HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-20, Page 1{t eft uron t9nal, (EiTA1L1'UtD PIANO PesLu41.0 AT 0004111041, COUNTY or HUaOI, 1)..TAwo. THE Wk KLl' SIGNAL, ls,grt 141.,1,101.1 bltar Ibwluu.a,Y'wheeler lorry TIM.*, Nael.g. tell --11.1) per woo. I. .ay.4o6-0.OI .Ndlt THE SEMi-WEEKLY. MLUNAL, Sly Tued.r .41 rtd.y is i w,10• ed marl Tags, PAN 171 ammo lu advance -µ. end. , ▪ J 1�3✓ ADVERTISING. et , I 1 4 4. .t •1. '1 '4 f 'a Casal rlr• rtl..u,eute .•Mr4.l cte lane of t,t PlY Y3430110.,.1he..t;s tlw., wateouuu 1311.41.•,41 r/. Tide bJ revet alae( .T. 1. BELL. B, VOL. 1 f epI)O,tor. "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODF,RICH, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1812. 3 Per. ODi 1tIC • u r, ....Pr Wee b0 yearly alvsrtlebMums wade ums an AS I plratwa at the U .w. ad..ru.,me.ta roomed wu►o,t testoo.400• as FAIT tr o the anber of .. wrt.a immted tun Naha •M ' viz Marg..u4rdugly ld Iaugdlp; ad1114verU.n w Wetted b medal Mie ptlp C. .. e.( -1• ilse tae yr Ando, n.301 404 It•.4-... let hem to. W,.1 Niue. Market Amaze, J. 3 DELL, Editor and Proprietor. Oedericb, Dec. 24th, 1872. Business !Directors). --- - Dr 1 . A. Ma.tiouaall ILL SI 010 AT RO411 FOR 00LTA aft to II a.631,as erery*y. en Il .1 bowafte•wMdh Nies or rt• (J O. yrs 1[.D. p r ttersinus.wsosDNMla • .a,e•t•dwl411.11 Aa ea,0 DR. M,LS.A.M, 1 PRYNICIAN,aUROJ04, 0/14)0111. ere D•r• aasa.8.W �.dtlr/4..1)7.1040100 .,1 E N0. 33 A. A. III. ♦a OIIIOUNICATION •!et •ed.o•rley ofo w h a Vlmtr. brethren W. RICt8O0, tee. .vets tr OF G. T. Ps AND CHARITY. tlry,Y N0. 11*. OP THIN 04) 14 1141.. IAM TwaiMetim Hall, West mg. coptsesei Glosk Mew Hu41111:1. y,.lt 1111. 4.411. n'Divifion No. 120 8 OF yEMPBRANCE. VOIJLAI I[LT 11Url10 OP TRI 4. Wast t. and v.alat e k In • 111010, .rt 01. 4,41 4...., w. 1 „040 T%41u0 i..Yna cordially until J. Cw41g,ON l [ J I. OAI*DW W. P. 0es.nes a lair 10rt 0►u -7I.0.0.F. 1]M. 0113314We NAI! OSP, PRTSICIA N. St/ RIPION,&..., OS., ever mop 81.ore, Oa400ct. 00110)0. Ere Lewes r)ARRIRTRR AND ATTjRNRT-AT.LA r obi.: n,r_.. Cheesery, 1..0044 Crow. A 380«404,038, Ue. n Coen 11... 4). --Ow_ Oarae.on If (/arrow -Y pAA4ADOTR Re, WOLICITIfea IK CRA NCM • 0.C..aa8R bad ebMVP b' J. T. Orrase k altars,. EAka1RTTI*R AN e ATTMtMM, CM n, -.•r, se rod.nrh. Ilei B'' L. 0...... ..1 w R. yr4M Tom. ata 411.9it WC1• BA TRISTIRS. ATrORNITN-/• •LA♦ tan la Ch .r. OaHod A. Rlafrrtr.-v / - DHIRIIt}aNR, be., Oode%k• J[7 J. a sf NCll: a , CRAW. Jr 3adrotolk Die, .....4, ly, I rn.a `dor, No. K .14.), Half Moon 111..1., Nolen. A wry fat.... , ,•mw Mak. Potreo,,0 411)4..... stmt. Venial a are readielly 1.04.4 U. F. :TEWART, Secretary oh. eek. ad. INTI, *11/- jottlo. ZURICH HOTEL. $usincs! iDircdorp. OfiVIANOSI MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH OROANF, Piano Stoolls. &c.. lac„ Ymut«iur.d br the oeieb,.tcd Mr. or 11. S. WILLIAMS & CO., Tu,woTo, Tee moot eat...lb makers I. the Uumlaloa. THL 404' .4Raedlrn to .lit..* 444 M W t .a a P80.Wyew? Nortnodetl,h .MtM•urround. weeny W qhs show. ye• tty e..hr•ted ara.aad ?.pre - peed Le 4.11 all arta?. ..de by taea..t NANCE11CTL'RER74 PRICER. Lmylee mer le ..• •.d tants ....rtala4 •t he .at scoter'. warn -Rooms Weal Meet. DANIEL GORDON* floderich, Asti 15, 1870 w10 TH$'n *I3RA.DI#URY" ANO, NOW. IN TOR WORT UNPRICEDONTRD A n0l,,Il y, admitted by the Musical Prof... .f the l 14414 Near Ton to e.r•el the P...s of all fro Hoppa, 4 P►e'rirfor. outer .wiser.. Ikon ACC(1411MTIVMS,MN C011•1t('141. IN POWER, PURITY, RICHNESS Cif tnr.u.. a, hayloft the lent .mode rows 4 Pap h Tyr Err.*011 00 Ind 1h hgnun of the 4•t IEQI1 3LI'rY Ole 1•()141E. g1Wlty) 000d rttdD. ea.'MIMI. linMe. PM Is repot!, asperminr nye on..ma.'t1Mk- £..iob. Oot. et►, 1S • .