HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-19, Page 4r1006 la a rumor afloat that Col. J. D. Nook 4 on, tin American geuklenian. Ewa ,.. Mew negsitiating with King Am/edema of Spain. mid its Pip y litomeil, for the • perehates of the lotool of eel., osi Na- mes avaarea for 8100,000,00U Oa golsi. ,„, IMMO lidatrarlar ceremony lei ritualist SIGNAL NEWSPAPER ellterefteshmte nearly au hoer1 and is a t very . imposing aeronomy. The lows( •11. olltetates ustladv dedlit a rola of white • tie. ti Monett Walt him, or ein broidery, sod the otter is Aimorated a Ith towers, "treating oust banzieni.... ‘'llsve you merit fedi in your loisl" aok,,i a pie/WU 111 a taw i wan. " Y sli- ther,' a a 6..ael eel iit it," e ati the lather elippory reply. A negro • aiter, mlio hail t 6 imptwoki te ,ItestilniVa1lia.11" Oil. •rie Lou beet sew ready, end the Oita tare Woke - Iiistailtembers Ey Lottenipting La pill • II Ike twatimbiefiee thee •iplammily **NI moo, 11y.' isiet anow la. ed "E. L *nit hab dis sheet anyhow .,14•613 dey re idilt,t,„, tor Ilerkel St re, 'Godelieh. 41 Ilk table -dot !" . Dr. Itilitionnot a Loudon i '• ',„ t ....fully itl•111•11 'OW ttlittik te.,-, v., die tautly a t ominea 1 . i a transpareet ir}lntil‘MI 11 1.1 ebb .1,;,.„ ia , takemanil then Owed i. a litIViii tern, 8"..$1,41111-11)11'1-'41.1.ial kit sts the • Mt it 0 L.2i• 111001, and in Stir nay tlie 1111141114., 111 t.1 all In out elikelk. welting 'Wont snag, ih A!visetteber a Smite/id of wiser* of 1 coloity yi. Iltaiitaii•pi .., 5„,„1 , ).15 Mesta miiis en '1.• doll r er school P8(1.'wea. In ...one their o eetemly ‘,.0,i mill, trt this nailer. • ! ogis of them don't hare water . , ' PIP La ebo year. . ' ot Mr...greys'. -. • • • iAllapolis, the that alp J•et ahe alm WU 01 o w • dr, /ler e OW EiTAlt LISHM SET reinarkal•le &rah nue 11111 ler ISA ewer 1... born • blurb, let tst named Smith, her or, oul, third, ••rt,ytti, fiurtbv bo prendit, Siw; • • tha the dery h 611, of ist „ eminent p.111041111, nil sill outs, ere sold by eucti-L, a:.•1 lig Other tlotigs Irma ik pal.•11 bat to pbyairi•o•••," _ wght Wert priee, The1T 0 01,4411itig Oh: pedi Let. read 41.1 ews; helot the tipen and the feet weeny." If plum: J uecentary, • use PeiVilOns' I'vefir r .14 ; (hey ale the Wait wit env, a, .1 pill the< ha. ...19Pte41-4-111.L._ • • -10•14/0014s-44-- t.Djuiricort• 1:,• • T a seateLes mai mai t:.• 4,, or „ -----Ratektra64-4 11.41 crn tr .01 atel thilan the water with Indian weal ma Mei tette aagAr ,nd little lard. Lay about the pints,' the tat" are and 'talon *he will it), It ia decidedly the Mau ,textojat. Hite it a .traL 7 , Ornamental Printing IN COLOR . • INCLUDING 43F c.) 1) FL 1 C 11 Rawness Shop_ W. A- MARTIN ngo p!iii•t WIM Sow IL laud ..&ymoi 1.. liee perkeeerel the a, LIN. I.. M• Moiltriy. 0tiaisituia •t lter b(14 eei rad his apirreftemonelp a ti. kleatia. W a. hlf lare e.1,...1 f the taer thow y••rt t• *1, frat r Loor. la 41140 and i• MOO pretnerent to sots .1 LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESP, Horsetlothiag awl Beulah CAWS le nota Lew and vita derd.aVL. Ig• R.V1.1 bag.. ...Inalty WU band tbroszlanit I Ordinal, promptly attamiled to. (1.. **1061.. tans ntsvek Truro% wimp., cneal-usierserfl- theirieti lith Jo..0.4ot / .21 • Oh 0n10 ell00.0- 11110*0110 eV era algal IDAININT eteraiCIAMI 111 NSW 1031...10 FOP TOS 1..hal to runs "NOTHING *VITRA." CUTLER- 1110i. Ca. 1101111•001. eel se co ram *Old thw Dew ISIS Wit se 1r *Aid LINO a ftaf. za. ,FRED! FEEM14! PEEP!! - Samuel Curran 1.161141661Mdr(mly lo" the public that he • FLOUR ANL FEED STORE lo orsatotbra U24 1.1. ir orrery. On Victorin Itreet, Opposite Sweeervilte'a Grist ¥W.) vuu Supplies teM ersaatantly hand, togetbili 011 a orie sad aphootal Musk Of Choice Family Groceries, • • ow.