HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-9, Page 4a.. • ar Cut tbi. autaw Pr& We err sad' *all buy sod at 11. it with ro nd the poisons, oho Pitroefier a11d sat isfae. 'hi our exchanges of Dot. Johe arson, ps., inasinwlty.0 JuKrt«.a'r Amu- r to thio * tet e Ya ts' nn to vofultulp 'ed to q�WSh ,(v I.*UI ,M i•. at the o1. se, u in the Lowm- an../gnu/ for Ose 'wee ¢alltd P•Ire, is tor the ages, 47odou Lt Vie been restored long 27 will people keep kly bores to hoses [right the Leaves, nigh or cold, ••cteil; if his gouttre intone in oris Lila tsa..r trc.ut- y'S (erudition e RO:nedy" and allu•at ; it is fret' re, And 1,1x. .c,U uI 111 "Reeds tmetioe the War Defer vias of ole • natusectere Alai t•sf I Mee of ILe ('al flaunt *gold ,r ag,o Insolvent Aot Ot 1•N and A menimente Ther eta. nary W. Beaky ..d eleartepre W. Dentin, rletattin TS. Jas• 11"11.5,.nr et writ .f Are Imre lei In.r,ed I. Dane. ' JOHN 11AC1)o ALU. Sherif r f Huron loose. stns. ddsabl, Use. uttl,Jaty R( BALSAM WlD ANO e470411 tsSNO*0 In Trig raOST aa,Ntwr r•rt r WKONG ON woo ewapSHO roe reit LAST 4 411411. NOTNNI$ ILTTte. MILD Mot. 4 Co. ao*1Ole ,n. • tete 1,., as t'..,a e..1 rl,, a 1,... i1•Sp1.r,0 Au - N I7 W Waggon atd Carriage cACTORY• BATES & EIa%IOTT IIAr.os° "tnt►. ppuuW* .n 15*- ewe mrdl.1 tr,1 th.1 tie, acre o•r.* a e, �.w • J e. .-o• Nt' .fags chop Nil. 1)wvld'..t,(5. II.. J gr.d,) I. attend ,.4 mart' lM 11 tern In. old u a 1. attend ror',ta a to all u,. wort •011 Oo4 to thea.. u,J . e ',tapered btu. out Waggons, Buggioe, I'c•IiTry it Cutters, Sleighs, Signf age - O nt., p1 all3fh41- CI* 8332$� Promptly attended to. ud se il,nr *a than line, of theA[ toot ty 077 end ...tteu ..hlp ago 55 the rep l.eset/. washer. edge. . n . ids ON HAND • large soottme.t of ng.o� Si L D I p65.. •Mc0lwlll he AA Cheep for Cosh or Cord - t of hit woe•d. npatent [[rutin, Ana. IS, IOC .0 d sale. = Stoves I Stoves 1 " ,nn("re. re 6,rtrjll,0-74 hoc f"urteSu 4,8241.210 as of foreign , the fernier lit the Soutltewr-`� *fleet in said to have • stack ,hoot r, *0.1 t.0flum. nr o1 tLev. w:u * To r' 7. tn'1 u., The story to lomdon, Hnr..n A. •b ppo^alive as r mot eir07lated in 11 n r .1 the Affect that they aro °Warr ere W 4lreet the ictal coMpiny in - the road ria Seafonh Isentirelywithout fenn- y state that the, never con- thing of the kind, and orpropoaals looking vi- a +theme have brut bout snb- dsitertaiued. .nice has nes perfect can be mon hitter" into 414 diferent sound.. "elevation and protection ' this season. .4 • tail Verrilthin Wanted NEW NARDWAILE SIDRE 111 � )LYI I iOT1 OPPOSITE MARKET HOU ,E SIGN Of THE CIRCIRAK SAW rl1 e1t55A-p111[15 BIO 110e AT TM AT TORT A� re let 1551W1&40554 eet * amts new COMPLETE STOCK OR HARDWARE. .fall*ade which .ill be .old .t pores that dory ,rp.tltlwbare posher/ Arnhem 11.... give Uy-- Llrt N 0.o4e l old. rat week. 6. H. PARSONS & CO. Dpposite The Market homes bodefl Jaw ten lar. •.iy-U The Huron Favorite. NEW LABOR-SAVING '- v carie Nv17,7Tl:n ,AND 1'ATEAT0D by ALLZ Tien bons. toots -oh Tp. ..i`IOHBORIT E. has mob pl,a•ure I\..(erinew tl•eFarwn of Hato A NEW CHURN ofk1e own l.rentfr. end for nbk-h he sit wooed . P. tent l rye • ... . afAeraWW, O.(Cp,.lu�p yrs 1e.sader•d It wt out ly wont) Otte aunt, "THE HURON FAVORITE' ..A readily . 