HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-16, Page 2-
014•11%i tail= PsaILVOsTs
Tatham Soma as follows. -
)(ail 7 00 al:
E Drees 10.00 .4 t4
/timid 0. • u 4.3 se it
" . . .. 3.30 p. ea
Trani Me Mins falloel,-
Mixed ..... ...... 1080 a. as.
prem... ..... 3.30 " "
9.30 0 ss
Zgagniggva rug IA uggsto. , of w atineeday. hems& hes agent as- they did atill lies% pad timer Inca gregathswelists 76rbistlimaine,111; Quail-
-• - "- •
''WeritMliftl 'tor
_ ' serted hie authority, aad some meow ; though plata and sametiatatIrda ars ma 14: 011rItliens and Dutmeteat 49; re- ---,
0, w•d•••d•y •iiitht, 1.4 • fb,,, wok. irk"), y•li „‘, 44.,,,,h0.,„boy ',aid.% td. wm-tmy 01 ihe same us bag era Kr, 'Pen- pursed ea Preosistaute, 117; Unitarians. We give We following extracts Sons
,,,,, la% il• ••• 1,,,• muck •• mr,„„, bt., had the 'Mot id tusking the roads very i shim pivatiedeel to girl" A glowing deo a; view persumioas, 11, mut reported. the prospectus of IVestweril lie! They
Toronto, which resulted ja ko euties , "tvni:u BouiesPused.,--Wh"se ha• ve Ina tha the 1..Lm ionl kers a sidi which it eas 01 tit. 333 Washers at the Church al '
ictiption et tleer Voyage, cot W posture 31. mutant emus valualde information •ith
destinectina„ It contained 1.1 moms, oc- pleasure of looting over • now book en- I buret. Will they get over atter A Rogue, '.1.30 are ouiptred is Ilitt Publie reference to this Caned& of WM. '
es.. h..... ,,f_ 41; oisi, Tilt i•••,1,41;aalivt.' illyny ntlijgq_blijagtio war c sit!_slistA Jima krill one PAL11.--.0.-Ape318-11481111as - --dailaiLald-iell1,, ate etileieleare armee, lee to
t...usitmteb.. 1...,,, h.,it . 0, or d 4. ,.... J• , w‘ii•ii, 14.1,,r a 8,,. 4 , i another stag erne inesiegesteel komp. i it ermine to ot teach- dissipate, in mine &grey at hoist, the
I let* k , (ninth, ludimajad,o, 1,,,.• ,nnyty nn,,,•• ! mum ad utieseitaisal at the tenipeatuons ers we find thet the highest salary paid iguoraose wita regard to Canada, anon.
1 to mai .4 our lemitow Mr. Walden 1 •ewthete. "'LT de Ye fear lha ear). to a male omelette in • county is $404, fortunately pm veleta at the British
, ___
caplet by settee .4 the leading whole- u 1 t: Knew, wide. and it. logy ' Wihte Bowen °nos wad to the laiatinall Contnion Natant.. ell toad/tint The effect of the, ptiblitstion of tbia
1:31 -WAIL' Panel
CODERICH. FE11.14:14 '871.
Swiiitifteilllea Of Vie Orrerhor ChM -
at: a :ndatt.
A thrill Of herio-r -was ceased on
da7 lest throleh int the Minh !tepee
by the etaraieg intelligence that Lod
g"71 Govern .r Gerona of lithe, hul
"totem le. treeic (Meth by the &Sialesiis.
"Wis.; lhO death of A..r.dism
Limo's, and 1,0ter of the Hon. Dos
D'Arey McGee, ne simaar event hue
wisest rich ii•en"ation. The great die
Mega ait which die scene of the occur-
MIMI in ...atrial, and the feet that sea
pureti• ly little is known among Cense
4.isaa he man, domino it .4 • pirtii•
lta aterest, but when we ogeode
Ihat lie hoa thus siimmanly bee
*4, imetioned the most relpeusibee
loomeable teieltion C.. g ft if
crown, we cenuot bid reboi
tirith horror .at th• thougkt such
Ilose telly set being omanirttel. th
.erevity 01 harem.' nettire whieh sent
le.; any ..ita to it. ncoesiplisiniwitt. Th
aiin is a alahemedan ceuvet, al,
44 msli full pertivolan are not te han,
It appeere that the deal •a• perpetestea
' et oat' .1 Aotda•nalt tai
Ear ..f Binge`, elathw parses no le
• inter ice for serums effencos ar• tows
perted. T ore has fee wino iitne/ bee
an undercurrent of do:etas een wined
the Alehouse lens to fedi*, and it
ei. meessary several owe
aloes t , assert Bridsh tinhorn' wilh
Inv -illicit Revenge either mammal
p.flitia41 ham therefore probably premi
ed the feu: deed.
It is pertiallarly enforce. eta f
British interest. ia the hauit the& M.
May.. sh met have been eat et At th
ti.ne of his seppouttmetit by Mr. D.sem
in 1868, mid pelt, before he made we
for Mr. eliedieteme, the...steed ales Moire
*pen &laved as a nomad. 'Lard Maio
cendect sut chief Secretary fur Inane
woe eu al as O. raise the hestility of
Teiairtha 1:114 al feriti," Sill irei
'Mord probable that Mr. Gladstone
would comet the appointment. TI
Premier however appears to he,* ha
faith tr. Lora May ea j ad pasat labilo
and th- moth hes sleeted that his e.
not mistaken. Kula awl treastel 111
dispositien mid ieesesimesuffielent firm
nips in ciforeine an t he proved
werthy repr, sentoiee of the QUeelli 1
her Indian Empire. Hie death carmed
al. intense exeitemert dininghont Indie,
and bitsines vie rutire:y sunstoltol
Calcutta and B mitew. It will be • cliff/
tesiaaent ter to and e saiamie IMO:4.4,00V
tra tear aereela eempliceeeeta may
mile during th the iuterregnem. 1%1. de
°eased imbleman berm a eri low wit
four a”os 4.1 two doreattero.
o Lae a tatted lirh.otitigeb for the diet two etleala cut his. let teem." A memos' anil the loweet el 0 (l); in a war the Isles. ales euteri use, the subeersher
"Ch. 2314 1:111;1111.1111,,,,
, . - a. : &meteor*. Mediate aervioes in kit Ustorgi's ; nice Center &aid we a eefriaie oceasiun 11. ghost, 111,000 ---the lowest, 961. '
I; .0 • be's,. boa nut been tindcrtakcit • lam
•Mr. W, G. Smith of ' km' teiiii7els wear very area appreotatrod. ' a. his dimples "Wlee doac fear?" a hy towta the !aghast, Ba000- th;L: weet, ' went too soon. Nuv,r bo foie •aii the
The berth le cleverly arittee. earl glycol than shoold tear he felt mete the surety B224; It an tuoteporstett el 0, Ile wadi of additional population to Cattail&
written • hater to the iaeftei lie Poo . mei, tbfogemoi.„.. as te the B ,ok of of • vessel with such wen 014 1104141 liflieer/ 1111,") . be lowast, Vali. Thole so stratefly felt, red ether before did
I' tattEreeplie• at b. ohs. It will no deal& be reael with I th.ativol with a thine uiramios.
