HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-16, Page 3• 1ND - Onns0rrittiws It is volt Seat the Reforisters of On - Lariat ahouhl inn lose sight"f tbe tactics hula Sit John 4. ki .itou.,,td .i0 umw Limning. They ere v. k nowt'. His *ter 01 ;nitro. tion to hie U towtvative friends is iso awed It is h.0..d (Wive, play 4 in a new way., 11i4,0bUse. ia 41. 4proa inuit.p, It* Ill1 etpx.,4.1 government is no at Into IL. 11 1.1..040, d tip d aut. . . It ths ' aberel oar' 1io tf,. polls united 00 they at. wow 14a-LHAawa C•aVitial will re f.411;td, bon's, foot dyad *killers. Its e.dlapte 41U>5. equal to flit of the umr.r C.olition at Toronto. Faiary aft at, ttio itiAsi be put tarsal to apt-% the Itelarin party. That is the sa nu. Let tea, itef.,tmer. Italy understand that Theritare victory Irutd le their own halide if they chow, 1,„ take it. Let thong not be cheated out uf Ittby the crafty stile' of the Artful Dodger wki, lauds the ragtag and bob- tail that suakee op the Coelition at Ottawa. The tactics IWO to endeavor to make it appear that the Iteforin leaden' have formed a.Otilitiou end am them fore no longer emitted to floe con8:101,, of 'femmes. Now Reformer can easily mettle that point by .atawerius shoo, Tient Ions. A PO the prim:1;0as embodied 10 the Government policy so announced, Reform prinoipleal the ,iovernment looked flown itImit any single qateetion that they ivIvocated while in oppositiont la a (lovernment wpich carries ..itt Reform principle. a Reform tileverausetati If these nutri- tious be answered in tlre affirmative, as .they wimiredly he, then the err of coalition is • de'n.ien Weeded to -de- ceive the people.- Bio,!..',. ES Th. *3 01 lent litho it of arty 1.10o arse tier *ler tett; P '4 tally Her haw • ath, ihed *re - On adh- left et1 for 1,een rnal et ea era! ding lay", at !inert !••• IE i• 'LE atei • KS,t TO NG 4... • r• • "It's all well enough.° end Simon, "to call a Ip vie • apaot, '•ut I can't see the 0011.0411*, C61104 fr1firk;113e. hoes. Oa4 very pretty girl saying to Leigh Hunt, "I mu very sod, 704 he "Oh, no, atm het. or.r t:os.jewish. sect ; you are very ,r,Or, 1de." 81111 DaVID 11 XT It Ill,. reAt 8aX Wan jots eptydp47, wipe Letwo••• t,venty mot thirty thousand ',quids to buildAl ri` Maintain an liospi.el 01 Dundee., This is indeed doing hea jibey to hie neighbor ! •. The cold is I gra it in Italy (hie win- ter that there ha beam skatim; is Flor- ence and Naples, for the lirnt time in litany years. When Dm .eindemnity is pall, Prince will Gntem have 41", tar-y.t 111.11.0141 debt of say sonntry in the world, • a- mounting in tumid smothers 1,, 84,500,- Odd,1100, or more than aloolde t lie proser.t amount .4 the public debt of the Vutteal 81441•111. ARealtr.LINJ staterneut ess made Constant a few days ago byno less distinguished a remih..can than neral (hew -1,1,4 authnriti of the emu oi46•0111gr of pensions, asserted that on• -fourth .1 >13. whole ainaunt (about 415,19/0.0 kJ> pai 1 pension. g .*.&o per. oil who hero psi their naiam upou the pewees rtibq by fraud, 4 and who hese no right to be them at all. It that there ie a lit stem of pro. ..••• • - TUB MARKET Cloosurg, Feb LOW IITI. Wliad, Mall/ * ted, . 91 If (1, 9510.1, • • 1 11 "' n - /fluto 01. 5.') MI • 054 date 10 4.14 ........ 0 1111 4 050 P.o• V loads • *160 4 137 Harkto • 0 • • • ST Pod( an. • beta/ 0 00 01 0 41 Pork, hi too 0 j 4 111 • 3 00 Al 41 ea 0 0 23 to IA o. • IS 4017 lido. V J. s ope0/4.0415. 45 0au • c istos. Vo' 14. *01*.Mod. frod). 1 ph 01 16 4 I 90 (4401a4) ter ease5 5 w 1 ti '1.4.1(nee a 04 0 *04 1*3 "1411. . • 04t.,t1 SeW1:; • 'Pee Kelm 0 40 4.04 1404•1 hod. 043 4, 0330 :41 til.4 ;tee .. :43 t oo. yes m. fuh;..1110.0:0 LI • 015 .. li.r.prie, Fels 14 471. *les& Oral .. , .... _ .. _id VI " 1 IS Weed. t .piosg) per lad.... I IS " 1 10 none, tow WI) • *0.4 Marley porbadt .-.7,111.1 • 0 57 P.., pet 1.1-41 114* • 0 .4 Porde! .• 45 hatut 0 46 .. 