* Id Jan aril,. rd. will to &AI wry CHRAP VDU • Atilt awl delivered atywherir la towa. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA. itoisi-ZE A rtpifolVLD KTALL towerrED. itelio.-qlf the at noinher of anint.di to* r t1 eon. of man, the &Ws bet Is It D4 e1reng4 that 04.0 snany TRE EST ABLISHIIENT hone is iimparteoishly thenoot 'seri ice - who own h roes. and a leraiN on their !shot for a tenni, should- tie-. item to alto there Mat careatol etti.iition which their osc nitercat al leas than the at toy and comfort of there.. deunieda. Cdition Ferdinand aloan !leave The best tivilk.ae (oral '•D•41Iny'• uo• Beinesly *lo. there be no di;•uht -it is pals mid easily alien. Remem- ber the name, and see that the signature of I:1mA Co. Ana Mel AMA North- tr,p & Lynam. Neevastle, Out.. proprie- tors ler Canada. •Itl try all F dealer'. W. wereldeased t . 0, tent long since, 111 .10 tri 4011141 pretty seem* nonris sohitostard IA several per. sons •ho. done; n uPeresting Iva:tore IS. Rev. Jno P. C. Ulm*, lept a cow intions oiogbing, yawn peerented Walla lama hearing. Pe•iplr s liocann. it refrain from oni had leiter way as ay from am* *I Ikea, r chie tail* a bottle of Jokitatin'a A 14.1,‘, (miaow( with 'hem. The ilitirortailie .4 going Iiihr airy Coeddiae to hunk* the, Iwo been mit in the cold rain, strool in told *dr, or drama ie onich cold water, sentihtliro'er "aiee•;4; ni, matt shied.' lie witheut Mew oho owns u good horse. 23 .6 alIPPLIIID Duren %domed IMO. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS 'l'IEE "Gardner .Setving Machine," MANDFACTURFD AT13 ..../.6./.66.16.0.,11•646••••••••••••*••6,4....../s, Jior family lied light manois.:t tiring r"" . Gardner Sewing Machine • • A l• ILL •MIMED Olt Skip FiltsT uvEt ALL THY hIA --7-"FOROSTO, LONDON, 4 'PK" • CATHER.INES. ORAMOISIt.LE, WA:1- Kingston ,TOid gNoi ER 11 414° 1:11,:ltou Exhitutiou.. Thotliewilis01 P..P"Who 0.1W TI IE G Elt operation at these ex hitetions etre actually saitoilialind et siNIPLICITY, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY, IT WILL SEW FROM THE TIIINEST MUSLIN IV THE HEAVIEST CLOTH & LEA NIES.. IT 18 ,HANDSOKELY MADE AND 18 Simple, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned, And haa the most oemplete set .4 attechmeuta of any macnine mow nusnufactured. Call and seallie Gardner blachioe, at saliseruo.e, opposite the Market W. S. JOHNSTON. AGENT )'OR HURON COUNTY. N. 11. --The following is copy from the Wax, during the exhibitton week at Kingeton:-"The Gardner Sewing Machine Co. exhibit several family machines. Those on view were in operation during the &by and sewed from the lightest work to • piece of sheet lead and A Int oi cigar box. eowbined. The unichinee do light Manufacturing work aa well as all that to required in any family circle." Goderich, Dec. lth, 1871. ILiuse, u erich. Auction •tit Commission GODERIONeCLI NT014- Established 1t44.51.a. sa LISA of Miiwellan.ouse!o.perttlaGologeb W rote Aattryday,a od l• Ll..11toacrery Wed- eesiasy. Motioyadviroed or Property t r atmerliate Ideand oroniptreltfrneinade. •istb 4 liar Soleopraeltailly aiWad edlothruiignoullh• County, 0.111.1. 