Qlitiott low, to which th.t [Loom skew dust iu wLers Isr• 1Canada pement • farm' tor settle -
flow • length. \Vol shad nu*. teterest by Ilhiase who- know Mr. M al.
reepentleme tent isse
den To fre hail at Meorelauuse's. nehted, end two cloy& slier, ell having i w• • ludilwil• The average aaloi ire • t it;rtgetio enernduentous mete •
'au t' • 3th of . eery. DJ. laud was firm lii4 ill cheapest, the eateries .4 the tomb.. weiet er eget a t ef•
Tea CaL11310A/L Torridly Mat wart . abused th• emistitutaim the oulcuy, ; teacher" is 0001itile wee, review of the rowel condition of
-- :. ahroee Tuvaiday. Touring the dowitn- I L'u'littll
awe of the Illossau Catholic% in Engletel they leaded at Proration low n• • That tall saliarielt ee lliallale taleteller. in conate, amineta will mender thus suftionintly
7:111 ALCMs thnitisolvos to obeT autherity, • wreteivedly MIMI pittance. The aver- i the Doutimou of Canada at the jameent
esidente.and such a review we now pro-
pose to oder, It may uut be superficuus
to eiptain that the desigoat ion ' 'Cane-
rla," now embraces the whole of' British
North America (the larger half M the
whole Nerth American a eitimmt a ith
The gpring Assizes e 11 le. hoe ee am sepia were ottligeel to venire.' or u"'lltilawlars.1 being sandy end barren he cm 41187. In citma the Warne of
"as. Waitant 1-hseildffile Judte I rA1 atilt wa• terneel, nu the day
Galt pr. si preceetbuLtlat AIM day ef Leo, Mame
Loathes_ ...... 1164.,h or, 1 • ',a.m. tinny etiri•ois
It. Thomas.... . ..Turalay, April 9 ime time pesvailed thet day, the reedy
Outgun] le nee of shads pow etitvives is UN 111111114
Banda . ..... . " ti es of }anathema. Aeh Wedagretley fellege
" 30 ti'alove Tuesday and la the first day of
M .11.157, 167 6 'It. 134:11 a bretittery hoLdae ell
Gea -loch
Walkerton. Teesiley,, er 14 th foal Wu pilld hi sato* wee.) dos .1.
amsiversery of Val mune fel
Elittoritl Nett/.
The United States Serest. is taking
steps to pretest tgairot Cebu* tn..,
meet ut the Cullum° nisei
Ile Adjutant (Ion ol wive r. g
hall at the Remelt H44.1. l• OttEW• •
few day. ego
The latest informatien tram diet
&nerve infer.' an that the toioine Se
Persist is coatinothig 'vitt unabated
The firitishatol Awoken Mixed Ceue
Mireeion hew edjourned tlipd the 2 kb
of Kurds.
Prayers have been oared .„ the
cherchee Alieflield for poems between
El glued and America.
St. John, N. B. hut be m vtail,•• „
de 4m:ties nee. Tile la thaw Hotel
wrh ell it colleinel *as eomplMtriy
d!stroynd. L/481148/.
A imentiful priest...enflames in Belle-
ville has been tairchesed by souse et Mies
McPherson's friends. as a home for her
boys, a. rep am Narchniciat, recuntfy
lir. Bancroft, American Minister to
Berlin, km prenared an imager to the
`brit lob c slreWit tillt W-
hin .1.ieu , !ale sale.. renetal will al
ra,,,e &elem. .. re e Leiperet re, Ger
,itente 11..1 o•TI, s pity of all.°
Oho, rimmed at 'iaillicirtion.
F. e el. no- f 1..-• no-ot 0w...tested ehara-
-...e h.• les Mewl &edema. Peter 1t.
:4 Bereenno ef New Ter!, ft Vas horn
• tleee,vere.: ae. eratta000 of We *pens
a deeived f..... 1'.• trAnd. to eormection
ii Oh the Atli OSA had fallen to his
7 Int,
Zona to tke Truth Estate.
We obeterve Wet's...W.1y a reirelme of
appointments hare been fusels from
among the &Mond Corps to petitions
of treat mei ereoleasent, TM. is as it
ahead be, kr there is nn dem vane de
mew real, hard wort ter less pay, then
inewspaner man, sal idle services the
party in rover eche. teen the news-
papers which 'import the. are wailthy
of sortie conaideration when anything
in the ay oi wtronage M going. In
addaten to • amber of minor end tem-
persey sisp.otilnontli, Ike riril
th• fellowing who have receive4 pier-
meneat sitesunes et ti e hsnsiS .1 the
Governnieed-lh. Rerker of the I( ing
stun Irk*. "pointed Ragistrar of
IC:opt:nor, Illochburn of th• leoridob
rv• Asa, appended Reetistrar of West
Middlesex ; J. 8eymner of the flt.
Cathennes aisetitetional, appointed
C..Wator of Cast.inis; W. Ciaespre
the Hamilton Sleet Ina apneinted -to
the Custems; E. D•wheret of We
Welland fatemph, appeeteil Pay-
master,. id fie WellAnd Canal; C. 11.
3ft:chimed oldie Strmaroy Dispatch.
appointed Postmaster. Where qualifi•
.1 for the motion ,hey aspire to, news-
paper ream an entitled to every consid-
eration frowth. eminent.
AMAX* Veticag.
The diSen.y which hai arisen betweiet
I:011mM oil the United &atm 'men-
the Alamo claim., hos riven rise t.
men, peewee effnsiorts among Yaniteme
deinvoidsse ho are thirst tee for • wai
loth . Tam« productiene
Pt.," t, generally emanate trine
wheat IF or ries Mies York IfeeveM
Wet pm them whet hav• se. stake in
the eresamitr, and who might it‘in
enmeaffig by fat csntracto or such like.
Im thine, of war. It is therefore
quiet refrehing to roam scrota • seresible
prtdeetta mach es Matt which appeered
Itoin a 'stereo .4 1812-11 n few days
allf° Rt eltims 4,1 har• had moans ex -
runes .4 the way She 'blasts.' E.:mocks'
satt- Ils saes he has a diatinet, retool-
lemi nt 4 nee American amieral Moll)
serreeteang with hie whole force at
Detroit...4'a writhe, Amens.. Orme
operetta en the
firialteM filentlimarierirteresieg • stealer
frontier. Ile
• can tereseesasharneaa barns entre*
of in urns tame aim both" *hers the
American freops 0001ped few the night
"vorld eats te rear of where the eombai
sts. At time their eppeamde wpm,
raw fan asilitieinea, poorly clad
Pflorly , s• 4 wftlinwt the Imo
Mr, being
seuellrapoleme 10
&Vine 11411010101111 In Asserts* th it
th. dlenseinded TAM is guile
&MO as naogrenteg he it aim,
Mill if wedld No well
that he row • hen wo
morial miff arlpred adhile. who
' • sal
Ore lbelser warm ot ot
gram Etre. van dear*
them Many
If the wens elsosild
tome oink etesioddyi strand
lie, We sie sot her brut
11111111111111. ea
lone& him hems mit-
to oar% woodilailk
A none van nem d NOM *who hrd
wood fewda.,-and Wei. at/dinar a far-
eier tiring -le...t
set Ira to he bares soil fe v
of cattle. B horse, it the
tomer, dte., •ere cornino Vint( ss
f over 44000. Preeinail to firing
the place h.. srele • mere of horses and e
Cc ea. The pollee are pursuit of the
Thomas finehes the well Moo en Eie
gash frie-i.1 of Anier.ca hem written re
characteristic letter on the pressen! re -
relations ef the two countries. It con-
cludes as follew•: -al chit only hole
that time, the great soleer, .111 help
boCh nations through shia ma.