0 00 . . Oh 00 u• *105 ne(tsi-. per ist • If • u 17 Poodoefoi ettp.S.J); I PI ' 038 Went. (nen 1.4...ah aPeis 11301.; tall • WhoaL•tnt.,91.01111 toua. . . d I al Ylou.. (pet hal ) ... WI es a 02 Md.; ............56 01 11 11*5 4 4 r4n400416,41.14.1. 4, 60" 5 -1: 03* 50 rf p Pe04 W 11.10. Zrisaar J11408.11'(0•••ek 1). Ye • 5.40 Tonoro• rah. ts. want (Won . si 1 21 06. 3, r‘orp,i)•• bud, :I 21. ye I 35 pi *1.55.1 Omit . as d 4 So 044 .4 0411 Ped. IS o hush 9 0 0 4. Potatper hag . . 1 1.13. 45. . ..... • ne Itatt.r • lb 0 It • is tr.jd., IJI.L taspattedt050 4, u 2. . ••••.• • lir ssuosemilumermes.....-a Special A oticea. c.isr,Eioi.s.E'r.puE. aamarriaer. IIIMI., emmall 48 A FAMILY MEDICINE. IT ifil z -a• well and favorably known, relieving thousands front pain in the Side, Back had 04014 l'uoafki, Odd., Burr Throat, lipraias, 'frolics, Crammer the Mora ne•k, 111414111, I *11;n1V, 'BOWL; i ' Ownid,,,...1, Euri.e, , • , g.cattd.., terts4 • ec. rt* eua.dtas refit thiner, 3.. •ne hn. o le. ' . t.l.the 014 6.111 for I 6 an h 01 !hoc, Awl r10.1r301 _ or.' wed! 14104. terra fel I log i .1 .1 •11141.1 5,44,44,46 CAUTioN: cAUTIONI! ..s. _ .111.allaio• had. beetnpootaily foliar... 1111 on the ' T() T 11 8 Pt SUSI laf' THE IIIIIT• I ....'0>.i 0.. ale ‘1. hglitP1 .111. It. op...amp, ...a Ilitl PROVINCESN OF oltT11 , ••1• 111 i3.1199101•1 w"vls "iti rms.* tied meet' A MIIIIICA. . u,.,....a nee expdlrops la tie, Palt4., Aarhus 0. er......ere.---- 0.1 1 il 114.....40-14.4 • 0,1 114,6.0 ti. au oho ap. thew ....t r PpecIfolly 1. dir.aInt the poi.liv ..1 ; . ,,, ,,,,,, h...., ,,,,,to, ,,,,,,,t,,,,,,„, y „ . ;„,.!, u It. the 11. fi t ,•I. Norld A 040.401 Masa pro, le 0 I Le 1 in .11a .4„o„,,,,,,ty,pod t.,..,, it betty, ., h,,,,,-.0 1.... I e ...al Op Indio!. at, or. n. Inim, Itie. ! Yogi, 1.,i Um, la:e of 110e... IV • 1.111 1•11.1.111 a ‘e . 3,,,, 1 , The 46101114h Inn Otter)* 1.4 Me (••••.Iden POO Dr "3" v• *33,2 `''' ' • sp w 3344 4440 1" • ••''''. 3'1 • .1o!, • r Meeting the 011..a....Jor ,alin-ti ii lemma. '"''''14.3...-a.'","• m'„ '31„ 4.'''''•••d• 30 ''," r" ".1 3 14;'• a9a,•I..1 ..1e1 11- Yr ...).1..rnti el.,. it. ..ii. dug the trea4 tai ,ers tort t WI), Neer% .. 41•11..111 Oar( tor 1 0.1., ••( 1010.111.t1+1111, 1.114 iti I' rt.. WI 404040401111 of tao 1.4, teaso,ielot 1.4 'ie., )04), Nen.. ' tr.. li. mat. kV, th• la leek iu lite 110 *54451 natty wrige. torsi sood'eunatpt, a1,1 it bent a ,,,,, ,, µ,....it.. 0.4, , ..,,,r0,0., jr froa, Ite14. 104 . te dot the 1.151.1•111 ha hoot . oar. Dug pomp. * yo.--Qy,,y„ty p„,„,, 41),,,, „.,,,, ,,,,„ 5311,4114.. , 4. 1441,14. mr43,1 V3" timr'4,"40•11- • .r _. -1..bei 0140 6.•0164 ite 0. d.e ...pal end. am .. hut * to be da.1.01 bylining tome it aid, dporlort• 0114 11.1.....)11.1r•ArrellW 1: \ fly ug te...., ,,,,,,,......,..„. 104. De4...... *1'V4.*.II. 1.0 glee met tie, eta.. or el earloon. 351 44' P.m.." rnsi- luoupihno oho( .,11 Ille.lir.... 1 11101.4 ipt. lt . POO el 0.4 ite.,rme 11-....d..P11114,00 '10044..1 Pli)....10 un30eld.4 or It ; 004 04 14.100)! 11,111 14 r rusteertrre.1 by to lia ?MM., gaglend. .1,1...e1 1)0141 WI. It. in 1/ 4.4 1.ski,a po . me .. 41411. t 91 Lua trp, 1 .. Or ,*0 jehwoo y.t.,.costsyseiottls. riOlm.,i,....,....e.,nt .o * . • W/11.,1r le 1:•.r..),,,Itio *ante -, • ih..otan 's 1111.....IP I.J dhaLuglot. ' dna that .76* -8014 411114exich by Geo. Cattle, _Li *00 0>3,10 Ilie 413.-1 to 01$ 402rml ate* I. hot- V ,fordait Vatitiner A Cu Rafitald; *.. mee,.•mity leer as manafrmsed.sini 4 aal. -••,... iimithum . Bolc.r,111.,,, J. i.ick,,,,,J. • tree of (lie • ti 41. nee retail prior • •re 0 •••••• the ...I! .. brine. uorpiary, aid .4 si• .010.64•4 EXT ten 11 0:malee, Clinton; 8. Secant, ,...o. 1.dtuaitoer•E. Hickson Suaforth ; amIall ho repreappiati,e !of nOno ..$l* tesizerl adi . , , • V4010 filt0r•Ao 401- Or to u.k. , fr. ay. . 01,j,14rirb. Bee. su, 11171. w 60 it i POI it.t...,•••1 e.1 lope raw. 541.1•0•11.41 any i wet el de .131513, Pro 1 0 Urn ICIlle ea ere. Man=oar by 0410a• 01110, lapel 01000 real ,..0` • foy lee merle le 41600 00 .104 ••••., eibris rpo.earlog 83,5.1 11401' are sellog . . -- WOOL gal will. toy khowledoe fuel ocie,at.14.e, . .