HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-20, Page 2leek were seeniaitee 'harder with theillgs eaf ja41.444 lies then with Martha awl
Cs amnia% Coals were eA ekslkt ell the foutly.
at humeral. reeds* at • 41111111s Not dotage had See *snag .spen
r eind. rte pow peep • •.oldele. pay poor al.i be.14.1 r, sal ibe
tira plea. ewer Ironton wale fer &Sew be node to uuderstend the chases •hialt
y„,„,..t. of coal, and tete them oesty MI had takeu place in hia pieties Hip
There teas sonsietly any tiateo at last iu fumy thatilt
fo, eh. telset, <P.M Melte so and attimg by the kres. of Seen
dear mel Ares so math, Oto'des o4stoo1 and ana,golaYng eld roan
oiy • e.od ,te.,1 mos to mare& knell e Mt the Imes John one! hf Alm end
heol, whiot them bees • merSemearat their childrien,he oulil tell Ins deoglitor
igrutowea, Vim wirsetrava ••• sham to make Sas tip by -set -by.
es thee kin bod•wressit nutted its ito he root on reaminr, until
ss, at ita els of Ibe it% Yin "hick une wituer's Selo he op lo a haul
.o,m,..nlateillipon it, n wield t" where thou was more go ott.g too al•ep.
hav• bora weigaral Ur the Awl the due of Jolau and Martha
c.o.s.. et witoig its head n. likely to be tong and prionveroea, fur they
1•.rionee id the getup...rt.. *ere 4 s rely larnored their old fa her iu his stais and
low ebb: J Rid" 0"u". onlItese 'end and the breed *heal y cast up- :
The black meg for nensein, with • Wesel ug.
P"'"d" bst° .1",liskitu wow. 1146...... bank to Lisa
end net finding sof otos aa eles Mew
reeled t .ble, usieel late a ehog a ammo flaring sanwAT.,
.n the elk* seed -.a-
waking short wink tht, stragee at- • seaming surfeit
tacked oyes the csiO06' ,41Whell and Trani* lose aa hfaOwsi , •
turnip-teps. John arie
deeming thrauelve• sit
tit. old wan might ire • hitse:
thing nice end n. ovoidal. Yips.
were wetness to a els Now. The owl -
L010.01, Inroa end Brea 34111141.
I. The Loudon, Uorou nal Unto. Rail -
we./ obit* owed hav• fallen
thrpugh for the peseut. The docutiaor
cosersins it,-
. . "It is usderettied Apt dm Directors
01 Losidotit Huron aiid Ws. Rs
01.7 be,. been info. meal e.y th* (kris
mead that litts applii ens for Sten
the Redraw Grunt ”I haat
he eutertained until the couoittou
glee Act have been cashed • ith. T
auditions are (I) diet the minium
astent of ask be subscribed; CI)
an &coital survey, setting forth the rye
to be taken, with 'nape, profiles, ite.,
fureished; (3) th .1 an estimate of t
mutt odisltunmes has* tea tbeisetual
survey, be supplied. These conditio
ere reasisiettlet and would so doubting
bade deteanded by the late or any o
The result of all this most be delay
the cnistruction of the road, to take
mat fevoraliM view of the case.
'Thar uS the. cheerful Seat of $100,
towards the road by the city, and
vies of the dispentament which um
be mused by deley sad inicertainty, t
Provisional Beard of !nowise owe it
themselves to call a mass meeting in
City Hall, or in wine other 'my ref
Assam. a 'hey ewe freatke imptitot
ei Seine bunted us mantels' riled
ehe 1.4%p -roily of the city."
Mau . • .• 7.00
Eros low "
... 3.30p. m.
11 "
aim -slant, the piseeeterehotk.ond the Traina ars due se
s. -I dole tiestellill primer. Mixed ..... .......•...... 10.00 a. ra.
•nd Joh,. woe iu hierly elettexattoe ,4 3.20 p. m.
en •tecitton. All 00 oiri•intzi b.,. g rm.
of no 10 ail to Mrs "100 froo. sled „ „ 1630 " ",
that deigns" It meet 4•60
Notting weld test it.
Ono anaemia Ji.hu wee gluing
stonIon the site el the si-entala c.t u
which hod lova reisev.1 en Up hp,1
shoutful of dust (ad, •Iels the cart-
ithet at the Mad hd noi the faith tu
replace it) utterl dejected and dispir-
ited. It was a tamest trite her a atirsig
es,s, h lest Mort aed • vigorous
. 111, to bo the. bens dose aail tramp.
led under t!. teet of a cruel ised
less Fortune, •tiow he
• ti. ari mod heeled with all hie
strength. P.•e Joko knell received a trade, nee • let ter kJ OM Globs • fts•
inlay heavy falls del list spirit wio days ago in which he pointed out the
aimed Rushed net a4 his Whet" he (1.
looked et, and es• • swear! aux tlerk• -"`"- ""v911414
that pear has lied ma the Salt interest.
of this section. We, like Mr. Smith,
twofer to be free traders, bnt like him
wit must th• mlyantage %flowing
the Americana to have free seem to sr
inarkee sidle they debar us from theirs
by herein' heavy duties. Thet is •
se -aided policy which we ceenot ap-
preys of. W. should °ale kw too glad
tn sae the duties remover} en that the
✓ eels cal sob country might .be
admitted to the other free, thus
keS (Ms the pro* of the nes series of
hie but while the Ausericens protect
thew Sell temethicturers, •e think unr
eetentinent should do the same, and let
our men here at least the stare hossefit
of the Stele inarket. The Moor has not
yor miod succesefolly refuted* Mr.
Smith's arguinet but we must confess
we thaik it 11. dime so on the question
ef • -house (0 our manerfacturen:- 'We
tio not think such bens etlyisable.
Were the principle 01 givirg it mace
recognized the government would have no
end of applications for similar
favors, and one trade would - be
as much entitled to it as enoth-
sr. Mt we went, if we cannot have free
trade, is • small protective duty to se-
cdt7o.r..the hume market fur our own Pm -
Monday's Mole ham anotherletter
the saihe subject from a Toronto scree -
pendent who sign. himself "telt deal-
er." In advocates a small ditty, &nil
slums that thee aot necessuily raise
the price for uter own oonsumers, nor is
at likely to dp so.
The New Yin* ?ribose et bet week
sore oet loth its protection uoinions
term,' aa ever, and openly precision
the hope that by excluding oar produte
ties by • high tariff we will be forced
Into atomization. No, no, Mr. Tribune,
wa trill do without free trade along time
before we will consent to cast in our lot
with the "Great American Republic "-
We antrpetter as we aell, and though you
may yet along tritest ear salt, you cau-
not •ithout oar lumber and other pro.
ducts. audeop ens enly siting ofIyour
nose to spite your face no putting on
high duties, i/ you think thereby to force
us auto anuexation.