provoking .1.111.nity, and that in .the
neitliei le may be hounded
bac* by WM 14110114 • titers Or reales,
mil linemen Into the dreary swam fon.
IWO Bine
your beat citizen, will pan in prayer
that they me, be Meth ening."
The Chicago Trainee ar Mu trait., has
romorkaree article on iimittrn in
dependence, In s Ow it isayeef prebalile
eavly severaopi .4 all p dated emsemettion
betweenEngland and ra It became.
the A inericaa pees ant
a proper voltam t.
natant:el neighbour. It
blistering. an 1 tickle,"
'Odra we haws so recently
tompre and bound, upright
were never more needed, ewe
four lees
kes Mi-
tts* axle
mom of Canadian feelinigArtioh would
shrink from Chanel wiflii the Unitel
:oaten as (rem sithjeeatiton, and adds
It is Mir il,ity to encioi •
the part ef Ceneda, t
talent As well as
teeter nateine ars u
stronger ones. Canada
republic% r taro" that et a Irtellellig Ve-
p.,hhe, an.I tio honorer to Mime
which hag hoen to,. efa angriest -Nor,
will oar interest' @infer log purenhig the
path of hie rei r. All we need ad °anode
emeiorordy in trade, asi$ freedom of
oeutsit for oar khan and Spode throegh
km territory. • Thin granted, her forgets
will build mit cities, and her fanners
will toed .fur manillicturen4 esich will be
enriched bv the ether; col it any unity
of Onvenimont sh.-.11 ever Paselt, H
be after ye irs of tentualeminfideuee and
peseta bate given rise to a azure ported
unity of national sentiment sad intermit
nom the sa ad dlr, and emisidera de
.4 coutainir• ,,,kturei, whin," iota 1, ysa. ,••••,c,• siLb. eddy. renotitierated fur their labor*. 000 inhabitants, is abotit upon the Smite
ot .....ey ,,imeaus.IL..rto I, •• emegst the wont enemies ieGhe et • parallel of hone& "Nth Lyon., ia We
b. atcd Mesta the rocky .1. tkiatioa ‘.1 Public &heal clecatien are South of trances anti Turin in IMO
d y It was spent in prityer and praise those trustees and parents 'sages:aim is The extent of tereitery well adapted for
43 MS 41130, 4101,46. toga what they ina-cell a IU ear leacher, inialVat4oe within 'ha 1h,niircon, goay
was Meal emilits, ee L. ex IA on. mid whoseek to haggle doWn the twaildier's be eatimatoxi at 1,260,000 square silos,
remuneration as steer starvatiett point an weiguilicant portion of which is at
as, pouilde, though, in realty they are preauut sauteed. 'The total populatien
tatelleetitallyetsrving their own children of the D . ion at present is 3,375,000
and westing their tinie by etuplio)in,.. an souls. The populatteu which it is cap&
is 11-0.1 towbar. Baai, mat Men lind ble of supporting way he rawboned at
1,0 interest to employ good clerks., tierteisily net leas thatalataCki0.001J.
ene elerk is worth two peer ieneh forsix.tent M territory. The
ones, ena in °o'er te . obtain Mid reit an character of the land may he best judged
toed clerks they pay theui good salaries. of kr its products. There ate •44 titter
Ettoor.ence ha. Meg Wow!, the sound- grain crape raised in tha wield than
neas f :toughen...as rule aud premiers thee produced its Cambia. Oilr timber
the employmeet of teachers; f et 'how iseenitiodel for in every market. We
many end i.aretits, scho .1 canton eta it fast emetels to meet the
matters, abandon a rule ou Lyn wit dimmed. Now • great portion .4 gi,„
only the inerclutute but the farmer immeriliately available Mr mettle.
emi loyaig Leber, rem, preferring te meet &lel *birth the datereet Provincial
giro logli • a;',1.11 for Islorers. Governineet• giv• away at a merely
noinillel price, e land of the tory lie•t
opl day, which wily requ.res t.. ire clear-
ta a. yield aplundid croi,* mid tomcod!
abundant support ter industrieus Irma
lies. Abeelutely free grams roe Made,
id many pieces, but where lands are
sold the prices vary froic 24 cents te
11.00 an ame, that is to say twat 10
pence to ashilliegs Eeg, ale Wiles, the
11overninent mono -cid lowc,r, in •relry
case before Snotty wailing a patent, Ls
seine guarantee that the land hall really
beets taken up by tae appbereat aud is in
ld of theta net out the &mall D. at t.. 1.1", tsissallist,Ity.ittl4ed .597; '4 ,
exegetes the coast fur a Lore Suitable it,AollOtiloi aainai la toeus, male isautierst
1.4.141,1 on to aataiduel theinselvee. '44.13-e'lantalalth B224; iu incorporated
Ihroattrafter abusive met ttio bout, alai 1 v'llaIrms b+510 10422---i"""81
at4aat beteg °vet lithen by • *teem they
trete well umh hat, hut ariemeekti it*
getting wader taaalualeavot a reel where lowing Jodie:tour and pertiliont reinarkil Prillea &heard telatml. It titu, et retch.. Da Gents' Furs, CAPS, COLLARS and GLOVES
The Superintesulent makes the fol- the eeeptiou of Neefoumilent and
Indy redo it out in satiety. After the rvgard to the einploymaint "(teach- trine the Admit* tio the Pactlic these,
will over thee di! u Cour ere with whicti meet c .iir mid from the Ste Lawrence lo the Polar
eh at. r for '24 lieura nit7 sal l'us 1 aide, behoving that neckties in our Coin- See Moutroal. the great coninnefodi
Wm.' Y aid Trawl, 4101:wit' mon Sidlools are moat meanly and ereteli- matreot the Dominion • etc of 110
• • veriml amurtniiist of Lowe"' kw' ut the neaten atyloa to
\ •
Alalic_t Stripes,
Coney, ,Si c,
tijethor," aa Kam Weller •xpreased it,
sod the motel rhyme, pasted hreugh
lb, poet °lice. We lame nit doubt that
being kap year many of We bur set
advantage of the prerogative grant-
ed them and made proposals which their
gentlemen friends sill be bound to
soap( ur pay t.o., uellel penalty.