• sassfearr.--Erve c.w.o.-GROOM 44,0 osturearme. 'lir a Meows'. 1•0610.100 of de anatinfl Isore ielocis t,,.n 180 0(4594>99* d mai- boa 014 42121110, aid to a earefil -eyeskanos uf taw glue mom...a irgaiselerted good, 41. Epp. m0* provhiol tor lereAhrt t•lohre *13. 95 6.15..d1.l) rue. betel •Ilom to ay 0.* so tunny hop, a .. u4 a tof ae416L4. lideane.1- 5*1 Pipe. Sep. a Cu.. If uturnot add cloparg, 1 L •'1.% ''../ii.5.1 • of Xl•Pte 111114 Coma, Coe. oil llopt.....i hilt. 014004 1110 *Nth ...eget... II 04.0.1. to ler/ 40 P0r1k, na IM•12 .... R . 1. R D W A R E • • ...... *anted y rmirtat all dupe who imp en. die Pleertiohneht Opt 11. y 5. 1.1..... 1. lit I.0, pub - he lottandt, to i 111018l111.110.1to I ne 1 urVol 1 0./ !lie name mos......... I. Shoni frump that tlop el wane 4theei,.1 .I. .1..a......y Ire /en ..heern• toorti.. lault..... of J(11/ lc S1011. & , KEEtat - '• *- Flour tt Fee41, ti, 4.„ or 71.... SMOKE 11841. . FOR A GOOD SMOKE UNE Till MYRTLE N.Avyt .RICE SO LOW !III AT ALL (7:1 I* See T. B. on Each Plug - USE IT. LFA I R BA Nitt':1 i-0141 , Standard Scales. Vt•rreel on Verb, M " I. ••4 nor hirrippropolt on. 111 rite. Tr Lishalde• is 1154 Idash 1.11,4.1 & via [I. In • Jd•Oary 1.1, ••• w• *ad ••• 1872. 1 7. 0.1 1T104 9161.6.4. BEWARE OF CO IINTEUZITS• BL Y ONLY THE GRNUINE.: AGM/MI 111411 AS Mb's Imptc7ed Dsubto Loot Altai CaahlDrawers. zrzier $C4. More than 250 Different Modifications. etc. • ...cat.r., tet• 11 es. OnAL ek• 11.Mu LAMY P .41 P. ptd 011,11.0'. WHIR 'SUBSCRIBER BEGS '1J INTIMATE TI' IIE -A 'Nuanced the bucluesslauelfesititul ou bV AIM. W. rosalUGl-1...A.s AT THE MARKET GROCIz tl HERE WILL REFOUND A -- ca IAA pleto Stock o Groceries, Crockery, r 1.10 IF4.00•1‘.004440'• 1.111.40,1 001•000 I W0114 ark• ire ajreat fn.. • ipt ehould it mot e - • STOP TH kr COUGH54 DON'T DE!AY„ 0.0 wed, Pa &v. 0‘.1 811041110 ;00 4., .rreerr. nee Ierli 00,0 048..., 144024.1. toarri rm. er530friej &dee et a* epre, rfoo .dorre dew earyei. mop lt ? Where la die • remedy ? Allaa's Lung Balsam can evidence .4 rad merit than any .4ber %niche for the purpoM. "It is sold every - wham by ilrug,tlete au. pommel Store - miners. • itrad the 'following *street 'Irma a letter tea:Weed from Mr, H. K. [Lowell • well know merchant of Ontau 'to. • • • . iNor .'hr,. -Liet -emu I was suf- fering from a *event Gold which settled on tut Lungs and Varoducard a distretaing. cough for which I guise trial to a hit rtirld• Cuu,rb Sled:entre hilt without any townelit. 1 at last tri.' 1 0110 60110 ri AloirEe•LUNO IloLoul, which sot ls.pia re boy able id Ate,lart almost iimnadivte relief met performed • perfect alit. in a abort time. 10-111Wilt-Erwirv-`rms-&-liote, eatorta '45 Ottent sta.', its AO the treamirt is ware -ally depleted .of &bast 143,4/JJ,01:J for th: hauetit satin A Notre:. Cetus 1. -The Grand New Opera in Per.s wall be made- elide/mood, comaiming ' a rottillitd•ler of plates smon,elt.....yther, and capitle al beau at Atli: tux§ :i.sj oared. Teti mot- movande, 0.l that the kei,ght • of the th m're may be re.palated at plea- sure. 31. L. rano hag been.oeli- eisiaseimeed toitessie v.to several parts, a -ad' th• subject ch'ietti "that hem., of the dor and uight:' • . _ I the ai I '1 j,'. ,;•,v if'av "blan‘ at 1134 -4,' Mu y 'papers...61 (*413.4.3 4., 010 4417.4116111- . 