HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-10-03, Page 7I. Come On Kids Gymnastics Registration SAT., Oct.•12 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL FURTHER DETAILS NEXT WEEK Can YOU Help?? a meeting will be held at the EXETER SCOUT HALL TONIGHT (THURS., OCT. 3) 8:00 p.tn. to reorganize the Exeter Boy Scout and Cub program Men and women are urgently required to serve as leaders and assistants go the boys of the com- munity can enjoy the benefits of the pogroms. If you are interested in helping the youth of our community, please plan to attend this organizational meeting. If you Ore interested, but unable to attend, please tall Jack fuller or Mrs. Ned Armstrong. This odvertisernerd sponsored in the community interest by The Exeter rienes,Advocate Aamixoriodnamarmoilmemaarludiimeniiiiimidismr' Ontario Snowmobile Championship Drag Races THIRD EVENT SUNDAY, OCT. 6 NI% I4 r em%ti 1,, L I SPORTS & RECREATION Lirp. RR I , VARNA, ONTARIO NOM 2R0 AROUND THE TURN — at a recent ice session of the EMHA Spon- sored minor clinic, Ron Horn checks Mark Stephens as he uses fancy footwork around a turn. T-A photo THE LONDON BURNS CLUB No. 561 presentt Direct from Scotland The ALEXANDER BROTHERS VARIETY SHOW Full Supporting Cast at the LONDON CENTENNIAL HALL October 17 8 p.m. tickets $3,56 available at centennial Hall The boys are split into groups with their coaehes and work on the lesson they have just wit- nessed.Theyproceed slowly so the proper technique can be learned and then the activity is speeded 1111 So they can put the skills into practice. At the first ice session, the youngsters were put through various skating tests and each boy was timed. They'll go through the same tests at the end of the six-week program so the coaches can see Whot progress each youngster has managed. If the program is successful, Horn who is president of the EMHA said it may be extended next season to include more boys in the system -- particularly the pre-season physical fitness aspect. While the youngsters are also Working to improve their skills, so are the local coaches. Five coaches and managers recently completed the level H program of the CAHA Coaches' Certification program. Attending the course in Sarnia were Peter McFalls, Jack Underwood, Bill Batten, Wayne Pearce and Ron Horn, Ray Brooks, Bob Rowe, Lloyd , Moore and Ron Bogart are registered for the same level II program in London in October. In November, Exeter Minor Hockey Association have booked a level I program for all coaches in the system. "We hope to have all our coaches continue in the program," Horn explained, noting that the recent McMurtry report on violence in hockey suggests that all coaches should have to complete such courses before they can assume their duties, "If that comes, we'll be ahead of the game by having many of our minor coaches and managers well on in the program," the EMHA president explained. Special hockey training for local minors STRETCHING HOCKEY MUSCLES All muscles to be used during the' upcoming hockey season are being exercised during a current hockey clinic sponsored by EMHA. In action are Walter Van Essen, David Underwood, David Shaw, John Osgood and Bill Glover. T-A photo Sessions on, off ice While NHL teams are busily engaged in pre-season training, they have nothing over a group of 36 area youngsters. They are also getting ready for the upcoming hockey season in an experimental program being operated by some members of the Exeter Minor Hockey Association. The boys, aged six to 10, work out in a physical fitness program every Wednesday night at the Exeter arena and then take to the ice at the Huroo Park arena' Saturday morning. Included in the Wednesday night session is a film program on the basics of hockey—skating, passing, shooting, goal tending and checking, Two films are shown nightly to the young enthusiasts, The lopal program was designed by Ron Horn and Bill Batten, after the two found they were both thinking along the same lines last spring in having their atom and novice teams engage in some pre-season workouts for the 1974-75 season. "I was looking at it from a bit of a selfish context as I was sear- ching for an alternative to sen- ding my three sons to hockey school," Batten explained. He had intended to see if other parents were interested in a cheaper alternative (the local program costs each participant only $10) and after mentioning the suggestion to Horn, they decided to poll some of the youngsters who would be playing ,in the atom and novice categories this season, Their original letter drew 33 replies and when the program was initiated this fall, 36 youngsters registered. , They also solicited the support of other coaches in the minor setup