" MoTteNi Or If mortis."
tartrates arr. w • w rues. 1. 5. S.
A e peorionsly anuounotel,the R:v.
M l'u whom, 31. A., Prestletut of the
%Ye -Ceps'& Meta, tic C., ifei-JaM1 in Cos -
Ads, astlircrett Lis lecture " May-
-ate Manoriss,' the Mi'ealeyao
in tios town, l'uesilay even-
ing hat. N., wahcaading the inclem-
ency of the weather which wet anything
bui pea ant, thelarge awl conuoielious
chit. ei wee tompl,,ely filleff and we ob.
eeriest ratite • 'dumber present from. the
innitiryatisracted by the prespeat of a
a rats literary treat.
The lecture is a new one, haring only
heeu recently lir:panto trete malerials
;gathered during a visit to tffe spat reu-
de ea fausous by the loading of the pil-
grim., • aLort tins cute. It w .d
vete.' for the first tita.• at the Cooper
Inuit. te to NYM York, on the 30tli Jen.
1,"•• 20).1 p met am:Ac-
ed by m to b cost Led. -
tient eaart, Coital we do not touside-
it • 041 tu his ledtire .41 Ilmetiday.
Ile Panetta, .ociaormaced be- slaying: -
There is notion{ iateresting to
a. rem, sympatey leads us a. take ••
in• 'reit fe tho. thought., sr ell: an I ac-
tion. co! our fellow men, and lea -Cities
are heel in spe. ial esteem erlikh are as-
sociated with her .its celebreteel mem,
p unser, eite literary ems, • Ala, hat 1M
tam. tom. of excelleoce Lei kbeme tii
uoleas we can inert, ollr cleave.
in the yam "Slay as they do.
Bat tl ere is e greatness !tabor than that.
.1 gidiu+ and which we coh all imitate.
Fur it ni traly areat, it us ti 4
ue,,a_stry that kJ shenal otter of
emelt*. prinosa, he in 7 b.. eled in home.
1/0..1 and nod b.- idled to the sippepo•
t on, tb 04h. rh tie not in. the on ate
in which th_ wo 1.1 tie s the terns. Find
a man who ui filled * th a sense ot just-
ice an -1 r gat and he hai actieeed a
pastime. eh. h saallabitle ter ever. In
Inns sena: the mon of the Met Mout-river*
greet. The lecturer then gave wavier,
out • keace ot lay.tiontii where the Pit.
grime father* ,arel-antel sett -Int, *414 see
pea, in tit protein diy lord Limit as at
app. rot in than iliy. Ile led his enl-
ist" to B ti Hill where the immense of
that. d ecrnlaets lie, tonbetini, •
bearin; Ali.. 110 every ease sceipter 1
mimeo AM wine the veneratiou they kaa
f.,r the tcre•I ourd and 'hail...pont& is-
oa. T.iestri is 11.. St0110 Toiled te
mar" the grave of a steel* pdgrun uf ta •
hlaydower. Perham' God onicealed
their graveo ai 11e did that of M1.es, lest
avarice or sup. rot tion sherad dean:mix
them Ile teen treeed .4he histery of
l'eritanisie as au efttr-birtk .1 the
Itefermatroe, and showea how thus, de -
woad men were forced by the iuiperiono
liatighs Ines' of (jueen roach, and
afterwards by :he tyramny and intoler-
owe ..1 her sua,:eas .r King J.41ure, dier
cenform to the suite reigton ur sutler
velinitary exile. At eliat time nien'a
comic envoi *ere unbeedese, less Milli
enotol by expedireney than they are now.
a -days, an I these n dole men would rath-
er hoe sufferea a breve death than hive
lived a dislienorable Ws. Mitch as the,
loved their ntt.ve lead, ana neteita.
"Lading their aversion to, the Dutch,
they revilved tii betake themselves 1..
the low countries of Holland where re-
IMittus freedom But, though
King Jamisa hare threatened t.edrieethem
oat if they de] net conform, when he
teen I they intesidea toga, 110 teok every
means In his power to prevent their
leaving. Tee ports were watched, ahet
it was not till tett eral unsuccesaful at -
2.00A7. ItilfS• tempt.. had biym made On tete of which
.ctieston • mot on had erohat•keel s hen
the ',mend aim driven oot toes* and not
L"D" 54"cnere.- Ws have to uelPh heard of for so tie time, that they all "-
Mr, Moorehonse tor the January eapeol the vignettes of their permenfor,
her of thie fat -ere° atimiugne. It is sia and 0, ems mem in 11..!land. The
"'nal rePlet• b'isfefelfsfalli euedthilt 1, otirer raved raaMly over tke time uf
Tau Cinnamon 14/Aa.--1111111111 Itvointry
which disapp. ar.al id wags at light
alhmt three m .nths ago, bee egmill 69118
with esEllier etteigeece lima ever, puri-
fied by having pmsea tlai earth the Illem
With a new dread ereeeets • seat end
clean apprerance, We wish oar cote..
every emcees.
Mount Rilifin Aottiectrentat Boom -
TV AN sc•c The ans•el dia-
mead the N. Agricultural Society
took piece at Clinton Ise• evening
their re done* in this amintrt', whieh
entombs orer a /mei el of 11 years
fney seared men), harilehi to, end pri-
vations, Ion were happy it. the enjoy•
meta of an open Bible aod freedann to
werehip God m the Downer they saw fit
Tneir peewee however, was in some res-
pects rawer iinconifortable and linter
tem, cid the question of moving te
eras WWI mmited. therenel sehemea
were talkal over, but Galli it war de•
citir.1 that only a portion s inel I go, the
(Therslay), and waa way eta* part re naming belindanno .g thou
attended. An able and iiiietslig=1:2r- a tormehing &cc a at he parting, and
theirpaster. The meitorer gees
dress was delivered by R4,4: w. of the sage contemn e hieh the worthy
Clarke, Baiter ef the Oatoeie Farmer. pastor, a man far in advance of his age,
pear in tent Timailay's Mena. gave to these who were about to leave
their friends found a new empire in
A full report of the proceeding, will eP*
AfX711•717.-- An old man teamed Da
area met /nth an occident in Ament
Sta" faCt*r7 It genf"vtb es BaSsisdar toes burden, ...lel from Delf
the west. All the etrengements haying
bee* a:tempera-a end (la last fareseas
epeken, the lipeettwell, a easel of 60
teat. While atiemlieg • °messier mew with its primate' freight. 11 joins, the
his hand waa cangia end badly lasinsted.
Persons rennet tnn careful when
working shout such ',whiner,.
1)14 Whi le the driver Ittle
Johnstosea sir, which rime between
Matinee, at Seethamplon, which pert
heth yeasels left for their long voyage on
the hth of A Neese The lapeed met
with a series of downers, and beteg at
laet peoneunced unseaworthy both yea-
rosults tallies. Allots asol .tanetica
•estatatad tat its suit/. sty,
sad with Iltehlisle• treat they ceininotted
Ole v may be milled, -610 it is of such we
'tetrad thaa tree Monter ey. wide.
