HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-11-28, Page 18BEST SHOWMAN — The best 4-H calf club showman at the 1974 Kirkton Fair was Peggy Simpson. Above, Raymond Heard presents the prize to Peggy at Saturday's annual awards banquet. T-A photo Inflation hits F of A membership costs rise For Hay Township Councillor Vote Lloyd Mousseau Having served on council for the past year I have found it to be most interesting and challenging and seeing the great changes in the past years it is going to be a greater challenge to keep our municipal affairs our own rather than Regional. I ask your support on December 2. If elected I will endeavor to serve you to the best of my ability. To The Voters In Hay Township: With 7 years experience as a member of the Council of the Township of Hay, I am again a candidate in the coming election On December 2, I solicit your support at the polls, and if elected will work in the best interests of all the people in Hay Township. RE-ELECT: LIONEL WILDER To Hay Township Council • A FARM uttlY • HOFFMAN, Joseph As Reeve Of Hay Township VOTERS IN HAY ! LET 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE Keep working for you Having served you in the capacity of Reeve for the past '7 years, I again solicit your support in the forthcoming election. I will endeavour to serve all ratepayers to the best of my ability . On December 2, Re-elect: ELECT: JOHN TINNEY For REEVE of HAY TOWNSHIP *12 years experience on council *keen interest in municipal affairs 'Vet • willing to listen to problems Your support at the polls will be sincerely appreciated! ON DECEMBER 2, VOTE TINNEY Adult Palmolive Dish Detergent Children's Bayer Aspirin Herbal, Rose, Wild Violet This Week's EXTRA $PECIAL$ 99,1 374 894 3/$1.00 24 az. $1 59 433 Main St, Exeter 235.1661 Faberge Rambling Rose Foaming Bath Oil Bayer Aspirin Jack's Nuts Spanish, Blanched, &Beer Nuts Mixed Nuts Reg. 49c DISCOUNT 24 oz. 24's Vanastra Parks and Recreation Committee TTERY proceeds to Huron County's First Indoor Pool The indoor pool would adequately serve the entire population of Huron County and give all our children, adults, and young athletes an opportunity now enjoyed only in larger metropolitan centres. 'This Ceti-45'11w is the owner of one short of the. rRoof r.kuron k.:OuntLis 'First `Indoor Swirnmins Tool, trari•ferablie cnly 6m the cl&-r. hereof in' person. or 63 attorne,t.i. upon sur- rtoStr crf this property ecukt-se.6 Vane.; ler'ne+7.4 ke .,••• -eV 'I e t 0,1,0 ,,t4 111.,11,‘ IN Kt 84111,1110 00' reirwnle th, he M,(k1.4.1. 6011f .tteflb1,, ,141.1 ,1::kri11,` \,1,100 ..OW, SAIk' r•lo 10 'Ilk,. k.)no '111.,f k r,646/$ — supplied by LORNE BROWN MOTORS Simian, Ont. `Pinst 1975 016.5rnobitt. an (*...d< Hod,0Co.,, latare to c-Fifth Onse-q(unSre6 Canagiza-t(Dollam Tickets available available from members of EXETER KINSMEN CLUB And Also JERRY MacLEAN AUTOMOTIVE GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS BUY YOUR SHARE BEFORE DECEMBER 5 BY URSUIA REGIER Across Canada the primary producers of beef cattle are experiencing a severe economic crisis, it is very apparent to the majority of farmers in Ontario Who are engaged in diversified farming operations. Beef producers engaged in the finishing of slaughter cattle have suffered heavy setbacks earlier this year and cow-calf operations are now experiencing the economic backlash resulting from a severe decline in demand for replacement cattle, which has created a serious distortion in the price relationship of the various grades of cattle offered for sale on our public markets. Byway of example, the price range for A-1, 2 slaughter steers on the Toronto market on October 31, 74, varied from $51.00-$53.00 per cwt. On. November 1, 73, the price range was from $42.50-$44.50 per cwt. :This year 2 cows, D-1, on October 31 ranged between $22.00-$24.00 per cwt. on the Toronto market compared with $31.00-$33.00 one year ago. They are, in short, priced at ap- proximately two-thirds their 1973 value, while A-1, 2 steers are higher on today's market than 1 year ago. Similarly, choice and good butcher calves which November 1, 1973, ranged between $48.00- $56.00 per cwt, in Winnipeg were quoted October 31, 1974 at bet- ween $35.00440.00 per cwt. with medium and cornindn types selling as low as $15.00 per cwt. compared with $42,00-$45.00 per cwt. one year ago. The situation facing beef producers to-day is a classic example of their exploitation by the packinghouse industry at whose hands they have .ex- perienced similar shoddy treatment during the Alberta lockout of packing plants in June and July of this year and the recent wide disparity in market prices between Al 2 steers and heifers. Market news available Ontario producers can now receive full, accurate grain in- formation from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Market Information Service. The expanded programs are designed to assist producers and buyers of feed grains in evaluating their present and future needs. At 11:20 a.m. Monday through Friday, the Daily Grain Futures Updates provide the morning trends in the futures markets at Chicago and Winnipeg in an 80- second report representing the 11:00 a.m. trading for feed grains, corn and soybeans. The Closing Cash and Futures Grain Report at 3:45 p.m. covers closing quotes and trends, as well as Ontario grower and dealer track prices for corn, soybeans, oats and barley. These recorded reports can be received by telephoning (416) 924-4466, 24 hours a day. Complementing the cash and futures programs is the Closing Feed Grain Report. Updated at 4:45 p.m. Monday to Thursday, this 80-second report provides pertinent information for feed grain buyers across the province, including per ton carlot prices to dealers for Chatham corn, bulk soybean meal. F.O.B. Toronto, and the Chicago meal futures, as well as "in store" Bayports and Prescott quotations for Western