The Teams say s, -
''As to holt, we beliefs the count/ la
• 'hole how aupplied with it at smal-
ler averages,' than it would orconlil
be if our dinnestic telt- works were closed
by 'imaged intartetien. True, we
@hook she aloe SO if there wAre
deny out the fosigiv hut the hoot peo.
ductiiie would be subLected to A depres-
sing competition Wit that Frodoced
the ter cheaper labor of the West Indies
and Can**, se sr sake yeuld for
peers rendre. 8 fetid issid loss SaIt inateel
of new, mid mores We could wenn to
a reduction, es 1111 ahralittoUr, of the Salt
duty. On what principair shall we tax
euger and not Salt
"With regard to Limber, we mate
ibis ingestion :-The dem ps Lumber
guite low -lower theta it cools' be
idieed by • mailmen Revenue Tariff
end we perceive no good reason fur
shelishing •Itile. have' a Tariff at
all. We hop* for mid would gladly
awten the der when British Nord]
A t shall volunaarily seek as wypal
and honored place under the protection
eur flag. But this oonsiimatation
reteided by 1,100 opunilo$ of our pities to
her Gels Wool, Lumber, Wheat, Ac.,
tkc., hes of date% Her (anise
noir kefttel the inedormoy 04 lite
prices by• their redutits
ehen suadraselei with ones, and malts.
that every acre they own. whether of
tisiber tillage, would he enlist:eel in
rides by their aimless mt. our Union.
ft ,does not seem to tie wise ow timely
ea raw pert 40 elwer iy this ,d/pable In -
deeneent to Asidatiee."
SODERICII, - FkB•20tlit 1.872.
ths Silt 2214a.
Our itownantau vv. G. Smith, Eaq ,
▪ Lergely interosted in the Salt
'etas he d•ier, he leit illat Ike last blow
was ¬ to le rtm.k.
eu," ael lee "don't stand
arum any cement, 1,10% I'm quite
peepand fur toe.
'Are you ,' rid the MIS, curr.usly.
"Yes, I am,' his "phut. "1 hos
your errand as •Ol Al you do your-
. ssl'."
'Ili yin I ' rid tlic th•
••Do yea cum .betS sock me 1"
cried John, mgreb. Olin awl lacing
the Intruder ; 'la uoilla
ruin r
r ill. man.
"Yes, mora au,' Alba repeated, in
the same angry tee.
"I did at cos nes to es,,k y, ;
far free it,“ tee a•is reterii•ai. "hi
faci,my bitaiesa e ...ewlth you at all. I
teem to me .4t. Ihdd• who ••• an 041
Isiah boy a mild.
"1 beg row pardons sir," sad John.
"You 11 eerier De I bows ; but we are
te yysot d a ',lewd kespectednothieg
bet bad nes
"If I aw set inhbakime," said the
skiranger "it • god News 1 bring you.
„Soli are'Mr. Dodd'. eula-ia-law, or. you
out f"
"I am r and If wish I were •
tither too-ia-lare, fee Ide mike," John
"Perhaps rem will -he ao need 34
that, fve ker "Os! strasmie re-
"Viliat de er mos P" John irked.
°Weil, Set dm raid the •, ranger.
'A ke era erv 'Mined se advertise-
_ d! fol•fi:i6414relesed to Dania
Lodi!, 'dentin.' Hsi if be •pplied
he terms, alitavez, in Nose
St w.41.1 hop something
his salowar. NAT thet the
Daitiet NM eaves% might be my elai
la • 1,,hiera know's, Mr. Johnson, of
Naos. him, I ergo that genre
MAL eel leers' thee the piss wanted
Dear Dodd, ury neighbor, and
that, /1•It to he brother
Gros, eke diie4 sows tin), ago in
Firoayieu entitleilkb. twenty times*
delis as ne pr.oesh of an insurance
polio end by hit brother en hie oven
• "Bel hard, John, grasping
Amuses hy In, Uhl ataritof At
Wasiak 614).1 eye& "Yee're not ha•
iag dot, a ens; lark with us, are
Jr. r
". '04 turbid," laid ime stranger,
"Li I answer inn another this& air,"
demetiutiel aloe ease exceed way.
" Te're Hot ,00dooi yogi. mind, are
, Istainly tie Wan.
sm • all, "rat may
go a '
"he I was diessis ema
imeed. lie • mod money iv
b.p sonietnedjk Ramie& ia
bier anal oft* mall jest now thet
.10601bs; f teiligeot.'
:" 441 1-bn to km wits,
riser •p-staireae•iihst Pie rooms.
lee, Juba. Intst is r
iseher. uesee. Oise back Again !
money's coma bad, seem
alait'S over'. oensr bs-lt gem 4-
sp Sr. stein, soilgli itha batnaters
sh cella( tsp.:xi 0Ver legato
Wiry unie 16,101
"Are poo tene•Ineepi• r
Ihetha's repfy, siessis *owed to
"Yee sit."ssdil Jekn to Ins visi-
tor ;nee teinkn I Miet bential • ao won -
lir di thought, glitt we* Rol
D add • • Is lees • yins, I dere &ay,
red you e•ri 'Saki hem , be often talks..
Om Ma brother George eh. •ent to
bet thienght he bed bee° dm'
hell tr.
•4 kis walks with
It that nsessot Daslitiosery• in from
, aad •ou
Mid hoe 1111411111a.
"Dour," AS aid, sinking loc. La
ithur, "beisalser Onsego te.deml. Pm..
lem. poor bey..' tt
le dna Rise, MIA after sense delays
easel hy the dillhinity .4 proctiong the
iesseinery orsfe fserse •dastance,
Ike greet "Now -York 1%'!' Comps)
bid over tko t went y Allow 1 et ..rs.
day John, k adllfina Doldy'.
saketesa, hosed hoes new -halal
40•4"re ell in li.401, avery
leg wheeb had bees the MAU'S bauk
is de dory when ite was ki
"Diere.fether," sift Mirth., python/
the nig meld. heed. "ASS ne. ono
will es cis entb it t"
"'that Win 1 .40 with it; sit! the old
nee "Pik keep mg' p• omits
Isejr, aed bay him that gen ' '
"bit thesters Mere theareill fear eh.
Deailelen Telesfraph Onapeer.
