HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-09-12, Page 6ensa
and district news
Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Phone 262-2344
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
Blade or Shoulder
15 Fl. Oz.
15 Fl.
Pork Shoulder Roast
Schneiders s
Pork Chops
Schneiders Sliced
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Back Ribs
lb, 980
lb. 690
1 lb. pkg. 790
lb. 890
lb. 850
lb. 950
Swing Flavoured
Lyon 's
A inter
Hoste ss
Sunlight Aerosol
TenderPurina Vittles
lb $1.19
Fully Processed
Loin of Beef
California No. 1
Cana da No. I
Canada Fancy
Red or Green lb. 454
lb. 84
5 lb, 994
4/3 oz. 79(
100's 59(
34 Fl. Oz. 79.
10 „. $1.79
Oz. 3/$1
Pack of 4 59(
24 Fl. Oz. 59(
19 Pl. Oz. 594
15 Fl. Oz, 59‘
6 oz. 3/$1
16 oz. 7,5t
Old South Concentroted Drive 2 lb. 10 az.
Page 4 Times-Advocate, September 12, 1974
Supply Ltd,
Grain • Feed • Cement
Building Supplies
Coo I
228-663 .8
Guest recently returned
from trip to Africa, Europe Rebekah Lodge reopens
season, plans banquet
Noble Grand Mrs. Aldeen
Volland presided for the
reopening. of Amber Rebekah
Lodge assisted by the Vice Grand
Mrs. Margaret Consitt.
Mrs. Olga Chipchase gave the
district report which was held in
Brussels on July 3 when fifty-
with Mr. & Mrs. Eric Munroe in
.Seaforth this week.
Mr. !Sr Mrs. William Simpson of
Birmingham Miehigan were
recent guests with. Mrs. F. G.
Mrs. .Jack Carter of Waterloo
visited last week with her sister-
in-law Mrs, Harold Bell and
Sylvia. '
Mrs. Mary MeMUrtrie is a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beavers.
family of Brantford and Mr..
Mrs. Ron Passmore of London.
,were weekend visitors with Mrs,
Harold Bell and
Mr. 4 Mrs. Hon Passmore of
London visited this week with the.
former's mother Mrs. Pearl
Former resident
marks 80th birthday
Mrs. Hazel Long of Owen Sound
formerly of Kippen, entertained
15 of her friends at a dinner party
in the Lee Manor Home in Owen
Sound on the occasion of her 80th
birthday, .She received a numberof
lovely gifts and money, and a
bouquet of red roses from her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Hilda
Rowntree of Penetanguishene.
Word was received in a letter to
Mrs. Vera Twitchell of Hensall.
three past grands attended.
The installation of officers of
the Lodge will be held on October
2 and the Grand Masters Banquet
will be held at the Brucefleld
The District Deputy's report,
for 1973-74, Mrs. Mary Grigg,
Clinton* was read, by the recor-
ding secretary Mrs. Leona
Parke, Mrs. Olga Chipchase
P.N.G. gave a report of a bus trip
to the Home at Barrie.
Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Irene Black-
well gave a detailed report of the
Rebekah Assembly which she
attended in Toronto in June. NOTICE
Village of Hensall
Dr, and Mrs, Robert Mickle,
London, spent Sunday with the
former's Mother, Mrs. Laird
Mickle, Pr, Mickle returned
recently from Dakar, Africa
along with his wife who met him,
on his return home, in Zurich
Switzerland. They spent a week
together touring Switzerland
before returning to Canada.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett and
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flynn spent a few
days camping and fishing at
Mr. Ron Mock who has been a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, returned to his home this
Mr. 4 Mrs. Ron Page and son
David of Burlington and Mrs.
O'Connor of London, England
were visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Horton on Sunday af-
ternoon. Mrs. O'Connor was
returning to England on Monday
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor visited
United Church Notes
Rev.. Don Beck occupied the
pulpit in Hensall United Church
on Sunday morning and preached
on the sermon topic "God, the
Disturber". The choir sang the
anthem "Come, Spirit, Come".
