HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-10-17, Page 17CLASSIFIED RATES Effective ,Ncrember 1, 1973 WORD COUNT Charges are based an the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, 'Words joined by hyphens count ps separate words, FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2.00, 8t per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy chonges, 6e per word, minimum $1.20. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2.00 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $1.80 per column inch. (Minimum size' in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 75' per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $2,00, 8a per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8e. IN MEMORIAMS — $2.00 plus 12a per line of verse, COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 86. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD$ OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, de per word 5O DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4;00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1,00. Phone 235-1331 FOR SALE .. • Ranch style Home on large lot. 3 bedrc\ooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, family room, fireplace, broadloom rugs, swimming pool, garage and cap port. APPLY FRED DARLING Exeter Illllllr FURTNEY SUE EDGINTON Sales Manager Philip Furtney Real Estate Limited 176 Victoria St. West Exeter, Ontario Bus, 235-2040 Furtney Real Estate sold 6.4 million in the first quarter of 1974 See Furtney Real Estate for all your needs "17 ()glees across Ontario arid still growing" NEW! NEW NEW! 'SLL Come and see these beaut&il new homes in a new fully serviced subdivision, 3 bedrooms, dining room, lying room, bright kitchen, full basement, broadloomed, and set on extra large lots. 11 1/4 % mortgage now arranged for $30,850. Hurry! $39,900 Contact Exeter office 235-2040 EXETER — WOODED LOT, 25 Acres, suitable for recreation area or 'clear a spot and build. Full privacy, situated one mile from Exeter. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 or office 235-2040 328/E/74. NEW REMODELED — large 3 bedroom house on beautiful lot, just a few blocks from downtown. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 or office 235-2040 346/E/74 GRANTON — vacant store, start your own business, an- tiques, appliances, electrical, etc. on the spacious main floor. Large living quarters upstairs. 4 bedrooms, living room, din- ing room, kitchen, pantry and bath for $25,000tyou have a home and a business. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 of- fice 235-2040 379/E/74. CHOICE FARM — 100 acres, tile drained grass farm. For further information call Doreen McRobert 225-2853, or office 235-2853 343/E/74 HENSALL — IT'S A BIG ONE - older 11 room 2 storey frame house, 2 open stair cases, extra large rooms throughout, modern conveniences, large single car garage, not attached. Call Sue Edginton 227-4243 or office 235-2040. OUT-OF-TOWN — 2 1/2 acres, house and barn on paved road only 20 minutes from London. Older 1 1/2 storey 4 bedroom brick home with plenty of trees. Large L-shaped loose housing clean barn, with cement floors. Askina 552,- 900.Contact Bob Jackson 234-6360 or office 380/E/74. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL — If Mr. Fix-it is looking for a winter project, try this 3 bedroom storey and Y2 home, Large living room, kitchen, bath. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 or office 235-2040 329/E/74. THORNDALE — hobby farm, 11,acres, well tree'd and only 20 minutes from London. This 11/2 storey home has newly remodeled living room with wall to wall broadloom, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, bright, enclosed sunsporch and 3 large bedrooms with walk-in closets. Contact Mary McRobert 225-2835 or office 235-2040 277/E/74 LONDON — Easy living in this cozy brick 2 bedroom home featuring large living room, dining room, kitchen and 4-piece bath, lower basement apartment has one bedroom, bath, kitchen and dining area. Asking $39,000. contact Sue Egin- ton Lucan 227-4243 or office 381/E/74 At. A 'PRICE AND TERMS QUITE SAIISFING TO ANY BUYER a 3 bedroom 1 1/2 storey insul brick home on large lot in the village of Kirkton, 12' of built in cupboards in kitchen, large livingroom, 3-piece bath with vanity, forced air oil furnance, within easy commuting distance of Exeter, Mitchell or St. Marys. Contact Mary Baker, Uniondale 1- 349-2556 333/SM/74 FARM LOCATION PRICED TO SELL — 100 acres clay loam farm, large L-shaped barn, drive barn set up for pigs and beef, 1 1/2 storey 3-bedroom home, with 3-piece bath, oil fur- nonce. This farm is completely tile drained. Mary Baker, Uniondale 1.349-2556 297/SM/74 F' or Any of Your Real Estate Needs Contact: OFFICE 23$-2040 FURTNEY REAL ESTATE is pleased to announce a new soles person BEV BOBINSON Phon&235. 