and quickly had a group of volunteers to help. They include Bill Gilfillan, Jim O'Toole, Gary Balsdon, Jim Pfaff, Howard Churchill, Bob Whiteford, Wayne Pearce, Jack Underwood, Pete McFalls and Bill VanBergen. Other coaches in the minor system have also volunteered their assistance when required and when the boys are split into groups of 18f or the ice sessions at Huron Park, each coach can work with three or four boys to provide almost individual assistance. Each group is on the ice for an hour and a half. SHDHS physical education head Ron Bogart was asked to assist with the Wednesday night physical fitness program. • "We foimd it almost impossible to believe the program Ron came up with for the boys," Horn remarked after the initial workout. Bogart provided a quantity of physical fitness equipment and gave each of the youngsters a small booklet detailing diagramed exercises and a program they could follow at home between work outs. He showed them how to make weight training equipment and other items that help develop muscles and hockey skills. "This is the age to get boys interested in physical fitness," Bogart explained, adding that if they get interested and en- thusiastic enough at an early age they will continue their programs into later life. A visit to the arena Wednesday night gives ample evidence that GRAND BEND NURSERY SCHOOL Children's Fashion Show Saturday, Oct. 5 2 p.m. GREEN FOREST MOTOR HOTEL & LODGE Clothes supplied by M&R SHOPPE Grand Bend Proceeds for Grand Bend Nursery School Advance' tickets $2.00 Park is aimed exclusively at phasis being placed on skating and shooting. individual skills, with the em- team, but rather helping the kids get loosened up before tackling anything strenuous. The on-ice program at Huron "We're net preparing a hockey instructors gives a verbal picture they can help whatever team$ another demonstrates. to he better hockey players so they happen .to 'play with this season," Horn explained. the same manner, One of the of the proper techniques and then Each new activity is handled in EXERCISING INSTRUCTION — The Exeter and area boys enrolled in the current EMHA hockey clinic are attending six sessions at the Exeter arena under the instruction of SHDHS physical education head Ron Bogart. T-A photo The readers write Plan meeting for seniors The Editor Program. This clitla extends its Dear Sir: activities to include retired siderable sum of money made the press that a grant of a con- The recent announcement in people on an all-year-round basis. `New Horizons"'? Many people now ask; "What is available through a branch of the New Horizons will give cash department of national health grants to groups, so that they and welfare to the Exeter Lawn may undertake activities of their Bowling Club has sparked an own choice and design which will interest in the New Horizons keep them in the mainstream of Canadian life and to encourage retired persons to participate in :Require leaders community life, With the above very much in for youth groups mind, it is the intention of Mr. James McKinlay, the director of A meeting will be held at the Exeter Scout hall tonight (Thursday) in an attempt to get the local Boy Scout and Cub movement reactivated. Jack Fuller, a member of the Exeter Lions and chairman of the organizing committee, said this week that the only thing required to get the program operating again was leaders. He said both leaders and assistants (men or women) were required and the committee hope a number of interested citizens will attend tonight's meeting to discuss the program. If the , required leaders are enlisted, the Cub and. Scout programs could get underway by mid-October. Fuller announced that leaders would be given plenty of assistance. Exeter rec director Jim McKinlay has offered to conduct classes for leaders to give them the necessary training to assist with the programs. Tonight's meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. at the John St. West Scout hall and persons who may be interested in assisting and are unable to attend should contact Mr. Fuller or Mrs. Ned Arm- strong. The latter is secretary- treasurer of the committee. THE SW I It 111100:1419/VOTItilif 12" 4i 41 alSeell tort at HWY,' 43 ., _- k. "ro ' 'Itlet,11111' T 11 WI' EXETER 1 tL ill - Jf q 35 m 1 42 2 SELF STICK FLOOR TILES ONLY 244 EACH x 12" Good variety of colors a. WA I I E 1 i ()I,J8E 176 Your DISCOUNT FREE The Washer Victoria St. TIDE Home of Quality and Dryer Headquarters PRICES with WASHER W. Exeter and EACH 235-0680 SEE US . for 362 Main SCHOOL SUPPLIES tilacklILLAN'S FIRST 235-2973 PE'L , SHOWER ONLY 697 ONLY ATTACHES TO SHOWER ARM OR TUB SPOUT WITH ADAPTER ROLD GUNN HA ME HARDWARE CO•OP you're always a winner!" EXETER 235-2081 bib fink • - mEcHmocAL copotActoots - ELECTRICAL • SHEET METAL • REFRIGERATION • AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING • HEATING 262-2114 HENSALL Phone A Price POOL 110 Main,N. & SON AUTOMOTIVE Us Jerry MacLean Exeter LTD. Now For on Your , COVER 235-0800 CARTER'S General CLANDEBOYE Gallons of Windshield $ Washer Anti-freeze 227-4217 B.P. AGENT Store 1,75 "THE HOME OF THE GOOD TIMES" Live Entertainment ;::::.