, within the next thief d*yi will receive an nine from L Ill0o1 fors e petted= tr of their superior ne Nye Clasen. Goderieh, Feb. 5, T9 worn'.428 1QCTIOIi s OF as REAI. J * A'rlE. /Tltr110wqu Ila M1.D IlT R;1LIC ACrTMd• I K a4rt', ental, ,. 11. T^w• des-l.rn•R Oa Atresic, the 4913 illy Fesrlutl, 111.,..10:....',.:::::, 441. .10 e'eh.0, P. 1T..M. Af40 04 t.M• ..a ' .07 Ise nr•1•.t 444.+w,d6al. ,.We414 1. 11 1411.11.0 M M 404., •4'e0:*ul r 1••0' 4ird ., limn ea 4d•1 ). t.•l wnmh.y 11.14 tab ♦40 1.1000•' d W Tn.n, Ip µ OM"d.:11,11:::: s.h, t 10*..mhm 15, le In* >k 0•e0•"'es ' W T.Sredy 4 10011 . a hip 4dal,Y M'.✓0••'^14100. aa "a 4* Mel of 14.3 aninnw.l Ihe le r t'r16 nTatelw of r'. 4N1aD}. M.•. 0'^• "r p IU'4wrt 11�-r�nfa't 442 ' 1M tlO nes- •0.1WM00e1"" 1,7„1 ey''ge1MTIff LST.. a•rI MICN, ......... t rtMP3m* ♦Id INSOLIUT ACT OF 1889. I0 TRRCOUwTT Cr•UDTRr?s.roi!KT1OP- u ,w. 7N *a mall. of Throe *r•P Teener, ewe 11w..x4 61.1.11, ane 4rW.M, 4.4NNts. 19 * .-a. 4rthw Ore 1.41.14.tiarasthe a *obort / W ra 4 • of .1. 1•aM.4 . AIM. 1 top .f ml•1 / 41., .aA • I'•tttam booboo.��w••411 4 00 png100 .W r rte.^...R10t0.4 '1d Inure.(• esti) 0, eanyA it .1• "" 015* . rag a r. * e.Ig00* rt 1 0 maul LM ester or • w R.em n.•• y. N..1Anferny 1 00 4.4.3316.71• Wter• d the .*. i.. 011%1 ,8 -, ▪ my tie A £.0* Yt T'"'4* I rL A , l 0* r n.dr, tow •411 fay . •awe•r7,A 6,Ufa,tea0.0 .rIM 000 A LAW CLERK. Apply In004Isiskiels•Ar72 ***5.44 • ^'- • i0'r ems'r"'*0 (a"0bw •t a• SI1rri.A1� t MEAGEA 000 w• .�MLr. 4 ion: "`"'1i'. ion... J'!�'�'�•..�--'ant ".'L" --•-- -- ---- - - +aJ4+:.,, ,4►w an.+lir• a . - ....r,.t. ..te .-0auh. , ............ .._-.::�'�zs ••---+,•w......► _....:.r. .ter...., .air _s I •. • \ Totems, 1040 Irl*, 1 Kn tt fins* Maahi49 1 �If7t M L•mhy 4.414..0.4 t.i1 M*ehln.. i0v 54*, ,n g11od w'4*u Aria. C•e wee".A R. rim rkA. III& Fib. •.w•^.._ s...+. .• - - __ .•0rr.,a„tuew-•-r.-__.re..kw•r. sass. __-•.1.01.14 .,3*44 4 . •a 1