HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-19, Page 1• ••• • me -.ow -a- --woe • -• o 111111k. t • • NibrIrrei a use ha).. emoualde, 71YIRINN. ALE tos sAy jtiod, rich. I helieleen• o -t hod. et .1 eon...1 of Ae.. 1 hale fer.,. e Idea Apply tw or tn 1TH EEL •••441 de COT fACI fait .4 1114•11. te• 'Acura al••• hare h•r.1••111 he lane an4 i ▪ te 11111.1MT. w30 were • 1.7“111All awkl.14. klaZ ICESSION Lie mime „e Al. of the Th... la • 'ot I.1*r• ti• olowly hu•Lonof tore la aa mot Mr Tters'ey. bIIt lan.1., t s 0,1 wit% • ,rde wont. L".;:71' /1•16•11. Sale. U. et Goderiele ito.• Algol V toll•O tiorelheh t twet .1.41.11 ot uran tignal, 1844.) Postusisso i Geostuost, Goal!! ta LON, ONTARIO. ' THE WEEKLY SIGNAL, large* lowl4041V,I,a lb; le JAWS,* .,, tinge --31 101-t •••11•1 e4eeti*0-10.00 went THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL, TM Maly Wreck., la °star., ed s BELL BA. Editor and Propn.otor. VOL. 10 --NO, 42. 411 ectin (39. ••• • "Tho Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICIL ONTARIO. FRIDAY. JAN. 19, 1872. 1 we- we ▪ 'wkiertese,•., 2 •••••• r-'12 flI 13mincso Elitc(torn 3esurnitcr. • 'Mom to frab. NEW CA t31 N ET IODERICH LODGE NO. 33 G IL C. A. F. A. A. 1111 Is peel...bnowy 0:mpialios,,Fm THE SCOTTISH PROliNCiAl. AN., Teciony .4 Yenta, Afteromos spas RIR/ULAN COMMUNICATION 1 la bed on the arid Wolneaday of each 1.••.- tou per au.= *1whams.o “• heath at T.31, m. Voiding Wald. • ADVEItTISING. nicatuee, Omni, 411, May. WI. 4•73.1e coiaahowasoioasea eaose1 s ru owlet Nouparri I tor the 4.1 'smartie., oei,•0. P er Wm lor every ellen inertial. Mat.0 ad04l04made buoys tro sp. plicatom et the oft... Atherthennente. received without otsetreetkoos a• to the lasetnuam, Impanel HE forbid aud charge. a, 0“141110,7 • 10.01151110 101,trtisera are Invited to finales oef 80100 Optem gir Oen.. In the late 14, enilre• Ineagne old vtintd- nue lot How UK Wein elluo Market square, J. J. BELL; Editor and l'repristor. Gederich, Dec. 214th, 1872. ^ - • Business lotratorv. Dr- I'. AL. M, lIougaill ario. SR AT 1101It not ctitOWLTSTION To TT op to It o 1.1t ie. c•ery ;ley VIM totem. io arly 1,,00J117.00.40, night or day. 4w papsycus, pygmy go te, ke Are , Goole 0•• •L:t1.71:. .1"11 eta I I CA.C. Shannon M • ID --_ otTio"ohala kalgeawom krewart.•immat DB fitelaliC.API. torothevp -111•117111.meleatIertlaWie4"14•••."Mt eeet4t7t7tint.t'lle"..eael. 34. intfelesp. •• • 11.Yr. SWIM Genoa* 4Clitiffe rinse.'eine: !t100*1. o N U4m, ogres hhc.trA 1,0. OF G. T. r AITII, IIOPE AND CHARITY. f. miasma /sent: Rio mi. OP ORDER U hind their moron.: In tit. Tempera... Hal, Moot 4141e Moto., e g commeucing at o'clock *luny. !name heell.,u irodnady In, Med. ALILX, tiORRV.LL Ow rotary. I ine lith.ln7 I. 0w47-6,0 • Enron Division No. 120 SONS OF TEMPERANCE. THE RBOILAR WEEKLY MEETING, OF TUC +alone of Tv mimeo. le hold every Endly ...ming at o'clock Irt chair Hell ou Mott et. nria 1•1111 hall• Wine knitting torelJovu coolinly Lan Ind 1). CAMERON J r 11891404 4. P. Owlandi 4 Jely 11171 .6641 • tria-1.4.1ws• DA MUSTER AND ATTokNET.AT-LAW, ego 1 141.. .1,mo-in Chemor enemy UM.. A.noney Schteteb. DM, olbee a• Coen Hoe.. els 40 Clianseros in tisecerow p 0. CoN0*. as. m Mos. Rlismkta sues . Owdoetelt. wAS J. T. asasser. t___•._ - ---- Itaybe Os Homier, BAReieT11101ATD ATTORNIRILSOLICITO11111. ty owetamerory. ate a""Is.01M. ..:. D• 1.. Dona. !,.. •• ton; R. oonsa. RA. ' - 171.21.14, • • swerawie, gm.4 het commerres Plettenterly thoo. AMP r tilerhattoe, wit. Rine to• r•w .NT, ' sets: 4E10 RIM peontsee. a. • . N. 11',011. 1,0 (71)14. w ean 17 / AeRN 4 on tarot th..1..vrt reyStottos. SELL. 9Itestf- E. •r ro• rif ▪ lo 11.0.11 enro 14. or oa 11.1 Town 41A 1CUtott iBtOtROPTitiri. ATIORNETIO-AT•LATT,1101JCI- Mt ten la Chasorref. Ss, iirodeorah. Oileogev- .B 1.1.1%iir4. i./ile.1.14.11C110ZR„ Jr 4111••••, Dm. WWI. ty. M. NI atconsoort• a A RIBUITall, LITWIN AT. SOLICITOR. t. 4. SA fme. 414 MOVEY TO trsn. 431.0A1141-....1.11CANill CRANCERY esti tlirisTaiteiltd. 