'The Aftemal Meetiag of the Share-
holders of the. Comp um .sa Ski et
Toronto on Wednesday leth February,
&nil was tersely Stem led. A rei
was stibmitted by the Dereellers, front
which we leant ilia; the into/lobed
guNee. MOM fb•f, said 6264,01110,.thee the pole mileage anyone's
Cepttel Reek of the Compels le new
the id sat to 1, KS mere. belts as Merest ef se
'vs will fathom • heap dons "
0.4dy. wit milei daring the pese year, and
bae &nip and con.- that 50 additional Mises have been
"vet omits mor• eve. than that, opened, making a total of 113 now In
16"41r s ewer ee nosh tears"
operation in Ontarie. Chloe enseastion
"Oh, am& inn Pao 100P th" "'" 1. inad with h I
Posself. Illnethse kir 161giyosar• yon, a I • man o the Atlentie
ald intuse," and Pacific Company, so that the
stbi IWO! .arldi
bet with Ithe asps ion
wkish as sminelinee else
lieseser y.!/11_,Lee=1:17,
teller or
te Alois
of • SIM,
Or see
d angers.
and t;i•
ding re
kis hers
wee Se is •
isierimel the
as ber
ell was 4•7 IS es
meessee of the Dominion Compeny are
forwarded in all parte of the Union.
710. threetere speak with See, es -
Mises of the primp* of snows; on the
set al the Company, bestisinge te my,
the saw! gi res up information M the
Anthem! statired the enneara or cif the
profits For the .
MOW. Mama.
Were's. that in order lo do jostler
la Mr. Clarhe'sebeinekke aildreingelik
Agra* tared dieser bellow, en
, 811111Tten Caney/ •L -4 sr dm -
. y ems
fill narstrel +as •tield et the Mottos
Utak tie Yriday emoting 1st. The at-
, 7
tenders was bettor then ou • premed.
tog seasion, arid mune el the etestuniee
1 wvrt. mine rod. The Kinser effort -
linos on a platform at the of the
ed ranee eutuutineat ni theiewiaperform-
41- hark r MS
, W WU. 4 thii youtig
- I poople enjoyed • damps after the per
4 Issas Wel over. Those oho wish te
*riot eamy • skate 6.41 better do so at owe,
ti• the seasou canisot laln very numb
Wee halm
m Sr. (homier Cita atm Seavws-
,_ On Sabboth next, 213th inst. there will
"•• he no morning *emus in St. tleargies
40 Chorea, as the ROSS tallish/red to be
10 Clinton at the consecration 01 the Rote -
copal Church there. In the evening His
L, t„,
j mut will preach
Alloadav • klumonary Mestang
'ow be held et 81. Stephen's Mush, Huron
Road, et 3 Welsh p. eat , and in
ning et St. tieuree's °berth tawn, at
?" half past 7 o'clock. Address. will be
I" delivered by 'Shop itellinuth and oth-
" ors of tbe clergy.
at IN D a AT CLIIrrelD. -Rev. W
h. Maio, late of Springeille and Lake
to vale to the Presbytery of t;obourg, was
the oa 711i Met , inducted to the charge
ie.. id the C. P. Congregation of Carrick.
4„. Tim place boa hes vacant for ore!' two
ear• Uhl that present lel Ott tient 'Rigors
.011 fur the future prosperity of the *ob.
•"'.11lait trial Weiss.
The nuns'. la again cermet that,
crefmry Fifth will retire from the W
lasts Cabinet.
"The MI of Etel Itteyo, Govern
General ludia, has lase tried, ou
'rioted, a.nd sentenced to be hissed.
It is reported that sgotiations
tire to the Commercial 'frosty Sew
France and Lactated will be monied
The Amorist& Idiaiser at Paris
been instructiel hr the oseibinsten
eminent to neginiste a povtai treat,"
Leese Franiarand the UnAticl States
The revolt in the Philippine Isla
has been auppreseed, and the 'stet
troops punialted.
Repairs on the Parliament Buildi
at Ottawa are being prieecute.1
ously, in view of th• approach of
opening of Parliament.
A mass meeting hes been held at
Leaks Coy, to petition Congreas
liesistry Act, and a la. against fe
suffrage. Felly one-half of the WII
ofett• at the city Rlectiim is believed
have been illegal.
An English expedition, lately fit
out fur the purpose of sentrehing in
interior of Africa for the justly cc
bested explorer Dr. Livingston, has I
L°Tnhde"nOnion Pecific R.eilway Cootipa
have made • full report of the an
blockade along the line, and stated fu
the preparationa facribtate travel
future stimild the blockade rantinue.
The tint railwey to Yeddo, the capi
of Japan, in woe ,neasly complet
Steam fire engines 'ewe been introdu
tura that country.
The Medias revoluti tontine
with varied wises*. 'The revolution&
forces here triumphed in several e
gagerrients, mid are pressing forward
the city of Matemoras.
The friends of at Temperer Diapoleun
have not Mena up hero el hie restora-
tion to the throne of Prance, and ar
actively engaged eitueressing wiirkingin
certain tastes Oa his behalf.
The Newfoundlond ',isolators m
for tho ikspateli of Mentes oil the 25
tot. Hie Excellently Col. ftwolien
Hill, C. 13., imahle through anise .o
present, remind- the iteinle re of the
Legisleture at the Government House,
•here his @poet% Wei oluloTerml. Tn.
r. rune of the paitt tear is given as 918,-
0110 weer. the expenditure.
The trio! .41 Stokes, the murderer tif
Jain. s Fisk, has C.otrolneraceol. T;,•
&Mit o crowded to eXce/01. Tho
ionetter s c sol III AO X 41011 1 11 4.4 1
wajst,,it, .sh thein.lictinent,..tferingcer-
rain objectiona to the legal proceedure,and
made the pie a .4 an irregular selection
of • jury. The mdiont wore denied
but the exemptions allowed.
A 'serious accident happened last
Tuesday on the Erie Realroad, ne.ir
Susquehanna depia. While a push
engine wait f.a freight train up e
heavy grade dis bodes -burst, and two or
tnirs cars were scathed to piss, some
ji4umdthe men killed mid others badly in-
The Honse of Commons in England
hare amen passed the Ballot Bill by a
ree .4 100 totil. It is to be hoped the
Leeds will not on this occasion oppose
themselves to popular opinion, hut also
nue the tell, •
t;rtl•Ilort. Molobah bestion siiierea
WOO, l'Ittf,,rd r-150, awl Wielded& SILO,
us •nrou, towards the iniiiister's
pt ad. They alsai promise • free blenna
ash. 'There sae a late. turn out at the Leduc-
eiree services and • hearty edemas was
tendered to the lie. &bloater.
