HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-10-03, Page 21YOU ARE INVITED
Dr. Grant Lee
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FROM 7.30 P.M, TO 9.30 P.M.
Saturday, Oct. 5
Saturday, Oct. 5 HURON PARK
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Times-AdVeeette, ()etcher 3, 1974 Page 21 Youth injured ploying field hockey
Clandeboye goats win at Ilderton Fair
year and 2nd year classmates
had a weiner roast at the Hardy
Farm with about sixty students
enjoying the evening.
Dan Hardy secretary of the
Ailsa Craig Calf-club had a
Weiner roast for the members of
the calf club and a good crowd
Clandeboye's three 4-H clubs
Clandeboye's three 4-H clubs
had their second meetings this
Club No. 1 met on Monday
evening at Henry's with the roll
call "Why I like to Entertain'
with the emphasis on Family
meals.Nine girls answered the
roll call,
Club No. 2 had their meeting at
the home of Mrs. A, Hodgins
assistant leader, the same roll
call was answered.
Newman, Kim and reg for Mrs.
Newman's mother on Sunday
WAS. attended by all the .family;
Mr, & Mrs, George Cunningham,,
DorothyKevin, Carol and Perry,
Tom .Kestle .and Lynn Roes,
Nancy and Nathan Skinner, .Janis
Kestle and Theresa Newman,
A smorgasbord dinner supplied
by the family was enjoyed by
Paul Hodgins had the.
misfortune to break his collar
bone at Parkhill High School
while playing field hockey and
will be confined for six weeks.
Mr, ,& Mrs. Will Ritchie of
Parkhill and Mr...4 Mrs. Wilfred
Cunningham drove to Baden to
visit with Mrs. Ethel Ritchie,
Mrs. Leila MeNaughton,
London .and Airs, Marg, Loft,
Ilderton called in for a few hours
to visit Mrs. Wilfred C.un-
Mrs. Rhea Markus has taken a
position in the Clan-Lan Apart-
ments in the office.
Mrs. Lorne Derbyshire is
spending some time. in Napanee
with ber daughter, ..and.son-in-law,
she returned to Napanee with her
sisterRazel, Mr, Derbyshire was
staying with his daughter Mrs. R.
Williams and Rupert fora fOw
days and Mrs. Dorothy Joyce
Windsor is visiting Mr, Der-
byshire this week.
Mrs. Gertie Williams is
remaining in 'St. Joseph's
Marion Cunningham has begun
her studies at Fanshawe College
where she is studying to become
a dental assistant.
The Western fair Raceway has
started its fall meet and this area
will be well represented,
.Mr. & Mrs. John Glavin, Ann
and Donna, Mr. & Mrs, Eugene
Glavin and Leona, and Mr. $4.
Mrs. C. Millson were Sunday
guests with Gerald and Florence
A surprise birthday party at
the home of Mr. & Mrs. Dave
CHAMPION RABBITS — Over 400 rabbits and 55 entrants competed in the Rabbit Show at the Exeter
Arena on Saturday. Marlowe Geissler (left) of West Hill won the prize for the best 4 class rabbit with a silver
grey and Angus Murray, president of the South Huron Association took top honours for his New Zealand
white which was judged best in 6 class by judge Harold Guthrie (right) from Toledo, Ohio. T-A photo
Detail night
school plans
Mrs. Hans Bosch and Sylvia
Rosch entered their goats in the
goat show at the Ilderton Fair
and the classes were as follows:
Sr. milkers, Rosie won 4th place;
Heide won 1st place in Jr,
milkers, Dora, in the kids won a
first. Reserved champinn was
Rosie. Heide and. Dora won the
crystal bowl,
Sylvia placed first with Rosie
for best in showmanship,
Congratulations go to Sylvia and
her mother who bred and raised
the herd.
Students' visit ,
A bus loaded with students
from the Kemptville Agricultural
College; was in Middlesex
County - viewing several dif-
ferent farm operations in the
area. They visited the farm of
Mr, & Mrs. Carl Stompf and the
Beef feedlot of Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Hill and were very much im-
pressed with the operations.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McHugh at-
tended the wedding of the former
Linda Lewis to Dieter Lutz on
Friday in St. Thomas.Mr. & Mrs.
Murray Lewis are the bride's
The tractor pull at the Ilderton
Fair Friday evening was the
main attraction and the place
was packed. Mr, & Mrs. G. Noyes
and family and Mr. & Mrs. Van
Kulens and family enjoyed this
attraction, Many other area
families saw this event for the
first time and the noise is fan-
tastic, but very interesting.
Busy family
The Hardy family have, been
busy at their farm home. Carolyn
has registered to attend Aithouse
teachers cellege for one year.