0111610••• CoMmtly's Drag nowt Goineich Oat. 16•6141161•111ept.. 071. ow T4 witoonst 410 'german. MELODEONSKGAs HOU) NSE ( CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools, &c., &c„ Mama. tuna by tee coletwated ifItte ul R. S. WILLIAMS & CO., Tinware, The moo ix...none oaken lo the Dombelol. /Pits aairaioets... 10 intiao• {hot 11 .0 Lees igoint for ninnies Moltke mare...ding weeny of th. 01.,te Juatlyeelohratod finmetul paid o nt I .11 .41-1,. Made hy them, at 101ANt " Goderich, Aeg'DI6A,N18171EOL GUlt.D°3014 THE "BRADBUItY" PIA.IT 0, - UPHOLSTERING S 101),. $12,000 wm.r STREILTJ ASSULANCral 00.. TO LEND ON FARM PROPERTY OPPOSITE BANKOF MONTREAL, AT 8 PER CENT INTEREST. GODERICH. 1. J. MOORHOUSE. EXPENSES REASONABLE. -- DAVISON t JOHNSTON Agent. c•irires Joy ai 1011. •. THE TRAVELER INSURANCE 00. Afi %MST .117.11DENTS CAUSING 1 ninny Inpo , 10 10.11 of life. gionlaintring the pe, ot ot a aspolete I 01111 1. r iffw k. from 113 t ate, of ley 'tient of Ili. 1.1111 4•110 .0704. front frton $10,000.1f the 1111hty taw. death Intl lu three ...nth, Lebo grout. full LIFE INSURANCE, and endowment. 4.11 fortes oil low Coat /tat. lull tutor...tun cu. be obtamod of S. 11. DETLOR. *goat Goan. k SIM thy. 1871. 0,74 commit. ERIC PeloMAY, • Goderich 12th Sept. 1871. sw5-st it, et varECTPTI/ LT A. cilia., he bee opened • neer .hop In the alro...• hi,. on st StrOet., opposite th. 11•nk re II 0l'0 liv will keep cosatinitly 011 14101 en..k, to ol MONEY TO LEND FURNITUREDF ALL KINDS. At Greatly reduced Ratee of Interest THE tool,,,nr.1 Iota ao, ,, nOt of in,ney to 1 limo 70. nftereqi year, at • low rate of Mere.. 1.1114w...raid.. lei no. ol repo literal, pevatile lay yrIriv Installionit• nit. of exp... olefy esnopeu too. HORACE HORTON, Appraiser for Ike Cu eitidn Per • isits newt Building & sterings Society. of Toronto. THE ISOLATED RISK INSURANCE CARD FIRE INSURANCE (.0111'iNT, Elliot:N.3,4 Lorton, kaatorad. NAME...LI) u.ruont. clr tjui Hutto. rum's, IAL lomat. The Suleannher 071(51 (l.0 the lollowlegbrot-elsea 1 ....russet, ConslOnalIotni. ZURICH HOTEL. a' Tow ft' Tree won? tocrfuter.nricrrn If. /lappet, . Proprietor. rewire accoustemarmei ron-censwraciab sr do.. eyi tirr-beet vamp:emote %tiro h - The her ta ••Il Sepflred wills !loco. el the 1...tt .t dor, and attantare beans. 1. lell .1-1 lilUit()g HOTFL, MUCK. CO. 111:1/1161 PRANG, - - Proptieter. 310 06.117 In Nit.% up with •nier letHrttftle••• fo . seethe, puld,e. Mt Roo Mtabling wod Prompt 0ttecttmen /Log 1,11/0. wIS•ft _ Cemstercial Hotel. Ilitchtd1. 104, Erotomitee. This owlet. re. Meta. F./ 7 , Janne. for Ihre olortest make 147 • sotelony Remote,' liy the Mo•tral fkorromem Ow 114 i4 Etw York to cativa tlie Entice of all other link... • IN POWER, PtiRITY RICHNESS F:r:I- ,,.11r11' CIF '1*C-1NPWC, slot • , .,- don, tt e fame.. env, litenoon, id, the wealthy awl 11, • • the Vrocassione, '11 • of the III) ATI" III • IC 1o' 111 !NC 6 le aev0ountrot kr mooply 1. in, ..ery noipeet 7114 eef ectime .4 ...ono .011.r4 Worku.amilino ion the i.e....4 owed of p ant- lie. -been ward. t„ by HI 0.1 Itot It the meat .hirfort itott,nrehy that .• hive ruade. ler 41111•14 RANGE 'son ftiri0 To 81000 seraohas 10 .0.0 of caning sad Henn, T" MOORHOUSE .41. AGENT. 114011114**1111111111.11111111MASMOISMOSIe PORT ALBERT ROTEL. ruicr ALBERT. BIM LIMN, • • Proprietor. fp SAL 1ST ATIK If It INSURANCE AlAINTS. NO Ilt Arcade Itutetoom Vallislo,14. 00Daemmorifet es. Ample Wrible roma. _ Team C. Mona, Auomey-at-Law. 16.111.11well• ur Orti.smoitioi I. be a leeteclam botal •4441 - • fan AIWA. tAie. 11171. • 0 IC. ()UT FOR 111E Awg.111• IAN -- 11. Nile !Doomed • . _ TIM mod* onewiptInerahlo •Morsttosoniole from '0.410.... n loth 1.011/1111.11 rota ARM..* ea* too seek at tlie• 0014 of the ainet. 54,141 hIctrktt Siistank Qoaeriek Ilst Apt IS - K RIAD OIMICE : Via. ILL bloarisow Iturtawis Bei 10,000 110.1.1610 1.0. Strut Corner .1 Church Toronto. 