1 .0..ledge that for SAVING o/ TIAN ANSI *Alb ,1 STSK\,.TII AND sit-nati u'ry be a15Pl.1t'ITl ,p Y or,14111.1, I'L,UAAD SY5'ICIEA'CT or noticing gzicl Z.c wprioos n ow no e.lertor. N. B. -h. paddle :het woe. r she err c.a be Wien raised .,r lowerd rr..nlinygt to W. depth o too rem, sr Karel to sat More THE CHURN can he .ata et u. Peon of •r DPureer.R. elites Se (haled. h. County 07 Township riehr moored on Moral term.. Er In Orr lerurnbr. App17prom. idly .t lot 17 h 11 a Cr. 004.neh rp gob, leer to 0od.ricl P. O. ALEX. TICHBORNE. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURE Oodeli.% rp 7th JOY. la7L t r1.1.fJ , Ere Taoists awn Cowaocrlwo Poe CIIITaal PUYars, I•aAD P17x., 1. . 1e1.4AtIKAsh1) yANt.:Y er N wP AIR R 3x3, COAL OIL >. NO`I'IC.E Ili COPA1tTNERSHIP, 1 NAYS diode, takes toe � nwtehip 1e the Nanterre Dusumee. Yr. Geese Booth. dl u.derfek. The Tearoom net Dont, elle to be serried os seder assays. *( Keg% USNISS.r ef Lo.. el the eel eased oa Il. Merkle vgeew. t/w*me 1.1 no chew(• la aM a.0 all debts des outline am of linea l►aAht et IS W„ orae W paid al oboe. O. notch. Dee. 1105, It 1. tf a TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS sir• '1' 1 I li "Gardner Sewing Machine," MANUFACTURFD AT HAMILTON. • Carpenters Wanted ! let 507 7011 Leans MTOCt W NallaZ,Toola and other Which we Mn jest received. Painters Wanted, To clear eat the lar,e arorlrent of Palet.. 0105 forint, noes aped Puny, all W Use 4.t [tunny. Blacksmiths Wanted, u` Dualp,.. to Ir1or family and light manufa.7turiug Mork the Gardner dewing Machine CARRIED OFF THE FIRST OV kit ALL THE MACHINES AT TuE TORONTO, LONDON, CHATHAM, OIIE ;PH, CATHERINES.ORANGEVILLE, WMAER• LOO AND CH 411LESTON ��yy��� EXHIBITIONS. #41.00.... at with me,at the Pro,leeial EahiMtlon, Kingston; mid poi mrstrdetf ata at the'Hemilton Exhibition e Thousands of People who saw THE OARDNER in operation at thew ex hibitiolts eer0 actually uuaiishud at is SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY, IT WILL SEW FROM THIa TRINES? MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST CLOTH S LEATHER. IT 1S HANDSOMELY MADE AND 18 Simple, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned, And has the most complete set of attachments of any • wrnine now manufactured. Call and see the Gardner Machin, al salrn,0.a, opposite the Market Holten., OuIeneh: W.8.ENTkOOHNRHU AISLJN'OOUNTY. N. B. -The following is a copy fn.m the (Nobe, daring the exhibition week at Kingston: -"The Gardner Sewing Machine Cu. exhibit several family machines. nose on view were in operation during the day and Newed.fronl the lightest work to a {piece of shoat lead and • bit of cage! box combined. The utaehiuse do light I5tanufaoturing work as well .s all that is rsynired in ally family circle." Ouderich, Dec. 7th, 1871. • 'r -A. . Coopers Wanted, Farm for Sale - BEI N() the est halt.ol Luta, In the 12th *00,10.555015, Eastern Division of the Township of A*he.lJ, °obtaining 100 err* of laud, of which 66 *Orr* sea flawed, the remaining 46 &ores are ,covered with good Hardwood. A never Ifrtiling track runs Wunsch the ptsuussa, tion+ is also a good young Orohard b. - ginning to bear. Bnlldir■ consist el A Hewed Log House and s Mani 40 by 26 Net. This farm u situated about 4 utiles from Lucknow and tee wiles frena • the Northern Gravel Rood. When the new Railway is completed to Luckuo• 505 this lel will greatly morass, III talus. . slsey Apply to JAMES T11OMINON, V. on the premises or10 Mesas. DAY1SON,1• JOHNSTON, Barristers, &c., Oudsrich. January, '10. 