HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-2-2, Page 3• 2' , '7754 'Tar- "•27. • 1 si) •01 ... 43 . *Yee Ma. • . I t ystek SpeCIE NOtkea- • (Vow Ow Liveries. 4. .2152 11.) IT The demand for these tasty molluscs c.illso*n.:-.-Vri•'• eeao.-6••no.1 •2 seems tc. be constantly grow Mg, and the,' supply of thew uu leas imuseautly dimi- red athrittaa, na4 soltlioatIon walnut. At any rate the pritie is stead- , ""ia'2,22.2"1.1'""••• ts, tor breakladi•bies lei* • ultra ) ity rtlmg, nntit now oysters are one ef *soiree savenge--..E,.„ thaw la.any the reach of all but.rich opieurtie. "Na- I Cuo.M. nada temr.it • th 1.41114 mrer or kage la tives" are en imattainabie luxury, and Ina _sN.14 pacMint. /rah oysters ars tot 1..411.2 elle gi, even 1 to Gdree, if they were &Winning. Until Mr. I c AnTilmilty (.90,552.02 Faulk thick/land recinieratee our ex- - • helmeted supplies, and a:stores Om fain- 'CAUTION : .u5 b.,,is to their former yield, CAUTION!! there is jest outs h..pe for the lover of the eslace*,,.. /1u natty get them from Amines, whore the far-re•ching banks 011 the eastern shores of that ointment are *till stocked in pristine elitindance. TO THE l'UBLI.: OF THE UNIT- ISIPIPROVINCEti er NORTH A Mk:RICA. ,•141, the 1,10.1.,. of tbat yn Mn noire is a prejudice 11111118 ceinitrv, we tan ante.' 12,, i.nmi New hUtOr, signal* Ault:fie:1U Oysters, but it•. Igen as. oe s - p.: . is prejudice begotten of the fulness of Welleta II;o"trit.'ite"su.PITUr'esterht," our home supplies. They are said to be crO mew uot I to, ois.ies=w not ow large, coarse, and deficient in flavor; emosieara. these objections, IltrWeTer, ;oily apply to tv that the Pill. and111131"111111MINZ some sorts. There aro others which, if .244244...2'h..,7,2 Lon*. ;sot spud in &limey and plainpnees to ipso= e:;:`,retti" the Whitestables, are etill excellent and 0.0 that 151.41-• palatable. That there are good orioleflAtit..1.0.4ee time. o..e,C...e ihntment to he found on the AmiTicsn coast, and ilo ern 7 lbareark7.0141;::1".111:::. 222 they can he brought to this .antsitri lit • 8rer1eLh.4;teransettl ateispr.o. stitch in merearths ..111gogisiradi 1IARDVA,11 E .1nyi 13 TOUR TINE TO ,Bin Ot1Nsij & KERR. HANIILTON ST.. i Mut eso 011421 MOVE DROSS OUT SAW llsrnig co.ndeted thlir Fall pur- chase, of SHELF jjy HARDWARE, • 4l"" Missal to till all orders with which they be fa -speed. They respenbi invite atteetion to g . y Aro prepar- to sell , ,ITEaY • sound and healthy state, is proved by the large consignments which now tied 8. 8 •heni inny they we to•-.. N.- 01 sill sires their .ay to the Britoth markets in the 'th.'12",`,Z,Zt„."1,:niZrotr...,'4;. (meek 'Lamers troll:1g between New 1.11.r)2 and &vermeil. The Trall•WII0111 Ih• reprmentatmee1 me. will .vor •MOSIthrodgh Aline& oyster th rade as become a regular brew h 2222..024 104. "'""41.:1. 616. UT." 01 onnrnerce, AO there is • strong eceietteeet. into reason to hope 11s1 11. operatum id the ttr„t. 14.1l nee competition will hare the effect of .11 't'af 1, Pr _••• placing this •rtiele feel within the+envie...14 easy reach of our pimple. The impnrta• the paldlo us their. guard 542.4504 547 uch dreepts...• 11021 of -foreign °piton will not only 11..41 minion )141.4.at all Omer who may reed 5.11212118 it the supply, but ginethe British titi:,:!`,..:21••*"...21"' "1 '1 1s:1 1 beds repine ir the present reit 44444 2.. 12.022 ItteZengATrteril'llt i";..!.7`4:12,7,1:1 7.2 ". over -fishing. Masan. Stiller of Liver- 24.2,...,1 2.7 roodwateit soOlOew bulations of pool anil New York, have organised `".• "'" 2."'