110RACR IIOR1ON P1751.. . - - - M").1100 UErnallTED ITITLI DIA EttNNENT, 11.60.OW ALEXANDER McKENZIK, Eao., IA T. JOAN NIA114111AN. Jou., (Late Aaeletnat.emiri tiny !rearm 5.001100 CO. 8•11•Itito-Cantullan no,* at COMMele• •DVANTAGES 014E14E11' lot-- *1.1,1. ownorliw-te Poliry llotilerv, la the shape of • very large &eh Capital. 7 h • nepornot nature nits mimed tiy 11,4n Compel • of le...rim( eino4oes•oloii, ',owe, I, 004. Vellig the nier of giving lkno eery tto• 4.0111 od 4*4010.4 he. lot Th. sea khold, re, 111rmitore nnd 14.- 10,• •Il ri linl• in l'atioda Imo . seri he ml,moterl • ithout delay, Mod pm,. la one 111 OW.. It- RADCLIFF. stre-arne .1 lot la...Jeri, Land • 0.01 1THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON AND 1611.0111; INSURANCE COMPANY. ...Available Alberts, $27,0410 0110 Lames paid in 11,4 e04.114e Thtrit7 .00.. prat. ca• coed FORTY MILLIONS Of DOLLARS ! ChM* by Cif ICA fir) VIII e.., - mom .1 e•ald t. Vitt 00IE (M), mi1. . hiptelated 0.104 am adinsted • Sao 1111344,01 style. ...tarty, Emmet liayno el, api.1,07.1.o. • losPrtro.t it• tomin sois the prom.. ut f.atonT• 01.1•Inanthy merewv. • YOU. avid 1.110. IM.11.14 1E71 1.1111101 • lth 111.1)1 .11twial co.nrla h.... 1 . Head Oilloo, Canada Branch, DION LICK •01 F.111 .I, 11•71114E ME II, *ammo. Gomm 00L1101{NF, I I()TEL, BIG WATCH ..,• ▪ • In. CODERICH 1.... lg. Iltannitil• - I -- - - - - fora. 'raisin' ...rn arm alma, Limb _ Proprietor. 1_, Ageol.a. rOcanr.rer. K Meantime p. igARTLig AIICII ITICOT:111 K. Good Accommodation. Ample Stable ,„„ Room. • rk Th,,. ad Slit eed to be First clot and eta a .Pwrieni*". Room. kept in Good Style. *street Ink 1.7.1 Dry - 1.•••••• SIMI, Men et liegodo. • nen. 410. JCL MAI ' • 1(1 "'Annul!. N icnozoorr. ' 110M11133/11 12.91211API L SURGEON DINTIST _ I Menial) ever theket Wire, Ci-ei Street, Goderich. a. J. WHITELY & Cit .•astret Illth ISM Z. WOODCOCK, etml Awl t• C. Defier I. .4.'s Owe, Meeket ftroOff, 114••••• $60,000 to lend at per Goal tiedorkh, Jas. 1,1071. sw110 PATENT8 FOR INVENTIONS LAI 1..111 10USLY PROPERLY wowed la sonde, 11.. Ur itml Kane and Estelo. A TE atoineelool ne hark.. Heed swish • ed tort re.. rue Agen.y In operation ten years HENRY (11111t flttawa, Conon Mechanical t.nginew, Nollltm of tatoutre end branalstaudv. Feb. Ilth 1171 waly- FREDEItICK ARMSTRONG, LAND AGHNT• PLUMB, Le iwic•ea• ..r..caotmesscrn. DION Eirrio .EN 13„ pot farr the Cathode IsteSadeneatt Co Amed the to- sierisilkiklissaintass sad lareetoseat Co. 30"wartxxxas for • 1118.1e. crows land Pateide taken oat. Debt& Collected oedema Ano.18.1410 ol W. G. WILSON Issuer at Marriage Licenses, Insurance &Re it1 Estate Agent emu witoonvela 18 B. rt. DEEDS. MORTGAGES, &c• DRAW% AND REIVIITED MONEY TO LOAN AT fl per east. flaw lOth IVA .17 to Stlift IAN!) :1 rotenone mg 11 envoreed retrain, la molter,. mon, are of int. •• ld, cor- a land, 10 miles ng trent ▪ ot iha is'istred "nlenve.r.1 1......0. 1.1r,1 I.0fl IN A3.1111070 • 14.3. ITICITELT. • )01111 KNO7 rio• Osaninetnning. Phs3tons Enggi-es and SPring Waggons. w hich for app•osn, an4 41.r so..loty cannot 10 0010 fond. and ano smorra the patrelswp a a ',a •at • Ihol-dant win!, 111. Rork Wareranted CARRIAGE TRIMMING. In all I te bearetheo 1.11.4 tastefully mearbel, will, deopo(eh, 111.0.0 nopeonteadette 4 Of 78. 4.4. ▪ tfornserli f ilasollon) one Die Mo. LUMBER WAGON. Orden to r I. ;ow efo •ttonit al to. Jobbing and Repairing. soh •400•11141 1•414 40 •Il order• rut .0..1 leo !IP 21 B. I nopn't...o. (be work mow boon ttentd oo Menestly eon. Ite4. %HAMA lo. Ito 1471. • SASH AND DOOR FACTORY • Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring Siding, end all Ueda of CI le 'NV o wn •• Clrele .04 tionneSeissadFrame• They thrIll leom he, rex perlence oil ?actor/ Week . hal they 0001 alve•alieftletna .00 ' easy favor than with a cell. HARNESS SHOP 20,000 feet sif Dry inch aod a quint Flooring ori hand. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, :AS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM. RORINSOM. nor...n.4, Avg 15. 