81 With VIII 01110111140 to '1221krogo. %pi 0,,,e .... fr can b, .in .1 on lelie ;ovrt •11 56 I arm •rly To,, prepriattors th,11.01. , Timm and wit 11.1-11-fri j "4"":' thtt eines ti.ni th new ite•••.ei pr elide an I ill .retere cons .i F I • r to at a Lliseount, while mizeos...e.pn w.11 lee.h.ld 14, a premium ! The Seseeds (Montana) l'ioarrt 1r Doe. 9, ww• printed .49 a lia'f aouet of unwire paper The editem somael all to it wan >341 .4!) town, and the edit -r ann eine.' vt the nest isane.wool4 be grnit..1 on gunny bags autos. it stopp,w1 pro•ittg. 0- • •••••• POTTS WO TH1017•11 %Volt . -D02122011 14_, of Dantharton. WAS in tee habit of saeriticing very free!, to thb jolty rd. One forenoon, being • wee fue, he ac.g.lentally thrust Ins elbow thr nigh the minister's window. The clergyman was out instantly, anillectar- ed loin on the sin and fully 01134, ccndtict and the ' rein of health and character that woeld follow his perseverance in it. "AY, ity," said the Deacon'"that's a' yeti Sao. My plait is, to It by a' my drInkin! when I'm young aii 1 'drone, and no -to be seen mum steottin' about, aye half foa, when my head 10 00 the 10111111 " 8 1LT reb. 2. - oritt_t000tios of citizens tnoltplace to.day and adopted reenlittionsen.bweitg the amine of.faise McKean in refuting to admit Ilrigham Young and others to bail, and reline...Mg the President to remove District A.ttorney Bates, against whom affidavits are made tq-day seriously atelpromising hie ottictal integr.ty. Tea Gem EA0710171 STX.WRHIP. - Vrlike any other exhilaition, we believe the sight of this noble vessel has given good satisfaetion to the thousends ot per- sons who travelled to Quebec to view ler,. and well' repaid theca for their outlay t and it a jests° with the "Canadian Pain Destmyer,".• there Oleter was anything that gave such satisfaction, it relieve. pain almost instantly, and is the finest thingin the world for 4 heu 'natio al, wound and penis in the atomach, &e. 23 centa will boy a bottle 01 >1. Sold by all Medicine dealers. 28 Sat. kurodiautte y porpot tiat .pan .o. ree41.• elone are b. in, owl. mkt se n.y ord.. a a I lio. • Ilol 1 I AMILTUNbT reap- oui 4 the pm. that p14. . ptio a.I tot t .• v• 4' •.4 9954 S.1•,-.10 0.41•111.........o do. 10.4•00 V 0 1.4.041 VA four or 114414.440. 11,1.11 443 'S Moi mMaet Sank w mt. me. so 'Wen. • b •••• J...6.1414 i garage to 1,00446101.of C OWN, So fdeOSOW pommies. RAMMUTH CROSS OUT SAW, Weldnetoehr mem* ea. eser 0:•• 10 0,14 • tot 000milos,45. wreeleatee- saw Mow Mat shelve. ....aleeer pen. lore .4.. 44.0,14 .i... 7- . *. (141301.3l,%_141 .4.01,d,T 8.45.5 ereneio mei.con• .4 roiLiaati Ooll dhow* So mot too to • -r. 'at toot CAW. .4 0. it SHELF de HEAVY HARDWARE, ark if ma peonsilene et ste boots Oleo otrart,..a. ,15*0.111 111010100. 144 nee r4017, 40,12••• 0.• 4re:11...A pared to an all °rams with sion.-newirw_tweeisswiserinreewr wslis „...sosi-.!h theyrilisi•-• he favored.. They up) •pply 1.1. de penes loon Wbon• be !runo8...4 respectfully invite attention to tit • i hallo wingidines of shich they are ;wear. . 13RI ('1 'U' Goode •" • , sell ‘0,1 IT THE TI:s - tgr orvE HIM A CALL. • 3,91811 S. A EC A Ili completed their Fall put. Ch.w.r.t.afal 'Wood. 0540 4,11 ho dead. I.' 11..fietwal.eatt bpi • .461tO at the booed • lu.'Pale 1.. 1/111.1151i.11414( tea le10 11'.•11 4.0 Worth, la/. 44.4. V.I., 4.2*. Avg lib. pc 4osea hoer. of 10•4 or imp 01 4 hulierelt 10110,•103.34*141.....nd. ma old& rionitOnee op., he ..e4 In oho... /ha. tlo hood1,9 to be, • Wird ghat tided • Tim.d.c14101.1.00WAY. 11,0.1.4 mmamm 211 1....44.4. W. nnuatog, 1,1411 t 11 LIM. _ . us; t_..T- ViNIP t (3 • 'O.:di NI) _ ,_ _ ter.i.t. ' '1'.0U4.ow insetsyse by um 0111111.11, Ost., Miry •t. 1871. rrs..44•114, i er Ili btatorenl.... ••••••••••••60.1 Sy 11.• It al f -1011 ht Story not If,. where 4t 14.. 11.34- 13 • 1 • ht• dame. -, 00 0. rid IlY fp re,....o.; sue a the ........ .. _ hplopt• it e .1( 10* • ami41.; 4t0 ad a it Is 344 HOW 13 'foul TIL nitwit .CLOT.F.11A14;0 While the lifoelt fa wominte and selling 1tEMARICARLY CHEAP. • Splendid assortment of fats4.. rn-sory weeds 4 • nmde ts.. to Order air Sold by the yard • SLITS' /MAWS %.11.1011_ °tan Utast Styl and- Patterns. i The Sithecrilrett won14 tritium thanks to Lis supporters for tli8 paframage extended to him while In the flourbaltinit Town of Ou tench. • Ile can now. afford to malt at COSI'; erei-da-detertnitied give is CU0:0212021 the ktuefit. or:his success in biginesi. -- • ABRAHAM SMITH, Mordiant & Clothier, &gels Last of If Horton'. Grocery, Market Square, Gualerich. Sept 2114,1871. We understand that the whenei rig- couh is quite preralent in the twn* Uphol around us; but that no sates hare proved • Trios teem 1.45 fatal Some families Imo nothing bet 1.1...."1.1_, '410111 John$,M. g 41.0117.. Liawom I . Otit 19no. 1 17.76 7.