1936 t, Tirnes.,Acivocate., 9;194(4 17, 1974 Pogo 11 Classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted -19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed STRAYED from Lot 3, Conc. 4, Stephen Township, one steer with mark on left ear. Pat Marrinan, phone 227-4371, 42:43c MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. BUSINESS & FARMERS Bookkeeping - Accounting as required -Weekly - Monthly - Quarterly Yearly Financial Statements Taxation Returns Call Neil Romphf 235-0443 HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service, PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-1967 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO (519) 235.0101 3 Situations Wanted SHEET METAL and plumbing repairs, Phone 262,6212. 30*3 I t 4 Help Wanted CHOOSE YOUR OWN HOURS Write Your Own Paycheque If you enjoy meeting people, the House of Fuller needs you to service customers with our quality products. Opening now in this area. To arrange an interview Write D. Wight, RR 2, Thedford or phone 1-296-4646 collect, evenings. 41:42:43c LABOURERS required for bridge construction, Rates $4,50 per hour, Apply in person to Looby Builders (Dublin) Ltd. south side of Hwy 8 in Dublin, 41:42:43c FORM BUILDERS required for bridge construction, Rates $6.00 per hour. Apply in person to Looby Builders (Dublin) Ltd, south side of Hwy 8 in Dublin. 41:42;43c PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne! Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway #4 1 Mile North of Exeter THE BIG, LITTLE MARKET —Large Auction Room available for complete or partial estates. —Complete refinishing centre. Minwax wood finishes, etc. —Weekend Antique Flea Market. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Before You Buy (or Sell) Give Us a Try Bill & Lavarre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright, Auctioneer 262-5515 SUITE 208 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519) 673-1421 4 Help Wanted Burkley Restaurant Apply in person KITCHEN HELP 52.50 per hour 10;00 - 4:00 daytime DINING ROOM HELP ' $2.75 per hour 11;30 - 2:00 daytime 5:00 - closing night shift KITCHEN HELP $2.75 per hour to start 5:00 closing night shift Experience Preferred Part-time. Kitchen Help and Dining Help $2,35 per hour NIGHT SHIFT $2,85 per hour to start SHORT ORDER COOK 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. $125 clear weekly 6 days weekly 40:41:42:43c Part-time Arena Assista.nts To assist with ice maintenance and duties • at the Exeter Arena Entirely weekend work Applicants please reply in writing by Thursday, Oct. 24 to: JIM McKINLAY Recreation Director Box 1810 Exeter 42:43c PART-TIME bar and lounge help, Apply in person to Dufferin Hotel, Centralia or phone 228-6649. 42c PART-TIME bar help, male or female, Apply Green Forest Motor Motel; Grand Bend. Phone 238- 2365. ,42c 526 OXFORD STREET E LONDON 24, ONTARIO PHONE 672-1200 COUNTRY HOMES EXETER 4 acres with a lovely large 2-storey brick home. 4 bedrooms and .bath up. Has small stable with horse stalls. Phone 235-1866 BLYTH, AUBURN 1 1/4 acre with older 2 bedroom brick home with new frame addition. Phone 235-1866, LUCKNOW 9 acres on edge of town with 3 bedroom frame home. Phone 235-1866. CARGILL 90 acre farm with 40 acre man made lake stocked with trout. Has 2 caboose and barn. Phone 235-1866. CLINTON Restaurant on main street with all equipment, has new wiring and air con- ditioner, Has 8 bedrrom liv- ing quarters up, also a one bedroom apartnient which is rented. Selling because of ill health. . Phone 672-1200 or Dorothy Trout 235-1866 4 Help Wanted CLASS A MECHANIC *4Straight Time • Excellent Working Conditions and Fringe Benefits Apply in Person to REG McDONALD at LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. EXETER 2235-1640 42c RELIABLE PERSON for light housework, one day weekly. Phone 235-2896 after 5;30 p.m. 42c CLERK with chauffeur license wanted immediately, steady employ- ment. Apply Darling's Food Market, Exeter. 42c RELIABLE PERSON to take over household duties and look after 2 children, 7 and 9 years old, live in preferably. Apply to Box GJP The Ex- eter Times-Advocate. . 42c 5 Business Opportunities Full or Part Time Opportunity EARN MONEY FROM YOUR OWN HOME Manufacturing Co. requires person or Company to store and supply in his local area our Company's products. A large basement — garage or work area will be required, FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE Lorrain Chemicals Inc. 3400 Landmark Road Burlington, Ontario (416) 639-4593 42:43c 6 Services Needlework Oil and Picture Framing —Choice of frame l"-3" width —Reiular or non glare glass —Ready to hang —48 hour service Phone after 6 p.m, 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clintqn, Ontario 42:44t WILL BABYSIT in my home. Mary Shoebottom, phone 228-6818. 