--- ----- ' I I St,Exeter E LE CTROHOME • ' RUSSELL Look 'n Listen SPECIAL Preston 20" Portable TV — .solid State $554.72 ELECTRIC 235-0505 tiORANGE Nightly plus Childiaglt WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT I N I T E at our NEW (DOWNTOWN SHILLELAGH ! \CLUB k both locations in, LUCAN mow 17 , . Short for "GERALD" "BETTER 18 THAN SECOND" 19 20 . • "BEE JAY" "HURON - -- -- TAIIITAN This ,Week's Specials! . SHOP MEN'S, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR • DRY GOODS • DOLLAR BOYLE'S LUCKY Schneiders CHG1CraKdEeNAS3-4 lb. al by e. ,60 g9e ; Zi.fhiEnNeidEeRrs lb. 85s AILSA CRAIG 293-3241 . "Sot the Merchants" RULES: To play the new "Spot the Merchants" Contest, identify photographs as you can, NOT the individuals by name but the firm picture is associated. A clue taken from, or pertaining to their below each one. Patronize the advertisers in this contest and obtain complete and mail or deliver to THE CONTEST EDITOR, The reach here on or before Tuesday noon of next week. The first three correct answers drawn each .week merchandise vouchers and names of this week's lucky winners week's Times-Advocate. Patronize the merchants who have possible and obtain your entry forms. You may enter as often a separate contest entr., form is enclosed with each entry. number of prizes a reader may win. All readers of the Times-Advocate are eligible to compete the newspaper staff and their immediate families and their tries are not returnable and the judge's decision must be This contest will appear weekly until October 10, 1974, prize draw for $100.00 ($25.00 cheque to any four contest winner) will be made from all entries received. Further published later in the Times-Advocate. Times will details with advertisement will helped There advertising accepted advertisers QA H Contest as many of the above whom you think each is published your official entry forms -Advocate, Box 850, to 'be awarded $5.00 be published in next make this contest as you wish, providing is NO limit to the with the exception of agencies. En- as final. after which the grand as chosen by of this draw will be OOP 2,37 7 3 47, 1 1/6 u r? f?'' T - ' ,, P r o w €,-) s tr" .. . :. • .'. 235-2350 MAIN ST. $ 100 GRAND PRIZE PLUS 3 WEEKLY WINNERS! EXETER See our Ad CHRYSLER DEPENDABLE PLYMOUTHlipp / SALES AND DODGE TRUCKS SERVICE A, 0 on page 11 MATHERS MOTORS Gould & Jory 1971 Plymouth Duster, 2-door sport coupe, 6 cyl. standard trans., radio. Lic. $2075 Exeter's Largest Dept. Store DDM 345. t 136 MAIN ST. N. 235-1525 ON OUR H SPORT Sporting Goods 111111 , -1.• EXETER ENGRAVING DONE PREMISES & K CEN1RE & Accessories 50% OFF ALL TROPHIES 41 f MAIN ST. 235-2261 DAIRY Open 7 days from 8 a.m. AILSA PINECREST VARIETY 293-347 AND a week till 10:30 p.m. CRAIG BALL,mAcAuLAy LIMITED BUILDING CENTRE Fair Prices and . . . Personal Service HENSALL 262-2418 DONALD Service ROBINSON Station New and ,Appliances ANTIQUES Used and Furniture things - WHITING i Maryheien s Hairstyling 33 HURON ST. EAST MOBILE FOR BUY NOW & HOMES SALE SAVE!! NEW HEAT PERMS. See our new collection of precision haircuts and chic mini-coifs. Also ear piercing Children's $1 Desk .49 235-1482 MEN'S HAIR STYLING BY APPOINTMENT ftri 298-841i AILSA CRAIG `.e rn f. 235-1'M4 63 MAIN Sr. EXETER ,...1.... SKYWAY MARKET . Open 7 days a week till 8 P.M, COUNTRY DINER AND GAS co GARY'S SHELL , 26ot, Pepsi or Kist Gingerale 4/994 Plus Deposit FREE Inki-eut of With QaupefertprIsrile Every Necker Oelkious Catnitry Pried Chicken Orders 137.34$51 Visit vs to-day for all your *inter driving needs. 235-0782 MAIN st. EXETER 228-6431 CENTRALIA VILLAGE the majority of boys are en- thusiastic about the physical fitness aspect of the program and they race from, one set of equipment and exercise to another. They also do group warm-ups prior to the program with Bogart stressing the need for everyone to Recreation for the Exeter Arena and Parks Commission to hold a meeting during the afternoon of Thursday October 17. Among the public spirited people who are heading this drive are Mr. Russell Snell and Mr. William Hart. Anyone 60 years young or more is invited to get in touch with Mr. McKinlay at the arena. Telephone 235-2833. Harold Podmore Member of the New Horizons Advisory Committee Arva,, Ontario