HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-12-31, Page 3Time:-Advocate, December 31, 1974 ,Page 3
Viewing the happenings of the year '7
approved for home construction.
The charter meeting of
McGillivray Central Home and
School association was held.
Elmer Boomer has been hired
as counsellor for Information
South Huron.
Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 340
celebrated their 25th anniversary
with a banquet at the Pine Ridge
The campers who have held
four successive campouts in
Exeter won't be coming back this
year since the fee for the grounds
was raised to $300,
Donna Switzer was crowned
Cattle rustlers hit the are4.and
butehered an eight-month-old
Hereford steer owned by Earl
Haist, Crediton,
Garnet Hicks, secretary of the
Fair Beard for 11. years was
presented with a service diploma
at the annual meeting.
Exeter's. RAP committee have
received 15 applications for the
position of reereatien. director,
Ross Marshall, a purebred
Holstein breeder from Kirkton
has been named, president of the
Holstein-Friesian . Association of
Production lines at the Bendix
1974 Kirkton-Woodham winter
carnival queen.
A panel discussed ways and
means of improving the Exeter
Fall Fair at the annual meeting
of the Exeter Agrieultural
Wayne McCormick, Huron
Park, was severely burned
during an explosion in the
basement of his home.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Wegg located on the south-east
boundary of Usborne township at
the southerly edge of Woodham
was completely destroyed by an
early morning fire.
Jim McKinlay, Kitehener has
been hired as the new recreation
director for Exeter.
Custodians in the 19 separate
schools in Huron and Perth
counties have been awarded an
increase in wages of 20 cents per
hour because of the rising cost-of-
Union employees at Dashwood
Industries Ltd. returned to their
jobs after approving a new
contract that ended a five-week
Despite rumors circulating in
the area this week the Dayrnond
Plastics operation at Huron Park
will continue in its present
Allan Nicholson of Tucker-
smith township was named
president of the Huron County
Road Superintendents
Association this week.
Statistics released this week by
the Ontario Fire Marshal's office
show a slight decrease in the
number of fires for this area.
Mrs,Charles Eyre and Mrs.
Wm, Bell were presented with
life membership certificates and
pins at the Kippen East WI
Ron Horn was elected
president of the Exeter Minor
Hockey Association at the annual
meeting, He succeeds Bev
Seven pretty contestants will
vie for the queen's crown at SH-
DHS annual dance. Contestants
are Leisa Ritchie, Melonie Veal,
Joanne M011er Anne ?Wert
Shirley DeVries, Janice Hayter
and Cathy Simmons.
Pupils of grade 7 .and and
teachers of Grand Bend Public
School held a progressive euchre
party and a Dutch auction to
raise money for class field
education trips for the school,
Lose has been estimated et
$50,000 in a Monday night fire
which completely destroyed a
barn on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. ,
David Brock in Tuckersmith
township, Also lost in the blaze
were 127 hogs, including 75 sows,
some farm machinery and six
tons of corn,
Over 90 walkers of various ages
took part in the second Bible
Society Walk-a-thon for the
— Please turn to Page 17
Constable George Cyril
Concicuyt,son of Mr, and Mrs.
Cyril Couekuyt, RR 2, Grand
Bend, graduated from the
Ontario Provincial Police
Training and Development
Centre and has been posted to the
Merlin detachment.
Lloyd George Salter, RR 3,
Kippen was acquitted of a charge
of non-capital murder in the
October 5 slaying of a 93-year-old
Hensall widow.
Don Mill son, Clandeboye
graduated from the OPP
Training School in Toronto and
will be stationed in Guelph.
Mr. & Mrs. William Eagleson,
RR 8, Parkhill celebrated their
60th anniversary.
Grand Bend, Stephen and Hay
councils agreed to request the
Ontario Ministry of the
Environment to consider a
treatment plant in conjunction
with a proposed sewage system.
Local barbers have announced
an increase in the price of hair
cuts. The new rates, $2.25 for
adults and $2.00 for children,
come into effect on Monday.