Let ea now lash fnAspontlhe ado!, es
a • •liskie. .thissideef Newsier. Thar
o• are worth nodding. Law. eerie not
required tor thy ifeyflower people,
t 100 011111.1111 spirits 'olio Cues &usual;
thew idierwardo. Otte of their iews un-
posed a tine ot au upon anyone who
should refuse to moan Ike office of tley•
sonar, au enetuseut elite!' there * tio
netsianty nuweieliya. Church member.
b WWI A tee:. of Coy
s dyed die coinpuloury Stains, of
Stull by mtabaceng aciatiolS and obliglis
peutile to sena own clablrvii %slaw: L'ee"'"
'hut t• site Leer wages tee poor la -
out after hielit waa pat i„ cate- "T°, 41:4"ek"eitient etede "" th°
gory of crimes as horse steeling, drilla, '63c-er. - at a
era.. were put in the stoetts 1,,e S.I litiy high caw ie. Menton el the
highest& ideality and moat cultivated
retinae to wake teaching a life prams-
-Simi initeo.1 Of a to.liporary
ployoont tIU tiler OM attain to somas-
sat,th was dd un. tined thug tor eatieli their tolerate and educe -
10 shiliep ter letajog ti Irldedi Will p.ufe niers M-
ahal, Wad *nue other ieservebable mon.- 1.'3°
cern ateect atuactueents wely_mede
againet Wise yooig uiou who shbuld pay
theiraddreases 1,1 any fair initial contaery
to the wish of her
reference to dream. Tin* reinlationa
immune amid also with
mty appear austere or puerile. but they
were ail seund in preicipm aad ealculeted
w &educe pod men.
la conclusien the lecturer said that
though Puritans here died their
spirit still lives, and the principles which
guided thin,. ate yet seen in active °poor -
.11641 ewe entatteffierseserlamat
MIN mat • beneiehd otr.at their
domeudents. I. ir spirit •till truly
alive? Which seira get Ms us, I hat of the
pilgrim fathers leo estabhahialp colony
for concertos seise, or that one fishes_
st nen,. o.lony dtaelliati which was
(tsunami ter the &eke of itasteri adt au -
type I 1Ve dishionmir the Paritana
while eta profess to In entr Went, if we -.10
mos Maier theta iisetheir Houle exantel.•
al faith arid geed qualities.
At the close of the lectern dr ithica
the aborts is as inperfeete n
hearty vote ut taiwke was tendered ‘4;
kr. Pnuslion, 4•• 1144.0441,1 adRev. Meier&
El Wawa and dieveneht.
A certain Alm 11. sow leremeht up on it
•Jeiptu therge •hion *as nut proven but
she was caittented by the Uno.,1 strafe le
beware ot to. much talkin Mre
egollOrl NI the Nalleti.olizemat Of
Viat received • short lime ago the An
teed Peivitt of the Chief limorinten-
dent of hiathoels tor Cm year 1870.
We het., not 11.1t1 tone to look Liu
be: foy the benefit of our readers, give
•he following synopi, taktlu from the
Ihmilt on f -
We have recta e.i the Annual Peport
theautterinienderitee the
Gra, ..... ar and Coca non 'kb° do /man°
for the year 1871. Why C.:is
!insts...1 b, su Meg deleyed is 'some
allsle to 11111.. 11, nippealli by de .iate te
have been presented to the Provincial
Secretary as long 114./ Mr 1871,
-nano tea months after the year 1 to
which it reperts the roudition of the
whoele hid clund. It Mein/ stream. ill
u+ that so stupertalt 40eilitient cannot
bo preeenitel within *an or throe
mon- ha, at least, after the expiration of
the year for which it is prepared, has ex-
It may sot, however, he nnintereet-
ing to our readers te give a synopsis of
the general *outsets of this Report. 1 t
coninnin00111 with the statement that the
Inc -realm of the School Fnud by. lord et.
fort in 1339, Wha 1138,093, 4.01,,egg of
w es applied to the itrehreseot salar-
ies of teachers --yet the itimisee a the
Fund in 1870, by 'lie SAWS Meal Clara
was $118,934, of which 1147,1115 ear im-
pended tn inciraiting the salaries of
teachera. The increase rd pupils in the
eatoole was 10,0Ni. The whole ntibilier
of Imply 44 the Province tor the year
18/0 wag 643,318. The reoeiplo for the
year wire se follows: Aliment appor-
tioned from the beyielative (Want, $179,-
252; from the Ilanimpal &shoal ORM-
went, 11061,099; from Ciergy Reserve
Milanese and ether onerefas applied o
Mhos,' per, ope, $34,41,4: and tate total
recelPtaTor ail Coalition Schee pnry.POS
f.c the yew 1870 aniesented to 81,144,-
389, nearlv two millions of dollars, bemg
au increase over the preceeding veer of
$110 .933, as against $3.40041 itioneam in
. The ammint peal for eelariee to/wh-
ere was $1,222,6al, being an increment
over the previous year of P47,11111.
There was expended for leaps, Afolds,
prise books, libraries, 18118,801; f!nt mites
and building sell...0111001M, $407,300; for
rent& and remitte of school betties, Mil,.
310; tor school beoks, stationary, feel
An.1 other itionibuital termites, glad 147;
•howing total espeetinters Mr all Cent -
school purposes et $1;712, 081, be -
,n4 sa increase of 111177,164 over the pre-
,ioas .rear. 'The lialamw this Frivol
amnia. sot paid et the end ef Ides _y'ear
when the ret rem %ere MAIO net =32
The :school population rif the Province,
including children between the ages
of fire mid auteen years, was 483.atirt,
in n Ingham, was ha a weenie eels put Lorick, further separations took mung an wreaker over that of We pre-
warminshinnaelfmt Relgroveges Tinselly place, and finally the Mayflower, a res- yams year of 12,564. The number of
ntght last. some fiend in hemine Mot Del nf 180 tons, took her deperfUre al^ne whole etwerting the echools lietweent the
severed the two hind feet of oem Of with 100046ms on board, 40 r4 whom re uf iina serene sisseg00144, being
"rs• °Is,. db. f•tiocks. dric were men, MO be in the provident* of an ineroeso over the year 1669 .411.304.
did not notierit till h•maelica Wine" ftod the fouaders of the new amiare number of pupas of other ages sta
The hones sae 'Ogled •4 tinting • pump 44 el days thee° brave leading the whorls erne 22,00, being a
easement aoh on eee men had time m talk oeer their plamsi decrease, ea compared with 01,40 of
1,216. The number of boys *Hooding
the whole was r121,1M1; Ana terf girls,
109,137; the increase ia the member Of
1 a•,,et none • 11111.01
and !hillside" their prospects Lin me
pep into the estain and leek al theta.