Next Sunday the pins and
certificates are going to be
handed out to some members of
the Sunday School during Sunday
At the request of the Council of the Village of Hensall, the Ministry of the Environment has in-
vestigated the possibility of installing within the Village a sewage works project, to be owned by
the Province of Ontario, consisting of a collector system and treatment facilities which will provide
a major part of the Village with sewage service. It is now proposed to construct such works. at an
estimated cost of $1,676,910 of which an estimated $1,250,974 or a rate of 74.6 percent of the es-
timated gross capital cost, will be provided by the Province of Ontario as a financial subsidy. For
services provided from these works, it is proposed to impose an estimated service rate of 66.6 cents
per 1,000 gallons of sewage accepted from the municipality, together with frontage rates and con-
nection charges as set out in the third paragraph hereof.
The project will consist of the following works initially.
The installation of sanitary sewer to be constructed as follows:
Mill St.
approx. 400' W. of Nelson St.
Richmond St. N.
Lorne Ave.
Richmond St. S.
Wellington St.
approx. 400' S. of Richmond St S
King St.
approx. 125' W. of Nelson St.
approx. 450' E. of Wellington St.
approx. 230' N. of Mill St.
London Rd.
approx. 200' N. of Mill St.
Wellington St.
Mill St.
London Rd,
Richmond St. N.
Richmond St, N.
Lorne Ave.
Wellington St.
A LARGE SIZED TOAD STOOL — A toad stool on the front lawn of
the Kippen area farm of Harry Van Wieren has been continually get-
ting larger. In the above picture Jo-Anne Van Wieren looks at the plant
which measures 14 inches across. T-A photo
Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Mellis, Mr. &
Mrs. Earl Sproal, Exeter visited
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gibson,
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cooper,
Detroit are visiting with Mr. &
Mrs. Vivan Cooper. approx. 150' E. of Wellington St.
Unit 1V hold
pot luck dinner
Unit IV of Hensall United
Church held their September
meeting and their annual Pot
Luck dinner on September 5 with
36 present.
After dinner hymn 148 was
sung and Mrs. McAllister opened
the meeting with a reading "Help
us to be overflowing Christians".
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick read
scripture from Corinthians and
gave an inspiring devotional on
"Common Life", followed by
prayer. Mrs. McAllister gave a
reading "God's gifts",
Mrs, Laird Mickle favoured
with a piano solo "Falling
Waters", after which she led a
singsong of familiar hymns with
Mrs. Sherritt accompanying on
the piano.
Mrs. Sherritt gave the
Treasurers report. Mrs, Ron
Mock, President, outlined the
coming events on the fall
4-H clubs will
begin this week
There will be a general meeting
of both Hensall 1 and 11 4-H clubs
at the home of Mrs. Peter
Bisback on September 13 at 7:30
p.m. If any girl cannot be
present, will they please contact
a leader before the clubs begin
during the week.
Hensall I will commence on
Wednesday, September 18 at
Mrs. Wes Lentings home and
Monday September 16 will be the
first club meeting of Hensall 11 at
Mrs. Peter Bisback's home. Once
again the club members
mothers are encouraged and
welcomed to attend any of the
Take bus tour to
Richmond St. S.
approx. 600' E. of
Wellington St.
approx, 200' N. of
Richmond St. S.
London Road
Mill Street
Nelson Street
Richmond Street N.
Wellington Street
Queen St.
London Rd.
Lorne Ave.
King St.
Easement (parallel to King St.
approx. 100' N. of King St.)
Easement (parallel to King St.
approx. 100' S. of King St.)
Easement (parallel to
Wellington St., approx.
170' E. of Wellington St.)
Richmond St. S.
Nelson St.
Oxford Street
Albert St.
York Crescent
York St.
Mill St.
Brock St.
Queen St.
Wellington St,
York St.
Albert St.
York Crescent
end of York Cres. (Village limits)
York St. (just west of Albert St.)
Nelson St.
Brock St.
King St.
Brock St.
London Rd.'
King St.
Nelson St.
Richmond St. S.
Albert St. (at York St.)
York Cres. (at Albert St.)
Albert St.
Wolf St,
Mill St.
approx. 300' W. of
Elizabeth St.
Queen St.
Wellington St.
Elizabeth St.
Brock St.
Oxford St.
approx. 300' W. of Elizabeth St.
approx. 600' E. of Elizabeth St.
sewage pumping station
(approx. 175' W. of
Elizabeth St.) Shop at home
Elizabeth St.
King St.
Oxford St.
Richmond St. S.