Harry Hayter of Dashwood was
named chairman of the South
Huron Hospital Board.
Mandolin music provided the
background for a Huron Cen-
tennial school variety show trip
to the Southern Islands.
Huron Country Playhouse has
acquired four new members to its
board of trustees. Benson
Tuckey, Chairman announced
recently the addition of Don
Southcott and Mrs. Albert Vosler
of Grand Bend; Ed Procunier,
London and Mrs. Jack Boyd,
While very few large trout were
reported opening day, Rick Snell
of Centralia caught a 26 inch, 11
and a half pound rainbow trout.
Members of the Crediton cub
pack conducted a bottle drive
Saturday. These proceeds along
with monies earned raking lawns
will be used for camping pur-
Exeter Public School students perform Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.
Shown above are Bonnie Baynham, Susan Zachar and Gail Irvine.
Wilson and Samuel Dodge of Clandeboye were killed in a blaze. Lucan OPP ,spent several hours combing
the ruins of the farm house searching for the bodies.
- Continued from front page
by Constable McMeekin, He was
charged with impaired driving.
Another man was arrested the
same day by Constables
McMeekin and O'Driscoll for
causing a disturbance by
Exeter Police Chief Ted Day is
reminding all motorists that
extra police patrols will be out on
New Year's Eve.
Day continued, "Our request is
for all the public to have an en-
joyable NewYear's Eve. If you're
driving, don't drink, If you do,
take a cab or walk to your party.
Keep your driving licence for
Margaret Ann (Hotson) Fink-
beiner passed away at St.
Joseph's. Hospital on Friday,
December 27 in her 79th year.
She was the wife of the late
Lorne Finkbeiner (1943) and
mother of Harold Finkbeiner, RR
2, Dashwood, Mrs. Thomas (Lila)
Rosser and Miss. Audrey Fink-
beiner, both of London,
She is also survived by eight
grandchildren and three great-
The funeral service was held at
the Needham Memorial Chapel,
London on Monday, December
Interment was in Crediton
Mrs. Gifford Boyd of Exeter and
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Magee of
He was the great-grandson of
Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Almost of
London and Mrs. Stella Boyd of
A private funeral service was
conducted on Tuesday,
December 24 at The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
Interment was in Unipn
Emmett Ashford, former major league baseball umpire was a guest
speaker at the Exeter Lions Sportsmen's dinner. With him are Exeter
youngsters David Bell and Bill Glover.
Two additiona l 1 officers joined
the Exeter detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police this
week, Sgt. Norton W, Rhines and
Constable James Rogers.
Council approved the ex-
penditure of $1,078 for seven new
garbage containers for Main St.
Lightning struck the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hewitt
Monday evening causing con-
siderable damage.
John Webster, Exeter has been
granted permission to demolish
the old works department
building behind the Exeter Town
An investment group headed by
prominent Londoner Joseph
Jeffery has purchased Hughes
Boat Works Limited of Huron
Park. The company's new name.
bewiIl orth Star Yachts
A very unusual event took
place recently on the Staffa area
farm of Rev. Daynard. An ewe
gave birth to five lambs.
A beautiful stained glass
window was dedicated by Mr. &
Mrs. Clarence Switzer and family
in the Kirkton United Church on
Easter Sunday.
Lucan midgets won the "A"
trophy for their division when
they trumped Ilderton by a 7-1
A meeting was held at Hully
Gully Recreation Centre of
persons interested in promoting
tourism within Huron County.
An ODC loan of $300,000 will
help provide funds for Canadians
to purchase Hughes Boat Works
from a major US corporation.
A vacant farm home in the
Grand Bend area was destroyed
by fire around 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
Vandals were responsible for
damage to two Exeter business
establishments this week.
Centralia village firemen
worked through pouring rain last
meek to extinguish the barn fire
on the property.'of Mr. & Mrs. S.
Molnar. The building used for
storing lawn and garden
equipment, burst into flames
after being struck by lightning.
There was excessive damage.
