HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-16, Page 4• 4 • I' g New Photograph Gallery 1 Scottish. American Jourhal, (Next dour tAt TefeyetspA office.) ardner Sewing Mac deft* We 41 envie Ole Since It le, let at a MIA 01, ICI Thou “usla of Pottle who saw THE 0 A RON ER in oper For family and light in...nuts...luring work the Gardner $'ewing Mac TOrnit TO, LONDON, CH THAW GU LOO AND DIIA ALEVON It also came with high honors at the Provincial Exhil, tied was awarded • Diploma at the Hamilton Et .r1111D BUY *0014 116ert; 'said law. WAhmiaCfem riaL 11. lo Jet 0111144. 4.1M...rya to 1061 t44,04 14,r sh..14 oat Ombtore 0 Warr nom 4b. nosh 41 r 41elateery • r lel, .14 NA evapharit ha . tit at t Jowl JOU!, CIR/lErs. Thf Pwst t. Cowed me • Wirett• the but etMeal • rum Iv h. lief IX!. Son ow Lf set .114 0. uie too IT M ILL SEM FROM THE AT TUE Kingston, • RICE(LLRINT FAMILY TA.. 1411. bavanwo TIP Interests BrIthh Reslitests 111 10TOBY mush.. costafas an Soot.* FIP7CON 001.41111 80(YPTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL goilday ?oar la the Mighlieses," Dy Protein. Oraot, eke • awsbers Nat Duca 37 Park Roo, y. pat Suborn.. Moose mithanneed bum.. liquem Asol 4% met Mtn., la tie Tomo of herbeetel. "Se, the •totr formerly... upled 4.10111% 11AR HIS ...bola re.penitlully it • Moo. of publk la the own( modern Ho • pr, toted to du al' l'ORCELAIN'PcrrultES, &c. Large end muell In 11.. h.. .1)1e ul the.. h.. oh. town allowal to Iwo* the 0.414m oalleee alp W. J. WHITLEIt Goderieb Rept 1111A. 1871 orrly THE Very Thing Wanted mom II THINEST MUSLIN TO THE HE MDT CLOT IT ES HANDSOMELY MADE AND Simple, Durable, Convenient and Ea Learned, A tad hes the most complete set of attachm maeeine now manufactured_ W. S. JOHNITON. AGENT roil HURON COUNTY, N. R -The foltowing iv scope fnan the Globe. daring the exhibition week at K ingston.- -The Gardner Sewing Machine Co. hibit 'leveret 7 family machines now on view were in operatton during the day and stewed from the li..flitiset work to a piece of sheet lead and • bit of cigar box combined. The machines do light manufacturing work ao well as all that regoirod' in any family...04e." _,Ovelsrich, Dec, 7th, 1871. of aoy 0 1.4 team 01.01..A4.0 WWI CL 42, Tml Leer 4A WPM low T OK NEP/ HARDWARE RTORE In 43IrcwiLnacil OPPOSITE MARKET HOU3E. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW ?MICE of COPARTNERSHIP. I HAVE this do, tatco Mk- pertimrship la the LitetWebrti. Tito 1 trio., .111 cool,sue to 1. Co.. el the old sow oe Ike Martra ?Nolo, pool al Lloderich, Ovti. la 1. 11 to the Market NT MI NAT Waggon atd Carriage BATES & ELLIOTT 14 AVE pleas.. In Intl - A mating to the puldte of 0.” remotes Out they have epee. • W.A.. lard iketvlerm et, (A. Elauttli old stead.) Inamedlittely mIkublog the Weeton. Ho- tel B & pemoimilly to •11 Wm work eat rusted ta the. aud ere *eland to tat a out , Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, alia everything It thelr 11., of the very *et ina tenet wet ....a maaalalp mid et the very lowest re suaerativ• rat.. 417 Ca 23 3Z1 1N7 Ihsros WP vas. Mots. year v.v. Weposeo AA. D.wary that foe the )ewr ladttore RIO 1,1.'4 lavere: M- r ef J4mre ear 11.1 Dial. Tod 'bit !mem 11.4e4 r Jam. Dalk•M Vow 11.1. the earl W OW Maki w atet. la tom Ow .41 la thy. Cooed. 