= "1 tntr, however, says a little trireme to pro. (lime vomiting, would bean advantage. I ri T.,.....a:. There are mom than PIM thoitannd States. Some of thorn itro worth's/sited 01 AL different kinds of pills in the United' intirimat others are good and beselicial. 1 PILLOW For Sale IN Ootlerieh, the Homes and Lot at preaent occupied by Capt. Ord's fatally. Reauti- y situated on Light House point. It onntain. fifteen rooms. Hard and Soft water, ..tve. Aryl/ as the premises, or by letter to CAPT. ORD. Feb. 13t13, 1872. sw97&w4 (bslerich• Knitting Machine P014 SALE. ing Ng of Lamb's improved Knitting '"'hitichinee for sole, In good working order. Qin he leen at U. A. rununrooVs, Hamilton Street. OoderIch, 12th P.b. 1872. .41 m*. - - - - ERIC McKAY, hge• ipir of • MI rept ladle left. and 0100 wood not tot !! tr I W1014.V. d•re." Rapt Itreenews. Of Nhadot, y I leatte o I' • "TRIO 0 44) tne pot.. • The nyrep r,10, 4-1110-- reneuevaiea the sl1.4.an1 *Ito, ii4 eir• dn at 014.41 4d4, POOP. Ph lo H. to., 1 It • d.013014 t.oresit» .,14. 18 ..14. an dr Plied • up•istatlip 44,06 weer Altre.441.0 "5455.47"..4.* r. Oploos Drio rook, Yerio0.11.41t-e6,0. ' ttnfig••• Mawr, tont oar( meals. rmatvaria; et for et twos__ .8 Ink nosoleo. o'.4444 Mh.o...• mad nom.. uw• 01...1 3.. pottly .1 heath! ..Apethecarles. • , 4, $4, Itta,lor 47 4.4. J4341.11.. .11I.10".‘d, CHEMIST NT, .I.11•, N. ant- 401 I. IrerS GIE IT F8.4.1 -LE 11EXEUT Job 'Ilears' Peried.eal Pills 1I0.10C11.E PUN/AILING 4. ! ••404 •• a 1 P ilr.of 1 arad ertio•••••• ••• ' .4 ' • .0.40U13e Pop e ito. NM outaect I! • •• ! • p toit ed... .34'.V..004 01 •"/ .k •7 Wife ina • IN felled on To MAMORU 1.101111 _ 3, I. 7,.• 1•, +011,4 It eel. 441 • 'h00)I, bnitee 00 in .1110 .001 • str,h regulator. - 1 ape l' 1.MI.. 4 I...teflon 44141110 4,11i1:14,O4:TH3fq fun Pennon, ttin 1taIlIn30ipi.411 al ong eradtdpoloy ent ado. In en illreer of W.Va. Pot $01.1 Alferikran,Peln 114 me HOP • 111:mu, ref dirlidaertla..1.11•441, 40011 ne fief 4-1101.21yerinfn. • Whoe. therte PUP .,5 .45., • c at Tot ail p meene *4*.. 0•••10,...th • Poote.,.0 nie41,, 41104 iron, 1e64004,set.0.47,er thing Partial • the 3..90 4, y,..tifeeli .40 in Pa pamphlet • nut. est I. package aloult alp .141, tamo,t, 3,..' . Pee ennx,l01 re0011•SnIt. 1.04•4`"Or • • (..:°•02". etielphal 5., Norihrnv IA one,. •• • .0144, 41,41 ge4rrel 1, 13, 11.01,11- ro, ...on, • boo'. erntailOppoyel hot .11. , toy realm one.l. NI /7{1' 11 RT1P & LYMAN IV:,ganerS gen.. lorr•na,f1 lerieh by Porker • 0nPle•ad 1810I4.11 o Co., 8071 ,4d Hog, vi le; Kiek•rd,4 inter J. 11. 4:•tio blinton.3.4 epni,Louhnoet Ilick >soy,. Mediadoe I65$6.15. ear.. NO 11114k Th.rtti Refeetrit Worth Oa lino Ma Weir OnM a at , one da.n- P.In mtnn PPP wter• It lit 0•04. It 1. /he eheypt Redwine • I Made. Ore du•erare•enor mon 0.•• I 1 1. bottle 140 • mull Bane. 011/• " •••11. haa carpi an 4.0.0 WO 4 'neon ben holden APP. hell ,t1 04 11.1•000. Mir to eight alon.. lin 0111.:11. 0•1•111111) or I ..... Rote r. II. beide hal i'mw! WIZ 001 of 001 yelp ....ling. Danel Pia., el Brookne141, 100 t ••••i! 7, Po, •ey: 1 ant dopy holm4 kr a boll!, 7011 011 which eldet.1 Ved .44 1001110 Lott by olz stp- otegthm.i. another h., h.• %al A110111.• abinet Maker V.ERY-LOW PaR -- . . • 'NAILS Of aU-eis.n and deeeri;tions very adman,. GLASS All sizes from 9 17 to 10 130. od*, N. T.. write.; •' 1-, th-2,.amg,,,, .,,,,,...,10,4 _ 01 01 ervonehltbs i• 'a/. ,!0,... Ilieeler• all over starer, &ref the 0111.11try ..Yr •• We hare nerffr ..14 • ineilielon IhO hr. gisen ath 8 thinipie•• lell.f•elion p flog I. I. ,-.,1„,.....4 op VI, of VI, BOW °Or Mel ea 1. 1,10,1 err )0 4 111114444 an4,4,1) •opermr 1.0 any en. n, potypre4 to rental, 00 thing mer lade. WM Irt, Vol 044,1, fory,..,„., • in Weill.COI 0 ...... 