42* Re Canada Savings Bonds I will be acting as an agent for MIDLAND DOHERTY LIMITED in the sale of the 1974/75 Series Canada Savings Bonds, For information or advice Concerning these securities please call 235-0691 (evenings Or Saturdays preferred) or write Box 1234 Exeter. Geo. A. Godbolt 42* FARMERS! Are you considering erecting FARM BUILDINGS TR'S YEAR? Contact us — We -offer complete farm building service, BALL-MACAULAY LTD. Clinton Staforth Hensall 19t 6 Services Shirley's Loft General Repairs to —tents —awnings —campers —etc, Phone 235-1394 42:43c KARL ORTMANNS' Plastering Service New, renovations, stucco and drywall Free estimates Phone Exeter ,235-1588 32;33;34:35t VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5748. 31.44*t ELECTRIC MOTOR repair service. Phone 229-8222 or call at Nesbitt Electric. 27t Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON, ONT. We pick up all barn stock free of charge 3 trucks for fast, efficient service 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, CALL COLLECT 482-9811 Call us first — you won't have to call anyone else 25t TED VOOGEL & SONS Building Construction FRAMING HOUSE AND COTTAGE RENOVATIONS Custom Built Homes Free Estimates RR l DASHWOOD PHONE 238-2742 20t TRUCKING, hauling services, fully insured, livestock, fertilizer, grain feed, Toronto every Wednesday. Call collect 229-6439 Jim Siddall & ;:Son, 10t 4w71 BEV'S PLUMBING, and HEATING Owned and Operated by Bev Lindenfield PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICEiON ALL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial PHONE 235-1081 6t eelies Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO PHONE 238-8242 48t Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:9t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964, 13t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds olaid r 2 ;27o-14d2s5y4s.terris repaired, Immediate service, Butler Bros., Lucan 227-4312 10t SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd., of E i0xcaeteurt,2n351i-g2h914.0, 263 Main St. north 40t 6 Services REDI-MIX CONCRETE — Delivered (washed sand & stone), All types of concrete work, Free es- timates. McCann Construction Ltd„ DashWood. Phone 237.3381 or 237- 3422. 141' COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION INSTALLATION AND SERVICE NEILSON REFRIGERATION PARKHILL 294-6321 44t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 18t CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn, MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19t SANDBLASTING — Protect your farm implements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying an- ticorrosive paint in our modern paint shop, Also sandblasting brick homes and waterproofing with silicone, Dave Morrissey, RR 3 Ailsa Craig 234-6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244. 10t BARN AND COMMERCIAL pain- ting — Spray painting, the experienc- ed and modern way (airless). In- dustrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free es- timates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234- 6202 RR 3 Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244. 10t DO YOU want your barn whitewashed? Call Bill Watson 237- 3306, 24t SWEITZER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL WIRING AND TRENCHING, s Farm, Residential and Industrial Phone 238-8354 26-52c MASONRY sub contractor available for block and brick work. Phone Max Hall 228-6534. 27t FLOYD TODD CONSTRUCTION Engineering and General Contractor —Restoration and renovations —Disposal systems P.O. BOX 144 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO Phone 237-3296 • 33t Carpentry Repairs Renovations and Rec Rooms Expert workmanship Call Exeter 235-0143 Or Huron Park 228-6894 38:39:40:4`1:42:43c CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl's Food Market, Hensel], 361' NEW FURNACES INSTALLED 24 hour Oil Burner Service Phone Hensall 262-5212 37t 6 Services Don's Electric FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 40t WILSON'S JEWELLERY 413 MAIN ST., EXETER WATCH REPAIR SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED CERTIFIED LICENSED WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US EXCELLENT RING AND JEWELLERY REPAIR SERVICE 39t DAVE ROSE'S MAINTENANCE and small engines, carpentry, welding etc. Also small electrical and plum- bing jobs. Phone 235-1968, 41:42;43:44* 6 Services TO REMOVE old barns or buildings call 238-83$7, 38-43c Deep Steam Cleaning BLUEWATER CARPET SERVICE —Offers upholstery cleaning —Carpet guard —Deodorizing Phone 238-2014 XAVIER BOOGEMANS Grand Bend, Ont. 41.49c CUSTOM PLOUGHING, Don Dun- das 234-6478, 41:42c FOR CUSTOM PLOUGHING phone 229-6593. 41,:42c • Adjustments and repairs while Yoh walt • Prescriptions promptly filled • Eye examinations arranged 433 Main St. (Behind G & G Discount) Exeter 235-2941 41t 666-0633 FARM SALES NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J, A. NORRIS L. D. GEE GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER — 235-0281 RES: la Green Acres — GRAND BEND 238-8070 langitort, hilly, 'Dog and Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus, 235-0120, Res, 238.8075 Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666-0289' Free Appraisal "Call now for complete Auction Service" HOUSEHOLD SALES