464. 4, get totollool 41 M. IM10.. Moroi W 14 • of hotly 010 duller. ebergid on 114 INItoe, wooed by A. Dmery the mho.. al paid by blni to the attonrn to meet 14...111 Blerki 11611. "tea, the lAtk ea T. hmery. Canted. 4odlli CO .1 IL ly Promptly etteaded to. c113 C -741=P - To OUT 11111 LARGYrfroci of Nails:laOls and other Which we hem jest received. ha, a• Joel cowl RUM opeolua out avi hours 11. mot COMPLETE STOCK OF Painters Wanted, 70 rhar ;put the Leer. asonrtinent of Tale.. 011. 61111106de which •Ill be .14 at promo Owl defy rmoopertitioa.- Before stratums 41.0., oho.. Maws -14•1 ot Goode Solt. Nest wank, Guelph SewinR Machine Co, THE OSBORNE SEWING 'MACHINE. KING OF AMERICAN LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINE no rival. Machinehas ihe ohouholoovt• to darn. It w the 1.10 kw le 01 .louie.tot• 11/1124. bum t. re doe. cambric to the roe,. t1 u.er,uat mop*, Inettim dAgnstmo Toe TOWN LOTS. Trott.. Rill. bote hood. •gply to Goderlak 11th Jul). 1041. U4' VT•Mirnia"m A Pf ROT .1.4 01. FAUN 0•11L1A‘11614f.,41Y. IL I Coo Toeurblp Gnaw,* ollohhe Ilieneorbon.loin of the bibeh. nom mi. Roo throe watered. The hallatage man. en redweritemy re. or.o.nrom. .1.11 nr Goderlek If lb 1014.. 1/71 sw64-tf • Rouse a!Id Lot. 04rtrh Jule 1671 For Sale. et ...half Illy prim hitherto 11101'8F: AND ACitR L.07. the 1,, It1.111, MO ustrv L 1114044/1 ow loam Lao. ear ilea -01.4A. The Guele Reversible . offered Dm peldu .44 110 tuar...lits. •111 411 MI irert.... domeette arm* house To owns wear -army ru GUELPH sEWING MACHINE CO., GUELPH CANADA. Chet. N Ittli 44. 1.11 Blacksmiths Wanted, To eel.. thelr Mupyillee of 11 one Neils, Iron mot 144.1. la wawa as convee them U.., tolot value. Opposite The Market House ON HAND, a lir usortment of Stoves. I- Stoves ! ter FAMILY SEM J. 1 4pwelee for G. posoded by P. Ilan. Owl Thomas Ttrk tbe Oh, FAONY STITCH! Plabe • it AI • 11. -An mats of repsired sh•611101 wootiy ea MAC 4.117 menage& Mee liable of 091. 0, EMBROIDERY, 1 he J. T. Moires Mid le peel. Catrs.4 ' re. uadal el 41 La sow owst mfr. *low -Roofs nest door the " • • The Huron Favorite. NEW LABOR -SAVING pl VENTED AND P•141/1114, /ILL T1C11 boa mail pleasure orolarlagtotb•PontroraotHowo A NEW CHURN of Me owu I• moth on end for watch bo woo ;Wend • imitne.10erst. the lotit,h.Uters Imre It sal .01-17 weet1 Mite wane. "THE HURON FAVORITE' 'Anna 0111111 AND LABOR, 1111111 OFOKARINO, of %A URKINR • 41.21d. Zocrigart13'3ricoeles 61 D. -The ;while :hat works la the male ea.. M.. raised or huvete4 or4.* to the depth o tat or *aged to hal 4. fob. THE CHURN St node. 6, Comity or Tioronhip rownr..1 Iltvetel terms. Ter further perto 4.1., A pia, 1.4.... Oesaawkli P. O. FASHIONA HAVg ENGAGE AND ARE PREPARED TO M Ban now returiii.d from the ;ASTERN MARKETS !twine purchased 14 the best advantage .A C311PLETIS STOCK OF tVY WINTER CLOTHS, . HEAVY WINTER TWEEDS, HEAVY WINTER OVERCoAT1N0 • 11•184.114 tam o all kWh, elm for The Excelsior Grocery THEY 11A Godencli, Merck ith, 111. LE TAILORING.