• regular *1221.5for the importation - a 4.041. fareur.thrt rt....0.1 it rose elm any per.. that Nettle. we,. America oyster.; for tummy 'months 2i,25.4,'" n•100/22.2•22.24 t• tar men.. there has been a bags consumption of 12. • to re. tha ...re sad ; y,k emo.....2tio vases. sdie • elm% O.. won.... the retail trade is spreading iapelly oie= threeigh the provincial markets. The thetaManma00.072sareass American "esteem are lonlor.live.1 than "2-2.242."221• 1"112. the British, their Ipt,Oity is a little in, d their price -a mom imeMirt. tet:rte """ 512 ferior, an . ibe wrortuesliCe 118110A vs. aat cossideration-li less than half that 4."""g•t• of the costly "na•ives.'' We do not .."*"' ""' b" &tippet, ir to say no,re for m."1. there thin diet Mr. Bud:land sre- jt " diamised heir fevor, a11,1 ju ge. ' ''• is Ple44."../ .4e• el the 1..4. a to. in t e •111,11•1• AMAMI to the who.. I pnwall. anent 2U5. crucial test. 1311'.11) ' • . eopolwr ai the At fluderich, Feb. 1st, of ermgeetioe roe a its ele• 8.102. 8409,12, s of 112,a1ter four dams In OVERT r AUCTION SALE • While the stock is complete and selhng REMARKABLY CHEAP. A Splendid assortment of roa d Cloths & Fancy weeds iii.nle Up to Order or Sold liy din yard GENTS' FURNISHINGS • tape Latest Styles and Patterns. The Subscriber would return thanks to hie supporter* for the liberal patronage extended to him while in the finurishit • To4 O wn odertch. He can now Alford to sell at COST; end is determined to • give his customers the benefit of his, AILS , ettcoess Oa Wetness. vstilthelep: ASS " • ir te 40 a 30, * BOILED and t,* VARNISH .821i WN SPAN, COAL 0114 g..41 quality cheap, cOALIIL LAMPS, 1.ANtr, REFLECTORS, Brit N tek, C HI 3INEYS & ' WICK SLEIGREOE ST Ls 1 leading MI '. CASITEET., a fair 1111•4*•- • nos -NARA HOOP ION 46-tewlvvetortnwnSo • ABRAHAM SMITH, Merchant Taibir A Clothier, I door2a &at of H HortonG 's rocery, I Market Square, Godurich. Sept 21st. 1871. Milhpery, Mlilinery, A utuinn Come. -amp-. '4 WINTER COMING. BEST CAST IIIEL FILES, a full IS& ISS MI1.41..E • CAST (twill 01 upwards, ' assiiittiont, • At °;I:IIS• OI -LOW Ar°11318. MO Al 41h BITS, ANVILS, VDTs, ill, CHAIN. TRACE CH AIN•COW TIES, TIN, MILLINERY SHEEI1NC and CANADA .e.1•Nl4 - PLtT t T I SAWS DSA WS FRAM- ri` 13, n slt 43 0 d El), ES, SHOVELS - 5.213 NIRTiFE , W. -.1114. rer 'toren Woos of 1:41.ea. A very ch. irtuient of Hamot B. C. Seulth, youngest da114h1,r PM. bli`r:": . •b" Of WM. Smith, aged las years end embt ea. se Wilhite* away . ABLE 8eD4IST , mouths. ANIVES Orrowil THE lI(A.REST244 Orne4) ' in I..ory,. Beck s .2114411.tit . • •.- .454,4er I, ten ma • 21 O.o.eso n, Jell 32.4, 1871 111.4,113411)11 ...els 41 IS • 1 14 Whee1.14yn50) • Imeh... 1 le • 1 14 net 10.2. 12112 ISM *AU • 11•1• • .141 • " • C iNADIANI PAIN DIEntitelte Barley W bath, "1111-* • NS P toe& 11 1111 M. 121 • iitstierAt . .iaia • II 111114 V gap. r••••••••4- • SO • • SO Cut,.,. Joe. 11.11/7& Sneed. (T•1111wr bomb -• 54 13 W 1 St Wheat. ("MottC/ ler lath- 1 12 2. .3 II • also, tper MI) • Oa •(h14 • PI y, 1.1.h .. • ... • NI • WI Pr,., per t soh so Barley, per 5..41 15--41•417 room., mr tomda • NI t• IC12 a et di 125 2.2452 5.. ... • • • 44,2211-4i. ter 4.1(yet-02401)- • 111 • • 14 • Il20n2*11. et. 1071. newt, (TM . .. .5) tit " t 51 (SprIno)pMhwalt1 If •• 1 le PI..., (per Mr) ....... .. • VW • 41 NO Berle.. per bora 0 242 0 57 *205,p.. moll • 7 .• • • Now, per biois n at • ag rottswa. my . 0 45 0 II none., pre 4. 21 - • MI lastrrper de8 (entorkw1)11 IS • 111 Jan /1 1871. meet. fr w 141 '11 11 1 1A **mt. ("rts.r) ••••, ... 1 4" 1 .4 51.2.2, 4)-, ) 5 811 M 5 40 Verify, le Ismh,. 119* a• 0 al ttet•„, . La it • 42 ree• oe,, .... s a et el rot•tove. V 1.o.I • NI • • *5 •nrk. • ...... • •• • T• Setter... . • Se • 0 15 rpm tu•pvit • 1110.0 lP1 _ T141.0.04.1110.10111Nt W2.mt."