-1 , .004.4 te.*e,4" la the Mansion•or the wealthy ted. the l-oa.A Halla ,A tlln The I.nr„.w .larity of the STRATI- 111I114Y IPI A.141411 is .r.-ona.d for simply . 1. serer.... o-4(., bungla •very respect the Perla l.O. of the moot Allied wonmen.hl , end th. h+h•tt.e 1ed.4 pilaw. hhewn warded 1. by those hest ..n.IAwl 40 Judge.. @tying It Use sat perfect l.t40mra that is now mala PRICI4 RANGE /a1.. $350 To atWWO a.mrdl. to amount of carving .d Moab. HURON H''7E1., 1Ca1Cs. CO. RU ,0HN PRANG, - Proprietor. 1. Sited up with reef eoese.le.re b jv1114r pablto. ! O.L'y.hUy sad •.rocµ lured,W. 141 S, 1.70 _ I1•n Ae�,�wa-' wtesxw . PORT ALBTRT AOTEL, AW CR ANCR�Rfl �0 --PORT SLIM= • L 0a.a D.. .f�'''l 06131 A0.1a... a.dro.a.143 as • h. len. sera T.J. MOORHOUSE AGENT. insurance. THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL T "TFC ASSVT.ANOE Co.. T. J. Mlx)RHOI'SE. Aguut. Demm8 July 61 W91. T1f3F. TRAVELER INSIIRANCE 00. TNAL'R60 AAGAIN=ACCIDENTS C UNINO I4.11ly ...Wry or brie of Ili, grme4teMg the pay meat of Mew per week, from P 1. 010, 0r IN la, 01e01 of its pribegal saw lammed. Mon 11.0 to 460,040.ir the in,looyMeuse death with- in tale maths. Magnate full LIFE INSURANCE, and endowments of all form at 1.w Cr8 Rate. Pull ,doom.,ion cm beobtalrad of S. H. 1)4TLOR, OodeArb Ord May. Ig71. .471" THE ISOLATED RISK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANi 01- (:a nada. DIAD OP•JCB: King Street, Corner of Mock, Toronto. CAPITA . 000 1)44081110 WITH O0VIWIRINPIM IO • 460O te441e-r. ALEI•NDIR 41.[4.114, Iagi., KL P. /ORR N.AUtill AN, 1.1.1 (late A«I..nl-N.rre.ry w..r0 A.0r.0 Co. Maar-Canadian Pack M Comm.. 0.-- ADVANTAOIA 044PRID. 1st- AM..lot. .emit, to 4.11., Holsters, In the shay o/• we. lase 1'.h Cap4t.l Tod- 18• impor.at r.on. Intrdurea by this Compel, of insuring amt-Aaa.nYaa presort, a,l,. being the mor. • of ping It. Pniley Holden ail ler n..ee o0d ...bed .lwelnnp 8c. '0.l.- 11.10. k4,,I.) s., Infector. and .grata, be- fog all 00144 ,40 In Canada l.ro.Nl be aU.ted .I/Lout delay, and paid .n re•A at are. R. RADCLi1R, 1 y,. --.o10 eat 1or 1)04.ric8 W 410)0) et FALL & WINTER STYLES MILLINERY Fresh, Fashionable, Cheap MISS McCONNELL TT Aa .111.19T RR,'11 Vaala 1.010RR MICRr1 thee meal, of the ver, beat yu•11.y • Latest agree . W Inaewi.4 hue.: - Bats, Bassets, Ribbons, Laves, Feathers and Flatters. ,T• A .plead..4.04 of Cloaks . Bear•., Clouds Needs Mid W..Moe (Sod. W 1A,.. cow. N R. -A. rel. Aferosaell I. pr.Mr..,t tow oo.p.rlal. Ir mod vale. this mom. M• melw1h.I1r .nil, • ..II 70.00 4h. holm heron they wke their fall .4 .Inter Fur. b•0. O.d•nc1 4.. fad. le .11-0 ANCHOR LINE. atea01crsaatl Urery Wednesday and Saturday. 1Y1 ARD 414)41 Isaw. 7041 AND 61.011 Calling at Wr4.wefty bead Dams .ed Tgrr• • en., re hooked ..d hwNw ale re • fru. alk 1.11.•7 Mat.. la weal .) O.n...y, Norway,..edea • or lDaawYk r/ A,.. ..007 e Cheaply. . by,ay..14.,, lWu1. .r L.31 M 1114 N7L47 ug1ANTCIi4J, Yr.. layL. Ino. Ne. Tort Oak, Neop1. rat • .IOWA 41.14, Ile1. 1018, Pak, .Sept. Nnh...L'. LILIONI♦fiat, 44'1. fl al Sal, Ifs 714. ...}ANu4IA Nal, tat. 4018 Wk, (Ml lank ...Cl)Ll.41a4A4 4,, Nov 118 Aad every No-lwr.7..IM Saturday th.naf.r Ma, (tier flu, N weer, at w..n. ILtu or I',00.,10 1•0•H.e. •• V, T.. Levaan.,t,Ut+.w. u• baa. r: 41a 'use... tae M 473, rcordiad L. 1.•YLIO. Cable aaeunlw TIotst. (goo( for lr nota(.) w1un41 Lit reowodat., 4110. Iaermrdr., 011. 0440144., eye, cerement. at wean, 11ATW L Ne h,.tgbt 4.n by time .u►.•f 40 Sed ter (8rlr 70.00.• Draf...•oal oar •1••• tae preocr .1,..,, Apply . Ws C0mpey. 04or to wARNOCK, ..tel OM.Ace, Ott. O.d.rcA Oct 41 1471. • QQDERICH TO EUROPE TWICE A WEEK. ORO WIL11OI, - a Proprietor (100111•30134Mes. Mile 0.03 new. 1lae4a.Pa. 3 T►. Vs sdell1.d 1. 