-Evs Teutons AND CONDI cTING CISTIRN PC11111., 1,R ID Plea, A1. AECEIVED NE %%, ALEX. vickponsx. PATRONIZE NOME MANLIFACTLIFIE COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL. sircoai oil Lampe, -tr. Old Its, eker Sign of the Lar,ge Coal Oil Barrel Aug 15, 1.70 sw • LEN FACTORY. . thr horn end rotiotry, that lb. • • .4 liOOD STOCK TRAs TOR 1000M. SYRUP RA ISINS, RICE, CRofffERT AND GLASSWARE, CON 6ISTING OF, MINA SETT,I, TO1LET 1/11111. COMMON " 391)0124111131111111 roe minomMillsi s. rtervitusr Added largely to their Alml all he Are now Prelim taTemis 111.11 lett ‘1110•1••, rle010.1111. WITH GREATER DES and Neater In They ..611 C118101 SPINNING, BO ▪ thareaMInery um epeal.111 1.11. nectars • ea jr N. -11714. 1 404ebas •1111./ PON PA IIVITA TRONAGR, 1310 LIKAA nufacturing Machine.. to Execute Orders e Blanket, Florae emaril, laboallerg Tarn., ate_ km ttern Than Formerly. ,./1 *Maul" iliffnntinel la ARDING. CLOTH DRESSING &e arils. sowing trmh • 4letrome with wool to get ranted, by firklar1011,etn 17/7 on 1.1•1110 tn., n1118 b(II.• wIth them JOHN INGLIS & sox. HURDct ROBERTS, SCOTCHIGRANITE MONUMENTS York street, RamIltea, on othort not lee all 1.40 of Illannrnental Marble Work. embracing Monument. Troniv Tables Ileedstouee,Counter Men - tins. 1,0111 Marble and tler114. M. MORAN Agent, Kingitton St. Gorlorlok 21 w11111.40. HARNESS SHOP AB CHARLES VIDEON, r.pp,,Trum, irrer0 ITT P1,11) lb of Ohlerteth MA 'Rini* *at he hae norehime The Harness & Saddlery Business nitainsmonsi a, by Sr. Stotts L"'" Hume au keg waparwr ma, the heel morkehnlm *bete outere Three dome from the Poet 011iee. Gorterieh A.117 . 6•10S - HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE, OODERICEL Have for Sale MINIC„FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST NAMES OF HANDSAWS, CHOP- PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS 1ND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES ANc BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTrY, WROtiGHT AND CUT LUTA do. And large asoortmenisif Mae of El A 1111 NV A.1Et At low priese for CAM °ppm« MARKET HOUSE. Ooderieh, N .v. 28,1871 "ir 8 1.4117 glum OM sewitoll•Wh Bo wad. loth tow &Hof*. Pori lawrod ofthe lets Pearl.. of (boa - 4A, au Minor -ming the leteetenrd mod nor. Reavray C...pday, or for of oft W Woos pont* a coops( ter the onset., flea of • Rallwey hoot the toe. RovetheetOon l• the *misty of 11.06, or la oeme other fav&t ea labehol.. nom st the Teva. 0/Britten! hi tO•Orasaty of rota th16 Mr ignere-br• A. 11011. Printed at City Rates • And by the Dozen- theatlFtemr.and Provtvione generally, al- umni net hand Beek-litry List GOOD A3 THE HU *eters' Lists, - Notice )1' Appolutal 1110 Oath of NiamiLiMPsimirrit CHEAP All THE' (IIIE &P.M (slum 1 ane BRANTFORD BREWERY THOS. SPENCER, PRO. Spencer's XXX Ales& Porter Spencer's Bottled Ale n Fine condition, S.encer's Ales in pun- cheon, barrels and Half barrel'''. at the GODE RICH DEPOT. MARKET SQUARE GEO. GRANT. seuics lea. 14 11111 INICIorTICJ NOTICE is hersby give& that 8001..