Canadian feed grains. On Friday, in addition to the feed grain report, the weekly Feed Grain Summary provides an analysis of the futures trading as well as market and crop conditions affecting the entire feed grain industry. The feed grain prOgram, including the three-minute weekly analysis, is available 24 hours a day by telephone (416) 924-8113. Thousands of producers already receive the benefits of these reports each week, either by direct call-in or via local radio broadcasts. To keep informed of the fast-moving grain market, check your local radio broadcasts. The encouragement for far- mers to produce an ever larger quantity of beef cattle to bolster the industrial development of Ontario and to meet what far- mers were led to believe would be an inexhaustible demand for beef has now rached a point of reconcilliation and accounting. Many cow-calf operators have only recently become established with the.aid of loan programs and are now facing bankruptcy. Others lack resources and facilities to winter their calves. Sure! Your Government has made itself a stakeholder, the farmer is the risk-holder, and have been used as economic pawns for multinational cor- porations engaged in the food industry. Now your government, in its announced program of loans for cow-calf operators, is asking farmers to extend their risks still further and have faith in an in- definite future market price for slaughter cattle over which we have no power to negotiation, our purpose today is repeat the demand of October 31 made to your government for cash grants of $100.00 for each 1974 crop calf up to a maximum of seventy-five calves per primary cow-calf production unit. We recognize the complexity of the situation facing beef producers today extends beyond the sole jurisdiction of the province including, as it does, the interest of the federal govern- ment, making the following demands at the Federal level, "We have requested the Federal government im- mediately institute a purchase and processing program for plain quality cattle including canner and cutter cows at price levels no less than the 1973 average prices for these .grades," beef ac- cumulated under this program could be utilized as part of Canada's food aid program to help relieve current, food shor- tages in needy countries. We request your support for this short-term measure . "Additionally we have requested the Federal Government for the implementation of an adequate beef stabilization program for cattle with an indexing formula related to costs of production as part of an overall stabilization program for all farm products. We do not want a lift program in beef. By meeting the needs of producers in adequately com- pensating for these classes of low grade cattle, it may encourage them to retain their young stooici, gs ,replacement animals for continued production next year. We fail to see how this program meets the needs of the farmers when the Federal Minister himself accepted the fact last March that farmers required $52.00 per cwt., for top grade. slaughter steers in order to break even. More recent estimates place the cost of 60-65 cents for producing one pound of finished beef. We request your support as we see no hope for the future stabilization and orderly growth of the beef industry in this country without provision for an orderly system of marketing. "The National Farmers' Union call for this immediate establishment of a National Meat Authority which will ensure producers have an input into the prices they receive for their livestock," Such a program could place under public control respon- sibility for the foward planning of orderly growth in the meat in- dustry, and establish proper price relationships between farm, wholesale and retail price levels and have management over both imports and exports. It would create a marketing system that could protect the interests of both producers and consumers. A possible beef inquiry an- nounced recently by the Federal Minister is not the answer to the problem now facing farmers. Mass meetings have been held on November 7, 1974 meeting with Mr. Williams MP in Ottawa and again on November 12 the N,F.U, met with Hon, Wm, Stewart, Minister of Agriculture in Toronto. Mr. Stewart called the federal subsidy program inadequate, but only could comment "better than nothing", Help Me to Help You DONALD GEIGER for Hay Township Councillor Inflation has hit the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. The OFA has been able to continue operating only because of an increase in membership, delegates to the annual OFA convention were told Monday. OFA President Gordon Hill said the situation is serious because the organization can't expect a continued rapid membership increase. The federation has 24,000 in- dividual service members, 16 commodity organization membership, three provincial co- operative membership plus several other organizations, The 1973-74 financial report indicated membership fell 2,000 short of expectations for the year with a resulting income $33,767 below budget. Operating loss for the year was $34,878 and cash reserves were reduced by $301000. Accumulated deficit is $80,774, up from $45,896 a year ago, Anticipated budgetary loss is $44,704. Following a heated argument, delegates, approved the finance committee's recommendation that individual membership fees be increased to $35 a year from $25 to offset the deficits. Several delegates argued that the membership fee increase would result in a decline in membership while others argued that $35 a year was a low fee for OFA services. Hill was re-elected to lead the Ontario Federation for the sixth year. Both seeding and harvest means increased road travel by tractors. Operators should display the triangular slow- moving vehicle sign, pull over to allow traffic to pass, and show required lights after dark. Report. fixr. NFU Severe setback for cattlemen