12 12EMAN'N Auction Mart. 00,.,R. WANZER dc ACILITIES FOR EXECUTING hilerirs Sale of Lulls: 1 ,sis- ilbowaRoore next door to the "xi.p.a ofn, . reteallyas • Guelph ,Sewing Macnine,Co The Excelsior Grocer TOWN LOTS. TOD OSBORNE SEWING MACHINE. o \ KING -0E---MittERICA1N IDLWINO 11.21CNI14E0. LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINE Sys rsnouon,ut CANADA ARIII IPIII:11:faiss Nechliiee Teo hew. ben be emit idly...ate.. aims Sae Tavortils 1.1S' • ali both e4.14. 1 (11000111102 IMAM loony other ms hate offered the lin2,12, • riit War range of .o,tr,tfe, 2', *7 net •aort. lees iiierleauana, olsul.bdtrit albangth 012 durability. .• The Osborne Sety,inv Machioehas no rival. se Inkpn,1 moot.* lor. 1•027 lsen mart, en• flirting 1hr orrueutartvre. do t War rt . the *01 PLUS 1:11•14.3. of Ms. iti,g W110..11.141 111116 Of dottre,tte .0010. from 14e II..1 t'Snterie to lila voarod over. erot .11166'r loallser. Wantudtersan ..• 5•114.500a0, ua 54 •alk. 01•0AAAAA 1)1616 1,111•6 LAS.. T0511001000110•1 krf 01661.1416 1111.1 own eon. pooh, Dried. Is .41 lit one.bal the nriee I obarded foe wanton. ao11/0; 1 11110 1111kire ova. fee wanufacture. *011,1.2. tetiroieet to slave it • ithia roaels eStitY 114C 870,0. orb au nib AOC Nat Wev Ines RI 11Mi itirsiaelsine 4is The Guelph Reversible prisenductili the Is•t ',ogle Yht r.,1 kohl. Ma P 6461 O 111.--1101•16 HS 11141,6110114 2,010*2,010*•fie., led" do all varieties 41 &meatus wining :wins 4.11.4,sta attruabb. I1m,1 MO tn.. with full °Mat. *2 2 Create do., ql1T. (J. La. It 11.4 lour onstrautoot. gye Ardast• ray.50 arawfwalCatt. linklitall _ laboci,auoinbi 00 15 Werlar.-11.114a2 to „ 'GUELPH SEWING MACIdIrm 130,, •01/12Drft 'CANADA. Al voltam Amin,. Anent tiodelieh.WtIllaaiJ WO* - Chown . W. Si WatieuLtientoctli. • ' alb**. ICI . - A TT E.N TIOA NSTa.zz.zer Letter .A.. • FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, „. the sinisteet, .111 f/.. the greatest rare .7 001.0. more amity ander& look.. to et•not a seder, it rn. 1441Ier tha, rosy '.010 1) %of, N, h.,. any • onitiver ads ttfarta.4.1 the esvatibaal liaals10* 7?odor veal fonot 0 OW. or. founts...writ Wimpy, to stwoit meek...wad epeelnwoo of week or to reecho orders Sem dm Lath. hrr all wart•of FAONY STITCHING, EMBHOIDERY, .ok w 1k All 1116e11116•4 N. 11.-- All aorta of Masbinos stalest on ileirtiot notice. Tarots and nore.ar. for Natl..ro kept ton staidly half& Job Printng OF ALL RENDS • tole/rot 411.1 1/461441 Of 161.101111146•11. of the ale., warnot defe.1.1 06,,s,*) 0., 11.010 J1011.1. kens *ellen arel eight is me infteenth eon 16141011 111/ Too Air 10 11.010*. 2., 11.e4o02*0yl411111006 • .41}.1111166. tos. orar nbaserrattrendut two 1.134.11,4 Acre. 160, ul 1,64. Who, 1.1.1i.lif 611,1 Teff•torlit• 1.0.1 ..0er for Sa e at tny 04 the l'ourt 1140040, 2,. *2,4 01*.. of rtrd.rrteld thurerfay ttre eleventh d.ry of lordary 0. ISTZ, bum ref War *tem owes, n the aftern... JOHN MACDiENALD, Sheriff of Huron. PARTIAL LIST Y..41.4Em .az SON yvRIMER 10 DUMDUM 0117*. &Ft rTn •••, e .‚'l .2)404. 0*' 00* bake hold Sued to initialer ••••1. Terfwa troosaaMS, Andy to • 8,8E1 y aims. _prortroo or OILVIS in Till Pk& tlualSriall IT. /LOT, mi.ar114.4 if.,..RRAT extant -ex IN ASSOC NCI ND to 64. tlex noldie of the toe u awl t'ountry] dud the) • 41.ht out this tiderrvis 441 Yr A. U. IJ.. '01 lesaneso termer, eel int te rum la on thrall Oroiet,eeet. i WI b494 tiOoD STOCK 010 Cikift0C)1LItIli1410 CONESTINO;Of TEAS COEFSE3 TOBACCOES. bUO Alt, SYRUP, MOLASSES, RAISINS, KHANIA BICE. SPICES CROCKERY AND GLASSWAItE. CON bISTING OF. CHINA SETTS, TOILET SETTS. STUNK " COMMON " Z19111711113112111111` And by the Dozen. Flour, Ford,' iot ireal,Cornvonal, Buck- wheat). loursol l'rusisionsionerally, al- ways 01i