104 ninny ilollant of Pa, Is r41.1 li) ono Or JtsT I. 'xi TY 1.1. z.„-, mow edr. ill eelletplen. P70.0 It reror. FOR 11101P l• 1.714 .13. 9 re/n.0,, (,..,.. ,si. Sy ISms.-6../.0eir •-ti. looted 101.1. l'atetn.4, --am. aro 0010 the inbalilLant• of dirrounalog enonrry, for their „„. 500114. le 101.1.411 tn tee. f0r elterhal nee, • 4..1 I. OVICRIPTIONS, Pre •reA by S. 1104 • rude Y and al Dr. kronen thermion the best anti- ' BOLSTERS TRAssEs latek...M. Make., 8-04.04. mei se mom. bt' pip err •yer saw or heard of. They MAT are now sold under the same of Person v Vert/after rut., 28 Cheap f r Oft h ale for 111.- 0.114144..n. I lor moot ot Onderiek. h• 140. CM., P. Jordon ; _ Gera., a co IPuMilda 11.10011144 • J„ Pat kg.4 Kum •r: J, Comae, Chnop SI dialers iNV 01 • COAL 014 of g d ebeap, - 'COAL OIL LAMPS, ' L‘NTERNli, REFLE:CTORE, itrit'CEllti, 1IN EYE& • - • SLUGS 5:14.9E klti3 insurance Tux • 181.11111012 iyf th0 si,71,4! of lids ..... w 11 1415 r,i:d L"..:11,11/1i:11 1.10•11116 Nrictoria 1.1311.483 • k1 ''lroott COY .1 • of 1 d'Olatk 1.! 41,014:6V teh ofk. 104.0, the MAJITLIell CeLlalleTRI, Karma, TamovontsCorrits Mute, t 4•11".•16010P7(1. 1, *a it.i0014411141 f"t the By ltd. A2 31/H 7 '•,. 1) Lon On, •a 11T1ICK back kitchen, 3053 Town, with 11 r...•tne latel, mot a good :us watered. P. of A:,t1. art?. Aviii,ij -JouNITt. Ois Gmlijhe W411010117111111 Tat'. -..1 .0 to Scales ntpaLred promptly and rraamoi FAIRBANKS et f0., OS I/ N, FAIRBANKS & CO . tss seo4Dihr, w Entre. FAIRBANKS, BROWN di CO, VIA 111.XSIOWty. V, Ooddriek. .14i 1,71 • INT co'r LIS Sebecrillier esution• any one from negoti atieg or buying a ie.- ry Note gMan In favour „et John Or borer Use au u of ato, 1 re racuivad lIn vele., for the 101.1 note. Jota HI51 tiltANACHE. Luvknow. 23rd Jan'y, 1875, wils INECYFIC SD. 11RUIT AND ORMAMLNTAL TREWS 554.47480 Mods Ma ham repent 4 0 1 Mee dart shed. !Often InO..11. 1.444... • Sub *al Ik•Ir omirly al Ladd lo MI • JAMES WILKINSON. • neelek, Jan PP.. let ..1161wItf. .REDUCEI 'Notice. • \N. OQD t.,k,•11 in "eackmage for L, trrn.Aw cUTTERt,, PLol'0118, to. T 5 SUIT. HARD in your IWood ihe861,R144.iltuig.U.NgnudUIM 38. 'y 30th, 1072, .2 lin AT D. FERGUSON'S. siwiak_Baa3AI4 1151.0437/Lar0•3. • Has • ,,CelarT STEEL; a fair assort- ' - BAR ar 114.5Ft:fox • CAST X LS (men 41 upwards REST EAST tiFEEL FILES, a full aseortment, AdOlidta, HOLLOW AUGERS'," and .Al'alER MTN, ANVILS, vierii, COIL .011.1.1.:4 TRACE CH AIMS, COW TIES, TIN, A /ANEW ZINO and CANADA • PLATES, CROSS CUT SAWS and WOODSAWS ERA 51 - ED, SPADES, SHOVELS - .--eetk1(/414- FORKS, long and sheik handles. - ilk- very cl ioice ass..rt meta 01 DE3SER.T in ivory, 11,,k-li..rn, C.Kna and Bone Iti-nallea. A complete ass .rtment of and POCKET KNIVES, RAZ- . ORS end SCISSORS, from the beat English *diem, AI:BATA oiid ELECTRO -PLAT, • El) T.ABLE DESSERT dt TEA tom )Nti 11114 FORKS, ELEC- .. : TRO Pt ATED BUTTER - ettOLERS, KNIVES and • CRI 'JETS, very suitahle for the .aptireachiug holidays. ENGLISH PL %NIS. PLANE IltONS saidlOTISELS;SPEAlt &JACKSON'S, • TAYLOR'S HAND, PANEL and 1111' SAWA. A c,iterdete assortment of WHITE, and RED LEAD, dr1 PAINTS ARO COLORS,. PAINT, VARNISH and n'trint WASH SHUSHES, MANILLA, and RUSSIA HEMP ROPE & PACK] NO, ORIN DSTON ES, GRINDSTONE FIXTURES, - POWDER. SHOT, CAPS, KEVI)LVIERS, and CART. R1DGES, DOUJILE and, SINGLE BARREL GUNS and all the articles nstiallfound in a.weil set d stock of Marti - ware. the whole of the above stock has been purclia.ed very 5.. and has all been marked sit lowest milt prices, we have much pleasure in ropeeting a nail from the inhabitauts of Goderich and fernier. arid treater* of the County a Huron. NO trowlde to show goods On- ly tne prise. Remember the place, at.iiabrom IT.. sign of the NI A IWNTOTH CROSS Cita SAW or Eltlah ldartain's ROYAL JDI-INSO`l & KERR Gmlerich, NOV. 20413, 1871! ------- KimIkliten Co 401 sj -- - with •atl ti tesI / { it,rorieisnnolt- A6•.7( ,D"sOn Ti I SN N OO RLT IoT 1 m a w & Ton Or thsecolds in sucesesion will, PICTIIRIRANI*kepoMoto m o o 3. p.pdd*many contittiona, mate!, 'sab-lish the Mods of ennsomptnin in tho COFFINu....?;,..z...,,7...