1872. all 3m. TOWN LOTS. 1�� u.ltwJ05I.ht Yo Lrort°Nanrre d' .b rr,l.ilwtd, irony' free, p,. ly,. interior howl. Turco reee,n•LI., to u. ,10811 t111JYitt, Seer rnAr.Nert •�Y?t� rte J.L. 555E Bot IA rTUTh 41. Mr • FA4M :OR SA Le A pip"'RAli 11 YIt1/A X111 nAT ���.trkp ./fir„ nr,i.•� •'n{blidee ►• wj Mehr, M.h 145. ,A,wM. ml rl�1) ra,, ..a. •III...N Mel..rd •f (praalt )rel rle.1'1. _.1... I. •ref r� _ pra.h 100., rte► ■ telt Sf.p'larl AMJy b wweAr►wr/. 4coda/tali Joe. NN7nr ". ewe. tf FOB8a LE, Guelph Machine COl ONC,Rous red Joy re in tkru reaseeshle. oF: THE . OSBORNE - �--- SE«eING MACHINE. o4 r1 +. 44 4S' 4 s c* 4++ KING OF AMERICAN ap6.4 • hIt INr1. NswlNu MAC11i014. LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINE Thl4.l*NIM triµ*lt'a11ott rANADA All 5,05 tow. M.. bin.. Ter la.e hes e0.M her..e, ally..MW mute my fa, dote IOW- itahh .tile nm rep skit.. se 1 we or rowed ale pen.r t, Loy other wp.e.I►..yrr.f�INO the peNle. (Are Jwick re Oof ..d, M.tiyr.. Beer lar 0014 w.r or rtealew .d 7. .Ling Aureola.. `The Osho ne -Sewiow Matlllinebss • itieMX Let 55 u ,...•amt Itta ese=gt. «. hrerw.i fewwd .rp. , • •••• Woes f.,y, 004rh•0 cur~ �Ite. .aa.."p'd.abeye.a tgto 4the notot■ 4riem IS. I171 C sTlwas Mie For tale. eovtt wa Aa I AC,ts Len 'mai &Priv m eueeyEagINN Tin. aIhneA. teua *Ming ireme ,ti Miele * �O M e . PLUS L *.TIO .f Derr Marione. 1311 de .11 1 tie le M Mrs* Irwin • • ,..•t ..Li, b the C,a•rW erer-,r•at or uric, Iran,. WAh, ee ..1 t.`t1..erlr. re t010. 0 a•L ' wa\{•sr[. A\ 7:4M/ow a . 0.47101. ,..i,p'*.red r.elily ser. bra,4 ea w nr, n, r tier ,rice ►01.70. charged honer/Ur dolt(. re r\Io sI nrl. the r euaetuere brig deterr'..4 to plan le .Phre Ih. reach W eery roll, 1e the ouster A 051.0 w.....,, r l•.g .W carer at lis . 7.1,05. Arm Aa.y0N4L Te wit *pert m est oto girt nrety of the Tool ef their bre. Ladies Wanted I TO •,m nope. .L1/11•1, msa RTrbrae the O. stack ef . Saar 1•,.. A .rge Quantity of Rope on Lard seri Iardwatt•a of RE Ueda, is arse noleep. x, B.-Ewrythiay aired at the Very Law - est rotas et H. GAR.DINER & Co 's, -- Market Square, Goderieb• Dederirh, nth May 1571. New photograph Ciliary 1 I(Nest do r.lo the Telegraph Wks.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' %yilriztar' Y.t'tter .1.A The Guelph Reversible pn,erinraul Y. t runtI. tread 5105*. .4rof too M1.11. -544. 1t/ r.rn.lY,ss .e, w. 1111111 do .11 varieties of Amore erre pap, e. ni r•n r .aerg.. 44.'•4 tt. Ne erearth fl ear, it 0.041. do , rr *snare. t 5 A, '•rr wa•nr ,,cremes 114111110 tenni im • sr, TO eat* ern- Om Ir r • (:UEL1'H SEWING MACHINE 00.. GUELPH CANADA. At rhee tedth.dat.l hodrn. 