baud. • GOOD AS THE BEST, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST FOR CASH Ott -PRODUCE. ralikeMlibit, 11111i next dent to Jordan'e Deng Stott. Owirelobitt Mae Alf - Stoves ! Stoves! of goods for sale at Paraiiti• & Co. new Hardware Store, oppoente the /whet House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CARPENTERS T*)OLS. SPADES. SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORK RAKES, GRAIN CRAJLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACU".;, LEATHER BELTING, all,i, WHITE LEA IJ, all prima Cke-, I '18.114L1/711 AND- Taw ut.Ai..K Aug. 70.. 1•:1 • MACHINERY 04 C.,0117 of Mr. BY f - .•1 Wrt, Myron:mon TURPENT 20 PA : E W1131 l.fr 1.41 40.1 lir, niffkiks forremlite lonol oat of II. r aloteetY. C.. 01 And elLkinde of . olf iple. to. Oran. 11 end411ref tad aminat the lOwl• alel Te.nrento .4 11,Wr10 114rie.0, at the . ' . old of the 22,1.1.0.,. *task of Van.. I h.. amaaat and tahen t n Ea. -vale.* ell tto nght.„ tit.... awl A ltr.arrtrit Itottost -There to no- thing that rail c•r4filAtis 1,1, URSA • the haru• a•1 ifel end elegant. = NOlICE of COPARTNERSHIP. 20. imProre IM".•teitti IAA Make hi.,, all that et derirshir. as ••Darley's Con- " dition l'osders and AralAm, Wale I • Remedy," .1 1,0. hem geed he malty' Prril"," vd•o• usu nimble carriage awl other Ionian with do.dill soccer, an . ▪ well pleieed are with it that levy alwa ----14"Fgan.,!: Pour le 6.41•• e4 .8 *inlet with perfect adetr, anownitier the wetint, slid teeth -it the re.4 Hurd & Co, is en each l• 4410$ Northrop & Lyman, Ney tante, , proprietors -- for Canada. Sold hy all Medicine ilea/ • eta. , 22 lesertrantnO i•e. retrei. 0, I Dm. I.:31..1+:1. 1 • SHERIFF'S SALE DE LANDS. ixet;:rtrvier nvuos, Ily «10.. of 'a flnrie. To 0111 1 eirit of Siert /beta*, 2. sued 003 .1(11 Mitleett.• County Court, .4 the 1',,00t'inti Harem. end io ire directed ausateet the as A letretnents .'0,Io.R wet VE Ibis Jay i•ken low partnerwhip m the Ho I 1,11•Pt. 11 • nem. Air George Rooth. 01 • gg.ggg ttd 0.-'- 02 0.1 dm I 00 P6'6 LofaWtes 1411'4' in Ida Y.:rati to Ito Doi Sea forma • huge initir x•itika ale shore, and the Arabs Panned Inn II wall 104.! wife; for Ole pirt a • us sesak inclines to dealt -h. (hi ugh we urn to atgit". ti"" 33* that the Wit thibg elite throd, rheessealiblillettrnly/tai 'bowel romp!ainie, de., ha dob Pain Destrorer," to ba bad Of slanted'. eine dealers for 25 cts pee bottle.' otis It. ilip..••••$%, sae experimented upon the etiffentil atie nil an wooded ho injecting +aria 1.1”•••1 int.' It; thommseles rt,glir.sd theireont ract *bd. fey and the nett." their irritability. As the f1111211g alas blood .11 paralyse. of nerv., ekn.st, so • deficiency of blood • mom ..1,•••nerr,tins • ,1 nett .fllitern"",t• r°11”,r'. writtlti $l rtilt. slYPcP•1•11,11,!' ' • i'Alletr the forma, etaran'trt • ..,10 eriti•Dpisotli- . • aboreass tier. itidttee vv.; liarlIr in d' {••• .• d ralasne ail the die dependent far, on noiseelar or norms' streowth. 24 oam•r 0,,,iut:nes:Mstsouts.-- An a evn.litiottinedleinelie Floatage "Idirle‘ 'a I viten and Arabi's' Ileaee Itatite•lo' hal no opoil, its effects in *lir re flifforft /101 est,mialling; into, horsta that were ievpoied 40 1*. 1.t..hiai down and, al dr lad ...Flutes'', have Iv 1 o * 66 s few lAlnies 10e011 reeterrol 1.1 knaltily 6,1111d 16,11111fieri, 01 (1*., 'batmen haring tgigyp 1. It removed. and hare Leen sold tie fem.. 880 to "75 more than they 9/01114 PT. snottily hare brosiitt; 'when jr09 li"4"1. 