HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-11-14, Page 143."5:17`77 77.6. • ARTHRITIS DANCE — Proceeds from the annual dance for the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society sponsored by Xi Gamma Nu sorority and students of Centralia Agricultural college totalled -$2,037. Shown here presenting the check to Joe Dolan, regional representative of the society are, Robbie Robichaud, Huron Park Fire chief; Mrs, Ron Bart, president of Xi Gamma Nu and Lorna Ferguson, co-ordinator of the students. T-A photo Clandeboye Guides honored, 4-H girls hold final session Honor couple at Greenway ay MANUEL CURTS A presentation and dance was held in the Corbett community centre Friday evening for Mr, SC Mrs. Glen Dixon (Wendy Hicks), newlyweds,. They were the recipients of a bridge set from the community friends. CIAl "The Making of a Nation" was the theme of the worship and study chosen by Mrs. Selbourne English and Evelyn Curts for the November meeting of the UCW held at the home of Mrs. Milton Pollock. A film "The Bear in the Road," depicting the experiences and hardships of the missionary during the pioneer years of Canada, wasshown andlnarrated. Mrs. Ross Brown substituted for the president in leading in the business portion of the meeting. Lillian Ulens and Mrs. Vera Brophey served lunch at the close of the meeting, Personals Mr. & Mrs. Art Duberry, Ken Webster, and Mr. & Mrs. Ron Parsons and family, all of London were Saturday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Adair. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Vera Brophey were Mr. & Mrs. Huh Brophey and family, London, and Mrs.Don McLellan and Jackie, Staffa. Philip Clarke, Port Credit has been visiting with his son and daughter-in-law at the General Store. Laurence Brown has returned home from Minnesota, where he was engaged in a six week course to further his education. Anne and Beverly Smith, London were Sunday visitors with the Curts. By the way: With another anniversary of November 11 come and gone, surely the nations will soon learn that heads, hearts and hands will settle the world's, differences much better than arms. 41111111111•111 Ratepayers' Meeting Wed., Nov. 20 8:00 p.m. EXETER TOWN HALL " ,Discuss The ,Op.w(tion of the Town With the 1973-74 Council. Hear the candidates for the upcoming election outline their platforms Boys' Suits and Sport Coats BOYS' PANTS Values To $27 NOW One Law Price Koratron Plain Flared Dress Pants Reg, $8.95 $2 0 0 888 Corduroy and and Plaid' Pants .9 R 7 eg. to $ 549 $ ammizmammasezmagnam Sc HOME HARDWARE MONEY Good For FIVE CENTS IN MERCHANDISE 1 , At Toy Department of HOME HARDWARE Henson • Ontario Z3M1-.WWk.WR,3*WUVVn WIVEMIROVIMPOCCOVOCItittiVIVOCCOVIPPIEWROPliteefttfetteMCIfel Drysdale MENSAL,. PHONE 262 - 201S Page 14 Times-Advocate, November 14, 1974 Recreation officials o share We'll Do the Job Right... cite need t A heed for recreation cost sharing Agreements between central municipalities and their neighbouring townships was determined by the 70 delegates and guests who attended the ahnuat fall conference of the Lake Huron Zone of the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association. • A formal presentation by St. Mary's recreation director Len Love and St. Mary's area recreation committee members Helen Rankin and Homer McKay initiated an in-depth discussion by the delegates of several questions related to the feasibility of forming area recreation committees and sharing costs of recreation services and facilities. Although the delegates were unanimous in their support for the principle of area recreation, diversities in the extent and the structure of related legislation were deemed necessary due to diverse conditions in different geographical areas. It was felt that recreation costs to the taxpayers are not excessively high at this time. Fair distribution of costs is a greater problem than the total Whatever the project, call on us for amounts of tax dollars being spent. It was interesting to note that the delegates from the townships and village com- mittees, who generally are dependent on the recreational services located in the larger communities, felt they should be paying their fair share of the cost of maintaining these services although at the present timer in most instances, they were not doing so. Probably the two most difficult problems to be overcome in establishing effective area recreation committees and Cost- sharing agreements will be (a) overcoming the resistance of some of the township councils arid taxpayers who will be reluctant to subsidize services they are already receiving and (b) devising a simple formula for the now complex task of deter- mining fair amounts to be paid by "have not" villages and town- ships whose residents are utilizing the services of not just one but Several near-by larger municipalities. Attending from Exeter were recreation director Jim McKinley and RAP chairman Gord Baynham. Ready-Mix Concrete • KsirgNTik,t. • CQMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235.0833 Office: 228-6961 cnniminmniminainannimmminaiminammiminnainiiniminiiniimmitiiii.: et ) resents meeting place for the guides when Sylvia Rosch, Anna Lee Bakker, Shelly Egan, Jill Fowles and Wendy Kraul received their