1L4 • 1r4- ... WAS, Mel B111gIa T•t WIRY, a0W0ROs.te-ere. M«A al eta 1.t• A Nclrn•ayO ,'TO LEND. - amens as s.yae... 7 RNAL R.I4.t0RA1•911 SOW* IIIVICIL W*INI?. . aNO OI n,A /14I r .. ern.L011. At n yet -La NIT. 1 7dir.), ' Ili 11() 1 l'E I lames C. 1.e.•ws, Atw,try41�w. H.1• amiss ., DERICH. AIR Nal► us. _ C ' 111. 'let3ne40. • 1c*r0RD warp if Res, BATP4)LD,Oer1 1..1 awes. 4.1..a.44141.r•.0007'ewNr a4.4 lin. ' Is. We. H4ta11.. 1VIL/0410148 AND RCMLYON, LAND C 0.va1seeet. AR4Hrrio4Tr.J1 uG. rl�y isneen04 r reps- owl . fere. Ra. Ar- i 4474...., to , .r Peet./.ol Private 80,.4.41s and Me le .410'l')0' 80 Cecina o. mw He: ICR Drnc.-J«rMnh m..k . Na,k., Name. Oederkf. Atoll 118. 1111. 4011 141. PO 1011(11.011(10 Isift SURGEON BENTIST Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Ooderich. August 1/18 10T0 *Sr( g W OODCOCX. Cow. •ov 1414 0.d A 1st70.4* Pa'a •M, Nvh1 0180,000 to L.ad at 8 per Coat 0.4014.8, 4.. 1, left. owl T: rATENTa FOR INVENTIONf8 EXPEDITIOOSLY & PROPERLY ee0e.d . C..rM: las Doled I is sed Reny. aa.d for prat 1Mle In ysi. MT. �ws, crass, of P•W. ••d WIT gY. rtood 0r M Na i �/ile4se.yba easter 8. MART O 41oshisi al Rngt..r, So 1h1..A.m.. w,-lr- lpob, 111. 1411 FREDEIt1CK ARMSTRONG, LIND NEU. VALUER, &e WIDI4T ST..131OD1C*LICH.. MV N E Y'1`U i .END/ art rnr the dada 4.4..1 C404It a.,aM W 1.. vertu saistescesefest and lo,e..nt a. ATe*i'ixim f z. !tale Crows bad PaMap takers ont. Debts b.11ee1ed• H.de•MA am, Mire 1.1 W. G. WILSON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, tninranoe *Real ¥state Agent eoIIifReiowta IR R. lit. DEEDS. MORTGAGES, Ao• DRAWN ANT) !I1CUTID ��"pI;g��e,�� TO 7�A"At1 AT lir pre .last gyp' /41a tilt, Swa ttf . /0•aCL tial COOS ESN PORMN. W. I)O Mt CAL ae414111[: , fatal' Re 01I.b4. J.. lOth linedO riot). ME FRTY. 04.44. WH)LIpAI.r I DOnrrry. ..,77 081, COMillon tc F1 (:LIN'I'ON blI00b.+d Imes xi. F.. MARTIN Proprietor. Good Accommud.ti'.a. Ample Stable Krum. Cy. Thin is admitted to b. a First cls Home kept in Good Style. meed 111►. I.T0 100MINION CARRIA( E SA L tiers tysta l Cir e orrny ne8 Ra ,ale t`o_ CCwNssvery W M ile.. 4. its nada. rat teek.•adolher R.)erpe.elafystteed three/Moil the C0at7, 0.11.4 a11g11AN'N Aeuljs ?tan. DDYIAION ?B(,E%APH INSTITUTE, Its Awn. eon Tern(, Tree se lye teetNst. is Onts.le, ia whale n s & • M•eiaaM•-1Mad' :address .-Trat.J.1. TROT, : . WWt1i. 4. R J. WHITELY & Co R. 4. WHIT4LT. JORN 4001 .r• sow .*.aM.Ong. • Phstons Buggies and 4pring Waggons. Md. for •ppe•ranee a durability cannot M nr paa.d eM u. .rnr1314. pate... of .0 who wan. • Mel -r.. •stele. rY 111 won Wrr•nlosl CARRIAGE TRIMMING. ■ olio Morar ..11 end wt.mlly .0000.4. elft 4.07ahh.Mer the enpMOtw.den.e 0f 41r John Rawl Ibnn0Oy .r Reedt. ) one of tae Ara. LUMBER WAGON. Orders la thin Inn. 0refully attended to. Jobbing and Repairing. P hot •rr..04 y14 to ell order, estrulted M n• N n. t oared... M rad bort sow bens. mend 3 .madly 4i.Mr04 140 May 100. ii: alanaMtBw ats33•031ae.letly em heed 33•031 M. ISr1 Itooi,. ! W HICK, \AROftI'TECT ' knew Neweer. <_ tiod•rIoh Th. 4000 mawept.enehlr • T.Alae.l.- how 0.111,..w, miss .a 00111 I••n0d.n and Ao,.Av.n . be ate at the store ofthreul Nor4A Sas Market Allttare. Cooled. 11.E Sept It ave LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG WATCH AS YOU GC TO TNF POST OFFiCE OUOLAPO IcRRNrl4 .410.0 4 • hie .,.r. D thank. to III p.1,10. for the 44110,00 patronage .▪ II en1' h J't04 n.