11101/110 incriiiiitie go tattlers Ct P'''1", "id Arabian lfeeve We know you w,11 peefeatly satineol With the 'yank ErAtienther the 110i,” asd we that tele simetere OW .•ach piagage, orthrop 40,41 Ne•ti Gilt., P•Orirt"rx tor Cat la. 8 nil 67 .01 maielle dead 24 CA lel. )1f 100* FI)114DRY, 0. k harp Quesetity of i tope. on band rr't ""v theee A. 411/11401:Piars I,•4•,r. neer aff g i • • ' oar I lurcl wat re of all Ueda, is lee. 8, 5,72. Mt*. •Ikliff44 R.- ErerythInip oalil al Ow roll Lea• - NOP "1"64.44 tikeiar bike *wide, tr tmarr swot of G.A.& n-Li.s. Doter rt. le mialk 0,. la: mell. The ibinnele *RI continuo to be er, 11, Slot tu. all su41 that • vf ph torrel aurke tire ri ,o,t, of. n g ▪ Is th•• change in Ihe lute •11 debte due 11,/rryllvIrnIF',(..,,.‘,"'!'"Z•,,,. wean their saveehi•ew 4.44,217 ritirST. ellinin4 Prom r rttdoter, .0. 4 to el eardvd. „mt. "rd.., ,teo k bovine vie sem. orth 1ar 11. ie., .N.usoeul.ii.• len dd, in rely on a hoots •eth torn, In, ;7414. 0.4 , the saw day fleiee weilein,g •. rano their •oo. fur goods will nod it to Used interest tO Rive the 01* 011110. dem A, Dire. 1110, 1071. knoon aod deorrior•I al Leleires- Crew...miss at l0413*0 ir"'*12. 1;711. 411•17 • poet i• *1.113. 1.1 Its south tart. as2kr el the Preshyten. hvr. 14 yard, Isteing th , ea. • .fkore fg•fitff 41410001A PO 4,111V-eurht rinks NOW JOHN INGLIS SON or Iro on a error* •C • lode... derees. eon- - GODERiCH WOOLEN FACTORY V.I.A1,4 .741" 1 ,-. 7 1. pus RCEICRIIIRRA WI111.10. RETTIININtriTUANIK..1 FOR PASIVAllit0A A IsF, LLD 1. I STATZ Mat Minor the Sad ender, 4.4 ha. Added largely to their laanufae4 uring Mar:Macs. And all bolo* loos entire!, Ir.). June, 28. 18C171.°1)ELRI Are now Prepared to Execute Orders 4. 0107.0., not Cloth, lfstou'lla, rlaarrel., ItIanhata dorm. v 44, St0.1101 Tanta. km, 41111 WITH GREATLR DESPATCH, Of DIOitE DURABILITY, lExtensiVO 1Nit err IC SO. to Mo. frf fir the l' kr fl.tflw fst of the hift.,01froVI,LIkeft:t....71......, Itt,•,errorkllOor the r.tratfor4 141111 11,111 pagigar for *l* '.0520*. *fon af*X.11111.y.froltithe 1.4•11 Pf7T1I'Vff)1.1'.711tarli *14. '.03707 51)1Y:ifeth, 10,7fr lot0.11110•"0 other pcnnt on I. tit • 110,41. Oat. at the Toon of Arad.* theContaty a( Pada U. land dadiddX0.10111101.4. 0. P IT G. H. Parsons & Go., Oppoeite tlie orket llulmit, • FARM FOR SALE thy Cortiondioe of the Tole of God. Orb, A 11,141 Prot, 101 I. 1 er. *mashie of iludirrkii, 1051411.1,0 1)4 servo •,. finalfrkl,••.1 10.1.1•Ardl 0,0,1 trieli. Theo sre dor tante bop orolukftle eh ueo ypphood )_,111141. alltwortng. Yuan 4 eelle 00101.01, MOW tin, ale 11elkof• and roeeiet 41007.074 heffratne0rourte.11.0a and stablys. 00 obpurtunayfo, promo -no •rcleadid fano skielb 2. '61do. uret witlr ••erno Apsy *40 ion the prinaliniele4 A PIA STRATA PIRA .Corterlet ITtb J•11. 071. 011106-te ETC TRW:611S •ND COVDTCY1/10 PIPS CISTIAN rtal1/46, PIPAA, IPLA ..A.N LP FANCY' COAL OIL . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fliirCoal OH Limp*, . Old hie Cooper. Bona, Woo/ Pielt.ses. are Sheep IR 411101111416. Is .8TORY ter Sizn of the Large Coal Oil Haire! Gederiels, Alia 15, 1a70 swl andlieatef in Pattern Than Formerly. --NEw They womit slot Qt sateen' anomie,' to en under i be alre of Hoe h Gardiner dr tr. t ot Mod owl Rola... re!, w 21,t0.4 00.1 Toy. Sl"ON SPINNIAIG, ROLL CARDING, CLOTH DRESSLIkite et, VIC). Carpenters Wanted ! 70 TLIR Ia.,: ,ri Yoe 00 DP Nanz,:lools NATEALAL, Wald we have just received, and other Painters Wanted T. •-).•,.