1.145105. /Ark Chalon . •,n wetws;wefeth. en err. 1.11 1 �'��FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, e� T ��T I O . A god niu�•LiOnaan ag o ke �.11.111dree .gt w'e'n curly raged, leo liable m get oat of only, egrtapstare.Jllh.fuurlM•,urwamn,•r•,I:hn'eulb�.a,em. .n.nnfl.trwMwlhm tmlla.aA Aa.er55 te revues enters leer the t.4 ,'. roe ail rrteat •PFK b rel 4i rederase r♦gdr re dt.root, 55 FAON,Y STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, et Plel. w rt An noshing werrtatN N..r-an arts.f mums.. ',p.n.s es short....o ft. TL1■twrfee for )larhi.r. l• .tautlyw sees, 41ed nesep1 con �Q siI ,, Q Isair-Coal Gil Lamps, 7'. Old Imo sir Sign of the Large Coal Oil Bar* I Goderich. Aug 15, 1,470 self CLOTHING. , stray Pig. •,.. Dee I1, 1171. w Mega Godfrack 1.5 Ras now returned front the yaw panettssed to the al* orange 931IIPLET 'STOCK cm. AMCIAL NOM Wont HBAITY WINTER CLOTHS, wild. In • prepared to geIl /other by try.. tree op r. Del retest notes at 11. IC 11 IN.AVICW. 'here .744•1• wines UM 4a, • all kirk dam CALL AV ViI4111171/7. God oileb NI Oct VOL Mire will pier per .,, N... ANTF3R0 BEERY TEWS. SPENCER,: PRO. Spencer's XXX Ales& Porter Spencer's Bottled Ale n Fine condition, F,encer's Ales in Pun- cheon, barrels and H If barrels. at the GODERICH DEPOT, GEO. GRANT. 714 nu ME MARKET SQUARR. HeR15& ROBERTS, SCOTCH GRANITE jiONUMENTS It. • p oonotantly on heed, err ion fool.. to onfor ork ern roaring Wonionee! Ton.- Ta Mee tlesilatosea Count...! Tante-Tole, Nam - The Excelsior Grocery America. sw Show -Room next door to *NJ "Sprint Office. _ HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Rave for sale MINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD SA WS, AND BEST MAKES OF HANDSAWS, CHOP- PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS ILND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES ANL Hof/ADA/WS. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WROUGHT AND CUT NAILS. &o. And &large ameortm'ent crt all kinds of II A It EOW At low prices fee DASH. Opposite 'ANj Ar BATA kr BAICIELD. Im no's. 114 ri ter To ashlpw G..1 T.srlerig lelti id ee rarer, p..... of or land. . rs I mil~. r kens. of ra 1.05. • t cid rd Tree k ed Mem d • .er.1,r�e to th thy try 1 efts the * $ ell aide b Amen, y el ue rapte „■� .�W... 1 h5... 55'prt1la^•1. u•na1t ,4 lS 5.WO 54 AI4* 7. .1.eI sorties. Mrr of a Te "kiP �tLt�.yye. 1,h h woad pnd.,. • .. woe towhee4L thecalas. Theble hit reap le I 5 I ar•wd J •me fns wiling �1 • c-4 M i▪ • Yor ramap y y 1te (p, age, . it( A or • w CrONwell V Guelph, *51.15(6, 101 a holt ea Farm Po ale. law 014 Mirk eel rite rate. Apply to 10 nnwaarie To Le 4,1 noope....rittrsatr. sr 71. 411701/ 43 110'11 Lee sem. soodesir 0'1%4 .1a.d. Arab Gi /NT INL fiedereb PRI Rintereiben berg nerereed brew re 1 ett ettyreon'es novo of the Kenn Nor. er West Street, la the Town of GerierIch. over the store lbrioarlyoceopied try Nr JON IN HAN I la UN Mien molars irtyle. Ns is pureed to do .r PORCELAIN PCTTURES, &e. PRICE/ litrAS()NABLE Rperle• littoral.. paid to copy lee old A mbrotypes Loner •rl swan pommels the wet eve Of thsegt he pictures allowed to the Oelbry war a; proved of. • CALL NOLICITAD Sierra sale of Lands. Corry of Fleur 1131; virtue of z:lfirdt of readlill of Wee.. Ilreneh :rot to it. directed against tia 1.