1970 470 t I IA ItLES VIDEON, samontri.i.v ucTillATIWITOTIlle Pt -111.1 IA, of riorlooloh and yleinily that to. haa uerehen The Harnese & Saddlery Business laltbfirt••arri.1 nn by Mr. Ptotte Ita•mig had tone etportenrwin th• Met 1.n...hope e Immo. to .thrfy all who ...Inlet hire with their nraere ge- Everything 1, 144(1., lope nn boot oe to order 11)04. Three &ore from the Poet ()Bee. On don*. ft Ant POI. ewlea. DOMINI° N TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. 14 Mai St. East Tercets ' rtoreirpny is made a speciality. Seed J' c::•inicsxm ft* only institute in Ontario, in gawk 1 NT E2 NAT Waggon aEd Carriage F T 0 Y • BATES & ELLIOTT H ,111,T1=4Z,; , , It • ---f • t• .--' " • • 1":" . -•.:••••• AS YOU GC TO TIT POST OFFICE le KENYA): Wenn hie sincere ,,,,,,k. t,, 11 • 1-.21.10 for the se•ori 01 pats...near 1,10i. • ...oral.. rood 1....iorm. 0.1 len, mol 41-1. ronin 1• elywrrte It Wont an4 MOM 110 mnald call .1.,151 attention to the RUSSELL WATCH ler tale of iortird, he is Soli -ages( terlodoenh 11,. he.. fond en l'(0 00011 .4 tido v., Itelde time. keilor •hh ette ion poonlon 7, 0711 end to 0ati0.0, tir. le. the 1... ,...thtmg more then a led wit... end there oi recior to Acing eneyed • ith m eh, wine,. Tits it t 7Ptti t" h. hail cheep. ,p,4 nouinnient of gold en et plated 'ETNA m.ner. ( MI nee. M ONEY TO LEND *art.+ soil Ct. km rupaored le • work • ON EASY TERMS 41. .C. 31111 II,Itondent A•mnerv, • A. M. ROSS. Arent fsit Cadent:6 :71C.C.STEILI ISSEILINCE CO--A:PANT. HEAD OFFICE 'I ORO NTO. CATIT tL STOCK.. S4410,0110 itPLUX FUNDS 208,369.0 RECEIPTS FolITHEYEAR ENV iNu.e r..4,4nn 1. Jo, ,e0e-e.-le HON. J., MGM CRRICII • l'rjoident. D. MALDAN Managing Director. FIRE 86 MAt.INE INSURANLE AT Lowest Current Satre. OTECIAL 'I' A HWY tF ATICS,COVI. 7E411 inearenee for one i.r throw tea. on Minn.. l'hurel.m. end 14 tomtit with roolieht• O. 111444.'1'14n. en4 nt tv Ir v.., Three .40...4 term0 of polo, pot• ularly lavinetne to Um tam. bog Commoolly. dot Claw roan srente4 for a travelling Agency for the tow atop outiv int th. Town Apt ly et -Ring it I. oder... e to flio unilen,116eil for hone lo the Ilo .4 Dam, - 11,--WAT`..!ON. Local Agri, b Goderich. 11H.1 Sept. 11.71. office Market Square, Goderich. 11.t. 1,70. 1116-10. ...; 11 Were 8174 ',natty 11111 they hat. ntrentu1 • W Cn• nf ' arringe chop on Mt . liorOLAM MC'KENZIE, FIRElfzuR AN EE can Oededeb, Match Tath. tall HARTFORD CONN. PHOTOGB,A 11 s CASH CAM AL ex;000moo.rs, CASH ASSETS . 5,782,06.09 LOSSES PAID IN 51 Years213,000,11110 00 $1.00 Per Dozen. The Largest, Catiital, THE LARGEST ASSETS As In THE LARGEST ANNUAL INCOME rot ANT FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y IN AMERICA. , itr Deponit made with the Annhoon ' Clorerronent , for: rhe hine,fir of foliation . _L" - Poliey kohlets 14,44.11••10. er,ALF DoZENt.om DACE NEGATIVS roltecent fsiiiirm. *how .the impor- IA 51 cents, postage free;One dozen from tancs of .patronizing the Conlietnies that Afteknegateve 87cents, postage free. tow; afford the moat reliable indemnity and • , the miluo of an .1.:ttla Policy 'heath° ap- parotid address. la" Particular Attention paiatvuopy- M.J1 - Expecte. etirotIna eieen to tho je.nrenee ef In old Ambrotypes. Inner,. of three rit,1 ht.. Y• tr.. At rale.. t• itoW • Dweilintra, 1 hi, h.., s. 0.. -1 eon Polli, noil inure For ei,her ,o, go or mall pheiogialda. The they ran he o•ede ..,,i, iin. i .- tii tho i,o,..1.-rny .-. sch,e•ile, .i, returton4thank• lorthe liberal DIXIE WATSON, Aral . .qt • heretofore extended to him, vial pf„,•••ent•in hie gallery tewill smite mai. 0 (Pilch. Jite 7,11., 1,71. *0.1.1 jiiel say (hot la has made and. in,- trp A Greii Redaction 0a . . ,____ ____ _- mance of the same. INT,. ot leo t4r) TO pbtorme _.....,-.. Large rhotogr &jobs. A i.t. PARTIES INORDTED TO 71111 8011- 1L0.:100N.S300N. ca. goober •in 0, ••• pay •,.. at one, Goderich. Aar. 18. k‘111. , . 0.4.,0,0, Ium An.‘itt.lit,A;11.1AM SIII ITU. int hatot an •••iirtnient ot l'Pholet•r•es will tic prey.ared Whit prompt 1) •Il - le that • • ...so) (Ikon the Side, Wiefon.114111.) Till following etUi.ette 01.11114111 to wifr‘ett reluatio 114/ 1 1 - A Gov &spa eslio * luau banding iu the Ninth Ward. named hiokowski, after sick witl* the sei.11-1...e. feer 'pow OMIT. th1111.