OT -
o. OTITIS SUPPE/. - The fire brigade
having reoently been re organised'reeolv-
ed to celebrate the event br • social
"It gathering', •bitala took place iu the Fire
"" men's Hall, East Street, on Thunday
• evening last. The tire company, the
liro committee of the Town Council end
PT' • few other invited friends sat down to
bo• a sumptuous monied and speut • very
pleasant •vening. The firemen wore
ads their new uniforms, and in the course of
0114 the evening marched ritual the Cowl
Hose &mere, preside/4ga very nest ap-
ns peenume.
or. bromism° Thus -We wore thorn
the today by a resident of this town, who
is an old and intimate hided of the late
ele Lord Mayo, whose tragic death we re-
recorded, sots ducunsenta in the
hand -writing of the deceased nohlemau,
we which se of sascial Autereet at present.
se They complied he -original &dares to
So Restore ef the County of Kildare,
ted which was the first constituency he no-
te. presented M the British Hotter) of Oorn.
not Odorants as has been garro-
neoualy stated in 1101.1e a the newspe-
'"' as. The address referred to was teamed
111 1847, and after sitting for one penis -
o7 went for Kildare, he was retunied for
ow Coleraine on *mooning the office of Chief
Secretary for Irelsitd. The.re am also •
in number of prorate letters al! of which go
to show the genie' disposition and large
tat hearted liberality of rain to whom was
ed. oonfided the guerluinship of British m-
ood terse in thy Kest.
ea Zapplasee awl she TrUght of Tim&
irii/ Mr. Eitivoit. - -The gestic.° should be
asked by every keen of your numerous
reader*, have 1 ui.ole any one hetoox to
.1071 How calmly .uld so mit
pillows! blessneertty we Simla tee' and
deep. In ell this world there is nothing
• so sweet as giving comfort to the die
en tressed, as gettiug a son ray into the
glass heart. Children ten•rovr meet
et us wherever we turn, then. uot a
Amerirens interested in the lake fish-
eriet are to hold • meeting at Detroit on
the 26th of March to consider what steps
they will tette to protest themselves
1 roe' the advise operation of the Treat,
of Washinerton.
A despatch from Caleette dated Tots.
16th says:-Tbe bused of the late one-
ornor-'ienerel Mayo will take place to-
morrow. Baron Napier, (taverns ..!
the klarlras Presidency, who anoesds
to the Governor Generalship, pre fees.
la expected ta arrive here on the 266.
The proposal to form a new Atlantis
Telegraph Com oany has roues! the Ang-
lostsueritiaa company to consider the
advisabilit• of laying a fourth cable anal
reducing the rates. Both prejectia were
discussed and favorably considered at
recent general meeting of the company.
A sea affair is reported frorn Prince
Edward Island. Two. boss finding on
the road • bottle containing • poisons,
liquid, drank of it, believing it to be
howdy. The mother of one .4 the boys
also drank of it, under the same mis-
take, and the result was the speedy
rtwinii of all three.
Fhe flemt murder ha, nein been he
fr re the Manitoba Legislature. Mr.
Hay enquired of the Ministry whether
oersteds hed ever been issued kr the
snot of Riot, Lepine and O'Donohue.
The Atty. tassel replied thee no ear -
rants had boon trued. Mr. Hay then
moved thee a swani be Shred for the
arrest nf the nisderers and for the body
of the minelered Scott. This simians
vs opposed by the goverioneat sod de-
feated by • rote lft to 6.
- Row. John Cirrus,
111. P. Minister, haa revived t e theme
of Carron brook, and wilihnneefort h de-
vote hie attests entirely to Aisles-
• i ll• and Walton. Thee. places have
Imre* to enutinue te pay ham his prete-
st stipend.
Crates.- We have al keen a set of
Curlers it Goderielt owns be trend any -
w ere. A swatch match wee played lest
flaturde os the Me the smaside in
/rostra not Chore , *high &Misted
a washer assetators. Finding the
ditch rather eirerineseribed foe Meek
Motu, en 2froiktir they moved to Inks
piers, where couple ei boars apirisef
linnet was enjoyed al the reerieg genie.
01111M/allr.-*0 Magret Wien le
eord tie death Robs. Ihrb, tag . mitt
of the original settles of Goderich. 44 1
fee 'say years a toadies minerelieen. 111..
Slitoi 11frrildity eeenifittor the age of
years. hisfrusret hilt• plere
ararday aftersee. ewe ef the '
nwetenshas of Gederta Udell;
h. ilc.,;•170. wig he lulared
Huts abed f • enlis beyond the ,
and no both* Wins 4,111
let la 14 ever Aplemillapeezroorty
inotuent that tears ordmot shed and
sighs uttered, h.oe ..1 thes
Ingle are earned uy .4er own thought -
Imam -tam how noey tbioghter wrings
the very 'mil ot a fiend mother hy
of unkindness and iitgratitode.
many lowlands by one little er 41 make
a whole day of eml }Unita RIO gloo.orri.
thoughts. How te any sires by recroni
nation, estrange and embitter 1.ving
hearts. How niftily brothers and sisters
tweet butte" tree other, at tking
wounds that no linniat. power Can heal.
Ali! if each one would try, to PL..' _in
this maxim day by dayl-"Strive
niake Ora affiicted happy!' jealousy,
revenge, beck.biting, hate, with their
kindred e•il associates, would forever
leave the ear th. 13" be it.
TALI 7L135.
The Oars, Um day. Mr. .1Hr% tlroy Or.
lhor U. moral.* 014 y.are br,
aarl boar as rorely 011;
And wo abaft era too gathoree home,
No awe ow thou olarlo aorttr. r era,
Wren our wort whoa.
nom save row reroute soot ovet,1e.,14
That aro •1 trot hot Ink
itt vanish awl decay
Or moo our Mb ea Guth, awls up,
Tte aeon and bitter no ow, Imp,
Are whial how oto„
Yet weir me Vora, •Wovery Nov,
That we aapineme Lan indow,
la tor e'er profit Oran.
014 lather haw 01.111 quick...of Pawl,
W111 brew so rem turbot'. rues,
arousal three. la nascin,
Thee *nett tat as tin% meet
hor whoa ilia newest. were non Moor,
iiird hraorly I aribralior serif triad
no aelftly •••Ila
oroot tra werrind wed lint,
la meet in Moron at Yet
Ts. haptivanne ire bele how Maui,
Ara opeot Orory wit\ Ms Wain wat.
, To Wein or MA lin sle
iri limo bat lova,
He iixisveritz ea, Ural fro4r.raw. a,
That In as anderstand amid tan.,
Tan all or rawly twine,
ltooapt too olo Cher will,
11 ea her mark 00r Ii••• ett rod,
le lowly unhorse le MI should.
Ula wove Ire win faint
proorearna tie Nw*or MIT rot
'leen,. aeon so hie alleaL •
in glory husbr tool hue,
who,' flatrerml Um met Wit area,
ro1 ate and oloaolr ao more Weill tor,
1 br.reglroeliarrallr. •
.1. AL 13101.1lITO/311..-...--
Plasteiligetatways.Trees Meng stir
To tar Ulla, *I Me Hew. remora.