•0,1 and Tenenies. of Darla Alorrocea, At the e mit of the Illerchaats Ur Canada, 1 WM oinedand take. ia Rarrotiam all the right, title awl n amed defendast ta and to Late bilhatenerVell 11111.4 OWN In the boirtsenth conerolon the Tarn - Alp of ',owlet, • Oa Colo; nf Huron. contain mg tartar by whonsuremeet Ir. hoedred Arr. mete Wier. Wlosh Leeds 11541 Tenement/11 Rhall 111/•• lab at ory NA., la the Conn Nova, la tbeNerre ed Goderish net Thursday tog eleventh PARTIAL LIS? CODERiCH WOOLEN FACTORY H" ardw" St"rA4Par. 41" Mt" wericaterful. t•RNING THANKS PUN 1•0•1 1•41•1)04117.1.1r3 STATE that iarittg the past wlato, tte y loss Added largely lo their Manufac`tuing Machines. Alai all hang barreratIrel7 •111•1 WHITE LEAD. all prices. Are now Prepared ta xxecnte Orders WILED ND RAW OIL, WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OP MORE DEBAR/LITT, M. SERI' OIL, CARPENTERS roots. GRAIN CRADLLS, • MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUARER rAcxma, LEATFIE In Tweed. roam,: Bigert• neva cote.. it. ••••-", • " and Neater In Pil_ttern Than Formerly. A nd kinds ot CUSTOM SPINNI1G, ROLL CARDING. cLOTR DRESSING ice. 17001.it U. 4514 With lir I, r•r4 14), .41/, hent.lhclor, .1i,rita rely For ors nen • call ;Jr. 733847767.3....1.waMag, bang.e.rithelf...r pod. will *ler 'Mit "trOirr vlai*terk°*".." VOd *risk Nov. 28,1871 4a• et amman ieft, et the /haw of tour of the desk, star snorers Sheriff cd Huron. fletVOTKP 7, 7 KIP • SHKRIFF73 SALE OF LANDS. Interests of British Residents In' • yA.Pusi az. SON /1 to the public of the town arid ....try, thet threl the roe orrery 0.04 Mow 1,.ieed la Malmo. their own atteettlht. They ow heed. Inn A (100D STOCK Ventillf neon. corner en letrefhl. Scotch or Rn Halt Army. Poetry, Melodious frown Ole heel lAterary InNle Slone o Zero* ewe Amur, Nditoriale on Leming Tapir., 1n. TOR YIPTNIINTH Cr$14MINCRD ONJANOARY 4A, 11.01, and costaIns the MA or O. Interring our e staler of • " Saida, Fess in the itlehlaadA, NMI IT TIIC rims 7f) SUPS(' If ISE I flpectre worn ant nee 123 51 7i94) CHARLES VIDEON, no Hansen & Saddlery Businesa intentoossotet Nr. Serra 1403:red to Neer gll vmo rind hem Wen er ion 'erre* v. th• her workshoto to elder Oir Neerytting In there tope nn her oe nor Three doom from the Post Office. *RICH PUMP F1CTORT ardor for, riar err" err 14 ee bar 1103r SCUFFLERS. OM 1211t4tt rise .puz TEAS, f RPICEN CON nISTING OF, A ht STEW ART rhereto ere. thet arra anon. ent*H20, the set elthe Parliament.. intr. late Prowler., of Com da.reicorponnim, tto tenter' end Herr Railway romper, fpf a. set 4.• In co pulite a Company Peretford In the Cranny MN.% ta the Irma of Noun...plow In the restrity ef Neese, re to erg Mr. rat se Ish• Nark Ord at the Tort of Stratford • tb•Crety 01 Perth tale rhol Aoy of Merenber A. D. int. * COUNT/ OF PICRON, r.leto. or a Pierer To WI. f Pied heir lo g eed oat of Hu Ilayaele• Corey fort, of Poem*, of Herr awl to nee dlwried trine the lair and Thornosta of Janne I. N Aro aml reed derl talarin wirantIon, all the right, Mier.' Intern of Ole short ean•rd Ireenclant, John Tab- er, ta end to. all and After that 'erre parlor tract of lead sad purses Metre lyng and telft le the Terrier ?one rith, le the c.usty or Rene, &ad Preview of Arra, bang sompowel of pert of lot erre Idler le th. tint sooners of the Tow aahlp or Torture.