•• was Aecordsug to the regula- tion* nweittly p.....1101 1" 11411114 1111", he was betted alsortlY adlor hia• siod.r oak, kis...is, ems PIZIAS DOI Ell oltiVil a ith 4. hallSY waulwr 140 . : $S Per annum in Advano6.11.1.1K i„1- iw, shag .i411" 01, wait . ..6°,....s‘,.‘,,,,,Ituiti..,b;Slit.‘,13111-„c1"7„4:,$.6°.... 1 •-14- .. __ WII()I•E l'N 0 . . 97 8. 17,1":7,,r.'4',::,`,',:r,". hit,. .th't;,,t:V.Y..i.r47.: .A.'1 CI I () It LINE,. • r,11,,n,,'.!:::i .." be 4Y .t.14,b" 1",,it4., ulla' I 10"Var'; : : . ii t ' t : k :at t" 4i i i :i c a" t1:.... t . : 'I: ". (3.111 i7fr. : i ts i 'i 1' 11 . . Ill.', .1,.Z I.mi prtniumem... a Lim dead, it . . 10 01, vit,,ii mts, Ir." ,NT, 01.84, ilinot lo .4,4 noil doing well. Improbable a. th rAni„..i,,iiee limy seem, vet mule At ,olICV taken 11100. 101 01110 rotthall, • gleargersisub:iot angvsser4rri:.edelefidas Livi,rdttit't,"1.1".1::::•4•".litidli;:dartg.Imi,.': b;:tv.i"... pe. cite.. a Londosileffy to land Alain an4. ofe:ord.7...1:::,1:r er:...,..du.,."11:'.1,.!1:::do''ioongo, joiltY. ,....,..... tCAnh,1r1.i1f1;,:'''..:1.':•.1...1,.:"..1..6'.1.4*:i::.L':Ir‘' i14t1:,il:7:7tM.:ri4 t.8 frtsuatrfltiala i.a:7:o,:;.,:;::.:0•7:,7r:!:i,;::1:;.i 1sVt1i:0Ihtr1ii:intit I) by , 1,111il.1uudubi.diy.sett • t ierth. 1" 4 "4 4""‘A.Intlreilli.:Ici-. Y•fil i Tilhe Jii i• i WI uf the isoled "11,1!0,7 .. . ', -- • IA ...t. . Vitit.IA „,..Y1.o•entlle..7•44.1ws. eio,,..et. sott....eatstionoCa•t.. 111. 71.1 .0... % _0,11: - 0119, 11,0/11( •It•i Iliga 8 " . Slir:. .:." il;P:'; • • ,6 : 4::: N..I, , ;01 . ifi. 1 I r1"..1 I 11 I::: .E.7. 01:::::: I <.' ..: :::: ::: ''. 6 ..: .: I. : : ' ''' 4 it : : ' if:: YI ,. ,1.12-.1: .,.. ,,,.. :2; ifh,''''. :',11 or::41.1 ‘1 110geallni".:,41 " .1.4 opuwiriredinult lit:17.141. Salo Oct. 1401... Cold. stiri.t14., 10V 411.- ,,,,,„ (. , , . And every Ilvidaminey and baluohn thereafter ' '' rvo 'Illeliti IIWW•D•I'/' rhe'Cras:tb:C10ro.::::::.;051:urirec.::;;;I:Ti:".....eni*JASH.f:ror:;1•1::ile.8:flae.r":171..:6;..41:: 111'1::t.1:lo:Yee,or' ::;giliy:....1:::g" awl ;0'a:: tisol.i.c171:Till "fhp:r1;414114.1:14.141 A tailor cabia-Aseamme iv het. Bp.- fox 11 mo 01 arip•tb.7 • , •Dp'pn.ly 'erTio'niVr'wh.a.:;1.10.111'...,..v.'lori• ,ii.b.' ost. 1,_ tilTiv_ ,:i.,474.S.,,lit:••,,1:,,tpdit..bry:Istse .Bitfieudi.ii4iitils.0.. was 41(1114(4(91,_ ,• 76 io It.itettly correct.. The favourite Clorlyineh Oct.. 11 107 1. EIJROPL . '1' 1:1 * . GODE HTC FT TO .. .t6....,..n._ _...4,.,,,,,....:::::,....::::::: al it: • t itili•It. li iftf4cli'lfilt1 'fig" or "tiding.," au Italian, Spanish mid rrAtiottinUly ofeallt and llostwood Moulelog• on hand. Picture Framirg to Order. Elt• De tens. by strict a...street Imaloree to merit ..h... of poldic Itelt0•11.11. Odeon. Aug IL 100* 1041 ‘7.4 14 it'll, *hell collminiaII7 Interivediale. ineerege,ro. TWICE A WEEK. !plied xi amperes- a titre descriptive of Ft 33] 11.1C ClO NT JELL ••, theireatetin., toy citifies them either little imam -rye of news, or DANIEL GORDON. 1 0.4131 E'l' A KE.13, Ltatiotign .4( NoMILITi - _UPHOLSTERER. pieitt limn 11 1.1A NEI 1.11-44; .1 1 view k. -op ; with to• pnr chewed g 111101 op hip •1i re rr•wes.t 1.4hee a ito.h FERNITIDRE 416-01 • Atelier Mb where 1,• ill in fotore 001,4 ron the above boom. 1.-0.i,el• than ever Whi• thanlant for ran4 101700 ••:,7, 1101.1, hy aro.. ottruti Pa to Merit a co•tinicin e end ro•oe 0,4111.10M HE HAS NOW ON HAND one of Oini 1144,4oat 441.11.• in torn.tufe te the Comity sal le 011 the o10,rtoolt 1..1.• orionalle supply wIth en. ry 1 Molt In MaJtM4,0117144 Prawingronif• 5011• • Le 'In Menet, du u• in Clorateut, do do le Whit. Illettrenee ef retry deociiptlim, Feather Holster, 1.111•31O• kr. 4.• . ' ON HAND ALARGEAS ' HoltTMENT 1/17 , Pietnne..... 84. 4447 It•Itit I nge,17h1011.00 IJilloofearti• Mayne! to .4 10.141,.