Jr. camper badge, outdoor cooking and outdoor adventure Talk spices at Cromarty badges presented by Captain Else. Wendy Kraul also received her first aid badge phase 2. Visitors at the meeting were brownies and their leader, Brown Owl, Ruth Ann Curtis, to observe the guide meeting and take part in games and closing exercises. Saturday November 16 the guides will be on a hike. They will meet at 12:30 at the Anglican Church, Lucan. By MRS, DAVID KESTLE The Tea Totalers, completed their 4-H project, The Club Girl Entertains" with about twenty five guests at the home of leader Mrs. B. Henry. It was a noon dinner party. The roll call, "what I have gained from this club" had a great variety of answers. Achievement, day plans were discussed and final plans will be taken care of at a rehearsal meeting. Everyone sat down to a delicious bowl of home made soup sesame seed rolls, and a variety of cold meats, salads and deserts. Afterwards the group drove to Skateland in London for two hours of roller skating to end a very interesting and informative club. The Enduring Entertainers concluded their project with a party meeting Saturday at the home. of Mrs. A. Hodgins, assistant leader. Achievement day plans were discussed and after a short meeting the party got under way. Twister and Apple Bob and a treasure hunt were enjoyed by all eight. girls, The Tnepbers provided the_ lunchWinch in- cluded fancy sandwiches, a relish tray; cupcakes and squares and home-made candy. Achievement day is November 23 at Parkhill Separate School. Girl Guides receive badges , Biddulph School was the By MRS. ROBERT LAING CROMARTY Meeting 8 of Staffa No. 2's Happy Cookers was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. John Wallace. Jeanna Elliott presided for the 4-H Pledge and the roll call was "What I intend to buy when we entertain our mothers at a Chinese restaurant." The girls were quizzed on various types of spices. Mrs. Charles Douglas reviewed oriental food and she• and Mrs. Wallace helped fill in a crossword puzzle on oriental food. Persona Is Sylvia Rosch attended the Bathurst Church bazaar in Toronto on Saturday and spent Sunday with her grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Keys, Hyde Park. Mr. & Mrs. D. Newman, Mr. & Mrs. D. Kestle attended the bridal shower held on Sunday in Windsor for Susan Charron and Tom Ward, niece of Dave and Eleanor Kestle. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sweitzer, Shipka and Mrs. R. Black and Michael were visitors with Mrs. J. Donaldson, June and Cindy. Congratulations to Danny and Helen Rodgers and Lorne who have a new son and brother, (Desmond Christopher) born Nomernber. 64 at, St., Joseph's 11 O'S pi tel. Hans Rosch was released from University Hospital and is home recuperating. Rev. Sach called Wednesday afternoon for a visit with Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Millson and Gerald. Mrs. Sach is in Victoria Hospital undergoing treatment. Clandeboye is beginning to open up the new building site for new homes and a number of lots have been sold. The machines are making roadways and drains for the development which will be in full swing by spring of 1975. Pair mark two events Mr, & Mrs. Martin Oakes and son of Bramalea visited over the weekend with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Keith Gaylor. Roland Wright is convalescing at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Thelma and Gerald Edwards, Mrs. MarjorieTidbell is a patient in University Hospital, London. Mrs. Dorothy Garside and Betty Hilborn are patients in Strathroy-Middlesex General Hospital. Miss Doreen Gaylor of London visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. Keith Gaylor one day last week. The legion (Parkhill 341) Armistice dinner was well at- tended. .Where She Shops Shop For HER . LAY-AWAY TODAY AT By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Neighbours and friends of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Weber called at their new home Friday evening for a housewarming and Anniversary celebration. Cards were enjoyed. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Weber arrived home fpllowing a honeymoon to the west and a visit at Manitoulin Island with Mr. & Mrs. Eric ,Eagleson and Marshall. Mrs. Ninia Kraft is a patient in University Hospital, London. Boyle's Ladies' Wear MAIN ST. EXETER SEW and SAVE! swirowitevevecteverevareaseftwitoectetwevievereitereemo BE WISE . DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING At dress materials • ribbons • buttons coatings • laces • elastic suitings • trims • domes linings • buttons • needles prints • zippers • seam binding broadcloths • scissors • embroidery floss flannelette • thread • needle threaders corduroys • crochet hooks • tracing paper polyester • crochet cotton velvets • knitting needles I Home I .1 Hardware Stores vAa IERViCe CIEPr.onsolt r SANTA SAYS: LAY-A-WAY LUGGAGE NOW While The Selection Is Best HENSALL MCICteteetVORWAVICMCVVINCIMV14, ververasextvectetwoctecteetta CO;Nste: verrs TOYLAND IS OPEN QUILT BATTS PENGUIN DOMINION DAISY Reg, 89c 59 Reg. $1.69 $ 1 .19 Reg. $1.98 $1 .39 MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. 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PHONE 235:1933 ExtrEn, wr / AilailMomor