• ^of H.' Lffrlfw 1.101,6orforrd of reinter 0110 'okra, 1.1:••• awl Putty, all of L1611 neat tinallty. Blacksmiths Wanted, 1 olo their Napo,. of lloeffn NAO., 11,11 and 01.1 0, • loch we r. give thew dowry haat value, 'Coopers Wanted, 7.00.11 tleeAsolree not "fa grout reistety of tie Tool re their kola (fool the point 441 blemertars, waded y the I litrIleif moos Itoul, end ihr aleuraiii • for wee between le. hheren and Dom.. 14, Coneerolon 4,1 ]he Tournonn eariterostrld to, the are•terly sale fff WILKI lot *odor kited, . Isorth f.foriee, ineaee, o0.... *44 mg.( holm .• • or ov las northerly 'mete( Ihe ••••1 Err, 1,141104, Pf100661016 0111114 •Iily Iff.• efr• .61 'gloat*, 1161606.611•166111 thme crania 6114 0111,1y teolt oewre. Woe Veelve ebeislelled le•aa miont-in le. Mike 001160f. Marllof met tr..,,,,OW Roo.1,, Armee vorll, 4.4.1144 Oversee we 1 three elm.* owl via tr. eight hellallent ve *IN le die ebea leg.iiinor mint eawlermine Rae serer. tame Araftired 'woe, 'wee. ate.% cornrow thy fert Row irrnr Ore. *aid mat plocred at the 4.41,-eno.dy mower et .11e Preald Irmo, t loarvh yard • 4•44,0 soot ',minuted itoeoo one htlodu 1ert ",p.hi, WO* Undo sod Tewownir shill ore, for erile army Aar in l!..10111.01.e. 111 11C Tozn Trodollembe ggy pgtv my 44 5.4,4. ne urit.si Weimer or Teel,* o'clock neer. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff '4 flatten. *snit's Dee. 0.04.wieb, MIA 'tall • Sheriff's Sale of Lands. County of Homo, By virtue of • TO Wit: °WM Fieri Facies iimni•I mit of Her Majesty's Court 11 Qopen's Bench, end to me directed ; against the lands anti kiteinentia of Mal- colm _Campbell, at the suit .4 Elisabeth - Lapeley, I here seized and taken into execution all the right, title. end inter - 'est of the Aln,d0 named defendant, in and to lot number seventeen in the eleventh concession of the Township of Caborne, in the Couto! • y Heroic . Whit,. "aeon ano tenenienia I shall offer for sale at my other, in the Court House, in the Town of Gislerich, On Thursday, the second clay April, 1872, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN MAC!) /NALD, She'd of Huron. ftheriffn Office, Godetieh, 2 tr.1 Decenther, 1811. E -OPE N THE MARKET -GROCERY, (tORMERLY OCCUPIED BY ROBINSON & CO.) W• DOUCLAS, n AS OPENED THE ABOVE GROCERY WITH A MU! STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, • FLOUR, AND FEED, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, &c, AIL MP _*0 ',a AI. 61111 1E1. Goderich, 22nd September, 1871. sw8-1: CARDS B[LL-11EAD Plain and Fancy. Printed at City Rates ??&;71(.;ii.LIAriF.S7270,RKL Laaes Wanted! r s eon enrollee stork of ma ROY f.1 RD gill. IL GARDINER & Co.'s, Matit•t &ppm, (WNW HURD& ROBERTS, 111141.01•11 rikr /1201.0 111001”,141 ' SCOTCH GRANITE MoNUMENTS rm.,* ferk street, Reeilllie, 1..e.etwatemour Mira ani rum• se net• ea mew salmi volmostat ?sato. a T,410. ratter k T..*'. 51*. 0*1 re 1 el eel. it- IMAII•A•71 • • • M. MORAN Amok Eirtgaton Et. wee Gene • alisscsla sum Jury Lists, Voters' Lists, Notke of Appointment, Oath of qualification, Convictions, Patiamasters' LisTs AT THE HURON SIGNAL OFFICE. 4. PREMISES GI-, N, 13.A. VIS IX Aft. MI IBIS DAY RESOTED TO 1-11.13 WMMODIO s NEW BRICK BUI NG (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JOI1DAN'S ()RUC STORSII convenient to the Market. His stock of stov,_ell IS LARGE AND COMPLVI._ E DARTTEA 131 let NT 1121 ANYTHING .0 hit IL Ifni ell) roue spa,. by innyeMill‘" "",r, be nor pith basins .../Inse ILL KINDS OF MD WOliWILL EL DONE THE SAME AS.10 Gated.. let /all. IV* 114-"eed Ve .rx.rsirr pticTuEr AT a Shephard & 20 TOY OF BRAN timoirrY A( W1OCIS TRIG *al Sell Chea' for Cash. arelovion, A be IS, 1870. 