-... fleeing made •nwegemento wait • r.mmetoMenu! or 11.oi or eon mippl. rictiow Fromm. any st,. le ' renuired at Tuniuto "nom. T His 'twang ee treed roughleeNlillfl ment T:tx QUIC6EST AND SAFEST STEAMERS or CR. 1.1E11 - Herein is the truss leeel'et•••.ung fr.. !lie highest Ault- Ill FIN 01711PICRIDER RATIN° bora APPOINTEI, 1. event fin Me IN)41,X LINE OF STEANIE1C-1 la prepare.. to loam orkin FROM (.101.PERli'll /41 LII*E1/1'41411, quE8ssrox, w On boNia, lit Illt Via New l oak at tlo following how 1114.6 Eieloe 017770 gold • leurer 1 10.1 Fr11/4 Li00.10 00% .4•PtIfttin, olsagov or Leatleadorrr 80 Clobirlith. Calna t•-•• •••I g..14 • • Intserten Toltna fort1..,It-u al Trip Isnot at • re &▪ Attar of 10 pee mot. A1.61.:04 /TIT ior 11H1 -r, boon )1•0 Ent Allannit CITY 1,11 14•4111.1 1../N 6. CITY 4,1 HEW YI 10 CITY' 1 1 I' 1.1141.11149L1 d• Y.- 11 10171 74117 1.0 N DOW 17 ry 1.111 *074 0114 " 72- II O I IT 1.4, liltrktrh 1,7N , ge, 1.2 rv olnalillICK . ft IrThe sul..i•rOor newrid-voopectfolleklia• 81*1.10 nteoiliug 1,i, 1 ion thio 0040110, to, hy 1Io ne La., Whir 11.100 • tis...1.1 1•4440 tio Ion *mai% h.t °rut. Aux 41.T; . 11- - 1 he netemilicdod .41..s. III, trnto Gmlevol. Iteo, to Pie ilook nun, ine.gow sen•Iiii, awl iwe "04 For turtheriloi udoilks apt, 0 0.7 .1.71 010(71 MA1.01.1 1, ti liontrap rodbve, East *tree Coffins & Shrouds in theLati st Style. .111.0.11EA RAF4i To hire. C, °Eh roaC/Etisla 2 Doors West of Post Office. rj- ienibet and Curt/trete/tam in Es etwoimi. TheIrti111711 ExtensiveNew,Premises Splendid New Stock. C. Barry Bro. Cabinet Makers, Undertakers St. Wood_ Turners, --.1:321.3,221CATCMT MT. ll,f' • Ili 11, r, .• the Onet to the Wore ant . • A 0001) ASSOBTMENT 1 . of hitches. bedroom. Dino.,:rooto.. anti ear OT Fa allure, h /ADLER. CHAIRS hate, ease ind mead ...ton CUP1104 if lin BEI.sTEADM, 45011 /17.07110, MATTREtWit,f1 LOU N PA. WHATNOTS. LOOKING GLASSES 011.1 FHA/41ND. . R3.0. 11 •/A are enoTtloog In I Ono INCORrORAT1 '1.' H IC. A. D. 11•14 HURON & ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY. CAP1 T A - • - $700,000. It'll le SOCI Ent Al/YAM:EN MoNFT taisrax. 1 rIty Iteal Letale, air/ on Terns very favor. • Iole horriewern NO LAW YERR COSTS easCIIARGED no...10y my. it. Sollritin't chars.. An, orno of • ,,,,, ,y, from .2011 1.11 WM. 14 !eel 4 run anntbet 0,7 ',nen rr.0,•• 40 I, nrer. noaybe evtatoned tit ▪ y lime with 101 le or no ilnley beyond the Mom ft - 1•111.01 Invioittgallna 1I0. titie sae preparing the 110.0.te, the ...et or *tall te paid the leventy. Tim full amount of thr loom lo eineneen .nn disinee Hon main for iiiiniennioye or ether elmram. a hi, 1, ofteg add Inat,nnlly th the root of • hoe os 01111.'7 *WW1 WA or 17,01. individual. The ni.e. rower Mill ropey hi* her. hy yearly, hod vooly, se monthly inn oleo. 11,.. periodical inidelinenta iseloole, bend. Intermn, moan mon for principal. • tlit are ei do. leilthat liy their pe, men 1 h• '.fettleWertfredy netmeramlamEwad the mortgage dn. el titre at the 704411.e tine ntlpelatiol. ,443 miet.,,,e norroWeroldelem POO tor le veers, he pay. net 7ornell veer, and •t the end ot th• on. hl. M.ortiVtit, feigt off The tepidly In. hiedne.• id 11.10 et, lety le the lien ...Ilea - (pm of Hoak,. enl. who I, it re... by the frothing rolninilnIty.Elnd Its 1.1..1•1,1 y vrill liceeinte greater the neolto of ••y %tern id ...noting Immo,. Iret•I known 104 the'ornall par- itonte el prIto 4.41 11.- toIrel 11r yrorly inatalment74,7 , oloin Iv end • ithoul I roe hie, pey• .1.1. o .1 oig the r1.1. of loeinir hie 71,740 714 nfti. Nippon. 114... the prmiiipm al. doe to ler.•i non ' the inc. of the term. - II. at ndf ht. lien modem.* on nnmel... nist•lo• • 1,10 he mettle,l et any reneth- 1,, ,,„,44.