•d lir dr..rr0 It wore .d sore He dould call .serial attention to th. RUSSELL WATCR ler the 00)0 of Meek he 1a Sole•gent InOod,rie\. Re hee nn hid a very ler4 ' 'ook of eh. re1.Me thaw Mover Markle. mire • mellow Peen r4.p M to guaranies .I...rt,m to the •. parrb•r. Then . . otA1. mon tantalising than • lad maks ..d Ilan Is 00 nem. for Wog enema will melt whoa 'TISK 4 RUQ NMOL. tl.to be of gold al elms. J,w4 '7. Watches ane ('lo.8e rr4alr.d.. s *erk- .4.011. Yea. all •ad Mf a,4 DOViLA8d1 MCK,YZI/E, 404.40. Rea ISM. tent • FHOTOGRAPIES $1.00 Per Dozen. THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON ANI) GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, Available *peels, $*7,000,000 lams paid. we .Tarr of n.IA7.90. years ea Mead FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ! rind a . U788() ()()()t)(),!WHIM0. h.`.. liquidated ....t •. ad..a.I wtrro. T y.or.fw. !merit). Proa,pt Per meet, awl Lilrnll•y 1a a1. Jus. went u• ide b..n are 18. prominent ketone of W. w.l,c1.mr*ny. PI 10 ) 1.14E POIJCIB1 I..0e.) .IP Merl( Hesd Of Noe, Canada Branch, ION TR/AL U. f .C. 81111 H,Kedea tOerret•ry, fn0TR*At A, Y. ROSS, Agent fur llod.ne. DNLF1,07,KNI.nmBACK NROATI7n L161 emu, postage free. On. Come from Mekne(emR87oeeta, postage free. to0ny address ripPlrtieltar Attention paldtoCopy- New Botcher Shop , • Ing old Opposite Henry Martinis For either !ergs or Metall pbotngr•p1., The HOTEL, IiAMIITON ST saber, iber in retorningthenhe forth* liberal TH.a.Mnibew plren.lnurMktg U.. wouldjust at. that h* br mall. "eh prnpVed .anppt, O,eehol.e.t yields nuance of the tams. 1ra••ii A mbrotypes. WLesTEN1 ASSURANCE OO4 MPANY. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK , ,......9400,(110 SURPLUS FUNDS 2174,389.8 RECEIPTBFORTHEYEAR. ENDINOJUNE 30th 1871. 357,868.28 HON. J. McIIURRiCH President. B. HALDAN Managing Director. FIRE ds MARINE INSURANUE AT Lowest Current Rake. patronage heretofore extended to him Aroryn ..1 . ,40Mher Mop at sen ale,. Mdrw. prorementain his gallery vwill writs 400 endeeba..Illh f S•l • lower paha elsewhere In tow. a..61easouly eel. • kikl Great Relisetlea Os Ort4.411.1 d a ell parts a to. targe rkotegrsibs. Gkn 7 L J S01PICI A1. LOW 'rAR1PTl01RAT1eM,COV),RIN• In.nnnre rnr nee or throe ))ern M detached n«n.fts (Tnt.4.. end Mhomls with mn4.1(0. Ir. Cities, Tens an4 Country pla0. Theft rotee and t.rwa ofndlr, particularly ..or•ble to the /ar.. lag Commn,lty. PIM Chen nen .natal for a tta.wmng A .r t\0 to.n.ldp onto.. this Town A y . writing with reform...* to the .denigttod for ere. missile. . the Read (01'.. D. WAI9ON. Local Agent. Ooder1.8. 1Tta Neot. 1111 -S cd Ye ROBERT MOLEAA, UMNnoN, .dtdr 4I..T1.1erl. we - IMPORTANT Asr. la lar?. wIo IMPORTANT NOTICE Goderich Harness Shop g B. MANN W. A. MARTIN liana Sins k Ards? Plllter A/pires . •aerses the? hs•ti rl-Alagt m A094)4 INT TRUPU*i.i, iHAT M44 R Atw 6ar.t wr,.d 4•..0o.a«Te►.. .h. •tl..hat .sow h is p•n►arwa nwaewM p•arw► lst4• k a, almA, aoderM\. f. A. l� W Ely . M A rvn•••.•Mr p.io•n rMekM M 1\a peln,e .rro4y A..40 lin. roar• 1. 48. keel 0..owee 44 0 Ill W4 t r+•4 adMMa • ertla.ree of t. flays R • W w so. emeare4 H 4484 w awe LIMIT AND DNA TT HARNE/4e, Nor la do Use 10 Paint your Cittall Mlaa-�It (led bee& dollars altt,eswapl. y wq\ d0ya.•k O,eset peewee I M . yt 41Tweet 0 Ave holes'. Ir4"0 the M w 1310.0 •b•0 . 70rt4 Meet vest to 1,e.al)7• 1 /a� • .l ,.4 with varnish 040. em...4 4.. 140* l .HM.y, . R•.- (4wr.y. ' 1114.1 81tIR1i, tad Carriages. stator .aalrr (1.rr141.ta s. 3110A £TNA FIRE INSiJRANCE Call HARTFORD CONN. cites CAIRO AL $3,000,000.0G CASH ASSETS 4 4 4 4 5,742,635.09 10881!,'4 PAiD IN 51 y.ara28,000.000 00 e Aa Ursa. tOarlrz.cse0MM, » •- 0a.yre yro Gaya, TI,F to re tar The Largest Capital, THE LARGEST ASSETS 1871 -,t' 1871 ,r Ifie Splendid Inman line THE QUICAESTAND SAFEST STEAMERS •b Tug wCRm'Itif41a 11*V1N0 beet APPOINT= Arent lo. Use INMAN LINE, OF STEAMERS FROM CWormer. I/ ER IICI1 to LIVERP(N)L, QCPIt01fTON, SLAPS. W OH WNIn„D1Nal V. 144. York at lb. A,11,.0(44 low .