„ion-55,pn, I Ut,..;.„:,..z,.,,n0%,.MP 0110 rn.ra1I9 fbea/. OrdiSM"MVO .the.fMiMakISt the himinesaot ms011in tteae oa e.41 Ont.,' itis ridofFortonaely Repo'l l'elmoimpative IttWafers'are thoroughly ad•otd o re."".4•v""1 11001•$60iilialmnameold.„4 ars eqnsilyffi•• 10013sp pim.4._.. A U C T O S L E A N N U oA LrMEskEcTIjNG TII i6n e : onhen wstf OF TRIelNGS:atAta ven'A tRo R nw .A tSo . • 1 4 lds a e 1, 40 ' , '36"0'41'1T„.IILLIA6M/leRTPPPLi°AucnoN,1 Il 004 •- 3•riel, he 9dy FrOeTerday,ib2tbaeuary - - T e et.e .Ash l n iHeor 0 PlSlel b o t tettatm, ialok. M..tle •leeo nt frttrel. Pre011ranant II1:;e...14..) I. 12, 4.414.4;;4.gm. Lew did.fan.. I. IA eroee Inde 01Celedd• ofth• ANTED 01 eonsom, CTlotluerxic r EnniakillenMolt01Co., will beh eld Id he tandemsof Mr. Robert Thompson, os Thursday, 22nd Feb., Inst. 447 o'clock, p. m., for the peer** 01 .5500>1,4: Itrectos tor the *nming y•sr, and the traweotion of general htanan. JabES TNI/ALE, ineetavy. tkuerich, 4.6. 5, '72. swe83ew3b , .1.4AMEMAILLE.„11Bat_aj re.r..oro.or,Oorouror,00r.or,rovo ...... .ororroW000 1). 1."` IL; Gr S C) determined to clear out his present Mock to ske room for large purchattea,1 Wad bop to call the attentionof the F.IILMING COMMUNITY • to the fact tdat CASH PURCHASER 1.1 .1 LI, GFT EX 'PRA. VALUE FOR a-- . In everything in his line, particularly • THEIR MONEY TR inter Dry Goods and Clothing, 1..locrit••• und 141usese &Co, Goderich Jameary 12th. 1872. wly. 1-11JR_ON KQUNDRY lib 14. 111wA ‘11 111P' v wino LAMS" Nal Grist & Floi• u• r.11=ingM01illsLL, Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, Salt Pans, Trashing Machine Stoves, Ploughs, Cu l iv a s Straw Cutters and s Bras Castings. BYtT Mottgali sale On - - Y. 6%001) 14""rbunt. V., 4.4 41 mar. 1411 P; On 0.16 0 /NSOLVENT 'KC t- OF • N the niattsx-of flionatthy & lasolaenta Ali portage hut the above Satoh, are I•ty• unless they ami kettle wl fore the 10(44 Felarnary neat, t counts widl he }doped Court for Lion. • . I DIME ft...lei:ill, Jan. 104, let,. .52c. --. - , EillEratyed. (1AMV. into the sodomite of the um "l•i th rout., il, lot 33, leaks Shure, Ash. kelt*, in A aiont kot, three Stowe., The owner .45 1,,,e2e1 to prove property, pay exPetisca take them away. INLAY McLENNAN. Ocdetteh, J pi, '72. vile* Sale_t ble Property IN T H E TraiWoflot Co. of Goderioh. *I*" Goderloh blworki • B 54, :A an111.:231164.7p '5 .;y Yie.,9,37 CT:711Ni VIEK3„ in a certein indenture or rit be produced the i• 110,1,1.1.We-1 of 15. a, 11 2.4 •41...t. 11...h -rich, PP will ins awe taw.' TublIde illth Day of Feb., 1872, 12 o'clues, noon, At Halliall's Auction Mart,' (141DEItli IL All the rightle Plitt, Afar, an Pau, in a nate Matlandvdlealt Shasta' P' mei the satiosrti Et, 1. al interest of Samuel latt, and Edward .lease made by the ell Company to , and all the inter - in and to • certain mientine l.etereen them and Sam. nit Dale.respectitig the property loom tiegeitlandiille Salt Well Cmpany 1114 45 the interest afuresakl 19 ,41 to taideparty. Plitt -3E1, 5. Alltha intent of the said Sezmiel l'In Mary Ana ilea. and Edward in s reruns indenture of lease mad by the loon:moth Salt Company to tweet Platt. the Lind Piemises, apptensiese and privileges in said leneenentioned and to the buildings end radiomen the premiaes covered by Tombstones, Mantlepieces, ,Window S, &O. , &c., said sse. - PARCEL 3. NEW GROCERY AND CROCKERY Al thinterest of the said Samuel P1,> 1, 8 T0 R E. 1.4 !he 1•01. 0? Ica work...0111p 0.1 0 OAVINITUTIIE A tl.milerich 17th July LIST or LErrpRs 5)54717(170 51*1.4)8545474 r°"" \MO roots Mee dormer John 11, .4,Ion A. Mott. Mn 15111.0 Ja• I in Itotort Jul 1. tathr4 l'aineell '55105 COVir Jehir (Poore! .1.m.. 10.4.1. J4,10 Mrs its.p...II Coda le..11010• C44410 Walier (*Idiot U. Vt. tarntl 111.4 Doodle l•co. 7 444444 14th p sloieat Verna. 