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D(ay the inspiration
of faith and love fill
your heart with quiet peace
and happiness, A joyous Noel to all.
; N.,454;ivc*, oign r?'el Nitz. 4Y5 wz) ,
=?.is p?,:eo 0.4 tai.aC?irrtic r c ie iv'mv,
Everyone! Join in the spirit of
a very Happy Holiday with friends, family.
For the pleasure of serving
you, our heartfelt gratitude.
Viii'tii'bidi"6nd All TA4•Sfar fr il'";'.
Better Farming Starts At
Equipment Sales Ltd
EXETER 235.2200
6 0:szm r2cs tzm vcs v,•) vTs 0cs c:r4,1c;?(a,0e,i wea ti c:ft e:?-43=iNi curt.
ggo w4v opeo
Iln most grateful
appreciation, we
wish you and your
family all the
peaceful joy
and happiness
of that
'Holy Night
when hope
Was given to
all mankind:
Style Shop for Men
• Ed and Tot Gackstetter and Staff
VilaMisioNi**4 g•IimPAWAgiabI:orMis Vii0A ft5 040 040444.01,55aWa* 4lg4 fta 441i0
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A special kind of man
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g Our Father, up in heaven, 0
0 hear this Christmas prayer: We'd like 0
May the people of All Nations to express our
be United in Thy Care, warm wishes: tr
enjoy a peace- For earth's peace and man's salvation o
v ti• can come only by Thy ful,grace
S An.d not through bombs and -missiles
t'' holiday,
and our quest for outer space . . ti• •
Thank you itt
it For until all men recognize g vi. that "The Battle Is The Lord's"
all so much. o tr
0 And peace on earth cannot be won
with strategy and swords,
0 We will go on vainly fighting,
as we have in ages past,
Finding only empty victories
and a peace that cannot last . , . laitt4
gut we've grown so rich and mighty
and so arrogantly strong,
We no longer ask in humbleness -
"cod, show us where we're wrong"
We have come to, trust'completely
in the power of man-made things,
Unmindful of God's mighty power
and that He is "King of Kings"
413 Main St. - Exeter
NisliW*Nis011/te6VitigkoOka, 0.14ta.W,ViaNi104kirilA0V,iolkasa.
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1974
Dear Santa Claus
I am going to,leave some milk
and -cookies for you. You can get
things from the cuboard or
refrigerator. At home in Our
basement we got a wooden Santa
Claus, Your mittens are brown
on one side. And white on the
other side. Your cheeks are red.
I think I know some of your
reindeers names. Ones I know
are Rudolph, Vixon, Dixon,
Dancer and Prancer. My
brother's names are Stephen,
Ralph and Rob. I want my gifts
near the Xmas tree. I always
watch the Santa's parade on T.V.
Stephen can be funny at times. I
take step-dancing lessons. I
foregot theres one more
reindeer. His name is Blixon.
How old are all the reindeer?
Rudolph I think is three years
old. Send me a letter telling how
old they are.
Our dog's name is Rover. He
can bite, He already made a bulb
fall from the tree. Watch out, he
might take your hat. If he does
you can wake up my dad. My dad
can get the hat away from
Rover. Rover might scare your
reindeers. So you better bring an
elf along. Rover is white with
Grade 8 HCS
I perched upon my feathery
cloud waiting for my turn to float
down to the glittery world below.
I watched my friends ahead of
Santa —don't worry
about my pup Rover
black spots. You will be sure to
know him. Rover would like a
bone with meat on it. Rover is a
puppy, But he is big. Don't
worry about Rover too much.
Most likely he'll be put in the
I am in grade three, My age is
eight. My name is Rosslyn
Elliott, I live in Varna. My mid-
dle name is Lillian.
Grade 3
Huron Centennial
Cookies for
Dear Santa
I am 8 years old and I want a
Barbie head and Barbies Country
Camper. I only want two things
because your elfs will get tired
making lots of things for me. I
want to now if Mrs. Clauss is
making cookies or if Rodhoph is
eating them all. I have been try-
ing to be good,
me tumble off the cloud and
flurry and scurry down to the
Christmas world. Then it was my
turn — I teetered on the edge
waiting for just the right mo-
Julie Townsend
Grade 3
Huron Centennial
Christmas time
.Grade 6
Christmas time,
Christmas time,
Mistletoe bangs from the ceiling,
in the church, bells are peeling
Little Billy wants a ball
Sister Susie wants a doll.
Ma and Pa want peace and quiet,
But the children don' t know where
to buy it.
In the street are the chimes.