•a C M. 407 404 From LinerJ.OJ, 4JweruG.n, *Way or I.oatoadn77 to QOdarloh• Caps Steerage Stteer *gold 4r(Tlrke,. Arline www Trip Issued at • n J.rues . 0110 to ,rr rel. AI:OCRT T141e-T ART 0177 04 DWI`Tvl.1a.0. Sew T,.► A4uM a CITY O►W•HHI4•TOW •• a CITU OY 0Rw YORK - •• le CITT or 011040114 •• 17 ha41474(4 1T CITT O• IANtg• It CI rT OF ASTRO,. - ft CRT OF BR4R,RI.TN •• „ CITY 01.1101141174 4 11 EP1'8e aho•rit x would rospeet.U7 ergo thew • tea44aK to Mit Parole Mb. •,yen, beta by Use u... Win .6104 ,Ina)-. run.. 0e m O., hog made the lb.. 400natlee, end .84.8 ,aa afford the aoe eowbrt•8M av-o8n.,latbn to (.eee7ere. 1. 0 -The ratee quoted shavelake rot mew the Do4erieh M•ttm pi the dirk at LIvr4o,l. Q.a. ft. Glasgow or landoe4007 .d vs. sass Por lana., brHatles apply b ANI)R RW WA MALL, 0.04) 1. gutty 000., YsYrY, ,M3p=�,MI get ea.m At• THE LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME or ANY FIRE INSURANCE COMFY IN AMERICA. t} ]),posit ramie iota 1Ae Domirnto0 (4/eernulrnt for Use benejlt of (.dawafs,rl Polity knee..s rroluto w(y. r .Recent failures show the impor- tance of patronizing the Companies that afford the most reliable indemnityand the mine of an /Atria Policy most ap- t. p. -Rema.! .4110) n ggee . the Imam, ef D..l)Inp, I Tun b,0, B4 ,,od arol Pottle N0t1.1141. ?Mum of thew and Ave maw. e4 Mr . law a time. h .Ids wllh ..M, b the Company. DIXIE WATSON, 4 gent O44erb8. Jet . f04), ISH, .1 1 MONTREAL OCEAN GODERICH PUMP FACTORI MR; 4UR*' RIRtR Is PRRPARRD TO FILL ALL orders for, r tar 711I P' - STEAMSHIP COMPANY. t4RTI('R P.M Mewl rrmn Liverpool, 1.404.._ 1' (terry, or Olrgow ty the .M.. Atemehp Coy O 4.14, b P. H CA 1476. R. Arent (4rand Trunk R.11way. .4104,.,,). Aog, 15, 1.:0. ale, ..4 r1.. .rlds•tiw. rest,. .nd141 erdare Ay . dl x111 pp, r gi.• depth of w11 how plata s, O 3.141 Town... No Of 01USMeeI0 Med ret 414 W ALIO 0o hsn.l RRrICRe1S1,Ra roLEBe.iRD ROOT SCUFFLERS. CHURNS AND STRAW CUTTERS. An Ned 0* Mrrw+.w., ..d .maw 34-mptb al M M - erewe ,eod•r.S saif4 1%1471. : • .wail al .nbr• DIRECT 1/PORTITIORS. A. P. MOLE AMT, Merchant Tailot, Nam mired Sem ft. to BRITISII MARKETS With a •plealld stook of Scotch and English Tweeds CLOTHE, FLANNELS; BOY'S CIAYrHINO. MEN'S CLOTHING, SHi'RTS, or all description.. AND GENERAL OUTFiTTINGN, All qhs. be pnr.M.nl to the Inst .4..ter, e witch W. r,,b.mere will ha.. the 800.11t. elf Call and ere the Stork and feed the prim, East Street, Opposite Knox's Church. 0o4erlch. 1148 OM 1071. 1411 MOiSlyCLAY 1R833Ii 11YAAL •illoncg to ss Per Anna in advancer -111111111=mm- WHOLE NO, 987. i►c1IDe R �>� c v 8 i--• MONEY TO LEND At Greatly rsduoel Rates of Interest T11s.MerMg.e4 W .Ilmlat of..u)7'. bre fn.4.4*0 4. 0Mre years. .t a low 0.1, d Mem..a, !browse. tonna of re44mot. parable ey yearly 1.01a4a44te rate et •.4.0.0 •111 d•7 comp.Ybt. HORACE HORTON - Apprnlserforllue (7 Pere insnent llnlldlas & 3371110 *octet y, of Toronto. INSURANCE CARD. Tb• Nu4rrl Mr 1e WM tor the 4,11ow.yan -ol .a I n..r.noe O,.enometee risotto lam Lend.., a.tlra4. NAHT1t1•L7 of /farthest PWMM%CIA L., Tomato HM111811 ANNA ICA, of Ter... t1Y,w em Marine hawse. de. .t the low.( wed. 4040. HORACE ROR7'ON (Nfioe Market Square, Ooderith. 111\ 1070, 4101.. DANIEL GORDON. t CAB, NET MAKER UPHOLSrERERJ Hsw lyk A view,. a vita.. MIPSP e8ae4 9 Wed .p... ..Vm la.A..4 wort tiaI et Ca4.• FURNITURE W Aua0O sla. .8..8.991)4 j taws sowey Whilewit bum.. more m for pest 1 etroae 4 M 8 .4.. by •LAM et1*10 4 t. 4.14 • 0.04U.0410 and )00•1•.• 10..pport e HE HAS NOW ON HAND Mae et 18• *Mast et., t• e1 (.re.1... 10 Os Count/ and te o. the •W4.el .41,1 p.