Di•It gra, -Permit me throtIgh th•
medium of your journal to call the at-
tention of the riveranselat to • erlhtt
which may appear frisbees to tome, it
to me a mattere of mach importance, and
I fondly hnpe it will mewl the epprou.
bon and ready semis of all erases,
in our Dominion. We have had many
lessons on the esority 4 • northern cli-
mate, and are beginning to leas fres
experienne what the intensity of the
Oanadime winter Will be, *ben the /tient
forest is gond. I therefore consider •
anhatitnte abenIntely nessinry. I beg
oomfort and • taste for beauty. the pro.
pi:blast be who have • regard for
reel of planting the aides of all onr
and highways throughout
the nostry with young trews erkillat
Mill in all probability bads* the nine-
terth contery spires, pros senteditide
fs the signed forst,
wertaia asses* ef shelter the r-
ing alms, and aho ••=thal &fere-
atiPlapersrests"."nalmetirthrieelly trees be
t hr aeliiide the 444 knee hate hi
wrosseay 10 het apart, and in
with awe aud wistese-
b▪ oa, would alined • hoe fo the
trairelling community by their e in
• lobershireg ont. its the freed laboolow
Ifs en verdly shunted, elm the
114ay she avrater.wtia.
bees of goober the item
5ope that oar
hod the beet emd 4
enestler the maths
devise sill Wee they ese
those who say he ihiroledille""ensto
trees * host ef 4446. sea preporty,
414i ristylil edam le 4110, if se.
41', "74' • a • -'.5f -1 .
' •
g overnment will rewires it, amd
an act iturriog a fins, say Ivo d
oa any pares wilfully brethieg or doe
trey uig ane of rad tress.
TO41111, (0„
• ---
February 16th 1879.
The Council met to day pursuant to
all jourioneut at theirownship hall. The
Revive and all Councillors premmt. The
tumulus of kat meeting read anti ap-
patted. It was moved by J. Morns,
aseunded Ly J. BUCheroas, thea doe.
Caxton be Olen. Moved in emend -
meat by A. Malloy, secouded by H. J.
Nutt, Unit John Kerningbare no Clerk.
Reeve gees fasting vote in favue .11
motion. The clerk heels reads the
neessary decleratIons the meeting pro-
ceeded. Moved by J. Bucheimn, and
e voonileal by J. Morris, that Garin
Hamilton be treasorer. Mined in
surendment by H. J. Nutt, seconded by
A. ti alloy, that the s I &rinse( the different
tamers be hied before any mons ap-
pointments be made. littered further
aineadinent by J. Morris, sande!
by J. Buchanan, that the feur officers
be appointed before the salaries ent
awned. Itsie gives casting vote in
favor of last motion. Moved by J.
Buchaniui, *wooded by J. Morris, that
Gavin Hamilton be Treasurer, Carried.
Moved by J. Morris, seconded by J.
Buchanan that David Campion' be so
onsor. Mind /mend meet by H. J.
Nutt, seconded by A. ,Idaeloyi
0. Stewart be asses tr. Reeve gives
saltine vote in fever a etriendment.
Moved by A. Medley, seconded by J.
Morris, that Thouwa Morriah be culler.
tor. Carried. A By -lam ws
passed ouilirining the app tment of
said °Moms. Petition (non trusters of
School Section N.t. 3, requesting the
eounoil antliortee them bv borrow
116U dollen for School purposes accord-
ing to law. Prayer of pet.tion granted.
The following arsons applied fur and
were granted certithates for Tavern
Liss*, froisLashis A. Allen T. Ben,
James Symington, Sheeran' Liras,
Rodney Adam*, and Johnethan Mailer.
A circular from the Signal Office has
been reccived and ouneidered. W. ere
solve that the proposition cannot be en -
forcemeat became we consider it to be a
alitey that a publieher ewes the public
to glee @itch information. moral and
sitondod that • new mit of leek* be
furnished for the use of the Township.
Moved by A. Malloy, seconded by J.
.Uorris, that the amoral editions to meet
agora .01 Satonlay the 24th. day of Feb -
rev/ at 10 o'clock.
Walkerton ha.' organised a Bora of
1,302,573, pounds of milk were de•
livered at /kitten die cheese factory 1st
Aar, out uf 1,111C11 125,452 11m. these
*as made.
The press and Warden of the oonnty
Proace Edward are agitating ter the
estogilchitent uf • ceutity pourbous,
The keeling merchants and mantels -
tunas of Quiebec are proaming • packet
line ef steamers 'between Casale and
the Weal belied. The ',ropiest' ion will
be bed before the Oovernment et an
early day.
A rentarkalik inciden! occitred cluing
the pas -age out of the Scendiliavien
fhe weather was the nteeheat ever ex-
perienced by the steatuvr,and se C. ortrary
Wes the lion° that • sails washed °ver-
b mod by ono wave was throw,. back by
he gram.
The lint kWh golden wedding eeer
held its Quenee. es celebrated in St.
l'atock's Church, en Monday, the
worthy grainn being John Lone, t.ntiver
merchant, aged 70, and hes Lola aml
hearty bride, 69 years. The church waa
erowded to Withal, tla• cerenoulty,
The Bntieh Tempera of Nova Scotia
haee 21.0 Lodges, with 11,00Quienabors.-
Ts may new beiges were clogenceal dur-
ing the year. l'he teceipts for the year
were 11,422.80, and the expenditure
111,015.03, leavem a balance on kora of
4402,27. The order Is represented as
being in a flourishing condition,
The little Wen of Yermoth in Nova
Scotia is 11.1* lit to 11.1r111 free library,
Mr. L.. E.Itaker having beid the founda-
tion of it by a gift of 2,500 volumes
carefully selected. Other gentlemen,
following he example,' have promised to
contribute books, and to form the
noclevs id a museum in connection with
the library, intend to contribute natural
etiriesitiee lead works of t. The library
Oa to be opens immediately.
A 'ergo new learn and outhonse, be.
longing to George Williamson, 12th
euncesaion of A rtJhur, bgether with their
oontenta, a Span of valuable horses, and
other live stock, • lot of hay, seed grain,
waggon, sleigh, and agricultural imple-
menta, were totally consumed by fire
n the night Feb. 131.11. ',Ira& of the
tire unknown. Nu insurance.