Susan Hardy registered Sept.
16th for her second year at
Centralia Agricdltural College in
Animal Husbandry. On Wed-
nesday, September 25 Susan's 1st
Marilyn Groenewegen and
Dorothy Cunningham demon.
Strated table setting, Dorothy
Cunningham, Cindy Donaldson
provided the decor for the table
setting and provided lunch for the
party, The next meeting will be.
Oct, 5 at 10 a,rn, at the
Club No. 3 gathered at the
DeWeird home for their second
and third meeting with 8 girls
answering the roll. Everyone set
the table correctly and practised
proper manners in entertaining a
Maria V ogels demonstrated
packing a suitcase. The fourth
meeting will be Saturday mor-
ning at Lynn's.
Plan Guide Rally
Captain Else Vandenburg;
Lieutenant Corrine Rosch and
Lieutenant Marie Ewald at-
tended the Guider training in
London Tuesday,
The district meeting was held
at Doreen Kimes on Wednesday
to finish planning for the District
Guide Rally at St, Patrick's
School October 5th for Guides and
Brownies, Girls are asked to
bring 25 cents each to cover costs.
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Railings are
spending three weeks in Hyde
Park operating the Hyde Park
variety store while the Richard-
sons have a few holidays.
The Simpsons Bill, Florence
Ralph and Joyce have returned
home from Clearwater beach
Fla. where they spent a short but
enjoyable holiday.
Shop At
Wilson's Jewellery
413 Main St. - Exeter
Granton ladies start bowling,
Masons at church service
A large variety of night class
courses are being offered this fall
at South Huron District High
Classes will be held on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday nights. For Monday
courses the starting date will be
October 21 while all others will
begin the week of October 15.
The fees range from $5 to $20
and may be paid on the first night
of the course, Grade 13 courses
which cover 24 sessions will be
$20,, courses of 20 sessions will
cost $12. The fee for 10 session
courses will be $7 and for those
with fewer than 10 sessions, the
charge will be $5.
Interested persons should
register by telephoning the school
at 235-0880 or by registering in
person at the school any weekday
between the hours of 8:30 a.m.
and 4:30, p.m.
It is important that all in-
terested persons register as soon
as possible so officials can
determine which courses are
sufficiently enrolled to proceed
with since only courses in which
enrollment is sufficient can be
Sessions in most cases will be
of two hours duration and begin
at 7:30 p.m. Grade 13 sessions are
three hours and will start at 7
If anyone is interested in a
course which is not being offered,
SI'DHS principal J. L. Wooden
may be contacted and efforts will
be made to offer the course.
- An advertisement may be seen
elsewhere in this issue outlining
the courses being offered at the
'local school.
Bowling season has begun this
year and two women's teams
from Granton bowl Monday
evenings at St. Marys. The
executive this year is mainly
made up of Granton girls being
president: Mrs. Nancy Marshall;
secretary: Mrs. Shirley Ban-
nerman; treasurer: Mrs. Marge
McColl. Anyone wishing to spare
bowl this year please contact
anyone of the above people.
Granton Masonic 'Lodge
members under the leadership of
their Master Dr. Bill Schaefer
attended the Sunday evening
worship service at St. Paul's
Anglican Church at Kirkton. Dr.
Schaefer, a member of St. Pauls
church delivered the scripture
Bridal Shower
• Maurleen Rudd was the guest
of honour at a bridal shower last
Tuesday evening in Granton
United Church basement. Mrs.
Bob Burnett welcomed everyone
and thanked them for coming.
The bride-to-be was assisted in
opening her lovely gifts by Joan
Mulholland, Debbie Oliver and
Jane Guenther.
Church News
At St. Thomas Anglican Church
Sunday Rev. R.N. Savary based
his message on Psalm 34. Holy
Communion was celebrated.
At Granton United Church
Sunday the presentation of
Sunday School Awards were
given to First Award - Michele
Malcolm; Second Award - Cathy
Riddell; Third Award - Steven
Bannerman, Melissa Hasrding,
Christine Jones, Michael Jones,
Wendy Kioss, Kim Knapman,
Dean McRobert, Peter Westman.
It was announced beginning on
next Sunday a regular class for 3
year olds as well as a nursery will
Need help -
bring money
and are president: Dorothy
Garrett, vice-president, Gwen
Hodgins, treas., Ferne Mardlin.
Brenda Cook attended to the
secretary and press reporter
duties for meeting one. The girls
decided on book covers and were
to think of a name for their club
"The Club Girl Entertains."
Institute News
The Granton Women's Institute
held their first meeting after the
holidays, Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Elmer Summers.