201) • TIME 15 MONET- - I rof r y•int Ur do too dne ays work hi O PATEN r GkOOVED IRON HARROWS • the lioet Orel slierpret forre l,0*re4 10 0111 rash, worth 0214* Inapo•th. 0,1 ITICHA Ooderloh.Narrhielks.DITI. Ncbrric • Correll of the CelPiolset 1°"41 4.4 Titslanirroin w111 hohl Real 0,•1 eltragiVa Stolaireeille, Ira Weir* 4•T of/aloft Inst. 00.4.re 0., Jan, 1 1•71 T LOT", billy - Goad. h, 10th 11610b • 0141. • FOR SALE. House and Lot - ea 51I11)1A Itidild • 11.1 ISHICUCOTPAOS 0Is la& Urn. norjsKiirri concha Jed tel. FARR FORSALK. T OTl0,C0. I0.W fl.t'000,*t*N6, 100 801460 .14 11114Merral. goo doodling Oen.. free, nis• •27,,i.rd... goodairal 10 rsterodbyryi• Maio *600)1 0111. rut • the [anomie go0*1 well* VIWAIR Nee 244111114 hots lloden. 21.01psweelar. Apply 0 u Kriel.. to itadenagoolverle 12,. D Foratowa,groeor Owlet oo, C trIt.;•30ART. Apgest 15. For Sale. A lior. ACI1/101% 11/211 A loodbern4 or. hant Am+, 1. 11. Dolenek Mai MA 2011. IJWIDS for SALE T BA -YF I E L D. 0/11y0s, TI IS DATFILID ....01CRION1072 Toonary tioniirolr,semerionse teeter.** .,t.t.iny of lend, winos about 2 biles el Um Market 1.4e .4 14 Nee .4 1471014. There II a ,4 6101110 onion f.001k1 1002.17 be MOON movennl • ith 11,e Loll of tow* out maple tlalttli ad no , nre rueamIrr .11 the mad 10. aplendol •• ern/heal reed rears se In• 6,4100 ihe property width 16 01.1.1 0 *0 .14 rad 6.41 telbert aetotiboorhoode .41,144, - tot 14. Rare A Teernilep Hanley, 60114311111111 • moo of well roars. tie.ber bad, *2.0 -14 redo, 0 hop teekeity 111 11,01116.61 40 the IT., rn. to Niter MaGle14 rob • • kf, r 1,14 which roe be nierie owe ra, ai ,neeeiwtetteskl rade...ex Vor 1.4vuo• p to, JAIthe U. ALLEN or le 17 NOR Rek Nevi**. Gael} li, Aug.15th, 1470 .30 Choice ?arm for Sale r IS. n 1 t "Ad. towsoaip or moterteb Ls to robe... rbared *41 Inilaire ir reel Yard- •oel thole, 2 1 nuiee uf AltaiSei reallea an bildevit k aever-fiiihaa nel througt• 0. proonow Terwe tAtorol Apply bylettor toew paid ior lam ribbon Ileatethod O. we naVis 0111.0151101 Uuderleh P O. Agape 1P. sal 1 --ab.TARld FuR SALE. - (414.,,), givert that AN. al]. na WIII mole loth, Telrfol•ttla allarbolrly the 'rosin. , °Pfaff.. • If, hex, •poofking ftr•flffn for ALII•el fe‘ir 1 INCIrjrI4C3E. we iqoTics is hereby given that aiTues. %ion will bnittede to the Legislature of the Province 1,1 Ontario, at the nest - Session thereof at Toronto, for authority to divert the course of the "River Aux &able," in the Township of llosanquet, for the purports of draining certain 1.Ands in the Townships of Rosario net, McGil- livray and Stephen, in the said Province. Toronto, Ititheifune, 1871. w2311 INCOrrIC3 77 HP.11ENT otrge 711AT riodi-arthe 1 will Irre made at the neat wader, of the, togists lure of the Pro... 0? 1,,,lar. hs an A. to ago -1010o .1••1 ineorpfratIrtf., the TcfrOWEO., ON/ MO 1h11., 0411057 Comma. and t'd sever. 4, 1. aroell.11,.• fir A•me, 410 On 0514.1.1 lhof porn,. 605- erre..1 upon the eald Company *el for ottire per - W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR Dated at Toronto dd. 1/17, 2ti•eratat day of Cott... A. U. 1071, 1 7.-$ The Huron Favorite, NEW LABOR-SAVING CrIELT-Til... . 21PT hy ALEX. VCR A.. ..eic:11-13E3CD RN' E. Ira. 0111 ple.nre In t,ffering llo•F•rloefil Um* ANEW CHURN' 1, 1/N0 iirr eat ett-W-01..1tEllICU TOWNARTIPi-- 13 ,Itibei lade a lord grade' 0.1 .12*11. ty. am] 0 teole• liodern4 mota0,111141 Su *1.' of ear•Leat $4/101114/ 16641. tortteularl, whorled I, tarry par prom mule • entail New tre.7...W4.1'...1:47.