* areossin, and to- le, le tho Ones of Marporry ne4 may le briar tree and &molted ea roller. Coroner/ • ter er • erne eenety-reht inns ire eV re cm • seer Nene es. eetyria degree* •oet Her Need, eed the •Itorne• 1r Nor Neuron Lots Mrs mad elves, 133 Ole Coarinusta Therwehip Terawderdth, on dr wrsomly ere in mid . rah. teems there nor Aron 4r. grog., ere thi emu err sed annoy erg mu. to ire el the lowd streamer three rhea.. find sleety lanky, ihease aneih error deers wt.. te charm •nd seremy lir. mon oe Ism ton. erne, ly Ito • Ned travelled Ire Mr thence north Orman els doper wee three siring er entr- ain. lore non. or lees to the pre d louring end ...row four sere., *ow roar snd Orr; per.. of kend, entrefolew My fro fir fro the me MI peat *ger et the sr theasirif err or the Pr herrn Cron mud aloe. mei rranntrn Herr Reed by sea heron hon deer, when Igor ih• Cori Howe, iv on Town of Roderick. o* lora Peer err aim JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of Huron. JOHN INGLIS & SON. G. H. Padons & Co.. Opposite t Market House, he. 28. 1871 tAIDS.BILL-LTEAD NEW Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Ratea 11111.2.4201a sum ERIC 1.-1 24 vka Jury Lists, Voters' Lists, Notice of Appointment, Oath of qualification; Convictions, Pathmasters' LISTS mg INT CO rE lL (DIE, And by the Dozen - Ware bend, GOOD AS THE BEST AD D CHEAP AS Tim tatEspENT PON PARR Merin Sale a Lea& -I•• Son b6 mai the lAgialaturrl Wit"' I of Her Mairgtri Conn gabled." la Towitship of itoseneptia, I 14/00/41,, I have seised and taken into fot the 144tokints earwig Lusk ro• th• right, title, and inter- ne's, thessed "hoes. MA ib• kat number seventeen in the „sr: ageuz..oustist ith• ahovo named defendant, in IVIL) frit mu et ray am, ()mitt rir. al el" "ft 'Perti.t M111014 hoop orill",.:114117.611 Atria l'ollea."1, Torero. Ors err reed "61" Werra Ike pewseerm 4106131 MAMMA Ln, coN NEWB (NEARLY Convenient IS LAR HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, pir•iv,‘,. - hernia pooh. All CND AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKS sums. TO ORDWAT CRSAPMIT Rants T THEY HAVE rtECE1VED NEW floderieli, Kara 1174,L, Word of REMOVED BUILDING TIP AN fTNiNf) by 1“0"hig Me Noma As !Juin. %A Wear/ fm41114. owilhelir For leheart Nrel. Tine of Dr Ner mel bele at Mr. W. campnnt. Ooderith July 23th. 1M. Walt FARM FOR SALE. • lbeV AA Lead 79 KI10.1. Oase4 fro t.d of Pall Wheat. rise from Or rek Of me DAVID C41 Oedenct, Dee. irt. 1•11. FOR SALE. covered with Idsple end Brett, 10 101 from 004irrieh, with a never /oiliest MI 'Deem mooing through the costes of 14 land. 14070 i• shoo lb atm of &odd land on the from ot the lot. THOS. WEATRERA: Engineer and Sere Valuable Propert# For sale, Irojthere en. • lane framorniling Honer two re OTII 7NBIN AND gel IN Tien TolifTir hiela, eel oil Int .1f4 then le •Ierget tient, fret Rotel at little root sr sir • Nor Rare. Tr ler pe god cither together or MIR *redrew. as th. yreere, of 14 MIN Choifie Farm for Sale II 17 ferea,•• erred mod eh. baleen ie ger be* thew 'NAM 1 Ow.. *Teheran •AA 9 11090 even -faille. snot now errs* .4715 RTIIL TO SAS FARR FOR BALL plork.ma LOT COR D001111CIT toxemic Per Cher. wIth • geed yr nu M err of roller nereng ler, purer wired far Jain Mirror, WA • aril erre tee tory word Wert mat ell thwernew • y err rag for nor wring !noire hone, free 16.. *ad otwAtir4. Terme our Tar farther peruri. JOHN LAMONT, Home awl lot for sae BARGAIN A enenfortable hoes. with six rooms in gond repair. The few den contains. scheme eolleetion of fry 't Feed- II -reedit - =ST lailallt111, AT 110 Tons Itraaorta II Hid - Sill Cheap Irtiellhatr. 11 1 11 110111immemeY