A number of the group
travelled to the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Dave Kestle of Clandeboye
to observe the process of honey
making. Mrs. Kestle presented
them with a box of honey in the
comb which they enjoyed later in
the evening for a lunch of hot
biscuits and honey. Mrs. George
Wilson and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
were in charge of the
programme. A very interesting
roll call was answered by each
member explaining the history of
the home they live in.
Ball News
The Bryanston men coached by
Les Parnell lost both games
against the Lucan Irish to put ,
them out of further competition.
Monday night in Granton the
Irish beat them 10-5 and Thur-
sday night in Lucan 10-3. This '
ends the ball season in Granton
Park for this year.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ashton of
Ingersoll and Mr. & Mrs. Ernie
Foster of St. Marys were
Saturdayvisitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Elmer Harlton.
Margaret McGuffin, Janicei
Gricken and Julie McRoberts
attended the birthday party for
Terri McRoberts of Lucan on
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McRobert
treated their immediate family to
be started taught by Mrs.
William Bannerman assisted by
Miss Ferne Mardlin. The
Primary Class will be taught by
Sherry Riddell and Cindy Mills.
Rev. M. McInallY's sermon was
on Seeing beyond the end of our
Granton Woman's Institute Trip
Tuesday morning a bus trip
sponsored by Granton W.I,
departed from Granton. Institute
members from St. Marys,
Prospect Hill, Lucan, Kirkton
and friends boarded the two
buses making up about 80 people.
They toured the Alexander
Graham Bell homestead, the
Adelaide Hoodless Homestead
and the new City Hall all in
Brantford. They also visited the
Brant County Museum which has
Canada's finest six nation Indian
collection. To end a very in-
teresting and enjoyable day they
dined at the Town & Country in
Woodstock on the way home.
4-H News
The second meeting of the
Granton 4-H was held Saturday
September 28 at the home of Mrs.
Jean Cook. The meeting opened
with the 4-H pledge and the roll
call was answered by "Why I like
to entertain". Each-of the girls-
are to think of an idea for the last
meeting which is to be in the form
of a party.
Their guest Mrs. Carol Wissell
demonstrated how to make a
single carnation corsage plus
other floral arrangements. The
meeting closed with the 4-H
Intended for last week
4-H News ,
' The Granton 4-H Homemaking
Club under the leadership of Mrs.
Jean Cook and Mrs. Liz Garrett
held their first meeting Saturday
at the home of Mrs. Jean Cook.
The election of officers was held
a lovely dinner at the Garage
Restaurant on Wednesday
evening. Mrs. Lillian Brown of
London entertained them in her
home afterwards.
Mr, & Mrs. Ken Hodgins and
Mrs. Lois Herbert and family
spent Sunday visiting with Mrs.
William Rodd of Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rooney and
Elaine visited with Mr. & Mrs,
Tom Rooney of Wallaceburg on
Sandy Lynn and Marnie
Rooney spent the weekend
camping.with Mr. & Mrs. William
Pennington and family.
Sunday supper guests with Mr.
.& Mrs. Austin Hobbs were. Mrs. "
Lloyd Scafe and Mrs, Martin`
Scafe of Ailsa Craig and Miss
Gladys Harrison of Sarnia.
Mrs. Bertha Hanson of St.
Mary's was a weekend visitor
with her sister Mr. & Mrs.
Newton Gunning.
Mrs. Ann Beunkes of Lisse,
Holland is visiting with her
brother and wife Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Rouekens and Mario. On her 10
day holiday they all travelled
over to Flint, Michigan to spend
the weekend with their cousins
Mr. & Mrs. Bram Venooyer and
Mr. Keith Summers of Toronto
was home on the weekend
visiting with his parents Mr. &
Mrs. Elmer Summers.
Get well wishes go out to Mr.
George Dann who was a patient
in Stratford Hospital last week.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Elmer Harlton were Mr. &
Mrs, Frank Nichol of Forest and
later all called on Mr. & Mrs.
Lloyd Nichol of Thorndale.
Organizers of the recent roller
skatathon for Muscular
Dystrophy this week issued a
plea to participants to collect
their pledges and turn them in as
soon as possible.
The skatathon was organized
by Exeter recreation director
Jim McKinlay and the Exeter
area fire department.
McKinlay said this week that
about $700 of the $1,300 raised had
been turned in and asked the
skaters to complete the project
this week, if possible.
Coffee IL donuts will be served
HAPPY HOBOS These smiling hobos from grade one dt Pxeter
Public School had ' vim' finished tasting the hobo stew they helped
prepare with vegetables from their own gardens. The children dressed
up in true hobo style and ate Out of old tin cans. The happy hobos are
from the left Sarah Patterson, Terry Humphreys and Darryl Switzer.
T-A photo