•p.rad lu .apply r-.w,..ro 418 •••71,81u3 40 A* U••••.•kal t.r•ssmewm a Parser sea. 4.dhwr est. is Web., d• un la Cheetaell de do le whits 4430, rlattreem M everySeernpno4. P.•the0 Sola.... Pillows la. r ON HAND ALARGEAS a,X1'411NTOI11 Meter.. 40.03 .41 Pa.nmallrmos. Lithographs Platose• h.•4' lb, floe. Ilmiag Wade •r•••••••••1.with • T.•r..nto 4.ouradud** H.wee es, empty Pleur• Yraore. • .y .tyle required et Torah H. always w \Sad • eo.•ble Sanwa most of Coils & Shrouds Is thetitt'st Style. •1.4#,1116 4 R E E. to iY l few. 0721Ct�►p roaG7af■ttl 2 Doors Wester Pont 011ce. t*.LNatb0r ova Conh(vodtoke0 lm: NJ Amts. . rich.1en• . ISR. .WK ExtensiveNewPremises 5.4141) Splendid New Stock. MONEY TO LEND ON RAPT T4J141 I NOORM14ATID '1'H ltd A. D. IM RIIRON & ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIL'TY. CAPITAL, - - - • 8700,000. '110141 WN:11TT ADVANC0R 410NTT ON ASCU. • At, of Real [w.., W e Term Troy avw. aides 4m,w,n •OLA1/TER ('COSTS A.aCHAROED e'\e .enelet7 pays Its Annette,. ehegss. Am Ma ef .•any. trot. 111l40 upwarsta, M lent . r., Meals M y..ee from. to nn... Nn., dyad obtabwM el 407 dim with I4(4le or . delay hy..41 the Elm no. raided l■ 40,0.tlgalw4 the titles •nA preparing ta. Norlfta.4 the mast Mor DMA I. pa. blithe Norway Tyr fell .4,00* of the naw Is adsauced -M M1M- lion MI41 wade for ,'00400.wlo,. or Mbar • ltrin. whirl. often add .mate/1.11y M the noel of • I..n haw oilmen...40tlw or *4094 Individual. The tor. rower raa repay \. loan by yearly, half.yeerl 0..04017 panne.. TM pe..44.•1 Instalments l..lnd•, Meld. leter.t • .mall end 4., 7.1. 1pal eat Om re . 4..1 (..44t.3 by their pa/mint I8. 4.bt 1. e.Urel7 •rlo.gel.►ed, •ed In mortgage d.. olw .LA oaA 'fthetlwe 0IpaWod. IC AMe;LIC A year, rr 34 at the 40lir la vin • M payy.. teel. 7...mh d wit •N $e the ale N IA 4430 to If u ors. M The lata 10. . 4.01441 Mother d Ade M".q r the beet /alter NIM of thetas. 4.7,4.8 It h .4-141 04...017. •M ft. ypn. Iii y .(R berms tremor. t(rre.mor. Mw marl.M it• ay stew .4Mndieg na'eese Fetter knows. and .:nd.ntood Py the .mill manta ofp$. lyd included ho tad yearly .e.1a .t, the borrower rrr1M117 awl 0(1Mel Mobile. pay. or 11). Ione -1800 e•.at141 IM rill M 1.141 8M property .80,8 M ate* happen. Mee the eneeya ell. ln. l4 • large win at the vend of the harm. - N• ram. at •07 thew. Fey off M. Lr. .a ad..4.., r,relde 80o.. bleb nee to .0 . OU.4r wet8. I ..Air 47( r4, 00 the •pplfeOnni M the borrower.) and Int•rrt •t Ir per r.1. pr an0nn .III I.M.IMwed ow all pawns. 10 Meas.. INS 4rt4..l,n awl IM..M y M obtained • thlorl00tj. 0.... n, by letter pal weld, aMr.eeel M the f400etar7, r haw a07 of W 0044.470 4.1 ae11n cRAPLU macs ea. •as•tte at 0tderlse HURD& ROBERTS, Note. off *0400 L ,.N.it 04 SCOTCH GRANITE MONUMENTS Teat street, ■asllltes, h' -v 1e0.ta0tly M hand .1 MR IMP* So soder mea a4r1 not. all thole •11 e M alnwrrrMmast N a.),. .meires3 41....) 4wM0nr1.31.r0 Table/W:0 tl•a tooth Marble and 1RtM ISN out., s.. M , 414, Money to I.oanonRealEstate APPI AIOI-RlmheTr•el.adLoe*Company et 11 pp., a •wads. 0 11 r1t7s11AN, wy Mame 9g3.w csarriea TD two a Poem r TbTo.4041 .417 e r p.. .t Art CArpA10 Ne.1.l.lbr 04*bj4*ave. 0000, 1071. dlld ,40L Land OtIloe, 1 13033 0. Imp.. Poo 44d TIM L 'la M ?AMMAN (red.rie4., Ass 15 1N7e awl C. Barry t Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turners, 13,41. A ,rRYSDIT MT. sate 00.44.4 41.444. w tram 9• eekser'. A GOOD ASSOB TMENT 1 of Itch.. Bedroom. rh0.n.ro4.. are ear or rn goiters, nod. TABLES, L II Al Re MIF,.*. Sad wood s.03) C1PM'4Rtel Bapwr1A131 WARR SMART(. MATTOCUN4,a LOU NFO. 004•R. WHATNOTS. LOOKING GLASSES *4411 PRAISING. 4r .. 