The London Ad:utast. is informed by
a correspondent in Moore dim some
Mormon missimmrie.a• halm f..und their
way to that townehip, and are making
wouderful progress In adding th
tier. Meet ingsare regularly held,at which
those who amemble ate treated with
revelation'', prophecies and lectured is
nnknown tongues
A boy named Dillon, in the employ of
.1. B. Armstrong & Co., Guelph, Iiiel
the tipe of the fingers of his left hand
from coming in contact with a moos -
nicker Dr Herod dressed the wound,
&lid the boy is progressing fiyourably.
The trusts, of Galt Collegiate Insta-
tote, on titturtlay butt, purchaae.1 the
old Weal/yea Methodist Church, OM
Porthatmet for the purpose ef eatablith
tog a Ladies' High School therein. The
rue paid ws 161.000 earth.
Ate elopament ne reported to hate oc-
curred in the vicinity of Para about
fortnight ego. A Mr. Daniel Brady, a
merrier! man, induced the only daughe
of • hotel keeper at Madge Hollow to
elope with him, and to suable him to
attoosedully weemplish this he made the
side drank. and thee took the
rl on beard a train ef ears at Harrisburg
minims bound for the other aide ed the
line. When 1st heard from they were
Rneherter. Brody loses. a wife and
t wo children holi ind, and takes B230 with
A railroad meeting was held at Holy -
rood last week to teke into corionderatioe
the voting of a byalser of 951,000 %eine
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Sontheen
Estenemit throtigh the townships of
Kinks, Heron and Kincerdine. JrIle
meeting wad in favour of the bynlaw.
An old man named Barnett, nearly
70 years of age, committed suicide last
west by hanging himself in • stable at
Walkerton. He was bring with We son,
and was well treated and apseand cheer-
ful and contented. H• attempted to
make ramp with Mrs* orios 1.441ore,
&list *year ago, hut failed, and appear.
rid 446 have billy given up the des, only,
however, babe sore scorafully stied
ant this time.
A Itorriey-Chneral Clarke,of 114utitclah
haring threates4 abiliah the LOS -
the Osumi el that Pend's, that lion-
emeehhe body resented the threat by
Mattthe Attiorney-thaerelis
threw Seines
rite pundslows eir e 11111 new
Onnesth the Illuilleba teepelstevrt
hoseure ha, stipelato tliat all
haserlians must be 11111W10111111 th• Pre.
tine* al lese1141, years Wore they es.
ha," Ube pelves. el welting. _
sesters mason. erter
• •• et.....avvarsta" esow.easeeseeersoc.s...."reavoccy.osaw.,,, .ov-v.v.a,..,411111,IVOroillir -
• 4 `
Mitchell has& model peetaatastrar, his
same is Woods. He 441 telesed •
, workiteg day at Ms Cate far tie lest 25
of obtaining spring 4644 alusla pleat,
Mr. Hales, of Downitslieiesdedroes
sowed a peck of fail ruiditokroof th•
ob" 001401 • •111441 the th.t
l yes, Toe second year ths rodueoe Yang
to • prat, tithish he again sese. The
thtril year appears te have 10034:0e.
sUeeetwful. 'From the putt he ,,„,d
kali • bushel of a:silent quality. Mink
In Ooderich Towship, near CI
there are movements mangers ‘.
build two new churches, me by te,
Mppouyalians aud the other by the Wee
i•y•in About few has been stIbilloribed
for the former, Ouch will be built oil
brick aud will oust about (1,500. The
Weidepau church is to be of etnal, tied
is sported to cost about 111,65.0
At the last meeting of the Perth
County Council, that County Mu divid-
ed tutu four high school districts, The
fellowing Oases, to be the centres of
the several distance Stratford, St.
Marys, Mitchell, anal Listowel. Trustees
day• also been appointed fur each dis-
trict, aud schools ant nt be established
al once in distrieta where nous now
A Mr. S. Young, a miller, late of Mit-
chell, who • short tone ago emigrated to
the United State*, has fallen heir to a
Large property by tho death of se uncle.
Er. Wdliain liarahall, a Stratford,
proprietor of one of the tisieforth mills,
about two years ago purchase.] eight
hundred acres of pine lauds north of
Mirahell, for the slim ef 1110,000. Ile
sold the sine land a few days ago for
the handatnue sum 'a V44,700.
On Saturday morning of 1st week aa
Mrs. John Whiteterd, Riddulph, •••
going Inat of the back do"r she slipsd
and feel on the back of her head ; each
*finites isijuries resulted heal the fall
that she died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
of the mono day.
A new conservative paper Is shortly to
be stablisheal in Toronto, to la called
The 3144, and will be owned by • teita-
patty annpotted of Messrs. Hugh Allan,
H... J. S. McDonald, King, of the Bank
of Mm.treal, C. J. Srydees and John
Sheddon of the Grand Trunk, and Good
velure, of the arm of Gooderham &
Worta, Thia will uneoubteally be •
strong company and one which trill he
able to command a.ny amount of money.
An •pplicatten has already been made to
the Dominion Parliement for ar act of
Incurporatom. The ectineany are
deavoring perches ths folegosA
plant, and will, no doubt, ultimately
absorb both the Telegraph and Leader.
The Ainleyville correspondent of the
Seaforth E.rpositer says that during the
teat week some seven or eight contrac-
tors have been r.ing over the sectein of
the th'ellingtate, Grey and Bence Rail-
way which ie to be lot to -day, 16th inst.
The nowber et Louder& is likely to he
very great. Our townsman, Mr. J. Lec-
kie, 1111 11 been at Hamilton end put iri a
tender. Wohope he away get it. The
section is from Lieut./el Winghani,
30 nules-to be all completed in Novem-
ber, 1873.
A Lain, PITITIoN. -Probably the
largest petit lona eVer prevented • tu the
Troth ColloCil, laid before that body
last night. It was one g• it up and signed
exclusively by the lathes of the town,
sking the Council to reduce the hum -
her af tavera limas end to grant im
licensee to shone. There were 1476
siguateres appended, which • cored a
aralictent iminber of sheets of foramap
moke • diomment about lb fact lois.
13elleeille bay llionicer.
The Oililfellows Stratford hays le to
le min:homed none vs:liable property
war tee to trkt t Nome, for thulium id
1,1.010 cash; am' lone also negotiated for
lotoololiotz material 10 mod, • them to
• sect a. hall. The Beacon says this ex-
rangentent considmed a niatually ad-
vantageous ime-to r. Myers, who
gets a handsome price for him property,
and to the Odireilowa -*he hare be-
come • D'Ullorroollf Imply -ea it midden
then* now to Neese fur thews:Yea what
they have I en4 felt the rut of -a snit •
able hall. It le tiara. iikention urst
in the sprin4 • very hanolaonie bloek of
buildings for leutiness across
rt terrine et thu hashelal effects
of railways teem the 'some of country
through whem :hey pass, by6nd that .1
increued Iamb let, the Spectatur buten-
ipo the rapid rise in the value of the
land, along tho routs of the blaassilkon
end Lake Kim Railway. Wattle the
tut ten days lot No. 3, west range of
the plank road, township of Onside,
shout three miles (nen Caledsta, and
containing 75 acres, was sold for 63,600.
fief ire the constructrair of the H. and L.