(B•11)11 hods 111 II 54 4 re 2.12.1, tenrision Idea*, I IS • 1 18 nett, (pot barer* 5 ei • Motor. • hod. 4 al/ • • I* • Oats, "leak: . . . •*-1P-t 1•••...• len& ..... re Petk 10 ........ 011 • fe Witter P5. • tit-• • 111 5429.,. (053.5n544) . • I* • • • • Feed ! .1.'4?esd ! I JUST RECEIVED AT EILLPHARD & STRACHAN'S 2D Tons Bran, Shorts & Mid - hugs, WHICH 'MEI WILL Sell Cheap For Cash. VORTIelt VIM to 4.14 imns Liverpn•T, 1.181440n. Ooderich, Aug. 15, 1870. awl. 484 1,7".411"."1!717.1t17311•""hn' (0 Agent 0,.,.4 Ars* Ral)wey. RO Risk oatarveh,ese, ts. 3570. nut Wei* We 71•••1 Mt WWII 46 tioSI Dr ye. knot. anyaainf fp II/ Vial. aar drl. 4110011111121Mgli111,11111,11111.111efthvuig wIl thouthaale from pain in the i Sid., Nick alert 11.a4, l'urayhx, Colds, Sore ITAnmrst, :fiord ri5, ('run,,,,, floe SI, ch;se,ie Afei,lon, ley*, ut.ry. JJowet evelpieti tile, Bina, 2 • 14.444r, frost Bites, • Or. The Canadian Pilo Itretrryer has how Non he. 11..re me rob...foe * 1041. 'el •wl es used 2,well lit WI, it -.yr (*cede 0041r Ow reirrowlememeWrinted,:jord have torim loros • AIM& dewatiaterUsen, ell. v.- thy derwli ma tans. 2,,,, plover!. 14.11.522i4. but on 11 52 rontraly, raltte.1 dr "petals's, 4201 *mai l• thrift...1w.* tele. Id It. irturs. leapt t al elect. at speak fr... erisnaewv 4M1-1e1 2honnigh14 and •Ieroo inm.e,3t4. I .• eieiott t. natw3.4•1,4 iy mewltreign Tealtonwlong ef.4..) m ne el. -ft In 9200.4 110 4..v. nirladanl e,0 11. 1.0.001 palm Ithesin Barium Alt,. tton•eittir eOat 91 he..de, tartr.0e •itaMaeo 45441 4orthe, p*.4 gb tend;tao5.452 to 21.41 0 oar, Ilse Pain Dv.4 rolver All Wt.. 21.7.2802.2,2,2 and ywim41lblimeor*o. 'gaoe lha toe itm s a,m,and t „00t. wntr•netlehre a v 1.1...1r91e494.eep..; ' Handles. A PEN atoll', 44 MS and sc • English M A1.111TA 514.1.1141 sl`t soN TRU 1' CRT. EflLIRH11111,.• anckiCHISEL14,s1 TA.Y.1.4 11Cli 1 RIP SAWS. of M HITE, al 5.64.5 +he will men as nevi Ole charTownt. •1'• 1 -11avirt.i sarnt the ht10.01A4 In tint wren on r.sronino. !win .41131111.1 13, etw•unn- nt,310.ordent yith Flmellaree. and us the lathe clh.Leta 192•VE. to r no. !Flea orra VailepItail 1 .1 a ids Wesit wt '1, Harris' strioritilellt KNivEt4, RAZ. (53465senh _lede 15544j1171.15544j1171.5.70 RS, from the beet .t ill, AT- irer.t_c _1121iT ORS . -4-Ettis* TEA- Fi /HK$. EI.SC- INSOLVENT ACT OF 1R439. IJ • - • - -11135.11511111Willi. n pins, 14132 snit ihle. fnr • Inadeents. Al parties iintebted , the above Estate am hereby notified that 14.21$11; 111°0's mitosis they call and mettle with me 'he- tN .ti•KSo'S, the 1)2.1, of February next, their ac- NEL and 'counts will he placed in Court for *Me- tro. S.......,rtipeut 11e11. LEAIp, dri E WATSO&T, Goderich, Jaa, IGth, 1872. w52c. .0t A VALUABLE Improv©d 'ar,u..k '- IN THE-- Township oflurnbeirry• it virtue of a Peeler of Sale coittained "*" • certain mortgage. which will be proilticed at the sale onWEDI•iESDA Y. the 14th Day of Feb. 18711.1, Hailehnrit's *yellow -Intl"! a 1S72. To. SUBSCRIBER BEGS 10 INTIMATE THAT HE AS purchased the business lately carriti aa by W. AT THE • MARKET GROCERY, at twelve o'clock, ribtunat; in the Town of Goderich. Parcel 1. Lot nineteen, in the eleventh erincession of the Township Turnberry, in the County of Huron, containing one hund- red ...es, more or less. 1l,. following improvements are (41 he linen the lot 1 Thirty acres cleared and fenced, a log house, a frame barn, and an erch- aril. The property ie .1.411 t threesndfis half miles from Witighnin. Terms, Cash down on the day of We. For furth- er particulars apple to 34»44A8 AP