There is OM *Me and pendent Cirver
'I he !lumber of free echnole
in 1.t70, animerted eutirnly by
refit or or petty, aud • hieh were
etteimed se a mMt.er .4 right by all
sosideute he'•een Lie ages of 5 aud 91
yeses. wit hoot asymeut of fees, wm
altowo,c, nieroass o'er the pre -
vim* yam 01113 sokorils. The number
.4 schoolepartlyfreeothat is, with a rata
bill if 26c. oe temper month -was 322,
a decrease ot 71. Under the new School
Act; ali the • lidols in the l'ravince are
ffir-gooesept Uwe. .11aantiatate..tiottet
tenertataan is si sentaliefetie
ni t e ih• Matinee of the Item hen
Iliter,1 of Selmer TraiteeS,
t,. be 1.0 vs thtt provist•. of the
Act wheal • AS .orj..;111117 Piton le tu
m104 all Vas Oo • sin 4;60.4 lit' the
Pr .wisece free.
?lee ata rage tastier k Levine:tit &hoar
open, inclielme the heal Vs nte
.1, s '011t day! io 1870. '
remark th titoperinfend,sut, is neerly
tem. the aver ge tan . keeping op ni
the 0 Cala in C., Sta.** .4 Pala-
altvanie au. Dei.., a ta armee three
:distil., more Ca sle t: e averrae time of
Iteeteeg teem open 1.1 Me SInterref New
Caerk abase tt e -e• is rte c'acay
fr.'', "al *op *immanent 0.
wectivd:ug Go finsputa 61, wee.r.line
to the avecega *Academe and the time
of .1: ispin nem awl echo .14,,
Th. re are ...thee matters le tlie ("Lief
Ropernandeath report well wort' y o'
le Awn; lott we mesa tor want of space,
titer mikieweekentente :iron them for a
utnre occalleen- -
'fon. Mr Tilley taints the pr ',peep
are good far • ail aa4 w halt re:Iri,rn
sorples next year.
An attempt a to he monlo to impart
new lite is Has ild ton& ..f
'party eeieetiatino fer the min h ,a •
Of the old foundry haling from ilrol
Piersoe, to be used am sa edgedool Lee -
Kincardine is fie deeide on the 4th of
March next, by the votes .4 the rateitay-
ere, about the building of a IA 00.1
house, and • 11$.,44. town hall; and about
giving to the W. (J. A B. 14. ail $8,000
The fellowfwgie the tnriff of liq 'tor E-
cNises lonely acropted in 11 mullion: -
For each salons license, $106; for each
tavern license, Bea ter cieh saop lioense
370; far each trinefer, $5. The above
sums to be paid la addition to the Gov-
Through the recenmeniletion uf the
Warden, John Oreiehont, Ewa, th e
Uovernment haa lately greeted • mater-
ial increase to the salaries of the guazde
and keepers 1.1 the Kingsten Peniten-
• Recent acconnts froni British Cele %-
bite state that Olifting is proving Incense -
NI arid rosatimeretvu them engaged'
inrit, Hold to Pie v dim of $74,41h Ivor
assayed ar the Government Astay
ditring Noveinher. The yield of the
Dineints mines during the past season
wee $5441,00.).
/141.•efehe Brown, of Thoreld. the
Well-IMO/11 centractor, him donated the
haudeinne aunt of POO to tha eorpuratioh
of Kmaariline for the perches° of • new
teen bell.
The twe Preebyterisn congregatinns
of glom see abent erecting two new
iffierchee, • teh coming perhaps $0.000 to
$13,011M. The °berme Ilya it has been
suggested that the two congregations
ereM one fie.. building meting from
$18,000 to Etal,000.
The !Capone. Express states that the
1desorsi. Moyer Brethers, formerly of
lein, Ontario, Ulla doCi.1•41 Start a
robber factory in N141/140011., and expect
be ready .for busiases by the 1st of
.reit. They will employ front Atte'',
to twisty Odds, aal the busiest' will
be a riootworsoltios to t 1. et ti torpre it;
Th• Petrelin Atherton menticess
process of i newt element. The ojeity of
thieproviatun will be evident a • glance.
It is intenderl to present loia faking
itite, the handl Millen, Spwcii I ors, Who
having ono, obtatneol pomeicimi engin
then sell it to settler. at opront.
• have moutioned Gram and Tim-
ber as among the principil peeleets of
Canada; but wimp they we Mei give a
very imperfete idea . forte ese dilating* of
the country. Vari,cia koris fruit.
and livens Molina with fish,
litas leso inhabited yer's of the
country -trete dam, quo. ,a.,, paetnthm,
isti.00 and many ether k eels of COM..
TS ea taw -fin fanly he said tor
to in •sith taaah. rf-nri .
iron, there leml, th re erre, there
silver that Comae* tea light . All thew
aiser.la are f .urel 111 %Sat ,,nentirieli,
and all, with the et.ceptiwa of oms, bevy
elreede been reeked logs -tat Arantano.
Cheadiren ite whi'd/ i•y reel
Ve bat 1 stiti•b,- 7Ti•Ly watitertg
until by impieved metlieds ignescent,
ofel ceetaasec • ery for ',Imams it Ci.s
eln.nliel et 4 4111;01111.104 chill" 1040.
flys cool we har• intskt,T ..ttrts• str/.-
} .y ono the Acta:Pie saul., atm .
ouord•.(that 1114, 'in Nom Itteda
rod t.sh Celnuitdc) ti.itata mid.
tc tane'ir the 'into •itit in oar
.;rciit i..•11 eet Ten it ey. ltich de.
*its rl aid tar, ty and or
pito/trete of item hire a-, been dis-
covered; u the et Ontario
isilerit the im ails* ea: k Itna two tot
", Ibritu banorthmut
Of Fall and Winter Cloth Caps
14.aoh w sold at Imo than city prices.
Goderich, Get. 1871,
tatter' is wanted. Canada is pregressiew
nwolly it Is, hut ith wore hands it
Might sOrt/W much faster. Everywhere
thrionglioui Doiurniun thee is the
114110, demand fur mor• labor, Ismer.%
mann fiwturens, Culltrairtore,s11 elate 111
the sonic cry fur labur. bkiLed 14144 is
lowne continent/a ad ell times from
mace to twelve ahillinp i day •htle
fanners are only toe glad to einplov men
at (rent three to four pounds steotiag •
month, with retiees. At the Ssiessalw•
ate toren • man au Cellada
hakf sel much wages agal_i with tweets les
in .iiiiglaad Its sane mteaut beep. Thus
the savings of a very few years, *ill en-
able a new to pun:foist • freehota ferw
100 acres. thousands of man who be-
gets in Caned.. iu this •ay aru now i
the pameliaion estimate property. For
&stow tied widline betide teere 'sebum!
awe of work •Vilis ywherw.
With regard to taxation, few civilised
countneo the world are se tax-
ed as Canada. Ttga prevailing duty on
uuported goods is 15 per met. la the
!jutted litates en average duty of over
4./ per cent is collected. The toted deb
Of She country gives about rell per head
of tles pepuiat .n, the mooed iii.iteres.,r,
swim which d .e• ilot
then a dollar and a quarter or as
fiVe 1111.11iiigol/f 1:114;1112 1111.00.3.