0.4:30 McLeod Signs Vele. A. Mi. netwaan A. A. Illre (1) 1..11 Mn10.14 Loadowth Wm earl O. om•fil pat,. dm:artery John impi.11..miln Mr14. 400,. at Kamm pnet 04, N1.1,o111.•1. oft 11,40 .4.3 14' l'alltro 3.4414 How.r. Mr. 111.0th he107 typiami S•rd ...airy 55.27 3.131 • ., ncla D. 111, • ler 11•1 11 in. 14.1.01 hood Joh-rIon Nord.. 14 44.41 W. 2, .1.e. 1100.0 loOnOr Mr. Joh. 1sitag Alta:1111/ AID 1.111104071. • in &nes a certain 'agreement notate be• tween in and the lbelerich C pit by which agreement paid leninf:„..lantti.luirtae:.n ct.:t%'t :41wIllystruhaleatmiindet 0105184 ally. The irreg.:of the ;aid parties are valuabbrovrring in important intermit in three the Ara paying Solt Mann- facttiriesn thr Town el 4 :oderioh, and the right,. lose "Platt's Salt EVapra• sr partieula apply te toe in nuefactiming salt therein. Dated 2741:A.:itarIttY8', l'intrAf411 DOWN -For furth :,11GitcalenWric:h. WIY LRE _Lazarusborris & Co's er I have now on hand s goofoof Iron ani Wood Pleughs,RnsineandBosboth Newanl Sateed Hand, which I will eall Cheap. Cll and nsane arnj Godeseb Jan. NW, Iv& NOTIOE. I C ad T r I ek tipp• oriefh th a iItet .n latN a , Aen* ,. 1e4e1en h e•4n411v„.•1.nwomth4iit1s4:th44yitio' t•,,•,„. 1. 4,4o,4!n.4a;4t140.. 440..g4i4 To04 r•do4l14re•11ee04Rd •..V thhAa rAomnet•e •r b..rI•zffis L70110104 Pa. 4••hI(-nrerv• the fown n00041In hOronty of Huronnrle de n.of J•.0400 Papal au. h 10,517 Ie 0.0 7••0 •p- 't sim r . .0 4 r o fr1,,•f •1.11t” Rola 1411Dengisiad,i deaks. AW (11 1. io86an. .pm.15cis ebon. k mnnn E t T T P I1m . a Crreirery t.n te toffildifor forroerly ttT. II allitnlyne an • Itook vtore. Zt= 11 1111 04.41111.01 BM,/ TO 19571047*10 1 11,. bba .1.o!•rts onoler$00 pt N rnst•y, tro11r) .••• open. • t0:1 rrh to trahain Smith'. Mrket Mos", blw). Mo.1104, di* s II t , 4141 IMI UMP we Z. k 3. aleNDELIO ariers, 1011111, 2 b 2 b 7141WeiSM,75.1 ASTIR, 11101 1101itm X..TOPIC DISHY* AC,OC.. Id Al! .7 1 1.Phi Mopfeea.h. n ert. ld Hit ion N'Vintod a young moIwirn the MS Ailreas'I'. 0., Midwly, I'. 0. CoWIN& .35)WANTED. RESPCTAILGUI,..' OSA ad cook, wah ad iron fil. references required. WrstWwsPM Apply by letter eatins qualifiations and irfernet, tn. MRS RICHARON, Rank Montreal, ammo,tit:1/ busines. NR1E ye .r ph7. N , Opetzelen R. iUNCINIAN; IKEMIAlYOUNGOTRIM '151O "ThAnerson setling the owner NVantd ido I 1 0 E11.1t3e antprhdes11410t010010 • i • 4o4e1 1,0 0•41.1 2 0• Do p .As.0og r o p 5 4JImary,•1ovawrd 54445 lmnerloaner 84.113*, 1495,4. F. J,,rdan, fore Opt Ilenef r ' atilr1,40 4 , • • • iasterchwthin thmelt Aic)days, Midt• .01•• I F 18. LISOLVNT ACT'O1800, ii rL. 39404100,Fo0,6 e . , ' .A4.010r H e w . e* aspener new petter-wII TOLC01,3PT COURTOrTOM00401/1OW FS440Uil- aw1o4w. sipt..RSlapS c........rw.i A 4 te• 4.4T4r4ebth.no4.4 4/:1:1111NWILqe". NOMA. 1•1046F'9133 • te, Tpop Rem, ••4 , h a . e t . n " '3tp 1w" r f 2 3 11 1 111 0s l -- Wher.... John 1641 ork% adAeteldodN 0VICE1 eesreaw t.trTOTHE AWsMIMEfTErt ! . Itanloll, ono 0••••45, i o o 0 4 1•.1o1 utop n•f 0411 in•1•4104,rriONI oPhi Nom, a•1.tIthI.0 hewenenllo Iftn n p t .r" 1 4 . M 1 . . t . " W o o 'M •.to( k gj BAY E nh eae r•O mr l ed e •n•P a ano ioo otn n d ely ro. .a d ilnid g Ii nh•v a n ew 0 l 4 retp1 a u 0 i lM--0i n i4r •e p e ra eg l k m emthessX.77:1v AT Odel0iho elosy RHhmpmwe in o d t n u t e r . . e d t.h e pe.ee p e d o f• o o m . n w e ss. % O d e • 1et1 0 . 1 . • 1.OA >11 atm -^ o. pg ost-rp. o44is0 414 17141. 11QA•nai. F.4. as we, pc, 7•V44 WWI y Of /OW e , otrT ero*f n4i steof sh.ew60- •r•• - ,0N la mb, o=10;A:14041 Ade . m -M. ROS Et RKS1101. 5454511155.4, ' ha. peon.9.. •rrArroAr esanegr 417 • 404 • ak. t•. at. . littrt="11 4.• of P.o.e. A 11., 1111110:"" Ond hid • est I Avenes iweeinelbst kook miss swami. *•• elm wore .1 Sweet, in tan ,031. oes: (2.11:3. .140 lln410 .AMAI41 .1. 0. •e. • listotili. too. kin& u oiu • Oor '11•110rWIPO Todd WK. ThIA p,„00. propetti• ot', Sheet 0007. ' I BD %OW carserr4X1Wit tr11• KM 4, • if /rd.4 -413 bi