JONES, Solicitor, Masnnic Hall, Toronto, or to C. TAIT SCOTT," RagWingluint. Dated this 20th January, L. D. Ultla. A uction Sale, - )1•'-. Vi luable Property 410.1, tf AIM JEW F.1.1.5: 1• made to 0 A! PAuirs A COLORS. PAINT. V 41IN tint 1414104 PACK1Nt, (flhIN1»i ith:Vo 11114',. sl Ni (;y' „5,' 2. A 8 the whole ef e • been piirc!,a., all been marked at . ,oIIVIIITE NIANILLt, MP WIPE* tlNl4'l''XSS, Fl fl'RES, 1101, CAPS. Its, CART - it 111.5.an.1 12.111114)14 1 all the arieles /triti in a well etock'of Hard- Frtre, nit y Tweet; emsSmi••••••4847 re -s.4.1 in Godencla. by (him Candi% F Jordan: GA1.41110: * 12.0 Hayfield; Jas. Benthum, Itogerrille) J. Pickard, Nutar; H Cendie, ClifitOn; S. -&e,;i0, liCkiiire;E. Hickson, Seaforth ; and ali lord ci e a. Genterieli, Dec, 29, 1871. * 50 a' MONTREAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. T"Mir-ai_31.=:e WM' emonot *ay whsle 11 le MOW. 111 It lb* rheapeat ow ever ow.ln AM! OM. rIAMI00111 0100 Mo. 21.50AT 1We tle 5as 21•1 11501. ,'w,0, Piety rent* Worth haa mireal WI tit. ''11,10. Iso bottle. mote Isid paw. nf 0.na eiti4 hero., diorama. we 1.....temt •pt,le •Irrt... II, • XII r•m• Klimmtroon Niertors et len, ion /lattore, tone bottle ham eared trim 24.28 ,,t 4(221 sears t)arelIng. Mold Plank, of Broolneld, riots Connty, VI-, nye: ..1 went thirty moles r,., • Ind tie rf ywir Oil. ethh ethwted Wnsormerh Conn wf CS mill. Imes 11 al. sp- yllrationg.• &mother elm Asa ha.1 Ar11.1.• yea., aseyee My. entail serest bottle and moo wthild sot hay It if 1 2002.2 ,••• Runic of Runde, N. 2,, erre., ..einv enall bottle of our fe.lesrad the role. WWI. Um repent 54.1 not er..ken Me,. •12 ebittper la 5.,,. V.4.11." Nev. J. Mallory, Wy. mom, 2.. ernee; " Tont 17,14C-Tatt totted meet Br -while la "Otte Week.' Dealer. all to•r the country say t it• say. mem arold • nirstrone that bee even wen oonriete mikrartion Hee •• 141. composed n1 nt tar Kiwi O. 1.11•T ••• irnnwal. Is aa tone to bete re nit ester.' toe, end la hollered to be I innownturelbly anproor to any. thing ever mode 2.111 me. ytni much ander..4 and many Iloilo...I ar expense. la mold hi nee or Moro ,IWItrf• In every plare Pries VI ,.nt. Prepared by N. N. TM .11 4, Nome., a v., 110111111100 & LYMAN, Plawcwertai. Ont., Bole Ascots for the Iloonlvdon. NOT.. Pircirili -illkieria and Fleetnwri.-.M. rr ankt Andorieh. 0.o • Jordon , 0.e.bner a , Ney11511,34s. liesteme J Parks A Renee .3, combs. Cimino; M. eve, M Bielteon, 11,114111, mid all warm.. &ahem THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Jab Moses' Periodical Pills •11111111PITA1.17A111,R ri.titcut, 1.t7NT*11.1N0 t mi.. ear ea ail p.m, .1 and thosgenre• Awn.. i• +Otte% Om ferwite resorts ton le •n142,1. It moderitisa .11 r seem and reenowl• all hatrartrowl rpwsly 4212ePalled nst. to rasaaten 1.• wire II 110e•harlv slatted It well, In • •Isors iewe, bnrg en Me montkif mond with MII0M4M. 1 how M. allow( OM As brae. el I. wvaler dasetne the 1111111T THREZ MONTHS oftn.gawie•,as Mean/. Maw le tel..e. Mienwriose. 'PM Me./ wheelie.. they or, wok. .11 Caw. •••••••••• v./ Keene A livotivni, Pete w tee Bort wt eml.. reel, ese eiteit•••ort N. Pit 44. II,. 04,0, Whom. them P1110 wee ellbei ref. wt.,. • 14 h.v. fatted Mnd 111114.11r. men. NI 440ot roman. mem: dellasavel, •Its lawny , or any Meng It • rt fel he O. r mow.... 4. 11.2 wised. •rowed meth pecker. ietentt an, twown11.111 pewee,. rm row., se* ow*. ow • moremorro• 1.10.52 tako••••• ••••••, •••••••••. , if... to for the ewers • •43. IV •••••• OWN. soirrertrra L. JAY - ,1 sow , • 111•11•4•11. by PwItar • gay,/ siva Vj.1 Co.. tel *5551 1. H. I comma, 1,11•1•0s, •••1,,tamar•••ri 11w1lt ••• 39•1••16. aim abods••••• ,•114. 