11 1 11eprepared b ' rsell evor).i In O.. Use Cheap for (Cash. N. 1 A 10pin. assortment Mr'on. .41 4a3od. alw•,• on And .al . Hearse to bite ; . ea tease. akar tarns. A BALL SOLICITED. 0e4rM►, I 441 ISR , NEW BOOKS, Wal 1 J'altper &c., &c. WHOLESALE&RETAIL AT HUTLEIH'8 BeautifulAssortment OP JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS Jun 111.SAI1Ut1, 4444._ (:HEAP AT BUTLEWS Fishing Tackles, N OTIOM 1 A i.LP A RT1ie I NDEB TED)TO TRE Anp�a1 (9840* for work dime previ..t Y aRoiin .d.gez . kd. MORArs1, Kispi.rot. alamslds . d"W11►aN... . Aa it NE The 040 1 fib.fib.a72. sow** AB AM II111r•1'su , a. • .40 "1 • •1.1. RINDS. 70101IIT1NO On 8141. 8.408.741 k1(Ts ROOKS wad Nal r 00.01., ►. •NTO dttLLINC AT COST AT BUTLER'S. a ilsant NMI Asa. kala Potirg. tis of sum. . H • it Geta .e dove • •)b 7016C Ie 8••005 Weare or )o,,),'.w fs.: /w 1 MINIS Ha' 1.1).4"(.007 PAP O •018. ,...s10.01. . ib. vb.•. quw 14.pr'd p ley 000,41'114•10 •ata Nm. ...lire. •,, Al1M3113/ae- .,• hrensvAir A W I8. 9040.4 bowl, yo0v e h•o.a•. mist 3~ t.Ie W. o y Mew, lax - Y ()..p.40 .1.y . hi* head, 111 mag toe a. 7e. d Weisel wlrn I mark'.' t►. I.•.r,i faintly real II ,IL W L 11 MA.h te deo. hr., 0. I.. , Wo„e ai W. 1.1.17 0" I d *4 tab way tau; Wit • 1 3w0a1 W 4404...( a.nrw'a •pe.4, la. Avid., liar mor,*. w , A. lib., IMV* tat lea ,.t .. e. hunted, Vr .1. ba. 01 he, Suit l.r. 1 and e 4 Mt Ptak h• . t8is world ww114 red IIMu r .hu,,:d L. L,...4 4. tar ;Moto. keel, Au ,..w4 4 b • ths e: ISE .'.O.' :sats Dodd's Wass; NOT IT WIST, ANN SUP IT Cala MAIL "Oru,Jfatl..r," lie Saki, 'tit's above/ Ile.e for your glass of ale, ain't its" "Mdl, y.., Joh it, 1 thunk it's getting on that way," said the old luau, is • cheery moo. "W,11)1111 take it here?" John ask.. "Is tk. 'h. Nag'. IIo10H" the old 111.4 inquired, The lis * head Sas .he Lune •hsch Lr ked 'seat" for f..ny) unls. tratitlfether," J.,hu said, "tbia is not lir Nage Head; but they keep • 4uodOm of ale het e." "Mall, past as you like," Daddy ea. minted. S•J,Lbrok the old man into apub. lie h.nr..tposite the .1.74h1.1.s yard. and pre lien the usual tie. nskela; for it was Ddey's pride •IwaJ-s W parr for his INw.,th hie own heed. While Daddy napping iia air, Jotn tweed off a o.yie 41 gleams el spirits: he wsa trplag W tweet h. falling courage to the pkeet A'l,rn the old man 6.0 lin. fished le par, Jobe Le•k him once inure bi the hand, and Lurri.uly Ied him Saw tier..ad, H• we at the gate, b.s,w., , a it1 a full heart, la.k- ii g 1400141a mitt of tears at the dandle of the eetko„M tall, n netting only the clutch tat tep•jr, Then the old eons luukrd up • W face $,,J sed: Jukt' "Yee, radiator." "AM tMagni wwkh.u.ol" Daddy's 13,113 intimation that ha knew ideal rim, the thought that he suspected Is datum, struck John to the heart; W M buried the .14 uss away hew 14.(.5. ' retsina, grandfather, nn, no!" Joke ail what haulm yom think ,d that? Cor, •me away; we're gulag bon., grand ser, going Emile as fast e ere John w...ilona lo drag Daddy away fm• Mout, that he fairly lifted him off ka kpmd carried bias scrum the nod. h its ell teu,ent •tad haste be quite Inv Ja4iy'a favblenees, and hurried hose% at such a rate that the old mss ler hes breath, and was nearly f.1II. I: was not anti] a street had here r0 44450. them sad the Zurtl/ b$.J111ed _ slid allowed Indy M recover biate)L After that helm l.4 I,im gentle hack t., the emporia '.004. him in; and re- plaoud blm utold *hair by the fire- side. •Ic,uldnt&(, Martha," he said; "my hand se se the bill, when he looked twat awl upok• to me; his look, ani Meths laid,. 4 , . to the heart. 