E. Raileay became a Iced fact. the
name lot would not have sold for $2600.
At the Bain sale 8.1 Seneca, a lot in Cal -
edema -eons- fourth .4 an acre- was sold
for $207 60, while a lot of the saes Ws,
belonging to the lame estate, 111 Cayuga,
was sold for $50.
God ve Treat.'
- -
Cincinnati wants the conatitntion el
the Unitod States ameaded in ash a
manner as to recognise the existence of
a Supreme Being Although one of
their minor coin. is inecribed eith the
legend at the head of this paragraph,
yet the president of the Ceded States ia
the only deity acknowledged by the
charter of the netmn. "The silver and
the wild ere mine, south the Lord," but
chriatian America virtually denies this,
and obliges Him to he content with the
five cent nickel. The etndions avoidance
id all reference to the Almighty, in the
wording of the censtitutitin, speaks bet
very badly for thepiety of tie thirty-
nine hitherto who affixed their Mister*
to the document. •
AO" Unperesa Siete piece Met in-
dantly fiat fin the hos, or heel, on hi*
beck, and let him lay quie.37 fer tan
climbs 01 XX: It is simply a PideMet 214
ael the blood Sowing os • htlil will
sriedily equalise itself throwsk lb, 6)8-
teto. If Vila are troubled with titelewat.
plerriey, pain in tie side eir beet,
crimps in the stomach, barna, frost bites.
ha, proems st see • bottle of the Claw-
•otes Petri DTROSOY ebieli • OMR.
unseen for all stick seasisiata. Sold
by all Medicine boilers.
Ap- Pita notice that the agrieultural
tphar ‘,re„alloiretiwweriasatheiareou.:tery resommend
Dens Powoes. Cow
air There are pmbahly a hundred or
more persona in the mut neighboring
toes, who d ei ly stiffer tromithe &atter
air* effects of kultmy trouldis. who do
nest know that llidoretotea Mirrors
Lt/f1101W? la al went a °stain mere. Is
edsivor.,"if stesan:wma pitig"rte5:ml_re.i:pere.porklimi
00.114, 11. 8., January, 1111111111. --Me. J.
1. Ilfelkis.-Elir -1• the winter of 1163
I was AIMS with a severe Steak of
Brovithito, sod although sr dodges
were ein7 attentive, and red all the
sass in lekeir pseir Oar failed to af-
ford me tench relkel,' I disked your
Crwerused ityroti- of Hyporkespitiles,
until it made a performed OWL I am
now is perfect heigth sad free frees
Nrretabitta. RE•poselans pewee Wm'
ti fa Cans Int
Op enlieetion of hi Reber be
•tot took pies in the se v•S thet
fly. greatest book ettl•ShoWip dm.
sweat of Lathes' Furs of the sweet styles to
In Genii'
Alaska Stripe&
Coney. &d,
• large meortnivnt
Of Fall -ind Winter Cloth Cape
thievish/ 124 04\471,
The following is • stateni
oolleetions made from the no
lands in the •arIotia mania
this Comity from May tu
1871 :
field... • .............
Goderich Tiiwn
" Towship
Grey...... ..........
Hay ........... ........ lt2
H allot& 62
Hewick 103
67 1
Morris .... 202
be sold at lem Hien city pries.
of\ i
S toy
Stop n
Tiirnberry •
W. Wa
51 60
113 92
107 39
32 14
21 14
663 33
135 46
Total 13,111 26
A Caret Jeas,-Not fs from Herrick
liyee • elocking-wasier elm is a firm be-
liever in soirittialiseu." Rom• woes,
knowing his failing, resolved to have
some fun . with hen, so pritt11 ri 11g a
thread of Sue gut mud • tlyhook at the
end of its hag r•petrul stortiag
shop efts flak, lere they knew he
easels*. They looted in at the win -
do* and saw hie. working say with an
old nightcap Nem h. begd. yt.
a which was bol:bng spiritedly at every
course, anal the Itgh frrnla his lamp as.
Ceiling fantastic altediters 011 the (se-
ptette Waol, orrul evil, rind .3,0e he wee
looking round 10 See that no @prelim',
manifestatitins were gene on his beck.
01:r wags am that their time es este,
• getting a 'add •r, tee) ascended the
▪ which 11 of thatch and somewhat
old, and is here and there covered
with pieces of ..I.1 kaiol. One ef these
holes Sing initiated entiveineetly otter
he victim head, to*y semis tee
board; letting doer. the line and hook
c'ese to his heed. Tle bebbing
• ion hooked isle •nol Wag •pd
steadily drawu up. The frame WW1 et
the needle beetle whim the "rime" bur
gen secend, and the poor spintoslid
tosturelly lo died epic he felt it whets"
front his head. Ho• restined this
pentien as if he heel been petrified, witk
urea Metall mil starting eyes, • very
pictore of aetsinislinient, till disappeat•
ed, as he thought, into the thatch,; then
with a great yell, he Isle hem his seat -
boort!, stneshing his globe and retinguash•
mg he lamp in he hurry; he made her
the door, which he had • great drill of
diffictilty In fin -tang; at last he got out,
and actually ran home, telling his mom-
eihed wife the story. He woodered
speerit end hassle an ill -well st
him as Lae steal kis pone." The order
of aurae waa aduck, and he declared he
"wads work, anithet nig-IR Sasser for
a' the tiller swoon here an' Berwick -
emotes Sesterre-The following ac-
count of the sagacity of a little dog is
given by the Mount Iforst Cs/Sepsis:
-" One day lot week, when the mien
employed en cutting ice from Mr. Yeo-
man's reads were away at dinner, a
two year old hetifer belonging to Mr.
Jelly followed the sleegh tracks to the
water and fell Into the river. It would
oerteinly Mote been drowsed, but for
the sagacity of • little dog belonging to
a man named Noble, who was assisting
in getting out iss. On his return front
dinner he found the dog holding on to
the animal by the ear. theta keeping its.
head jest mifficiently above the water to
ails it to breathe. The animal was
with difficulty taken mit, it haviag hsn
in the water • long time, as it wss quite
stiff and amens's, but it has Knee ree
covered. The deg appeared overjoyed
when it saw the animal taken: ont of the
water, following it closely es a was taken
to the hers, and it see down again la-
ter in the day to aseartain how the
animal was getting along."