1 • sn . ale Ibb, ;1+4014 11'111•111'01.ND TBUP OF RTPOPII0F.IBITER, 7 Thrrnwer et arrsoom disease .1141ared hy thin premaratinn in honorably w.km...eedged by the ntedirel farnIty In rwrry aptetion whet. ha* horn litr.11. "roll . 111,1110.1131 Itterearlett RAW Al the brat VIATRItter .112 Ilisturnation en whir. It Is held hy 114e (MM. The Myrier Imre Pnlmonary rowninr.Ins in the aro and wr..nd .tatree *221 arrat relief Owl prolong 111. 1, 12.. third 14 .111 Inns Asthre,i. ar..m.hrm. lisongitI. l'onghte and 0.1.1a It "Ill esn all diammea originating fermi eirdv of al emenlat etkon and Nervon. "pr. an, 1... argenernt of the Mph... larropro.. ftleirets, Feeble nrst 412210?welinn 0411,, Ileart, lreal and thmerat Parnlyto., A plonl• or Low of rip,re /t rot.. Lenererhd.o. Chloe/wee Anaemia. and restores the blood to purity and heti th• Sold By Apothecaries., Trim 51 50 , Ale Mein 10. JAMES I.' IELIAMS, CHEMIST 1.T, Jou 4., N. B. Bert. SO 1 1. 52.1 40,54 0,vier STOP THAT COUGH DON'T DELAY, FRC111 ABB ORNAMENTAL 12*420 rnnun nee sea, reei dap. ord a M.. hp Yon mo.r.o. era. "rlil;',"044 2 ilk Tates& Pon 0.. M y, 'lic, IT M- y _ arbor. . repaired mod `WW2 Alum •nwl. tended in hr ion 101111 its hrs. tenon of .nours IS wort...7 to revery pa he Mr bag how, 44 aswany Herm. 08. haw • .1, AMES W 'MONSON . see ,../.o. 1 ,t Owlerirh, Jan Mb, 1812. •...,i...e. How min you stop h ? Whet, tin the 1 -______ _ remedy? Allan's Lnng Balloon nal prod nee more Notice. t Godefichllarble workE IN'.l' of Goderich. • - WHERE WILL BE FOUND A- Cornpleto ktoek of Groceries 9 111111TAIBLIIIIN ND mew • trim - r • St'a ndard ca'es, FAI R BAN KS r WALE /I A 'tsp. More than 250 Different ions. aTC• IC 4'41 11.. ISA)' SCA I In si not 11.41111 ICJIKr. Al In II w Al A L.I1 1711* 2(51.4.'. arm BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT F. • Crockery, f3L y ()Nil' THG E Oi E4 AGENTS r Flour tt Feed, etc.. itilo's imprr7.1e rouble Look A larrn • • Cash Dralrass • AT PRICES, TO SUIT. THE TIMS. M•1.1,172.11 CALEBRAT111;24•2111. t GIVE HIM A CALL. 8- A. MECAW- •w127841 PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT, HARD TIMES; AT D. FERGUSON'S.. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRY G1ODS. • '4.111,111k• BY VIRTVE Ob A POWEROFSALE D.•. E rtatrsc) N •-• contained in a oertrin indenture or - . se Mortgage which aid be produced at the stile on Ilse determined to clear not his primed stock to make room Irer large purchases, and bogs to call the attentioilialf the FARMING COBIWITN ITT taesday, the 2Uth Day of.Feb., l872, at 1 eekok, sow,' .11 liaLlehurst's Auction Ma IN THE TOWN oVSODEEICH. PAItO El. 1. All the right title and interest of Samuel Platt, Mary Atm Platt, and Edward Pied, in a cenoin lease nude by the Alintlanilville Salt Vell Coinpany to the SAO Edema Platt, and all the inter - set 01 the said panted In and to a certain indenture made between them and Sam- uel 11. Detlor, respecting the property lumen se the Meal:snit ville Salt Well Company an,1 all the interest aforesaid in awl to said property. PARCEL q. • All, the interest of the said Samuel Platt, Mary Ann Hatt and Edward Platt, in a certain indentiire of lease mode by the 'I ecionsoth Salt Company . toEdward Platt. the Lend Premises, we stock hap-., appurtenances and privileges. in said I m end has 'SC )tt. Van3tone & C • 0 lease nientioned atid to the buildings t colt prices, and erections on the promisee covered by Tt) INTANA.T11 TILT THEY 41/01.7.--40441 oplow.4 • by of 114-1 blieralfee • - - call fr on the inhabit tffef iolerich and • farmers and trader, f *be County of PARCEL S. - Huron. No trouble Awn- 'goods 012 Ir-teme eriee-.