To let you know it's Christmas
A safe trip
Dear Santa
I Wish you a safe trip to the
people of the world. We will
leave you 8 reindeer cookies and
1 Santa cookie, we will also leave
8 carrots, one for each reindeer
and a glass of milk for you,
Please do not make your
reindeer fly to fast they might
loose their power.
P.S. Please get my brother and
I each a snowshovel, I also would
like too sets of guns. One with a
rabbit and one with a desert hat a
canteen and a pair of binoculars.
Yours truly.
Grade 3
Huron Centennial
Want flowers
Dear Santa,
Happy Birthday dear Santa
Claus. Don't forget to put some
flowers on your sleigh. Get some
new clothes for yourself. "
We would like to send some
flowers to your house on Christ-
mas Day.
We hope you have some nice
toys in your baigfor us.Be careful
not to fall off any of the roofs.
We've been very good this year
so we wondered if we could have
a few extra gifts. We would like
to have a buggy for Kari, a horse
for Joey, a rifle for Dennis, a
train with tracks for Michael, a
dolly, a tractor for Chris and you
can decide the rest.
Kindergarten B
Usborne Central
Inflation can
be defeated
Grade 6B
Huron Centennial.
It was an unhappy ChrikmaS,
of December 1980.. The front
page of the New York Times
newslate brought sadness to peo-
ple all over the world. The arti-
cle contained the latest news
from the North Pole and Santa
Claus. The headlines read "Infla-
tion can't be Beaten."
Two of Santa's reindeer,
Comet and Cupid, died; he
couldn't afford sugar for the
other reindeer; with half the toys
finished the elves go on strike,
and he couldn't afford gas for his
furnace and was in bed with
pneumonia. For weeks before
Christmas children cried
themselves to sleep.
Finally the Christmas com-
mittee of Chicago decided to do
something. They rented two
huskies to replace the dead deer,
brought apples and sugar lumps
for the other deer, they went up
north and finished the toys and
bought medicines and electric
heaters for Santa.
The children were happy upon
seeing gifts under the tree that
morning. The Christmas com-
mittee came home triumphant.
Santa's delivering our cheery wish to
all, plus many thnnks for your kindness.
Exeter Dairy Ltd.
1,47409h0*.t450•.PePhka,p10*;Yea,2:1, Phr: Pm:a Pfrea 4ta3 Om:*
4 .5hisMitt-i*.i:$4444:444ivie.tse:44 TWO ;Id ,;),k5;740;h0 chk5 yr.h Rea Viks V*54)41
Arous C ristmas
May the spiritual peace of this
Christmas enter into your lives. It's a
time of joy . . . a time to wish
everyone the happiness and contentment
of that Holy night long ago. Thanks.
T. PRYDE and 4,ON. UP.
293 Main Street Exeter 235-0620
Vwat,.vi 5;tiT4'.*::42,a54,1 14.wia..;*k:).p.li:5•N:ive::54ztats•Akz,Akt•svezAkig,.
tzdtoti tvg,itvie4 tv!4,i tvtizzti Vg4ei cv441: ti 43244 4:VAi 4v4:i1:24:4 a 4v44 czti1:74
Jan Baker, Ron Wareing and Marg Knight
Season's Greetings
From Ron and staff at Ron's
Discount Health Centre and the
Hensall5to $1.00 store
Thanks for your patronage and best
wishes to you and yours for 1975.
Mary Johns and Jean Wareing
Gusty, the North Wind, came
along then and lifting me off the
cloud he carried me escalator-
smooth down an unvisible stair-
case. As I neared the ground I
heard the bells of the town
below, their sweet tune echoing
louder and louder. I saw the stee-
ple in the center of the town com-
ing towards me and I heard the
bells still ringing o'er the bustl-
ing town,
I lit gently upon the steeple and
the twinkling town was spread
out before me. Last minute
shoppers disappeared and
reappeared again, arms laden
with gay packages and bundles of
•every shape imaginable,
I must have dozed off then
because when I opened my eyes
the town was silent.
Then, in the North a strange
figure appeared on the roof of the
farthest house. A chubby, jolly-
looking fellow hopped from the
peculiar vehicle,, , with a strange
sack on his shoulders. Then,
quick as Gusty the wind, he dis-
appeared down the chimney.
Before you could say Jack Frost,
he had sprinted out of the
chimney and into his vehicle, He
was then, before my very eyes,
lifted by eight creatures in front
to the next building, where he
went through the same
procedure at that chimney,
He continued from house to
house, going down each chimney,
coming out again and then going
on to the next house. As they
moved towards me I could see
that the vehicle was a sleigh pull-
ed by eight tiny reindeer.
His work looked very tiring but
the strange man seemed to enjoy
his job and as he disappeared
into the sky, I had a feeling that
this was a special kind of man.
Dec. 25 and 26 and Jan. 1