More than 20 school bus drivers
currently employed by Char-
terways Limited (Exeter
Division) attended a safe driving
seminar at South Huron District
High School last week.
Ivan Luther, Grand Bend was
appointed treasurer of the Huron
County Business and Travel
Association, a newly formed body
to promote tourism in Huron
The Rev. Kenneth Anderson
will be ordained to the priesthood
at a service in St. Paul's Anglican
Cathedral , London. His father
Rev. George Anderson of Trivitt
Memorial Church, Exeter will
prech the service on this special
A fire burned off between two
and three acres of brush on
property owned by the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation Authority,
one mile west of Shipka. Crediton
and Dashwood fire departments
battled the blaze.
The Exeter Waxers ended their
season on a successful note when
they skated off with the "B"
championship in the annual
Dorchester mite tournament.
Vie Anysymiw, road foreman
for the village of Grand Bend for
the past three years tendered hiO
resignation to council.
Mr. & Mrs. Urban Pfile,
Zurich, celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Judy Jeffery was presented
with a silver pie server and an
advanced honour certificate at
the Achievement Day for the 4-H
Homemaking Club, Kirkton
Community Center.
Firemen Jim Becker and Jim Hoffman of the Dashwood Volunteer Department battling the Merner Meat
Merket blaze.
Home System Limited plants in
Hensall aro back to normal,
Production workers at Dash-
wood Industries Limited went on
strike Thursday having voted
overwhelmingly to turn down a
company offer calling for a 22.7
percent wage boost.
The Exeter Times-Advocate
received four awards in the
Ontario Weekly Newspaper
Association better newspaper
District youths have displayed
keen interest in the Army Cadet
program being organized by the
Legion branches in Exeter and
Jim McGregor, Kippen was one
pf seven directors of the Ontario
Hog Producers Marketing Board
who resigned their positions.
Rev. Bryan Colbourne is the
new minister at Exeter Pen-
tecostal Tabernacle. He replaces
Rev. Austin Gedcke who has been
transferred to London.
Ideal weather and record
crowds featured the fifth annual
Crippled Children's Weekend at
the Pineridge Chalet.
Charles Browning Jr. was
named chief of the Crediton
volunteer fire brigade.
A search for two Bendix Home
Systems plants in Hensall after a
bomb scare failed to show any
evidence of a bomb.
Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. opened
for business in the former Lin-
denfield Hardware store. It is a
company comprised of William
Huntley, Stan Horrell and Trevor
Wilson, all are licenced phar-
Country Flowers, has opened in
the old Browning's drug store on
Main Street. Joanne Dinney,
proprietor has completely
remodeled the store which had
operated under the Browning
name for over 100 years.
William Hirtzel and Robert
Wragg, two members of the
Exeter volunteer fire brigade
were in an early morning
collision as they -were, answering
a call to a fire.
Two elderly Clandeboye
brothers, Wilson and Samuel
Dodge died in a fire which
completely destroyed their farm
home, west of Clandeboye.
Exeter PUC announced a 50
percent hike in water rates.
Exeter Lions announced they
plan to build tennis courts in
Riverview Park if the land can be
acquired free and if the local
RAP committee will assume
operation of the facility when it is
Members of the Lucan arena
board recently honoured Wilf
liocighis on his retirement after
more than 20 years of service to
the arena.
The members for the K-W
Community-Centre Board for
1974 were named, as follows:
John Simpson, Allan Eveleigh,
David Wilson, Mervin Shute,
William Schaefer, Ronald
Denham, Norris Atthill, William
Waghorn, Gordon Johns and
William Morley.
Jane Gehring of Elmira was
named queen of Centralia
College of Agriculture
Technology. Betty Jean McLaren
was runner-up.
Enthusiasm for a sports
complex in Exeter jumped
another degree when Exeter
Kinsmen indicated they would be
willing to spearhead a drive for
funds for the facility.
Can crop growers in Ontario
have been assured of higher
prices for their produce in 1974 as
a result of recent negotiations
announced by the Ontario
Vegetable Growers Marketing
The Exeter Lions club is again
in charge of the Easter Seal
campaign for Exeter and district.