The l'rovince of lhdwio, 11111rO Con
heter..tieu, hes beim uneole te aloud al
its retentie opon oi,imary mattors
anseunting to some seven 0
eight n.11101111 of dollars, to aid la the
eituatruction of teem hoe. ut rat, +al'.
For rums cf IsiCata, large or swell, di
eieien tf caned& loesems a ...1
ter, aide. noel ,r the oseaseuieneel leads
11 the j.ro.ovu. of Imams. ;
eel.. .1011 ;110 tent trio serialet le el,
Seined for wormy wiaa .4 rat
estate security. Mao> of its bitiollog
and loeu ...cones pay 114.011•1 .1,1dt:tele
at nine and ten per s
inure. In a e ',nary hlie this lieeest
ditste7 is mire SO 1111111..1 Ida ; the very
Inghtelt posi 1..a in tae 1aiid ne o
th tsea 1.4. • tiw &ha' rittegia
to arise theirs.
NO 0;00 43/30 110/rii ICA flrgr task
4 eq. -1-410;6 mea1774 a a. ed smarm, no,
am a cinerrhil Livonia of his corn. Ail.
anat. More 'has • loan wont it', tins
orld't tin do a went isonet.inlyt 11
sad, fortunately, Camila cen ripply hint
gill. Lle e eat.; peel g ,wefl 0/.43341, stable
In al. ut .... • and a tore admin.
rot ion of jisetice. All C.e-e aim to he
timid here. %Ve • lif,k upon
the in-ast Lupo:la:it articles .4 day call- Lela as much inar hirthrigot os the air
sisuiption ehiCh alio is enough b.tottbe ease acesuiroued are we a.
to possess iia apparei tly intliivited them, in taot,•`that pertiai," isc do not
quantity, via., pxr,40.1.• .1141 I oat. feel am tlisattlid toe -theta we ought.
Ilet that Ceoaele is s cement. of jos- Here Weeds- aid artier ars reounciled ;
men* reaourees and do -stifled Issiseroli• one meat Das to be sacrifice.1 te the
derful career of pr. eper ity M-erident other. Thob • ioal wanton geod
from one feet siutite-die extranedinury of education for his children; hercagain,
progress ahem ',Hakim; et Ow present Canada ia hoot. with amino, fore -
moment. Take one r,r tyro oimplu sof must oountrics in the world. . Just as
mcoixtroveri hely tactile Whim the feat as a t naltin is 'desired. an *veil
Cuffed Sta...s, Six lean r00 lan that 04,fory it is elo•riel,Up g011i 1110 00k10;;;.
the el& rent Hi itioh Nottl, American Moon% where the eleit.iirs of a sound
l'roriticse instead .4 looking to "annul- eibleation aie imparted gr it wrongly, or
atom' me their probahle, deeireble at a mere teeniest coat In the tOW11110
A Curious Double Murder - The
Guelph Mrrart y contain." an ace, ant of
the brutal murder of a former resident
ef that town, together soh her little
htv, at Kene, Penn„ during the night et
the 20th ult. The sictitu was formerly
a Miss Farrell, daughter of Andrew Far-
rell, who Still live* 1.n the Waterloo
}toad, near Guelph; and 'the 'murderer
'was her bullhead, one Patriek Burns,
who married her in Guelph. After
leaving Guelph they settled in Hespeler
for a time, shore Hunts kept tavern;
they them moved 10 the Township et
Norrnanhy, from whence they eventually
wandered °Btu the Staten The nounler
appears to hive been a moat cold blood-
ed affair, the unfortunate woman loiv•
n ins bye', strangled and kicked to death,
while 1110 little boyai skid! was crushed
- in by • blow from some blunt instru-
ment. The nitinlerer was &melded. On
learning •4 the horrible affair, the breth-
ere et die murdered woman at once left
tieelph for the arena of the tragedy
and the remain, of the rkeinis wer• tak-
en us Guelph on Vetoes/ay last for
t burial.
t A verdict of $3,5110 daintiest has been
retnrned &name it New Jersey journal
for libel. TM. preerieter of the sheet ia
waling to sell mit cheep, as several
other actions of a hats nature are pending
*gaunt him:
aretersigrre plat der%
r work for a tiilon Pa, Ili: • apresa train at
preal,f. f .r San Francisco
sheuld la• In, at !emit ..ite inunth's pro-
° vision+ before startmt.
futnne, were, entering into closer bonds our public schools are completions for
111111.ii enh one another, with the
,-4 Milani; top, ef the A meta
Reptilidc, is poeerfid awl independ-
ent nationality, they thonglit the time
had onne r trying, whether by ember-
resieg the trade of Om c•dontes, they
cmild not inspire them vi•di different
views end sentiments. Willi this view
they ahregated the ..o.cejlerl "Recipro-
cator Treaty." under whieh Canadian
grain, tinitem, 6+h, coal, ra,tle, and in
feet all the n aural product& a Cana-
dian fields, mines and rivers, entered
their territory duty free. What was
the Whet! Did they smite Conada with
otwoonercial piral)siel far front it.
11 -Was teund, as a niatter of fad, that
mew of the articles epos which
slaty had keen played at le frowitr
ordatinoed Le desnandod ni very 'Mich
the same quantities as fore may. This
was very noticeably the case with ree
gard to Canadian timber. k'or this and
ot her prodnee the Canadian p mple,with-
eut a moment's loss of Gee set about
fooling other teat -Item, end se successful
were they that thetatstom returns of the
year in which the change oceisred showed
h trdly any permptible °heck to themes -
rook. of the country. The .iLeste Oh*
elapsed since then, 1187, 11111110.1‘
1870, and Inn, have been soon, the
most proaperima Canada has ever known.
All Canadem trade ?shove. on in iris
inciet healthy condition,hut tate
which niece Conifedearatien, has sorung
np between the different Provinces la
especially gratifying Take • few figures,
compare the year ended moth "one, 1800,
a deetidedly preoperonsi yens. with that
ended aOth Juno, 1870. Tao value r4
goods entered fer CionsUnipllon in the
former year etas $87,4a7d, 170, and in the
latter year r.early $4,1400,0e0 ewe, or to
be premier., 171,987,0113. Ana If *stook
at tbe exports ; in the yeet ended 30th
June, IMO, tkey aniountea to telat,474,-
181 but in the year roll...ring they tom
73,450, an inezeme of over $13, -
an linden" di Ole ditoenstion+ of the MI
trade carried oe by the different leading 1 m(),(11.1. The Nue" for th, yow. wird
fitiosethat thrijnig the rn an th of Jarman 1 30to June last have not yet been given,
but rt is knnwq
fifty ear Maeda, or 40,a00 barrels of model Ms" is, hasevar• sa mime title wf
f I been a eery impnrtunhantterntlamthe
rn t"he
Mr. W. *Mean, sewnt for ftnglehart &
0., , shippea lo supply the retie. ry .
trade etf the ornintry.