- 1100 Will hi. ea& to the Legial•tore or the Premium a Guano, at the nest Session Shona alTarronlo. far anthonty to divert the moires of the "Rhrer A u Sables " in Om Township of floaanquet, for the of d Leeds livray amid , in the imid hula**. in the of Booloquet, 1110(iii- 111.444ftl Mgt 44 L OA Win 0.4 • Coopers Wanted, - To .11 tlemaolves out ..1.1 meet variety of tho Liar of thou tra4. LANDS fur SALE AT BA YFIELD. T OTR NO -8 71 411 114 I 1.111.11 ...wOCIoropol piere of the Dram of Savaold. Tooro cher.. of A .hiazeid Mashie be pm's. roorml II h boa of heath ud *elm timbered •ple.44.1 ea road *sem ye tin. •Islob l• *Wooled la aa old mitt. lotAlmorthail. the erre The lot rune fa, the Rum 11..1.14 with roma.... wet., 1•11 whir/. ows owle wool4o Guelph, Aug. 15th, le70 w30 117...:zery vary Moss Woe W ti• neer A arse Quantity of 1-1,<)tios, es held siirlisairdw_itre of all kiods,is saber owlet,. N. 13.- terrythstoi sad al elte Ver;rene-- vet rates al Marker Square, ()amid,. chawkah Mb lbw 1/71, Comet. of llama f ehrt. Of • Writ Memo. To 7,) for Part 1104 residua out or Ilar elme.ty' of Igo... Maack mai to 4 4irecte.1 1,41.•1 .11 of the Nen hem. /hob Cansds, I ilermohint .04 to A▪ lp of lloolch.14. 44. totality ..f Ilurou •.1 day • of Jaw item • 11 11:11, At i looks of tour ol the thr JOHN MACInsNAI,D, hurt SHERIFFS SALE OF LANUS. an:Nrr 0), TICRON, fly 011111. of • memo riomt oat of Iter Ilefeett le County Coors, 4h• Jobs Tatar, ARAI.. mit of klehmil Hooter. 1 hem es.. end dllte. in esevItOrm, ell nor right 111.51.4 lalbrowt of the ehom rowed DefenrIent, Iran Tab- er.. •311 •11 Mistelar the! erteia*reel or In the Township of Torte owl*, In the ....sty of Rm., emit Promare of Ostmlo, MI* ehr p.m. of pert of Lot numher Fifteen, le Die Tire, -.hem. of 1M TO111.04.10 of Torben...Rh .foremr. aid be. linow• ...4 aa tonivmmtng et where • poet I. plente1 at the Smith feetmly or Iwo on • mom. Nortb err. ant... Wire... ea.. 4.4, end the •townme 4 limn worsen the Towomehip n( too eimorin. oe the westerly Mae 01 Int moiler fifteen, Memo nor§ room. de - y rime, ear thou.., thaem and eight. ;inks mere or Ie.,. he northerly Ihateof the *OR rho srely eh it tees e. Coon a= NM.. 4 esmee••••• Are. elm,. sw4 Newly holm, thonee enoth Ammer* deg.. mum ...him. eml ...toy links more or leo mi. name, ly her b of mid Irs•elled 11... Rom thence 10111. amen* -ins degree. Imo three ow. and itiet• mght bolo mom or le. to the plere beginaine •mt eontemtna (nor Arlo ...Aimee tweet, pm... creepttng eret nom fern. rt.. mot nom plenied A. ihe 11.11/h-eave,y earner of he WOO I y one hundred we, ilepin, *lock lend. wed Tenement. 1 00011 offer Av.!. ivy my otnee .1.• erten Ilona., In 11. Tow. nrand0/14, on Time- o'el0.11 nor, JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of Horos. Rhein.. °Boa trodonelo. Orr. Oak. 11111. , PARTIAL LIST of rods for sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardvare Store, opposite the Market NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES. SHOVELS, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, &BATHER BELTING, all sizes, WHITE LEAD, all prices. BOILED AND RAW GIL, BLACk 014 MACHINERY 011,, Alid all kinds of Farm For Sale. 1 North pert of I L. WO germ 60 es4 um. sued gigs% (mole Ittre mol small I -eerier/ Orr** rata Apply to JOHN RIM/Amu To Let. DANIEL 0011121b Godeneb hely Mk. Ian. owl& For Sale. Rout. Lo awl thou tbe Iteilereynt. • dor eats Chest). - NARY POlt DALE. 1111 Opposite the Market Hones, onEzuc 1,1 of the Town of i.ler [to fowler a.fount 01.14 ••r bet 11tng Dior Weonta In say way ••lb hint IN CarrIC 'DAVID COL, cowered with Ilanle and Seem, 10 railed from (;...0e nett with • nee. fsolinst treat 4tr•IIIT ruvrong Ihro•gb the Centre 64 14 land. them it about 15 acres of c'emed 144 on the front ot the lot. THOS. WEATHER ALLY, Engine's and Sure yof Gofferieh,Jan,2nd, 1872. ht. of the Prowler. of Oster& for an t to emend the A. t 10. 