St. Patrick's day 1974 was an
exciting one for Mrs Adella
(Bammie) Fisher of Dashwood.
She was 101 years young.
Huron MP Robert McKinley
has invited Exeter Mayor Jack
Delbridge to be his guest at the
National Prayer Breakfast in
Ottawa. Mayor Delbridge will be
travelling as a 'diplomat' for the
Gregory Love, RR 1 Zurich,
Teresa Ann Ondrejicka, RR 1
Exeter and John Wurm, Exeter
have been chosen to represent
South Huron District High school
in the Young Voyageurs ex-
change to Tracadie, New
Brunswick in July.
The Sunshine group of the
Lucan Senior Citizens received a
$2,500 New Horizons grant to
renovate their club headquarters
behind the Lucan library.
More than 1,100 homes in this
area were affected Tuesday by
the shut-off of a Union gas line
south of 13irr, Service was off
through the day and it was
Wednesday morning before some
services were available again,
Union Gas announced a $500
reward for information leading to
arrest of vandals.
An early morning fire com-
pletely destroyed Merners Meat
Market in Dashwood, Total losses
could be well over $200,000. The
cause is unknown,
The Exeter planning boArd has
suggested that the entire block of
Main St. between Wellington and
Hill should be rezoned com-
• Mr. & Mrs. Orville Taylor,
Exeter celebrated their 50th
Verna Irene (Tripp) Elliot
passed away in South Huron
Hospital on Wednesday,
December 25, in her 79th year.
She was the wife of A.O. (San-
dy) Elliot and mother of Mrs.
Larry (Hazel) Snider, Exeter,
Howard (Sandy) Elliot of
Chatham, Mrs. George (Marion)
Racey of Flor'ida, Mrs. Jean
Swim of London. "
Nine gra ndchildrentand three
great-grandchildren also sur-
A private funeral service was
held at the Hopper-Hockey
Funeral Home on Thursday,
December 26,
Interment was in Exeter
Cemetery with Rev. Harold Snell
Theophile Bedard of RR 2,
Zurich passed away at Seaforth
Hospital on Friday, December 20
in his 84th year.
He was the husband of Emily
Chretien and father of Rosaire,
RR 2, Zurich; Miss Albena
Bedard, and Miss Delores
Bedard, both of RR 2, Zurich, one
son Roger, predeceased 1968.
He was the brother of Melvin,
Detroit; Charles, Courtright;
August (Gus) of Windsor, Sister
Eugenie of the Pines Chatham,
Mrs. John (Rachel) Schryer,
Windsor; Mrs. Lawrence
(Beatrice) Jeffrey, Windsor and
one grandchild, Linda Ann
He rested at the Westlake
Funeral Home Zurich. The
funeral mass was held in St.
Peter's Roman Catholic Church,
St. Josepn with Rev. Father
Bennsette officiating.
Interment was in St. Peter's
Charles G. Jeffery passed
away at his late residence in
Usborne Township on Thurs-
day, December 26 in his 74th
He was the husband of Hazel
(Luther) Jeffery and father of
Glenn of Usborne Township.
He was the grandfather of Alan
and Connie and brother of
William of Westminster
Hospital, London, Victor and
Mrs. Harry (Anna) Coates of Ex-
eter. He was predeceased by one
brother, Harold.
The funeral service Was held at
the R.C. Dinney Funeral Home,
Exeter on Saturday, December
28 with Rev. Barry Robinson of-
Interment was in Exeter
Cora Edith Hodgins passed
away suddenly in Toronto on Fri-
day, December 20.
She was the daughter of the
late Richard and Laura HOdgins
of Lucan and sister of Phyllis and
Amy of Toronto and Ruth of
California. She was predeceased
by one brother, Riehard, 1963,
A private funeral and corn-
mital service was conducted by
the Rev, John Holland in the
Murdy Funeral Horne, Luean On
Monday, December 23.