WM irm in London, one hnndred and
prosperdo in seen t th
their aohatoilitial, and oftcu beautifill ap-
pwaraitee, and the edneatiou' received iff
them 1. --as all hare conLis-eol ho halm
ever looked oito the matter -thorough
aduzdhretyEtti:c.iiieinitn.d tch
aneresulisiamthe're is not only
plete relieims
religieus liberty but religious equality ;
there arc no f vaoured creeds er cherear
sviry man choose* his own cad pays
for lt..
Tourer°, Monday, 12th Feb.
A large number of hill. were passed
through committee, moet of them- of •
private or local character. An act
amending the Agricilltilre and Arts Act
had • clamps insertecloprolideting horse
racing within five miles ef any eithibi.
tion, upon pain .1 a fine not est:sodding
$60, and in defanit of payment Impri-
sonment for not longer than 30 dee..
Boultbett moved the Mimeos, re-
solufwvaaa"That in the opinion of this
Ileums iisseii4aot the immense sad
feigier cievaltipement a the
nwouve. of, wit &lei Weak tt fa
of imperative neessity that means of
transeortation hy way ot n canal
oonnecting Lakes Huron led Ontario,
should be ',leveled, if practicable, wttla
out further aeley."1
After oonsiderable discessien la mai h
several inemaere expemeed their prefer
mice fof Hist/thieve river route from the
Went tri the /mean, th• reedetten was
voted down on • division of CI to 48.
A bill relating tn the !helmets Courts
was then paseed through committee
Tuesday, -13th Feb.
Meet nf badaya sitting VIM taken hip
with • debate on Mr. McKellar'a Bill to
render membere of the thimie of Coin -
mons ineligible as members of this Leg-
islative Assent* of Oaten*. !b. BW
was finally need a second time es 1 vote
of Ai4 to 10,
Tna Woon hh.ttlna h. -- Th. Special
Counnithsa sprinted tr. inveetigete the
entry" loom( t assinat the Government
oil. n ty an the Improve of using eindue influenee to ;tubule Mr.
The people of Owen famed have talorni
met to day, hert Mr, Cameron
retwent of its anternal ennainiateat.ons.
Wood txt, resign h.it seat in the lite Coe
Rolnealt•. - 'hie+ 1•41. aged &bold dig step' to ware the oemarnetion of • dry mii•aent,Tir,L17,,,•441"..tteir.ca"rm Haty°13' l`"). Rion.
Josh. l'Isaygelaisa that the eseablieh- Imm• eh"' ' haring refiner! to maps& suleatan•
Iyears akerbed.Pel (non teen • few are tire/. 3,000 milts OperatiOn I fiats je am,. nothing could done
mad dd iv* on the Clanallant.
•tth 0,ar 1100 eldoh ties th'll° leo 01,1•T the company and regard 'be former over the terrine:Aar wierld not *Me ha of vast alr• Snore l'inhin - - ! The ormemittee meets en Then/day
within a year or id there be 1 1110
jean that Domlni" tn prepare a report Thri ch.r have
ometted se not atteserting *took ssest hells so meehinat7 reek' be *Moaned
31,28A, showing • dee**. * tItia vronlil await streadent pat -
somber for Ele poetised year et , and render th• oetabladnoent
• do a proemble enterprise It la be
in IND 81144000.4;tooloosio 7.14 theta ' skip, Hat the skissilarl at
*Mon - firma; totawhirr grit%
eppropriated from his tathise. tie hy seamen moment aa the gneernor of 3,490e osof of ch. tsar
• Th. ash in TAIss 14"P•ri"t .tha ur". but nt "4"61 will e•rtn, F•nwn. a°4 1.88 Met with a &Minot and em anti a. -
They footed it to Canton sad woos stooet ot..,,h.r. Brewster upon whom numbor of indigent pupils, of school age, the amerrati
win h. hees in the WM, Itrytf^rcl. for 25 Yew's irverfif'r "4 ""
Two Westin.. _atti ipiamod historian the a -May= elle bilittAtzthe lettaird.
.1monotht for tholowrosso
are ot
ishoat to mike purge frees lent es `ait I". Micas • "'eh them &AO miles of rat grey agiseasietive mmi from boo. me. wnee enit 4,.. Risk.,
It er wore derrietall illh wham is dee a large Aare ef the fa-
ille laanil. of blamer Imie ham, ova
of the great Poodle line with& ilia Do- „of ,... th••• winging dime salient ril-
1 brew.' bock. It is te he Mg* f tare stahlity af the odeey; the elmasisel in••• 61111••••• 1S" Pier 1tas" dues a tittle of ',Iasi.. th. osty son -
10 noelnWesis sool kbe alfr,zs of "kb drains we Ma dune ia RIM they
71 4" of inja7tirtrOowernment
' the-Janwary -.Mew d Selierrarir Imo booliarakevEnals leep
Fshreaz this eentee cya hat chore end the Ilina be senffire I Miles beteg est,....eietios=betati dim o lowasof
is? testers or to lembermee. in turas in Ito tawnehip of Adelaide; -
1,742 w '11412 were foe AMAMI slallaisle 94%
religioun ; or hy railways ne• nailer
4114 are renalhet this • paralierly faawallatealte
ago , Tit Oda ommitos prokiat as LltotiblAy
se' 1,00, I reggaeAl by Arip ofner's in that seetMa
reta, iti2; oss lewd the public getnuilly,
MI lora era
WIWI Sim tam folatertne dap ea, ow. others all t=g calealte IntwoO*41 'Zireleisa•
D121.RIES .Y0 2 154. -
MOST AND otTP:E tinews
IN ALL TkiE tur.s
A'fiNic.)c) ttfit.)11:31-::S1
()nice, Krattioi0ery,
- •
7‘.11.11p441.• ot aft -kinds of
WO Ira rapt rs ard Envelop -It,
noir to hand, and selling low
_ _ .
A general areartneent of every STYLI
13I.ANK 1300K8
jugs opened and offered at lowest ratai
for caah
AT 1%10010-10USE'S
POCKET Rpm( si
muzis w ALUMS,
&C., &C., &C.,
at lowest pnesible quotations
AT moo 12.1-10USE'S
North Side of Market Square
Goelerich, January Oth, 1871.
• • goods at coat, and osier :
Over -c pats,
Pea -Jackets.
glankets & Flannels
Shirts & Shirting,
Ladies' Furs.
At Half Price !
1,000 Gm* Of Wood',
The oho.* bows mitetsIi.iie.I trdituotellt tiE6 '1111111Vogs
Joatie trie• KotOrltrottr'ortehdli. end
Eete*ps000d auddovesattitre Here won um er I Moo* *see works, alibi . wittiest tip all mesmer
wog owes 'Mika ave briffilf .7tkraufelittfi pranks Gnmerara rehee1 00114$14$. r)..e. 24, 1871.
itVlesej Ciesitrame we: I maladdiN 1. epeeet a% • ,airt tonal 01 P°139- hmiee appear, lin be their headquarters.
fatrit of 144*.•,
ski whit% tell during so lowister port a' 41 Wee $
• •
e ref eall
. "