• II the Ihrectoell, en the sppliratina of thr.l.orrow,,) and intermit at 1,1, pot f•nt. 1wt on all 1,1110oTitil iwInnee. ▪ loll polo. talde rney lo (8, 10. n..1'1.1411,7,1. by trotter poet pith., addreand ne airy of the Poolety'e 11 144, C11 ARLES YU:Pt:lira. Polluter at Goderekh IMPORTANT NOTICE 11 It MAN:NT IlsevIti•• (l. • • !GODERICII PUMP FACTOR"! ' 'TR, 111.011,11111111 IS rntramin To yetl. • ▪ ear.i,) inornatlately oollanIng the *retort Do -• ) I ?N.C. rApr:/!,1,, An 1.1 B.tyr 'paha Sign & uarriage h`t II R attend rrormeny to ell the -wit Painter ALL ord.. for, t•tr.s.,„1 wei•ferl to late 011t Waggons, Buggies, Cutters. Sleighs, rot ••••,thIng tt••• 11.., of the. very Mot TA Wend wed work amnolop and et 11.• ery Inwood r• Innetwall•• rromptli attend.. to. Aililretts (iodine, Cr.o. 1.1arIng L- TRI57. atm, •in sie wed floor for Cosh or Corti- P. R. MANN. I he Mr.' on Met hodult chnrelt,selth conlah nom ,,„,1 • er. he 14 pre•1••••1 ell all enitro permit. ip. ,end rioemmehie lioneo T he nkftil for the patwa . the Int 7 y. oollt lie • onntinnaare 07 )4.4 • • . IP TT to4 ler. :oho'''. tom Porto.. P•O •T11.`” 1/7 ut, e .lept 1. of *el loon010.17,0 platform, No. of L mnil Lot. me Now is the time to Paint your Cutters REVERSIBLF: 11101,EBOIRD Sleighs, and Carriages. ROOT SCUFFLERS. erri-------------.0. • CHURNS AND STRAW CUTTERS. 1r ali w.id ear liberal tanea, •Mpe. Wirer* Tww11 MCI Z-CAL---Tis;-13 Zinar, ae.. aeons.- To0fpnyn. nosehrt uoselics, Ask, lb, 1070 was , • •hamiesaasistself /-011. .6••••••.:••••....4 ^ Money to Lennon RealEstate, A pp,,,,,,,i.",,,,•PMIPtanal,011•Vrk,p,,, owport o m rtotkpam.lo eisisot Seeete C edema* • • CS CP To lei.. or Tow.. ot•••1 nn O• en 1.r110, -%10,11 te 4 8411.114.1, If ...honor Ort. VII, . 41.1. Land (Mice, • 1,,,aserrom aft4 in ono.1..1 to WO. stand r”. Moody ,,,, "1...11,1:-,..•Ar,n.rirtlili nisi: ' • 0 It THURMAN. Oodtv. I, 110r01/ 110 7 It •Wteef Gerieelek, Ali II. "70 ewe d - .rawarrawa Cheap for Cash. 74 B A ene.oplo• evartment ofrollIti• emi lahroo,loo nohow. end • Merle to hire ; al 00roams. Able tern., A C A T,L SOLICITED. •• Aug ICU NRW BOOKS, wzin itco ac. wHOLIESALICSRETAIL AT MUM. .1"-Beitut.11ULissortment or JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECIPITE r and to be sold CHEAP AT BUTLER'S Fishing Tackles, F AIL KINDS. mk.ihrisuer, Oppositak The Xarket House v noduld. haw bre an. ots. Dederick .11. •ogast, 1,71 •••-a4t166--114,14-41114t•••••-ibiliLL--- noble. N.diility may be costiferred opine ,181.....11.11 Cy oar way. The re...ovation ; tif it lo- 1*, minforred mein them. The Ling i01 Lot IIWOrd 1111111.11 WWI 1 lata 1,•.1 hint Kttlubt; .1•11 WM • • knight *lc re be V. :IR knighted, of liss soul/ •41mee receivod the -title. It was 11, .1. e..ia pl rt torn the death- ,inv • lao .5111 anti tho 0001- • nem a- which he *Alloyed hie notable. 4.1.11., timed, bun .e. knight. He Koa m".omed to., 4,1 Aga n,,bo. and rev a. ran lie laid his siwOrd on his shoulibt The thing il.elf 1711111 f0110111 10111. 'i• 'on len nobility hereditary, sve to ••• •ist you bring tip ya 'sr children to bee as their fathers mere. otbene, nobility Isecommt mere loPaot For nobles' bow ateuften•• times belays, they thelneelvee tieing dolt lid where kingship, or resiship, or \Moroi. descends, se • matter 4A tonne.: way or it may not descend ‘je have families in. America tdialkaletlas to sons are' historical, n.;; rho Napo' 'tipsier - thi, ha. o.eing at, said ail mete, "i traitse.exte twee; anti those families are is, Nobility is the powerof • thing. little or. greet, frinn the 1.1. .1 motives lt is not merely doing :A things. Many people *vent notrility consists tie doing ivi10e1,.:1 Suit other periple CA do. but µousts io ,bringius te be h aerninem and vulgar men do net hill.. to usu.-00.6W pi Horia. - Or si Adam's gift*, dm ate which la met 0 ..reuensiy lack 11)1 1* hladecond. ants 1.41 of assigning 11411151 1. things. MONTREAL 0 C EtiN '"4"'`g"" AU names that pi.er are loot in. an impenetrable . STEAMSHIP COMPANY. tomer. there is no such thing as a ..-- new sec for the t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, perpetra- ut on millers wawa on. tmerpold tondo. 41,1) • t ...ha .1 notin411 IKIAlltilte IlOnienclatUre 1.or Mingo,. toy Me shove "onolohipCo'y,appy 0- . . CARTER. •genl, Weed 'freak Ital.. Goderieb,Au118,1819 wilt • ' W. HICK, 4.1141.5'. Stork.