'Ten Derraacrao 0 came." -It ie
stated thet Dr. Cumming is engaged on
work in whith he will attempt to prove
that the sail of the world II certainly
be the year 1875. Poor Went' I There's
• Mr. Hammond, of Swindon, who will
insist that it's kat, and Dr. Commie(
him attributed ies many side he it as a
oat- o' -erne tails. - Ps.
At 220 Lafayette hyena*, Detroit, fah.
Mre Allied Rasa* et a eon.
At Godeneh, oti the 14111.4 HAL
Park, aged de years. the
Bvettere Goderish Ne. 113,
T. . are reqsasted to sore at
the Ludge Room, at Thnreday, et 1
o'clock p. ea. to attend the femoral.
§1:.L1112 Imam 'nu Du Itieff111111 ST
leie.ThOweinstletwi VW O. IL rjetwel
to no emit me send
for esillOos. op teases les fie or theeklee
ale eseillegr *eerie *heel leetelik le essereseas
ate. Pim eel sinetioisisea he one st
aim Tosty, le be Ilwelatiel
Mt CeeneMer sod sink Is matinown st isionteir
*Mew laillaire0.4:Zoili.:11 es or
Ow note ea net
ee emiel lir wove sr ior sinilse.
lithe Tbe satalegee ens la 110e this&
4111Meoti siesta. Yee this esilestles bed mmll'• '061ehrie:".. et "ftwarahoworill".""
pitted so et a steal, selistell Os "'TAY • il - fisepau tie nuealratireauliet
est a small hisrlirtisrae retusesa-
144* 'le biota ma Me bop" 1
a voriae axon Oita he Mole deeibt 1""' ".1"1"Illimi*
M0011.110 US WE*,
ClInetet feltiltitatmery.
Full supplie,a all kinds .4
Writing Parrs acd Envelopes,
now to hand, and silts low
B ARK 1360K8.
A panel aseffeeent of every STYLI
I13 LAN i 130(31CN
just 01,50•4 owl "Seed at lowest ranee
!or sob
1811 110044,
&C., &C., &Cs,
st herein presible IttotoRiest
North Sido uket Square
Goderich, Jamie?, 911i, 1871
_ _ _
I IF IIRNIIMED or unfurnished with me
`"- without Butud. A pidy to
Gau. Faesacis Mom
"ettar'' 011es.
Fide 2011 1872.
r tut sterifoihr •
.A.xectIoei Smile
- 0. • -
drz M. 211,1711111AN is instructed bp
•-.• Mr. iliehael to at kes
Salintoons Gaderisfs,
1 liesdeq, March I 2,' 721,
et 12 o'clock 'son, that spores shared
fats, bottle oest part of lot 2, Goa. e,
D. Ash field, asAset pan of led 2, es.
, D. Ashfi eotenrisiag in all and
lying together, 1 about Warms
of winch am els and prisipally free
from stumps. • is ate the 44
barns in Aakifield, toith • red d
hese seal orebard dm§ prosises,"aZ
• seer failinuereek lestingtitosilhlk•
property. The above farm h 24
mils distant from Kimplaridge, 5 !rem
Locknow, 6 from Dungsnen, amd shoat
IS from (tottered', • es* road bonne
within • short dimes* of im prelestlr
TERMS:- A sada of 6 emit lad 54
give. by paying a email ponies el SIM
pu refuse money down
Gorton*, Feb. 21%72. sw11/1.1111d.
en• licKENZII
Over -e oa
Pea -3
a ilk de muds
Shirts & tinge
and ender :
At Bali PM
1,000 Cords of Wood.
tlE0. LIENS&
ausireaso see Pt% wri• se mum ileherlib, 1Dsu Sip 1121r
p atl
. Testae.
A large email
thneigh oeusui
sad • sooid
of • private or I
provoke much
se intruded •
the hie respect
at the resoluta
Ile statol tit
heard complain
the eultoot
to broil do IA 1
11111neCt 11 no
reads glom 11u1
1111.4.10 1,11,
afford to lopora
ease n0 .0111
system, until tl
down them- MX
Wood ars triad
subject ef the e
of Public Instr.
of the catemorin
in day ion. oda,
real praCtiCal
what it was lift.
• large numb
all bole -tete A
terns on the sal
Dr. it miter,
tee appotutral 1.
stenos cones
of the late Tr.
sport It rein
sal to attend al
and concluded
"If• roots
Assent or ad
N. B. Wood, as
to indium hoe t.
Treesurer of thi
the Him. Z. Bl.
the Opposition
n otubly."
An objection
Cameron, the A
deferrer; for es
of bile were nm
Mackenzie Ewe
report of the oo
e mendment t I
fixed at $10U0
(15,000 art wa
down, and tb•
weather of deni
trcoll et
t rough
which the Hos
A large nu nth
it WWI hoped or
residence hrre
sort of people
this erosions.
iet.rora•p.int waa
11181100 fur stir
.4L'1••••••et-MidititEM."114.1F"‘. Ole •
&peninsulas' el
Scott at Red
oteterees were
Hose adjourn
la a very lit
weiT littee Flo
mother t..v
strithee. Thia
amb.r. Ili. nie.
of losing her li
read so tench
'foreign land". tl
do won, le
his mother sae
tiht. spore him li
'Jamie, whorl
nee or Itital,
It y:"..111
7.ori Vet II kited
D ien, •nol trot
aril r hop tro
dostass site h
roses you I
Th. boy wet
rta India. The.
land some wen
Jemie ki
was wi .ine w
had an easy tin
back Rom In
demote& and
free)* ones; mai
bad T
sailors were ge
set little Jami
prayers, and I
Now, &mon
other mike,
sorry to say, 1
tawknoghhst der,th,a,t,e;
lad. Eh C.11 X11
on deck, and I
end they went
New, &In
but these num
In( sailor then
wive had bole
il:eTilagbile4W171."'n'4cr; ;h:saihi i
turbot's co b
did1 The ne-
wt. his liarni
down to •ar
loon him by ti
14404 httec;h7raivrrud'
0137s.rMi g" h
tendon, .1 am
after him IC.
saw that he
to.aPrInvitalr: uari
did not kneel
ropes and she
Lifter's and le
Soo do rno
they ealeetoil
Ilte New 1
feraise• bee
4r4 neseihep 4 • XIV -resessiarresem meow :se essimereememossesekromessodfoome 4%•••••••••xXXX11.
eltriterlitre• - ,,,,X111.111111"0191,111141Ankylpft011.111X ,..0.1.11111111111110011011111111•0 wo,,./1.1111. h.% wo01111•11110. 0000.merwaX11,,,311mx 0.111111.10,0.0.1,104.,01:4111111.1,0-