--Renwimi ho-ninour•---- • 11.‘311I/111 RT.. • sign Mite MAMMOTH CRSS CUT SAW Nur Elijah Maak's Setal. • JOHNSCI & KERR Goderich, Nov. 20tIllr I. KOrt • 18 1.7600/10•111,011* the yererep lately onatIne 1441•••• GO ON na•lorshrer Wan. John•t.01 the Tons/MIMI &Me Pa, 1811...1 Groerr, In 1hr '008 04 thwitrIrb in t le 4 de nilleroontsler the none of & 1...11.461m the hood,. • ..r. nth tk. ,n,T.11.1101Art id M.N. al ronortit, IM tor regml. 'bailie Thomas lohn.. 0.11 . irra. e• firm, and that, all deeds 40P and nwrirg nr • late Rim 011 , re,., ire. an.. sill the I • rai ne. our 101.14 thl. Twit Tenth idly • Novemirr, 4. 11, ICI. Bir•sw ; ollo 111NSTON.J Ferri. W. Johnotrm. I 34 11 e ATNIt. • Th. himinew lately married a Wier 24, Set ArTn,yrill Is Into, Parried '. ',4.h, rays* •• Bro., nu Kt .g.too81.rret, in tr Man 131nt.k J. h 'ATNi BRO. • NOTICE. MOTION 4. 5.2.5, given 1.1wItfirarel Tennant, nf th.Tnwn of (haler...h. n travel. tor. lb. *nowt. Mowing Machine t. 'mat and •Il rar thaw ere cautioned agaln.t P•Yelet 2•7 .rhrY ,01 •,•10.1 1141.1.1...11, or esting 11..,r A.:roasts Is any way w.th A. R .COOK. elo4orleb, 1155. 044. 3877, swell •2 1 st. ' F. _ Ta3.1. ,.thr 013 *tam, "8 55. a. Jelmates, Cetera their.... 4,190.2 i•111 he .5. 5. erwly • Tombstones, Mantle. pieces, Window Sills, ally. 41` -Alt-the-isSereekof-thersaid Sinned Platt, in and to a certain agreement made be- tween him and the thelerich Petrolenm Company by which agreenieut the said Company agreed to pay said Samuel Platt fifteen per cent on the net annual profits of tJle said Company semi 2.111111' TI,. interests of the said parties ars Lc., &c., &c., valuable, covering an important interest in three of the best pitying Salt Mann • mei' beat eoteor wereaseem, and *0720.05542te factnries in the Town of Gmlerich, and tarei• GAVIN RTC:T(1E11S, the right to use "Platt's Salt Evapera- Aitent. tor" in manufacturing salt therein. Godertra 17111 Joly, 18 TERMS CASH DOWN. -For teeth- . er particulars apply to cAKERoN & (JARROW, 12, Solicitori, Ooderich. Data 27th January, 1872. 4,14; -- • Howe and lot for Sale : N a central part of the Town, eta BARGAIN. A condonable house with six rimme in good repair. The gar. den contains scheme collection of fruit trams, grape vines, &a., in full bearing. Apply to SAML. 'PENTLAND Ooderich. Jan. 24, '72. sw9telf BRANTFORD BREWERY THOS. S.PENCER, PRO. Spencer's XXX Ales & Porter spume's Bottle# Ale n - Fine condition, E...ancer's Ales in Pun- cheon, barrels and Half barrels, at the GODERICH DEPOT, MARKET SWARM. GEO, GRANT. iodate& Jett. 10t1i 1471. 10411? Farm for Sale. itry.kro the Ent half of Ltd 5, in the •-• 12th conceesion, Eitat.rn Division 01 2... Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres of land, of which 58 acres are cleared, the remaining 45 acres are covered .11)5, 15.0,1 Hardwood. A never failing creek runs thmtigh the premise*. there is also a good young Orchard be. evidence of real merit then only other tuning to hear. Buildirge amine of ei Iii‘r°°° tniciln in "*1)11"10 fm' . towed Log [loose and a Barn 40 by 26 article for the pupate. It im sotil every. • 1, RTRAW CUTTERF.MoratIR. lat. This farm is situated aliont 4 where by Druggists and general Store- CrLT1VATORS, STRIA R KETTLES o__ r r .. 7 Mt.-. 12.111 aettr a flOW and two miles from kerpen. &c. 41.3 . 1 Ow. in payment of Notes and Ube Nn•thern Gravel Road. When the Read the fpllowing extract' Nom • R,,,,k ,,,,,,,0„„ta. ••• R,,ilway is completed In Leeknow letter received from Mr. M. E. Burwell, a well know merchant of Ontario, Bine in yoga Woral thie lot will greetly inereaao in value. 11. 