- \A it 0 11 IT I.C*1! Mnriot ?valet, LiciderIch oar. THE Very Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE 431-c)iliLit ICII • UPPOSITEMARKET HONE. SIGN OE THI-CIIICIDI SAW se hi regard as names. Dow mine SA., animals, insects, men and ameen. mountains, 'woks, islands, riveu t110 prelim -re, distinc- tive ma we know them by; so that, In fool . least1011,1r e know the ,thinikyeesitate ken 485.1 group it be. limas figure would they all make we bad to 1181110 then. now .. W hat 1111,.tild we eau a map, an apple, lion, a tiger, ananileamiske, spider, a butturtiyi coolie even impart to the cabbage mythia id the idea of bulk, roundness, mud huely worth which its present 5„44m4arels1.--S1411o71400y Review. Tyrrf• f410•0 ii Illi • visit majority of et ea.. raloced by drinking !poisoned water rephtu fever, on the gott8iftry.. ..4-,,,,t,.. and es hi., lily infectious to irequelitly produced -14 over- th,g..., breathe 1•4o11ute4I air. - Horou ratan Irf.--If not, don't dets,....thar ilt.iletit, hot. got 4 bottle „f th.,,'•IIA 11., P.tiu Dostittyer." It ..7„.,4 a any other sneilioino, awl 1,,,.,,,,..„,ioritedirtoly fuel ionlirinuntly ..i,,,or ititown to fail. AlLeieliia mod •-•-, - by it, and the price plomes it with, Merest:It of all. Sold by all ,,.. iti,haeDealsre. _ . 24 Nan ever think what la termed a come' 171,111, ellen systematically no. 0,,of.ken leae's to that nowt 7,d0, isit.odfarrearing , ,l,smase--coo- • ri-but wlovii attentled to at ono, ,, ovally easy to cure. If you-iiiii . , „„..I aith a eild iir el nigh, "Bryan'. 1.0,.i4 Wafen." will 'be found to be „,,,,Avicions iii_lp2e.2j4ig it. Ttey ,iinie47*to 1e11ef...0ml generally ,eure whet, sued in 111,11; 8.114 by . --- - 11 Pltgittn Ilia ClAllitt y &WWI*. Price UPI ellITINCRIDKRM 1174. TO, 1 Y TO tT TIT4V 1141•1•• 41101 001n( 11 14.1 1.11. 101, 014. 111 0111101 5111 .1) Oil per p.a. ... • COMPLETE, STOOK OF HARDWARE. otallklano whirl •411 b• 0.11 0 4.41. igiar."111"N. "Alf) Perchninaeloewle re. •;,••• give us a natl. 11 -Gat rot 0101011 nOtt G. H. PAR1 S & CO. DAMe t ra, NAITO% 114.4KS and LIM% • .oTt •$‘1.11T101 Mtn acre .104 NeV7 lint_e_her hoi) • 8..loosa, oeir APRON! A, oR LISS .1 to SWIteol the palm of ttlefit lalie " rp- II" anon of Hy vonliosphites disco•ml BELLING AT COST ° • A• .; „ 40.. I hiul "'vision to mei it mr• rimm..Ai.71.1...1;471a.".71;eLt ^1 ""1 pro000*3*1744 ir"•sieden""tat: *bend amall'• .110 441101••• Tommie of people are now car57 1405'elating theautelsoe to drift 75011"the preilimiairy spumonis of some, limier the fat.ti th,...y ere troihbal with el. thing hid cold ." flow ii•ecioary is ie.. "now, a colil anoold be cared fiir ineipieogy, #112.1 vory._!xertiolli •, get rid of it. l•krvaria Wiifora ' will the li•eking feo minlite., and liy on the 1 io17e111lt1 and lotlantollIrr ail foa-o of eisieigerTms resillta „ yap disupateeI -hot tn.., must •PflIIICom. ,11 • 14111 C1141114.11 dc•dera. I`ries ri per bolt. 21 re AT BUTIrElt'S. HOTEL, HAMILTON t, ,y,.--Mi..FELLPTIN Ho/ • 1 MO (401,00*. leth Ana., 1470. - Granite Strome, Kr, Jog• N. BRANTFORD •BREVIERY of wrote At a lower Ohre ft, o, oat**, 0. I IAN of A phones, whirl woe el hones of 'the day fon Chientorl ft4f it, having acted with eiltion sad entire satisfaction. THOS. SPENCER Tli0 • .r"e4vnbooeenr,'sbarrels and in 1,:::1;741::1,4,r7::: -;Ell ,,,,,m10,eartiatail ▪ nii"."7"t'yPan•blimrin'•h,:arlaat'ye" I Wominl y rmar ..t.mmirnand Nyrep Spencer's XXX AAliefiss& Spencer's Bottled Ale n Fine condition, Goleeleh Morels 7it., 117% 4 M41. Ralf barrels. nt th . . 1"'"'". """ mer evYs PIO friend K. fotant. 1r" n• e"1.7.1......At' ,1.1:8;e8Mtc... dor;hoplittem." CIODER-tcli DrirPOW, • a ing salary to the TrOla • 11 000" too osel4s f..r • h• Itlo of 14▪ ••••NtrotlYlit'leel--L, hwo 1.1:76"1". hum ohtana.1: rei met .4 the troutile.onot end mum weigh he had alien hi re. 24 Section.. l 1 I 111" I PA "1111, MABEE j SQUARE. Triodees., IGEO. GRANT. Dec. 18th, 1871 ?mini. 1 Jon . 3t. . INA 1171 0441 1, - onormoonimir • • ie. e Jr%