011.'111.0r 11. Toros*. Gem eart Miler thothree Company IVA 1'1 wee,* 4.1• envoi upon the .01 Cimpaey nal ha other pot MOM et Toronto 1111.11th 1110.4ar Exton.. ve NEW Valuable Property For safer T 411WRIER alb A ND MI IN Tfl F. TOWN OF hoilmula ni 1.4 MI .• 11110•1•4 14r1rli et 11111e rola and •1•0 • Ital. Bars. T. Lot. will be 4114 together • Ire. 4 F17.11 It Gothirtea la Jaly, Dal Moen DA VIWJK J001700114 011S. Huron TT towel. Towooloir ilarhOodi Farm for Sale sena MM. WIttiln If mlle. of lon.a.4704 1.1:100: MAKIN /11141 Vila& Aare& Id, 11171. SherIrs Sale or Lails. County of Huron, i Ely virtue of To Wit: Uf ( Writ of "len Faeias rued ont of Her Majesty's 0 iur of Queen's Bench, and to me directed &Relent the land.. and tenements of Mal oolm Campbell, at the suit of Elisabeth Lipsky, I have seized and taken into execution all the right, title, and inter est of the above named defendant, in and to lot numb.., seventeen in the eleventh onneesaion of the Township of t'..borne, in the Count, of Huron. Which lands and tenements I shall offer for sale at my office, in the Court Homes, in the Towm,of (loderich, nn Thursay, the mend dy of April, 1872, at the hour of Teeln of the clock, noon, ' JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff'', Office, Sheriff of Huron. 23rd Dscem nnder bsr, A111, JUST RIWRIVED AT 20 Tons Bran, Shorts & Mid Hive WHICH THEY WILL Bell Cheap For Cash. • Sassy Pt.. 0,, we Ir. ftel 11614rairg rskie Full SA 11)17 1.44T VI, 4 Cf)ff GO ORRICE, TO113.110P. q fallen 11,011 111111m. wish • good revel roes e.rellent lentil* lend, 1...1.016 idepte4 for Miley 011,0000e, 1.11i • ...111 ohm. I all the way, awl miles from Gederlelt root, for thee. making. Dwell.* beam, frame Baia pen TorrM rO, f10,1 MI parte. hr. apply to Lew& Lemont on the *mom., oe lc JOHN LAMONT, afk To HIS NEWBRICKBUILDMG (NEARLY OPPOSITE. F JOIMAN'S eta....ifla to the Market. DRUC STORE) His stock of stove@ &e. IS LARGE AND GOMPLETE (41 **TIM 11h411 hh CADS WOIDOVILL CONE THE SAME Al USwa• Dallorick 1 111 Al. POO AtTnend1113131$ net AIL an d a. 07 41.7 rs, immfggegt 111 DITTAAvo. • 111126111,14 Farm for Sale. _ WV) the Feist hallo, Lot 5, in the " 12th ormoession, Eastern Division/ of the Township of Anklet'', containing 100 acres of land, of ebich Ah acres ard cleared, the remaining 415 acres ant covered with good llaid•oncil. Imo< failing *reek runs threegh the givegeggsg, then 1. .60 good rung Orehardiilli ginning to hear. Roddirga consist of * Hewed isng Homo soda Horn 40 by 28 feet. 'Min farm is situated atiOut 4 miles Min Lticknoir old too mile. from the Northern Gravel Road. When the new Railway is enepleted to Lecknow this lot will greatly famous in valthi.' on ths or Mows. DA v INOlt 4. JOHNSTON Ilarnalers, AU, Annary, 90, w2 Am. Hoptelip_i lot lir ▪ part of the TIVW111, at a 94, 71. odefst dab see alrin COM 0444016. ;11.41=141