12121 illeighins'•ra.l. Apply tn. Meows. Pesti DAVIN & Row, 1)ear Awe.-- last autumn I alitee ea.. �..4o'1, IRO' 4104WIRT271°Itt2All JAMES TilOtPROthe Sr., mbis •-., faring from **se, pre enid Irak* istalid lilea"rrst:1 DAV Maly ,essmeiJONNZTO. 11:: ~set for w &age trial to a numb*. - .••••1111•21}11„ Air Elf5., on my lainEs= proctored a dietreeiling. of emelt esionne Mit with...2 any ...wee OtWileilielt, . .111 12711.. •• . wt 9,44. At.e.an'eLvallftaseAwoirhieh lam happy i'm ......-ropiurprr_ "12' 163TRATEDintn rho roma* Jitn."ry2 30. Wet "1' "4111.81121" Imo, a ••1all lied 1144"4"4111aPH4.4raigligai"41(2o. with dark ---m r•11441 WI fellornowd • P.400. c •• Fts. IgtPfer short tient, fare end tail. 1)2, 22.24*? is raineeted to RANK -1 river Caned% Rills weatel, 'Yoeta trillp . r. ara........gi 6 PeTorlY, 74; mip..... And take ""'ti. aml f,,r •hieh a wwwl pries will he Fint ell, Ant , , March *. 1871. COodal74•17 ' h 29th Jan tort . . w2 tf. 01100. allowed Apply at the IlswittmowewThw Murat. Strtrayod.. - CIAME into thn enclosure of the tin- ••-• ilersigned, lot 33, Lake Shore, Ash.' field, in August bud, three Sneer. The owner im reworded to prove property, pat expense', end take them swap, FINLAY McLENNAN. ' Godetich, Jan. 18, '72. wlo' 1:,,roittltbot - 10 TOM PI.A. TO tin Good and Pure itcr.crzlit - AT reitita - TO SUIT THE TIMES. •1.80 - -10 TONS- iss tat eta A-8-$4- -11111 It 0 $4-AiHrile"' WILL On Tie reale' corm WAR1•01'11 11111.1l, 41 Ars Seder repoirol.ro. NA, •Mf Normal / FAIRBANKS &OCI., es MAIN ST..1107/3:9 FAIR2F1A NKR & 00., ease,.....y. w FAIRBA DROWN .1 ('n i is 18 STRSLT, 0.4erielh Mk 1511 1; s way LAZARUS, RR IS &CO.'S Celebrated Prikted Speak. AND LYS GLASSES have met with such satraatiga see. cas Sad am rip much in demand 14. NO'SKSIP y 2.21 105424)1 oewsiges all the quotas/se claimed fur dm. Ind. Bom*'. they ill rodeo. ught, abused by the use of commompaimes and will often he foetid to MM.* fail - tog sight ita natural stet, 3rd. Berman 00 iiimineringortanniss le • Ireellle100.1 in their nse, ear tains fitted o seal and scientific rules, Pi"' • rig. t from impropri else - &amulet tem. to - stak tion.. 4111. Be -ow. th• aylitem of litteng ea an unerring Wilde to the trite r-gion tient of each Porchsaer our Aran 51.41 furnished with this system -ale!, oUr oWil. 5th. Receues they never lire the end hale mnany years sublet the necessity of chenge. 6th. &mum.. being th• hest tat sne the chiselers& I nee inersble lestinion ft Is m igh I .7*, g,..n, het the MO of them. tac:eand Eve-Olaeses will best prove that in. 41111.1.1•14, 11111•141. EXTRA villant TOR Tama !MOYZT 11 syseag ia his tha, wag** Virinter Dry Goods and Month*. 1 1414 hi &Li 1 1 SlitPc•P• Ate, Goderich January 12th, 1872. wly. GODERICH PUMP FACTORY -- -- (Ma aUltat''111F16.11 le l'IlISPAtial. Tee 11114 I. 31.L. order* 50, • 1:. 17 M 12. 15 -ad &Ivo ••,..4••••••• 1.3•01.. .....11s.. Grim 01 Nell .11100.440 give d....13l ef well Irw pattera, lwasnlog Teen•hap. Illo. ef 12001100,01 awl La. lle UN atm. ea hand SIASKSHILE MOLE110110 R0Or SCUFFLERS.I tIURON .•FOU-NDItY CHURNS AND STRAW CUTTERA. Er all rid on Ilbenal terms: and nrder spew*, ettersiwi to Ousel previously °resoled by Mr, II. 1544 .1 I. A Itatrtro.111. CI:dance they ea . 4.4-013E Grist & Flouring: Mills, Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, Salt Pans. Thrashing Machines Stoves, Plongh'7, Cultivators Straw Cutters and Brass Cmtings. have now on hand goo1 'nook of iron end Wood Plivighe,Engmta and Boilers both New and Second Hand, which I will sell Cheap. Call and examine my stock. Goderich, Jan. 8th, 1871.,, R. RUNCIMA er51. 