Over 50 relatives from Stoney
Creek, London, Exeter, Strat-
ford, Seaforth and surrounding
area attended a party Sunday at
the home of Mr. & Mrs. John
Templeman honouring Joyce
Cunningham and Wayne Mayer
on their upcoming marriage.
Mr. & Mrs. Beverly Taylor,
Darlene, Debbie and Wayne,
.have recently moved to Alberta.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Colemaii
Seaforth and Mr. & Mrs. Carter
Kerslake enjoyed a bus tour to
Lexington, Kentucky and Nash-
ville, Tenn. on the weekend.
Geraldine Reynen is attending
Forestry School at Lindsay this
Lee Miller has entered nursing
at Woodstock General Hospital
this fall.
Mr. & Mrs. Carter Kerslake
and Craigi Barbara Roney, Mr. &
Mrs. George Vivian, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert McCaughey, Mr. & Mrs.
Fred McCaughey and W.' &'Mrs.
Larry Elliott were all guests at
the Kerslake-Cochrane wedding
in Sarnia on Saturday.
J111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11I111111111111111111111111 ffilifilliffiliMMIIIMMIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111 111111 $11 1 11111I11111111 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111,
together with service connections from the main sewers to the lot lines, a sewage pumping station,
forcemain and treatment facilities involving a three-cell waste stabilization pond.
It is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue for the services provided from the Provin-
cial sewage works as follows; a frontage sewage rate of 30 cents per foot per annum for 40 years
on all lands which front or abut on or connect to the sewers described above, a connection charge
of $32.20 per annum for 40 years on owners or occupants of lands for which a sewage service con-
nection to the sewers is provided, a 112 percent surcharge on the water bill of domestic users of the
system, and a surcharge of 112 percent on the water bill of commercial and industrial users of the
In instances where there is a connection to the proposed sewage works but there is no connec-
tion to the water works, the charge for sewage service normally recovered by the water bill sur-
charge is to be recovered by the imposition of a foot frontage rate of $43.68 divided by the fron-
tage of such lands. This foot frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates
imposed on properties for sewage or water works.
In computing the frontage charges, provision shall be made for the exemption or partial ex-
emption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemp-
tion in the following manner:
a) A reduction in the case of corner lots at the junction or intersection of streets of 100 feet of
the flankage and a reduction or increase in the case of triangular or irregularly-shaped
lots may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon,
sufficient having regard to the situation, value and superficial area of such lots as com-
pared with other lots, to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis.
b) Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes, a reduction
may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon suf-
ficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes
on a fair and equitable basis.
c) Where a lot, other than a corner lot, has two limits that abut on streets described above
and the size and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works in such streets ore not
required, a reduction in respect of the works that are not required, so long as they are not
required, may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable
thereon, sufficient to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis.
d) In the case of lots that because of the nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer,
do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer, a reduction may be
made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient
having regard to the benefit derived, as compared with other lots, to adjust the foot fron-
tage rate on a fair and equitable basis.
e) The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to the
annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction,
but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduc-
On the basis of these levies, a home connected to the water works and having a frontage of
66 feet, would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the propos-
ed sewage works:
66 feet frontage at 30 cents per foot $19.80
Connection charge • • i • ***** •,111 Y.. ..... a w .1 *, 32,20
112 per cent surcharge on $39.00 water bill 43.68
TOTAL $95.68
A home not connected to the water works and having a frontage of 66 feet would pay the
following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works:
66 feet frontage at 30 cents per foot $19.80
Connection charge 32.20
66 feet frontage at($43.68) per foot 43.68
(66) 4 , TOTAL $95.68
The connection charge may be prepaid in The calendar year in which such sewage service con-
nection is installed at a cost of $330.00, Similarly any owner or occupant who desires to commute
the frontage rate on his lands may prepay the frontage charge at a cost of $3.07 per foot of fron-
Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice send by
prepaid post to the Clerk of the Village of Hensall, at the address given below, a notice in writing
stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the sewage rates.
The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the entering into of an agreement between the
Village of Hensall and the Crown with respect to the provision of the sewage service and may ap-
prove the imposing of the sewage rates, but before doing so it may appoint a time and plate for a
public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given
Only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above.
Plans, reports and estimates may be inspected at, the office of the undersigned during
business hours,
DATED AT HENSALL and first published this 12th day of September, 1974,
Village of Hensall
Hensel', Ontario.
SEM 11, 12, 13, 14
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit
all quorltities on all eelverlised ifenis.