Interment was in St. James
Cemetery, Clancleboye,
Florence Mabel (Turner)
Campbell passed away at her
daughter's residence in
Hamilton on Saturday,
December 28 in her 98th year.
/ She was the wife of the late
George Campbell and mother of
Mrs. Carl (Mary) Barber of
Hamilton. She was the grand-
mother of Robert and Wayne and
is also survived by three great-
She was the sister of Mrs.
Elizabeth Freckleton and
William Turner of Windsor and
Frederick of Bayfield.
She rested at the Westlake
Funeral Home, Zurich until the
funeral mass at St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church, Zurich
on Tuesday, December 31. Rev.
Father Durand officiated.
Interment was in St. Boniface
Eva R. Jeffrey, wife of Norman
A. Charrette of RR 1, Dashwood
passed away at South Huron
Hospital, Exeter on Friday,
December 20 in her 67th year.
She was the mother of George
of Warren, Michigan; Nelson of
St. Clair Shores, Mich, Ellis of
Sun Valley, California; Mrs. Joe
(Dorene) Denomme of Zurich;
Mrs. Pat Dolores) Cortiveau of
Brantford; Mrs. Isidore
(Marion) Bedard of Barrie; Mrs.
Eugene (Evelyn) Creces, RR 1,
She is also survived by twenty-
five grandchildren and five
She was the sister of Bob of
Goderich, Mrs. Reg. (Muriel)
Williamson, Goderich; Mrs.
Stella Gallow, Goderich, Mrs.
Rita Berretta, London, A
brother, Richard predeceased
She rested at the Westlake
Funeral Home, Zurich. The
funeral mass was held at St.
Peter's Roman Catholic Church,
St. Joseph on Monday, December
Interment was in St. Peter's
Cemetery with Rev. Father
Bennsette officiating.
Leo Charles Eveland passed
away at Huronview Home, Clin-
ton on Saturday, December 21 in
his 68th year.
He was the son of the late
William and Fredericka Eveland
of Dashwood and brother of Mrs,
Leo (Frances) Gibson of
Dashwood, Mrs. Glen (Arnetta)
Baker, London; Mrs. George
(Ella) Schmidt of Baden,
William of Kitchener and Nor-
man of Crediton.
He is also survived by a
number of nieces and nephews.
The funeral service was held at
the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral
Home, Dashwood on Monday,
December 23.
Interment was in Dashwood
Lutheran Cemetery with Rev. F.
Morgret officiating.
William Wareing passed away
in South Huron Hospital on
Sunday, Decerriber 22 in his 79th
He was the husband of Mary
Jane (Flynn) of Exeter and
father of Mrs. Murray .(Evelyn)
Traquair and Ronald Wareing,
both of Hensel]; Robert of Kippers
and Douglas, at home,
Also surviving are ten grand-
children and one sister, Mrs,
Bella Dinney of Crediton.
The funeral service was held, at
the Hopper.Hockey Funeral
Home, Exeter on Tuesday,
December 24 with Rev. Harold
Snell Officiating.
Interment was in Exeter
David James. Michael Boyd,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David
Boyd Of Exeter passed away in
Vittoria Hospital on Sunday,
Decenlber 22,
He was the grandson of Mr. and n picket duty at plant entrance, Dashwood Industries employees
Anne Elizabeth McKaig of RR
2, Ailsa Craig passed away at
Victoria Hospital on Thursday,
December 26 in her 39th year.
She was the wife of Gorden
McKaig, RR 2, Ailsa Craig and
mother Of Stewart at home,
She is survivied by her mother,
Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Gooder, of
Strathroy and grandmother, Mrs,
Elizabeth Gooder of London. She
was the sister of Mrs, Cecil
(Patricia) Barnes, London, Mrs.
Ralph (Elaine) Adams,
Hamilton, David Gooder, London
and Thomas Gooder of Hamilton,
The funeral service was held At
the Evans Funeral Home,
London on Saturday, December
28 with Rev. F. Darnell of-
fide ting.
Interment Was in Mt Pleasant