1' °ALI. AT7Ti LIST OF LETTERS ' DnnaININO 11 11.1DISHICH rt/81' orrws. 1117KR.:),;nrN l'o.Vt,11,74„..DRAY. (?;irdatr:,(c71:;,t,"74 nit.m5;.b.1.7:147$.1421 IlleflestaldIA. A. 54,..(21 before th6v 51 • ‘1,Intwth Catherine Vim BRAN Ai: SHORTS Alftiveder TM** On Hand. CIIEA FOR CASH. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR, always on hend, and delivered in say part of the Tnwin. Goderichs Jan. 23, 11572. I puaLninma 81' ft. It WOOD & Os., s. Newham. N. T., Ma Aar. lasso. ----- -r Blara /inns . 74,1,01. l'atheri.e Mina •Inrton Floni.hy Keller Magh NvilHar Jos, Wager John '31.flon John Chantber. lows% Cals Mir* Cobble J, Onstify Marti.. Br, Flatenton Ranter Witnern In Imloa Aaron 1.101 ilfrlst Loot In !woos fa::11.1.• Siondend 11,2.5 NNW. la W. Nasal! Wallas A. .1 845111 ^•1^44.40,121atir ''''''time71t211!lattartio: woe, eet wen oft, .5520132 Note given in farmer of Joke rine lobe n tea .7. 4.7 rf 'Or flaid or twenty for 4)2. 115, of 040, se In... Met illov Abe ot Br • nave revered no Tolle. for the *I este. O. , MATER. JOACHIM GRANACRE. seimisay. riald Ronald 12) 11101.4now VI•nd Mt lewl John 1 11,.1e.nald tolta 11,.. Jamon PI Ithtir 1010,1 M. l4 all 3.101 Med flied Kenneth 54,1.11., a. 411., 11.8.14 Thogria. .)44411 Meal NAM* Wary Br. Power. &tem (2) Fetter Moir, 1.11, wt./ t•rh.. Wee 2.e.•04 . . Mower. leaertn 4 liMith Molnar Netwaret (1) • thil1••••. At ARCH inA t.ogni(:1 sc.x. Peetatame tioderich wt. .• est, 7141Scottish American Journal, A. 115CY11.1.11.KT FAMILY PA. IR. 1 Interests of 13;aish Res!dents is DAVOTArt ro Tit. Americo. - k 234.41 3 ' • 11575 nordrnekaws. 4 -- WINTER CLOTH.JG. If. 13UNLOP. Has now ramrod from A. EASTERN MARKETS havingliurchased to the hest .advastagt A C3MPLET ?STOCK OF HEAVY WINTER CLOTHS, HEAVY WINTER TWEEDS, HEAVY WINTER OVERCOATINn8 hr 1. reTtneret 40 8.2) olther 'by therm 'nista tip on the aboriret motive el WalCI31114.3E11. n Oen& Marta nollaint Ilee 1e., o all Sled.. Mei Ine moth. CALI. AND S/CANIIIII, Greleeleb 111 0441571. CZ DS L L NEW GROCERY AND CROCKERY S F • • /inn fir nolo PERS BR.. TO 154114,412*45 11.• of (b.derteli end ano•otems4 entintre. 0.1 the. %see n)eweal • eep yr •1140 (ihrth.f) .tor. 2. I II. leeldley Anwedy orvered 5,y, 111.11antyme AR A Iltedt More earl sett draw to A. "ahem 710.111,11., 250.'2, 1)04.558, whew .411 he femnd enhf.144•11.60044011•1nf may then,/ In their ll sr, melt es TRA411,0 A. 1.1.111T r. Y., . - sewn, TILA OrrM, MIT% 141411144,4“ 21 DI IOW% vr,l' ttald rho.. 14...•.1. 0. F. 0 • 0.4•Weh, Jen. 1,2, 575. URDRIS• • Weyer!. NI imt haw), The 'senor .01 pew* Mee Sinn repreelle IMP tl mesa. •Nt41;11 **Be 24111. - Ail 11.41 1•72. eel r .------- Strayei. 11.1. almethIse ovherriger455 0 is, name, ettememe. ateniatahe lal • Ilewera Nov wit tvb.e., •••• nevem 2.114 ptv••• prove enlepegy, pet iterve•P• *54 111111,141 Pm el. 1•7t. e • • 4515 15.51. Immthor orrnfxfft• a• Inter...fine 4,4,1, IMPORTANT NO E 1.. II dt +troy Poetry, Phlo..irne tcon tic re•It 13tentry area .. Ronne an4 Aeovrts. 11,411ortala 1341trta 1.44.2245. ---- tor 711 rOLITUB - err rIB• I %1104111.• Tti *2 (5)' Vie ITN" cr SCOTFISH AKEIIICAN JOrRNAI, 1 I lw St&M • MM. NmS0 COM 11.• We*** tiltelm11.01111 • , • • tvn. .4 Intembetty ...I. • tty awe • NW. 4170 14314.4 leap. v:4: Ali • • DO••••• nowovostessow000llallar ' roar ta the suratoads,^141:444$4.1.c.Falowm _ pmw ft rove noir ro torewirstres TRI11114 Skinks, sat ' rear*. eir• mow.. ilipprellnarn wiet MCI Ofth 41 en tee aft UV* IN "wow. Aar. ••••••••4 A. 1111 ty/11114114.. it.:igir•••11.8 ce••••,,,, q•••••• Pew" &a • • Pic•r11/1/Telettlit MIN 31 V. a AMP . worm Ann. to, Ian art TICE F. R. IAA N Haase Sign & i:strisce NUM • • 5