*'.140e)11U""ro,g 11..:""f7r2iTehrihrelit Food otautot. Teoeno Rather recur% W059941" (001*0 L.'"J0.111 N LAMI INT, Sth Pest. 1$71..--4 • pl. „ - • - -- Valualk Property. For sale. T (Ira NV*11111110 AAP WI IN TRATOWIt A 1Aelenek IAA 411 valuated astern lirtek Cottage...* ler* Il.onset•o shown 11044b. sod rdi Let .1,14 146,61 14.1.0....••• dove, fn.o •17' 114.111M teldetrm.M1. 0.0 0,0 • Ors{ ^lase 124,1 et bill. ,..frt frIff to. 1,0t4 will ...at tither ',ors.' Of 114111•11P 6616 teireliamere. Trot. made knows on atrptvadrolt to but A NT111.11 . the rent... or le !Omar. DA% 100:a 1,10117207 "2 Tirelerlrh 13 Jul 1.71. swan Farm Fiii-Baie_ 76 tiso Y•rwataip M C la the ot I. Ant... North trdt ..f 111,..b ft. .....esmient Itear.r. 30 cleared .10 owlet prod feteo, foie •• reel 11,,) Wool tor irr. TWO WOW Cree., 11301 good Log. 11040 led 7.-0I*.., rot /Moll 1.0144, tireherl, within I* ilioDivtatiolis saw 4114 *4148 22,1). and olthla 41 miles of' We i:ousty Tomo doderten. Taira. rale. taw rryly .100*X lal0WARDO Da the premises. &What.), Nov. 20, 1171. 6 Mb • To Let. swiss, LATPLIOCCUPIRD AY 0. 5. 0000 4 20416 Lee *Woo, oraeloot et 14145 7511. 04.a. cetera& • Arroie 0.1(12102. 006,5010. litorerielt sub, 11171. papar For Bale. A 1111/0A :301-7rO7 AND a arils lot, roost risinspaitmoval fast '10.1,Tows of budolebon 204 08,04 Home io aOd trtrm RoAlwayStatirs .Opp1y (0 .1. V. DETLOR *SQ. or Mr. W. CAMPBELL. Goderich July 250,, 1871: 97Adt• FARM FOR BMX. f M. nth Con(11,1.1,0. Id wren*? I/ Lind 70 Ferro ele•refl gf,ofl 11.111•11111, 10.1,0, *0 21.44 W2,70t.4,1 Toile, from f Torr. Of adetrieb. %POT to O.7111.4.11.0 to:dwelt or on *NI prem.. to 0101E11701. Gralenab, Eke. ISO. 1521, Sir, Choice rell11411 for Sale: rat( 01)51706ID DP LOTS 30. * AND 2) /0011001 thsa. tt. D., cattrania, monsoons 0.01 y31 sons I tom Mods •r• well rendre/ with Irma M.* en4 &welt. 4 rare aspansasy la nffensi to do.. who intend to gel Or ecioloond ihewf Irma. 1100 .417 00 rodeo &OM 01161611, 11/14 000 0*,,,, dorterteb, ono being 10 the re0117ihe Salt rag ori 1611111 et.. for nob es ahem rtedit. Aggly by, tOter pool kwkii 1. JAS. ADDISON. Godslich. lindorieb, DW.AWA• an• 1 ..71,45 or!, Infroff 1,f% arid for whirl, lie natt 0105.41 a ('.1,1, 3)., the I N.M.. of I Wnektla Whero 1111.417 ,ritr.flo,,,A, the porel...re hay, 0.ofk•i.lfork41 401 FOR SALE. 11701 ly ernett y of its nano -0-- "THE HURON FAVORITE' [Am 5' Con. 4, E. , Aahfield, *ea. and .sttly soldmadotito (4,04fat Mining 200 acres excellent land, f141)0(1 14'71110 AND 1.1,)1.11, covered with Reels and Beset', 2050)00 equiv.-tit aso outtittit.irr from (loderieh, with a newer radius treat OF CO0141•111,1.TION, n11101.10117 OPOVARINHstream running through the central the , N11221.1 •ND rrricuElcor land, *hers is about 15 ACTH of e'eared "r W".11" land on the front nt the lot. ./M.X1C1 i-se=e1717 A pply to WHITEHEAD, it sot 00211401,,O•o' • 1 Engineer sad flereeyor. /1114410 that Work 11,1 re.07 '*1 00 Gedgriiik, yaa, 2a4, 1412. tf. el.. valved mower. 04.4.14,04 1., thy depth too ...woe gointe4 re any di eta THE CAIURN earl la wee .451.. riliertitos A BARGAIN. flotrwlek. Cottnty Townehlir right. *rented on --- .4I,.l hat k heat.. motets,. 'Pp or nylons/ to ;) Ion. 4 *err. • 066•I •••4 r"*hew.. Gorlovka P. 0 111.0.1 bows for Inrther partisnlara A ppliperrio• "vo ACRItft Reel lot 1,1 lif.1011, er,22 r. entro.,C., NO6 earrt, for wee a.* detrd do.. ALEX. TCIII1RNEan.1 1.11.11ItleAflo ivf no onfo•tawirmIxelthlkter• PATRONI/HOME MANUFACTURE rrIO. ABRAHAM 1.111711 MertOrir, Tater et r ?rt. era. yet etit.etn• ' • •11‘7. 61111.1r