1 saYa't tit Jul if i was going 4nrser the your mild m.n. It's •1NM that murder, Martha, to put • fellooerwwe la yeedsr; it's burying hi. sin' "Met, Joh0-' "1 say 1t del nor he dome b1 me, Martha,"J,heswp..d sternly, ••We must d.. the baa es can for him, and strive to thetas( b ore him and our. selves f0,m that epos An intera4gid holm swelled th• compact bet.... -that Daddy was to h•.e • home ss the= wink the haJ • roof to MI tad ..w., and • lied of broad to share es him. Old Daddy Mile only been • con- aider•hle enemy .John and Marthat Yet during the wise months he had been much In live. H. was always pottvriegat.etsow shop, which being also the •ittte(+le Ld not.. afford smelt mope fa bsnm and domesticity combined. Bet well* ane days were coming, said psd, mild be able to IpeId a taw d 1.04 Ilii tam. rut of doors. So,, whoa Ens d•)• cams, little Benjy, J.8,l!5. 4Mt but two, .ho wiz not ..Id ant w he of ant W isteMceinthe burrs Is* apFoiated to the sole end saddstld duty of mind- ing grandfather at eking him for walks, when N ear resin ret 4. gel Mss mut of tad way Lode f1. njy, a Mt., large bsd.d,:I«.king boy, of . ix Tears, was 1Md*tspecial pat and favorite; ole,p„aapalasghthave begin said, a suu►'me. melmhl• • person wee Ilenjy, that Dado .o hie pet mad favorite. fad tat t it 001y, they lo,ed each ether, at on line days, when the eon. sloe, 0 es. thdnr delight to Wander harden Mstu..,.rtheuei4h- b•rinQQ ttrm•.., prrdrll togs. her Ilk. two Il4.ildmn, sed rift 'n, with child- like weenier, 4 the may things in the shop windnm '1'M roost round about called Moo Iks Hales in the Wood, and old Dalt) was certainly u much a hat at Reap. 141 these wrdennp 01'17 was care- ful not to r.).e hI M0M or Dcldy'a 4.401, for bee. FartiaWly •1141.1404 014.1► to Isaw8tat tans oo,tent, 4044, whatever he IM. 04)41,1(01 hen, rumble down. One ueddy d•1 )40J) did I.4 Daddy tn11.bla awl alert state of mind he ass in f.,r40r bene'Ihneh"old find it out. H• dM his W. with his little 00104 entlon pockethu,dkerehnt In efface all 1140.. or 10111 fro. Ddd's lrouers; hat he wax afraid kat Menai man aught "411 on him' Not Wit deli* rat any want of loyalty Letwee them, Intl 14..1047 ver pttlnt e0 pmd,aa th.1 h. sometimes, qute ■mntremeally, lag dtt thugs yea r4 B.eJT into trouble; «o, when anything h. mend, 44.njr war obliged to r00ynd gr..ndf•th. r that M -"_ w. n,d M tea ''Ynu won't Nell met8MthatIl.thlei Ina 1.11 its the .d, will y., t',ed he would say, •a they beat tla.r stems AND RA1L8 ROR SALE homeward. tA. s111 0.40 pn "Oh an, Mnj1,. 0,,,q 8)20011 tasted. "I -I Shammy . it." 714* *411I.nes At ars?, Itl,re 1"4D .s• 48.0 bed Leen 40 .. .bed 44 a �rr R.ljy .,vg111 •n ,...,SIMM ah.* hi• r" 4fafh•n Idle» wit e oast (wh ,. t dor. ltn V bpde..«.•,hut a betµh. baa eosa en kn"• the lee bond of 4.,r•betw en them'a04' •Last* to 0,01.4, (b,., m ,40•I dOr.4lm.• p0 when it was roast"tally bnme 8� inedvartanee. ,r • Iap.t d r0'eiir Not 100 to 7lcbtoree AL1. PART11I 1711I0TRD TO TRDI MDR[er,Ib.r .111 Nee. pay •p at 0444. ABRAHAM MITI". Sees.►, ITIS (tetom. • CED' R POSTS NT STEPHEN YATES. EXCELSIOR GROCERY (J4.r*r\ 20)), lea.., 1071. i BRANTFORD BREWERY T Spinner's B Which, in ll.e,ly'1••ts, -- h•1� fad HOS. SPENCER, PRO. pp4o....1nl.i(801,,.. w•t"mir.twaarel. 17hici bo.. inn the S0mar ,/"•i'01r XXX Ales k Porter •It*r their e.aI,).', (41417 "'d Elginthey Spencer's Bottled Ale 8.41 dtraly tale,t+uq 'St 8. 1111a,d Fte II (•milt' of the. ,,,dsn'd tNgli01 Fine err' tion, 04 ."met+ T4.4. Mw fte F-lenf)er's Ales to Pnn , 1...lel'"'I' 1R �l Cbeon. barrels and level John .ed M e'rwfk �d t►•`s f Half barrels. at the ..)I. a,at ror•'d7• Jfrw ao t4.• dse savw1. TNJ b••df (tae• GODERICH DEPOT, etdl ;11e„M 1, ►�� ;att,';'. - fNARKRT ((QUARE. - 3tiO.ORAN wows 1r. 1St Ig/5, .waist► 4 T )t+tte..yf 4*. tyre ass..w.��' 1 dsaplRlo Ono 100' • r' 0